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Communication Skill Reflection

1. Respond to the three prompts below. Use details and specific examples in your writing.
2. When complete, upload to your website under Blog Journal page.
a. Click “New Post”
b. Title of Post: Communication Skill Reflection
c. Use the scribed widget to upload this document
d. Click “Post” and “Publish”

What did you learn about yourself from the back- to- back drawings, nail on a string challenge, Escape
the Boom and the mock interviews? Share specific examples.

I learned that I was able to be very descriptive and symbolize things to make the explanations clearer
with the back-to-back drawings. The nail on a string activity was a challenging one and I think
communication seemed to be lacking but this one was more about patience and agreeing who would do
what, which made it more interesting. The Escape the Bomb was the one I had more trouble with,
maybe because it included a time limit and a big manual to read which I found challenging to
understand, not to mention my team didn’t show enough interest. I handled it better when we switched
teams as they were able to explain to me what was happening, and I understood what needed to be
done. The mock interviews with people I’m not very close with helped me control my body language and
maintain a confident tone when talking. It also helped me think about possible answer options I could
use in future conversations and interviews.

How can you improve your communication skills? Be specific.

I think I can improve my communications skills by first analyzing the situation I’m in and then deciding
what to do about it, just like with the bomb activity for example, a good solution would’ve been to give
the manual a quick read and understand its content before executing the activity. In general, I'd say
good strategies when communicating include engagement into whatever is being done and be very
descriptive and make sure you also listen to the other person to see if they understand.

Why is effective communication considered a fundamental skill to have in the workplace and in life?
Provide a minimum of SIX reasons with EXAMPLES.

I’d say communication is a crucial fundamental skill in life since it helps build strong relationships,
because having persuasive communication helps you get closer to people. It avoids lots of conflicts, with
good communication skills you learn to both defend and listen to others and help solve problems
passively. Also, it embraces collaboration with others, being a good communicator makes a more
dynamic environment with other people. It enhances productivity when working with others, especially
when it comes to giving or receiving instructions. Fosters a positive environment, if you know how to
speak to different types of people it would be easy to interact and understand them if you have good
communication skills. Finally, good communication skills keep people engaged with you which help you
have a bigger circles and boost creativity and sharing thoughts

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