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Danielle P.


September 15, 2022

Psychoanalytical/Dynamic Theory



What I know is that every student has its own unique personality and they have differences in nature so they
cannot be treated alike in teaching learning process, and psychological foundations of education is based on
these individual differences. Psychology plays a vital role in teaching-learning process. It helps in all the
processes in the development processes of curriculum from the methods of teaching, the selection of
contents of subjects, and the methods and theories of learning, the overall development of the students and
to inculcate the norms of the society in the students.


I learned that psychoanalytic/dynamic theory is comprised with three theories which are (1)
psychosexual/psychoanalytical theory of Sigmund Freud, (2) psychosocial theory/ model of personality by Erik
Erikson, and (3) cognitive theory by Jean Piaget.

Sigmund Freud was the originator of psychoanalytical approach in which he attempted to explain by
understanding the mind at its different levels, its motivation and conflicts. He described human mind with the
help of two models: topographic model that explains human mind consist of conscious, preconscious, and
subconscious mind; and psychic triad which are the id, ego and superego. Freud also described six stages of
psychosexual development which are the oral, anal, urethral, phallic, latency, and genital.

Erik Erikson on the other hand concentrated on child’s development covering the entire span of life cycle from
infancy to childhood through old age. He emphasized the conscious self as much as unconscious instincts. He
also described 8 stages of life cycle in which each stage demands resolution before the next stage can be
satisfactorily negotiated.

Jean Piaget formulated his theory on how children and adolescents think and acquire knowledge. He directly
observed children by questioning them about their thinking. According to Piaget, the environment does not
change the child’s behavior, but the child and adult actively seek to understand the environment.

An Advantage of Freud’s theory is that it is one of the earliest and most comprehensive theories of life long
psychological development. But he formulated his theory by extensive studies on adult psychological patients
and hence its extrapolation to children is not very justified. His theory is based on obsessed observations of
the psychologist. A merit of Erikson’s theory is that it is easy to apply at any stage of development since it is
based on age, a wise classification. It is also simple and comprehensive to understand. But it is based on
extreme ends of personality. Piaget’s theory is also one of the most comprehensive theories of cognitive
development. But I think the demerit of Piaget’s theory is that it underestimates children’s abilities,
overestimates age differences in thinking and it underestimates role of social environment.

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