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English IV: Week Activity

Using When, While, Before and After.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct option. Underline ‘when’ or ‘while’.

1. Susan was writing a letter when/while Peter was reading the report.
2. Mark was driving a car when/while he had a car accident.
3. When/While I was cooking dinner, I burned my hand.
4. Sharon found money when/while she was walking in the park.
5. Eduardo was washing his car when/while John arrived.

Exercise 2. Write a short story of a special event that happened to you.

Use when, while, before and after. The story should have at least 5 sentences.
When I was….
When I was younger my mother gave me a doll.
While I was playing with my doll, I watched my mother clean.
Before i went to sleep I put the kind of odd doll in my night-table
After I woke up, I saw mama taking the doll and giving it to my granny
Now every time I remember that weird doll, I think about my grandmother

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