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Angelika De Vera


Module 2: Activities/ Assessment

1. Select two (2) natural disasters and two (2) man-made disasters and discuss it
comprehensively the nature, origin, and ways on how to mitigate the possible impact of
these disasters in a given community.

Floods - The most frequent kind of natural calamity, floods happen when an excess of water submerges
usually dry ground. Floods are frequently brought on by prolonged periods of heavy rain, quick
snowmelt, storm surge from tropical cyclones, or tsunami in coastal locations. The weather conditions
that result in heavy rain or the quick melting of snow and ice are what create severe flooding. An area's
geography may also increase its propensity for flooding. For instance, locations close to cities and rivers
frequently experience flash floods. These flooding episodes have distinct origins and drivers,
necessitating in many cases quite diverse management and mitigation strategies to control and lessen
their negative effects. Large-scale reservoirs and storm water management techniques to divert water
from rivers during times of high flow are some examples of such measures. Others include structural
measures to lessen the effects of rising water levels and ice jams in rivers, landscape storm water
management techniques to encourage green infrastructure and more natural drainage in urban
environments, and lot-level tactics that homeowners can use to lower the risk of water damage from
basement flooding.

Earthquakes - An earthquake is a sudden, intense shaking of the ground brought on by movement of

tectonic plates along a fault line in the crust of the earth. Earthquakes can cause landslides, avalanches,
fires, liquefaction of the soil, shaking of the ground, and tsunamis. Tectonic plate boundaries are the
source of the earthquakes. The epicenter is the location on the earth's surface immediately above the
focus, which is also known as the hypocenter, the place inside the earth where the earthquake began.
Natural earthquakes cannot be entirely avoided, but their impacts can be greatly reduced by recognizing
risks, creating better structures, and disseminating information on earthquake safety. We can lessen the
risk of man-made earthquakes by being prepared for natural earthquakes.

2. Cite possible man-made and natural disasters that can affect your locality

Man-made: Since I was living near a river, I've noticed that the factory near us dumped their chemical
ways in our river. Oil and chemical spills into our waterways have the potential to harm species, ruin
habitat, and pollute vital supplies for the food chain. In addition to causing the closure of fisheries, or
temporarily closing navigation channels, spills can have a disastrous impact on the finances of coastal
communities. Additionally, these monetary and environmental losses may endure for many years.

Natural: There are many natural disasters that we are currently attempting to cope with, not just in our
locality but throughout the country, but in any case, the disasters that usually occur in our vicinity are
earthquakes, and heavy rainfall that may result in flashflood.

Module 2: Activities/ Assessment

1. List down at least three (3) natural disasters that happened in the province of Bulacan for the last 5

1. Flood
2. Earthquake
3. Drought

2. Research and write down the contingency plan set by the local MDRRMC in preparation for the
occurrence of natural disasters.

● In disaster risk reduction, contingency planning is the process of making plans ahead of time to
ensure a timely, effective, and appropriate response in the event of a hazard or disaster.
Prevention - Actions were taken ahead of time, this is sometimes referred to as mitigation.
Preventing an incident from occurring.
Mitigation - Measures that prevent an emergency, reduce the likelihood of an emergency
occurring, or mitigate the negative effects of unavoidable emergencies. Building codes and
zoning requirements are common mitigation measures, as are shutters and the construction of
barriers such as levees.
Preparedness - Activities improve a community's ability to respond in the event of a disaster.
Typical preparedness measures include the creation of mutual aid agreements and
memorandums of understanding, training for both response personnel and concerned citizens,
disaster drills to reinforce training and test capabilities, and the presentation of all-hazards
education campaigns.
Response - Actions taken immediately before, during, and after a hazard's impact with the goal
of saving lives, reducing economic losses, and alleviating suffering. Activating the emergency
operations center, evacuating threatened populations, opening shelters and providing mass
care, emergency rescue and medical care, fire fighting, and urban search and rescue are
examples of response actions.
Recovery – Actions taken to restore a community to normal or near-normal conditions, such as
restoring basic services and repairing physical, social, and economic damage. Typical recovery
actions include debris cleanup, financial assistance to individuals and governments, road and
bridge reconstruction, key facility reconstruction, and long-term mass care for displaced human
and animal populations.

3. What are the things to improve in the disaster preparedness in the Philippines.

Community elements and volunteers who are part of emergency response system of the Philippines
should be given more regular drills, exercises and trainings that can improve their capability in handling
these disasters. Improve or implant more hazards, warning systems, monitoring equipment for every
area especially the prone parts of the community when it comes to disasters. Cut the corruption when it
comes to donation, relief goods and other things that will be donated for the victim of the natural
disaster. Make sure that they are being distributed well by providing strict monitoring on the people
who are assigned to contribute this kind of donation and preparedness. Distribute more rescuers and
rescue equipment in the prone areas. In this way, it will be easier for us to rescue everyone who is in

Module 2: Activities/ Assessment

I. Make a drawing/ sketch that shows your idea on what makes up the good
governance, genuine public servant and intelligent voters.
II. Write a reflective essay on how you can be a responsible voter.

