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Madison Williams

Introduction to Business
Chapter 3

Review Business Management Terms

1. K. Leadership Style
2. D. Expert Power
3. B. Democratic Leader
4. Q. Self Understanding
5. G. Labor Agreement
6. C. Employee Assistance Program
7. S. Soft Skills
8. E. Human Relations
9. L. Open Leader
10. M. Position Power
11. A. Autocratic Leader
12. H. Labor Union
13. R. Situational Leader
14. F. Identity Power
15. T. Work Rules
16. J. Leadership

Review Business Management Concepts

17. C. Expert Power
18. D. None of the above
19. D. Managers need to understand their own internal motivation
20. A. The manager monitors the work of the team closely
21. A. Close Management
22. A. Democratic Leader

Apply What You Know

23. Based on the Reality Check scenario at the beginning of the chapter, do you believe the
executive of a large company and the mayor of a large city need the same leadership
characteristics? Why or why not?
I believe that they need some of the same skills such as problem solving, communication,
confidence, understanding, etc. But, they do have different responsibilities. Publicity is far more
important for a Mayor than it would be for a manager. While you do want your employees to like
and respect you, it is less vital than it would be for someone running for Mayor

24. How is effective human relations related to effective leadership?

By having good relationships with your employees you may have an easier time leading and
motivating them.
25. Using figure 3-1, select the five most important leadership characteristics you believe are
needed by business managers. Justify your choice.
Objectivity, Initiative, Cooperation, Confidence, and Stability. Objectivity: I feel this covers
problem solving and judgment, being able to make good decisions and look at all outcomes and
sides. Initiative: If you are not able to lead a group to success and make big decisions you will
not make a great leader. Cooperation: This covers communication and human relations, being
able to work with others is important in management. Confidence: You need to be able to say
what you think and confront hard situations. Stability: You will have an entire team of people
relying on you so you must give them that security, this also covers dependability.

26. Provide two examples of a manager using power inappropriately . Now provide two other
examples of how a manger uses power appropriately.
Inappropriate use of power: forcing employees to work overtime or overwork them without
reason, embarrassing or harassing employees.
Appropriate use of power: Motivating employees to complete their work, having hard
conversations to lead to the company's success.

27. What are several things businesses and managers can do to help employees prevent or
eliminate problems on the job that results from trying to balance work and personal life?
Provide confidential support to help them complete their work efficiently and effectively
regardless of personal problems.

28. Do you believe each manager should develop work rules that apply only to his or her
employees? Why or why not?
I feel as if people would get angry if their team had specific rules that others may not. Though, if
a specific team would benefit from certain rules that the group has discussed/agreed on it may
work. It would really be a case to case decision.

Case in Point
1. Is it possible that a person might be an effective leader in one situation but not in
another? Explain.
Every person is different, Rita's leadership style may mix with one group and not another.

2. What type of leadership style does Rita practice?

Democratic leadership.

3. What do you recommend that Jesse and Rita do to improve the situation in the
accounting department?
Perhaps figure out how they prefer to be managed and work with Rita to create a better
relationship with them. They can also try some team building activities.

4. If you could have talked to Rita before she moved from marketing to accounting, what
recommendations would you have made to help her avoid the problem she
She could have met the accounting team first, compared her pros and cons better, discussed
the job with a past supervisor,

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