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The summer camp was nestled deep in the woods, miles away

from the nearest town. It was a place where teenagers could

come to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy
the simple pleasures of nature.

But this summer, something was di erent. A killer was stalking

the camp, picking o the unsuspecting campers one by one.

The rst victim was a young girl named Emily. She was found
dead in her cabin, her throat slit. The next day, another camper
was found dead, and then another. The camp counselors were
terri ed, but they didn't know what to do.

The killer was always one step ahead of them. They would nd
the campers' bodies, but they would never see the killer.

One night, a group of campers were sitting around the camp re,
telling stories and roasting marshmallows. Suddenly, they heard a
noise coming from the woods. It sounded like someone was
moving around.

The campers got up and went to investigate. They followed the

noise to a clearing in the woods. In the center of the clearing was
a gure standing in the shadows.

The campers couldn't see the gure's face, but they could tell
that it was tall and muscular. The gure raised its hand, and the
campers saw that it was holding a knife.

The campers screamed and ran back to the camp re. They
huddled together in fear, but the gure followed them.
The gure emerged from the shadows, and the campers saw that
it was wearing a mask. The mask was white and featureless,
except for two black holes where the eyes should be.

The gure raised its knife and lunged at the campers. The
campers screamed and scattered, but the gure was too fast. It
caught one of the campers and stabbed him to death.

The other campers ran away, but the gure chased them. It
chased them through the woods, until they nally reached the

The campers ran into their cabins and locked the doors. They hid
under their beds and in their closets, but the gure knew where
they were. It broke into the cabins and killed them one by one.

By the end of the night, only one camper was left alive. Her name
was Sarah, and she was hiding in the camp in rmary.

Sarah heard the gure moving around in the in rmary. She knew
that it was only a matter of time before it found her.

Sarah closed her eyes and waited for the end. But the end never

Sarah opened her eyes and saw that the gure was gone. She
didn't know why, but she was alive.

Sarah ran out of the in rmary and into the woods. She didn't
stop running until she reached the town.

Sarah told the police what had happened, but they didn't believe
her. They thought she was just making up stories.
But Sarah knew what she had seen. She knew that the killer was

Sarah never went back to the summer camp. She never went
back to the woods. She lived in fear for the rest of her life,
knowing that the killer was out there somewhere, waiting for her.

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