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Diseases Handbook

NOTE: This is an informational booklet to help families and parents understand more about Kidney failure in children. This is general
booklet made with the purpose of helping you understand what this particular disease consists of. Information is subjective and may
vary on a case-by-case basis. Please make sure any practices followed are advised by your doctor.

Introduction 01
I. What is Kidney failure? 01
II. Types of kidney failure 02

Symptoms & Causes 03

I. Symptoms 03
II. Causes of Kidney Failure 04

Treatments of Acute Kidney Failure 07

Treatments of Chronic Kidney Failure 09

Home Care 11

Coping Mechanisms 13

Helpful Resources 15

Bibliography 16

NOTE: This is an informational booklet to help families and parents understand more about Kidney failure in children. This is general
booklet made with the purpose of helping you understand what this particular disease consists of. Information is subjective and may
vary on a case-by-case basis. Please make sure any practices followed are advised by your doctor.
Introduction Normal Kidney Diseased Kidney
Rental Artery Renal Vein

II. Types of Kidney

Kidney failure can be acute
(sudden) and chronic (over a
long period of time):

Ÿ Acute kidney failure – This is

Ureter sudden in nature, and may be
caused from infections, injuries,
heart failure, or other
spontaneous health complications
I. What is Kidney Failure? that have overall repercussions.
Treatment includes trying to fix
Kidneys are an extremely important organ in the root cause that led to kidney
the body. They act as the body’s filtration failure and dialysis in some cases.
system, absorbing essential minerals and
nutrients but removing wastes in the form of
urine. Kidneys also produce essential hormones Ÿ Chronic kidney failure – This is
that regulate the development of red blood the deterioration of kidney
cells, blood pressure and calcium balance in the function over a period of time. In
body for bone health. children and teenagers, this is
generally due to birth defects,
But children having bodies that grow and chronic severe high blood
develop at rapid rates, and sometimes the pressure, other chronic kidney
kidneys don’t develop properly, which results in diseases, or an acute kidney
them not functioning in the ways that they failure that failed to improve.
should. This puts strain on the kidneys, leading Treatment aims to slow the
to kidney failure. gradual decline of kidney
function using treatments of
Kidney or renal failure is when the kidneys stop medications, blood pressure
the filtration of waste from the body, which control, and dietary restrictions.
causes these toxic wastes to build up. In some cases, kidney transplants
are needed at some point.

01 02
More symptoms include:

Ÿ Decreased appetite and weight loss.

Ÿ Tiredness or weakness in the body.
Ÿ Fevers.
Ÿ High blood pressure.
Ÿ Itchy skin.
Ÿ Nausea and vomiting.
Ÿ Shortness of breath.
Ÿ Stunted growth.

II. Causes of Kidney failure

Symptoms & Causes Causes of kidney diseases in children include:

Some include: Birth defects:

I. Symptoms
Ÿ Edema, which is swelling in feet, Birth defects that block the proper development
Depending on the of the urinary tract cause majority of chronic
cause of the kidney legs, hands, or face.
kidney diseases in childhood. A birth defect
disease, symptoms Ÿ Fluctuating urine output. Some
develops when a baby’s body does not develop
may vary. Children in children might see a decrease in
properly in the womb.
early stages of urination, while some might
kidney disease may urinate noticeably more often
have lesser to no and wet the bed at night.
Hereditary diseases:
symptoms. However, Ÿ Proteinuria, which means there’s
as the disease gets too much protein in the urine,
Hereditary diseases occur when a parent
worse, symptoms causing the urine to become
passes a gene mutation to the child.
tend to develop and foamy.
Common hereditary diseases that affect
present themselves. Ÿ Hematuria, which means the children include polycystic kidney disease,
urine contains blood in it. which causes cysts to grow in the kidneys,
and Alport syndrome, which affects the
outer lining of the cells in the kidneys.

03 04

A child may develop kidney

disease after having an
infection in another part of
the body. Infections in the kidneys cause
repeated Urinary Tract Infections or
recurring kidney stones, leading to
kidney failure. Sometimes infections like
hemolytic uremic syndrome can also lead
to kidney failure. Another condition can
develop when the immune system makes
antibodies that affects the kidneys,
generally occurring after an episode of
strep throat or skin infections.

Inflamation of
Nephrotic syndrome: small blood vessels
and glomeruli
Blood vessels
Nephrotic syndrome can develop Interloblar Trauma to the body like burns, extreme
Blood vessels
when tiny filters in the kidney Minor calyx dehydration or bleeding, surgeries or injury
(glomeruli) become damaged Renal artery Major calyx can cause very low blood pressure, which
and allow protein to leak from Renal vein decreases blood flow to the kidneys. Low
the blood into the urine. Among Ureter blood flow can lead to acute kidney failure.
children older than 12 years,
diseases affecting the glomeruli
are the most common cause of Capsule
Kidney Urine blockage or reflux:
chronic kidney disease.
If a blockage develops between the
kidneys and the urethra, urine can flow
Systemic diseases: Ureter back up into the kidneys and cause
damage. Reflux occurs when urine from
Systemic diseases are diseases that affect the bladder flows backwards to the
multiple organ systems together or the Bladder Bacteria travel kidneys. If the urine in the bladder
up the urethra
entire body as a whole. Lupus nephritis is becomes infected, the infected urine travels
an example of a systemic disease that back to the kidneys and cause a kidney
often affects the kidneys and is caused by infection.
the autoimmune disease, lupus.
05 06
Treatment of acute renal
failure depends on the root
cause of the kidney
disease. Treatments

Ÿ Hospitalization for

Ÿ Sometimes patients are

put on dialysis.
Treatment of Ÿ Therapy and
Acute Kidney failure medications to increase
urine output.

