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1.How does religion/faith impacts to your life?
The religion has a big impact in his life which change hom a lot, his
faith to God is more stronger and through prayer he was able to
thank God for all the blessings that he gave, he also give importance
to his life that God gave to him and so that the impact of the religion
according to him.
2. What is your drive that makes you continue to practice what your
religion tells/tought you?
His faith to God because this is his status in this world to follow the
orders of God and to be kind in this world so this is he need to do.
Being a child of God he need to practice with him like going to church
every Sunday and this is his practice and religion taught him..3.What
particular event in your life pushed you to become more connected
with God?
The event that he believe that pushed him to be connected with God
is their church taught the event like family home evening which is
make them strong because that what God wants that the whole
family will be saved being a family we still together in the afterlife
thatsehy they practice family home evening because in that event it
makes them strong not only for being a family and their strong faith
to God.
4. Can you share your spiritual journey, starting from the day you are
baptized as a christian?
Since he was baptized, he realized that the life of a person is
important and need to take care of it so since he was baptized a
member of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints everything of
him was change like his bad lifestyle like smoking,gambling, and
drinking that not good for our body.Being a Christian they were
taught on how to follow the order of God and them being a Christian
the focus of their church is Jesus Christ and if you are christian you
should do things that make you more get close with god.
5. How do you practice God’s words everyday?
He practice the word of God through reading scripture because of
he’s reading bible this is the way that makes his faith strong and if
he’s reading when he has a problem this is the way that he feel like
God makes him more stronger and he advice to us that we should
always read scripture and continue being kind.

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