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Introduction to Naksatra-Based Conditional Dasds

Guidelines for Predicting with Planetary Periods

Guidelines For Predicting with Divisional Charts

Astottan Dasd

Sodsottan Dasd

DvadasottarT Dasd

Pancottan Dasd

ShatabdTka Dasd

Caturasitl Sama Dasd

DvisaptdtT Sama Dasd

Sasti Havdm Dasd

Sat Trims a Sama Dasd


About the Author


To Shri K.N. Rao,

who ignited in me the light of Jyotisa.

"Jyotisa is the art of seeing light, of guiding, of counseling based on the

truth called the horoscope. Jyotisa is the pathway to God through the mazes
of intuitions and the brilliance of an organized science, like any other
science. Jyotisa is the fusion of the divine with the mundane, the
metaphysical with the scientific methodology, a divine chorus of the music
of the heavens and the dance of the stars. It is that divine ballet, Jyotisa,
which is at once both divinity and science that we are presenting. "

First and foremost, I wish to acknowledge my parents, Jack and Helen

Boney, who personally sacrificed so that their children could receive the
best education possible. For this, I am eternally grateful.

My heartfelt thanks to my many wonderful students around the world

who in their sincerity and eagerness to leam have inspired me to write
articles and books.

My great appreciation to Myriam Hajji for her painstaking efforts in

preparing this manuscript for publication. Were it not for her assistance this
book would never have happened.


Another Prediction

Below is the chart of a woman to whom I have given many predictions

over the past 25 years. In her case I have had the good fortune of rarely
being wrong. Recently I gave her another.

Like all my predictions, it was based on the application of multiple

das as, beginning with Vimsottari. I saw that she would be running the
Jupiter-Moon period beginning in April of 2021. Before reading further, and
just on the basis of the rdsi, can you see what I predicted?

Rashi D1 General Rashi D1 Gonerol

Ma, IS' Ke
7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem

5 u 1 'w
/ 6 Aqu 11 Can

Mo 27° r
S327051 M07«35'
5 Cap 12 Leo
Ve 17 22
R37'19- ASiyjy KQt-W

Su •is \ 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

Jupiter and the Moon in her chart are configured in a good, though
blemished, Gaja KesarT Yoga. Jupiter is in the lagna getting directional
strength and falls in the 10th from the Moon. Jupiter also gets the requisite
additional influence of a strong natural benefic, in this case Venus in its
exaltation sign. The Moon is dark and waning but also gets directional
strength, in addition to being vargottama.

The point here is that her GKY is the real deal and should give its results,
just as the other yogas in which Jupiter is configured have. These include
multiple angle-trine raja yogas and a SarasvatT Yoga that repeats from the
Moon. She is on the faculty of the music school of a prestigious university
and a successful violin soloist.

For some time, either in direct or retrograde motion, transiting Jupiter

and Saturn will be influencing her 1st and 10th lord Mercury in Capricorn.

All of this appeared to indicate an upcoming period of professional rise

and distinction. If I concluded my assessment of this time period with these
factors alone, my prediction would have a sound astrological basis. But I am
a student of K.N. Rao, and I follow his example. Part of that example is the
application of multiple dasds when zeroing in on prediction. I have seen him
use as many as five. In this chart the lord of the house, Jupiter, is in the
1st house and therefore Dwi Saptdti Sama dasd, a conditional naksatra-based
dasd given in Pdrdsara Hord, is applicable. It applies to charts where the
lord of the 1st is in the 7th or the 7th lord is in the 1st.

In this conditional dasd Rdhu-Satum would be running in a similar

timeframe. Seeing this, my thoughts flashed back to the late 1990s when I
had made a successful prediction of career rise and distinction based on
Rdhu-Satum in Vimsottari. Can you see why?

Rdhu gives the results of the raja and dhana yogas formed by the 5th and
9th lords with the 7th lord along the 1-7 axis of her birth chart. All the planets
involved have good sources of strength. Acting as an angle lord with two
trine lords, Saturn being one of them, Rdhu gives a strong nodal raja yoga of
its own. See also that it is in Saturn's naksatra.

Back then, the activation of this strong raja yoga had to bring a
precipitous professional rise, and it proved correct. Now that same yoga was
being activated in this conditional dasha, coinciding with Jupiter-Moon in
Vimsottari, while supportive transits were also in effect. I told her that this
period would bring a professional elevation and this prediction was fulfilled
when she was given a promotion at the university.
Conditional Dasas

The first book of K.N Rao's that I read was Astrology, Destiny and the
Wheel of Time back in 1993. In it he describes an incident in which a group
of astrological enthusiasts are sitting around discussing the birth chart of a
prominent politician with an old, classically-trained jyotisi who was visiting
the area. He relates how at one point the pundit grew irritated with the group
and asked why they had not applied SodasottarT dasd to the chart, one of the
conditional naksatra-based dasas given in the BPHS. At which point, Shri
Rao put before him his calculation sheet showing how he had applied this
dasd and how it worked in this case.

As a very beginning student this was the first time I heard of

"conditional dasas." Later I came to understand that Pdrdsara Hord gives
35 different dasas, some of which can be classified according to the
following two categories:

• All-purpose dasas applicable to any birth chart for seeing all events.

• Dasas for seeing all events that only apply to birth charts that meet
certain criterion

The familiar Vimsottan dasd of 120 years is the best-known example of

the first type, and the one recommended in Pdrdsara Hord above all others.
Among the 35 are 9 conditional dasas that should only be applied when
certain conditions are met, and it should be noted that there is the hint in the
BPHS that when more than one dasd is applicable to a birth chart, the
"rarer " one should be given prime importance. However, this does not mean
that the Vimsottan dasd is not applicable and should not also be applied.

These nine conditional dasas, along with their frequency of applicability,

are as follows:
(1) Astottarl Dasa

Its duration is 108 years and applies when Rahu is in an angle or trine
from the lagna lord, but not in the lagna.
(2) Sodasottan Dasa

Its duration is 116 years and applies when the lagna is in Sun's hord and
the Moon is waxing or the lagna is in Moon's hord and the Moon is
waning. Occurs in 50% of birth charts
(3) Dwadasottan Dasa

Its duration is 112 years and applies when the navamsa lagna is ruled by
Venus (Taurus or Libra). Occurs in 16.67% of birth charts
(4) Pancottan Dasa

Its duration is 105 years and applies when Cancer is the lagna of the
dvddasdmsa (D-12).

Note: In some translations of the BPHS, it is stipulated that both the

birth lagna and the lagna of D-12 must be Cancer. Others scholars
contend this is a mistranslation and are of the opinion that the only
requirement is Cancer as the lagna of D-12. As to which view is correct
is a matter of research.
(5) Satabdika Dasa

Its duration is 100 years and applies when the rasi and navamsa lagna
are the same sign. Occurs in 11.11% of birth charts
(6) Caturashiti Sama Dasa

Its duration is 84 years and is applicable when 10th lord is in the 10th
house. Occurs in 8.34% of birth charts
(7) Dwi-Saptati Santa Dasa

Its duration is 72 years and is applicable when lagna lord is in the 7th
house or 7th lord is in the lagna. Occurs in 16.67% of birth charts
(8) Sasti Hayam Dasa

Its duration is 60 years and applies when the Sun is in the lagna. Occurs
in 8.34% of birth charts
(9) Sat-Trimsa Sama Dasa

Its duration is 36 years and applies when birth is daytime in Sun's hord
or at night time in Moon's hord. Hord = hour lord or the planet that rules
the hour of birth. It occurs in 11.11% of population

Upon first seeing all this I can remember marveling at it, and wondering
whether all these dasds actually worked. And why so many? And was the
knowledge of these derived by some empirical process or cognized in higher
states of consciousness? It also occurred to me that two or more of these
conditions could apply to the same birth chart. In which case, did one take
precedence, and if so, how would that be determined? Did astrologers in
ancient times manually calculate these if they applied to a birth chart upon
which they were asked to predict? It all seemed rather mind-boggling.

Fortunately, in the modem era, the best astrological software gives us

their calculation instantly, and will even identify for us which ones are
applicable to a given chart so that we don't even have to remember the
conditions. In this volume the calculation details and the duration of the
planetary periods for each of these conditional dasds will be shown in detail
in the separate chapters on each of them.

R»hl D1 General Rashl 01 General

Ra^-.a- Ve9 „ Su27*48
Jp13'57' AS^-28'
4 P«» 5 An 6 Tau 7 Gem
'IK Me^r
3 Aqu 8 Can
Taylor Swift
VGen' Wed 12^11989 8 3600
WvanUcsdnQ PA
2 Cap 9 Leo
V JP 13-57'
Ms i5*7' 2'-^27'48'
Sa^ ASua- Ma3.3-
ISag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg Ke,.*
74 14
Daahamamaha D10 Power 6 Statue Oaahanumelu 010 Power 8 Statue
San On* Sort Oat* y Bawe
ft 1»5 -42 fm V 1961 -21 Sa SuAs MeRa Sa
ft 2ft 2003 138 Jp il 1996 69 Ra lu
ft 2ft 2019*0* 29 9 Sn & 2005 159 Su Sa As Su
ft 2ft 2038 488 Sf 2014 now 24 9 Mo
6 2ft 2055 65 8 Ke ft 2023 33 9 Ma
ft 2ft 2002 T2» Ve 2032 429 Me
9 2ft 2082 928 5u 2041 519 jp
ft 2& 2088 968 Mo 2050 609 Ve a Ma Ma
ft 2ft 2096 1068 Ma 2059 699 Sa
ft. 3ft 2105 115 8 Ra 3968 769 R« J2
ft 3ft 2123 133 6 Jp 2077 679 Su VeKe Jp Mo K,e Ve
* * Sa 2m _919_MCL MO
I have not generally referred to these conditional dasds in my books and
articles to date so as to not over complicate the analysis. However, when
zeroing in on a particular prediction like the one discussed above, I will
apply them. And on charts of famous people that I have worked on
extensively, I have assessed how well they appear to be timing major life
events. See the chart of mega-pop music star, Taylor Swift.

Her horoscope features an exchange between the 1st and 7th lords, Jupiter
and Mercury, so that the Dwi Saptdti Sama Dasd applies to her chart twice
over. Her rise to mega-stardom occurred in the major period of Jupiter in
Vimsottari and for anyone with a good knowledge of yogas, this should not
be surprising. Her Jupiter, strong by virtue of the exchange in the birth chart
and placement in Aquarius in D-9, gives the results of so many
success/fame-givingyog^. Can you identify these before reading further?

Did you see Gaja KesarT Yoga, SarasvatT Yoga, BherT Yoga and Raja

In Dwi-Saptdti Sama dasd, she ran the Sun major period between the
ages 15-24 and it was in this time frame when she became the absolute
Queen of the pop music scene. On the basis of just the rdsi, this does not
appear to time her rise to such great stardom all that well. Her Sun and Mars
are together as the 5th and 9th lords, forming a trikona raja and dhana yoga,
but in the 12th house. From dasd lagna, they do form a 1-10 combination in
the lagna.

However, see her dasdmsa where the Sun is exalted in the lagna,
aspected by Jupiter, and in an exchange with the lagna lord Mars forming a
powerful Maharaja Yoga. 2008 (Sun-Mars) and 2010 (Sun-Jupiter) were
spectacularly successful periods for her.
Roshl D1 General Rashl 01 General
Ma Ke rw
JplS^O' KOg^z

9 Pis lOAri 11 Tau 12 Gem

AS27 22'
8 Aqu 1 Can

Indira Gandhi Ma ^22-

Mtw Mon 1V19'1917 23 1100
Atarubod INDIA SUrr
7 Cap 2 Leo
V 621=0'
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg Ra C.-I2 Ve 2vtr
VimshotUrl PwttapUB »«m« N»v«m*h* 09 DhgngaWPBUM
Sun On* A«. D*>lu> Sun On* Ab* Cllhjl Mo
14/ 191J -40 &/ IV 12 1911 -00 M As jfi Ra
15/ 1919 20 Mo III IV 1920 3 0 Me Jn 7 .AsXio
\11 / ' Sa
14/ 1929 12 0 M« IV 12 1929 120 Jp
Ml 1930 190 ft4 IV 12 1938 210 Ve Mo
IS1 1954 370 Jp IV 12 1947 300 Sa i
15 1970 530 Sa 11 12 1956 390 Ra
1» 1939 720 Me IV 12 1965 480 So Ra Ke
15' 2000 890 Ke IV 12 1974 570 Mo Sa SuMa
15 2013 now 90 0 ve 11' 12 1963 060 Ma
15/ 2033 1160 SJ IV 12 1992 750 Me
15' 2039 1220 Mo IV 12 2001 84 0 Jp Ke MeVe S'j Ma Me
15 2049 132 0 Ma IV 12 2010 930 Ve Ve

Former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, also has an exchange

between her 1 and 7th lords giving a raja yoga with both planets in strength.
She won her second term as Prime Minister in her Saturn major period in
Vimsottan, activating this yoga, and in Dwi Saptdti Sama das a it was her
Moon period, again activating this yoga.

She first won the office in the Sun period of DSS. What do you notice
about her Sun in the rdsi and navdmsa before reading further?

Her Sun, planet of royalty and governmental authority, is very strong,

given its exchange in the birth chart with Mars and own sign placement in
D-9. In the birth chart it is in the 5th house of rdjya, the authority to rule, and
its mutual aspect with a strong Jupiter is a Rdjalaksana Yoga. When she runs
this Sun period, from das a lagna the exchange with Mars becomes 1-10.
Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status
Ma Me
Ra Jp
4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem

3 Aqu 8 Can

2 Cap 9 Leo
2 ■: J2
As Ke
Me Sa
Ve 1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg

In D-10, the Sun is again strong and well placed as the 9th lord in the 9th
house. It was in Sun-Sun in DSS that she first became Prime Minister in
January of 1966.

The birth chart of one of the first superstars of Bollywood, Rajesh

Khanna, also features a 1-7 exchange. I have shown repeatedly in my books
and articles how those who become major movie stars have a connection
between the 3rd lord of the performing arts and the 10th house of career and
that this combination is a part of significant raja yogas or other
success/fame-giving yogas.
Rashl 01 Seneral Rashl 01 General
S a 13-52 ASs'so- Sa.j.fT-

Jp2&;49- Ra ■ cr As
10 Pts 11 Art 12 Tau 1 Gem
Mowt Jo 28 49
9 Aqu 2 Can

Rajesh Khanna Ra^o-

Tu» •2W1942 1805 00 M029-T M 029 46
QdhawaMgaf. PAK
8 Cap 3 Leo
Ve24.2r Ke,3 0
SU.4-4 SUu 4'
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Vlrg Ma
Nivamina 09 OhwmaiSpoun
tun Dim D..M. MeMo KKe
12- 7/ Wl •11 Su ft 27/ 1941 16 Jp Ra Sa
12> 11 194? 4 9 Uo Si 2ft' 1950 74 Ve
12" 7' 1957 149 Ma 1959 16 4 sa «o>< MaAsVe
12/ tl 1964 219 Ra 1968 254 Ri
12/ 77 1982 399 Jp 1977 34 4 Su
iji ft 1998 559 Sa 1986 43 4 UO
12' ?• 2017 now 74 9 Me 1995 524 Ua Su
12' ft 2034 919 Ke 2004 614 Me Su
12 ft 2041 W9 ve 2013 now 704 jo Sa
12 ft
12 ft
1189 5u
124 9 MO
794 Ve
68 4 Sa ■' AS
2040 97 4 Ra MeMo MaVe Ke Ri
-12L ft 2077 134 9 Mn J£

It is true for his chart in which the 3 rd lord Sun, strong in its own sign in
D-9, is in a mutual glance with the 10th lord Jupiter in the birth chart.
Besides the many raja yogas formed by the planets along the 1-7 axis, there
is a rare Puskala Yoga defined as when the lord of the ascendant and the
Moon sign are together in an angle in a good dignity while the lagna has the
aspect of a strong planet. Those conditions are fulfilled in his chart.

It was in his Rdhu major period both in Vimsottan and in Dwi-Saptdti-

Sama das a that he first became a movie star. Rdhu is in the 3 rd house of the
performing arts giving the results of the Sun and therefore Puskala Yoga. For
a period of 17 years from 1970 to 1987 he was the highest paid actor in
India. Seven of those years were his Rdhu period in DSS, but from 1977 to
1987 it was his Sun period.

