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Chapter 3: We know what to do

1. Giving Advices/Suggestions
Pertama akan kita bahas bagaimana cara memberikan nasehat maupun saran dalam bahasa
Inggris. Sebenarnya hampir sama dengan saran di bahasa kita, kalau di bahasa kita kan ada kata
kuncinya misal harus, seharusnya, sebaiknya dan yang lainnya.
Dalam bahasa Inggris pun nantinya kita akan mengenal modal verbs
seperti should (seharusnya atau sebaiknya). Seperti apa penerapannya? Simak berikut ya!

We will use more English now. You should greet me and your friends in English. You should ask
questions in English. You should answer questions in English. You should take leave in English, too.
But don’t worry, when you need, I’ll help you.

(Kita akan berbicara lebih banyak dengan bahasa Inggris. Kalian seharusnya memperkenalkanku dan
temanmu dengan bahasa Inggris. Kalian juga mengajukan pertanyaan dengan bahasa Inggris. Kalian
sebaiknya menjawab pertanyaan dengan bahasa Inggris. Kalian juga sebaiknya pamitan dengan
bahasa Inggris. Tapi, jangan khawatir, ketika kamu butuh, saya akan membantumu)

Pada penggalan teks di atas, teman-teman akan menemukan banyak modal verbs should yang bisa
diartikan seharusnya, sebaiknya atau harus, sesuai dengan konteks kalimatnya.
Berikut pola lengkapnya.
(+) S + Should+ V1
• You should ask questions in English (Kamu seharusnya bertanya dengan bahasa Inggris)
• Budi should draw flowers beautifully (Budi seharusnya menggambar bunga dengan indah)
(-) S + should not/shouldn’t+ V1
• You should not play a guitar in the classroom (Kamu seharusnya tidak bermain gitar dikelas)
• They shouldn’t play football in the schoolyard (Mereka tidak seharusnya bermain bola di halaman
(?) Should +S+ V1+?
• Should I speak English? (haruskah aku berbicara bahasa Inggris?)
Yes, you should (Ya, kamu harus)
• Should they wear uniform? (haruskah mereka memakai seragam?)
No, they shouldn’t (tidak, tidak harus)
Selain itu, teman-teman juga bisa loh menambahkannya dengan questions words what. berikut
• What should I do for you? (apa yang seharusnya saya lakukan untukmu?)
Should ini juga bisa digunakan dengan kata sifat, benda, maupun keterangan. Berikut rumusnya:
(+) S + Should+ be +noun/adjective/adverb
• You should be active in our class (Kamu seharusnya aktif dikelasku)
(-) S + should not/shouldn’t+ V1
• You should not be noisy in the class (Kamu tidak seharusnya gaduh dikelas)
2. Stating Obligation
Modal verb must juga bisa digunakan untuk memberikan nasehat, namun lebih tegas. Kata ini lebih
cocok digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kewajiban ataupun memberikan perintah. Untuk lebih
jelasnya, bisa simak penjelasannya sebagai berikut.
(+) S + must+ V1
• You must ask questions in English (Kamu harus bertanya dengan bahasa Inggris)
• Budi must draw flowers beautifully (Budi harus menggambar bunga dengan indah)
(-) S + must not/mustn’t+ V1
• You must not play a guitar in the classroom (Kamu tidak boleh bermain gitar dikelas)
• They mustn’t play football in the schoolyard (Mereka tidak boleh bermain bola di halaman sekolah)
(?) Must +S+ V1+?
• Must I speak English? (wajibkah aku berbicara bahasa Inggris?)
Yes, you must (Ya, kamu harus)
• Must they wear uniform? (wajibkah mereka memakai seragam?)
No, they mustn’t (tidak, tidak harus)
Should ini juga bisa digunakan dengan kata sifat, benda, maupun keterangan. Berikut rumusnya:
(+) S + must+ be +noun/adjective/adverb
• You must be active in our class (Kamu wajib aktif dikelasku)
(-) S + must not/mustn’t+ V1
• You must not be noisy in the class (Kamu tidak boleh gaduh dikelas)

Asking for advice Meminta nasihat

What do you think I should do? Menurut Anda apa yang harus saya lakukan?
What should I do? Apa yang harus saya lakukan?
What do you suggest? Apa yang Anda sarankan?
What would you advice us to do? Apa saran Anda agar kami lakukan?
What do you advise me to do? Apa saran Anda untuk saya lakukan?
If you were me what would you do? Jika kamu jadi aku, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?
What ought I to do? Apa yang harus saya lakukan?
Do you think that I should…? Apakah menurut Anda saya harus…?
Do you have any suggestions? Apakah Anda punya saran?
What would you do about ...? Apa yang akan Anda lakukan terhadap...?

