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First Quarter Examination
SY: 2022 - 2023
General Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully.
Multiple Choice: In your ANSWER SHEET ,shade the letter of the correct answer .

1. Chemistry, biology, earth sciences and physics are example of what categories of human knowledge?
A. Natural Science B. Social Science C. Humanities D. Applied professions
2. The domain that attempts to explain and describe human behaviour in society.
A. Natural Science B. Social Science C. Humanities D. Applied professions
3. Arts, music and literature are examples of under the field of ___________.
A. Natural Science B. Social Science C. Humanities D. Applied professions
4. Economic: Social Science while Physics: ___________.
A. Humanities B. Natural Science C. Social science D. Science and Technology
5. Why is social science significant in the society?
A. It may help researcher to control and predict the nature.
B. It may help the people in the field of science to understand the phenomena
C. It may help people to understand and appreciate the nature as a whole
D. It may help researcher solve the complexities of human behavior.
6. Which of the following statements is TRUE about social science?
A. Social sciences is also called the “hard sciences”
B. Social sciences aims to attempts to understand nature’s problem
C. Social sciences do not use scientific method
D. Social sciences can be said to be study of human system
7. Which of the following does NOT belong to social science?
A. Biology B. Anthropology C. Economics D. Sociology
8. What makes the difference between the natural sciences and social sciences?
A. Scientific method applies only in natural science
B. The uncertainty of data or outputs the doing research, natural science is quantitative data while social
science is qualitativedata.
C. Human behaviour is the main focus of natural science while social science is on natural
D. None of the above.
9. Which of the following describes society?
A. People living together in organized communities while sharing the same traditions and norms.
B. Societal relations
C. Smallest administrative division
D. Both B and C

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10. Which of the following describes the aim of natural science?

A. Aims to understand human behaviour
B. Aims to study and predict human society
C. Aims to explain and predict various phenomena in nature
D. Both A and B
11. The hardened remains of plants and animals that lived in the past.
A. Fossil B. Skull C. Skeleton D. Cell
12. Identify what discipline of the social sciences has the following objective.Identify what discipline of
the social sciences has the following objective.To know the evolution of human kind.
A. Sociology B. Economic C. Psychology D. Anthropology
13. To Understand language variation (dialects).
A. Sociology B. Economic C. Linguistics D. Anthropology
14.To effectively allocate goods and services for the consumption of people.
A. Demography B. Economics C. Linguistics D. Geography
15. To understand how the natural environment affects the lives of people.
A. Demography B. Political Science C. Linguistics D. Geography
16. With the following stated social problem, identify which discipline may be inclined to address the
issue. A high level of underemployment is being experienced by newly graduate despite having
baccalaureate degrees.
A. Economics B. Political Science C. Geography D. Demography
17. There is a need to know what happened to the once mighty Khmer Empire in Cambodia.
A. Sociology B. History C. Anthropology D. Linguistics
18. The Callao Man may be the ancestors of early people in the Philippines.
A. Sociology B. History C. Anthropology D. Linguistics
19. In Geography, the following are the distinct field of the discipline, EXCEPT _____________.
A. Physical Geography B. Human Geography C. Geomorphology D. Morphology
20. What discipline will you apply if you want to concentrate on how a particular society solves its
problem of scarcity of resources?
A. Sociology B. History C. Anthropology D. Economics
21. Which of the following does NOT belong to the five themes of geography?
A. Location B. Place C. Genetics D. Region
22. Which discipline of social science concerns about the earth’s atmosphere and physical surface?
A. History B. Political science C. Sociology D. Geography
23. The branch of linguistics with the areas of interest on external view of language.
A. General Linguistics B. Macroeconomics C. Phonetics D. Morphology
24. A branch of linguistics which is about the study on how these words are formed into phrase.
A. Syntax B. Political science C. Phonology D. Phonetics
25. Deals with both theory and practice of politics.
A., Sociology B. Political sciences C. Demography D. Geography
26. Which particular area that political scientists study?
A. Political Theory B. Historical Politics C. Environmental politics D. Social Politics
27. A field of study dealing with systematic study of patterns of human interaction.
A. Political Science B. Psychology C. Sociology D. Linguistics
a28. What area of sociology concerns about social institutions, group, inequality and ethic group?
A. Social Organization B. Human ecology C. Applied sociology D. Social Psychology
29. In essence, it is the study of soul but some would define this discipline as the “study of behaviour
and mentalprocesses”.
A. Linguistics B. Politics C. Psychology D. Physiology

