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Annica Ellisse L.

Abalona August 22, 2023

BSPT Ms. Escalante

1. What is the title of the work? Who is the artist? Year?

The title of the work is "SARIMANOK". The artist of this sculpture is Abdulmaru lmao

2. (Refer to each structure/artwork you chose) What is the relationship between Science
and Technology in this Artwork?
The Sarimanok is a cultural symbol in the Philippines, particularly among the Maranao
people of Mindanao. It is often depicted as a colorful and ornate bird in Maranao mythology and
is a symbol of good fortune and protection. In the context of science and technology, the
Sarimanok itself is not directly related. However, it's worth noting that cultural symbols like the
Sarimanok can inspire various forms of artistic expression and creative projects that may involve
technology. For example: Digital Art: Artists can use technology to create digital representations
of the Sarimanok or incorporate it into digital art pieces. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented
Reality (AR): The Sarimanok can be integrated into VR and AR experiences, allowing users to
interact with and learn more about this cultural symbol. Cultural Preservation: Technology can
aid in documenting and preserving cultural symbols like the Sarimanok through digital archives,
websites, or multimedia presentations. Education: Educational technology can incorporate
cultural symbols like the Sarimanok into e-learning modules or virtual tours to promote cultural
awareness and understanding. While the Sarimanok itself doesn't have a direct scientific or
technological application, it can serve as a source of inspiration and cultural significance in
various creative and educational endeavors that involve technology.
3. What was the inspiration of the artist/engineer/architect in creating this work? (You
may google or research about the work just using proper citation).
Abdul Mari Imao, a renowned Filipino artist, was inspired by traditional Maranao culture
and mythology when creating the Sarimanok. The Sarimanok is a legendary bird in Maranao
folklore, often associated with good fortune and protection. Imao's artistry brought this mythical
creature to life through various artistic forms, including sculptures and jewelry. His inspiration
stemmed from his deep appreciation for Maranao traditions and his desire to preserve and
showcase their cultural heritage.

4. Do you think science and technology are utilized in this work? How?
The creation of the Sarimanok, a symbol of Maranao culture and mythology, is primarily
an artistic and cultural expression rather than a product of science and technology. It is crafted by
skilled artisans and artists who use traditional techniques and materials, such as wood, metal, and
colorful adornments. While science and technology may not be directly involved in the
traditional crafting of a Sarimanok, modern technology can be used to document and study these
cultural artifacts, helping to preserve their history and significance. Additionally, contemporary
artists and craftsmen may incorporate modern tools and methods in their work, but the core
inspiration and design of the Sarimanok remain deeply rooted in cultural tradition.

5. Do you think science and technology are integral in creating this?

The creation of a traditional Sarimanok, which is a cultural and artistic symbol in the
Philippines, does not typically rely on advanced science and technology. Instead, it draws upon
traditional craftsmanship and artistry. Skilled artisans use manual techniques and traditional
materials such as wood, metal, and colorful embellishments to create these ornate pieces.
However, in the broader context of preserving and documenting cultural heritage, science and
technology can play an essential role. Modern tools and methods, such as digital imaging, 3D
scanning, and conservation techniques, can be employed to study, restore, and document
Sarimanok and other cultural artifacts. So, while science and technology may not be integral to
creating the traditional art piece, they can be vital for its preservation and academic study.
Look for 5 sculptures or structures around you or around the world before you go through
the module. Write a description using a maximum of five sentences.

1. The Statue of David by Michelangelo is an extraordinary marble sculpture that stands at an

impressive 17 feet tall. Crafted during the Italian Renaissance between 1501 and 1504, it
portrays the biblical hero David poised in a moment of intense concentration and determination.
Michelangelo's meticulous attention to detail is evident in the lifelike rendering of David's
muscular physique, with every sinew and vein sculpted with remarkable precision. The statue's
dynamic composition, with David's weight shifted onto one leg, creates a sense of dynamic
tension and anticipation. Housed in the Accademia Gallery in Florence, Italy, this masterpiece is
a testament to Michelangelo's unparalleled skill and remains an enduring symbol of artistic and
human achievement.

2. The Thinker by Auguste Rodin is a renowned bronze sculpture created in the late 19th
century. This iconic piece features a contemplative male figure deeply absorbed in thought,
seated on a rocky pedestal. The sculpture embodies the intellectual and philosophical pondering
of the human mind, with the subject's furrowed brow and tense posture symbolizing the intensity
of his introspection. Rodin's masterful handling of form and texture adds a sense of realism to the
statue, making it seem almost as if the figure could come to life. Originally conceived as part of a
larger work called "The Gates of Hell," "The Thinker" has become a symbol of human
intellectual prowess and remains a beloved and thought-provoking masterpiece in the world of

3. The Venus de Milo is an iconic ancient Greek marble sculpture that dates back to around 100
BC. This renowned work of art depicts the goddess Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology) in a
partially nude form. The statue stands at just over six feet tall and is celebrated for its graceful
and timeless beauty. One of its distinctive features is the missing arms, which has only added to
its enigmatic allure. The flowing drapery that clings to the figure's body and the serene
expression on her face combine to create a sense of ethereal and classical elegance that continues
to captivate art enthusiasts worldwide.

4. The Great Sphinx of Giza is an iconic monument located on the Giza Plateau near Cairo,
Egypt. This colossal statue, believed to have been built during the reign of Pharaoh Khafre in
ancient Egypt, is a masterpiece of ancient sculpture. It stands approximately 66 feet (20 meters)
tall and stretches about 240 feet (73 meters) in length, making it one of the largest monolithic
statues in the world. The Sphinx has the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh, thought to
represent Pharaoh Khafre himself. Carved out of a single block of limestone, it has endured for
over 4,500 years and continues to be a symbol of Egypt's rich history and culture. The mystery
surrounding its purpose and the skillful artistry involved in its creation make it a source of
fascination and wonder for people around the globe.

5. The Sarimanok is a traditional Filipino mythical bird and symbol of good fortune and
prosperity. This legendary creature is often depicted as a vibrant and colorful rooster with
distinctively long tail feathers, adorned with bright hues and intricate patterns. It is believed to be
a messenger of the gods, bridging the earthly realm with the spiritual world in Filipino
mythology. The Sarimanok holds deep cultural significance and is often used in traditional
dances and art forms, representing the rich heritage of the Philippines. Its vibrant and captivating
appearance continues to be a source of pride and inspiration in Filipino culture.

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