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Title: Human Resource Management Of Walton

Course Name: Human Resource Management

Course Code : ALD-2104

Submitted by:
Mahiya Anjum
Roll No: 2225171147
Batch: 2021-20022
Section: A

Submitted to:
Asst. Prof. Barnali Nandi
Human Resource Management

Department Of Marketing
Bangladesh University Of Professionals

Date Of Submission:

Executive Summary

Walton’s enrollment and choice procedures to their introduction, preparing and

advancement strategies. Aside from these, we likewise gathered data on their execution
examination framework and the sorts of benefits they offer out to their workers. The
following report is prepared on the overview of Walton Group of Industries limited
Bangladesh. We tried our best to gather authentic and real information as we took
employee Interviews and intense research on the internet and market.The paper is
divided into 8 parts that includes the human resource management functions. The first
part starts off with Introduction which includes the company profile that describes the
company in general. It also provides information about the various types of products the
company has to offer. Then we give companies background information where we give a
brief history about the company, their goals, mission, vision and what they achieve
throughout their long journey. My paper is centered on the HR exercises that Walton
practices to build up its association. After the study and assembling all the data, it is
discovered that Walton has a specialized Human ResourceManagement Department that
follows all the following activities
● Recruitment and
● Selection process
● Training and development
● Benefits offered

Benefits offered This paper gives insights about the association and its activities. The
paper also gives us idea about, how Walton implicates Strategic Human Resource
Management and shows the role of HR in aligning the performance of the employees with
the company's goals.In the end we give some recommendations for management
process which will help the company perform better in the future.I tried my best to
implement all the knowledge that we gained throughout the semester to complete this

Table Of Contents

Cover Page……………………………………………………………………………………1
Executive Summary…………………………………………………………….…….…..…2
Table Of Contents……………………………….……………………………………..……3
Vision ……………………………………………………………………………………….…6
Mission …………………………………………………………………………..…………....7
Culture Of Interpersonal Relationship…………………………………………………...…8
Diversity Programs Of Walton…………………………………….……………….……...8-9
HRM Function Of Walton…………………………………………………………….....….10
Organizational Structure…………………………………………………………….….11-12
Employee Relations Of Walton Company………………………………..…………….3-15
Current HR System………………………………………………………………..………..16
Steps In Recruitment Process…….……………………………………………..…….17-20
Training And Devolopment………………………………………………………………....21
Training Methods Of Walton…………………………………………………………..……22
Devolopment Of Employees……………………………………………………………23-24
Benefits Offered………………………………………………………………………......…25
Implication Of Strategic Human Resource Management………………………………..27
Recommendation……………………………………………………………………….… 27


Sensational advances of data and correspondence innovation, changing perspective and

individual upsides of the labor force and expanding worldwide rivalry have made
enormous challenges on associations. To adapt to the difficulties, human assets have
been considered as one of the main elements in today's market of amazing rivalry. HRM
rehearses refers to authoritative exercises coordinated at dealing with the pool of HR and
guaranteeing that the resources are utilized towards the satisfaction of hierarchical
objectives (Schuler and Jackson, 1987).So, it is the obligation of the HR division to
supervise enlistment, plan representative advantages, plan preparing offices and
methodologies to foster the abilities of the workers to best meet the requirements of the
organization.Because of absence of productive HRM rehearses decreases
representative's fulfillment towards their association and at last that influences their
obligation to the organization. Bangladesh has not totally acquainted with the course of
Human Asset The board and most Bangladeshi organizations still not carry out a total
HRM rehearsal. They follow part of the way HRM practices and a portion of the
organizations even have no different HRM division; they simply do their enlisting or
determination process by their Administrator division. However, Bangladesh has been
developing for the most recent couple of years. The economy of this nation is rising and
the business climate of the nation is turning out to be more cutthroat step by step thus
HumanResource The board has definitely turned into a vital part of each and every
organization in this country. Such countless enormous organizations as of now take on
complete HRM strategy and Walton is one of the trailblazers in this area. They have
something else entirely for Human ResourceManagement. Walton has a strong situation
in the assembling area of it started edits venture beginning around 1977
also, presently it's one of the main brands of our country. Bangladesh is a likely modern
country. The gifted labor is the fundamental asset of Bangladesh. As the Bangladesh
driving assembling brand, Walton began its excursion in Bangladesh with the most
capable HRM division. Walton has a strong HRM division as a portion of the most
important things like enrolling, choice, and disciplinary frameworks are covered by their
HRM department.


