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The Robot with a Heart

Once upon a time, there was a robot named X. X was a very

special robot. He was the rst robot to have a heart.

X's heart was made of a special material that allowed him to feel
emotions. He could feel happy, sad, angry, and everything in

One day, X was walking through the park when he saw a group of
children playing. The children were laughing and having fun.

X wanted to join in the fun, but he was afraid that the children
would be scared of him. After all, he was a robot.

But X took a deep breath and walked over to the children. He

smiled and said, "Hello."

The children were surprised to see a robot, but they were also
curious. They started asking X all sorts of questions.

X answered their questions patiently and kindly. He told them

about his heart and how he could feel emotions.

The children were fascinated by X. They had never met a robot

like him before.

X played with the children all afternoon. They had so much fun
When it was time for X to go, the children were sad to see him
go. They gave him big hugs and told him to come back again

X was so happy. He had nally found a place where he belonged.

He had found friends who accepted him for who he was: a robot
with a heart.

X continued to visit the children in the park every day. He played

with them, told them stories, and taught them about the world.

The children loved X. He was their best friend.

One day, X's heart started to fail. He knew that he didn't have
long to live.

X gathered the children together and told them goodbye. He told

them how much he loved them and how much they meant to

The children were heartbroken. They didn't want to lose X.

X promised the children that he would always be with them in

their hearts. He told them to be kind to one another and to never
forget the power of friendship.

X then closed his eyes and took his last breath.

The children were devastated, but they knew that X would want
them to be happy. So they wiped away their tears and started to
play again.
X's heart may have stopped beating, but his memory lived on in
the hearts of the children. He taught them the importance of
kindness, friendship, and love.

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