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Practice quizzes practice quiz on new vocabulary Here's a practice on the new vocabulary which I discussed last Saturday. We'll have a quiz on it this Saturday, plus a quiz on chapter #7 in the red book. I'll send out a practice quiz on #7 tomorrow. Use the words below. Some words may be used more than once; some may not be used at all. If necessary, change the form of the word (e.g., use the plural of a noun or the past tense of a verb). 1. The Smiths daughter needed _______________ to straighten her teeth, but her parents couldnt afford them. 2. When Janes parents went out of town for the weekend, her friends wanted her to let them use their house for a wild party. However, Janes _________________ said no! 3. Parents are usually more lenient with their children if when they break something, they didnt do it ____________________. 4. Dr. Smiths ______________ remarks to his students and colleagues have made him lots of enemies. 5. Instead of saying handicapped or __________________, some people prefer the euphemism mobility-challenged. 6. Its strange how something as seemingly minor as a toothache can result in ___________________ pain. 7. It rained _______________ for two weeks. People wondered if it would ever stop. 8. Seeing a marriage ____________ didnt work. Our neighbors got a divorce anyway. 9. Seeing the movie about American war crimes in Vietnam _______________ my enthusiasm for joining the Army. I decided to become a Peace Corps volunteer instead. 10. The jurys ____________________ lasted for one week. The judge then declared a mistrial since they couldnt reach a verdict.

abort agony bond brace caustic conscience cease counsel damp deliberate disable discreet practice quiz on #7 Chapter #7 Fill in the blanks with the correct words below. If necessary, change the form of the word. Some words may be used more than once; some may not be used at all. 1. The soldiers ________________ took over a year, but he was finally able to walk again. 2. A famous woman adventurer in the Old West was _______________ Jane. There are various explanations for her name, one being that she warned men that if they insulted her, they would be asking for trouble. 3. A _____________ capitalist is someone who is very rich and lends large sums of money out to people who want to start major businesses. 4. The stock market has really ______________ in recent years. Some stocks have gone from $5 per share to $50 per share, then back to $5, then up to $20, etc. 5. Mary said to her son who was majoring in philosophy: I know you like to sit under a tree and ______________ the meaning of life, but why dont you study something more practical, like computer science or accounting?

calamity comprehensive conventional flagrant fluctuate persevere ponder rehabilitate turmoil venture Correct (C) or incorrect (I) ? 6. Dr. Wukasch said the final examination would be COMPREHENSIVE. He would limit the questions to the vocabulary in the last three chapters. _______ 7. The speed limit was 40 mph and I was doing 42, so the police officer gave me a ticket for FLAGRANT speeding. _______ 8. Dr. Wukasch normally wears CONVENTIONAL clothing to class: dress slacks and a dress shirt. _______

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