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Everyone’s different
 foolproof - so simple, plain, or reliable as to leave no opportunity for error, misuse, or failure ≠
 unassailable - unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated ≠ vulnerable
 outraged – angry ≠ unruffled
 unsolicited - not asked for; given or done voluntarily ≠ invited
 positively ≠ not in the least
 blissfully ≠ unhappily
 egged on – encouraged ≠ discouraged
 to abhor – to loathe
 to come to nothing ≠ to happen
 to flag ≠ to continue
 tentatively ≠ confidently
 bustle – hastiness, rush ≠ calm

 to emphasise – to stress
 to complain – to grumble
 to confess – to admit (preposition: TO)
 to disclose – to reveal
 to forecast – to predict
 to infer – to gather
 to insinuate – to imply
 to order – to tell
 to promise – to guarantee
 to reiterate – to repeat
 to remember – to recall
 to suppose – to guess
 to yell – to shout


Long road to Utopia:

 colossal – extremely large

 to lie at the heart of
 eeriness - inspiring inexplicable fear, dread, or uneasiness; strange and frightening
 muster – collect, assemble
 a far cry – different
 pariah - an outcast
 hostile – unfriendly
 densely populated
 a stark choice – sheer, utter, well focused
 naive ≠ sophisticated
 brave ≠ cowardly
 sorry ≠ unapologetic
 to slow down ≠ to accelerate
 to help ≠ to hinder, to get in the way
 to reassure ≠ to distress
 to get angry ≠ to keep one's cool

inconspicuous unacceptable
intolerant unbearable
infrequent undesirable
inadvisable unevenful
incompetent unforgettable
indiscreet unmanageable
inexplicable unsociable
instability unclearly
invisible unconventional
inappropriate undignified
inconsiderate unexpected
indistinct unpredictable
ingratitude unsophisticated
insincere untrustworthy
inconsistent unconvincing
indecisive ungrateful
inefficient unrewarding
insincerity undecided
insufficient unfaithful


disconnect impersonal illogical irresponsible
disrespectful impossible illegal irrational
disagreeable immature illegible irregular
disentangle impatient illegitimate irrelevant

 thoughtless ≠ considerate, thoughtful

 neat ≠ sloppy
 restless ≠ docile
 tactful ≠ tactless
 clumsy ≠ agile
 proud, ostentatious ≠ modest, unassuming
 talkative ≠ reticent, reserved, taciturn
 fearless ≠ cowardly
 rare ≠ common
 trivial ≠ important
 bad-tempered ≠ good-natured

 fussy - showing excessive or anxious concern about detail

 malicious - intending or intended to do harm
 narrow-minded - not willing to listen to or tolerate other people's views; prejudiced
 pretentious - attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed
 secretive - inclined to conceal feelings and intentions
 solitary - done or existing alone
 sullen - bad-tempered and sulky
 touchy - easily upset or offended; oversensitive
 easy-going - relaxed and tolerant in attitude or manner
 frank – open, honest
 good-natured – kind, friendly, patient
 gregarious – fond of company, sociable
 kindhearted - having a kind and sympathetic nature
 laid back - relaxed and easy-going
 nonchalant - feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or
 perceptive - having or showing sensitive insight
 morose – sullen, ill-tempered
 of a sour temper
 ill-humoured - bad-tempered, irritable
 austere, stringent – strict
 carefree - free from anxiety or responsibility, untroubled
 light-hearted - cheerful
 candid - truthful and straightforward
 strong-willed - determined
 self-assured - confident
 pompous – self-important
 boastful – full of oneself
 vain - conceited
 petty (pet peeve)
 obstinate - stubborn
 mercenary venal - corrupt
 impressionable - easily influenced
 gullible – credulous, easily persuaded
 weak-willed - irresolute
 level-headed – calm, sensible
 spiteful – vindictive
 impulsive - acting or done without forethought
 timid - easily frightened
 bigoted – prejudiced, biased

Fitting in
 to make snap judgements - hurried or impetuous decisions or findings
 a dress down day - a day during which employees are allowed to wear casual attire at work
 a dress code
 to be of paramount importance
 to speak volumes – to convey a great deal without using words
 the tip of the iceberg - the small perceptible part of a much larger situation or problem that remains
 to have a laid-back attitude
 to harbour a grudge against
 to foster (closer) cooperation – to encourage
 to be constrained – to be held back
 detrimental – harmful
 to be dressed up to the nines – (skockati se) - to be wearing fashionable or formal clothes for a special