Walton gathering of ventures is the main gathering of Bangladesh established in 1977,

by S.M NurulAlam Rezvi, as an exchanging organization. After first experience with now
on, various auxiliaries andalliances improved the gathering and as an outcome, they went
global. Presently Walton group has organizations overall with around 10,000
Their effective step making is just motivating them and they are drawing closer with a
bunch of new likely arrangements. Walton Organization is the first in assembling fridges,
Coolers, Forced air systems, TVs and Automobiles,Smart Telephones and Home
Apparatuses in Bangladesh. It is a sister concern of R.B bunch which is a conglomerate
in Bangladesh. Walton had gone into gadgets business in 1994 with manufacturing of
electrical and electronic things and progressively extended its activity in many other
hardware fields that give the establishment to essentially every part of present day life.
The key secret behind the progress of Walton lies its variety of creation limit and
customized orientation of new items according to the interest of the client. Walton is the
most recent worldwide brand among clients in Bangladesh and gives them a wide
assortment of electronic products,motors and home apparatuses. They have one of the
biggest exceptional R and D offices in the world and the biggest stockpiling limit in
Bangladesh. Walton Gathering having more than 21,000direct and backhanded
representatives are cooperating and the retail organs of Walton runs through more than
4000 squares, selecting wholesalers and sellers. Walton has in excess of 57 current and
well prepared after deals administration focuses alongside ISO ensured focal assistance


Walton follows high ethnocentrism. They always promote their brand in a way that its our
product or Another Ponno.

Their vision is:

Waltons highest priority to customers is satisfaction in providing latest technology based

world class electrical, electronics and automobile products with innovative designs,
attractive models, and excellent quality.


Based on Walton`s primary structure, they want to be the pioneer and strong leader in
the electronics and automobile industry in Bangladesh and worldwide.To attain Their
Mission, Walton Will:

Endeavor to attain a cost leadership position in each category of its businesses.

Socially responsible with their investments.

Develop its employees and encourage them by providing rewards like bonuses.

Attain a high level of productivity in all its operations through effective and efficient use
Of resources.

Provide good quality of product relatively at a low price and services ensuring
valueforMoney to its customers.

Implement an environment that rewards team spirit, enthusiasm, innovation,


Culture of Interpersonal Relationship

Relational relationship alludes to major areas of strength for as among representatives of

a specific organization. The job of relational relationships is exceptionally vital as each
organization needs to work on its effectiveness. Relational connection between Walton
workers is comparable to each rumored public and global associations. In Walton workers
keeps their relational relations proficient. On the off chance that there is an issue emerges
they attempt to tackle it through a gathering. The primary explanation
behind of assembling a conference is to guarantee everybody's cooperation. The best
thing about Walton is they don't play attempt at finger pointing for a specific
disappointment. They assume the full liability of that disappointment and attempt to tackle
it together. Their top administration is additionally worker agreeable. The chiefs keep
normal correspondence with their subordinates to guarantee a legitimate climate for
works. Supervisors don't contrast representatives and others rather urges subordinates
to do everything they can for work. The best thing about the top administration is they
give credit to where it is expected which urges the workers to improve. Walton generally
attempt to follow the morals of workplace climate to keep a cordial connection between
representatives employees.

Diversity Programs Of Walton

The Walton College is committed to increasing students’ awareness of diversity and

increasing the extent to which they value its significance. The Office of Diversity &
Inclusion was developed in 1994 to support, advocate and assist the Walton College in
developing plans for diversity throughout the college.

