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UPM-CALC/SEM1/2021-22/CEL2106/THT/WEEK 3

Name: Aida Nisa binti Mokhtar Group: 35


This is an individual weekly activity for you to carry out. This activity should be completed
before the next class.

1. Search online on how to effectively construct the component of Skills in a resume.

• Use job-specific skills on your resume.
• Limit the list to only include applicable skills.
• Organize your skills into categories.
• Do include relevant synonyms.
• List the important skills a few times.

2. Analyse the poorly written skills below. Provide corrections and justifications.

JOB: Marketing Intern

• Interpersonal skills
• IT Skills
• Ability to teach and mentor
• I managed to complete several tasks under pressure
• I was the treasurer of the Badminton club

Correction Justification
• Excellent in communication skill. • Use Job-Specific Skills on Your
• Good in Programming Skills. Resume.
• Able to work under pressure. • Poorly choice of keywords.
• Served as treasurer in Badminton • Poorly organized.
Club. • Do not use personal pronouns in
skills resume.

3. Search online on the do’s and don’ts of resume formatting and design

Do’s Don’ts
Write a concise resume Use a complicated resume template
Customize resume accordingly Use passive voice in resume
Do mention a summary statement Include irrelevant hobbies or interests
Highlight your achievement Write negative things
Do include contact details Forget to check grammatical or other
related errors
UPM-CALC/SEM1/2021-22/CEL2106/THT/WEEK 3

Do mention relevant soft skills Include highly personal information

4. Share your findings in class in Week 4.

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