Expressions with come:

 come off it! – ma da; expressing disbelief

 let me come clean
 to come to terms with – to accept
 to come across - to meet or find by chance
 to come out in sympathy with – to stop working in order to show your support for other workers who are
on strike
 to come up with (an idea)
 to come to blows – to have a serious argument
 first come first served
 to come up with the goods – to do what is expected or required of you
 to come true
 to come down in the world – to lose your social status
 to come forward – to show up (and claim); istupiti
 to come apart – to separate into pieces
 to come out (a book) – to become known
 to come round - be converted to another person's opinion
 to come up – to occur



contain – self-contained
estimate – underestimate
live – outlive
understanding – misunderstanding
pack – prepacked
concentrate – superconcentrated
lock – anti-lock
argue – counter-argument
cook – overcooked
America – pro-American

 to all intents and purposes – practically, basically

 well into – at or until a certain time
 that being said – however
 houseproud – negative connocation
 dishevelled – razbarušen (usually hair)
 spick and span – clean, tidy
 cluttered - untidy
 windswept (street, hair) - untidy
 immaculate – clean, pristine, spotless (appearance, place, business)
 manicured (nails, grass, hedges) - clean
 smart – clean, elegant
 bedraggled – looking untidy, wet, dirty (been in the rain); (people, buildings)
 in disarray - untidy
 messy - untidy
 scruffy - untidy
 unkempt – (people, grass, hedges, lawns)
 orderly – clean
 dilapidated, derelict, decrepit buildings – old and in bad condition
 shipshape – tidy, in good condition
 shabby – untidy
 slovenly (habits) – lazy, untidy, careless
 top-notch – of the highest quality or standard
 morbid – interested in unpleasant subjects, especially death
 opinionated – expressing strong opinions about things
 pompous – full of your own importance
 vivacious – lively, with lots of energy
 acquisitive – a hoarder, someone who likes to collect things
 meticulous – someone who checks everything they do
 discriminating – able to judge what is of good quality
 complacent - showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements
 unobtrusive – not easily noticed
 simplistic – shallow
 manipulative – controlling people
 boastful – inclined to tell everyone about their possessions and successes

See the world!

 bay - zaliv
 cliff – litica, stena, greben
 climate
 coast -
 cove – uvala
 harbour - luka
 headland – rt, predgorje
 inland - kopneni
 peak - vrh
 plateau - visoravan
 rainforest
 reef – greben
 resort
 seafood
 stream
 valley
 backward – underdeveloped
 derelict - abandoned
 deserted
 godforsaken – nothing special, interesting
 off the beaten track – into an isolated place
 out of the way – remote
 secluded
 spoiled – destroyed
 churlish – rude
 courteous - polite
 easygoing
 hospitable - friendly/welcoming
 morose – sullen - morose (ill-tempered)
 commuter - a person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis
 holidaymaker
 pilgrim
 vagrant - a person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place and lives by


