Impact of Behavioral Finance in Investme

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat.

2013 Amar Kumar Chaudhary, 2013

ISSN 2319-345X

Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2013
© 2013 IJMRBS. All Rights Reserved


Amar Kumar Chaudhary1*

*Corresponding Author: Amar Kumar Chaudhary, 

In present changing economic scenario, investment in various companies has become complex
as people invested large sum of money even when there is a little change of company being
profitable. Most of the investors have rational expectations and maximize their utility. However,
behavioral economist argues based on their active studies that market are not efficient, especially
in the short-run and people do not make rational decisions to maximize profits. Human beings
are susceptible to numerous behavioral anomalies which became counter productive to the
wealth maximization principles leading to irrational behavior. This paper examines the meaning
and importance of behavioral finance and its application in investment decisions. This article
has also discussed some trading approaches for investors in stocks and bonds to assist them
in manifesting and controlling their psychological roadblocks.

Keywords: Irrational emotions, Over-confidence, Cognitive dissonance

speculations and sale low on panic mood.

Psychological studies reveal that the pain of losing
Classical investment theories are based on the money from investment is really three times
assumption that investors always act in a manner greater than the joy of earning money. Emotions
that maximizes their return. Yet a number of such as fear and greed often play a pivotal role in
research show that investors are not always so investor’s decision; there are also other causes
rational. Human become puzzled when the of irrational behavior. It is observed that stock price
uncertainty regarding investment decision engulfs moves up and down on a daily basis without any
them. People are not always rational and markets change in fundamental of economies. It is also
are not always efficient. Behavioral finance observed that people in the stock market move
explains why individual do not always make the in herds and this influence stock price.
decisions they are expected to make and why Theoretically markets are efficient but in practice,
markets do not reliably behave as they are they never move efficiently. For example, a
expected to behave. Recent research shows that reputed company announces a mega investment
the average investors make decisions based on in an emerging area over next few years, the stock
emotion, not logic; most investor’s buy high on price of the company starts moving up imme-

Registrar, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India-834001.

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Amar Kumar Chaudhary, 2013

diately without looking into the prospects, return of psychology and economics to explain why and
or the amount of investment to be made in this how people make seemingly irrational or illogical
project. That is how the behavior of investor moves decisions, why they save, invest, spend and
the stock price. borrow money.
Shefrin (2001) says, behavioral finance is the
study of how psychology affects financial decision
Meaning making and financial markets.
Behavioral finance is a relatively new field that
Verma (2004) has defined behavioral finance
seeks to combine behavioral and cognitive
tries to understand how people forget
psychological theory with conventional economic
fundamentals and make investment based on
and finance to provide explanations for why people
make irrational financial decisions. It is very
popular in stock market across the world for Swell (2005) asserts that behavioral finance
investment decisions. is the study of the influence of psychology on the
behavior of financial practitioners and the
subsequent effect on markets. Further in 2007,
he has stated that behavioral finance challenges
the theory of market efficiency by providing
insights into why and how market can be
inefficient due to irrationality in human behavior.
Forbes (2009) has defined behavioral finance
as a science regarding how psychology
Behavioral finance is the study of psychology influences financial market. This view emphasizes
and sociology on the behavior of the financial that the individuals are affected by psychological
practitioners and the subsequent effect on the factors like cognitive biases in their decision-
security market. It helps to understand why people making, rather than being rational and wealth
buy or sell stock without doing fundamental
analysis and behave irrationally in investment
decisions. Thus, behavioral finance is the application of
scientific research on the psychological, social
Some important definitions of behavioral
and emotional contributions to market participants
finance are summarized below:
and market price trends. It also studies the
Olsen (1998): “Behavioral finance seeks to psychological and sociological factors that
understand and predict systematic financial influence the financial decision making process
market implications of psychological decision of individual groups and entities.
Belsky and Gilowich (1999) have referred to
behavioral finance as a behavioral economics and Though the literature of behavioral finance are
further defined as combining the twin discipline very large, it is proposed to present some