Discovering Business

The Discovering Business Summer Programs in the Sam M. Walton College of Business
Office of Diversity & Inclusion are designed to help educate and inform high school juniors
and seniors about opportunities in various areas of the business field. These programs
allow students to work hands on with other students and industry professionals to gain
experience to jumpstart their college experience.

Business Leadership Academy

The Business Leadership Academy (BLA) is a summer residential program for newly
admitted students in the Sam M. Walton College of Business. BLA creates an awareness
of retail career choices and opportunities that exist within all colleges of business majors.

Accounting Career Awareness Program

Accounting Career Awareness Program is a residential program designed to introduce

underrepresented rising high school juniors and seniors to accounting & business
careers. ACAP students will attend undergraduate-level classes and network with
accounting professionals from local companies.

Fleischer Scholars Program

The Fleischer Scholars Program is a brand new summer residential program for the Office
of Diversity & Inclusion. The program is geared towards underrepresented students that
are interested in business and entrepreneurship.

HRM Function Of Walton

Walton is an organization that principally works in the purchaser gadgets and home
machines industry. A portion of the capabilities or business exercises of Walton might

Manufacturing: Walton makes a great many items, including TVs, fridges, climate control
systems, clothes washers, cell phones, and other buyer gadgets.

Innovative work: They put resources into Research and development to create and work
on their items, staying aware of innovative progressions and buyer requests.

Advertising and Deals: Walton advertises its items through different channels and sells
them through its own retail outlets, vendors, and online stages.

Client assistance: Giving client care and after-deals administration is vital for keeping
up with consumer loyalty.

Inventory network The board: Dealing with the store network proficiently to guarantee
convenient creation, conveyance, and accessibility of items on the lookout.

Innovation: Improving and presenting new elements and advancements in their items to
remain cutthroat on the lookout.

Global Extension: Extending their activities and deals to global business sectors, if

Corporate Social Obligation: Taking part in CSR exercises to reward the local area and
advance maintainable practices.

Organizational structure

Walton now has more than 1000 employees. Walton is divided into several departments
(technical,sales & marketing, customer relations, administration, human resources,
finance and IT). In the previous system there was no separate HRM department. Admin
& HRM department attached together into one. But recently management has brought a
change in the organizational structure in view of the need of time. Management and
organization structure of Walton bd Ltd. is given below.

Walton Gathering is a huge worldwide combination situated in Bangladesh with different
financial matters, including hardware, vehicles, and the sky's the limit from there. The
hierarchical design of Walton Gathering might have changed from that point forward,
however I can give an overall outline of what it could have resembled:

Governing body: At the highest point of the hierarchical ordered progression, the
Directorate gives key direction and regulates significant choices for the organization.

Chief Authority Group: This group would incorporate top leaders like the President,
CFO, COO, and other C-suite officials answerable for various parts of the business.

Business Divisions or Auxiliaries: Walton Gathering comprises a few auxiliary

organizations, each liable for explicit ventures or business sections. These could include:
Walton Greetings Tech Enterprises Ltd. for gadgets and apparatuses.

Walton Engines for the auto business.Walton Digi-Tech Enterprises Ltd. for innovation
related adventures.

Departments: Inside every auxiliary or business division, there are different offices, like
advertising, deals, innovative work, creation, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Employees: Representatives in different jobs and positions do the everyday tasks of the

Employee Relations Of Walton Company

Activities in HRM concerned with effective communications among organizational

members. Employee relations have several major responsibilities. Before we go further,
however, we must differentiate between employee relations and labor relations.

Building effective HRM communications programs involves a few fundamental elements.

