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Effect of Mobile Legends on the Academic Performance of the grade 11 students

at Mondragon Agro Industrial High School.














Background of the study

Mobile Legends is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) is a game developed

and published by Shanghai Moonton Technology. Its gameplay has two opposing
teams fighting to reach and destroy the enemy's base while they protect their base
to control their passage, there are three paths and known as top, middle and bottom
that connect both bases. Each team has five players who control an avatar, known as
the hero in their own equipment. Weak characters that the computer controls are
called minions, spawned at the base of both groups and take three lanes to the
opposing group's base, enemies and towers.

Due to the growing modern technology in the present time, this game has been
developed which is the most trendy or the most popular game in today's time which
is obsessed with almost all people especially the students. Most of the students in
the grade 11 of Mondragon Agro Industrial High School are addicted to playing
Mobile Legends, so the researchers thought of making it a research topic to
determine what causes the addiction of those who play Mobile Legends and what
effects it has on their studies.

Here the researchers can also find out what the effects of playing it on the
academic performance of the student.Three years have passed and more and more
people are still addicted to this mobile game. Every day the number of people
playing it is increasing. Every day someone is influenced to try and find out what's in
the game Mobile Legends. The study examines the negative and positive effects that
Mobile Legends brings to students of selected schools. Does it really affect the grade
a student can get? What exactly is the harm caused by playing Mobile Legends?

Many will say that Mobile Legends has nothing to do with the drop in student
grades, but many have been able to prove that this is not true. Many people,
especially young people, are fooled by this game. So it is not far that instead of
focusing their time and attention on studying, it is turned to playing. A child's time is
wasted playing with it, not paying attention to other more important things that
need to be done. So, studies are being neglected because of being too obsessed with
the game Mobile Legends and there are many other things that should be focused
on more than playing. Today's young people are also not focused on their studies
because their attention is focused on playing mobile legends.

A person's brain is easily rounded. Especially Filipinos, we are easily entertained by

something even for a very short time. Attention is quickly diverted and therefore the
taste is also quick. Especially with young people, nowadays there are many ways to
"distract" a child. And online games are one of them, because in these games they
are entertained. Therefore, we are here to find out what are the effects of Mobile
Legends on a student, to answer the questions of why young people are obsessed
with this game and to discover how it can be solved. So we chose this topic because
most of the students neglect their studies because of this game. And here they
neglect their health because they don't sleep for hours because of playing mobile

This research is to determine the possible effect of playing mobile legends on the
academic performance of grade 11 students of Mondragon Agro Industrial High
School. To know what are the benefits of playing mobile legends on them. And to
find out possible solutions for students affected by mobile legends. And as fellow
students we want to help them through this research.

Objectives of the study

Generally, this study aims to determine the Impact of Home Economics Edeucation
on Students Life Skills and Career Choices at Mondragon Agro Industrial High School.

1. Determine the demographic profile of students based on?

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Strand

2. Determine the developed practical life skills.

3. Determine the Foster financial literacy.

4. Determine the enhance critical thinking and problem solving skills.

5.Determine the expand career choices.

Significance of the Study

This study is all about the effect of mobile legends in academic performance of the
grade 11 student in Mondragon Agro Industrial High School.

This will discuss the benefits of the following subjects throughout the study.

Students. This study will help the students who are too obsessed with the game
Mobile Legends to also give them knowledge on how their playing affects their
studies or their academic performance.

Parents. Parents as their children's first teachers, can think of things to advise and
help their children.

Teachers. They will have knowledge of what their students should do so that they
can guide and help students at the right time when playing mobile legends.

Future researchers. In this study the researchers will see whether the fascination
with the game Mobile Legends helps students or makes their studies worse.
Whether it becomes a hobby to relax themselves from the stress that comes from
school or whether playing it causes them to put aside their Tasks and cause
distraction in the class because of staying up late playing Mobile Legends. The
researchers will also be able to determine if the students still have control over the
use of technology to play Mobile Legends, if they are overusing it and it is harmful to
them or if they are using it correctly without causing any adverse effects .

Scope and Limitation

This study cover the grade 11 senior high school students of Mondragon Agro
Industrial High School. This study was limited only tot he player of mobile games
(mobile legends) in SHS department, the respondents will be all SHs Students in
MAIHS . The research gather information about the effect of mobile leged on the
academic performance.

A survey will be conducted through questionnaire the eveluation of the

respondents regarding in the study of the effect of these mobile legends. In a
random order, will be given questionnaire to get information that will needed in the

Theoretical framework

Game theory is the study of human conflict and cooperation within a competitive
situation. In some respects, game theory is the science of strategy, or at least the
optimal decision-making of independent and competing actors in a strategic setting.
The key pioneers of game theory were mathematicians John von Neumann and John
Nash, as well aseconomist Oskar Morgenstern. Game theory is a theoretical
framework to conceive social situations among competing players. The intention of
game theory is to produce optimal decision-making of independent and competing
actors in a strategic setting. Scenarios include the prisoner's dilemma and the
dictator game among many others. The different types of game theory include
cooperative/non-cooperative, zero-sum/non-zero-sum, and
simultaneous/sequential. Game theory is present in almost every industry or field of
research. Its expansive theory can pertain to many situations, making it a versatile
and important theory to comprehend. Using game theory, real-world scenarios for
such situations as pricing competition and product releases (and many more) can be
laid out and their outcomes predicted.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance - conceptually, is the measurement of student achievement

across various academic subjects. Operationally, is the knowledge gained which is
assessed by marks by a teacher and/or educational goals set by students and
teachers to be achieved over a specific period of time.

