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Future Simple i Future Continuous -

porównanie - ćwiczenia
Nie zawsze łatwo jest zdecydować, który czas przyszły wybrać - Future Simple czy Future
Continuous. Jeśli nie jesteś pewien, jakie zasady rządzą stosowaniem tych dwóch
konstrukcji gramatycznych, zajrzyj na do zakładki Gramatyka.

Porównanie czasów Future Simple i Future Continuous - testy

do rozwiązywania
Nasze ćwiczenia na porównanie czasów Future Simple i Future Continuous pozwolą Ci
przećwiczyć różnicę w ich użyciu. Pobierz nasz zestaw, rozwiąż go i samodzielnie sprawdź
odpowiedzi w załączonym kluczu.

Ćwiczenie 1
Wybierz poprawną opcję.

1. Wait for me in front of the cinema. I promise I won’t arrive / won’t be arriving late.
2. On Saturday at 5 am the children will sleep / will be sleeping.
3. What will John do / will John be doing if his plan doesn’t work?
4. A: “I can’t find my glasses.” B: “Wait, I will help / will be helping find them.
5. I hope it won’t rain / won’t be raining when we arrive.
6. Where will we meet / will we be meeting before the trip?
7. Don’t call Ann now. She will study / she will be studying.
8. At this time tomorrow we will sunbathe / will be sunbathing on a beautiful beach in
9. Will you lend / will you be lending me some money, please?
10. When we come back Jackie will cook / will be cooking dinner.

Ćwiczenie 2
Uzupełnij luki czasownikami w nawiasach w poprawnej formie.

1. Janet _______________________ (not stay) with us for long. Only a few weeks.
2. The soldiers _______________________ (help) the people escape the flooded area
all night.
3. I’ve missed the bus. I _______________________ (have to wait) for the next one.
4. Winter is coming. We _______________________ (prepare) our garden for it soon.
5. _______________________ (you / tidy) the bathroom, please?
6. When you visit me, I _______________________ (prepare) something delicious to
7. Why don’t you visit us tonight? We _______________________ (not do) anything
8. Alice says she _______________________ (never understand) her
manager’s decision.
9. When _______________________ (the mechanic / finally / fix) our car?
10. Road workers _______________________ (fix) our street all day tomorrow.

Ćwiczenie 3
Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.

1. My dad _______________________ (będzie pracował) in the garden all morning.

2. _______________________ (Czy będziesz używał) your laptop now?
3. Go straight to Mr Black’s office. _______________________ (Będzie czekał na
4. I’ve lost a lot of weight and changed the colour of my hair recently. I’m afraid aunt
Lucy _______________________ (nie rozpozna mnie) at the airport.
5. _______________________ (Czy pomożesz mi) do my English homework?
6. From seven till eight Mary _______________________ (będzie spacerować) with her
dog in a park.
7. The students _______________________ (będą uczyć się) for the final exams all
8. If you promise to keep it a secret, _______________________ (powiem ci coś)
9. _______________________ (Nie powiem) anyone about your problems, I promise.
10. _______________________ (Co będziecie robić) tomorrow at 8 am?

Ćwiczenie 4
Znajdź i popraw błędy w zdaniach. Uwaga! Niektóre zdania są poprawne!

1. Tony says he will be studying medicine when he finishes high school.

2. In a few minutes Ellen will giving a performance.
3. Our children will be decorate the Christmas tree all afternoon.
4. I will call you as soon as I get home.
5. The politicians will be debating between 9 and 11 am.
6. Will you be taking the dog for a walk, please?
7. I hope the sun will shine when I get to Greece.
8. Be careful or you will be trip over the rocks.
9. If you are hugry, I’ll make some sandwiches.
10. I’m so tired. I think I’ll be just watch a few episodes of my favourite show.

Future Simple i Future Continuous - klucz

3. He will be waiting
Ćwiczenie 1 4. won’t recognize
1. won’t arrive 5. Will you help me
2. will be sleeping 6. will be walking
3. will John do 7. will be learning/studying
4. will help 8. I will tell you something
5. won’t be raining 9. I won’t tell
6. will we meet 10. What will you be doing
7. she will be studying
8. will be sunbathing Ćwiczenie 4
9. Will you lend 1. Tony says he will study medicine when
10. will be cooking he finishes high school.
2. In a few minutes Ellen will be giving a
Ćwiczenie 2 performance.
1. won’t be staying long 3. Our children will be decorating the
2. will be helping Christmas tree all afternoon.
3. will have to wait 4. zdanie poprawne
4. will be preparing 5. zdanie poprawne
5. Will you tidy 6. Will you take the dog for a walk,
6. will prepare please?
7. won’t be doing 7. I hope the sun will be shining when I
8. will never understand get to Greece.
9. will the mechanic finally fix 8. Be careful or you will trip over the
10. will be fixing rocks.
9. zdanie poprawne
10. I’m so tired. I think I’ll just watch a few
Ćwiczenie 3
episodes of my favourite show.
1. will be working
2. Will you be using

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