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The Grapes of Wrath - Plot Summary

A major theme in The Grapes of Wrath is the pursuit of the American Dream. The events are
happening in the 1930s. The Joads' quest to reclaim the American dream leads them to California,
where all they want is a shot at a living wage and some happiness. This is not unlike many people
migrating to America today, and it gives the Joads hope in the face of an otherwise hopeless situation.

Another important theme in The Grapes of Wrath is persistence. Almost from the start of their journey,
the Joads lose their dog and grandpa. This follows shortly after Connie leaves his pregnant wife Rose
by Sharon and Noah decides to leave his family at the border and then Grandma's death. In addition,
they have to leave behind their friends, the Wilsons, because Sairy Wilson is too ill. Once in
California, the Joads are filled with hostility and corruption, and are unable to find work. Jim Casy
even takes the blame for a fight that breaks out with a corrupt deputy and gets arrested. Despite all
this, the Joads continue to search for a better life. They go from the peach farm to a cotton farm, to a
wagon and finally to a barn, where Rose of Sharon is able to help the starving man.

Another crucial theme in The Grapes of Wrath is the fight against injustice. The smaller farmers are
being coerced by larger farmers. The larger farmers print 5,000 ads for 800 job openings, attracting
more than 20,000 people to California. The larger farmers take advantage of the migrant workers and
pay them below living wages. Those who rise or try to cause trouble will be taken down by corrupt law
enforcement officers who are in the pockets of the pawns.

A final major theme in The Grapes of Wrath is the importance of family. Ma Joad becomes distraught
when, as they cross over to California, she finds that her family seems to be falling apart. Grandpa
and Grandma are dead, Noah leaves the family, Connie leaves his pregnant wife and their new
"family members", Ivy and Sairy Wilson, have to stay behind. Ma knows that without her family staying
together, they will not survive. Tommy relies on his family to help him after killing the police officer
murdering Jim Casy, Rose of Sharon depends on her family when her husband expires and then she
gives birth to a stillborn. The family comes together and forges a new family with the Wainwrights,
especially when Al falls in love with Agnes. Eventually, their family sticks together when they come
across the starving man and his son, inviting them into the folds of their family as well. The strength of
the Joad family is what gives them the will to persevere.

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