Students – conceptually ,is a person formally engaged in learning, especially one

enrolled in a school or college; students. Operationally, students studying at
Mondragon Agro Industrial High School who play Mobile Legends.

Mobile Legends –conceptually, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) is a popular game
known to its players who are interested in playing Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
(MOBA). MLBB is a type of MOBA game created and developed by Montoon, which
was released in November of the year 2016 in the Philippines. It is specially designed
to be played on mobile phones which can also be played on PC using Android or IOS
emulator. Operationally, is a game or it's called Multiplayer Online Battle Arena that
almost everyone is obsessed with especially grade 11 students at Mondragon Agro
Industrial High School designed for mobile phones.

Mobile Game- conceptually, it is a type software of mobile application form, mobile

game character are more unique when compared to other types of game like PC
Games, Console Games and others like portability and accessibility. Operationally, is
a video game that is typically played on a mobile phone like mobile legend.

Addiction – conceptually, is a chronic dysfunction of the brain system that involves

reward, motivation, and memory. Attraction or strong desire for something
Operationally, it’s about the way your body craves a substance or behavior,
especially if it causes a compulsive or obsessive pursuit of “reward” and lack of
concern over consequences.



Mobile Games

Online games are a game that uses different types of computer networks. Mobile
legends is a type of online game. The internet or any other equivalent technology is
often used here. Many online games (mobile) have an online community, which
becomes a way to socialize with other people as opposed to playing alone. The
expansion of online gaming reflects the general development of networked
computers from the small local area network to the growth in connecting to the
internet itself. (August, 2011) Mobile games are games designed for mobile devices,
such as smartphones, feature phones, pocket PCs, personal digital assistants (PDA),
tablet PCs and media players. Mobile games range from basic to sophisticated
games. Today's mobile phones, especially smartphones, have a wide range of so-
called connectivity features, including infrared, Bluetooth, Wi-FI and 3G. These
technologies facilitate wireless multiplayer games with two or more users. Many
people enjoy these products because they can do a lot. Most people today always
want to play online games to have fun whether they are playing alone or with
friends, in a type of online games called Multi-player Online Battle Arena or MOBA,
people are sure to be able to play how many hours. MOBA was first played on PCs
and many players saw it as an effective measure of a real player's ability when it
comes to reaction speed, critical thinking and strategies to win the game. However,
it does measure a player's athleticism. Back then while spending time playing on PCs,
some geniuses came up with the idea of releasing the MOBA on mobile devices. This
completely changed how players play today, from online games on PC to mobile
gaming on cellphones. (Aragon, 2017)

Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) is a popular game known to its players who are
interested in playing Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA). MLBB is a type of
MOBA game created and developed by Montoon, which was released in November
of the year 2016 in the Philippines. It is specially designed to be played on mobile
phones which can also be played on PC using Android or IOS emulator. Similar to
other MOBA games such as DOTA 2 and League Of Legends. According to Migs
Lopez's work titled "On The Know: Mobile Legends: Bang Bang", one of the reasons
why players enjoy Mobile Legends is because of its similarity to other MOBA games
(DOTA 2 and League Of Legends).

According to, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang has 31.60 million

downloads, a revenue of over 5.30 million dollars and in the Philippines it has the
most number of downloads with 938.70 thousand user-downloads. It can be said
that this is due to the good smartphones in the market in the country and the active
use of mobile phones everywhere. Currently, this mobile game is free to download
on cellphones. This game lets the player control and move the character they want
to fight in battle. Players have one goal and that is to destroy their opponents base.
A nice thing about this game is that it allows to quickly communicate with friends
who are also playing this game. Mobile Legends can be played on mobile phones,
devices that can fit in the pockets of a pair of pants. This gives space and makes it
easier for people to take out their mobile devices. (Aragon, 2017)

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is one of the sports titles participating in the 2019
Southeast Asian (SEA) Games that the Philippines will prepare. This game is popular
in the country and also in other countries in SEA. The fact that it is free to play for
anyone using mobile devices has allowed it to enter as a medal sport compared to
other sports. Most of the players in the Philippines and in SEA play in internet shops
because it is more affordable to use them compared to buying and maintaining one's

own computer. Since Mobile Legends can be played anywhere using cellphones it is
no wonder that it has become popular throughout the region. 1


Game Effect

In the work of De Castro, 2012 titled "Computer Games: Do they help or damage
learning?", it is determined that computer games cause addiction to children.
Because children are so engrossed in computer games, they forget what they should
do that day and waste their time spending there instead of paying attention to
important things like learning and socializing with others. It is also said that
computer games cause addiction in young students. Due to the attraction of
children, they forget the things that need to be done such as studying. More
attention is paid to playing computer games. It can be said that playing online games
is detrimental to learning.