Now see his Sun in D-10 and witness how well this conditional das a
timed the period of his greatest stardom.
Dashamamsha D10 Powar & Status Dashamamsha DiO Powar & Status

Ve Sa
KeJ^ Su
Ra Mo Mo
9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem

\ As As
/ Su
8 Aqu 1 Can


7 Cap 2 Leo


Ma 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General

SanuT x Ra^?f .x
AS20 27'
1 Pi5 2 Art 3 Tau 4 Gem
5926 23 MO5-2T s' AQ 1,
12 Aqu 5 Can

Ma^iv Kg 28 23 Mo. 2, JP27'501

11 Cap 6 Leo
SU,5>25' JpaT'so'
MSgio' Ve25t2'
10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Ubr 7 Virg Ke?e'»\ Me3.iffSu 1925-
Nnyimthtt 09 OhanrWSpwie
Start D 3I« Ag. Datiui Start Dat* Ag. Dashai SuMa
tl u 15>M -4 3 Sa Id' Ift 1967 £0 Su Ra
11 * 147 Ma IC Ift 1976 70 Mo e Me
1/ 2001 317 Ke 10. 1ft 1965 ieo Ma As
V lOMnor 367 ve 10' 1ft 1994 250 Me SuMa Sa
It 2028 58 7 Su 10 17' 2003 34 0 Jp
1! 20M 64 7 Mo 10 la 2012 430 ve
V * 2W* 74 7 Ma 1ft ift 2021 no* 520 Sa
It 2051 317 Ra 10 17 2030 610 «a As VeMo
V 2069 997 Jp 10 17 2039 700 Su Sa e jc
11 1ft 2065 1157 Sa 10. Ift 2046 790 Me
v 10 2104 134 7 Me 10 17. 2057 86 0 Ma KeMe
V 11' 2121 1517 K4. lOr '7' J066 970 Me VeMo

I could show many such examples, but let these suffice to make the point
that I have found this conditional dasd to be very valid and useful and
always employ it when attempting to make predictions on charts where it
applies as in the following case related to the horoscope shown above. It is
chart of an Indian woman living in the U.S. who I have known since 2004
and to whom I have given many predictions. She has suffered from a lot of
instability in her relationship life given the 7-8 exchange in her chart with
the additional influence of the 6th lord and 12th lord on her 7th lord Mercury.

I predicted her third marriage on the basis of the Venus-Mars period.

Venus giving this result is obvious being in the 7th house, but the sub-period
of Mars is not. Notice however, that Venus is in the naksatra of Mars and
their 1-7 relationship in her navdmsa. I was also looking at the fact that the
Venus-Mars period in Vimsottari coincided with Venus-Rdhu in DSS and
seeing this helped to solidify this prediction.

Sadly, what was all too predictable was that this marriage also would not
last. Looking ahead though I saw that Venus-Jupiter in Vimsottari would
overlap with Venus-Jupiter in DSS and sure enough it brought another
relationship that she is in currently and it appears to be the best she has had
to date. Will it last?

The CaturashitI Sama Dasd is another conditional dasd I have looked to

test on charts where the 10th lord is in the 10th house like that of former
Prime Minister of India, P.V Narasimha Rao.

Rashl D1 General Rashl 01 General

K6I-2S- Su.,Me ■ tr, Ra. Sa 26-26
: Ma .3.3^
V627 40'
7 Pis 8 An 9 Tau 10 Gem

As 24 19-
6 Aqu 11 Can
P.V. Narasimha Rao Jp20r6'
Tue « 28.I1921 130200 Su^-ie-
Kinmnagai. WCKA S326 26-
5 Cap 12 Leo
Mo 10"33'
AS 24*19'
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 V.rg Ke Ve
Nivimihi 09 DhumUSpouit
vy »9H .10 3 Si 12.' »' 1914 65 Jp Ke Me
TJ 1950 87 Mo » 1926 55 Vt
Ift' 1947 25 7 Ke 121 29 1938 175 Si Mo r As
16- 1954 32 7 Ve 12' » 1950 295 Ski Ma Ra
161 1974 527 Su 12. 29 1962 415 Mo
1& 1980 50 7 Mo 12. » 1974 635 Ma s
1990 66 7 Ml 12 29 1966 65 5 Me Sa
IS1 1997 75 7 Ri 24 1998 775 JP Su As ve
15 2015r 937 Jp 12 .W aoiomw 895 Ve Ma ' KB
16 2031 109 7 Sa 12' » 2022 1015 Si Mo
» 16 2050 128 7 Mo 12 W 2034 1135 SK Ve Sa
3 17' 2067 145 7 Ke 12. 30. 2046 1255 Mo RaJp Su

His chart features a very powerful Bhadra Yoga, with Mercury as th

10 lord in the 10th house, vargottama, and continuing to fall in an ang]
from both the Candra and Surya lagnas. It is joined by the Sun, planet of
governmental authority, getting directional strength in the 10th house and
forming a good Budhdditya Yoga with Mercury. This combination is also
joined by an impressionable 8th lord Mars also getting directional strength. It
was in the Mars major period in VimsottarT giving these results that he
became an unexpected Prime Minister of India after Rajiv Gandhi was

However, CaturashitT Sama Dasd shows it even more clearly as in this

conditional dasd it was his Mercury major period when he became Prime

For Cancer lagna the combination of the Moon and Mars in the 10th
house forms a very superior and potent success/fame-giving raja yoga as it
did for pop music diva Celine Dion.

Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General

SUin-jeRais-if MOg'is' Je
SSjvw M3036' As
epis 10 Art 11 Tau 12 Gem
Ve25-i6 Kejviv
ASg g-
BAqu 1 Can
Mcia 36
Celine Dion ilBs IO'
Stt J-30'19M 12 <500 Mo6.,6
Quebec CAN RSjyiS'
7 Cap 2 Leo
Kezs-is- SUl6-w

6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Virg Me 24-» vejfuj-

ChalumhlD %»mt Navimihi D9 DhamufSpouw
St*tD *0. Dnhn SunoM* *»• D«h«« Me Mo Ke
12 14' 19M •3 3 Ke 4 12 1962 40 Sa Ma
12 17/ 1971 37 Ve 2 12 1974 64 Su . ^ .Ve
12 17. 1991 23 7 3u 4 12 1966 IB 4 Mo As
12 17' 1997 297 Mo *1 12 *998 304 Me Ra
12 17/ 2007 397 Ma 4 12 2010 now 474 Me Ma
12 17/ 2014 now 407 Re 4' 12 2022 544 Jp
12 17/ 2032 047 Jp 4 14 2034 664 Ve
12 17/ 2045 807 58 4 13/ 204< 78 4 5a Sa Mc
12 14 2007 99 7 Me 4 14 20S8 904 Su 0Ke Sa ve
12 17/ TOM 1107 Ke 4 13. 2070 1024 Mo y
12 Ift 2091 123 7 Ve 4 12 2062 1144 Ma Su As Me
12 19 2111 143 7 Su 4 14 2094 1264 Me i— Ra

But it is not enough just to have such yogas. It is equally important to get
the major periods of the planets forming them at a good time of life, which
she did. In VimsottarT she ran the consecutive dasds of Moon and Mars from
1997 to 2014, during which she had spectacular success. Her stardom really
skyrocketed when her signature song "My Heart Will Go On " was used as
the theme in the blockbuster movie, Titanic, in 1997. This also occurred in
her Moon period in Chaturashiti Sama Dasa followed by the Mars period,
which in this dasd lasts 12 years.

The fact that the Moon and Mars are together also in the lagna of her
dasdmsa adds to the astrological story of the unparalleled success of these
periods. This included being a Las Vegas headliner, giving 70 performances
a year for a half million dollars each!

Oashamamsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power S Status

Ra As Sa
\ Su
Sa As 10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem

9 Aqu 2 Can
Jp @
\ 8 Cap 3 Leo
Ve 7 X. (11
3 10N
Ke 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg
Ra«hl D1 General Rashl 01 General
Me ,2*32- Mo 16*38
VG 29 Sa- SU24s13' JD SU^M3'
8 Pis 9 Art lt) Tau 11 Gem
3 Me,r»
As iC:
Sa Ve
7 Aqu 12 Can
Ra Ke 16
JP7 6
Tom Hanks
Man 7,*'1956 11 171» AS28 30- Ma 24
6 Cap Concad CA 1 Leo
5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2 Virg
ChaturasWB wma _ DH 010
Son D»i* Afl* DnKn Snrt Dais Ags DaiKM
Si 7l 1937 •16 9 Sa V 27i 1944 119 Sffl AsKe
I 1956 01 Ms 71 27' 1956 01 5o
7< 1973 171 K» 7 27. 1908 121 Mo KeAs
71 1980 241 Ve 7/ 28- 1960 24 1 Ma
7/ 2000 44 1 SO 71 28. 1992 361 Ms Su Sa Mo
8. 2000 501 Mo 7. 28. 2004 481 Jp
7/ 2018 now 801 M* V 25- 20l6now 601 V« Su
8' 2023 871 Ra 7, 28. 2028 721 Sa SaMo
6' 2041 651 4p 7' 28 2040 64 1 Su Ra
» 2057 101 1 Sa V 28' 2052 961 Mo VeMe
S 2078 120 1 Ms 7i 28' 2064 1081 Ma Ra
8' 2093 1371 Ke 7. 28 2076 1201 Me Jp Ma MaMeJpV^

Movie star, Tom Hanks, who has become something of a legend in his
own time, is the only actor to win consecutive Academy Awards for Best
Actor. The major portion of his great success came in the mahddasd of
Venus in Vimsottan, which he ran at a perfect time of life from age 24 to 44.
I was interested to see, however, that his first major "breath through" roles in
Splash (1984) and Big (1988) came in the major period of Mars in
ChaturashitT Sama Dasd.

Mars is the yogakaraka planet for his Leo ascendant, well placed in an
angle and forming a very superior raja yoga with the 5th lord, Jupiter, getting
directional strength in the lagna. It is also in a parivdrtana yoga with Saturn,
giving both a source of strength and creating another raja yoga. Splash
appeared in Mars-Jupiter and Big in Mars-Saturn. Do you see how well this
conditional dasd timed his initial rise to stardom?

His first Oscars came in in Mercury major period, the 11th lord in the
11th house of honors and awards with the lagna lord Sun. I suspect his birth
time needs to be backed up a little to give Aries not Taurus as the lagna in

Below is a chart that is among the first I was asked to give input about
after studying Jyotisa for a few years. It belongs to a high-powered
owner/operator and primary teacher of a highly successful yoga studio
during the mid-nineties. In VimsottarT she was running her Mercury major
period, the 3rd lord of yoga dsana in the 3rd house with the 5th lord Sun
forming a Budhdditya Yoga. The sub-periods of her great success were
Mercury-Jupiter followed by Mercury-Saturn, which activated the 9-10 raja
yoga in the 10th house.

Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General

Mew AS^-,3' Ve^- M6g=56. Ve Mo

SUia'28 Mea-Sfr
12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem
SU i8*28- As

11 Aqu 4 Can
jQn 32
§34 20' MSg-ga-
10 Cap 5 Leo

9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Ubr 6 Wg

ChJturiihltl »inu Dnhamamiha D10 Power & Status Dashamamstu 010 Power 8 Status
Son On* SunOn* D»hu P.
11/ 30 IMO 06 Sa 2 ia 1961 4)4 Jp Ke
12/ I' 1B70 164 2i ia 1973 116 V« a |»
12 1/ 1990 35 4 Ke 2' 18 1985 236 Sa sa Me As
12 V 2003/*** 42 4 v» 2 ia 1997 356 Su Ve
12 1i 2023 624 3u 2 18/ 2009 47 6 Mo ^Ma
12' I' 2029 83 4 Mo 2 ia 2021 now 596 Ma
12 2 2039 78 4 Ma 2i ia 2033 716 Me >
12 If 2046 85 4 fU 2 ia 2045 636 Jp a As Me Su
12 V 2004 103 4 JD 2 ia 2057 056 Ve Mo Ve
12 1' 2080 1194 Sa 2 ia 2069 1076 Sa Mo
12 2 2009 138 4 MB 2i ia 2081 1196 Su Ma Sa Ra r.e
12 2 2116 155 4 Ke iuii. iS£! 1316 Mo , j£Su —^

At that time, I did not know to apply CaturashitT Sama Dasd, but later
examined this period and saw that her great success and leadership role came
in her Saturn major period and Saturn-Jupiter in particular.

Notice that in D-10 Mercury is in the lagna, Saturn is in its exaltation

sign and Jupiter is svaksetra.

Recently though, I have had the opportunity to apply this conditional

dasd to the chart of a woman who has long been a participant in the Yoga
Satsanga that I've hosted at my home on Thursday evenings until the
coronavirus pandemic put a temporary halt to this.

Her Libra lagna chart features the 10th lord Moon in the 10th house with
the 9th lord Mercury, and her Moon is also configured in a Mukuta Yoga with
Jupiter falling in the 6th from the Moon in its mulatrikona sign, Sagittarius.
She is a financially independent person who has devoted her time to
good social and political causes but her main occupation has been as a yoga
dsana and mindflilness meditation teacher and role model to at risk children
and teens. Back in January of 2017 she moved into her Moon major period
in VimsottarT and I told her that her leadership role in these activities would
increase which has proved correct.

Rashl Dl General Rasni 01 General

Ma iB-zr JPo-aa- Ka?,u

6 Pis 7 An 8Tau 9 Gem
Sa.ovs As Ve-xtMir
K622:14- MOtiMO- Siw
5 Aqu 10 Can
Su 14 Ra?? ,4
4 Cap 11 Leo
Sai9'4- Ke 77 U
JPo 28' As ,2-21'
3 Sag 2 SCO 1 Llbr 12 Virg Ma inr
Vtmthotun ChabmhM tuna OtOPoww* S-.JI D»»h»fni#nih» D10 Powar & Slarui
Sun CM* 49. IWlD ita Afl. Daiha*
1/ 16' 1946 -128 Sa 9 7/ 1952 -80 S3 Ra Sa
M 1& 1967 64 M» 9 71 1964 40 Su
V Ifr 1984 23 4 Ke 9 h 1978 180 Mo Ve As
1( IS"1 1991 304 Ve » 71 IMS 28 0 Ma VeAs MoMa J!5
1/ ift 2011 504 fiu » 71 2000 400 Me
V 17'1 2017 no* 564 Mo 9 71 2012noM «0 J9
V Ift 2027 664 We 91 T 2024 640 Ve
V 1» 2034 734 Ra 9 71 2038 760 Sa Me
V 1&1 2052 914 Jp 9 71 2046 680 Su Sa
V 1» 2068 107 4 Sa 9 a 2060 1000 Mo
1' 16 2067 126 4 Ma 9 V 2072 112,0 Mb
1/ 20' 2104 1434 Ke Bi a 2064 124 0 Me rMe KeSu Mo Ma SuKe

In Chaturashiti Sama Dasa she is running Jupiter which again activates

her Mukuta Yoga and so clearly shows her involvement at this time with
teaching yoga dsana to children, Jupiter being a strong 3rd lord in the 3rd
house with the 5th lord of children

The Sasti Hayani Dasa applies to a birth chart when the Sun is in the
lagna. This would be a particularly powerful placement if the ascendant is
Leo, making the Sun the 1st lord in the 1st house.
Rashi D1 Cenaral Rashl 01 canerai
Sa,4.13. Ra^

6 MOrfgr SiljU? '

8 Pis 9 An lOTau 11 Gem 7
■ V6ig'w Jpir»7 Sawtj
R34 24 ASI<*4& /

7 Aqu 12 Can
< 8>\2
MOirj X ^/ll - „
Rajiv Gandhi JPiru Ve,r»
KG 4^4' Sin a«K1M4 8 1140 ASu-js Me,-, v
Bombai INOl*
flCap 1 Leo 9X s

5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2 Vlrg K64 21
Vinnhotun ChabiiMMn mhu Dashwramaha 010 Power & Status Dathamamsha 010 Power & Status
Sun A«. DMKM Start Dat. *»• Dm has Mo
11' 23.' 1934 -5 7 Ve 3l If 1941 34 Ma Sa MaMe Ve Sa
11' 23' 1958 14 3 Su ar 11' 1953 86 14* 7 Ke
It' 23. 19M 203 Mo 3/ 11' 1965 206 JP As Jp
11' 2V 1974 303 M« 3< If 1977 326 ve
37 3 Ra
55 3 •*>
3i If
44 6 Sa
568 Su 1 Ve 1
11 24 20l5novi 713 Sa 3/ If 2013now 686 Mo Su
11' 24. 2034 903 M* 31 If 2025 806 144 Mo
11' 24 2051 107 3 Ke 3i If 2037 926 Me Ra -
If 241 20M 1143 Ve 3/ 11' 2049 1046 JP
If 24 2078 134 3 Su y 121 2061 1166 Ve AsJp SaKe ifl Su
11' 24' 2081 140 3 Mo 3> 12 2073 1286 Sa MaMe

Navamsha 09 Dharma/Spouse Navamsha 09 Dharma/Spouse

VeMo Jp
\ / \ 4 ,• 8 Pis 9 Ari 10 Tau 11 Gem
y( AS X3

KeSa Jp

/ Xs/ 12 Can
a® 2 \ 7 Aqu
\ /^x / y
\ X Ma
6 Cap 1 Leo
Me >> Ke yi
/12 •
/ \ Sa -/ \
Me Mo
Ma \ 5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Libr 2 Virg

The birth chart of former Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi, has this
feature where the Sun is also joined by four other grahas, including all the
benefics, two of which are getting directional strength in the 1st house.

Remarkably, if you see the Sashti Hay am Das a for October 31st of 1984
when he took office after his mother, Indira Gandhi, was assassinated you
see that it was Sun-Sun! Note how the Sun is additionally in the lO111 house
of both D-9 and D-10 getting directional strength.

In VimsottarT it was Rdhu-Jupiter, which a case can be made for as well,

but this conditional dasd appears to time this precipitous career rise more
obviously. However, it is not always so in my experience.