The friendly skies

 summons - warning
 bulletin – broadcast summary of news
 to enunciate - say or pronounce clearly
 fulsome - excessively complimentary or flattering (adv: fulsomely)
 misty - indistinct or dim
 broadsheet - a newspaper with a large format, regarded as more serious and less sensationalist than
 diversion - an activity that diverts the mind from tedious or serious concerns
 on (the) take - trying to profit in a personal and usually financial way from a situation
 probe - a thorough investigation into a crime or other matter
 V.D.U. – Visual Display Unit (monitor, screen)
 home-from-home - a place where one is as happy, relaxed, or comfortable as in one's own home
 to cock (your head) – to raise, to lift
 lozenge - a rhombus or diamond shape
 earmuff
 pastiche - an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period
 disconcerted – disturbed, unsettled
 to proof against – to protect completely against
 damn-fool – very stupid
 cowlick - a lock or tuft of hair growing in a different direction from the rest of the hair
 antsy – impatient, restless
 glitch – a sudden malfunction or fault of equipment
 dumbshow – gestures, mime
 to ramble - talk or write at length in a confused or inconsequential way
 perimeter - the continuous line forming the boundary of a closed geometrical figure
 to bust – to break, split
 to tear out - to pull or draw out by violence
 to grind - reduce (something) to small particles by crushing it
 in shreds – destroyed or ruined
 to bring off - to succeed in doing something difficult
 goner - a person or thing that is doomed or cannot be saved
 oblivious (+ to) – not aware of or concerned
 recluse - a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people
 to rocket - increase very rapidly and suddenly
 to unpeel -
 obstinate - stubborn
 tangle - a confused mass of something twisted together; (inf) a fight, argument, or disagreement
 gridlock - a situation of very severe traffic congestion
 feeble – lacking strength (adj: feebly)
 drizzle – light rain
 infernal - relating to or characteristic of hell
 to skid – to slide
 to wobble - move or cause to move unsteadily from side to side
 to rattle - make or cause to make a rapid succession of short, sharp knocking sounds
 conceivably – capable of being imagined
 snarl - growl
 on an even keel - not listing or tilting to one side
 aloft - up in or into the air


Describing the world

 arid – dry
 prone to – tending to have a particular negative characteristic
 drought – period without rain
 tundra – area in north with no trees and permanently frozen ground
 vegetation
 coniferous – evergreen
 prairies – flat grassland in Canada and northern USA
 paddy fields – fields planted with rice growing in water
 cereal
 to tend – to take care of animals
 manufacturing
 at the forefront – in an important position
 generate – produce
 descended from – to be related to
 ancestor
 migrant
 to settle


coniferous/deciduous/dense/rain forest

industrial/independent/sovereign nation

paddy/oil/wheat/ripe field

chemical/pharmaceutical/textile/manufacturing industry

sugar/tea/coffee/rubber plantation


 to escape the crowd – to go where there are not many people

 to wander off the beaten track – to go to places tourist don't normally go
 to get back to nature – to live a natural, rural style of life
 a promising choice – a choice which could be a very good one
 to boast – to possess (formal)
 hordes – crowds (negative sense)
 tourism sector – tourist industry
 to seek something out of the ordinary – to look for sth different
 wealth of – large amount of
 tracts – areas of land
 virgin – original and natural
 flora and fauna
 eco-tourism – holidays that respect the environment
 to unwind – to relax
 to recharge – to get back your energy
 the bush – a term for the wild
 4x4 – vehicles with driving power on all four wheels
 waterfront – on the edge of the sea or of a river
 discerning – who knows what he/she wants in terms of good quality
 stunning – extremely beautiful
 unbeatable
 awe-inspiring – fills you with a sense of the power and beaty of what you are looking at
 ramble – a long, pleasant walk, not too demanding
 hike – more demanding
 trek – usually several days over wild county
 unrivalled (programme) – nothing can match this
 to savour – to enjoy
 heartland – the inland areas furthest away from the sea or from borders with other countries
 backpacker – someone who travels for pleasure with not much money, who walks or uses public
transport and carries a backpack
 low-budget traveller – the one who doesn’t book anything in advance
 crass commercialism – overdoing it order to earn money
 adverse effect – not good or favourable


Expressions with go:

 to go off without a hitch - to happen successfully without any problems

 to go to your head (success) - to make you conceited
 to go off something or someone – to stop liking
 to go through with something – to complete
 to go ahead
 to go for someone – to attack
 to go it alone – to do independently, on your own
 to go for something – to choose
 to go into – to examine
 to go down
 to go down with – to catch, to begin to suffer from
 to go in for – to take part
 to go on at - to complain to someone again and again about their behaviour
 to go up - explode or suddenly burst into flames


 unencumbered – undisturbed
 companionable – friendly
 non-sequiturs – illogical conclusions
 wistfully – regretfully, yearningly
 to hanker – to yearn
 lucidity – awareness
 abject – miserable
 untoward – unexpected, inconvenient
 to ingratiate yourself – to put yourself in someone's good graces to gain their approval or favour