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Amar Kumar Chaudhary, 2013

empirical case studies to focus light insight to Jay R Ritter (2003) has given a brief
behavioral finance and its application in decision- introduction of behavioral finance published in
making. Pacific Basin Finance Journal. In his research
Tversky and Kahneman who were recognized article, he rejected the traditional assumption of
as the father of behavioral finance can be best expected utility maximization with rational
explained in different phases by their works. In investors in efficient market. The two building
1979, they presented a paper regarding critique blocks of behavioral finance are cognitive
of Expected Utility Theory which found out psychology (How People Think) and the limit of
empirically that people underweight outcomes that arbitrage (when market will be inefficient). The
are merely probable in comparison with outcomes article further highlights many empirical patterns
that are obtained with certainty; also that the like stock market bubbles in Japan, Taiwan and
people generally discard components that are the US.
shared by all prospects under consideration. Simon Gervais (2009) in “Behavioral Finance;
Under prospect theory, value is assigned to gain Capital Budgeting and Other Investment
and losses rather than to final assets: also Decision”, he has made a survey of literature on
probabilities are replaced by decision weights. the effects of behavioral biases on capital
The theory which they confirmed by experiment budgeting.
predicts a distinctive fourfold pattern of risk
In this paper, a large body of psychological
attitudes, risk aversion for gains of moderate to
literature finds that the people tend to be over-
high probability and losses of low probability and
risk seeking for gains of low probability and losses confident and overly optimistic. This literature find
of moderate of high probability. that the biased managers over-invest their firms
cash flows, initiate too many mergers, start more
In 1981, they introduced the concept of framing.
firms and more noval projects and tend to stick
They showed that the psychological principles
with unproductive investment policies longer.
that govern the perception of decision problems
Corrective measures to reduce the effect of
and to evaluation of probabilities and outcomes
manager biases include learning, inflated
produced predictable shifts of preference when
discount rate and contractual incentives but their
the same problem is framed in different ways.
effectiveness in curbing over investment appears
De Bondt and Thaler (1985) published article: to be limited.
“Does the Stock Market Over-react?” in a Journal
Above are some of the literature reviewed in
of Finance. They propounded that the people are
behavioral finance which highlights how the
systematically over-reacting to unexpected and
individual irrational behavior have impact on
dramatic news results in substantially weak form
investment decisions. Causes of Behavioral
inefficiencies in the stock market. Mental
Finance or Why Behavioral Finance?
accounting is a set of cognitive operations used
by individuals and households to organize Some of the common causes of Behavioral
evaluate and keep track of financial activities. Finance are described below:

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Amar Kumar Chaudhary, 2013

Anchoring conformity. Most people do not want to be outcast

The assumption of rationality says that our from the group they belong. Secondly, there is a
thoughts and opinion should always based on common rational that a large group is unlikely to
relevant and fact. In reality, however, this is not be wrong. Purchasing stocks based on price
always so rather. People have a tendency to momentum while ignoring basic economic
attach or “anchor” their thoughts to a reference principles of supply and demand is known in the
point even though that may hardly have any logical behavioral finance arena as herd behavior and
association with the decision at hand. Although that leads to faulty decision. In the late 1990s,
the company is making more money, its stock Venture capitalist and private investors were
price does not rise because investor assume that frantically investing huge amount of money into
the change is earning is only temporary. Thus, internet related companies, even though most of
the investor remain anchored to their previous
them did not have financially sound business
view of the companies potential profitability
because they have under-reacted to the new,
positive information. This does not mean that Over and Under-Reaction
investors will never move away from their initial Disproportionate reaction to news, both good and
reference point or anchor. They will realize that bad has been often seem in the financial market.
the company is likely to continue to be more They tend to become more optimistic when the
profitable in the future and that its stock is probably market goes up and more pessimistic when the
an attractive potential investment. market goes down. Irrational optimism and
unjustified pessimism are shown in over and
under-reaction of investors.
People are generally overconfident regarding their
ability and knowledge. They tend to Loss Aversion
underestimate the imprecision of their beliefs or It means that investor is risk seeker when faced
forecasts, and they tend to overestimate their with respect of loss, but becomes risk averse
ability. Terrence Odean I his research found that when faced with the prospects of enjoying gains.
overconfident investors generally conduct more Khaneman has said that investors are “Loss
trade as they believe they are better than others aversion”. This ‘Loss Aversion’ means that people
at choosing the best stocks and best times to are willing to take more risks to avoid loss than to
enter or exist a position. Thus, overconfidence realize gain.
can cause investors to under-react to new
Behavioral Finance and Investment
information and that leads to earn significantly
lower yields than the market.
Behavioral finance seeks to find how investor’s
Herd Behavior emotions and psychology affect investment
Herd behavior is the tendency of individual to follow decisions. It is the study of how people in general
the actions (rational or irrational) of a larger group. and investors in particular make common errors
This herd mentality is the result of two reasons. in their financial decision due to their emotions. It
Firstly, there may be a social pressure of is nothing but the study of why otherwise rational