Rashl 01 General RasM 01 General

Ma 13*33' Ke 0
JBair IV^-sv
S a 2033- Sa
8 Pis 9 An lOTau 11 Gem Suir5e- ASq^s©
K6 24:32'
7 Aqu 12 Can
Ra?4>ay ASj-se SUicw
Ingrid Bergman
Si/i B'M.IQlS 3 3000 Ve^ Me,- -w
6 Cap 1 Leo

5 Sag 4 SCO 3 Libr 2 Vrrg R2. JB 3'17'

Vlmihoturl Ch«IUf»»hiB Mmi 010 Pow« & Sl.-.u-, & iU-uj
*0* O.IKJ. SartOite OMBM

■ 15 Ke

2 » 1914 1' 2» 1913 $4 MeMo Ra
7i 25.' 1921 55 Ve 11 »' 1925 94 Su »
^ » 1941 255 9b 11 30. 1937 214 MO Ma As
2' 26. 1947 315 Mo V 30' 1949 334 Ma Ve
2' 26, 1957 415 Ua V 3ft 1961 454 Me *2 Ke
2 26 1964 48 5 Hi H 30 1973 57 4
21J 3ft 1982 665 JP V 30 1965 69 4 JP
Ve Su
2 2ft 1998 825 Si V 30 1997 614 Sa As Mo
V 2ft' 2017 new 1015 •4« 1' 30 2009 934 Su ' Me
2! 26' 2034 1185 Ke 11 30 2021 nan 1054 Mo
2/ 2ft 2041 125 5 ve V 30 2033 1174 Ma SaJp SuKe VeMa Sa
2' 26 2001 145 5 Su 1' 3ft 2045 1294 Me

Swedish movie star, Ingrid Bergman, lit up the silver screen in the 1940s
starring in such movies destined to become classics such as Casablanca, and
Gaslight, for which she won an Oscar for Best Actress and Hitchcock's
Spellbound and Notorious.

In VimsottarT, it was her Sun major period which shows her stardom at
this time very clearly as her lagna lord in the lagna with two benefics,
including the 10th lord Venus.

Sasti Hay dm Dasd does show her initial stardom quite well also since
between the ages of 19 to 29 she was running Mars as a major period in this
conditional dasd. Mars is the 9th lord yogakdraka planet for her Leo
ascendant and forms an angle-trine raja yoga with the 7th lord Saturn in the
11th house. Casablanca coincided with Mars-Jupiter and Gaslight was Mars-
Sasti Hay dm dasd also applies to the birth chart of British author, Agatha
Christie. She wrote some of her most popular murder mysteries such as
Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile in the mid-1930s. It
was her major period of Jupiter in Vimsottan, but the Sun period in this
conditional dasd. Her Sun is again the lagna lord in the lagna in and angle-
trine raja yoga with Saturn.

The enormous success of her stage play, Mousetrap, came primarily in

the Mercury period of this conditional dasd. See this kdraka of writing in her
birth chart in its exaltation sign aspect by Jupiter as the 5th lord and then its
condition and placement in D-10.

Rasm D1 General Rashi 01 General

Me Mo "V
Ra?B°3o As
8 Pis 9 An 10 Tau 11 Gem
ve16.a Sa 16 54
Su 29 55
Ra 30
7 Aqu 12 Can
Agatha Christie Ke 26 30'
JPlQMT Mon 9151690 4 2800 Sa,^ Ma?-
Torquty UK
6 Cap 1 Leo
K626 ao1 M622c53'
Ma222 V616^ MOg^r
5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Libr 2 Virg
CMihamamsha D10 Powor i SUlu* Daahamamihi Old Powar i Statui
aSToiSr Sun D»it S:-
12' 111 1&1 -58 Su 3/ 10/ 1879 115 Me VeKe Su
191 12' 11590 02 Mo 3/ 10- 1691 05 JD i Me As
IZ o 1900 102 M* y IV 1903 12 5 ve Ma Jo
121 131 1907 172 fU y 12 1915 24 5 S«
12 13- 1925 352 Jo 3/ 12- 1927 385 Su 1 Ve
12/ li' 1941 512 5« y 12/ 1939 48 5 Mo
12-' 13' 1960 70 2 Me y 1Z 1951 605 M4 Ke Ra
121 13' 1977 87 2 Ke y IZ 1963 725 Sa Mo
12 131 1964 94 2 V« y 1Z 1975 645 Jp
12 13/ 2004 1142 Su 3/ 12: 1967 965 Ve MaJfi MC
12 2010 120 2 Mo y 12 1999 106 5 a* , MeAs Ea Su
12' 13 2020 r 1X12 Ma 3' '2 2011 now 1205 Su

Satabdika Dasd can be applied when the birth lagna is vargottama which
is the case in the chart of Kareem Abbul-Jabbar, who dominated the
basketball world for decades both in college and on the professional level. I
wrote a whole article about his horoscope entitled "Elephants, Lions and Sky
Hooks", a reference to the special KesarT Yoga in his chart and his
unstoppable hook shot on the basketball court.
Rashl 01 General Raslil 01 General
M 07^59' SU3«o' Ra,Q--y KSlO'T Jp? 45

Ma Tone- v AS2''47'
's Pis 7 An 8 Tau 9 Gem 9
>'. X5
Ve27.8. Saa'ss1
5 Aqu 10 Can 7/
Kareem Abdul Jabbar
vV«> * 1<M94 7 1830 00
4 Cap 11 Leo
K§10-3- VezT-ff x
Jp2 US AS2=47•
3 Sao 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Vlro Ma.ovp- Ra,^
Vlm«hoo»rl ChMunahW wmi Dathamamtha D10 Powar & Status Daahamamaha D10 Poww & Status
SurtDal. 4fl. Dasmj Start Daw *0* Dashai SuSa Ve
V 1941 i,S R3 ft 14. 194 j -38 Ua Ra
V 11 1950 122 Jp ft 14. 1965 82 I4e . Mo
7/ 1975 28 2 Sa 4 14 1967 202 Jp AsKe
V 11 1994 47 2 6 14' 1979 322 Ve Ma
7, 14. 2011 M2 Ke ft 14. 1991 442 Sa j£ Me
V U1 201ft now 712 Ve t* 14 2003 562 So Jfi
7/ 14' 2038 912 So ft 14' TOiSnow 682 140
1! 11 2044 972 Wo ft 15.- 2027 602 Ma Me
V 14J 2054 107 2 Mi ft IV 2039 922 Me Ma " Ra
7/ 14' 2061 1142 FJj ft IV 2051 104 2 Jp
V 14' 2079 1122 Jp ft IV 2061 1162 Ve Ve AsKe SuMoSa
7' 14 2095 1462 Sa ft IV 2075 1282 Sa

It was in his Jupiter major period both in VimsottarT and SatabdTka das as
that his initial rise to prominence came about. One thing among many that
should be seen about this timing is the exchange between Jupiter and Mars
that becomes 1-5 from dasd lagna when he ran this period, with Jupiter
getting exalted in the 10th in both D-9 and D-10.

The remainder of his enormously successful athletic career came in his

Mars period in SatabdTka dasd, which at first glance may not appear to time
this as well as Saturn in VimsottarT. But see that Mars and Mercury form an
angle trine combination:

• from the birth lagna

• from Candra lagna

• from dasd lord

Moreover, using the position of Mars in Pisces as a dasd lagna, the

Mars-Jupiter exchange becomes 1-9, with Mars as the 9th lord and Jupiter as
the 1st and 10th lord. Mars is also well placed in D-10.

Ramana Maharishi's is another vargottama Libra ascendant chart about

which I wrote a full article entitled "Ketu and Kaivalya." He obtained full
God-Realization at the age of 16 in July of 1896 in the Vimsottari dasd of
Saturn-Snw-Ketu and anyone interested can read my commentary about this
timing in that article.

Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General

S317-3' Me Ve
Ke23 20-
Mazrss- M028-2S As 19
8P« 7 Art 8 Tau 9 Gem

5 Aqu 10 Can

Ramana Maharishi
Tue 12/301879 1 l0€O Ma 58
fOA MOjb^
4 Cap 11 Leo
JD Keov™
Me23^ f
SU>5'36 V Oo-as" As 3S19'
3 Sag 2 SCO 1 Libr 12 Vira Sa n
Vlm*hon»H Cha«ur»*hlB Mm« D9 DhanwSpouM
ton Ox. *8» 0«hJ» Sort to. *9" toh.. Ra
KV 22' 16*9 102 JP 5/ 9/ 1872 -76 Va Mo Su
1ft 23/ 1865
1ft »' 1904
58 sa
248 u»
5/ Ift 1664
V 10 1696
44 sa
164 Su ■Ke As Ma
10 24' 1921 418 Kb V 11' 1909 26 4 Mo
10/ 24/ 1928
1ft 24' 1948
46 8 Ve
688 Sa
V IV 1920
V 11/ 1932
40 4 hU
52 4 Me JP • Ve
1ft 24 1954 248 Mo ft 11' 1944 644 JP Me Ve
10 24/ 1904 84 8 Ma ft 11i 1956 764 Va Me Su
1ft » 1921 918 Re ft 11) 1968 86 4 Sa 3 Mo
1ft 24/ 1989 109 8 ft 11/ 1980 100 4 Su
10 24' 2005n(«» 1256 JP Sa ft IT' 1902 1124 Mo Sa Ra As Ma Jp
1ft 24/ 2024 144 8 Ma ft It' 2004 124 4 MX Ke

I also wanted to see what Satabdika das as dasd showed at that time and
discovered it was Venus-Moon. Venus is the lagna lord with the 9th lord
Mercury in a sarpa drekkdna while the Moon is completely full in the 9th
house, vargottama and with moksa kdraka, Ketu.

Dwadasottan Dasd is one of the more intriguing among these

conditional naksatra-based das as as it only applies to charts that have either
of the Venus-ruled signs, Taurus or Libra, as the navdmsa lagna. I believe
this applies to the chart of British pop music star, Adele, given below.

A very distinctive feature of her birth chart is the raja yoga-giving 4-5
exchange between Mercury and yogakdraka Venus, and the further
participation of these benefics in a powerful Candra Ad hi Yoga, with Jupiter,
Mercury and Venus falling in the 6th, 7th, and 8th from the Moon,
respectively. Her lagna lord Saturn in a mutual aspect with Venus is also a
very superior raja yoga for her Aquarius lagna.
In Vimsottan, her great rise to stardom took place in her Venus major
period which is quite obvious, especially since Venus is svaksetra in D-9 as
the lagna lord in the lagna.

Does Dwadassottan dasa show it as well? It was her Mercury period

followed by Rdhu. You be the judge.

Rashl 01 General Ra»hl 01 General

M66-43" V6,'32' Magsr
Su2r6 ASi^sa^X
2 Pis 3 An 4Tau S Gem \.12 ,-• \iox
Jpi9=29- 1X X9
Ra,„7 SU?vff
AS rse Me6.48. Mo... -"
1 Aqu 6 Can XI'x"
Ma25i6- x'sX\
Thu 661966 3 07 00 KB 77 57- KG27 57-
London UK VSii?
12 Cap 7 Leo
X4X 6
M029;33• - "x
SSa 23'
11 Saa lOSco 9 Libr 8 Virg
Vimshottarl Dw»d*8l«jHan W»vmih« P8 DhOTMiSpow
Start Oaw DnltM Ap* D»«h»»

11/ 2$ 1971 -16 4 Me 8/ 22 1979 07 jp MeMo RaSa X^^X^P
IV » 1968 00 Ke 8/ 21/ 1968 03 Ke \e
111 271 19» 7 6 Ve a 22 1999 113 Me Kfi X AsVeSu Ma
11 27. 2015 27 6 So 6' 21/ 2012 now 243 Ra
11. 26' 2021 now 33 6 Mo 6/ 72 2027 393 Ua
11/ 27/ 2031 436 Ma 8/ 22/ 2044 563 Sa ioXI
11/ 27/ 2038 50 6 Ra 8/ 22 2063 75 3 Mo
11' » 20M 68 6 Jp B 22/ 2084 963 Su Ma Sa
11/ » 2072 64 6 Sa 8 23/ 2091 1033 Jp iiX Ra
11/ 27/ 2091 103 6 Ms 8/ 21 2100 1123 Ke •' Ve X. ?
11/ 26 3108 1206 Ke 8 24/ 2111 1233 Me Ke
11, 26 2115 127 6 Vs 8/ 23/ 2124 136 3 Rlt , AsSu 11Jp
r XMe MoXX^

Rasm 01 General Rashi 01 General

20,7 47- Ra2126 X AS TVS'
9 PiS to An 11 Tao 12 Gem N 5 x' \ 3 X^
y 6X Sa22a52' X2
M 623 45' As,v5- MSjS't,
Sa,^7 \ M325',0' / Do -Ve-
6 Aqu 1 Can 7X1
Al Gore V
xJ^®21 26;
Wed 301/19M 125300
Wasnnoion DC
7 Cap 2 Leo e>"'' SU 17-47
x® .
Mo ,0*6- Kesrae-
JPs 28
6 Sag 5 Sco 4Ubr 3 Virg JpV2ff MoI0.(, Majyae X.
Viminotun OwsdMhacun N»vj«ntrt« D8 Ohafma'ipc-uM mvirnftt 09 DhenniSpoun
Sort Data AQ* Dathn Start Dj» Ap* Dathn
1» 11/ 1943 63 Ke 121 II' 1942 -53 Su Ke MeJp
12' 11/ 1949 I T ve iz in we 17 Jp l
12/ 11' 1969 21.7 Su 12 11/ 1956 10 7 Ke Su '■ RaAs
12' 12 1975 27 7 Mo 12 11' 1969 217 Me Ma
12 11' 1985
12; 11/ 1992
37 7 Ma
44 7 Ra
12 12/
12 11/
34 7
U« I#Mo Ve
12/ 12 2010 noo 62 7 Jp 12/ 12 2014 now 66 7 Sa Mo
12/ 12/ 2020 767 Sa 12 12 2033 65 7 Mo SaVe
12/ 12' 2045 977 Me 12 12 2064 1067 Su Ma n Ke
12' 12 2063 114 7 Ke 12 12 2061 1137 Jp
12 12 2069 1217 Ve 12 12 2070 122 7 Ke Su RaAs
12/ 12 3069 1417 Su 12 12 2081 133 7 We ; )X MeJp
I worked extensively on the birth chart of A1 Gore when predicting the
outcome of the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election. His Libra navdmsa lagna
makes DwadasottarT dasd applicable.

Back then I was not using these conditional das as, but later found it
interesting that when he was the Democratic nominee for President, he was
running his Mars-Saturn period in this conditional dasd, with these two
grahas giving raja yoga together in the 1st house and with Mars as a
mcabhahga yogakdraka 10th lord. He had also been Vice-President during a
portion of this period.

It was the closest election in U.S. history and Gore actually won the
popular vote by a narrow margin, but lost by an even narrower margin in the
Electoral College when Florida went to George Bush after a controversial
vote recount and Supreme Court ruling.

The Astottan Dasd of 108 years is said to apply when Rdhu is in an

angle or trine from the lagna lord, but not in the lagna. This condition is
fulfilled in the birth chart of the great social/political activist, Mahatma
Gandhi, who played a huge role in gaining India's independence from the
British Raj.

Rashi D1 General Rashi D1 General

5a Su

Jp28 8'
6 Pis 7 An 0Tau 9 Gem As,, 28 Me,
R3l3 3Q- a Ma^-M-Ve,
M02849' MO28 49'
5 Aqu 10 Can
Ke - Bj3l3 39-
Mahatma Gandhi
K6i3'39* Sat lOfcieeo 04000 2:?
4 Cap 11 Leo
M61 fee SUTSST-
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg
Navamtha D» DharmafSpouea
Sun *B» Oaihn Su
4/ i- ISM 155 Me 1' 20i 1863 ■55 Su Mo
4. 44 1871 15 Ke 1/ 1»' 1969 01 MO Ve Ma Su As Ke 12 Mc
4 it3/ 1678 05 Ve 1i 19r 18S4 151 Ma Ma Ve
4 4 iew 285 Su 1' 19 1892 231 Me
4.' 4/4 1«)4 345 Mo 1/ 21 1909 ♦01 Sa
V 1914 44 5 Ma 11 21 1919 501 Jp
4' 19?1 515 R4 V 21 1938 691 Ra
V 1939 695 JQ If 21 1950 811 Ve MeSa
V 1935 95 5 S* 1 21' 1971 1021 Su Ra to Me
SI 1974 104 5 Me M 21 1977 108.1 14o Sa
5/ 1991 1215 K« If 21 1992 1231 Ma je -
&' 1998 128 5 Va V 21 2000 1311 Me ^ 22
It was in the late 1930s and early 1940s that Gandhi wielded the most
social and political influence without ever holding any political office, after
which he came to be called a Mahdtma or "Great Soul." This was his Jupiter
period in Vimsottan giving the results of his excellent Gaja KesarT and
powerful Bherl Yoga.

The Asottari Dasd timed this period of his great stature among the
populace of India as well since it was his Rdhu major period, in the 10th with
the 10th lord Moon and giving also the results of the Gaja KesarT Yoga.

Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure fiction set
in exotic locations, predominantly Africa. His most popular novel, King
Solomon s Mines, features the character of Allan Quatermain, who the later-
day movie adventure hero, Indiana Jones, was modeled after.

