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I .

Prokaryotes are sticky layers on bacteria cell wall ,

it helps adhere to a substrate or othe bacteria in

helps against dehydration ,
or can shield from the host immune system
Endospores are developed in harsh conditions original cell , produces copy of its chromosome and surrouns It
with resistant cells .
This allows the bacteria to survive long periods when lacking water 1 nutrients

ophotoautotrophe ex .


cyanobacteria protists -

rare !

ochemoautotroph energy source inorganic chemicals carbon source coz ex Unique to certain prokaryotes
- -

ochemoheterotrophe Is what most prokaryotes are ,

also protists and fungi
2 types : Saprobes ( nutrients from dead matter) Parasites ( nutrients from living hosts)

Denitrification is when nitrate is converted to Nz -

nitrogen is removed from nitrogen cycle

Nltrogenflxatlon is when atmospheric nitrogen is converted to ammonium -
make nitrogen available

°0blgateAerob cannot live w/o oxygen

oFaculatweAnaerobe_ can live w/ oxygen but if not available ,

it can do fermentation (anaerobic prod of ATP) Is poisoned by oxygen ex.

ex .


Endotoxin cause illness by these toxins that are on outer membrane , mostly gram neg -

Ectotoxins are secreted by bacteria ,
could cause illness even if not present anymore ex .
E coli


Prokaryote Domains :

no peptidoglycan

several kinds of RNA polymerase -


no response to antibiotics

some have histones -

circular chromosome

are able to live in extreme conditions ( hot 100C

cold -
10°C ,
salty environments , acidic)
↳ extremophiles ex halobacterium solfolobus

Methanogens -

arched that release methane as a bi product ,

use CO2 to oxidize Ha

Strict anaerobes poisoned by Oz .
* Can live in cow's intestines to help w/ digestion

Useful as decomposers in sewage treatment facilities .

Halophl -

arched that prefer salty environments

Methanogens , halophlles ,
and other extremophiles are arched in clade Euryarchaeota ( wide habitat )

Ecological Impacts of Prokaryotes :
Nutrient cycling , Symbiotic Relationships
De composers -
return non -

living matter to the pool of available compounds

Autotrophic -
create organic compounds from CO2 which benefits up the food chain
Diversity : →


a- Rhizobium inside root
of a cell
1 . Proteobacteria ( A .
B .
G, D ,
El Gram -

Alpha -
associated w/ eukaryotic hosts ex - Rhizobium converts atmospheric Nz to comports host use

* mitochondria evolved from alpha

Beta soil bacteria important role in nitrogen recycling by oxidizing ammonium ex Nitrosomonas

Gamma -

autotrophic heterotrophic , ,
include e. coli and legionella
Delta -

slime -

secreting myxo bacteria Thiomarganta containing

sulfur wastes -6
* when food is low cells congregate into

Fruiting body that releases resistant " myxo spores "
Epsilon -

pathogenic to humans / animals Epsilon

ex .

Campylobacter causes blood poisoning

stomach ulcer

2. Chlamydias -
survive only w/ animal cells , gram

ex . trachomatis causes blindness and is STD , coccus

3. Spirochetes -

helical gram

negative heterotrophs spiral though environment w/ flagellum



* free -

living or pathogenic parasites ex . Borreliacauses Lyme disease

Treponema causes syphilis

4 .
Cyanobacteria -

gram negative

, only prokaryotes that are plant like -

* chloroplasts evolved from endosymbiotic cyanobacteria ex .

phytoplankton ,
oscillator l

Alpha -
mltochondla ancestor , agrobacteria , rocky mountain spotted fever
Beta -

nitrogen fixers ,
Bordatella , gonorrhoeae
Gama -

Legionella ,
Salmonella ,
E Coli

Delta -

myxo bacterium chlamydia -

all parasitic
Epsilon -
helicobacter Spirochete -

Borrelia causes lyme disease

cyanobacteria -
O photosynthetic ,
N fixation
Gram Positive Bacteria
Streptomyces -

l .
Acenomycetes -
form colonies containing branched chains of cells

* help decompose organic matter In soil ,

used For .
antibiotics ex .
streptomycin ,
bacillus anthrax

tuberculosis leprosy
Staphylococci , Streptococcus *
Mycoplasma, lack cell walls ,

