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Types of Paragraph:

Problem and Solution Paragraph

bahasa inggris 2
fakultas sains dan teknologi
What does problem and solution paragraph
consist of?

How do we organize the paragraph?

What does problem and solution paragraph
consist of?

It consists of a problem analysis and the alternative

solutions to the problem.
How do we organize the paragraph?

We can discuss only one problem in a paragraph,

one solution in a paragraph, or both in a paragraph.
Topic sentence

Rush hour traffic jam is one of the major sources

of annoyance and inconvenience for city

Topic: Traffic jams

Controlling idea: source of annoyance and
inconvenience for city dwellers
Topic sentence
As traffic jams in Surabaya have been getting
worse and worse over the past five years, it is
better for the government to improve and add
more public transportations.

Topic: Traffic jams

Controlling idea: public transportation
Droughts frequently put millions of people at risk of food
insecurity in central Kenya. The area is so dry that it cannot
support agricultural crops. There are few permanent rivers and
the seasonal waterways, which are the result of flood waters in
the rainy months, disrupt transport across the region. The
population of this area mainly live off the cattle. Droughts can
quickly kill off their herd leaving little or no income, and
because the area is so vast, infrastructure is under-developed,
meaning that access to the population is difficult.
When drought is predicted in central Kenya, it is important to
prepare for it and be ready to respond to it as quickly as
possible in order to minimize casualties. Preventive measures
which may be adopted before a drought include recycling
water. This is highly cost-effective. Recycled water, from the
washing of clothes for example, can be given to animals and
used to irrigate land. Once drought strikes, the most important
short-term response is to transport bottles of drinking water
into the drought area, although this is quite expensive. Since
drought also often kills animals and crops, it is vital to bring
food to prevent people from starving.
To deliver problems to propose solutions
To deliver problems to propose solutions

conditional sentences
Conditional Sentences
Conditional Type 1:
To emphasize on the problem.

If the government increases the gas price, the

small businesses and households are the ones that
mostly get the major implications.
Conditional Sentences
Conditional Type 1:
To persuade or negotiate.

If the government increases the gas price, people

will use their personal vehicles less and start to
use public transportation.
Conditional Sentences
Conditional Type 2:
To describe a situation doesn't happen in the present
If the government didn't increase the fuel price,
people would still be able to save more money to
buy a house.
Conditional Sentences
Conditional Type 2:
To describe things that were supposed to happen, but didn't

If the government had restrained from building the new

capital city and waited until the economy was stabilized after
the pandemic, the people wouldn't have experienced the impact
of the increase in tax.
Try to point out a problem and solutions.

bullying/ cyber-bullying
mental exhaustion among students

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