Rashi D1 General Rashl 01 General

- Venj Sanii
JPis-ir Men , ASjr$,
R3?9 S?' Su« Sa, ,'24" Ve,-,?
10 Pis 11 An 12 Tau 1 Gem
ASJ7*51' SlJq-J'
R 3 29 52'
9 Aqu 2 Can
6 .-<12 Jpis'ir
.' 9
Mew H. Rider Haggard
am ftza.'iew MOW K®29 52'
Norwich IM
8 Cap 3 Leo 7>' ><ii
K®29'52' . '
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg
Navanma 09 Oharma/SpouM Navamsha 09 OMarmMSpouit
Sun Dot. s
» 13.' 1964 ■18 1 14' 1864 -16 Jp Ra As Ma
» 1661 52 1 14/ 1873 174 Ra
91 14 1BT9 232 Jp 1 14/ 1886 29 4 Ve Ma As
9 14' 1895 39 2 S» 1 16 1906 504 Sn -v.
9 16' 1914 58 2 Us 16 1912 664 >4o Mo
9 16 1931 762 Ke It 1927 714 Ua
9' 16 1938 822 V# 16/ 1936 794 Up Ke Ra
9 16 1968 1022 Su 16 1952 96 4 Sa Sa
9 14; 1964 108? Mo 16 1962 106 4 Jp Ve MeSu ><"
ft 16 1974 1162 Ma 16 1961 125 4 Ra
9' 16 1981 1»2 R4 1/ 16 1993 1374 V« SuMe Jp Ve KeMo Sa
ft 16 1999 1432 Jp V 16 2014 168 4 Su

Ashottari dasd applies to his chart since the lagna lord Mercury is in the
lagna and Rdhu is in the 10th house, vargottama and with the 10th lord

His highly successful authorship started in his Jupiter period in

Vimsottan, but this conditional dasd shows it well also since it was in his
Rahu period, and especially Rahu-Rahu, when he wrote and published King
Solomon s Mines. Notice the naksatra exchange between Mercury and Rdhu.

I have wondered if the conditions of this dasd apply when Rdhu is

actually with the lagna lord, or if being in an angle from it means in the 4th,
7th, or 10th from the lagna lord. However, in a yoga like Gaja Kesan,
requiring that Jupiter be in an angle from the Moon, the conjunction of the
Moon and Jupiter counts, so why not in this case?

With respect to this, the chart of now former U.S President Donald
Trump comes to mind. Had I applied it when trying to predict the 2016
election, I may have more easily come to terms with predicting that he
would win. As can be seen in the graphic below, it was the Sun-Jupiter
period when he was elected and inaugurated.

• The Sun is the lagna lord in the 10th house getting directional

• It forms a nodal raja yoga with exalted Rdhu.

• Both are aspected by a deceptively strong 5th lord Jupiter and are
kendra sambandha to yogakdraka Mars.

• The Sun is in the lagna of D-10.

Rashi D1 General Rashl Dl General
M 6,545- JP: Ve Sa
Ra27 4i
B U29"49' Ma 3^0
B Pis 9 Ari 10 Tau 11 Gem
ASe sr Me 15*45
V 62,30' SU 29^49
fAqv 12 Can
K6?7"4t Ra27 41
Donald Trump MasMo- =
Fn 51411946 10 54 00 M028 5
Jdmaipi NY ASest-
5 Cap 1 Leo
M 028,5'
KG 27 4 v
® Sa? 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2 Vrrg
Da»h»m*m»ha D10 Power & Staiu* Dethamemtha 010 Power & SUrtut
SwtOM. Suit Oat* Dishat Mfl Ma
iv iw 1931 -146 1* IV V 2014 64 5 Su SaVe KeMo »
IV 15' 1948 2 4 Ke 21 4, 2016 69 6 Su
iv te- 19M 9 4 Ve 16 4, 2016 703 Su «>C SuAs
iv 16 1975 29 4 Su 16 25- 2017 714 Su
iv 1981 35 4 Mo 5/ 16 2016 719 So
IV 16 1991 454 U« 4' 25 2019 729 Su JB
IV 16 1996 52 4 Ra 16 i 2019 733 Su
IV 16 2019 no* 704 Jp 6 4/ 2020 741 Su
IV 15 2032 684 Sa IV V 2030 74 6 Mo ''X KeMo
11, 17/ 2051 105 4 We 16 5/ 2021 now 75 3 Mo AS
IV 15 2008 122 4 Ke » V 2024 782 Mo Me SuRa Ma
IV 17' 2£I1 jaoi. _SL £-2225 799
Ma Sa Ve

This dasd appears to time his improbable win quite well. Then again, it
would have him losing the last election in Sun-Sun and leaving the office in
the Moon period. Given all the turmoil, chaos and even violence his
behavior after the election has caused by perpetuating the "Big Lie" that the
election was stolen from him seems well symbolized by his ganddnta,
debilitated Moon closely conjunct the RKA and aspected by Mars. It seems
an apt image of the negative, emotional instability that those around him
witnessed and reported.
Sodasottan Dasa

All the conditional dasds discussed thus far are ones that only apply to a
small percentage of birth charts. But the first one mentioned from the
incident related in K.N. Rao's book, the Sodasottan Dasa, applies to half of
all birth charts and therefore can be utilized much more frequently. Its
duration is 116 years and applies when the lagna is in Sun's hord and the
Moon is waxing or the lagna is in Moon's hord and the Moon is waning.

Each sign of the Zodiac has two hords. Each hord is 15 degrees. The first
hord of any sign is from 0 to 15 degrees and the second hord is from 15 to
30 degrees. The first hord of an odd sign is ruled by the Sun and the second
by the Moon. The first hord of even signs is ruled by the Moon and the
second by the Sun.

The Sodasottan dasa applies to a chart when:

For an odd sign rising:

• The degrees of the ascendant are between 0-15 and the Moon is

• The degrees of the ascendant are between 15-30 and the Moon is

For an even sign rising:

• The degrees of the ascendant are between 0-15 and the Moon is

• The degrees of the ascendant are between 15-30 and the Moon is
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General
1 ASr3 Ma Jp D 38
Rar9- As
10 Pis 11 An 12Tau 1 Gem
Sas 5- M 3 27-56-
9 Aqu 2 Can

Kamala Harris
Tue 21 2800 V624^32' SUiw
Oukkir.1 CA
8 Cap 3 Leo
Me^s- Sa
Ke^g. Ke
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4 Vtrg
D10 Powet & Status
Stand au A8. daitVM Start Oa» Age DathM
V 21' -2 3 K* ft $, 2032 678 Me sa
V 211
V 21' 1989
31 V
ii' n
MO Lie
Sa Ma
Sa Ve aMo AsRa
V 21' 10B5 307 Mo 5/ 31' 2038 736 Sa Ma Ve
V 21' 200i 10 7 Ma 2/ 2ft 2039 74 3 Sa Mo
V 21' 2012 low 17 7 Ra 71 17' 20*0 757 Sa Su
V 21' 2030 657 JP 2» V 2041 76 3 Sa ve Sa
71 21' 2046 817 Sa 1» 1ft 2043 762 Sa Ra Jp
11 21' 2065 100 7 Me i 24 2044 793 Sa JP V< MaKeMe
71 22' 2082 1177 Ke 11' 30- 2045 811 Sa Sa Kfi
71 21' 2089 124 7 ve It' H 2046 MO Jp Sa Su
7i 22' 2109 144 7 Su a. 7/ 2046 938 Jp Mo .MeMa Su M

My prediction about the outcome of the November 2020 U.S.

Presidential Election was influenced to a large degree by the birth chart of
Kamala Harris. Her horoscope and the periods that she was running looked
like a winner to me. I discussed this in detail in my article "Election 2020. "

The significant raja yoga in her birth chart is the placement of the lagna
lord Mercury in the 5th house of rajya, the authority to rule, aspected by a
perfectly full Moon. Underlying this is an exchange between the Sun,
planetary indictor of government and authority, with Venus, the 5th lord.

At both the time of the election and when she would be sworn into
office, I saw that she would be running Rahu-Mercury in VimsottarT. Rahu is
in its mulatrikona sign in the lagna of both the birth chart and D-10 and
giving the results of Mercury. In others words, this period was going to
activate her raja yoga.

Her degree of birth lagna puts it in the hord of the Sun and her Moon
was still waxing at the time of her birth, qualifying her chart for the
Sodas ottarT das a. In this conditional das a it was the Venus-Moon period at
the time of the election/inauguration, giving similar results.
About This Book

In this introduction my intention has been to give the reader an overview

of these conditional naksatra-based planetary dasds and to briefly illustrate
their efficacy in timing major life events. Used in conjunction with
Vimsottari and Jamini's sign-based dasds they are a powerful tool for
improving predictive accuracy. When attempting to predict events, such as
marriage or child birth, if one can see multiple dasds pointing in the same
direction in a similar time frame, and then additionally transits are
supportive, this is what leads to predictive success in my experience.

Just recently, I was able to predict the birth of a child to a Russian

woman student of mine to within a day.

Rashi 01 General Rashl 01 General

J<e0« Ve 14-35

5 Pis 6 An 7 Tao 8 Gem Ma 21*7 Su 5^

Jp15;28- Me As
aL 44
4 Aqu 9 Can
Sa 24

S a 19=24- Ke Cr44 M 028=47

3 Cap 10 Leo
MdsrrSUs's? ye,4^5- RaD44
2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg
D7 Profltn,
9' 10' 2020 418 Mo Ke 7/ 13/ 2016 396 Jp Me Mo
4J 11/ 2021 ne* 42 4 M0 ve 7/ 13/ 2019 406 Jp ve Ra „ JP SuAs
12/ 11/ 2022 44 1 Mo Su 7/ 12' 2020 416 Jp Sa AsSu
U 11/ 2023 M] Mj 7' 12; 2021 r 426 JO Mo
11/ 7/ 2023 430 Ma na 7/ 13/ 2032 436 Su Su » Ke
11/ 2$i 2024 460 Jp y 12/ 2024 453 So
11/ 1/ 2023 40 9 Ma Sa 11/ It' 2026 470 Su Ma Ra
12' 11/ 2020 461 14a H* 11/ IV 2026 460 Su Ve
12' 2027 490 Ma KB 11/ 12/ 2027 490 Su ve Sa
» S 202a 49 5 M» v» 11/ 11' 2026 500 Su Sa
7/ » 2020 506 14a Sn 11 11 2029 610 Su fta Sa Me MaKe Me
11/ iq jm Jf2_ su J£_ Ve

She's been running her Moon major period in Vimsottari It had already
given her two children, and it is not difficult to see why. Her Moon is the 9th
lord in the 9th with an exalted 5th lord Jupiter.

Note that her Sun is in the lagna, making Sasti Hay dnl das a applicable
to her horoscope. Coinciding almost exactly with her Moon period in
Vimsottari, she has been running Jupiter in this conditional dasd. Both
systems very clearly indicate a child-giving time. By zeroing in on finer
levels of the dasd and using transits, particularly of the Moon, I predicted
she would give birth on September 22, 2021. She had a son on September

In the chapters that follow each of the nine conditional naksatra-h&SQd

das as are discussed in detail, showing their calculation and the length of
each planetary period. Their ability to accurately time significant life events
is then profusely illustrated using the birth charts of well-known public
figures. Each chapter ends with case studies in which I used the conditional
dasd to make accurate predictions.

Whereas the main purpose of this book is to initiate readers into these
conditional dasds, a secondary purpose is to provide instruction on how
divisional charts are used to make predictions. To that end, I have included a
chapter on this topic, as well as a chapter on a systematic methodology for
interpreting planetary periods in general.

I once heard my teacher, K.N. Rao, say that it is a poor astrologer who
only knows one dasd. The purpose of this book is to overcome that
shortcoming. Yet, we should all keep in mind that knowledge is power, and
like all power, the predictive power that comes from astrological knowledge
can be wisely used, but also misused and abused. May the knowledge
derived from this text only be used to serve and benefit others.

All Praise to the Rsis and their Divine Science of Jyotisa

Marc Boney

Anno Domini

May 2022

Cardiff by the Sea, California





The incredible dasd systems of Jyotisa are among its most unique
features and they are what gives this form of astrology its predictive powers.
Whereas the planetary patterns at birth show what karma a person is
destined to experience in their lifetime, it is the dasds that show when this
will manifest.

Jyotisa includes both planetary dasds and sign-based dasds that fall in
three broad categories.

1. All-purpose dasds that can be used on any horoscope to predict any

event. VimsottarT is the main planetary dasd that falls in this
category, and Jaimini's Cara dasd is its counterpart among sign-
based periods.

2. Dasds that can be utilized to see any event but only with birth charts
that meet certain criterion. Planetary dasds that fall in this category
are the subject matter of this book, though there are sign-based
dasds of this variety as well.

3. Dasds are that used only to calculate a person's ay us, or longevity.

There are both planetary and sign-based dyus dasds.

Fortunately, the methodology for utilizing any planetary dasd is exactly

the same, be it an all-purpose one that can be applied to any horoscope like
VimsottarT, or any of the conditional ones presented in this volume. This
chapter gives a step-by-step methodology for predicting with planetary
periods, along with illustrations.

After an accurate birth time, Ayandmsa is the second most important

consideration in the calculation of any birth chart and of planetary periods.
Ayandmsa is the Sanskrit term in Indian astronomy for the angular difference
between the vernal equinoctial point and the sidereal zodiac. The calculation
of the Ayandmsa is critically important for determining planetary positions,
divisional charts, das as, transits, etc. Using different Ayandmsas can result in
major changes in das a balance or high-level varga charts like sastidmsa (D-

Ayandmsa is the difference between the tropical and sidereal zodiac. The
actual value is about 24 degrees and is deducted from the tropical length of
each planet to get the sidereal length. Planetary longitudes are measured
from the vernal equinox which gives us tropical positions. After applying
Ayandmsa correction to this value, we get sidereal longitudes. Western
astrologers use tropical positions of planets whereas Vedic astrologers use
the sidereal system.

Chitrapdksha Ayandmsa, more commonly known as Lahiri after the

Indian astronomer who established it, is the only one that I can recommend
as giving the correct results. All good astrological software has this, but also
other options, so the program must be set to Lahiri. I cannot emphasize this
point enough.
Steps to Predict with Planetary Periods

1. See the house placement of the planet.

The simple first step in interpreting any planetary period is just to see the
house placement of the planet in the birth chart. Generally speaking, all the
indications of that house will be a focus in the person's life during this time

Rashi Di Genaral Rashi 01 Gonaral

KeeSJ / KCe-y
SUi505i ASIOo40*
\ Mew / \ /
JP26-W Mazen/ M^2901,
11 Pis 12 Ari 1 Tau 2 Gem
tX, ASIOd40' X12

y' 624055^\^ V66053'

10 Aqu 3 Can


9 Cap 4 Leo

)*\ x
8 Sag 7 Sco 6 Libr 5 Virg

Shown above is the birth chart of a woman friend of mine. Many years
ago, she asked me to give her input about her Mercury mahddasd, a 17-year
period she began in the year 2000 at age 45. Mercury's placement in the 10th
house indicated that this dasd would put a focus on her career life.

2. Note also which houses the mahddasd lord rules.

In addition to a planet's placement, it will typically also rule two other

houses, unless it is the Sun and the Moon. The indications of these houses
will also get activated at this time. In her case Mercury rules two good
houses, the 2nd and 5th. Pdrdsara Hord instructs us that predictions should
be made based on the known background of the person with respect to time
(kdla), place (desa) and life circumstances (pdtra).

In this case I knew that my woman friend was a 45-year-old employed

career woman, divorced, with sole custody of a 15-year-old daughter who
was in high school. At an earlier time in life, her running the dasd of the 5th
lord would make it a very eligible period for having children. But because of
this known circumstance, it would be very unlikely to give children. Rather,
it would just mean a continued focus on raising her daughter.

Other indications of the 5th house needed to be considered, and since I

knew her to be very spiritually-oriented, spiritual practices involving the use
of mantra would be a likely manifestation, which turned out to be quite true.
Another indication of the 5th house is vidya, or knowledge. A person can get
interested in learning in such periods, and I thought it would be true for her
given that Mercury is configured in SarasvatT Yoga that also gives this

As a 2nd lord, the need to maximize her earnings would also be a part of
this dasd. Yet additionally, I reflected on the fact that Mercury is the
planetary kdraka of speech and communication in general, while the 2nd
house/2nd lord also has these significations. I knew her to be someone who
taught various kinds of fitness classes such as yoga and pilates, and someone
with a background in graphic design, such that I predicted all these activities
would increase at this time.

3. See the condition of the planet both in the birth chart and in the

"Condition" means all the favorable and unfavorable conditions that a

planet can be in starting with its dignity. In this case Mercury is not in the
best condition because its dignity is that of being in the sign of an enemy.

However, it is important to also see its condition/dignity in the navdmsa

because in some cases this can dramatically alter interpretation. In her case it
did not, since in her D-9 Mercury's dignity is neutral, a slight improvement
but not an appreciable one. Contrast this to the condition of Mars in the birth
chart of tennis superstar Serena Williams.

Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General


12 Pis 1 An 2 Tau 3 Gam X2 , '

3X AS 10'22' XJl
M 321=59" RSe-a*
11 Aqu 4 Can \ 1 X'
4 >: 10
x ' Xv
Serena Williams M 821'59V Keg6
Ke6e SatMfiMSHI! 203000 MO26 48" V022'43'
10 Cap Simn*M Ml 5 Leo
6 Xs®
Ve22'43- Saiav X x \
QSaj, 8 Sco 7 Ubr evira SU10.,ySa,fi-6
N>v»m»hj D9 OhftwnSpouM
Surt Dais Dsifuj X jpSaSuXX, Ma RaX Jp Sa
» 2; 1961 -01 Su M SuVe
ft 31
ft I
59 Ma
159 Ms
«X6 ^
^ Xx Mo
4/ <3Sa As
ft ^ 2004 now 229 Ba ' Ke As
ft ft 2023 409 Jp
ft ft 203# 549 Sa
9 ft 2057 759 Me VeSu
9' ft 2074 929 Ke Ma JpRa
ft ft 2081 999 Ve Ma
ft Al 2101 lift? Su Me
ft Aj 2107 125 9 Mo Mo Me
ft * 2117 1359 Ma , Ke XX . Mo Ke

Her Mars is in its debilitation sign in the birth chart but goes to its
exaltation sign in the navdmsa. This is actually the most effective way that a
planet's debility gets canceled and Mars will give its results more like an
exalted planet. The proof of this is that she first achieved the #1 ranking in
women's professional tennis in her Mars major period.

See another example in the horoscope of comedic writer and actress Tina
Rashl 01 General Rashi 01 General
M620 is- SU3.47' V6V45- Ke Ve

^820 40" M 3 26 47- Ma 26'4r

9 Pis 10 A/. 11 Tau 12 Gem
As 57-
ASlr57- Su, *r
53,5-9 M02'8 S^20140,
0 Aqu 1 Can
Jp4 28 MG?Q°15
Tina Fey
Man S'lftiWO 104200
Uppef Omty PA
7 Cap 2 Leo
J&l 28
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Virg Si wg
Sign chin from Moon h»v»m»hji 09 Dh*rm«i5poui»
tun 0 n* DnlvH J£ Ma
10' \l 106S Ua
10/ V 1972 24 Ra r « As Me
10' 2' tow 204 Jp Jfi Mo ^ Ke MoVeSa Ke
10' 2 2004 now 344 St RaSu
2 2025 55 4 Mt / 7/ As \
10,' % 2042 724 Ke < lAXj*
1(V 2 2049 794 v«
1(V 2 2009 994 Su Ke Su
10 2 2075 1064 Mo Sa Me Sa X3 Rfl n
10 2 2005 1154 Ma AsSa
io 2 2092 1224 R4 ^ vJ Jp MoVtM9 Ma
10' 5M 2110 1404 40 / V/Su Ma\

Her Saturn is in its debilitation sign in the birth chart but exalted in D-9.
Her greatest success, particularly with her award-winning TV show. 30
Rock, happened in her Saturn mahddasd.

However, "condition" doesn't just refer to a planet's dignity but any

notable condition favorable or unfavorable. Note that in the D-9 of my
woman friend Jupiter is in the same sign there as in the birth chart, the
condition called vargottama, one that makes a planet quite strong.
Unfavorable ones would be conditions like combustion, defeated in a
planetary war, sandhi conditions, particularly ganddnta, etc.

The good news about the Mercury in the birth chart of my woman friend
is that it was not in any unfavorable condition aside from its lackluster

4. Evaluate the planets strength

To some degree this can be assessed by a planet's dignity. Good dignities

like exaltation, mulatrikona, own sign, and placement in the sign of a Great
Friend make a planet capable of giving its results strongly. Poor dignities
such as being debilitated without cancelation, or being in the sign of a Great
Enemy or Enemy are weaker conditions.
However, there is much more to consider than just dignity when
assessing planetary strength. There are conditions such as a planet having
directional strength, or being vargottama, or in an exchange of signs. None
of these apply to her Mercury, but note that her Venus is in an exchange of
signs with Saturn. The effect of this is that now both of these planets can
give their results strongly as if they were in their own sign. This would be
particularly true for Saturn since it is already in its exaltation sign.

It is also important to understand that within Jyotisa there are two

quantitative measures for assessing the strength of planets known as
vimsopakd bala or "twenty- point strength" and shad bala, meaning "six
strengths". Vimsopakd bala refers to how many times a planet has a good
dignity in a set of divisional charts. Shad bala refers to six different ways
that a planet can be strong and is a quantitative method in which a number of
factors like a good dignity or directional strength can be synthesized and
expressed numerically. All good Jyotisa software give these values.

When evaluating her Mercury, I saw that its vimsopakd bala was quite
low, only 9 out of 20 points. It was better in shad bala, a bit above baseline
strength at 127, but nothing exceptional.

Planetary strength is a major factor when evaluating to what degree a

planet can give the fruit of any yogas in which it is configured. Very strong
planets can give the full fruit and therefore more dramatic results, while
weak planets will give only partial fruit in which very ordinary results are

5. See the planets associations

Associations means any of the standard ways in which planets in a birth

chart get connected such as conjunction, aspect, exchange of signs, etc.

Her Mercury is conjunct Venus and aspected by the strong Jupiter. The
most primary consideration as to an influence on any point in a chart is
subha/asubha yoga, meaning does it get the influence of natural benefics or
malefics. In her case the fact that her Mercury gets the influence of the two
best natural benefics is a highly favorable point with respect to good results
that Mercury could give in her professional life. The absence of any
influence of natural malefics is also a favorable point.

6. See any yogas in which the planet is configured

This is a very critical step in the process of predicting what kinds of

results a major period lord will give. Failure to see that the planet gives the
fruit of certain yogas is to miss an important theme in a person's life during
that time period. Yogas, of course, can be favorable or unfavorable, and fall
in the two broad categories of those based on house lordship and graha
yogas. In which case, I saw that her Mercury is involved in a number of
these, and quite favorable ones.

As the 5th trine lord in the 10th angle house, Mercury gives raj a yoga by
placement. Its conjunction with Venus forms both an additional raja yoga
combination but also a dhana yoga. Moreover, Mercury is a part of two
grahas yogas:

• Since the three benefics, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are either in
angles, trines, or 2 and 11, with Jupiter in strength, this gives
SarasvatT Yoga.

• Only benefics in the 10th house without the influence of natural

malefics, gives an Amala Yoga.

SarasvatT is a yoga that can incline one towards learning and the arts,
both of which I came to know were very characteristic of her. She had
trained as a graphic artist, and worked in the publishing industry and was a
life-long, continuous learner. She shared with me that her favorite time of
life was in college during her Jupiter period when she could devote herself to
learning. She had also played the cello in this period.

Amala means "stainless" and the idea behind this yoga is that having
only natural benefics in the 10th house would incline a person to engage in
professional activities that benefited others. As a result, the person would
have a good, stainless reputation. In her case, the 10th house also gets the
aspect of the strong Jupiter, in addition to being occupied by Venus and
The drawback is that Mercury is not very strong so the fruit of these
yogas would be very ordinary. Still, she could expect some good results from

Based on the raja yoga I predicted that she would have increased
professional success in this period. Since raja yogas involving the 5th lord of
rdjya, or the authority to rule, have a special ability to put a person in a
leadership role, I predicted this and it happened on multiple occasions during
her Mercury mahddasd.

In consideration of the dhana yoga that Mercury forms, I told her that
her remuneration from her professional activities would also increase
substantially and this proved correct as well.

Given that Mercury ruled her 5th house of vidya and is a component of
SarasvatT Yoga, it seemed likely that she would be quite the student during
this period, not just a teacher, and this turned out to be very true. Whenever
some renowned Yoga teacher would hold a training in her area, she always
took their course. During Mercury she got trained and certified in a whole
range of fitness modalities, things like Zumba dancing, kick-boxing and
water exercises. She also participated on a weekly basis in a Yoga Satsanga
where the focus was the study of the scriptures of Yoga like the Bhagavad-
GTta and the Yoga Sutras.

With Mercury in the 10th house involved in Amala Yoga, as a result of all
her teaching in multiple fitness centers and Yoga studios in her area, she
became widely known and was much appreciated for this, gaining an
excellent reputation.

These predictions based on the yogas in which Mercury participates

demonstrates the importance of this 6th step of seeing the result of any yogas
that a major period lord can give. But since Mercury was not that strong, I
judged that this result would be quite ordinary not exceptional, whereas
under different conditions the 5 th lord in the 10th house with the lagna lord
can give an exceptional level of success and status, even fame.
An example of this can be found in the birth chart of movie star, Mia
Farrow. Her lagna lord Mars in the 10th is in its exaltation sign conjunct with
the 5th lord Sun, along with the 3rd lord of the performing arts. In fact, there
is an exchange between the 3rd lord Mercury and 10th lord Saturn. The Sun-
Mars combination gets additionally enhanced by the aspect of the 9th lord
Jupiter. She ran her 7-year Mars period from ages 28 to 35, during which she
was a prominent Hollywood star.

Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General

Ve,,.,!' Siirie-
AS i7150' R a 25-2-
12 Pis 1 Art 2 Tau 3 Gem
San ifi' As ::C

11 Aqu 4 Can
MSia 45
Me .3.45
Mia Farrow MS 3-20'
Su^r-M Mar2<r Fll 29,19*5 11 27 00
LosAngetes CA Ke^
10 Cap 5 Lea
9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Ubr 6 Virg
Sign chart from Uoon Ni»OT»ha 09 Dhanna/Spou— Navamiha 09 Dharmafapoyfre
a 211 1937 79 Ve SuMeMa ^ ■
a >v 1957 121 Su N. i0 - ■ MeRa ve
1 22, 1963 181 Mo 'OK KeMo Ke 8 Mo As Su
» 211 1973 281 Ma Ma
3. 21' 1960 351 Ha Ve
1 22 1998 531 Jp JP
3t 22 2014 iww 691 Sa
a 22, 2033 381 Me JpSa
J' 22 2050 105 1 Kit As i SaRa Sa 10 -.:i
a 22 2057 1121 Ve As Me
a 22 2077 1321 So KeVe
a n1 2063 138 1 Mo MoSu Me

Alas, the placement and lordship of a major period lord just from the
birth /agna is not the only thing that needs to be considered. A more
advanced, complete, and correct use of any planetary dasd means doing such
an analysis from three different perspectives:

• From the birth lagna

• From the Moon, Candra lagna

• From dasd lagna, which means using the sign position of the major
period lord as a lagna and seeing the planetary patterning from there.

And yes, this complicates matters considerably, but it is necessary

because frequently events that occur in a major period can only be predicted
from these alternative lagnas.
The Sanskrit classics of Jyotisa are very emphatic in their statements that
the birth chart and yogas in the chart must be seen from both the birth lagna
and the Moon. And when it comes to interpretation of das as, they are
equally emphatic about seeing the results of periods based on dasd lagna as
well. Let a few examples serves to illustrate the point.

Mickey Mantle and Hank Aaron are two Hall of Fame baseball players
that are considered among the best of all time. Each of had their initial
success and fame in their Jupiter mahddasds. In both charts Jupiter is
configured in success/fame-giving Kesari Yogas. In Mickey Mantle's case,
his Jupiter-Moon combination is also a trikona rdja/dhana yoga.

Their Kesari Yogas gave such strong results because of the condition of
Jupiter. Mantle's is in its exaltation sign, and Aaron's is vargottama.

But their success and resulting fame were specifically from being
sportsmen, which is not predictable at all from their birth lagna. But see that
from the position of the Moon (Candra lagna), Jupiter rules the 3rd house of
sports in both charts.

S'gn chart from Moon

Ra,^. Sa

3 Pis 4 An 5 Tau 6 Gem 8

Ra 12 22 ASU'58
J p25D584 V6i4»35
2Aqu 7 Can
MO29 18-
Mickey Mantle
Tue 10201931 100000 Jp 25 52
SpiWnew OK
1 Cap 8 Leo
e Ke 2 22
8324 25 AS ^58 Me4.4.:
Ma^s- Ve,4.35.Su^ K0i2r22"
12 Sag 11 Sco lOUbr 9 Vtrg
Sign ch«fl from Moon Nevemtha D9 Oharma/SpouM Nevamihe D9 OhermaiSpouie
*0* OMIUI Sa Ra
1 219 JP Ke Me
ft 3W !9e9 37 9 Sa As Me Su
& 29' 1980 569 Me Ra Mo
ft » 2005 739 Ke As Sa
5' M 2012 now 809
8 3a 2032 1009
Su Me x Jpve Ma Ve
61 M 2038 106 9 Mo Ve Su Jp
» 301 2048 1169 Me
8' 31/ 2055 1239 fta Jp
8 30' 2073 1<1 9 JP AsSa
8 30 2060 157 9 s Ma
» ^ MeSu Ra Mo Ke
Sign chart from Moon
J Po 15'
6 Pis 7 An 6Tau 9 Gem
M 65-58 Ke26-22- Ke 26 22
5 ActtJ 10 Can ye22'10-23 25 36
SU23=40 Ra26 22
Hank Aaron
SajyviVe^iQ Man 2«'1934 2025 00 Me.s w
4 Cap MQOla At
11 Leo
Ma I w

JpO'iS' As i -sg-
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg
VlmthotUrt Sinn chtrtlfem Moon N«v«fmh» D9 DhormtiSpouM
Son Oat. Ag. DKIUJ As Ke MaMo
Ilf 24/ 1950 166 JP Me
11 24 1966 >26 Sa 1 t
11. 24 1984 518 »,te Mo Jp As
11' 24' 2002 686 K<? Ke Ve
11/ 24/ 2009 now 75 8 Ve VeSa
11' 24/ 2029 958 Sti Jp
11/ » 2035 1018 Mo Ke SuRa
11/ 24/ 2045 1118 Ma Me" - Ra AS . Sa
11/ 24/ 2052 1188 Ra Ma ib< Ve
11/ 25 2070 1.168 Jv
11' 25 2086 142 8 Sa MaMo Me jp SuSaRa
It' » 2105 1718 Me

Actor George Clooney first became a star for his role in the popular TV
series, ER, in his Rahu-Venus period. Venus giving this result as a sub-period
lord is predictable from the birth lagna since for his Aquarius ascendant
Venus is an exalted, stand-alone yogakdraka. But then why success/fame as
an actor/performer, a 3rd house signification?

Sign chart from Moon Sign chart from Moon

As Ke
Sll 22*14'
3 Pis 4 An STau 6 Gem 12
AS 10=38 MSg^g-
2 Aqu 7 Can \ to - "
Ode-av Ras se
George Clooney M©27,,26
Jpn-wMOa-j? Sat 5-0/1931 2 5800
leun^on KT
1 Cap 8 Leo

Ma 49
12 Sag 11 SCO 10 Llbr 9 Virg R3'j"O
Sign chart ftotn Moon Navamihi OB DharmafSpouta
Start O Ag* Oaihai AsKe Jp SaMo
& 30 1980 194 Oj As Jp Bi
10' 11 im 374 Jp
10 1* 2014 now 434 Sa Ve Jp SaMo AS
io If 20J3 724 M« SaMo
10 V 2050 894 Ke Su Ke
10 V 2057 964 Ve
10' If 2077 110 4 Su Me Ve Me
10 If 2083 122 4 Mo i
10' If 2093 132 4 Ma Ma Ma
10 Z 2100 139 4 Ra Ke
10 2 2118 157 4 Jp Su Ma
I2_ y 1734 Sa Ra , VeMe , Su
See that from his Moon Venus is now the yogakdraka 10th lord in the 3rd
house. Then in the subsequent major periods of Jupiter followed by Saturn,
he became an award-winning movie star. From the dasd lagna, Capricorn,
this pattern is also in effect when he runs these period.

Sinn chart from Moon

M8 25*43'JPo'ar As :"j ■ Sa

M027'53' Su, 5^ K6l8 32'

8 Pis 9 An lOTau 11 Gem
Ke 18'32"
Mo 2-i 2"
7 Aqu 12 Can
y SlJ 15"8
John F. Kennedy
Tub 5^ftl917 150900 J P 0C'20'
BrooMn* lift MO24 34' MejT-ss'
6 Cap 1 Leo
Ra MW Ma2v4T
Ra 18-32' AS29*2*

5 Sao 4 Sco 3 Libr 2 Vtrfl

Vimihotuh Sign clurt from Moon Navirulu 09 DtUmu/SpouM N»«m«h4 D9 PhtrmSSpow
Sun Dm As Sa Save
V 1945 261 R4 Su
V IS' 1961 44 1 jp
V 18 1977 301 54 Mo KS AsRa
V IS 195* 791 Me Ma
V 18 301J Ml Ke Su Me
V IS 2020 now 1031 Ve
V 1ft 2040 1231 So VeJ
V 1ft 2046 1291 Mo P M6 VeSa jp
V IS 2056 1391 Ua 3a Ke Su
7/ 1ft 206? 1461 R4
7 1ft 2061 164 1 Jp Me Ma Mo AsRa
V 1ft' 2531

From the birth lagna, Virgo, the horoscope of former U.S. President John
F. Kennedy does not look at all like one that would put him in such a high
position. It shows his chronic health problems with the lagna lord in the 8th
with the 8th lord and aspected by the 6th lord, Saturn, who also aspects the

It is only Candra lagna that tells the story of his becoming the most
powerful political leader in the world in his Rahu major period. From the
Moon his 10th house becomes spectacular in which the 1st lord Sun is
vargottama with the 10th lord Venus svaksetra and the 5th lord Jupiter.
Together they form very powerful raja yogas from this perspective. Rahu
gives the results of Jupiter. It is only from the Moon that this is predictable.