Travel and movement:

 stationary vehicle
 saturated – soaked
 saturated market – there’s too much of something
 stuffed – (animal/nose) – or you’re so stuffed you can’t eat anymore
 congested – crowded with traffic/people
 free flow of traffic
 flow of trade – from producer to consumer
 rush hour
 hasty judgement/ decision
 brought to a standstill - stopped
 exhaust fumes
 sheer volume (of traffic)
 civic duty/law
 public transport
 rambler - lutalica
 steward - stjuard
 hitchhiker - autostoper
 passer-by - prolaznik
 conductor - kondukter
 traffic warden
 outward journey ≠ return journey
 to break a journey
 a single ticket
 public opposition (to the plan)
 skid (wheels) – to skid off the road (to slide)
 slip (people)
 standing room - space available for people to stand rather than sit in a passenger vehicle or building
 goods train
 to break the speed limit
 to make a flying visit - a visit that last for only a very short time
 a ski resort
 a far cry (from) – very different
 snow drift
 throng – crowd
 stranded - eft without the means to move from somewhere
 marooned – left trapped alone (especially in an island) *cannot be used metaphorically
 aground - on or on to the bottom in shallow water (ship)
 to dismount – get off a horse/bicycle
 to reverse – to drive backwards
 to collide – to run into each other
 to alight – to get off
 to do up – to fasten
 to ascend – to rise up

HOLD up the traffic / passengers / the key to the future

SET a deadline/ to be ~ to continue/ to ~ your watch

LINE ice on the ~/ a solid ~ of cars/ to take a ~ on speeding

TRACK to follow the ~ / to lose ~ of your argument

Urban jungle
 amenity – pogodnost
 lateral-thinking – creative thinking
 astute – clever, wise, prudent
 in a trice – instantly, in a moment
 turnaround – turnstill
 rigid – not adaptable
 wanting – lacking in something, inadequate
 farcical – ridiculous
 bewail – grieve over something
 to go bust – to become bankrupt
 in contravention of – violating
 overworked - cliched


Compound adjectives:

 quick-thinking
 long-running – continuing for a long time
 short-sighted – ( ~ plan, investment)
 far-sighted - -II-
 poorly-fitted – (~ armchair)
 well-fitted
 poorly/well thought out plan
 blown-out/up
 blown down- fallen due to the wind
 blow something out of proportion – treat something as more serious than it really is
 blow out your opponent – defeat
 sth can blow up in your face – nešto nam se obilo o glavu
 thought-through – carefully
 cost-effective
 car-dependant
 boarded-up



 abject poverty/despair/failure
 the dregs of society - a group of people in society who you consider to be immoral
 mob rule - control of a political situation by those outside the conventional or lawful realm, typically
involving violence and intimidation
 mob mentality - describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviours, follow
trends, and/or purchase items
 human scum - what you call someone who does something so bad that they can hardly live with the fact
that they can still be called human
 chauvinistic beliefs
 cliched images/ideas
 florid poetry/speeches – detailed (also: florid architecture/complexion)
 glaring errors/faults - mistakes that are very obvious
 a vacuous personality - shallow
 childish behaviour
 a fatuous remark – stupid
 talking garbage
 hackneyed ideas – unoriginal, overused


 city slicker – someone who wouldn't manage in the countryside

 out of the blue – by chance
 out of the frame – not possible
 a bed of roses – things aren't perfect
 to burn one's boats/bridges – reduce one's options
 in a nutshell – to summarise
 the best of both worlds – only benefit
 high and dry – exhausted
 touch and go - dangerous
 to eat humble pie – to apologise (while not feeling comfortable)
 to spill the beans – to reveal
 out of this world – extremely enjoyable, impressive
 in the bag - secure
 to strike it lucky – to take your chances and benefit from it
 to strike a chord - cause someone to feel sympathy, emotion, or enthusiasm
 to strike gold – to become rich
 to burn the midnight oil – read/work late into the night
 to get your fingers burnt - (especially in a financial context) suffer unpleasant consequences as a result
of one's actions
 someone's ears are burning – someone is being gossiped about
 to have money to burn – more than you need

Is it art or entertainment?
The tingle factor
 upheaval – change
 to juxtapose (+ with)
 heady – powerful
 rabble-rousing – attracting the audience / causing trouble
 to strut – to boast, flaunt


