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Week 2 Discussion: Case Study Group 1

Read & Listen to this story: to an external site.
This is a story about a 13 year old boy with cancer and how his story brought a messy debate
over parents' right and Western and alternative medicine to Sleepy Eye, Minnesota. Daniel and
his mother fled their family farm in southwest Minnesota rather than have Daniel possibly
undergo court-ordered chemotherapy. Think about some of the ethical theories/principles and
legal aspects in the lectures.
Incorporate some of the ethical/legal principles into this discussion with your peers. You don't
have to include personal opinions if you don't feel comfortable, but whatever you post, make
sure you support your statements with what you have learned in the course lecture material.
Be sure to follow the posting guidelines with regard to minimum word count, AMA, and

After reading this article, it appears to be a matter of medical negligence.1 I believe the correct
decision was made by involving the authorities in legally mandating chemotherapy. If the
healthcare practitioner had not reported this case to the authorities, the child will not receive the
necessary chemotherapy for his treatable cancer. The physician seemed to act in the best interests
of the patient. Every healthcare provider has a responsibility to provide proper care to their
patients, and failure to do so may result in malpractice.
Despite the parents' belief that they were making a religious choice by not pursuing treatment, I
would advocate for more education for the family. Allowing a child to potentially face a life-
threatening situation based on the guidance of an "internet holistic group" seems unreasonable.2
Perhaps as a physician, one could explore holistic approaches to manage the child's
chemotherapy side effects and find a middle ground to work with the family.

1. Lenards N. Professional and Legal Aspects. [SoftChalk]. La Crosse, WI: UW-L Medical
Dosimetry Program; 2016.
2. News ABC. Doctor of Boy Who Fled Chemo Says Hausers Are “Good People.” ABC
News. Accessed October 11, 2023.

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