Rahu-Mars as the sub-period when he became President is only

predictable from dasd lagna, since from Rahu's position in Sagittarius, his
Mars-Mercury conjunction becomes the 5th and 10th lord in the 5th, with
Mars svaksetra in both the birth chart and navdrhsa.

It is only from das a lagna that I was able to see why significant events
occurred in my life at a particular time in the VimsottarT dasd.

Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General

MS ii-yy Ve,,,. Mo 2-: -• Ke
Maiyr 533 40
7P« 8 An 9Tau 10 Gem

B Aqu 11 Can

Marc Boney R®25 18

Wed 4'18i95l 185400 M02551-
5 Cap ToWo OH
12 Leo
Jp 12
4S3g 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg Ra Su Ma an Me ' J' M
1/lm«hon»ri Sign chin »rom Moon NJV amsha 09 \ aarma. Spc u»e N«vim«h» D9 Dharmi/SPPUM
Sur Ouu AsSa/" . ■■ ve
V W 1550 368 R4 Su As Ve SuRa
12 I* 397 Rj Ma
6. 1* 1997 <12 FU M4 a> : MoKe 8j 2 As
71 11 IMJ 41-2 Jp Jp Sa Ma
8 71 1995 <4 3 JP S«
W y 1996 469 Jp Me
8' 2000 491 JP Ke 11
5 1& 2001 501 Jp V« ' "x , Ms MeJp Mc
V 14/ 2004 52 7 JP Su 8 Ke
IV If 2004 53 5 £ Mo Ma
y i 2006 549 jp Mi MoKe
* T TW _55± Jp_ -Bj- , MtiP

In September of 1990 I relocated from the Chicago area where I had

lived for 20 years to the San Diego. It was a major life change that occurred
in my Rahu-Sun period. This event cannot be seen at all from either the birth
lagna or from the Moon, but from dasd lagna, Aquarius, the Sun is in the 3rd
house of movement/migration with the 3rd lord from that perspective.

In the subsequent Rahu-Moon period a significant relationship started

that also cannot be seen without employing dasd lagna from where the
Moon falls in the 7th house from Rahu

I could literally show hundreds of examples, but let one more suffice to
make the point. Prince Harry of England had a child in the spring of 2019,
something I had predicted based on dasd lagna since it was his Rahu-Venus
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General
Ma Ke
BSs 59
Mo2r41. jp
4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem
As 17 43 ? Sa ift-i?

Ve 2-:
3Aqu 8 Can

Prince Harry of England

SW ft 1519114 18 20 00
PadAnown. EMG SU29M8' SUwiO
2 Cap 9 Leo
AS'7'43- Ma23M8- Sa19M2- V024-4' MOor-ar
JP9 55 K65 59-
1Sa9 12 Sco 11 Libr lOVlrg Ra
Sign chm ftom Moon N4v«m«h4 Oft Dh»nn*JSpou«e
Itt 17/ 2018 341 H3 Ve Ke ve
IC 17/ 2021 no* 371 Ra Su X Sa
ft 11/ 2022 380 Ba Mo Mo As Me
12/ 2024 39 5 Ba Mi Ra M®
n 30 2029 40 9 Jp Jp Mo
V Ift' 2027 427 Jp Sa Jp
11/ 2ft' 202ft 452 JP Me Su
J/ ^ 2032 47 5 Jp Ke Ma VeKe
2/ ft1 2033 48 4 jp Ve Me Sa u Sa
10/ 11/ 2035 51 1 Jp Su
II M 2030
519 Jp Mo
Ve Ke SuMo A
S| Ma R.--

Rahu becomes eligible for bringing this event since it receives the aspect
of the 5th lord Mars, but the sub-period lord, Venus, is not connected to the
5th house/5th lord from either the birth lagna or from the Moon. However, it
does fall in the 5th house from Rahu

(To see many more examples of events being only indicated from dasd
lagna, I refer readers to my article, Kaleidoscope of Time: Importance of
Dasd Lagna.)

The point here is that to understand the full implications of what a major
period/sub-period can bring, it is necessary to analyze this from all three
perspectives of the birth lagna, candra lagna, and dasd lagna. Admittedly,
this can get very complicated.

Returning now to the interpretation of the Mercury major period of my

woman friend, I needed to see what results were indicated from both
Chandra and dasd lagna in addition to the birth lagna. Fortunately, in her
case there were some repeating themes.

A very prominent one was that her Mercury-Venus combination was

giving a good angle-trine raja yoga from all three perspectives.
From the birth lagna, they are the 1st and 5th lords in the 10th

From the Moon, Mercury and Venus are a combination of the 1st and
5th lords again, but now falling in the good 9th house.

From dasd lagna, Aquarius, Mercury is the 5th lord and Venus is the
yogakdraka 9th and 4th lord.

Sign chan from Moon

Ke.,.., Jpw.* As
AS io*40'
Ma29.v MO.ZTS. Ke 53 Ma
10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem
Mo 35
Jp 20 52
9 Aqu 2 Can
Su 10 5'

24 -r,
8 Cap 3 Leo
Sa?? i4 Sa Ve«.
Ra 53
R3s 53'
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4 Virg
Vlm»hon«fl (Won chad from Moon 09 Ohiimai Spou»a
Ag* DMK» As RaSa Me
Ji 30< JOOO *5,0 M. As Me H-t
a M 2002 47 4 Ue Jp jp A VV
a 24 2003 48 4 We JpMoKe As >oi
6 24/ JOOC 512 Sa
4. 30 2007 521 MS ^3 Su
0. 24 2008 53 5 We
O » 2009 54 5 Me MO
4/ 14/ 2012 570 Me Mo Ms
71 21/ 2014 59 3 M* Ra o Ve
Ji JO/ »17 62 0 K« Ve
» 2* 2017 62 4 K* Ve Ke
10. 26 2018 936 Ke . Ma Ke Su Su

When something like this occurs the fruit of raja yoga is assured and
becomes a very emphatic promise, especially in the Mercury-Venus

Another thing I noticed is that Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter also form
SarasvatT Yoga from all three lagnas. This confirmed that the results of this
yoga would also be a very strong theme throughout the period, particularly
in Mercury-Venus and Mercury-Jupiter.

The fact that Mercury falls in the 9th house from the Moon, and is with
Venus, the 9th lord from dasd lagna, also strongly confirmed that religious
inclinations/spiritual activities would very much be a part of this period. This
turned out to quite true. She attended many rituals at Hindu temples,
participated in weekly kirtans (devotional singing), studied sacred scriptures,
and practiced meditation regularly.

Another major trend that occurred which can only be seen from dasd
lagna is the incredible number of fitness and yoga dsana classes that she
was teaching in her Mercury period, and the fact that she was commuting
around all day to different locations to do this. These are both indications of
the 3rd house. Notice what happens to her 3rd house from dasd lagna,
Aquarius. Mars becomes the 10th and 3rd lord from there svaksetra in the 3rd
house. The close mutual aspect between Mars and exalted Saturn becomes a
1-10 raja yoga. I came to know that during this period she regularly taught 5
to 8 classes a day, seven days a week!
Divisional Charts

As if all this was not complex enough, interpreting what a major period
can give is even more complicated because the placement and condition of
that planet in divisional charts also has to be part of the process.

Divisional charts pertain to different areas of a person's life. For

example, the navdrhsa (D9) is for marital relationships, the saptdmsa (D-7)
for children, dasdmsha (D-10) for career, dvddasdmsa (D-12) for parents
and so forth. If a birth time is only approximate it cannot be relied upon to
give correct lagnas in the divisional charts, but one can at least see the
dignity/condition of a planet there. How these divisional charts are utilized
to predict what results periods can give in a particular sphere of life is
covered in the next chapter.

When in a birth chart, a dasd lord is strong, in good conditions, and

configured in benefic yogas, AND continues to be so from different lagnas,
AND continues to be so in relevant divisional charts, uncommonly good
results can occur. If the reverse is true, uncommonly unfavorable results can
occur. Most periods produce mixed results, some favorable and some
unfavorable, and different results in different areas of life, which can be seen
using the divisional charts.

Interpretation proceeds through a process of thesis, antithesis, and

synthesis, and the weighing up of many, oftentimes contradictory factors.
One should always look for repeating themes from different perspectives
when evaluating a dasd lord.

Of course, it is not enough just to see the potentials of a major period.

These potentials will become actual in the nine sub-periods in a mahddasd.
It would be laughable to predict that a person would marry sometime in the
18-year major period of Rahu if it is placed in the 7th house. The person
would naturally want to have a more precise prediction.
Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General
Bina Sa?;.;.,
VCU-jj- Ke 19
7P.9 8 An BTau 10 Gem
As 15 42"
SU j-49'
6 Aqu 11 Can

Mo 27
Me7~j5 Me T1S- Sa 27
5 Cap 12 Leo
/ Ve 17 22
M 027*1* JfiHUI
As Ke r.,u Ra 19'
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Vlrg Su
Sign Quit trem Moon D9 Dhaimti Spous»
Son C M
12/ Ml i»i
Ra Ra Ma KeSa '•.■a
6/ » 19W 25 5 Ra Jp ^Xio X8 | .Me Jp n As
V a 1997 279 Ra Sa Mo X'/ As J£
11f 19W 308 Ra Ma Ma
&> 17 2003 33 3 Ra Ke JE » Ra Me
v ft 2003 344 Ra Ve <r^rW
11 5 2006 37 4 Ra Su Sa X5X AsKe x" Sa Ke
V 30/ 2007 383 Ra Mo
\v 2ft 2006 398 Ra Ma Xo Su MoVe
12/ If MOT 404 JP Jp X^4 \
2 4. 2012 430 H> Sa VeMo Su Rd
» 17/ 20 U 45 5 # Me '

This is chart of a woman who first consulted with me when she was 25
and running her Rahu-Jupiter period. At the time she had just gotten out of a
toxic relationship with an older foreigner, which is not hard to see from an
examination of her 7th house/7th lord. Rahu, the foreigner, is in her 7th house
and connected with her 7th lord Jupiter. Saturn, signifying older individuals,
is with Rahu in the 7th house.

This relationship coming in her Rahu-Jupiter illustrates one of the

simplest principles for interpreting periods and sub-periods. If a major
period like Rahu shows the potential for giving relationships, just based on
the rdsl, it is most likely to do so in the sub-periods with which Rahu is
connected. The challenge here is that Rahu is directly connected to Jupiter,
the 7th lord, but also to Saturn and Venus in the 7th house. The sub-periods of
all these grahas, as well as that of Ketu, could all be strong
relationship/marriage-giving periods. And she was running Rahu at a time of
life when women normally marry.

Rahu-Satum did bring another relationship and again to an older

foreigner, since she was living and working in Germany at the time, but this
did not result in marriage. I predicted marriage in the Rahu-Ketu period at
age 33, since this period/sub-period coincided with similar indications in the
Jaimini sign-based system. This proved correct.

It was then easy to predict the birth of children in Rahu because it is with
the 5th lord Saturn. Rahu-Satum had already passed, so the first eligible sub-
period after marriage in

Rahu-Ketu, would be Rahu-Venus. Venus is also with the 5th lord Saturn,
and as the 9th lord (5th from the 5th) it can give this result, and it did. She
gave birth to two children in this period/sub-period.
Principles for Interpreting Dasas from the Laghu Parasan

Laghu means "little," and the Laghu PdrdsarT is a small Sanskrit treatise
of unknown origin that condenses into just 42 verses some very key
predictive principles given in the voluminous Brhat Pdrdsara Hord Sdstra.
It is primarily about how to identify and time fortunate periods, ones that can
give the fruit of raja yoga, and unfortunate periods, ones that give mdraka
phal, meaning death or bodily suffering.

One of the chapters deals specifically with interpreting dasas and

antardasds. I have written an original translation and commentary with
illustrations on this text. What follows is a reprint of that entire chapter. As
will be seen, some of these principles are simple, straightforward and
logical. Others are much more difficult to understand. I have tried to clearly
explain and illustrate these to the best of my abilities based on decades of

"Not all planets would bestow their good and evil results on men, in
accordance with their own nature, in their own periods and sub-
periods." (29)

The first verse of this chapter on the results of planetary periods gives a
general interpretive principle. Whatever are the results that a period lord can
give, good or bad, the fullest fruit of that will tend not to occur in its own
sub-period. For example, if Jupiter is an auspicious 9th lord for an Aries
ascendant and configured in good raja yoga combinations with angle lords,
the fullest fruit of that yoga will typically not come in Jupiter-Jupiter. Rather,
verse 18 of the previous chapter instructed us that the fuller fruit would
come in the sub-periods of the planets forming the yoga with Jupiter, or in
those of unrelated gra/^ who give similar raj a yoga results.

It is important to understand that this verse is not saying that a major

period lord's own sub-period cannot bring any result of the yoga, as I have
sometimes seen it misinterpreted.

Jupiter in the chart of former U.S. President, Barack Obama, as we have

seen before, is a very interesting planet to consider in the light of interpretive
principles given in this text. It was in this major period that he rose up
politically as follows:

• Illinois State Senator starting January 8, 1997 (Jupiter-Jupiter)

• U.S. Senator starting January 3, 2005 (Jupiter-Venus)

• Democratic nominee for President in June 2008 (Jupiter-Moon)

• Elected President November 6, 2012 (Jupiter-Moon)

• Sworn in as President of the United States on January 2009 (Jupiter-

Rashl (0-1) Gt-noial
KSa sa
MOio*? VS82«r

11 33? n
3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem
12 j£7 32
AS2d 44" Meirp
Ke™ SUl»*,T
10 2 Aqu 7 Can
1 &j7
4 3/5

Barack Obama R3 rw
As^j "41 Sa?,i Fn. 8/4/1961 19:24 00 Maoris-
Honolulu. HI
1 Cap 8 Leo
2 311,9 ,3
MS29 is

VeB 2a Ra3 M 12 Sag 11 SCO 10 Libr 9 Virg

The question we must first ask ourselves is how Jupiter gives raja yoga
as the 3rd and 12th lords of this chart in its debilitation sign, Capricorn. One
explanation not encompassed in this text is that it gives nlcabhahga raja
yoga, which occurs when a debilitated planet effectively gets cancellation,
and then additionally falls in an angle house.

Using another principle that is a part of the Laghu ParasarT, we noted

earlier that Jupiter, as the 12th lord becomes an "impressionable," giving the
results of the stronger house lords with which it is connected. These would
be the 1 st lord Saturn, vargottama in its own sign giving Sasa Yoga, and the
9th lord, Mercury, who derives its strength from its exalted condition in his
navdmsa. Jupiter also derives underlying strength in D-9, falling in its own
sign, Pisces.
Navamsha (D-D) Oharma/Spouse
Me Mo

8 Pis 9 Ari 10 Tau 11 Gem


5 7 Aqu 12 Can
8 5" 2
11 O)
Ra Sa As
6 Cap 1 Leo
Su 10 12
Su Me
Ma Mo
Sa iSSag 4 Sco 3 Libr 2 Virg

Saturn as the 1 st angle lord and Mercury as the strongest trine lord form
a powerful raja yoga by mutual aspect, with both planets in strength. So,
another major reason why the Jupiter mahddasd could raise him up so high
is that Jupiter is giving the result of this very potent raja yoga.

Let's look now at timing in the light of this and previous verses:

• Jupiter did start giving him some raja yoga results in its own sub-
period since it was in Jupiter-Jupiter that he gained his first political
office as an Illinois state senator. However, it would not give the best
and fullest fruit according to his verse.

• Then he became a United States senator in Jupiter-Venus, and it is a

perfect illustration of the second part of verse 18, where we were
instructed that a major period lord capable of giving raja yoga, will
do so, in the sub-periods of unrelated planets who also give this
result. Venus is a yogakdraka 5th and 10th lord, completely unrelated
to Jupiter.

• He became the Democratic nominee for the 2008 Presidential

election in Jupiter-Moon, and he won the election and became
President in this same period/sub-period. As an exalted 7th lord in
the 5th house, the Moon also gives raja yoga, and together with
Jupiter forms Gauri "Divine Mother" Yoga, defined by when the
Moon is in its own or exaltation sign, is placed in an angle or trine
house, and receives the aspect of Jupiter.

All of this is in perfect keeping with what has been given in the text
regards timing thus far, and I used these principles to predict his election.

Prior to entering her Saturn period, Bonnie Raitt had been a successful
performer and recording artist, but it was not until she entered Saturn that
she became a big star and experienced great commercial success as shown

Rashf |0-1) Gnnoral

Mo 27-48 Ra?v
23'13' R323013' M027!,48'
As 9 0 12/ 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem

1 11 Aqu 4 Can
4 >10 (>)
Jp a-io- M3i4°3'
Bonnie Raitt
JPa-io- Tue 11/8/1949 16 08:00 S924o0'
Siw Burbank. Los Angeles, CA
10 Cap 5 Leo
Ma143 Me.522
Sa24-0' Vess, SU23s6' K623a13
Ke 23-13'
VSg-sr M6i5622'
9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Libr 6 Virg

Saturn is her 10th lord in the 5th trine house with a vargottama 1st lord,
Mars, forming a blemished raja yoga because of Saturn's additional lordship
of the 11th. However, it is 1-10 combination in a trine house nonetheless. In
her Satum-Satum period, she won four Grammy Awards in one year (1990),
which again goes to illustrate that raja yoga planets can give the effects of
this in their own sub-periods.