Hoch 's Postulates :

i . Bacteria present 2. Isolated and grown s . Infect host 4 . Recoverable

* Won noble prize for demonstrating Helicobacter la's relationship to gastritis and ulcers
Arched Bacteria

Multiple RNA

Different Chemicals
" """ Ribosomes

Nuclear Envelope


Linear DNA

" "

2. Protists that are Fungus -

like -

Absorptive Protists
characteristics : small similar to prokaryotes
more in common w/ plants , fungi ,
animals than to other protists
eukaryotes that are not plants , fungi ,
or animals

cytoskeleton helps them grow ,

feed ,

most are unicellular

contractile VaColes pump out excess water ( not found in other eukaryotes)

Plasmodlal Slime Molds ( amoebozoa) "

feeding Plasmodium

multinucleated supercell (no cytokinesis) feeding stage →
prepares to fruit -
diploid cells in sporangia B haploid spore a amoeboid cell ( if dry ) cytoskeleton
- - -

flagellated cell ( If moist )
A 2 haploid gametes fuse -0
diploid zygote 12N
( syngamy)
Diploid Dominant

different b/c .

similar to fungi :
crawl around ,
seeding by absorption , important in terrestrial nutrient cycling
Cellular Slime Molds ( Dictyostelida) Haploid ← same as fungi

( only for reproduction


single ameobold cells during feeding stage ,

when food Is low they form pseudoplasmodium

different from plasmodlal ble no flagellated stages and not multi nucleated
solitary stage a
sporangia o
spores a
solitary amoeba ( again) &

- - -

(feeding) ( haploid)

when food low or generate

( sexual reproduction)
diversity :
aggregate →
(haploid ) (2h)

different from fungi

Water Molds 100mg Cota) Diploid Dominant cellulose cell walls
( fungi cell walls =

important decomposer and parasites in aquatic systems

(true gametes)

hyphae ( haploid) strands have an oogonium where meiosis occurs → Fertilization -

(haploid) egg +
animal like

a Oospores (zygotes) -
germinate -0 Toospores sexual Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction :
creates zoosporangium

relatives :
White rusts , downy mildews hyphae similar to fungi but convergent
evolution so not related
* all heterotrophic Stram enophlles ( straw hair )

* Potato Blight !
Similarities to fungi : have hyphae ,

Different :
diploid dominant ,
cellulose cell walls ,
bi flagellated cell stages

3 .
True Fungi

otxoenzyme are on the outside cell walls of fungi to digest

Hyphae network of tiny filaments that consist of tubular cell walls helps w/ absorption growth
are +

Mycelium is formed by hyphae interwoven , maximizes surface area makes feeding more efficient

Septa are cross walls that divide hyphae into cells

A- septate lcoenocitic is when there is no septa ,
meiosis w/out cytokenisls makes multi nucleated cell

Hetero Maryon is what mycelium is after plasmogamy but before karyogamy
contains coexisting genetically different haploid nuclei that have not completely fused

Plasmogamy is the fusion of cytoplasm of 2 Daren mycelia


karyogamy is fusion of nuclei that produces diploid cells

zygotes form ,
this is the only diploid stage in fungi
Imperfect fungi are fungi that have nd known sexual stage ex .


