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Alamat : Jl. Lintas Sumbawa – Kec. Bolo Kab.Bima
Email :smkkesehatan.pelitaharapanbima@gmail.


Tahun Pelajaran : 2021/2022

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester : XI / Ganjil
Hari / Tanggal : ........................
Waktu : 60 Menit


Question number 1 – 3 based on th text below!

The Importance of Breakfast
Why is breakfast important? “Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a
Pauper” It’s a well-known phrase, but do you follow it?
Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing. Breakfast provides the body
and brain with fuel after an overnight fast – that’s where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without
breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol!
Breakfast support cognitive function. Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an
essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Breakfast provides energy,
studies have shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it
can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels.
Breakfast provides energy needs. People’s energy needs vary depending on activity levels
and life stage but typically men require more energy than women. Growing children require a lot of
energy, as an example boys aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1970 kcals per day, and
girls aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1740 kcals.

1. Mention 3 functions of having breakfast!

2. The bold paragraph is called . . .
3. How many calories should 9 years old girl consume per day?

Question number 4 – 5 based on the text below!

Jl. Jambu 129 Bima

West Nusa Tenggara
30th January 2017
Dear Frodi,

It was a real sorrow that I heard this morning of your great loss. I knew your mother was ill, for your
brother told me several weeks ago. However, as he at that time did not seem to think the illness
was very serious, the news of your mother’s death came to me as a shock. You have my sincere
and heartfelt sympathy, my dear fellow, in your sorrow. I know you will feel it deeply, for you always
thought so much of your mother and loved her so truly. I feel it also as a personal loss to myself, for
your mother was always very kind to me. Her death must be a terrible grief to your father, too.
Please assure him of my sincere sympathy.
Words, I know, are poor comforters. “The heart knows its own sorrow”, and in such sorrows we are
always alone. However, it is not mere words when I say that I feel with you in your sorrow.

Your sincere friend,


4. Who is the sender of the letter?

5. What can be known about Frodi’s mother from the letter?
6. “ Her death must be a terrible grief to your father, too”.
The underlined word has the similiar meaning with . . .


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