However, this verse is saying that Satum-Satum would not bring the
fullest result. This would come per the interpretive principles as given in
verse 18 of the previous chapter, which is to say, in the sub-period of Mars,
the other angle/trine lord forming the raja yoga with Saturn, or other raja
yoga-giving planets unrelated to Saturn.

So, it did. In Satum-Moon she was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall
of Fame in the year 2000. During Satum-Mars in 2002, she received a star
on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for her contributions to the recording
industry. Interestingly, some of the best fruit of Saturn as a giver of raja
yoga came in the Jupiter sub-period, another unrelated "causer of good."
During this period in 2006, she released the live DVD/CD Bonnie Raitt and
Friends, which was filmed as a part of the critically acclaimed VHI Classic
Decades of Rock Live Concert Series and was a huge commercial success.

These two examples are specific to planets capable of giving raja yoga,
but it should be understood that the interpretive principle in this verse
applies to any major period lord. In which case, understanding the meaning
of the compound anurupata atmabhdvd, or "according to its own nature " is
critical for a complete comprehension of this verse.

At the very beginning of the chapter entitled "The Effects of Das as " in
Parasara Hord, the Sage gives us the first key principle for interpreting a
given planetary period when he states:

"There are two kinds of effects of das as, general and distinctive. The
natural indicators of the planets cause the general effects and the
distinctive effects are realized by their placements etc. "

This means that since Venus is the kdraka or indicator of marriage, it can
bring this event in its dasds simply because it is Venus, independent of its
house placement or lordship in the birth chart. Venus is even more
empowered to do so if it rules the 7th house of marriage in an individual's
chart. In the same way, Jupiter, as the natural indicator of children, can bring
offspring in its periods independent of its placement or lordship in a chart,
but may also bring a home should it be placed in or rule the 4th house.

"In accordance to its own nature" in this verse refers then to the sum
total of every kind of result a major period lord can give, both general and
distinctive. The first has to do with the natural significations of the planet
and the latter with all of the following:
sign/house placement of the planet and its house lordship

• the aspects it makes onto other houses and planets, and the aspects it

• any yogas in which it is configured

• all the various conditions of planets, favorable or unfavorable, such

as exalted, debilitated, vargottama, combust, in a planetary war,
having directional strength etc.

Whatever the results that a major period lord is capable of giving, the
import of this verse is that it would not give the fullest manifestation of that
result in its own sub-period.

Consider the Mercury mahddasd of the comedic actor, Chris Farley,

famous for his performances on the NBC comedy sketch series, Saturday
Night Live.

Rashi (D-1) General

Ra,a ♦a MO?-,r Jpj4 ■

9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem

Su?„ As iTi

4 8 Aqu 1 Can
7 igl 1 &
Chris Farley
Sat 2/15/1964 15:34 00
Jpja'B- Madison. Wl
7 Cap 2 Leo
MO,ysfl 12 Ve,2-37
MO2 tr
Ke tR-jj
Ke ie-4a Su25,
Sa2iB 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

In terms of its lordship for his Cancer ascendant, Mercury belongs to the
"inauspicious" trisaddyd group since it rules the 3rd house, and to the
impressionable group as the 12th lord. It has no relationship to any other
house lord and therefore does not get impressed by any lord of a stronger
group. So according to the principles laid out in the first chapter, it will give
the results primarily of its other lordship, that of the 3rd house, one of whose
indications is the performing arts. This interpretation gains additional
support when it is noted that Mercury participates in a rather superior
SarasvatT Yoga, falling as it does in an angle, while the other two benefics
are both placed in the 9th house, with the Jupiter svaksetra and Venus in its
exaltation sign. Mercury is in the sign of a Great Friend in the birth chart and
has a healthy Vimsopakd bald score of 13.9 points out of 20 in the dasd
varga scheme, so it has some strength.

In Mercury-Mercury he graduated from Marquette University with a

concentration in communications and theater, so it is apparent that in its own
sub-period Mercury is giving some of its results. However, the much greater
result came in the Mercury-Venus period, activating his SarasvatT Yoga. This
is when he started to have great success as a comedic performer and was
asked to join the cast of Saturday Night Live. Of course, Venus as a sub-
period lord is a giver of raja yoga, since it is the 4th lord exalted in the 9th
house with the 1st and 9th lords.

However, according to the principles given in the third chapter,

Mercury's placement in the 7th house makes it a primary mdraka, and per
verse 10 in the first chapter, it is particularly so as a natural benefic falling in
this mdraka-sthdna. An unfavorable condition of his Mercury is that it is
exclusively hemmed by natural malefics. Chris Farley died of a drug
overdose in this period at the age of thirty-three. Later, I will have more to
say about the sub-period when this tragedy occurred as it relates to another
verse of this text.

"Those [planets] that are related to [the period rulers] themselves or

those that share in their own nature - in their sub-periods do [the period
rulers] bestow the result of their own periods. " (30)

This verse is reflective of sloka 18 which instructs us regarding the

timing of the fruit of raja yoga, only now generalized to any planetary
period, not just those capable of giving such fortunate results. Whatever
karmic fruit a major period lord portends, this will come in the sub- periods
of planets connected with it (dtmasam-bandha), or those sharing their own
nature (sadharma).

In the previous chapters, we have been instructed with regards to two

very different categories of planets that give rather opposite types of
experiences. There are those planets who can give the fruit of raja yoga, an
auspicious, fortunate experience, and then there are mdrakas, those that can
bring pain, suffering, and even death.

Many VimsottarT dasd periods are quite long, such as Venus which lasts
20 years and Saturn 19. Even the shortest of these, the Sun, extends over a
time period of 6 years. When a person runs the dasd of some planet capable
of giving raja yoga or mdraka results, these will not manifest in all nine of
the sub-periods within that major period. This verse and those that follow
gives us guidelines for identifying when the fullest fruit of that will come
and how to judge the results of other periods that will not give this fullest

In the VimsottarT dasd, the first sub-period in any major period is that of
the major period lord itself. The Venus mahddasd, for example, always
begins with Venus-Venus. The previous verse has instructed us that this first
sub-period will not give the fullest expression of whatever the major period
lord portends, though it can give it to some degree, and now this verse is
instructing us that the fullest result will come in the sub-periods of planets
connected to it, or in those of a like nature.
Rashl (0-11 General Rashl (D-1| General
SUn-fl ASs^s"

1 As 5 M' 11 1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gem
2 . 10
VBJ 48 Sllire'

12 Ke2a a
12 Aqu 5 Can
3 #9 &
Ra2B M6i4«24'

Sa^e 10
11 Cap 6 Leo
KSga'S' S^aMO'

Jp 18**3 Jp16043 M^25031,

10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Libr 7 Virg

This is the chart again of the 36-year-old woman who was diagnosed
with Stage Four cancer in December of 2016 in her Saturn-Mercury period.
Saturn here is a part of a malignant arista yoga formed by the placement of
the lagna lord, Jupiter, in the 8th house, while the two natural malefics, Mars
and Saturn aspect the lagna. There are no natural benefics in the angles to
protect the health, only natural malefics, nor does the lagna/lagna lord get
the influence of natural benefics that might relieve this arista combination.

Saturn and Mars are both primary mdrakas in more than one way since
Mars rules the 2nd house and is placed in the 7th mdraka-sthdna. Saturn,
besides also residing in the 7th house, becomes the surest killer based on the
interpretive principle given in verse 28 at the end of the previous chapter.

"By connection together with killers, malefic Saturn becomes a killer,

indeed, surpassing all others without a doubt. "

Mercury, the sub-period lord when she was first diagnosed and treated is
also a mdraka since it is lord of the 7th house, but then see that Saturn and
Mercury are in an exchange, the strongest possible sambandha between
planets. Consequently, it then becomes very eligible, according to the first
part of verse 30, for manifesting the fullest mdraka potential that the Saturn
major period indicates. Not only are they connected, they are of a like
nature, both mdrakas.

The second part of the statement begs the question of what exactly the
author means by the term sadharma or "sharing in their nature" The word
can and has been interpreted in different ways, and can even have multiple
meanings, but it seems clear to me that with respect to indicators of raja
yoga, one thing it definitely means is unrelated planets who can also give
raja yoga. In other words, the "nature" that they share is that of being
yogakdrakas. With respect to mdrakas, this would mean other unrelated
planets who share the "nature " of also being mdrakas.

Rashl (0-1) Cfemral Rashl (0-1) General

6 4 Ma25'1?
7 8 Pis 9 Ari 10 Tau 11 Gem
Me,9-55- RSlS'U'
y AS18.30. KSifpu
SUq-jj 5
7 Aqu 12 Can
( 8^2 (>
John Kennedy Junior Rairt*
Fri 11/25/1960 0:22 00 ASi/j-kt
Washington, DC
1 6 Cap 1 Leo
Ve,8 35- 9 KSwid-
Sa22 u Mo4.6. Ve,ryv Me,^
Sa^uJp i.-xj SlW

5 Sag 4 SCO 3 Libr 2 Virg

John Kennedy Jr. died in a plane crash in his Mercury-Saturn period.

Both planets are primary mdrakas for his Leo ascendant chart since Mercury
rules the 2nd house and Saturn rules the 7th. There is no sambandha
between them, they are completely unrelated, but both share the nature of
being "killers." This is my understanding of what the second part of verse 30
means, or at least in part.

Basketball legend, Bill Russell was one of the most successful athletes
ever to compete in any sport so far as leading his teams to championships.
At the collegiate level, he won two NCAA national titles at the University of
San Francisco, including a string of 55 consecutive victories, and was voted
the Most Valuable Player. On the professional level, his team, the Boston
Celtics, won the NBA Championship 11 out of 13 years of his career.
Russell's play at the center position was universally acknowledged as the
primary reason why, and he was voted MVP of the National Basketball
Association five times. Almost all of this incredible success came in the 18-
year Rdhu mahddasd.

Rash) (D-1J General


11 Pis 12 Ari 1 Tau 2 Gem
Ma,™ KCje-tf
2 M©|6*W
10 Aqu 3 Can
5 n Ma,™ 0
Bill Russell
Mon 2/12/1934 11 27 00
Mo,rw Monroe. LA
Ra^-yi 9 Cap 4 Leo

JjD (ri? 8 Sag 7 SCO 6 Libr 5 Virg

His chart is another perfect illustration of the principle given earlier that
when the lunar nodes give raja yoga, they do so powerfully (prabdldu). His
Rdhu could hardly be more closely conjunct with Saturn, who is the best
yogakdraka for his Taurus ascendant, ruling simultaneously both the
strongest angle and the strongest trine. Together they are placed in the best
trine house with Saturn strong in its own sign. Added to this is the 1 st lord,
Venus, another trine/angle lord, but also the 6th lord of competition, and the
Moon, the 3rd lord of sports.

Considered from Chandra lagna, the Saturn-Venus combination is a

truly superior raja yoga, with Venus now playing the role of a pure
yogakdraka and Saturn as an especially auspicious 1st lord and an
impressionable 2nd lord. Rdhu gave strongly the result of all this raja yoga
in its major period.
The other remarkable thing about Russell's chart is that when you
consider which sub-periods can bring the full fruit of this yoga per this verse
(and that of verse 18 of the second chapter), nearly everyone qualifies since
they are either connected to Rdhu, or if unrelated, are sharing in its nature
(sadharma) in that they also give raja yoga.

The combination of the Sun, Mars, and Mercury in the 10th house is that
of two angle lords with a trine lord. Both the Sun and Mars get directional
strength, and Mars is additionally vargottama. Neither Mercury or Mars are
close enough to the Sun to be combust. These multiple angle-trine
combinations forming in the 10th house get additionally enhanced by the
aspect of a vargottama Jupiter. His chart is really a remarkable picture with
regards to raja yoga.

The two national championships in college came in his Rfl/m-Satum

period. This timing is perfectly obvious since it is akin to the period and sub-
period of the 9th and 10th lords together in the 9th house, the especially
potent type of raja yoga highlighted in verse 16 of the second chapter. In his
junior and senior year of college, he competed in track and field, ranking 7th
in the world in the high jump. Subsequent to graduation, Russell also led the
U.S. Olympic team to a gold medal. His professional debut with the Celtics
came in this period/sub-period as well.

In the sub-period of Venus, the other raja yoga-giving planet directly

connected to the major period lord, Russell and the Celtics were virtually
invincible, winning the championship in the three years encompassed by
Rdhu-Venus, with Russell named as the MVP of the league all three of those

However, championships and MVP awards were also won in sub-periods

of planets unrelated to the major period lord, Rdhu, per the second half of
this verse, because they too were indicators of raja yoga, and thus "sharing
in its nature." This included Rfl/m-Mercury, Rdhu-Sun, and Rdhu-Mars.

However, a person will not always be running the major period of some
planet that is either an indicator of raja yoga or a mdraka. What would an
unrelated sub-period lord "sharing the nature" of a major period mean in
this scenario? The answer is that it could mean many different things, which
has led to much speculation among commentators.

In the opening chapter on "Definitions" the main way in which planets

are classified is by their house lordships. Therefore, I find it quite likely that
one thing that the author intends by his use of the word sadharma (own
nature) are planets that share each other's nature in this way. This would

• "auspicious" trine lords 1,5,9

• "inauspicious" lords of trisaddyd, 3, 6, 11

• "impressionable lords 12, 2, and 8

• natural benefics getting the blemish of ruling angle houses when they
do not rule the lagna.

• natural malefics losing some of their malefic nature when ruling


Other interpretations of sadharma that I have seen is the pairing of house

lords as follows:







These are the sankhya yoga pairings, and they may apply here since they
mostly reflect the group classifications of the house lords given in this text.

"The results of the sub-period lords who would give results contrary to
those of the period lord, the wise should infer these in accordance with
the results of both." (31)

This verse addresses the opposite situation from the previous one and
concerns a sub-period lord that is neither connected to the period lord or
shares its nature. In this case, we are instructed that we should assess the
results of such a period and sub-period through a judicious blending of what
both indicate. This could mean very mixed results if the indications of the
period lord and sub-period lord are contradictory. Such dasdas- antardasds
are among the more difficult to interpret accurately.

Thus far in this chapter sub-period lords are categorized in two ways:

• related to the dasd lord

• unrelated to the dasd lord

These can be further sub-divided as follows:

• of the same nature

• of an opposite nature

• neutral in their nature

Examples of the same nature (sadharma) would be:

• planets that can give raja yoga and other planets that do as well

• planets that are mdrakas and others that also give this result

• auspicious house lords and other auspicious house lords (5 and 9 for

• inauspicious house lords and other inauspicious house lords (3 and 6

for example)

Examples of opposite nature (asadharma) would be:

• a yogakdraka planet and an inauspicious planet

• an auspicious planet and an inauspicious planet

• & yogakdraka and a mdraka

• an auspicious planet and a mdraka

Examples of planets more neutral in their natures would be:

• a neutral planet and a mdraka

• a neutral and an inauspicious planet

The following table summarizes how we have been instructed thus far in
interpreting sub-periods within any major period:

Sub-Period Lord Result

Related and same nature Gives the results of the dasu lord

Related and neutral in nature Reduced results of the dasa lord

Related and opposite nature Little of the results of the dasa lord

Unrelated and same nature Results of the dasa lord

Unrelated and neutral innature Mixed results

Unrelated and oppositenature Less mixed results than above

This text is therefore emphasizing that the results of a sub-period in any

major period will depend primarily on whether they are related, and on the
similarity or dissimilarity of the "nature."

"In its own period and the sub-period of the ruler of a trine, the ruler of
a quadrant bestows good, and likewise that (trine ruler in the sub-period
of an angle ruler) if not connected with evil doers. " (32)

The first part of this verse seems quite clear in its instruction about the
results of angle and trine lords as a dasd-antardasd combination. Whether or
not the angle lord is the major period and the trine is the sub- period lord, or
vice versa, they produce good results (subham). What is not clear is whether
the author is referring to related or unrelated angle and trine lords. Since
angle and trine lords combining to form raja yoga has been covered earlier
in the text, I am inclined to think that the reference here is to unrelated angle
and trine lords.

The other ambiguity about this verse is what the author means exactly by
his use of the term pdpakrt, literally "evil doers. " This could refer to natural
malefics, but in keeping with the definitions in the first chapter, it more
likely means the lords of the trisaddyd, 3, 6, 11, who are repeatedly referred
to in this text by this term papa.

If this verse is referring to related angle and trine lords, then it is simply
a reiteration of what was given in the earlier chapter on how planets become
indicators of raja yoga when sambhanda, and the different
qualities/categories of these, based on whether they are "with a blemish " or

The third possibility is that the author is referring to both related and
unrelated angle and trine lords, in which case the dasd-antardasd variations
and their result would be as follows:

1. Related and unblemished angle and trine lords. This forms a

superior raja yoga that would give especially good results in their
respective period and sub-period.

2. Related but blemished angle and trine lords. They can still give the
results of raja yoga in their respective periods and sub- periods,
though of an inferior quality.

3. Unrelated angle and trine lords who are without a blemish. There
can be auspicious results, especially if both are well placed, in
strength and not badly afflicted. However, this would be due to their
unblemished nature of owning angles and trines while not
simultaneously owning trisadayas, not because they are related
angle and trine lords giving raja yoga.

4. One or the other of the angle and trine lords are blemished and
unrelated. In this case, there would be minimal good results.

