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Scene 1

Setting: A whimsical forest glade with magical lights and flowers. Tinker Bell is
hovering in the air, and Harley Quinn enters, looking a bit lost.

Harley Quinn: (Looking around) Well, this ain’t Gotham. Where the heck am I?
Tinker Bell, curious, flies over to Harley Quinn.
Tinker Bell: (Intrigued)Who are you, and how did you get here in Pixie Hollow?
Harley Quinn: (Startled) Holy moly, you’re a tiny one, ain’t ya? I’m Harley Quinn,
and puddin’… I mean, Joker, well, he’s gotta be around here somewhere.
Tinker Bell: (Giggling) I’ve never heard of F or Joker, but you’re definitely not from
around here. This is Pixie Hollow, and I’m Tinker Bell. We’re in the Neverland.
Harley Quinn: Neverland? Sounds like a real hoot. But I gotta find my love and I’m
not leaving without him.
Tinker Bell: (Thoughtful) Maybe the Lost Boys might know something about your
“puddin’” and how you got here. They’re always up to something.
Harley Quinn: [Grinning] Lost Boys, huh? Sounds like my kind of crowd. Lead the
way, Tink.
Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn, an unlikely duo, set off into the magical world of
Neverland, searching for clues about Joker’s whereabouts.
Scene 2
Setting: Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn venture deeper into the enchanting forest of
Neverland. They encounter a group of mischievous Lost Boys.

Tinker Bell: (Introducing Harley to the Lost Boys) Boys, this is Harley Quinn. She’s
from another world and needs our help to find someone named Joker.
Lost Boy #1: (Grinning) Another world, you say? That sounds interesting. I’m
Lost Boy #2: (Excited) I’m Cubby! We can help you find your friend, Harley.
Harley Quinn: (Pleased) Well, ain’t you all a bunch of friendly fellas? Let’s find
Joker, and I promise we’ll have a blast.

The group of friends, including Tinker Bell, Slightly, Cubby, and Harley Quinn,
embarks on an adventure through the fantastical land of Neverland. Along the
way, they encounter magical creatures, face challenges, and build an unexpected
bond. As l the group continues their journey, Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn
exchange stories about their worlds, realizing that even though they come from
very different places, friendship knows no boundaries in the magical world of
Neverland. The adventure unfolds, leading Harley Quinn closer to finding Joker,
and a unique friendship blossoms among the most unlikely of companions.
The script concludes with the group pressing forward, ready to face whatever
challenges come their way in their quest to reunite Harley with the Joker.
Scene 3
Setting: Tinker Bell, Harley Quinn and group of friends continue their search for
Joker in the enchanting forest of Neverland

Tinker Bell: [Flying ahead, guiding Harley] We need to find clues to where Joker
might be. He must have ended up here somehow.
Harley Quinn: [Walking alongside] This place is sure a far cry from Gotham. But if
puddin’ is here, I’m gonna find him.
They come across a field of glowing mushrooms.
Tinker Bell: (Curious) Look at these mushrooms. Maybe they can tell us
As Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn inspect the mushrooms, they begin to emit faint,
magical whispers
Mushroom #1: (Whispering) A clown… a mad one… he passed through here.
Mushroom #2: [Whispering)Yes, with a mischievous grin. He went deeper into the
Harley Quinn: (Eager) That’s gotta be Joker! Lead the way, Tink!

Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn follow the trail of glowing mushrooms,
determined to reunite Harley with her beloved Joker, while uncovering the secrets
of Neverland’s magic. As they journey deeper into Neverland, the bond between
Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn grows stronger, showing that even in the most
unexpected circumstances, friendship can thrive.
The script concludes with Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn on the trail of the
enigmatic clues, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead as they inch closer
to reuniting Harley with the Joker.
Scene 4
Setting: Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn follow the trail of glowing mushrooms
deeper into the enchanting forest of Neverland.

Tinker Bell: [With determination] We’re getting closer, Harley. Just a little further.
The forest becomes denser, and they encounter a sparkling stream. The water
seems to shimmer with an unusual light.
Harley Quinn: [Curious] That water looks kinda fancy. What’s the deal with it?
Tinker Bell: [Examining the stream] It’s the Never Stream. It’s said to have magical
properties. Maybe it can help us find more about Joker.
They kneel by the Never Stream, and it starts to show images in the water’s
reflection. They see glimpses of Joker’s distinct laughter and the swirling chaos
he creates.
Harley Quinn: [Excited] That’s him! That’s gotta be joker.
Tinker Bell: [Encouraged] We’re on the right path. Let’s follow the laughter.
As they continue following the echoes of Joker’s laughter, they encounter
more magical creatures and enchanting landscapes. Their journey becomes an
adventure filled with wonder and discovery.