Giving advice Memberi nasihat

If I were you I would/wouldn’t…. Jika aku jadi kamu, aku akan/tidak akan
If I were in your shoes/position I would… Jika saya berada di posisi/posisi Anda, saya akan
You had better/ you’d better….. Anda lebih baik/ sebaiknya
You should… Anda harus
Maybe you should… Mungkin kamu harus
Your only option is to…. Satu-satunya pilihan Anda adalah
Why don’t you…. Kenapa kamu tidak
Have you thought about…. Pernahkah Anda memikirkan tentang
Have you tried… Sudahkah Anda mencoba
I would recommend that you ... Saya akan merekomendasikan Anda
My advice would be to ... Saran saya adalah
May I suggest that we ... Bolehkah saya menyarankan agar kita
If I were you, I would ... Jika aku jadi kamu, aku akan

Accepting advice Menerima saran

Yes, I agree with that. Ya, saya setuju dengan itu

That sounds like a good idea! Kedengarannya itu ide yang bagus
I don't think that's a good idea. Menurutku itu bukan ide yang bagus
OK, why don't we do that. Oke, kenapa kita tidak melakukan itu
That's very interesting. Itu sangat menarik
Rejecting advice Menolak saran

I'm sorry, i can't agree with that. Maaf, saya tidak setuju dengan itu
I don't think we should do that. Menurutku kita tidak perlu melakukan itu
That's very interesting, but ... Itu sangat menarik, tapi...
I wish I could help. Saya harap saya bisa membantu
I'm afraid I can't really help you.. Saya khawatir saya tidak dapat membantu Anda

Contoh Percakapan 1
This conversation taking place at Iqbal’s bedroom
Mother : Iqbal…bal...oh my god. Wake up my dear. It’s Monday morning, don't you go
to school.
Iqbal : Mom, I have got a headache.
Mother : Let me check. You have got a high temperature. You should stay at home.
Iqbal : That sounds like a good idea!
Mother : Just a moment, I will call your daddy. You should go to a doctor.
Iqbal : No...Mom, I don't think that's a good idea.

Contoh Percakapan 2
This conversation taking place at the park
Aufa : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my wallet.
Tami : Don't be so sad my friend, let us search it around the park.
Aufa : I have looked for it for hours but I do not find it, do you have some ideas?
Tami : You had better tell the securities to announce it to other students.
Aufa : Yeah, that sounds good. I do hope it helps.
Tami : Let’s go.. !

Exercise: Answer the following questions!

Alex : You look unhealthy, Boy.
Bryan : Yes, I get a headache and a stomachache.
Alex : You should go to a doctor. Come on, I will accompany you.
Bryan : Ok.
1. The underlined words show ....
A. Agreement
B. Disagreement
C. Advice
D. Necessity
E. Plan

2. You should ............... to past the test.

A. Study hard
B. Studying
C. Studying hard
D. Studied
E. Studied hard
Andi : I have a bad headache.
Budi : You’d better ......................
3. Complete the dialogue above ....
A. Taking an aspirin
B. An aspirin
C. Take an aspirin
D. To take an aspirin
E. Took an aspirin

Amir : I am not good at English.

