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Issue 1 : Governance and a Citizenship

Do you think participation has a more important role to play than national identity in shaping citizenship in
Singapore? Explain your answer

National Identity Comes from shared belief Creates fond memories, a sense of pride
and affection towards the country, creates
E.g. Common practices (singing the national anthem, bond — citizens are more willing to care for
taking the pledge) each other and improve the society

Participation People contributing towards the good of society either Participation provides opportunities for
as individuals or through organised groups People do people to make a difference and make
things in the areas they are passionate about positive impact on society. This makes
people feel proud and creates a sense of
E.g giving feedback to the government about public belonging towards the society

Legal Status Specifies the rights of citizens/entitled to certain rights Protects wellbeing of citizens who in turn
will be encouraged to behave responsibly,
E.g voting/housing/education following the rules and laws of the country
and contribute towards the progress of the
Chapter 1 : Challenges faced by the Government

Do you think managing differing priorities has or managing unequal sharing of cost is a more significant challenge
for the Singapore government? Explain your answer

Differing Priorities Different groups of people have different priorities Therefore, it is a challenge for the
depending on their stages in life government because they have limited
resources and they cannot allocate equal
E.g. parents of students would want the government resources for every sectors. Thus might
to spend more on education. On the other hand, the make one section unhappy. The
elderly would want more resources to be spent on government has no choice but weigh the
healthcare trade offs and what is better for society at
that time

Differing needs and Due to the diversity of the population, each Therefore, it is a challenge for the
interests stakeholders in society has differing needs government because they have limited
resources and they cannot cater to the
E.g middle class people without their own mode of needs of all at the same time. Some people
transport will need an efficient public transport while might be unhappy but the government
those who own private vehicles will be more need to prioritise to meet common needs of
interested in petrol prices, parking, efficient road the people.
Unequal Sharing of When a decision is made, some individuals or groups Therefore, it is a challenge for the
Cost will bear greater costs than others while society will government because some citizens may end
generally benefit, there will be segments of up unhappy but if the government
population who will be negatively affected compromise, Singapore can better progress
and move forward
E.g it is necessary to build expressway for smooth
traffic flow. While this will benefit society, residents
living near the expressway may be affected by the
noise, dust snd inconvenience generated from its

Chapter 2 : Ideas shaping Governance

Do you think good leadership is more important than practising meritocracy in shaping governance in Singapore?
Explain your answer


Do you think providing a stake for everyone is more important than being able to anticipate change and stay
relevant in ensuring effective governance in Singapore? Explain your answer
Good leadership Good leaders must be honest and capable and must This principle helps to ensure success
have the moral courage to decide what is right, rather for Singapore because it allows
than what is popular Singapore to be led by people who can
make the right decision for Singapore to
E.g. even if ERP(electronic road pricing) is an unpopular prevent it from succumbing to
policy, the leaders still went head with the decision to challenges
enact the policy to reduce traffic congestion as people
are discouraged from driving private cars in city areas

Anticipating Change The government has the ability to predict future This helps to ensure success for
& Staying Relevant challenges/changes and seek solutions to deal with Singapore because the principle allows
them government to make decisions that help
the country to be prepared for any
E.g Introduction of PLDs in eduction institutions, this is future challenges. This helps Singapore
done in anticipation that students might have to attend to work towards long-term
lessons from home for any national emergency development

Practicing Meritocracy The government rewards people’s hard work and talents This helps to ensure success fro
regardless of their race, gender, and socioeconomic Singapore because people will be
status motivated to work harder and
contribute towards the country. Such
E.g Edusave scholarship and Bursary Award meritocratic approach would also
creates fairness as no groups are
Providing a stake The government provides opportunities for This ensure success for Singapore
for everyone Singaporeans to share their views about policies and because when people are given a say in
decision-making the decision-making, they will feel that
they are valued members of the country
E.g citizens can give online feedbacks on social issues and that they have a stake in
and government policies via or social media Singapore’s future. This will make them
platforms more willing to be involved in

Chapter 2 : Role of Government

Is maintaining internal order and external security more important than providing good and services to meet the
needs of Singaporeans? Explain your answer


Does ensuring justice play a more significant role than safeguarding people’s interest in ensuring the wellbeing of its
citizens? Explain your answer
Maintaining Internal Order: It creates a safe environment in the
internal order & SPF(Singapore Police Force)/CNB(Central Narcotics country and also prevents Singapore
external security Bureau)/SCDF(Singapore Civil Defence Force) from external threats. People
developing a sense of security making
External Security: their every life peaceful. This helps them
Diplomacy (establishing friendly relationship with other to focus on contributing towards the
countries e.g ASEAN) country without feel unsafe

Ensuring Justice The judiciary interprets and applies the laws to protect This helps Singaporeans as they feel
Singaporeans from crimes protected under the law. This makes
E.g The Family Justice Courts provide guidelines on them more confident and secured as
what is defined as domestic violence they are protected justly

Providing goods and The government provides goods and services essential This is important because when people
services to cater to the basic needs of the people at an feel that their needs are taken care of by
affordable prices the government, they will develop a
sense of belonging and be more
E.g Transport — continuously upgrading the public supportive of the government and more
transport network such as building more MRT stations, willing to contribute to the progress of
introducing more buses for different routes the country

Safeguarding people’s E.g Work Right Initiative to protect the minorities from
interests getting discriminated at the workplace
Chapter 3 : Roles of Citizens

Do you think that individuals play a greater role than NGOs working for the good of society? Explain your answer

Individuals Volunteering

Provide feedbacks

NGOs (organised

Do you think that formal groups (NGOs) are more effective than informal groups in making contributions that benefit
the society? Explain your answer

Do you think that the government plays a more important role than citizens in working for the good of our country?

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