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Amar Kumar Chaudhary, 2013

people take some really thumb investment between cognition. Festinger theory of cognitive
decisions. dissonance states that individual attempts to
reduce inner conflict in one of the two ways: (i)
Decision making is a process of choosing best
he changes his past values, feelings or options;
alternatives among a number of alternatives. This
and (ii) he attempts to justify or rationalize his
decision has come out after a proper evaluation
choice. This theory may apply to investors and
of all the alternatives. Decision making is the most
traders in the stock market who attempt to
complex and challenging activity of investors.
rationalize contradictory behaviors, so that they
Every investor differs from the others in all
seem to follow naturally from personal values or
aspects due to various factors like demographic
view point.
factor, socioeconomic background, educational
level, sex, age and race. An optimum investment In “Financial Cognitive Dissonance”, we
decision plays an active role and is a significant change our investment styles or beliefs to support
consideration. our financial decisions. For instance, investors
who followed a traditional investment style
Investor is a rational being who will always act
(fundamental analysis) by evaluating companies
to maximize his financial gain. Yet we are not
using financial criteria such as, profitability
rational being; we are human being; an integral
measures, especially, profit/earning ratios, started
part of this humanness is the emotion within us.
to change their investment beliefs. Many individual
Indeed, we make most of our life decisions on
investors purchased retail internet companies in
purely emotional considerations.
which these financial measures could not be
In the financial world, investor’s sometimes applied. Since these companies has no financial
base their decisions on irrelevant figures and track record, very little revenues and no net losses.
statistics, e.g., some investor may invest in the These traditional investors rationalized the
stock that have witnessed considerable fall after change in their investment style (past beliefs) in
a continuous growth in recent past. They believe two ways: the first argument by many investor is
that price has fallen which is only due to short- the belief (argument) that we are now in a “new
term market movements, creating an opportunity economy” in which the traditional financial rules
to buy the stock cheap. However, in reality, stocks no longer apply. This is usually the point and the
do quite often also decline in value due to changes economic cycle in which the stock market
in their underlying fundamentals. reaches its peak. The second action that displays
Cognitive dissonance is the perception of cognitive dissonance is ignoring traditional form
incompatibility between two cognitions, which can of investing and buying these internet stock simply
be defined as any element of knowledge including based on price momentum.
attitude, emotion, belief or behavior. The theory Regret theory states that an individual
of cognitive dissonance holds that contradicting evaluates his or her expected reactions to a future
cognition serve as a driving force that compels event or situations. Psychologists have found that
the mind to acquire or invent new thoughts or individuals who make decision that turn out badly
beliefs or to modify existing beliefs, so as to have more regret when that decision was more
reduce the amount of dissonance (conflict) unconventional. This theory can also be applied

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Amar Kumar Chaudhary, 2013

to the area of investor psychology within the stock Strategies for Overcoming Behavioral
market, whether an investor has contemplated Finance
purchasing a stock or mutual fund which has In recent years, behavioral finance is becoming
declined or not, actually purchasing the intended an integral part of decision-making process
security will cause the investor to experience an because it heavily influences the investor’s
performance. Understanding behavioral finance
emotional reaction. Investors may avoid selling
will help the investor to select a better investment
stocks that have declined in value in order to avoid
instrument and they can avoid repeating the
the regret of having made a bad investment
expensive error in future. They can improve their
choice and the discomfort of reporting the loss.
performance by recognizing their biases and
In addition, the investor sometimes finds it easier
errors of judgement to which we are all prone.
to purchase the “hot or popular stock of the week”.
The main issue of studying behavioral finance is
In essence, the investor is just following “the how to minimize or eliminate the psychological
crowd”. Therefore, the investor can rationalize his biases in investment decisions of the investors.
or her investment choice more easily if the stock
After an extensive study of the literature on
or mutual fund declines substantially in value. The
behavioral finance, it is believed that its perfect
investor can reduce emotional reactions or
application could make a successful investor
feelings since a group of individual investors also
making fewer mistakes.
lost money on the same bad investment. In
investing, the fear of regret can make investor Several psychological and behavioral factors
either risk averse or motivate them to take greater influence investors in decision making. Various
risk. safeguards are needed to control mental error
and psychological roadblocks while invest in
Prospect theory deals with the idea that people
stocks and mutual funds. A disciplined trading
do not always behave rationally. There are strategy is required to control these mental
different psychological factors which motivate roadblocks to all types of investors.
people in investment decision under uncertainty.
It considers preference as a function of “decision Stock Investment
weights” and it assumes that these weights do There is a need to focus a ‘specific investment
not always match with probabilities. It further strategy’ over the long period to control “mental
mistakes” by the investors. Investors should keep
suggests that decision weights tend to overweigh
detailed records of the specific stock which was
small probabilities and under-weigh moderate and
purchased for their portfolio. Investors should also
high probabilities.
decide specific criteria for making an instant
Prospect theory demonstrates that if investors decision to buy, sale or hold.
are faced with the possibility of losing money, they
Investors should also keep in mind the answer
often take on riskier decision at loss aversions. of the following questions before taking any
They tend to reverse or substantially alter their decision of buying, selling and holding new
revealed disposition towards risk. shares:

