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Once upon a time, there was a windmill named Willow.

was a tall and graceful windmill with four long, white sails. She
stood on a hilltop, overlooking a small village.

Willow loved to spin her sails and generate electricity for the
village. She was proud of the job she did, and she loved to see
the villagers happy and comfortable.

One day, a storm blew into the village. The wind howled and
the rain lashed down. Willow spun her sails as fast as she
could, but the storm was too strong. Finally, one of Willow's
sails ripped.

Willow was heartbroken. She couldn't generate electricity for

the village anymore. She felt like she had let everyone down.

The villagers were sad too. They missed Willow's electricity,

but they were more sad to see her so upset. They knew that
Willow was a special windmill, and they wanted to help her.

The villagers worked together to repair Willow's sail. They used

the best materials they could find, and they worked tirelessly.
Finally, after many days, the sail was repaired.

Willow was so happy to be able to spin her sails again. She

thanked the villagers for their help, and she promised to never
let them down again.

Willow continued to generate electricity for the village for many

years. She was a beloved member of the community, and she
was always there to help. Willow's story teaches us that even
when we face challenges, we can overcome them with the
help of our friends and neighbors.

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