These includes:

Top Management Commitment:

Walton Gathering is a combination in Bangladesh with interests in different enterprises,
including hardware, land, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.Top administration
responsibility for the most part includes the devotion and contribution of senior chiefs, like
the Director, President, and other key pioneers, in directing the organization's system and
guaranteeing its prosperity. This responsibility can incorporate setting the organization's
vision, mission, and values, as well as going with vital choices.For the most cutting-edge
data on Walton Gathering's top administration responsibility, I suggest visiting their
authority site, auditing their yearly reports, or searching for late news stories and public
statements. You can likewise contact the organization straightforwardly for explicit data

on their ongoing administration and their obligation to the association's objectives and

Effective Upward Communication:

Powerful vertical correspondence in an association like Walmart (frequently alluded to as
"Walton" because of its organizer, Sam Walton) includes the effective progression of data
from lower-level representatives to more significant level administration. Here are a few
key standards:

Lucidity and Compactness: Guarantee that your message is clear and forthright. Keep
away from language and utilize straightforward language to pass on your message.

Timeliness: Impart data immediately. Try not to hold on as late as possible, as this can
prompt misconceptions and hurried navigation.

Relevance: Share data that is straightforwardly connected with the obligations and
objectives of the greater level administration. Keep away from pointless subtleties.

Conscious Tone: Keep a deferential and proficient tone while speaking with higher-ups.
Address them involving proper titles and show appreciation for their time.

Utilize the Right Channel: Pick the suitable correspondence channel. For significant
issues, a formal composed report or email may be essential, while routine updates should
be possible through customary gatherings or brief reminders.

Support with Information: Whenever the situation allows, back your correspondence
with information and realities. This adds validity to your message.

Helpful Input: In the event that you have concerns or ideas, outline them in a valuable
way. Stay away from individual assaults or faults and spotlight on arrangements.

Request Input: Support criticism and contribution from higher-ups. This shows that you
respect their point of view.

Follow-up: Assuming that you've made demands or detailed issues, circle back to them
to guarantee they are tended to.

Confidentiality: Regard the secrecy of delicate data and just offer it with the people who
have a genuine need to be aware.

Preparing and Improvement: Put resources into preparing and advancement to further
develop your relational abilities, including composing, talking, and undivided attention.

Open-Entryway Strategy: Exploit any entryway strategies or normal correspondence

channels laid out by the association to work with up correspondence.

Recall that compelling vertical correspondence is essential for hierarchical achievement,

as it helps in navigation, critical thinking, and cultivating a positive authoritative culture.

Determining What To Communicate: if every piece of information that exists in our

organizations were communicated, no work would ever get done; people would be
spending their entire days on information overload.Employees while wanting to be
informed, generally are not concerned with every piece of information,such as who just
retired, or was promoted, or what community was given a donation yesterday. Rather,
employees need patient information addressing what they should know in order to do
their jobs.

Current HR system:

Recruitment And Selection Process:


Same as other companies Walton chooses employees both from internal and external
1.Internal (In House) Candidate : Although Walton prefers external candidates mostly
sometimes they also recruit in house candidates. If any vacancy is created in any
department and an existing employee of Walton is interested to work on that position
Walton gives them a chance but he/she has to face some test even viva because the
department wants to see that the candidate is suitable or not for the position. If the
department thinks that/she is suitable for the vacant position only then he gets selected
for the position.
Problem of internal candidates: Domestic companies like Walton don’t prefer internal
candidates because they think it as a hassle because if any employee switches his

department a new employee gets hired for the position. And the company has to prepare
the new employee for the position which is time consuming and a waste of money.

2. External Candidate: Walton mostly prefers external candidates. When a vacancy is

created, the company invites candidates from outside.

Succession Planning:Walton’s director panel is made by eleven family members and

they select the Executive Director members who have the authority of every department.
Each department's employees get recruited by respective ED. Walton basically does not
follow the succession planning. They try to fill up the upper management position by their
family members. But Sometimes when any upper management employee retires then the
senior most employee gets the opportunity for the position.

Steps In the Recruitment process

The particular strides in the necessity cycle for an organization like Walton can fluctuate
contingent upon the unique circumstance and the kind of prerequisites (e.g.,
programming, item, or venture necessities). Be that as it may, here's a general framework
of the means in question:

Recognizable proof of Partners: Recognize the key partners engaged with the task or
item, including inside and outside parties.

