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The subject of the project: The role of the social media in business development The purpose of the

The purpose of this project is to investigate and understand the impact of social media on business
development and growth. We aim to explore how businesses use social media platforms to achieve
their goals and evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies.
Research Problems:
How are businesses using social media platforms for marketing and brand promotion?
What are the key success factors of using social media for business development?
What are the challenges and risks associated with incorporating social media into business
Possible assumptions:
Businesses that actively engage with social media for marketing and brand promotion will experience
higher growth rates.
Effective social media strategies such as content quality and engagement contribute significantly to
business growth.
There is a correlation between the frequency of social media updates and business growth.
Research Procedure:
Methods, Techniques and Research Tools:
• Literature review: An analysis of existing research and publications on the impact of social media
on business development.
• Surveys : Gathering data from businesses of various sizes to understand their social media
strategies and their impact.
• Case Studies: Examining specific businesses that have achieved significant growth through social
media efforts.
• Social media analytics tools: Using tools like Google Analytics and social media management
platforms to collect quantitative data.
Sample selection:The sample will consist of a variety of businesses, including startups, small and
medium-sized enterprises, and larger corporations, representing a variety of industries. It will be
stratified to ensure representation of different business sectors. The sample size will be
approximately 100 enterprises.
Following this plan, the project will provide insights into the role of social media in business
development and provide practical advice for businesses looking to harness the power of social
media for growth and success.

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