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Mental Health

What is Awareness of Mental Health?
Because of misunderstandings regarding mental health and mental fitness, people can suffer in silence while
their illnesses go untreated. An important social movement called "mental health awareness" was started with
the goal of increasing knowledge and accessibility of healthcare.
The goals of awareness include de-stigmatization and psychoeducation. Fear or misinformation are typically
the causes of stigmas surrounding mental health. Unfortunately, this combination may encourage a negative
impression of persons experiencing mental health issues to keep quiet and refuse to seek treatment.
Why Is It Important to Raise Mental Health Awareness?
1. Helps You Understand Your Mental Health Symptoms Especially with mental health conditions, which are
difficult to pinpoint, a diagnosis can be incredibly validating. ...
2. Reduces Mental Health Stigma Mental illness isn’t widely talked about in many communities due to a
lasting stigma that surrounds it. ...
3. Better Mental Health Knowledge ...
4. Promotes Mental Wellbeing

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