Budi : ..........................
4. Complete the dialogue above with an advice .....
A. I should practise English every day
B. Why don’t you take an English course and practise every day?
C. Do you like English ?
D. I must take an English course
E. You must sleep often

5. Mary failed again in the test. She ....................... harder.

A. Had better study
B. Need to study
C. Better study
D. Study
E. Studied.

6. I miss my grandparents. What ........................ I do now ?

A. Better
B. Had better
C. Should
D. Did
E. Do

Choose the Best Answer

1. All students . . . . . come to school at 7 a.m.

a. Should
b. Has to
c. Must
d. Have to

2. I think you . . . . . visit my parents this weekend. They say they miss you.
a. Have to
b. Should
c. Don't have to
d. Should not

3. Students . . . . . eat in classroom.

a. Should
b. Shouldn't
c. Mustn't
d. Must

4. Your daughter . . . . . stop eating sweets. It's not good for her health.
a. Should
b. Shouldn't
c. Must
d. Mustn't

5. They . . . . . park here. There is a "NO PARKING" sign.

a. Must not
b. Should
c. Must
d. Should not

6. You have final exams tomorrow. You . . . . study to get a good mark.
a. Should
b. Mustn't
c. Has to
d. Must

7. It's a casual event. We . . . . . wear formal dress.

a. Must
b. Should
c. Don't have to
d. Mustn't

8. Keenan is getting married. He . . . . . be very happy. He smiles all day.

a. Must
b. Has to
c. Should
d. Have to

9. We . . . . . collect our project by tomorrow to get A in Biology.

a. Must
b. Should
c. Mustn't
d. Shouldn't

10. You . . . . . eat more fruits and vegetables for your diet menu.
a. Must
b. Should not
c. Have to
d. Should

11. You look pale. You . . . . . go to clinic.

a. Have to
b. Mustn't
c. Should
d. Must
12. If you go to Paris, you . . . . . visit Eiffel Tower.
a. Must
b. Mustn't
c. Have to
d. Don't have to

13. This porridge is a little bit tasteless. We . . . . . add some salt.

a. Must
b. Should
c. Don't have to
d. Have to

14. The Aglio Olio pasta in that restaurant is amazing. You . . . . . taste it. You'll like it.
a. Have to
b. Should
c. Has to
d. Must

15. We . . . . . believe everything we read on online articles.

a. Mustn't
b. Shouldn't
c. Should
d. Must

16. I . . . . . come early to the railway station. My train leaves at 5 a.m.

a. Have to
b. Should
c. Has to
d. Must

17. What . . . . . we perform on the Farewell Party?

a. Have to
b. Has to
c. Must
d. Should

18. She . . . . . wake up early because she won't go to school today.

a. Doesn't have to
b. Don't have to
c. Should not
d. Mustn't

19. My son . . . . . go overseas to have an important meeting with his client.

a. Has to
b. Have to
c. Must
d. Should

20. We . . . . . have driving license to drive a car.

a. Must
b. Should
c. Have to
d. Has to

21. You . . . . . tell my secret I have just told you. Keep it dark.
a. Mustn't
b. Don't have to
c. Shouldn't
d. Doesn't have to

22. The students . . . . . pay more attention to the teacher's explanation.

a. Have to
b. Don't have to
c. Should not
d. Should

23. All visitors . . . . . feed the animals.

a. Mustn't
b. Should not
c. Must
d. Should

24. You . . . . . be burdened on that competition. Just do your best.

a. Should
b. Shouldn't
c. Must
d. Mustn't

25. It's sunny outside. You . . . . . go out and enjoy the weather.
a. Should
b. Must
c. Have to
d. Has to

26. He . . . . . wash the car. I can do it for him.

a. Doesn't have to
b. Has to
c. Have to
d. Don't have to

27. You . . . . . come to my house if you don't feel well.

a. Doesn't have to
b. Mustn't
c. Don't have to
d. Must

28. I think it's going to be rain this afternoon. You . . . . . bring an umbrella.
a. Must
b. Should
c. Have to
d. Has to
29. My mom says I . . . . . play more with my pet when I am bored.
a. Has to
b. Have to
c. Must
d. Should

30. All female students . . . . . wear make up to school.

a. Don't have to
b. Doesn't have to
c. Mustn't
d. Shouldn't

Answer key
Soal must, have to dan should pilihan ganda (modals of obligations)

1 c 6 a 11 d 16 d 21 a 26 a
2 b 7 c 12 a 17 d 22 a 27 c
3 c 8 a 13 d 18 a 23 a 28 c
4 a 9 a 14 d 19 a 24 b 29 b
5 a 10 d 15 b 20 a 25 a 30 c

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