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Amar Kumar Chaudhary, 2013

(i) Why investors purchase the stock? process. The various causes that led to
(ii) What is the time horizon of the investment? behavioral finance are anchoring, overconfidence,
herd behavior, over and under reaction and loss
(iii) What is the expected rate of return?
aversions. In essence, behavioral finance
(iv) After one year the stock has under-performed approach investigates the behavioral patterns of
or over-performed. investors and tries to understand how these
(v) Do you plan on buying, selling or holding your patterns guide investment decision. Behavioral
finance offers many useful insights for investment
professionals and thus, provides a framework for
(vi) How risky is this stock within your overall evaluating active investment strategies for the
portfolio? investors.
Mutual Fund Investment
Tomic and Ruccuardi recommended that
1. DeBondt W and Thaler R (1985), “Does the
investors select mutual funds with a simple four
Stock Market Overact?”, Journal of Finance,
step process which include the followings:
July, pp. 793-805.
(i) Invest in only no-load mutual fund with low
2. Fama Eugene (1991), “Efficient Capital
operating expense;
Markets: II”, Journal of Finance, Vol. 46, No.
(ii) Look for funds with a strong historical track 5, December, pp. 1575-1617-1998, “Market
record over 5-10 years; Eff iciency, Long Term Returns and
(iii) Invest with tenured Portfolio Manager with a Behavioural Finance”, Journal of Financial
Economics, Vol. 49, No. 3 (September), pp.
strong investment philosophy; and
(iv) Understand the specific risk associated with
3. Goetzmann W N and Peles N (1993),
each mutual fund.
“Cognitive Dissonance and Mutual Fund
The key to successful investing is recognizing Investors”, The Journal of Financial
the type of investor; you are along with Research, Vol. 20, pp. 145-158.
implementing a solid investment strategy.
4. Joachim Goldberg (2007), A Book on
Behavioral factors can help investors to avoid Behavioural Finance, Wiley Publishers.
mistakes. Avoiding mistakes is called defensive
5. Kahneman D and Tversky A (1973),
behavioral finance applications in investment
“Availability: A Heuristic for Judging
decision making.
Frequency and Probability”, Cognitive
CONCLUSION Psychology, No. 5, pp. 207-232.

Behavioral finance provides explanations for why 6. Kahneman D and Riepe M (1998), “Aspect
investors make irrational financial decisions. It of Investors’ Psychology”, The Journal of
demonstrates how emotions and cognitive errors Portfolio Management, Summer, pp. 52-64.
influence investors in the decision making 7. Kahneman D and Tversky A (1979), “Prospect

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Amar Kumar Chaudhary, 2013

Theory : An Analysis of Decision Under Risk”, Psychology of Investing, p.18, Oxford

Econometrics, Vol. 47, pp. 263-291. University Press, ABD.
8. Mahajan J (1992), “The Overconfidence 10. Victor Ricciardi and Helen K Simon (2000),
Eff ect in Marketing Management “What is Behavioural Finance?”, Business
Predictions”, Journal of Marketing Education and Technology Journal, Fall,
Research, Vol. 29 , pp. 329-342.
9. Shefrin H (2002), Beyond Greed and Fear: 11.
Understanding Behavioural Finance and the

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