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This document informs about the disadvantages of technology. In recent years

there are many people who have dependency problems with technology, the
majority of citizens are already addicted to new technologies, but above all
young people are at risk of getting hooked on the technology mobile.

Another of the disadvantages of technology is pollution, the evolution of

technology has collateral damage that directly affects the environment,
however, the development of technology itself can solve this problem through
the creation of more sustainable solutions and environmentally friendly

On the other hand, we have the lack of security in social networks and the
exposure of personal data, both companies and people are exposed to the
dangers that exist on the Internet.

The future of humanity is in danger, because technology is improving every

time, it is good but also bad since it can take away jobs, robots would play a
very important role in the not too distant future.

But we must not forget that it has advantages, one of them would be the
development of learning. Today, children or young people can learn quickly
thanks to technology We have faster access to information, millions of people
use Google, a platform that is opened through a cell phone or a computer with
Internet access.

Technology has promoted the well-being of human beings and in the last 70
years the advantages of technology have provided humanity with the ability to
live in society in a relatively comfortable way.

Quick access to information is undoubtedly one of the greatest advantages of

technology, facilitating learning; anyone can learn without leaving their home,
and they can also be more creative and productive thanks to technology.

Technology breaks the barrier of distance, technology has revolutionized the

way we communicate, it is undeniable. A clear example is the way you could
make calls over very long distances. This function was used more during the
Covid 19 pandemic.

Technology transforms past or complex tasks into light or simple tasks, modern
technology increases the productivity and efficiency of human activities since it
allows us to perform tasks in less time, also thanks to the large amount of
information available. possible to make more accurate decisions and reduce
human errors.

Technology applies to medicine and people’s health, increasing our life

expectancy according to data from the (UN) we have more information on
infected people or deaths for years.

Despite popular belief, technology creates more jobs than it eliminates in the
so-called fourth industrial revolution and by 2025 technology will have created
more than 97 million jobs around the world, and these new jobs will be much
more satisfactory for humans since technology will eliminate heavy or
repetitive work, allowing humans to be more creative and innovative.

Technology has its advantages and disadvantages but at the moment

technology is good for humanity because it helps us in a large part, what is bad
is humanity since we do not make good use of technology we spend more than
5 hours in the cell phone we look for inappropriate information we become
addicted to games or some Internet platform, technology can take away jobs
but according to researchers it gives more work in a single year than taking
away jobs, thanks to technology we have better learning development, we can
learn other places without the need to leave home, technology improves every
year and thanks to it we have a better development process, a better economy
in different countries and it benefits every person in this world.

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