Jacob the Liar

 mild-mannered – gentle, doesn't show emotions

 _____ -cum- ______ - at the same time, and
 turgid – very complicated and difficult to understand
 smothered (with) –
 glutinous – sticky
 replete with – having much or plenty of something


What Dreams May Come

 blighted - ruined
 bereavement - a period of mourning after a loss, especially after the death of a loved one
 to condemn - to express an unfavourable or adverse judgment on someone
 to haul out
 slough - depression
 futile – having no result or effect
 cranky - easily annoyed, irritable
 guff – nonsense



 good for... – will last

 with bad grace – unwillingly
 for good measure – just in case
 to do someone a good turn – to do a favour
 for good – forever
 to have a bad night
 bad manners – impolite
 go from bad to worse
 good for nothing – useless
 bad lot – bad person
 to hold good – to apply
 to make good money
 (to arrive) in good time - early
 to make a good impression
 to be as good as your word - to do everything that you promise someone you will
 as good as new – in a very good condition
 a bad leg/ankle/knee
 to be in a bad way – in a bad state
 to have a good mind to - to think that you might do something, often because something has annoyed
 to put in a good word - to say positive things about someone
 to give sth up as a bad job - to stop doing something because you do not feel it is worth continuing
 while the going's good – while an opportunity last
 in good faith – with sincerity
 (it's) a good job



 to take sth seriously

 to take notice (+ of) – notice, mark
 to take place
 to take part
 to take the view – to think, believe that...
 to take into account/ consideration, account of
 to take issue (+ with) – to disagree strongly
 to take advantage – to benefit, profit, gain
 to take someone by surprise – to startle someone
 to take second place – to be less important
 to take someone for granted
 to take a stand (+ on) -
 to take exception to - to get offended


The Pointillist Georges Seurat

 mean – meaningless
 classics – classical
 hither – hitherto (so far)
 predict – unpredictable
 intuition – intuitive
 stable – stability
 science – scientific
 compare – incomparable (unique, unrivalled, priceless)
 influence – influential
 act – interaction
 system - systematically



 seriously ill
 strenuously worded
 singularly unsuccessful
 keenly priced
 widely believed
 carefully chosen
 staggeringly expensive



 to play second fiddle to – to be in a subordinate position to someone

 to be out of tune – not in agreement with someone/something
 to go for a song – very cheaply
 to have a second string to your bow – to have an alternative resource/option
 to settle the score with – to get revenge
 to strike the right note with – say or do something in a way that that is very suitable (or unsuitable) for a
particular audience or occasion
 to strike a chord – create an emotional response


The performance arts: reviews and critiques

 overrated – not as good as people say

 hackneyed – done so often it is boring
 impenetrable – complex or impossible to understand
 disjointed – unconnected and not in a clear order
 far-fetched – impossible to believe
 risque – slighty immoral and likely to shock some people
 gripping – exciting and keeping your attention the whole time
 harrowing – extremely upsetting
 moving – making you feel strong emotions (pity, sadness)
 memorable – you remember it long after
 understated (positive) – done or expressed in a simple but attractive style
 panned – very negatively criticised
 lauded – highly praised
 to bomb – to be a failure
 up-and-coming – likely to become very famous or successful; budding
 masterpiece
 to be miscast - to be the wrong person for the role
 typecast – always associated with a certain type of role
 (to be given) encores – calls from the audience to repeat
 (to get) a standing ovation – the audience stood up and applauded
 interpretation – way of understanding and performing sth
 version – one of several performances that exist
 rendition – performance on a specific occasion
 portrayal – the picture someone created
 to keep you on the edge of your seat – to keep you in suspense
 blockbuster – a film which huge numbers of people will go and see
 cliffhanger – a film/book/play that keeps you in suspense