Assemble Introductory Necessities: Direct meetings, reviews, and studios to assemble

beginning necessities from partners. This step includes figuring out their requirements
and assumptions.

Documentation: Record the assembled necessities in an unmistakable and organized

way. This can incorporate making necessity archives, use cases, or client stories.

Examine and Focus on: Examine the necessities to guarantee they are finished, steady,
and achievable. Focus on the necessities in light of their significance and effect on the

Validation: Share the prerequisites with partners for approval. This step guarantees that
the necessities precisely mirror their requirements.

Survey and Update: Audit and change the prerequisites in view of criticism from
partners. This might include different emphases.

Traceability: Lay out discernibility between necessities to guarantee that every

prerequisite lines up with the task's objectives and goals.

Change The executives: Execute a change control interaction to deal with any
adjustments to the necessities all through the task.

Approval: Acquire formal endorsement or close down from key partners to affirm that the
necessities are finished and satisfactory.

Communication: Convey the endorsed necessities to the venture group and other
significant gatherings.

Checking and Control: Persistently screen and control the prerequisites all through the
undertaking to guarantee they are met and address any progressions or issues that might

Documentation Updates: Keep up with and update the prerequisite documentation as

the undertaking advances and develops.

Approval and Check: Approve that the eventual outcome or task meets the necessities,
and check that the prerequisites have been executed accurately.

Closure: Close the necessities stage by guaranteeing all task or item prerequisites have
been fulfilled.

Criticism and Illustrations Learned: Assemble input from partners about the
prerequisite interaction and catch examples learned for future activities.

Recall that the particular advances and their request can be changed in light of the
requirements of the undertaking or association. It's vital for tailor the necessity cycle to
the particular conditions of Walton or some other organization.

Selection Process:
Walton has a longer selection process both for blue color and white color employees.
Everycandidate should face written, IT exam and three vivas almost. Sometimes for the
higher position the candidate should face more selection procedures. After the selection
of written and ITexam candidates are allowed for viva. Candidates have to meet the
department manager or HRdepartment for 1st viva, if the candidate passes the 1st viva
then he/she is allowed for 2nd

viva which is held by two directors of Walton. And if the candidate passes the 2nd
viva then lastly he/she has to face the last viva which is held by a board of directors, they
basically want to see that the candidate is actually perfect for the place or not. But for the
Graphics or IT work the selection procedure is not too large. Walton does not test them
for their IT skills because they are already experienced in that area rather the test is based
on the job itself.

Background Check:
Candidates who get selected after written and viva exam Walton wants to check their
background. Walton has a lot of plazas all around Bangladesh. For checking the
background of any candidates Walton contacts their plaza. They ask them to collect
information about the candidates. Sometimes Walton contacts with their employees’
previous employers for checking background.

Salary is set depending on the responsibilities. Often in their job circular they do not
mention the salary. Because sometimes they offer different salaries for the same job.
When the employee is very senior, more experienced they expect better salary, so Walton
has to give senior employees a higher salary than junior employees even if the job is the
same. But based on the department, the job,and responsibilities HR sets their own salary

Training And Development

Preparing is finished in two ways. First is the division gives rundown of representatives
who have shortcomings in specific regions.

Second is the preparation and the advancement frequently foster their own preparation
for instance inspirational preparation or succeed preparing. Something else is the point
at which another item is sent off. The representatives are prepared about that item so
they are familiar with the item. A large portion of the
phases of preparation depend on deals. Representatives who work in Walton's square,
they consistently communicate with purchasers so Walton gives those workers 'Item
information preparing'.

Preparing process:
Walton has their own product to screen the preparation. They update their product
consistently. Representatives who got the preparation and who didn't got the preparation
are recorded there. Based On that they contact the division. Then they organize the
preparation. More often than not when the number of students are low Walton favors their
own accomplished workers to direct the trainees. However, when the quantity of students
is exceptionally high Walton likes outside coaches.