Being a voter means a lot in the country that we lived in, we are being accountable for the future
leaders that can help our community to develop and have a betterment. It's the freedom of the citizens
to choose and spread their opinions about the candidates in election. The characteristics that a voter
must have been to be responsible and wise voters Since voting talks about the future and growth of one
economy/country. And as the citizen of our country who would have the capability to vote, how can we
be a responsible voter for everyone?

The first thing a voter must do is to be a wise and open-minded thinker, meaning to say that we don't
have to be that really "smart" person. Instead, we will be able to be open for more opinions and
perspective of every candidate that we will be choosing, fact check is a must as a wise voter. We
shouldn't be fooled by the voters who will just persuade as with their flowery words, and voters
shouldn't be overwhelm by the haters of every candidate. Stay neutral, and double check their
background. Money is one of the most enemy of the election, since there are still some so called
"candidates" who do vote buying just to make sure that they are able to be elected with their desire
position, as a responsible voter money and economy growth will improve in our country if we will not
choose those type of candidates because there's a possibility that they've been involved with
corruption, cause corruption ruins the brighter future of the nation.

Being a voter is a heavy obligation for the people since what do they vote, it is future of the community
that they do hold. Every voter isn't just only a "voter" that can be played by the dirty and corrupt
politician who always wanted the money, not the obligation that they hold to run the country for a vivid
Module 3: Activities/Assessment

1. How can you help in the conservation of our natural resources?

The most common thing and simplest way to do in order to protect our natural resources is to reduce,
reuse and recycle. If we can still use and be creative in reusing our already used materials, then we must
do so in order to prevent cutting or destroying natural resources just to make materials. Plan a tree, they
always say that if you cut one tree, then replace them by planting 10 trees. To make sure that we will
maintain clean air and free oxygen by trees. Conserve water, it would lessen the runoff and wastewater
that would be ending up in the ocean. Shop Carefully, instead of using plastic bags in the things that we
brought, we must choose reusable bags that are also available in grocery shops. That can lessen the use
of plastic materials. Choose long-lasting lightbulbs, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and also turn off
your lightbulbs if they aren’t necessary to be use. Choose nontoxic materials that are to be use in
households or offices, to prevent sending chemicals in every waterway. And lastly, drive less and bike
more. It could help to lessen the pollution. Those are the ways that can protect our natural resources in
accordance to National Ocean Services.


1. Suggest possible effective ways and strategies in waste management and conserving water.
Explain your answers comprehensively.

The better waste management solution is to avoid creating waste in the first place. As a result,
waste prevention is a fundamental goal of all waste management strategies. Many wastes cannot be
completely eliminated from a variety of processes. Several strategies, however, can be implemented
to reduce or minimize waste generation. Waste minimization, also known as source reduction,
refers to the collective strategies of product design and fabrication that reduce the amount of waste
generated and/or the toxicity of the resulting waste. Waste minimization strategies are extremely
common in manufacturing applications; reducing material use not only conserves resources but also
saves significant manufacturing costs.

Water conservation has become pivotal in all areas, even where water appears abundant. This is
due to the fact that our water resources are limited and shrinking by the year. Water conservation
not only saves money on your utility bill, but it also helps to prevent water pollution in nearby lakes,
rivers, and watersheds. Water conservation also reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with
water treatment and distribution. There are many ways to conserve the usage of water in our house
like instead of getting water in the faucet to water the plants we can use rain water, we can use the
water we used in our laundry to clean our bathroom or driveway.


1. List down at least 10 endangered animals in the Philippines

● Philippine Crocodile
● Philippine Eagle
● Tamaraw
● Bombon Sardine (Tawilis)
● Calamian and Philippine spotted deer
● Tarsier
● Sea Turtles
● Balabac mouse deer (Pilandok)
● Wild Boar
● Philippine Forest Turtle

2. Describe the ecological system in the Philippines

Watching biodiversity at the ecosystem level is a holistic way of admiring and analyzing the Philippines’
natural richness, taking into account the vibrant ecological functions and interactions of both the living
and non-living parts of the biosphere within a given location, as well as the effects of natural
phenomena and human-caused environmental changes on them. Because of our climate, our forests are
classified as tropical rain forests, with high temperatures and high rainfall practically all year. Forests, in
particular, serve as the country’s primary source of water, allowing all other forms of natural resources
to flourish and become productive. Forest ecosystems naturally provide both clean air and food.
Furthermore, these resources contribute by generating power (electricity) and providing protection as a
raw material for houses and other forms of shelter. They also provide indirect benefits, such as acting as
storm buffer zones and preventing soil erosion. Forests provide for human livelihood, though proper
management and conscious conservation efforts are essential. Mangrove forests, dipterocarp forests,
and molave forests are examples of primary forests in the Philippines’ lowlands. Pine forests, such as
those found in the mountains of the Central Cordillera, Zambales, and Mindoro, and mossy forests can
be found in the highlands. Freshwater swamp forests, such as those found in Cotabato’s Liguasan Marsh
and Bulusan March, are a subtype of primary forest.

3. Cite laws and legal based concerning protection and preservation of our ecosystem in the
● Clean Air Act Of 1999 (RA 8749)
● Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA 9003)
● Clean Water Act (RA 9275)
● Environmental Awareness and Education Act Of 2009 (RA 9512)

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