The plastic arts:

 to pull the wool over someone's eyes – to deceive

 philistinism – inability to appreciate art or culture (disapproving)
 detractors – critics
 by stealth – secretly
 to wise up – to become more sophisticated
 to dumb down – to become less intellectual
 fad – a short enthusiasm for something
 to vote with your feet – to stop coming
 to deem – to consider
 visually literate – educated with regard to art
 immune to/ inured to – not affected by
 highbrow – intended for educated, intelligent people, disapproving ≠ lowbrow
 impenetrable ≠ transparent
 sophisticated – showing advanced skills and understanding ≠ primitive
 challenging ≠ undemanding
 dazzling – inspiring great admiration because it is brilliant in some way ≠ pedestrian
 evocative – calling up images and memories ≠ uninspiring
 exquisite – having rare beauty or delicacy ≠ clumsy
 intriguing – strange, mysterious ≠ dreary
 peerless – better than any other ≠ run-of-the-mill
 tongue-in-cheek – not intended to be taken seriously despite appearing serious (sarcastic) ≠ earnest


 to paint a hero
 in a fascinating light
 shadowy characters
 to be depicted
 the focus is on
 to be portrayed with sensitivity
 colourful heroine
 to shape and mould a character
 to illustrate motifs
 black-and-white fashion
 to illuminate


Talking about books:

 poignant chronicle – a moving and sad description of a sequence of events

 compelling tale – powerful story that keeps you interested
 lugubrious setting – rather dark and gloomy setting/situation
 page-turner – very interesting and engaging
 enigmatic tale – mysterious story
 macabre – often cruel or disgusting, concerned with death
 chilling – causing great fear
 breathtaking achievement – amazing ~
 wry humour – humour in the face of a bad situation
 dry humour
 evocative scenes – scenes which arouse memories or images
 journal
 memoirs – written record of a person’s own life, typically by a politician or military figure
 anthology – collection of poems or short stories by different authors
 compendium – collection of detailed, concise information about a particular subject
 manual – instructions
 logbook – book that records events and times, for example, all the journeys made by a lorry or ship
 compulsive reading – difficult to stop once you’ve started – (can’t put down/ unputdownable, riveting)
 lightweight – not complex; slightly negative
 bedtime reading – nice to read in bed
 heavy going – difficult to read
 to get into it – to become involved


Groomed for TV
 to slouch - to sit or stand with an awkward, drooping posture
 to sneer - to smile or laugh at someone or something with an expression on your face that shows dislike
and a lack of respect
 to fidget - to behave or move nervously or restlessly
 to rankle - to cause (someone) to feel angry or irritated especially for a long time
 scintillating - sparkling
 to contrive - to form or make (something) in a skillful or clever way
 subversive - intended to subvert an established order, especially to undermine or overthrow an
established government
 hectic – full of activity, busy
 svelte - thin in an attractive or graceful way
 asinine - extremely or utterly foolish
 gaucherie - lack of social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness
 to bob up and down - to move up and down
 cadaverous - corpselike
 twaddle - foolish, trivial, or idle talk or chatter


Chilling reads to look out for

 adherents- fans, supporters

 acclaimed – praised
 to make a successful transition
 to lead the reader astray – to deceive
 intricately plotted – involving many details
 feisty – combative, belligerent
 a diehard fan
 a bit too close to home – familiar
 enthralling – engaging, riveting, engrossing
 enough to weave a tapestry – very detailed


Entertainment (collocations):

 a new breed of musicians

 to achieve a status of
 to be associated with
 a generation raised on (rock)
 the interval of the play
 a dramatic society
 a dress rehearsal
 complicated scenery
 acrobat
 conductor
 juggler
 understudy – someone who takes an actor’s place in an emergency
 ballerina
 stuntman - kaskader
 vocalist
 string section
 a woodwind instrument
 billiards
 cards
 darts
 jigsaw puzzle
 board game
 draughts


 unscathed – unharmed
 a foretaste of what the future holds
 remorselessly – mercilessly
 mocked – ridiculed

Expressions with GO:

 go on – be spent on
 go out – ebb
 go for – fetch
 go in for – enter
 go down with – become ill with
 go off – explode
 go with – match
 go off – go sour
 go over – examine
 go without – manage without

 fastidious about sth – you have to have sth

 antics – strange, unusual behaviour

French and Latin expressions:

 in lieu of – instead of
 ad infinitum – on and on
 ad nauseam – on and on as to suffocate someone
 par excellence - 
 quid pro quo – you return something (for example a favour)
 faux pas (to make ~)
 prima facie – at first sight
 niche
 risqué – immoral
 protégé – when you have someone under your wing
 fracas – disturbance
 cul-de-sac – dead-end street
 clique – group (elite)
 nom de plume – pseudonym
 bête noire – something you dislike
 tête à tête – private, face-to-face
 hoi polloi – ordinary, simple, common people
 coup de grace – the finishing stroke

