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What do you want to achieve in the following areas of your life? Answer in 4 - 6 simple sentences only.
a. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (Knowledge, Education, and Self Improvement)

Well for me I have 3 achievements that I want to come true. first would be I learned something on
nursing because if I dint learned a thing or two then why I’m still studying this course and failed. Number
two would be I pass my college life so that I can’t go abroad and work there. And last but not the least is
to listen to people more act what’s the right thing and sleep 8 hours a day.

b. RELATIONSHIP (Family and Romantic)

For relationship and family, I have simple things in my mind. In my romantic life I think I want a girl who
would love me and care for me on hard and easy time on life. On family It’s a little complicated. But I
wish they can trust on my word and would listen to me when I’m talking while defending myself.

c. CAREER (Ambitions, Dreams, Hopes, and Work Life Balance)

Well for achievement on career there would be a lot of things that I want to achieve. First would be I
wish my dream my came true that’s to be a nurse. Second would be I want to achieve freedom so that I
wont loss hope to anything. And lastly, I want to achieve my ambition to be a full fledge nurse.

MEASURABLE (6 points) How would you know that you achieved your goals? Answer in bullet form and
give at least 2 in each area.

a. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT • I learned something on class • and more friends

b. RELATIONSHIP • I have a girlfriend -_- • they listening to what I’m saying

c. CAREER • abroad working as a nurse • I’m free doing what I want

ATTAINABLE (6 points) What resources can you use to achieve your goals and what needs to be done to
achieve your goals? Answer in 4 – 6 simple sentences only.

I don’t think there’s a lot of resources for this one. But I guess the resources would be books,
relaxing place, friends I can talk to, and ears that would listen. I pick this thing because I think
without this thing, I can’t achieve my dreams and more. Need to be done would listen to the
Well things in relation are a hard one. if we are looking the resources for the romantic
relationship then I think it would be foods, material things that may or may not make her happy
time and more. In family there would be least resources needed. if you think about it if you just
give all your ear and mind to them and of course give the respect and love they need you can
easily win this one.

for career there would be a lot of things. Just like in personal development I need books that can help
me learn. I need friends so I can help them while they help me. And a relaxing place so I can relax and
calm my mind even a little bit.

RELEVANT (6 points) Why is the goal important to you? Answer in 4 – 6 simple sentences only.

It’s a simple answer because I need it. Its important to me because this thing depends on my future
and what would happen to me. Without this I think ill be a beggar or something. That’s why I need
to achieve this for my future and a happy life.
For relation ship this goal are important because without this u can’t trust her. I mean in a
relationship u need time security and trust, so you know they won’t betray you and hurt you. For
the family. I think its also important because without this goal how can you people can learn to
understand each other if you’re not talking to each other.
For career I mean its obvious why its important. Without this how can you motivate yourself to go
even beyond. You need a goal for your career so that you can I’m imagine why you are trying so
hard on something, and you can grab that if you do all you can do. This would be your motivator in
life to be a best human you can be.

TIME-BOUND (6 points) When will you achieve this goal?

a. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (Knowledge, Education, and Self Improvement)

right know while studying.
b. RELATIONSHIP (Family and Romantic)
in the near future because study first and were not that close in the family.
c. CAREER (Ambitions, Dreams, Hopes, and Work Life Balance)
long time ago when I started my goal to be a nurse.

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