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Sana Asad

“Stoic exercise”
In many instances, I can benefit from two exercises I worked on. While the assignment was
being given, I was doing one of the exercises discussed prior to the assignment. I'm not sure
whether it was Stoic or not.

“Work at your own worth”

It is quite possible to become totally dependent on others, that is what they think about us. No
matter how they feel about us, the truth is they can't define our worth by hatred or likeness. It is
possible that even if they say they love us, they are not concerned with our goals. The start of
April was a good time to start practicing this. I learned a lot, now I am less worried about others.
In my case, if they don't know who I really am then why would I let them decide what's
appropriate for me?
I do not seek praise, but rather create my own worth by discovering many other ways. I
recognize, however, that this cannot be true in all circumstances. It is sometimes most important
for me to have someone who appreciates my work or loves me. Because when you have
someone who appreciates what you do, you become much more passionate. In my opinion,
nobody cares about me, so I'm developing skills to sharpen my personality.

One other exercise that I found funny and some time I practice this too that is “Responding to
insults with Humor”. If someone speaks ill of me, I calmly reply that you just know this aspect
I have another devil faces also. Person in front of me really surprised that what kind of person
she is. And I enjoyed this situation.

In conclusion I want to say that this exercise keeps me happier and calmer in any situation.
Sometimes this exercise seems to be useful but sometimes it does not work. But I will try.

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