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A Long-Time Dream Fulfilled

Traveling is not my thing, but as decades pass, I dream of experiencing it,

especially when adolescence comes into our lives. I have this place that I want to go
through. Hence, due to lots of unnecessary things that happen in my life. My plan to go
there had consistently been rescinded. Later on, on the 22nd day of July 2023, traveling
to the Summer Capital of the Philippines was my dream come true. Traveling to Baguio
is a unique and dazzling experience, especially I am with my loved ones. Adolescence is
one of the crucial things to happen in a person's life. Toxicity and challenges anywhere
can drain us. It will test our lives on how we deal with it. Therefore, some people choose
to go to a place where they can breathe out. Similarly, Baguio is the ideal place to go.

Baguio is a must-visit location in the Philippines since it offers an alluring fusion

of natural beauty, cultural encounters, and culinary excursions. A tranquil getaway from
city life was made possible by the picturesque views of terraced hillside and dense pine
forests along the winding mountain roads that led to this highland hideaway. The moment
when I arrived in Baguio, I felt the cold mountain air energized my senses and promised
days of rest and exploration. The first destination that we went to was the SM Mall
Baguio. Next in line is Burnham Park, with its quiet lake for boating and charming
gardens, which gave moments of peace. The Bamboo Forest or Eco Park is another
location we went through. The bamboo forest is one of my favorite in Baguio since I feel
the ambiance of the past. The bamboo tree is very relaxing in my eyes. Sadly, I did not
experience Baguio's bustling market, which is known as a notably the Baguio Public
Market and Night Market. Overall, my trip to Baguio was a seamless synthesis of scenic
beauty, cultural discovery, and culinary adventure that left me with priceless memories of
this alluring Philippine treasure.

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