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The bar chart show students use to time all day on chatting online and playing

Overall, It can be seen from the bar charts the amount of time schoolboys
and schoolgirls spent time

the bar chart illustrates how much time students from 10-15 years old chatting on a daily basis

overall, it can be seen that the percentage of playing games is higher than that chatting. Moreover, while
boys are interested in games, girls prefer to chat online

Moreover, while boys are interested in games, girls prefer to chat online

the bar chart demonstrates the time which students aged from 10 to 15 use to chat online and play games
on the daily basic in the United Kingdom

the bar chart compares how much time the UK students from 10 to 15 years old use to chat online and play
games on a daily basic.

The bar chart given demonstrates the time that UK students aged 10 to 15 years old spend on chatting
online and playing games

Overall, we can see the amount of time students of both genders spend on playing on games consoles is
more than that spend on chatting on the Internet Moreover, while boys are more interested in games,girl
prefer to chat online.

Be interested in = be keen on = be prefer

Cái ni bị lặp  thay “that”

The bar chart provide the figure for time with both girls and boys aged
from 10 to 15 years old in the UK chatting online and playing games on each
school day.

As can be seen, both genders spend a lot of time on playing games is more
than that on chatting on the Internet. Moreover, school boys prefer playing game
than chatting online. By contrast, girls enjoy chatting on the Internet more.

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