The script concludes with Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn’s determination
unshaken as they get closer to finding Joker, and their unlikely friendship
deepens through their shared quest in the mystical world of Neverland.
Scene 5
Setting: Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn have been following the echoes of Joker’s
laughter for some time, but they haven’t yet found him.

Harley Quinn: [Looking around, a bit frustrated] We’ve been chasing his laughter,
but where the heck is he?
Tinker Bell: [Concerned] It’s strange. The laughter led us here. Maybe he moved
on. We’ll keep looking.
They press on, deeper into the forest, but the laughter seems to become more
Harley Quinn: [Worried] What if we’re too late? What if he’s in trouble?
Tinker Bell: [Comforting] We won’t give up, Harley. We’ll find him, no matter
As they continue their search, they come across a magical glen with fireflies
lighting up the night.
Harley Quinn: [Gazing at the fireflies] This place is enchanting, but I just want my
puddin’ back.
Tinker Bell: [Softly] We’ll find a way, Harley. Neverland has a way of bringing
surprises when you least expect them.

The script continues with Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn’s determination to find
Joker and their continued exploration of Neverland, hoping for a clue that will
lead them to him.]
[Setting: Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn continue their journey through the
enchanting world of Neverland, determined to find Joker.]

Tinker Bell: [Leading the way] We’ll keep searching, Harley. Maybe there’s
someone else in Neverland who can help us.
Harley Quinn: [Resolute] We’ve come this far; we can’t give up now. Joker’s gotta
be here somewhere.
[As they explore further, they come across a group of talking animals who are
gathered around a campfire.]
Talking Squirrel: [Curious] What brings you to our part of the forest?
Tinker Bell: [Explaining] We’re looking for someone, a friend who got lost here. His
name is Joker.
Talking Owl: [Hooting thoughtfully] Joker, you say? We’ve seen a funny character
causing quite a ruckus.
Harley Quinn: [Hopeful] That’s gotta be him! Where did you see him?
Talking Rabbit: [Pointing] Head to the old treehouse, that’s where he was last. Just
follow the twinkling fireflies.
[Harley Quinn and Tinker Bell thank the talking animals and follow the trail of
fireflies, their spirits renewed as they draw closer to reuniting with Joker.]

[The script continues with Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn heading toward the old
treehouse, where they hope to find Joker and bring their adventure to an end.]
[Setting: Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn reach the old treehouse, but Joker is
nowhere to be seen.]

Harley Quinn: [Frantic] Puddin’ should’ve been here. Where is he?

Tinker Bell: [Concerned] It’s strange. He was laughing so close.
[They search the treehouse and discover a note left behind.]
Harley Quinn: [Reading the note aloud] “Gone to explore the Mermaid Lagoon.
Meet me there. Love, Joker.”
Tinker Bell: [Relieved] He’s not far, Harley! The Mermaid Lagoon is just a short
flight away. Let’s go!
[They leave the treehouse and head towards the Mermaid Lagoon, hopeful that
they’ll soon reunite with Joker.]
[As they reach the lagoon, they hear Joker’s laughter echoing through the air,
leading them to his location.]
Harley Quinn: [Excited] That’s him! He’s close!
[They find Joker, who’s engaging in playful banter with a group of mermaids.]
[Setting: Tinker Bell and Harley Quinn find Joker, now a merman, at the Mermaid

Harley Quinn: [Astounded] Puddin’? What in the world happened to you?

Joker: [Laughing] Harley, my dear, I decided to try a new look for the occasion!
Tinker Bell: [Giggling] You never know what surprises Neverland has in store.
[Harley Quinn, Tinker Bell, and Joker share a moment of laughter and relief,
feeling safe and reunited.]
Harley Quinn: [Hugging Joker] I’m just glad you’re safe, puddin’.
Joker: [Smiling] And I’m delighted to meet our new friend, Tinker Bell.
Tinker Bell: [Warmly] It’s been an adventure, that’s for sure. But now it’s time to
say goodbye.
[As the sun sets in Neverland, Tinker Bell, Harley Quinn, and Joker bid each other
Tinker Bell: [Waving] Take care, both of you. And remember, you’re welcome in
Neverland anytime.

[The trio parts ways, with Tinker Bell returning to her world and Harley Quinn and
Joker resuming their own adventures, forever touched by their time in the magical
land of Neverland.]

[End of the script.]

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