Haploid Dominant ( unlike animals) hyphae , my cell la , spores are all Haploid
cross over
t g
some Mycena fuse 2 genetically distinct hyphae → HeteroMaryon 12 diff nuclei)
General Characteristics Mostly unicellular , more related to animals

Nutritional Mode :
absorb nutrients using exo enzymes , Heterotrophs , digest living or dead ,
no ingestion
Structural Organization :
Vegetative ( non -

reproductive ) bodies organized around food source ( underground )

Chile cell walls Hyphae ( except yeast ) , mycelium , reproduction structure above ground
similar to insects
* Parasitic fungi have haustoria ,
modified hyphae that can penetrate tissues of host
Growth :
rapid ! 1km perl day
Reproduction : do so by releasing spores ( asexually or sexually)
* feeding stage =
Evolution : i .
Chytrid 2.
Zygomycota 3 .
Glomeromycota 4. Ascomycota s .
aquatic mycorrhizal sac fungi Club -


\ s
shared ancestor w/ protists ?

Chota Aquatic Saprobes 1 Parasites Zoospores ( flagellated spores)

o ° °

associated w/ plants °
Coenocyte Hyphae ( no Septa) o
Unicellular o
motile spores

Zygomycota terrestrial Zygo sporangium coenocyte Hyphae
o o o


mycellla have It ) and l I -

o heteroKarlotic -0
Diploid Nuclei →
Meiosis -0
sporangium Sexual Reproduction COI

A- sexual Reproduction spores →

- o
sporangia rf ( identical )

ex .
Rhizopus ( strawberry gone bad ) ,
black bread mold , dung fungus ,
Pilo bows

sporangia are the white fuzz Mychorrhlzae Relationship

(mutualism )
( arbuscules) w/ plant roots

AsTomyD Isac fungi) oases

Super diverse ,
marine , terrestrial ,
freshwater o
yeasts ,
lichens odlkaryotic
ascogonium ( mating type ) -
o ascus -0 4 haploid nuclei → 8 ascospores


(5dn ( Club Fungi ) Clingan )

Ota o
important decomposers o
Septate my cell la o
di Karyotic 12 diff nuclei) pl cell
Basidlocarp -0 Basidia -
karyogamy -0
Diploid Nuclei -
a Basidium

sexual spores borne externally on club shaped

structures :

Ecological Roles 1 Adaptations :

imperfect fungi :
I .
Molds -

grow rapidly ,
saprobes or parasites ex .
penicillium ( Ascomycete) Asexual
2 . Yeasts -
unicellular fungi in moist 1119010
Basidiomycota , Ascomycota
reproduce asexually by simple division or budding Imperfect Fungi

3. Lichen -

symbiotic association of algae , cyanobacteria Whn a mesh of fungal hyphae

4. Mychorrhlze -
mutualistic associations of plant roots * vascular plants

Endo -

penetrate cell wall but not membrane (helps w/ phosphorus stress )

Ecto -

sheath outer layer ( helps with nitrogen stress)

Fungi are chemoheterotrophic ( like animals)

* Parasitic and Mutualistic fungi absorb nutrients from living organisms

* Haustoria are modified my cellla of parasitic fungi
Mycorrhizal fungi assist plants in the absorption of essential nutrients

* Fungi cell walls made out of chitin

* general fungal sexual reproduction -

plasmogamy →
karyogamy →
meiosis -
a germination
* Fungi are a monophyletic group
* Evidence suggests that fungi and animals have a common acesfor

* Chytrid s unique feature is the zoospores ( flagellated spores)

↳ evidence that fungi evolved from flagellated protists
zygo sporangia areresistant to heating and drying , produced through plasmogamy ,

metabolically inactive , multinucleate formations

* Asexual spores produced by members of Ascomycota are called conidia

* Mushrooms have dlkaryotlc cells w/ haploid nuclei

* Lichens are symbiotic associations of fungi and phothosynthesizers

* Chestnut is a pathogenany of ascomycetes

4 .
Algae Diatoms
* Not monophyletic
Red Algae
Stramenopiksfff Oomycota
( absorptive protist)

green Algae

Photosynthetic (Algae)

1. Diatoms glass

like ( silica) mainly asexual reproduction

* laminar in to store food reserve * pesticide *

Stramenophlles are not ancestors of land plants

2. Golden Algae lchrysophytes )

Mlxotrophlc flagellated unicellular

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