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Name: Claire Jacynth C. Floro BS Psychology II


1. Does religion enhances your moral life?

Yes, religion can strengthen one's moral life. As for me, religion is a variety of different views
and beliefs that each one of us follows. It has something to do with which church we go to worship.
There are many religions and each one has designated practices that make them different from one
and another. With this in mind, I believe religion is necessary in some ways to morality since not
everyone can have the gasped of being a moral person without having any notion of how religion
works. Religion perhaps enlightens us about concepts of good and evil. Indeed, religion and
morality are two different words that seemed nothing to do with one another however, it is
understandable to believe that religion can somehow enhance one’s morality since the both have
connections to the concept of right and wrong. Every religion indicates only one intention, that is
to improve a person’s sense of being. Which clearly relates to morality. In addition to religion, as
a Christian, we believe that as long as we have faith and involve ourselves in Jesus, we will surely
improve our moral beings. If we know God by heart, then goodness from us will follow. If we
truly value God, we will become ethically moral people in the sense that we dare to do what is
right and have a fear to do what is wrong. If there is one that enhances a person's moral life that
is by believing in God and his divine will, that is through religion.

2. Do people identified their selves as LGBTQ, the atheists (don't believe in God); people
who are not Christians entitled to live the good life as what the natural law suggests?

As for me, people who recognized themselves as LGBTQ, atheists, and people who are not
Christians are capable and will always be entitled to live a good life. Because we are all humans,
after all, we have freedom, we have lots of options. It's up to us how we will live our lives. Also,
it is not fair to believe that these people are not able to live a good or moral life just because of
what they are. We must respect their choices. In addition, it is not about being a member of the
LGBTQ, and atheists or not being a Christian that stops them from achieving morality. If you are
part of the LGBTQ community it's ok, it doesn’t mean you’re incapable of doing good things or
not entitled of living a good life. As well as being not a Christian, because living a good life does
not require a specific religion. Christian or not, you can live a good life since other religions have
as well there own moral perspectives. Similarly, even atheists do have a moral principle, just
different from what we believe and practice. Atheists just like any other religious believers are
capable of making good decisions, and I believe they have a positive outlook on life given if they
don't believe in God. Thus, they are entitled of living a good life as well. We are all capable of
living the good life in different means. It depends on us.

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