Post Preparing Exercises:

to decide how viable the preparation was, a test is led. Aviva is likewise directed.
Assuming that a representative breezes through the assessment and the viva it gets
included their information. The Workers who don't breeze through the assessment are
again called for preparing while another preparation is coordinated. In some cases in view
of the preparation they let a portion of their representatives go. For instance it is significant
for a representative of Walton court to have 'item information'. Be that as it may, assuming
not the slightest bit the worker is getting the information then the data is passed to the

upper administration and. Then, at that point, the upper administration chooses whether
to keep the representative or not.

Training for fresh employees:

When only one or two candidates are selected it is not possible for the Company to give
them separate training. In that case Walton has a policy that if an employee wants to
resign he has to send the resignation letter at least two months prior to his resign. And
This employee will train the new employee who will take his place after two months.
Sometimes For a new project Walton has to hire many employees. In this case the HR
arranges two-three day long training to provide them job related knowledge.

Orientation Process: Walton arranges orientation for their new employees. Orientation
is an ice- breaking event where new employees get to present themselves. They get to
learn about Walton And its history. They get to know about their board of directors and
their responsibilities. But product knowledge or job related knowledge are not given in the

Training Methods Of Walton

Walton, a global combination situated in Bangladesh, is engaged with different

enterprises like hardware, retail, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. While explicit
preparation strategies might change by office and job, here are some normal preparation
moves toward that organizations like Walton could utilize:

Onboarding: New workers ordinarily go through a direction cycle to dive more deeply
into the organization's way of life, arrangements, and fundamental work necessities.

Work explicit preparation: Contingent upon the job, workers might get particular
preparation, whether in gadgets fabricating, deals, client support, or different regions.

Study hall preparing: Formal instructional courses directed in a study hall setting might
cover points like item information, deals strategies, or security conventions.

E-learning: Web based preparing modules and courses can be utilized for self-guided
learning or to enhance face to face preparing.

Mentorship and instructing: Experienced workers might give one-on-one direction to

recently added team members, assisting them with getting acquainted with everything.

Cross-useful preparation: Representatives may be presented to various offices or jobs

inside the organization to widen their abilities and points of view.

Hands on preparing: Advancing by doing is normal in numerous jobs, where

representatives gain insight by performing assignments under management.

Studios and workshops: Infrequent studios or courses can be utilized to address explicit
expertise improvement or industry patterns.

Nonstop learning: Walton might support progressing proficient turn of events and give
admittance to assets to representatives to improve their insight and abilities.

Remember that the particular preparation techniques and projects at Walton can change
over the long run and may fluctuate by area and division. Counseling their authority HR
or preparing assets for the most modern information is prudent.

Development Of Employees

Walton, a worldwide organization situated in Bangladesh, reasonably has its own

representative improvement techniques and projects. In any case, I can furnish you with
some broad representative advancement strategies that many organizations use:

Preparing and Studios: Giving representatives important preparation and studios to

upgrade their abilities and information.

Mentorship and Instructing: Matching representatives with experienced tutors or

mentors to direct their expert development.

Execution Evaluations: Leading customary execution assessments to distinguish

regions for development and put forth advancement objectives.

Cross-Training: Permitting workers to acquire insight in various jobs or offices inside the

Internet Learning: Offering admittance to online courses, online courses, and assets for
independent learning.

Initiative Turn of events: Distinguishing and preparing possible pioneers through

administration improvement programs.

Input and Correspondence: Giving useful criticism and open correspondence channels
for workers to talk about their advancement needs.

Profession Way Arranging: Assisting workers with making a vocation way and giving
open doors to progression.

Delicate Abilities Preparing: Improving relational abilities, correspondence, and the
capacity to understand people on a profound level.

Acknowledgment and Prizes: Recognizing and remunerating workers for their

accomplishments and commitments.

It's essential to take note that the particular advancement techniques at Walton might
change, so you might need to contact the organization or counsel their authority assets
for more exact data about their worker improvement programs.

Benefits offered

Walton Gathering, a worldwide company situated in Bangladesh, offered different

advantages to its workers. These advantages might have developed or changed from
that point forward, so checking their authority site or contacting their HR division for the
most modern information is fundamental. In any case, normal advantages given by many
organizations like Walton include:
Medical care Advantages: Ordinarily, organizations give clinical, dental, and vision
protection to their workers and their families.

