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PART 1: Strengths & Limitations

For each cluster choose the one trait that best describes how you behaved AS A CHILD. Try not to focus on
how you wish you were, or how you would like to be. Remember, your first impression is usually the best.

proactive determined creative thinker

nurturing thoughtful clear perspective
objective a good listener detail conscious
insightful positive visionary

indecisive unmotivated always right

arrogant vain uncommitted
a perfectionist demanding uninvolved
poor follow-through unforgiving guilt prone

enthusiastic happy accepting

kind compassionate spontaneous
caring inventive pragmatic
productive responsible well-mannered

relentless impulsive disorganized

suspicious impatient selfish
indifferent moody emotionally intense
naive indirect communicator detached

peaceful a leader motivated

carefree patient sincere
decisive fun-loving diplomatic
loyal respectful engaging of others

silently stubborn jealous forgetful

worry prone reluctant boring
an interrupter argumentative hard to please
obsessive obnoxious tactless

sociable even-tempered articulate

assertive inclusive quality-oriented
intimate dependable centered
non-discriminate focused forgiving

self-critical overly aggressive self-centered

bossy low self-esteem calculating
unfocused ambivalent self-righteous
avoids conflict inconsistent unexpressive

voice of reason deliberate self-regulated

flexible powerful charismatic
action-oriented balanced confident
analytical persuasive intuitive

critical of others undisciplined unrealistic expectations

disinterested timid unproductive
overly sensitive insensitive afraid to face facts
irresponsible judgmental intimidating
PART 2: Situations
This section consists of 15 situations with four possible reactions to each. Again, consider the reactions in
each question and mark the one response most like you AS A CHILD.

 As a child, when my friend was in trouble, I was:

o Concerned, empathetic, and loyal - regardless of the problem
o Supportive, patient, and a good listener
o Nonjudgmental, optimistic, and downplaying of the seriousness of the
o Protective, resourceful, and recommending of solutions

 In my youth, I was most often criticized for being:

o Directionless, unenthusiastic, and/or boring
o Overly sensitive, moody, and/or jealous
o Disruptive, uncommitted, and/or disorganized
o Argumentative, bossy, and/or tactless

 In my youth, life was most meaningful when it:

o Was filled with accomplishment, leadership opportunities, and recognition
o Was free of pressure, conflict, and unnecessary stress
o Was filled with meaningful friends and purpose
o Allowed me to be playful, optimistic, and carefree

 When I was embarrassed as a child, my natural reaction was to:

o Distance myself and downplay the situation to others while silently feeling the
o Fight back with facts and anger
o Become quiet, withdrawn, and often hold anger in until I blew up over some
minor issue later
o Feel strong negative emotion, hurt (perhaps cry); and plan to get even

 Doing my chores was:

o A healthy activity, which was to be done right if it was to be done at all. Family
life requires cooperation and team play
o Something I was known for being efficient at, especially when tied to earning
my allowance
o A necessary requirement (if you say so), so that I could go out and play
o Something I was willing to do but required reminding and structure for me to

 In an argument with a parent, I was typically:

o Disrespectful of authority and verbally manipulative
o Verbally attacking and unyielding
o Emotionally distraught and hung up over fairness
o Silently stubborn, uncomfortable, and/or confused about how to respond

 When interacting with others as a child, I was most concerned with being:
o Praised, having fun, and feeling free
o Allowed space, treated with kindness, and being left alone
o Right, approved of, and respected
o Understood, appreciated, and cared for
 When making decisions with a group of my friends I was typically:
o Impulsive, unfocused, and interruptive
o Indecisive, timid, and reluctant to offer input
o Selfish, impatient, and demanding of my way
o Suspicious, worry-prone, and unrealistic with my expectations of others

 In social situations, I was most often:

o Followed by others because I was assertive and on task
o Admired by others because I was caring and quality based
o Protected by others because I was gentle and kind
o Envied by others because I was happy and carefree

 When I failed as a child, I felt:

o Silently self-critical, yet verbally stubborn and defensive
o Unsettled and fearful, but I kept it to myself
o Embarrassed and nervous - seeking to escape the situation
o Guilty, self-critical, and vulnerable to depression. I would dwell on it

 To feel alive and positive in my youth, I sought:

o Adventure, leadership, and lots of action
o Excitement, playful productivity, and the company of others
o Security, creativity, and purpose
o Acceptance, safety, and moving at my own pace

 If a friend crossed me:

o I would act as if nothing happened, disengage from the relationship, and seek
other friends
o I would feel deeply hurt and find it almost impossible to forgive completely
o I would feel hurt, hold my feelings inside, and avoid interacting with that
o I would express my anger and demand an apology

 As a child, I was:
o Quiet, easy-going, and/or lazy
o Well-behaved, caring, and/or depressed
o Happy, playful, and/or obnoxious
o Confident, determined, and/or outwardly demanding

 I was most likely known for being:

o Opinionated, determined, and/or bossy
o Compassionate, honest, and/or unforgiving
o Kind, pleasant, and/or unmotivated
o Charismatic, positive, and/or undisciplined

 As a young person, I generally was seen as:

o Contented, a voice of reason, and/or often overwhelmed
o Playful, enthusiastic, and/or irresponsible
o Proactive, action-oriented, and/or quick-tempered
o Concerned about others, sensitive, and/or hard to please

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