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30. It is said that psychology has four important goals, which of the following is NOT included?
A. Describe B. Explain C. Predict D. Apply
31. Daisy is a psychologist her main interest on psychology was about the pattern of thoughts, feelings
and behaviour that makes a person unique. What branch of psychology is being referred to the
A. Social psychology B. Personality psychology
C. Cognitive psychology D. Development psychology.
32. This discipline describes the composition of population according to its basic socio economic features
which include sex, age, family and household status.
A. Economics B. Demography C. Sociology D. History
33. The branch of history to which the theme is about military affairs, strategies, doctrine and armed
A. Cultural history B. Military history C. Diplomatic history D. Economic History
34. Which theme of geography shows the exact point on earth on earth’s surface where something is
A. Absolute location B. Relative location C. Place D. Movement
35. Movement of goods: truck. Movement of ideas:_______________.
A. Car B. Ship C. Bus D. Letter
36. What theme of geography shows on the statement? The characteristics that make one place
different from all places on earth?
A. Location B. Place C. Movement D. Relationship
37. A situation wherein the amount of something available is insufficient to satisfy the desire for it.
A. Scarcity B. Resource C. Wants D. Needs
38. What concern of economics show on the statement. The use of goods and services.
A. Production B. Consumption C. Distribution D. Public finance
39. Why economics is considered as a science?
A. Because it is an organized body of truth, coordinated, arranged and systematized.
B. Because it seeks to explain the economic event using some kind of logic based on set of systematic
C. Because the subject matter of economics is people or societies.
D. Both A and B
40. Which is the essence of studying economics?
A. To understand the world better. B. To achieve social change
C. To help prepare for another careers D. All of the above
41. Which of the following is TRUE about sociology?
A. deals with both theory and practice of politics
B. Deals with the nature of human behaviors.
C. Study of human population
D. Deals with systematic study of pattern of human interactions.
42. Sociology came from the Latin word socius and logos meaning_____________
A. Study of comrade or associate B. Study of word
C. study of expression D. Study of soul
43. Which of the following is NOT included to the branches of Psychology?
A. Abnormal psychology B. Behavioral psychology C. Comparative psychology D. Stylistics
44. What interest shows on urban Anthropology?
A. Issues of inner cities such as poverty, immigration, and social stratification
B. Relationship between culture and health or diseases
C. Distribution of goods and resources within and between cultures

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D. Both B and C
45. What interest shows on the discipline of physical anthropology, Forensic Anthropology?
A. Skeletal remains B. Non-human primates
C. Human evolution D. Analysis and identification of human remains
46. Which of the following is included to cultural anthropology?
A. Medical Anthropology B. Osteology C. Palaeontology D. Genetics.
47. Sub discipline of cultural anthropology which interest is about distribution of goods and resources
with and betweencultures.
A. Urban Anthropology B. Medical Anthropology
C. Economic Anthropology D. None of the above
48. History is one of the oldest of social science. Who were the first writers of history?
A. Latin B. Greeks C. Spanish D. French
49. Which of the following is TRUE about the emergence of Psychology?
A. Thomas Malthus established the first psychological laboratory
B. The key personalities on psychology were Herodotus, Thucydides, and Ban Gu
C. 19thcentury saw the emergence of psychology
D. In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychological laboratory
50. What possible track when you go to the field of History?
A. Bank Officer B. Tour guide C. Criminology. D.statistician

“Do the best you can until you know better.

Then when you know better,do better.”
-Maya Angelou


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