Side & Wellman

Word formation: prefixes
Nouns: underclothes, underpayment, undersigned, understudy

Adjectives & Adverbs: underdeveloped, underweight, underrated, underprivileged, underground, underwater

Verbs: undercut, underestimate, understate, undervalue

The oppositive, a negative or the reverse: unhappy, unlock, indecent, impossible, illegal, irrelevant,
disappear, destabilise, non-religious, abnormal, apolitical, counter-revolution

Bad or wrong: misspell, malnutrition

Degree, size and quality: superhuman, sub-standard, arch-enemy, hypersensitive, ultra-cautious,

overcooked, underprepared, outsize

Attitude: pro-abortion, anti-hunting

*Numbers: unisex, biennial, tripartite, multi-talented, polyglot, single-handed, monologue, semi-professional

Time: pre-war, post-graduate, ante-natal, neo-fascist, forecast, ex-husband

Position, direction: income, outgoings, transplant, pan-African

With, along with, touching on: co-writer, fellow-workers, context

Miscellaneous: pseudo-artist, re-record, befriend, empower, enable


 to be properly forewarned
 to live under the omnipresent threat
 potential fellow victims
 unprecedented advances
 effective counter-measures
 anti-flood warnings

Word formation:

 possible – impossible – impossibility

 terminate – interminable
 explain – inexplicably
 blow – overblown
 ordain – preordained
 refute – irrefutable
 ethics – unethical
 moral – immoral
 conceive – misconceptions
 dominate – predominantly

destroy – destructive – destruction – indestructible
long – length – lengthen
clear – clarify – clarification
persuade – persuasive – persuasion
invade – invasion
delude – delusion
evade – evasive – evasion
pretend – pretentious
intend – intention
generous – generosity
extend – extension

make amends – make peace

derision – mocking

watertight = waterproof - closely sealed (a ~ argument – unable to be disputed)

foolproof strategy
to relegate – to denote (relegation)

 contemptible – deserving of scorn, despicable

contemptuous - feeling or showing deep hatred or disapproval
 comprehensible - able to be understood
comprehensive - complete and including everything that is necessary
 considerable - rather large or great in size, distance, extent
considerate - showing kindly awareness or regard for another's feelings
 respectful - showing admiration for someone or something
respectable - considered to be good, correct, or acceptable
 practical – effective, useful
practicable – could be done, doable


basic, clear-cut, crude, dubious, important distinction

remarkably, strikingly, superficially similar

to draw, stand, bear, invite comparison with

to compare favourably, well, unfavourably with

a marked, striking, distinct similarity

to be likened to = to be compared to

discrepancy – two things should match, but they don’t (+ in)

to bear a striking/uncanny resemblance to

to differentiate
to discriminate – usually negative
to distinguish – usually positive

to be miles, considerably, slightly, much, rather, immeasurably, far better

a substantial difference

to be nowhere near, nothing like, not quite as efficient as

as against – in contrast to – compared to – in comparison with


a four-storey building
the price of gas
gas prices
the water’s edge
*a stone’s throw from
the film’s popularity/popularity of a film
a shirt button
a ten-year sentence
the end of the world
a 200-page book
the heart of the matter
a moment’s hesitation
a university degree
the seabed
coat of paint
(keep/hold something) * at arm’s length – at safe distance
hair’s breadth – by a ~ - za dlaku
a car door
the corner of the room
the sea shore
the car industry
an apple core

 lone parent – single-parent

 trendsetters
 deep-seated – deep-rooted
 cut and dried – completely settled
 cut and thrust – competitive
 bits and pieces - an assortment of small items
 top and bottom
 know-how - practical knowledge or skill; expertise
 backdrop – background
 to be an old hand at - with a lot of experience in something
 stick-in-the-mud – old-fashioned


as easy as falling off a log

like a bull in a china shop - to drop or break things because you move awkwardly or roughly
as different as chalk and cheese
to knock spots off someone – to be much better
to be in a class of one’s own - to be much better than anyone or anything else
to be streets ahead of someone – to be superior
to be head and shoulders above – to be far superior (informal)

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