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THE CIE-HKIE-IEM Tripartite Seminar

Call for Abstracts

Event Date & Venue:
November 1, 2023
Room 1002, International Convention Center, Chang Yung-Fa Foundation (TBC)

The CIE-HKIE-IEM Tripartite Seminar aims to create a venue for interactive discussions
and sharing of experiences in multi-discipline engineering among The Chinese
Institute of Engineers (CIE), Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), and the
Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM). The Seminar is hosted in turns among the three
professional institutions. This year, the Chinese Institute of Engineers will be hosting
this Tripartite Seminar with the theme “Crossover Technologies in Geotechnical
Engineering.” A total of ten papers from three professional institutions will be

Theme: Crossover Technologies in Geotechnical Engineering

Crossover technology in geotechnical engineering refers to the integration of
techniques, methodologies, or tools from other fields of study or industries to improve
the efficiency, accuracy, and safety of geotechnical applications and projects. The
integration of crossover technologies involves applying knowledge and expertise from
other disciplines to geotechnical engineering and then enabling the development of
new solutions and approaches to solve complex problems.
The seminar's theme includes the following aspects:
1. Geospatial Analysis and Remote Sensing
2. Building Information Modeling (BIM)
3. Internet of Things (IoT)
4. Cloud Computing and Services
5. Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
6. Advanced Materials
7. Management Strategy
8. Construction under Difficult Environment
9. Emergency Recovery of Extreme Climate
Tripartite Seminar

Call for Abstract:

Thank you for considering submitting a technical paper for this significant event. To
complete your submission, please send us the abstract of 300 words, along with your
biography and a photo, to CIE Secretary Fenza Chiang at by May 25,
2023. The acceptance of abstracts will be announced in mid-June.

For accepted abstracts:

The full paper submission deadline is August 11, 2023.
Authors are invited to prepare a 25-minute PowerPoint presentation for this seminar.
The Organizing Committee offers complimentary registration, two-night
accommodation, and a banquet invitation for up to 3 presenters from each institute.

Dr. C.H. WANG, Assistant Prof. of the Dept. of Civil Engineering, Chung Yuan
Christian University []
Mr. William Wu, Deputy CEO of Chinese Taipei APEC Engineer/IPEA Monitoring
Committee, CIE []

On behalf of the organizing committee, we wish you all the best in your
paper preparation and look forward to seeing you at the Seminar.

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