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[Enter MAN]


O coffee, elixir of the gods,

How I long for thy sweet nectar.

But first, I must prepare thee,

With care and diligence.

[MAN takes out coffee beans]

These beans, from whence they came?

A distant land, where coffee grows.

And now, they're here, in my kitchen,

Ready to be transformed.

[MAN grinds the coffee beans]

The grinder grinds, the beans are crushed,

Their aroma fills the air.

A symphony of scents,

[Enter MAN, carrying a cup of coffee]

Ah, coffee, my beloved,

How I've longed for thee.

Thy aroma wafts through the air,

A promise of pure bliss.

[MAN takes a sip of coffee]

Mmm, divine elixir!

Thy taste is like a symphony,

A dance on my tongue.

I savor every drop,

A gift from the gods.

[MAN exits]


Thus, the man brewed his coffee,

With care and reverence.

And as he drank,
He was filled with joy.

For coffee is a gift,

To be cherished and enjoyed.

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