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How does group work benefit students more than individual work?

1. Introduction
1.1 Background to the study.

In recent times, education has become varied teaching to make the students get the best ways
to improve and complete the quality of learning. Two methods popular these days are
working in groups and working individually. The benefits of both have varied effects on each
other's learning quality. Most of the teaching methods at every university choosing work
together in a group to warrant the quality of effective learning.

To begin with, it is observable that learning in a group is very beneficial because of the
sharing of ideas and the acquisition of new experiences. If one colleague has a tendency to be
more reserved or reticent to contribute ideas, it's critical to establish a safe environment
where everyone can feel at ease contributing their own talents and developing the strengths
of each other (Kisubi, 2021). We are there to share our unique and occasionally wacky ideas
in an effort to both benefit others and to obtain feedback on those ideas in order to better and
learn (Ockerman). When working in groups, everyone has their own ideas from which others
may gain a lot of knowledge(Reddy, 2019). Each student always has strengths and
weaknesses, learning in a group can improve their weakness and progress together. Members
of a group share ideas and knowledge with each other then their skills learned will improve
through effective learning in a group. Everyone can share the skills together to make them
become the best piece of a team.

In addition, it can be argued that working in a group trains increases your ability to
communicate, which makes the best quality of learning in a group. Effective team
communication helps team members become more knowledgeable and competent at their
tasks (Ahmed). Groups foster creative thinking. Two heads are better than one and also a
learning group effective than an individual (Burke, 2011). This opportunity can help other
shy students become more flexible in communication. Learning groups develop our
confidence, connection, and create the logical thinking.Working in a group increases our
possibilities and opens more logical thinking.

However, learning in a group may not work, because there is no uniformity and a lack of
cohesion between the members. The different ideas have not unified in a certain way, which
happen conflict between the members and the leader. Moreover, some negative members of
the team can affect the others to make bad results for the team.When something goes wrong,
team members may have the possibility to blame each other(Ansary, 2021). This conflict has
the potential to halt progress as long as the issue is not fixed(Jha, M. D). It might be
challenging for some group members to accept any further recommendations or thoughts. A
leader in the team must lead the members to make the right things and sure quality.
On the other hand, although teamwork abilities are increasingly valued, successful individual
work is still possible. While working alone, the aim is under one's control. There wouldn't be
anybody else to break the flow. Nobody is going to disagree with the decisions taken. One
may decide when to begin and when to finish a task(Reddy, 2019). As a result of not having
to take into account the opinions of others, working alone may make it simpler for you to
focus and complete tasks much more quickly(IET). Introverts tend to prefer independent
work, as they are highly focused and don't want to be distracted by other individuals(Ansary,
2021). Individual work is frequently more prepared and ready to put our best effort into the
activity since we are aware that we receive full credit for success and carry all blame for
failure. The individual working style has some restrictions as well. There is a lot of pressure
when you have a heavy task. It's easy to become despondent and lack enthusiasm while
dealing with challenges or impasses that only you can resolve.

1.2 Aim of the study

This study intends to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of two methods. Each of
these serves a distinct purpose in learning courses. The literature review, the research
methodology, and the findings from the distribution of the questionnaires are presented in the
following sequence in this work.The results show that almost the student choose to work
together. According to these findings, the study determined the necessary parts to help to
improve the performance of university students' project courses.

1.3 Research question

How does group work benefit students more than individual work?

1.4 Significance of the study

This study aims to investigate the confusion of students at Van Lang University when picking
the methods that bring more benefits for project courses. Through the thesis, students believe that
if the instructor increases more opportunities for students to group work, they will develop their
confident selves. They share our unique and occasionally wacky ideas in an effort to both
benefits others and to obtain feedback on those ideas in order to better and learn (Ockerman).
When working in groups, everyone has their own ideas from which others may gain a lot of
knowledge(Reddy, 2019). Everyone can share the skills together to make them become the best
piece of a team. Moreover, we must to know balance the contributions of the individual and the
group. Both group projects and individual work have significant benefits. The research intends to
demonstrate the effectiveness, and superiority of the two methods, and consider the difficuties of
the project before the intructor give for students to balance two methods for the success of
project courses.

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