The study of the participants can be compared to the study done by the author
because it aims at something different. If the author has an impact on their studies,
the researchers have an impact on their social aspect.

In McGraw's 2009 work titled "Exploiting Online Games: Cheatingmassively

distributed systems" it is determined that millions of people use online games in
different parts of the world every day. Online games are a very good business
because of the fact that millions of people have used them, there are sure to be
millions of profits especially if the game is popular. It also refers to the widespread
fraud in the world of online games. And in the research done by Bhandary, 2010
titled "Net, Online Games Have Kids Hooked", it is determined that many people
today are becoming lazy because of playing online games, becoming they are too
lazy to study or help with household chores. Their grades are also dropping because
they are focusing more on online games.

Related Studies

Modern technology in the field of gaming and internet access can destroy or affect
the learning of students. It is the duty of young people to study. When young people
are tired of their studies, reviewing for example their exams, they can do two things.
First is to rest or sleep so that they have the strength to continue their studies. On
the other hand, they can continue to work with the help of their "friend" and
companion" at all possible times and opportunities, and this is technology. (Lawang
2014) In the research done by Ferrer, 2012 discovered that playing too much "online
games" creates bad results for us just like our health. The excessive playing of online
games by young people causes their eyes to blur due to the radiation emitted from
the computer monitor and this is one of the biggest reasons why students neglect
their studies. In Kima's research, 2012 titled "Online Games- Advantages and
Disadvantages" it refers to the various effects of online games on us, especially if it is
harmful to us, it also brings good things to us. So for good we are entertained and
entertained by online games especially if we are tired from work. Meeting different
people every day helps us sharpen our thinking. But if the abuser uses it, their health
may be adversely affected. Those related to the literature are similar to the research
of the authors because the researchers really want to know what the effects of
online games are on those discussed in the articles or writings. youth or student. The
topic discussed is similar but in a different aspect.

It cannot be denied that playing video games has an effect on the emotions of many
young people. The negative effects of violent video games on a young person's life
are intensified if he experiences and sees these things in his life and surroundings.
(Francis Jamie, 2011)

Nowadays, many young people are addicted to playing computer games. When
playing mobile legends, a player's mind is affected because he has fantasies about
what he is playing. Others provide a positive effect by providing lessons that are
beautiful and broaden a player's imagination. These are the ones they use in learning

De Castro, 2012 work titled " Computer Games: Do they help or damage learning? ". McGraw's 2009 work titled " Exploiting
Online Games: Cheating massively distributed systems ".

"Net, Online Games Have Kids Hooked" Bhandary, 2010

or honed talents that they see in the creativity and social activities of the game.
(Jeric Soriano, 2012)

Addiction is over-gaming, and it can't be stopped. But why is it not prevented? Many
young people say they are bored with their work, especially in school. That's why
playing mobile legends gives them pleasure and entertainment. (Edmund Kam 2011)

According to Symth's study, too much playing of Online games creates bad results
for us just like our health, our sleep does not become suitable even our socializing is
also affected because the mind of the player is only focused on he does. According to
Sternheimer's study, politicians and people who like to play online games are
considered bad, immoral in the society they live in and this has been their target for
a long time because it is not far that more children will also be addicted to online
games. . According to Jane M. Healy, Ph.D. in his survey and interview conducted
titled "Failure to Connect" he conducted several series of interviews with students,
parents, institutions, software designers and some psychologists. In his book, he
gave recommendations on various matters from choosing the right software or
talking to people who are directly affected by playing Online Games. The study that
was conducted showed the desire to Online Games can be used in studies that do
not usually provide much interest. These studies also express some
recommendations to carry out the pursuit to develop the field of study from this
study, recommendations can be used to study various factors including the
psychology of Online Games and the mindset of the people directly affected by it.

Mobile Legends

Footnotes of ROL

Mobile Game

The expansion of online gaming ( August, 2011).

This completely changed how players play today, from online games on PC to mobile
gaming on cellphones. ( Aragon, 2017 )

Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends that can be played on mobile phones. ( Aragon, 2017 )

Game effect

De Castro, 2012 work titled " Computer Games: Do they help or damage learning? ".
McGraw's 2009 work titled " Exploiting Online Games: Cheating massively
distributed systems ".

"Net, Online Games Have Kids Hooked" Bhandary, 2010

Related Studies

Kima's 2012 titled "Online Games- Advantages and Disadvantages". The negative effects of violent video games on a young
person's life ( Francis Jamie, 2011 ) " Failure to Connect " Jane M. Healy, Ph. D.

Kima's 2012 titled "Online Games- Advantages and Disadvantages". The negative
effects of violent video games on a young person's life ( Francis Jamie, 2011 ) "
Failure to Connect " Jane M. Healy, Ph. D.


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