Ÿ Medication and
Specific treatment for renal failure is determined by the doctor based monitoring of blood
on factors including: pressure.

Ÿ Specific dietary
Ÿ Child’s age, overall health, and medical history. restrictions.
Ÿ Extent of the disease.
Ÿ Whether the disease is acute or chronic.
Ÿ Tolerance for specific medications, procedures, and therapies.

07 08
Treatment of Peritoneal dialysis:

Chronic Kidney failure This type of dialysis uses the body’s peritoneal membrane,
which is beneath outer layers of the abdominal
Children with chronic kidney wall. This wall membrane is used to filter
failure tend to not have any blood. Continuous cycling dialysis is a type
symptoms until around 80% of peritoneal dialysis that uses a simple
of kidney function is lost. machine to perform the dialysis at night.
Post that stage symptoms This requires the assistance of a parent
start to develop. At this and is generally more suited for
stage, two treatment options younger children. Continues ambulatory
are available, which are dialysis is another form of peritoneal
dialysis and transplant. dialysis which is done through the day.
This is performed by the patient
Dialysis is generally required themselves, which is why it is generally
until a donor kidney becomes more suitable for teenagers and older
available for children with children.
end-stage kidney diseases.
Dialysis requires dietary limits
and restrictions on fluids, A kidney transplant is
phosphorous and salts. necessary when dialysis is
not enough to sustain the
Dialysis has two forms: function of the kidney. In
transplants, a healthy
1 Hemodialysis and 2 Peritoneal Dialysis kidney from a donor is
surgically inserted into
the patient’s body. After a
Hemodialysis: kidney transplant, regular
checkups and medication is
In this type of dialysis, blood is required to make sure the
cleansed outside the body through a new kidney is functioning well.
machine. This takes several hours at Benefits of kidney transplant
a time and needs to be done at least include improved energy and
three times a week. Most cases mobility levels, fewer restrictions of
conduct hemodialysis at a specific diets, and no more reliance on dialysis,
dialysis center, but in some cases, it to name a few.
can be done at home.

09 10
Home Care

How can you help your child from home?

Following all Removing or

Tracking how dietary Making sure all reducing intake of Trying to help your child adjust to life,
much liquid your restrictions given prescribed foods with high encouraging positive outlets of
child consumes by your child’s medications are potassium and emotions including open discussions,
and understanding doctor. taken on time, phosphorus content art, reading, writing, or other hobbies
the doctor’s and telling the from your child’s your child enjoys.
evaluation of the doctor daily life.
correct amount of immediately if any
liquid for your side effects are
child. seen.

11 12
Coping Mechanisms

Create a Supportive Engage in Relaxation Self-Care for Parents/ Art and Play Therapy:
Environment: Techniques: Caregivers: Encourage your child to express
Ÿ Encourage emotional expression Practice relaxation exercises Ÿ Take care of your physical and themselves through art and play.
and provide a safe space for your like deep breathing, mental well-being. You need Creative outlets can help them process
child to share their fears and meditation, or yoga to to be healthy and resilient to their emotions and experiences.
concerns. manage stress. support your child effectively.
Ÿ Surround your family with a Ÿ Allow yourself breaks and
strong support network of time to decompress. Caring for
friends, family, and support your own needs is essential.
Ÿ Consider involving a child life
specialist or therapist to help your Positive Distractions:
child cope with their emotions. Celebrate Small Victories: Engage in activities your child enjoys,
Acknowledge and celebrate such as reading, watching movies, or
each milestone achieved during playing games. These positive
treatment, whether it's distractions can provide a lot of
completing a round of dialysis or Maintain Routine: happiness and normalcy for your child,
reaching a treatment goal. Stick to daily routines as much as your family and yourself.
possible. Predictability can
provide a sense of stability during
times of upheaval.

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Helpful Resources Bibliography
Indian Renal Foundation "Benefits of a Kidney Transplant." Organ Transplantation - NHS Blood and
The Indian Renal Foundation has been providing financial assistance to
patients in need under ‘Save a Life’ program for haemodialysis and post- transplant/benefits-of-a-kidney-transplant/
transplant medication since 2002.
"Chronic Kidney Disease." Nemours KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site
Website: About Children's Health,
Email: | Phone No.: 9227486875
"Kidney Disease in Children." National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases, 1 Aug. 2022,
Government schemes

Ÿ Financial assistance up to a maximum of Rs. 1,25,000 is provided under

"Kidney Diseases in Childhood." Nemours KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited
HMDG to provide a part of the treatment cost. The maximum financial
Site About Children's Health,
assistance provided under the Umbrella Scheme of RAN is Rs. 15 lakhs.

To learn more: "Renal Failure (Kidney Failure) in Children Signs & Symptoms | RUSH | Rush
Ÿ System." Rush University System for Health – A Top US & Chicago Hospital
0assistance%20upto%20a%20maximum,15%20lakhs System,
"Renal Failure in Children." Children's Hospital of Philadelphia,

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Booklet by Sia Kapoor
in affiliation with SRCC Hospital

Graphics by Kiran Sali

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