Retirement Plans: Workers might approach a 401(k) or a comparative retirement

investment funds plan with boss commitments.

Take care of Time: This incorporates get-away days, occasions, and debilitated leave.

Representative Help Projects (EAP): Offering guiding and support for individual and
business related issues.

Preparing and Advancement: Valuable open doors for ability improvement and
professional success.

Limits and Advantages: Limits on organization items or administrations, or associations
with neighborhood organizations.

Extra security: Giving monetary security to workers and their families.

Adaptable Work Plans: Choices like remote work or adaptable hours.

Instruction Help: Support for workers seeking after additional schooling.

Health Projects: Advancing representative wellbeing and prosperity, which might

incorporate exercise center enrollments, work out schedules, or health challenges.

Transportation Advantages: Driving help, like financed public transportation or


Representative Acknowledgment: Acknowledgment and prizes for remarkable

execution or long help.

Benefit for newly recruited employee: When Walton hires a new employee then what
benefit is to be given is often pre planned. Yet sometimes Walton creates a team whose
responsibility is to gather information regarding salaries and benefits for the same position
from different companies. After creating a draft of the benefit structure, the responsible
team sends that draft to the higher management for approval. This team determines what
benefit that new employee will receive. They do not always need to follow this procedure
to set a benefit structure as Walton is one of the oldest organizations in Bangladesh and
most of their benefit structures are fixed.

Implication of Strategic Human Resource Management

The improvement and development of an organization depends on strategic human

resource management. Walton practices the most astounding preparation program
including behavioral practices inside the organization to ensure a decent workplace.
Walton believes in collaboration and helpful mindset to increment their underlying good
esteem. Walton believes every employee has a right of workplace safety and
independence. Walton looks forward to both horizontal and vertical growth with room for
experimenting with ideas and testing entrepreneurial spirit within the organization.Walton
continuously adapts to challenges by changing and expanding and by looking after the
following processes.1.Careful and extensive systems for recruitment selection and
training (RST).

2.Formal system for sharing information with employees.

3.Clear job design; High level participation processes; monitoring of attitudes.
4.Performance appraisals (self-appraisal system should be followed for all executive
positions in my view)
5.Properly functioning grievance procedures (with both procedural and technical
6.Promotion and compensation schemes that provide for the recognition and reward of
high- performing employees.


1. Walton should increase workforce diversity as it may help improve employee

performance,Creativity etc. A mixture of talent, skill and experience can help a company
to become a market leader.
2. Walton can improve their R&D department. As Walton is a technology-based
organization, developing R&D will keep them competitive in the market.

.3. Walton hardly follows Succession planning in recruiting top management. They should
start hiring employees from different areas as it may offer them a box of new ideas they
never had.
4. HR department should organize regular training program for the employees to develop
5. They should include employee development program policies that will help employees
to continue their education, Career development and developing different skills besides
their works.


Previously in Walton there is no separate human renouncement department. But after

establishing a separate department for human resource management Walton achieved
great success in the management section. Now the HRM manager plays a huge role in
running all the types of official activities properly. He also manages some key processes
like recruitment, selection and training process. A HR manager motivates employees and
brings the best out of them. So, Walton has a well-organized and forward-thinking HRM
department which is in tune with the strategic goals of the organization. Through the
recruitment and retention of employees HRM ensures that all employees can perform to
the best of their ability. Walton believes that, in an organization,employees should be
moral and ethical for doing regular activities. Walton successfully adopted sound
occupational health and safety management systems, efficient staff
management,minimizing the risk of accidents. As a global leader in the consumer
electronics industries, Waltonis fully committed to responsible corporate citizenship and
environmental stewardship through its products, its programs, its practices and its people.
Walton is the pioneer of the Bangladeshi Companies who implemented complete HR
policy in their system, so HRM plays a major role to their success.

Reference List



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