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Department of Civil Engineering

Delhi Technological University

Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi – 110042

B.TECH (Civil Engineering)

Subject Name – GIS Subject Code - CE-319

Date – 01 NOV 2021 Semester – 5

Name – AMAN KUMAR CHAURASIA Roll No. - 2k19/CE/015

Geo-reference a toposheet as shown in class. Put appropriate screenshots and
write theory about georeferencing as per the given format.

What you should be able to do after this practical?

We will be able to geo-reference a toposheet.

websites links
1. What is Geo-Referencing –
Georeferencing means that the internal coordinate system of a
map or aerial photo image can be related to a geographic
coordinate system. The relevant coordinate transforms are
typically stored within the image file.

Steps to Geo-Referencing
Step 1: Click on raster>geo-referencer. Window shown below will open.
Step 2: Click on settings>transformation settings then select “ESRI:102012 Asia Lambert
Conformal Conic ” in target SRS. And choose a location for output raster.
Step 3: Load the toposheet of the desired state. By clicking on open raster option.
Then select the 4 locations to add points i.e latitudes& longitudes of that point on
the toposheet then press start geo-referencing.

Step 4: Then Click start georeferncing. After that Geo-referenced toposheet will be


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