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Exercise 1.8.

Assessing the Importance of Primary Sources in Understanding the Grand Narrative of
Philippine History.

Name: Terrence E. Ferriol Section: GED103-A76

Instructions: Give three reasons why the Acta de la Proclamacion de la Independencia del
Pueblo Filipino is important to the grand narrative of Philippine history.

1. The Philippine Declaration of Independence, also known as "Acta de la proclamación de

Independencia del pueblo Filipino," is an essential document in our history because it

outlines our desire for freedom, tells the tales of the sacrifices made by our ancestors who

fought for our nation, and provides some critical information about past rebellions.

2. It confirms the declaration's legitimacy and gives the reader more details about the people

who signed the document and how the event ultimately played out. The declaration and the

book's publication signaled the beginning of the Philippines' independent rule.

3. It honors the declaration of the Filipinos' freedom from Spanish colonial rule.

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