5. If both the angle and trine lord is blemished and unrelated, the
results in their respective periods and sub-periods will not be good.

Keep in mind that "blemished" or "unblemished" in all the above

statements can refer to:

• lords of trisadayas

• natural benefics ruling angles without being the lagna lord (i.e.
Jupiter for Virgo lagna)

• 8th lords that are not additionally lords of trines, and especially if
they are additionally lord of trisadayas (i.e., Mars for Virgo lagna).

"A raja yoga may begin [to take effect] in the sub-periods of killers
(mdrakas); once begun, it is gradually extended by the sub-periods of
malefics." (33)

These verses continue to instruct us about the results the different

categories of sub-period lords can give in the major period of an "indicator
of raja yoga. " The fortunate results that the mahddasd lord portends will not
all come about in just one sub-period, though, as we have seen, the peak of
such results can come in the sub-period of related planets helping to form the
raja yoga and even unrelated planets that give similar raja yoga results. Yet,
they will also not come in just any sub-period.

To reiterate, the different categories of house lords according to the

definitions in the first chapter are:

1. Auspicious lords which would include trine lords and yogakarakas.

2. Inauspicious lords which would include the 8th lord, trisaddyd

lords, and mdrakas.

3. Neutral lords which would include the 2nd and 12th lords

A source of confusion with this text is that when it refers to auspicious

house lords as subha and inauspicious house lords as papas, these words can
and have been taken to mean natural benefics and malefics. Even if one is
clear on this point, it gets complicated because planets can belong to more
than one category at a time. A planet can be a yogakdraka, a mdraka, and a
neutral for a particular chart all at once. A 7th angle lord when combining
with a trine lord can form a raja yoga, as it does in the Virgo lagna chart of
John F. Kennedy. He was the President of the United States in his Jupiter
major period. But it also takes on the status of mdraka and gave that result as
well, since he was assassinated in Jupiter.
Rashl (0-1) Gonsral

Ma js.45 Jpo-jtr Ve,-*-?

Mo.j MGzfsar SUis-ir Ke ir»

J/ N. 5 /' 7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem

8 \ 4
AS27 tr Sa427 Sa.,r

>6 6 Aqu 11 Can

Ra,e 29 9 3» 3 Kei8-29
John F Kennedy
Tue 5/29/1917 15 00:00 Moww
Brookline. MA
5 Cap 12 Leo
10 2 SU,5.B
JpO 20 Ra,,^ ASyrir
Me27 53
Ma 25-43
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

Similarly, Mars for Pisces lagna can give a very good raja yoga when
combining with an angle lord as it does in the chart shown earlier of Billy
Graham, but as the 2nd lord it is also a primary mdraka and at the same time
an impressionable neutral.

Rashl (0-1) General

AS 11=47'

K02Oa36 Jp2304'
11 1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gem
ASu-,47' 10
KSjo se-

12 12 Aqu 5 Can
3® 9 Moa-4- th
Billy Graham
Thu 11/7/1918 15:30.00
Ra220o 36 Charlotte. NC
11 Cap 6 Leo

Me 5-40- MOSM' R320o36 SU21054

SUji 54
Ve,r52 M 34=35' MSSMO1 Vei7'52
Sa^ 34 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Libr 1 Virg _
The following summarizes and illustrates the results that the different
categories of sub-period lords can bring in a major period of a raja yoga-
giving mahddasd.

1. Raja yoga results can happen best in the major period of any
"indicator of raja yoga " and the sub-period of a similar and related
planet, meaning an angle or trine lord that helps form or
contributes to the raja yoga.

Rashl [0-1) General Rashl (D-1) General

Ma23Mo Ra,..,
Me27i. Mo 2e-4r
10 ASg ar
4 Pis 5 Ah 6 Tau 7 Gem
11V Vejrsr
Jp22 sv Ke6 sa

9 3 Aqu 8 Can
Me.,, SSn-j?
John Belushi
Tue 1/25/1949 5 12 00
Ra6 '6? Suiri Chtcago, IL
2 Cap 9 Leo
Sgir a?
Ve2,s7 MOJQ^T-
JPzj l As,, 3, Ken*

1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr lOVirg

Comic actor, John Belushi, reached the height of his stardom and success
when he appeared with his ex-Saturday Night Live cohort, Dan Akroyd, in
the box office hit, The Blues Brothers. This occurred in his Sun- Mercury

The Sun only rules the best trine and Mercury only rules angles, one of
which is the strongest. Mercury does suffer the blemish of being a natural
benefic ruling an angle, not including the lagna lord, but only minimally
since it is the least of the natural benefics. Thus, Pdrdsara Hord identifies
the combination of the Sun and Mercury as the best raja yoga for Sagittarius
lagna. It is one of those combinations that can yield especially good results
per verse 14 in the second chapter of the Laghu Par as an.
"The lords of angle and trines by connection with each other are the
givers of special results if they are not connected with other house

It will be particularly true for this chart because of the conditions of the
Sun and Mercury in his navdrhsa, where both these grahas are in their
exaltation signs and therefore have great underlying strength.

Navamsha (D-9) Ohatma/Spouso

Su RaAs
Ra Mo
10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem
As Su

Me Mo Ma
3 9 Aqu 2 Can

8 Cap 3 Leo
Ve 11
Jp Ke
Ke JpVe

7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr

This latter point is important because the Laghu PdrdsarT does not
overtly address the issue of conditions of planets forming raja yoga, rather it
is implied and understood. The better and stronger the condition of planets,
the greater the magnitude and quality of the results.

The Sun and Mercury in Belushi's chart are joined by Mars in its
exaltation sign, another trine lord without a blemish since its other lordship
is that of the neutral/impressionable 12th house. Therefore, this three-planet
conjunction comes under the purview of verse 17 of the second chapter
which states:

"If the strong ruler of an angle is connected to the ruler of either of the
two lords of trines, it causes a good yoga. "
The 10th lord Mercury in Belushi's chart is with both trine lords, so the
raja yoga is especially good for this reason as well. The contribution of Mars
to the raja yoga is not as good as it looks though on the surface because this
graha goes to is debilitation sign in D-9, but as the 5th trine lord, it is still
quite a favorable contributor. The Blues Brothers was a major box office
success in the summer of 1980 when Belushi was running Sun-Mercury-
Mars as a dasd sequence.

Diahann Carroll is one of the first African-American actresses to

experience great success and fame both on stage, in movies and on
television. A peak of fame occurred when she first appeared in the popular
TV soap opera Dynasty in 1984. It was her Saturn-Venus period.

Rash) |D-1) Goimal Rashl (D-l) Goneial

As^-ir K62905
12 10 Rizsrs
2 Pis 3 Ah 4 Tau 5 Gem
1 Sai9-4i
S3i6a4r Sllrss*

1 Aqu 6 Can
2®8 ( p> )
V© 15-37
Diahann Carroll
Wed 7/17/1935 21 55:00
Fordham. NY
3 12 Cap 7 Leo
M e n 26 A Ve 15^37-
Ke^s Maosa Jp20o3r

M So-so*
SUvM- 11 Sag 10 SCO 9 Libr 8 Virg

Saturn is an "especially auspicious" lagna lord, so well placed in its

mulatrikona sign in the lagna, while additionally ruling the
neutral/impressionable 12th house. It is in a close mutual glance with a
vargottama Venus, a yogakdraka par excellence for her Aquarius lagna,
since it rules the 4th angle and the 9th trine. Again, this is the special kind of
angle-trine combination highlighted in verse 14 of the second chapter of this
text, and with both grahas having good sources of strength.
These two illustrations are examples of how the best fruit of a major
period lord showing raja yoga potential can manifest in the sub-period of a
related planet having that same potential.

2. These very fortunate results can also occur in the sub-period of

other planets that are indicators of raja yoga who are not related.

Legendary actor, Marlon Brando, first electrified audiences on Broadway

in the role of Stanley Kowalski in Tennessee Williams' play, A Street Car
Named Desire. This initial stardom came in his Venus-Moon period.

Rashl (D-1) Gormal Rashl (D-1| General

MO20B16, VSs6^
Ma 2454 SU21021'
\j9 / \r / 5 Pis 6 Arl 7 Tau 8 Gem
10 ASio-ss" 6

Kes 41' \8 4 Aqu 9 Can
2\ 0
Raa 41 RSs^r
Marlon Brando
Thu 4/3/1924 23:00.00
Omaha. NE
3 Cap 10 Leo
MOjo 16- 12 4
1 3
SU2V21* X \ Ve^ Ma24»54. Jp27'5'

ASKTSB' S37b21'
Me^ 2S3g 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg

Venus is the 7th angle lord, strong in its own sign, in a mutual glance
with the 5th trine lord, Jupiter. Jupiter gets directional strength in the 1st
house and through its parivartana yoga with Mars. Notice that these two
planets forming the raja yoga only rule angles, trines, or impressionable
neutral houses so it is again an especially good combination. The blemish
that Venus acquires as a benefic ruling an angle is minimal here since it is in
its own angle house. Therefore, as a major period lord, Venus has an
exceptional raja yoga-giving potential. As per the previous two examples,
the sub-period of Jupiter, with whom it is related and with whom it forms the
yoga, manifested its best potential. It was in his Jupiter-Venus period that he
won his first Oscar for Best Actor for his performance in On the Waterfront.
However, great success and budding fame came earlier in the Venus-
Moon period, and this illustrates how a raja yoga can fructify in the sub-
period of an unrelated planet, but one that also gives raja yoga phal.

Pdrdsara Hord highlights the Sun-Moon combination for Scorpio lagna

as the best raja yoga because the luminaries only rule the strongest angle
and the best trine house. Here they are together in the 5th house and
receiving the aspect of their sign lord, a strong Jupiter.

Parenthetically, the Sun-Moon combination for a Scorpio ascendant is

even more potent when these two grahas are in a close mutual aspect
because then the Moon is perfectly full. I saw this combination recently in
the birth chart of George, the Prince of Cambridge, the first son of Prince
William of England and his wife, Catherine.

Rash) (D-1) Gonera) Rashl (0-1) General

33,0 66 Ma,^
Mo.,,.. As3.r \7s 5 Pis 6 Ari 7 Tau 8 Gem

8 4 Aqu 9 Can
11(>5 (#
Ve6S Ve,,
Prince of Cambridge
MO4.w Mon. 7/22/2013 16 24 00
London. UK
3 Cap 10 Leo
Me 19 28 As vr Sajo-so*
Jpirss 2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg

Most celebrities like Marlon Brando became famous through some

exceptional achievements. This child, having been bom into the royal family
of England, was famous at birth, which is clearly indicated by his having
been bom in the superior raja yoga-giving Sun period, well placed in the 9th
house of Fortune, and strong by virtue of its own sign placement in his
Rashl (0-1) General

Rairnr Siw
SuM ,
R327 29
As ,4 0 9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem
M023-35- Sa.-j,
M© ig-43'
JP25? As,4^
•1 / 8 Aqu 1 Can
7 fy. 1 ^ )
George W. Bush Ma. if,?
Sat 7/6/1946 7:26 00
New Haven, CT
7 Cap 2 Leo
Ke, '■29'

6 Sag 5 Sco A Libr 3 Virg

Even though I voted against him, I predicted that George W. Bush would
win the U.S. Presidential election in November of 2000.1 did so on the basis
of seeing a period and sub-period similar to Venus-Moon for Marlon Brando.
Similar in the sense that the major period lord was an indicator of raja yoga,
and the sub-period lord was also, though unrelated.

It was his Saturn mahddasd, which gives raja yoga as the 7th angle lord
in the 1st trine house, with the additional influence of two natural benefics in
strength. The sub-period was of Mars, a vargottama yogakdraka planet for
his Cancer ascendant. The disposition of these two grahas in his dasdmsa
also factored into my prediction.
Oashamamsha (O-IO) Power & Status Oashamamsha (O-IO) Power & Status

9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem

As As
4 8 Aqu 1 Can
7 ?i1 Ke
10 @
Jp Me

Jp Ma
7 Cap 2 Leo
Ma 12
Ve Su Mo 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

They are in an exchange in D-10 with Saturn giving mcabhahga raja

yoga in the strongest angle of this varga, and with Mars as an exalted

3. Next in line for fructifying the major period lord s raja yoga
potential are the "inauspicious " house lords, which would include
the trisaddyd lords, the 8th lord, benefics ruling kendras not
including the lagna lord, and lastly, mdrakas. All such sub- period
lords can also bring the raja yoga fruit of the major period as long
as they are related. (This is the key point!)

Tina Fey is one of the most successful women comedy writers and
actresses of all time. She has received nine Primetime Emmy Awards, three
Golden Globe Awards, five Screen Actors Guild Awards, and seven Guild of
America Awards. In 2008 the Associated Press gave Fey the AP Entertainer
of the Year award for her Sarah Palin impression on Saturday Night Live. In
2010, Fey was awarded the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, the
youngest recipient ever to receive this distinction,

All of this great success and resulting fame has come in her Jupiter and
Saturn mahddasds. Before reading further can you see why based on the
interpretive principles given in this text?
Rashl (0-1) Genetal Rashl (0-1) General
M620o15 SU3»47' V6r45'
Ke,5 I?
S^20o40• M326047
9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem
As,, sr
Su3.47 ASirsy'

Mo2B 4 Sajoua
8 Aqu 1 Can
Jfi4'2e «'1 Me2o is-
Tina Fey
Mon 5/18/1970 10 42 00
Upper Darby. PA
7 Cap 2 Leo

Ra15 .
15-1? M0208,
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

You should have seen that Jupiter gives raja yoga in three different

• As the 9th trine lord in the 4th angle house.

• As the 9th trine lord conjoined the lagna lord, Moon, functioning as
both an angle and trine lord.

• As the 9th trine lord in a mutual aspect with the 7th lord Saturn.

Moreover, the Moon-Jupiter combination gives a true Gaja Kesari Yoga.

She ran the Jupiter period from age 20 to 36, during which she graduated
from the University of Virginia with a degree in theatre, and in Jupiter-
Mercury began performing in Chicago's famous improvisational comedy
troupe, Second City. See that the sub-period lord, Mercury is a related
"inauspicious trisaddyd lord" and an impressionable neutral 12th lord. As
such, and according to this verse of the Laghu Pdrdsan, it also becomes
eligible for manifesting the fruit of Jupiter's raja yoga-giving capacity.

Later in the period, she became the head scriptwriter for Saturday Night
Live, and in perfect keeping with interpretive principles illustrated
previously, the Jupiter-Moon period proved especially successful this way.
Fey and the rest of the writing staff won an Emmy for Outstanding Writing
for A Variety, Music, or Comedy Program. She was also co- hosting the
popular Weekend Update segment of the show with Jimmy Fallon during this
period to rave reviews.

Interestingly, the subsequent major period of Saturn took her to even

greater heights of success and fame. I say "interestingly" because of
Saturn's placement in its debilitation sign in the rdsi. However, see it in her

Navamsha (D-9) Dharma'Spouso Navamtha (D-9) Dharma'Spouse

Je Ma

6 Pis 7 Ari 8Tau 9 Gem
As Sa 5 Ke

Mo RaSu

7 5 Aqu 10 Can
1 ^ )

4 Cap 11 Leo
Ra 11
12 Ve
Jp MoSa
As Me
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12 Virg

It has been my repeated observation that such a condition very

effectively cancels a planet's debilitation in the birth chart and empowers it
to give its result very strongly. It was during this Saturn major period that
Fey began to star in the TV show 30 Rock. The pilot aired in October 2006,
shortly after she entered this mahddasd.

From Wikipedia:

"In 2007, Fey received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Actress in

a Comedy Season. The show itself won the 2007 Emmy for Outstanding
Comedy Series (and did so again for two subsequent years). In 2008, she
won the Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild, and Emmy awards all in the
category for Best Actress in a Comedy Series. The following year, Fey
again won the Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild Award in the same
categories and was nominated for an Emmy Award. In early 2010, Fey
received a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress and won the
Screen Actors Guild Award. 30 Rock ended it's critically acclaimed run
with 112 Emmy award nominations. It has been cited as one of the
greatest TV series of all time and it is considered to have one of the
greatest finales in television history.

Obviously, she's had enormous success in her Saturn mahddasd, and the
sub-periods that especially manifested this are of interest here. Considerable
initial success did come in Satum-Satum (10/2006 to 10/2009), which
appears somewhat contrary to the first verse in this chapter, which suggests
that the fruit of a raja yoga-giving planet does not come in its own sub-
period. It actually can in my experience, especially if the planet is very
strong, it is just that its own sub-period does not typically bring the fullest
and best fruit.

Saturn's placement in her dasdmsa is a great contributing factor to the

result this period has given, including Satum-Satum. In D-10 it is in its
exaltation sign.

Dashamamsha (D-10) Power & Status Dashamamsha (D-IO) Power & Status

4 10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem


As Su Ra

3 9 Aqu 2 Can
61^12 {&)
Ma Ke
8 Cap 3 Leo
Me 8 10 .
Me Ma
Sa j£
/ \Su
\/m 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg
However, it was Saturn-Mercury from 10/2009 to 06/2012, the sub-
period of a closely related "inauspicious trisaddyd lord" and an
impressionable neutral 12th lord, that brought a peak. Besides winning all
those awards for 30 Rock and SNL, she appeared in popular feature films,
such as Date Night, during this time. This type of sub-period lord giving
strongly the fruit of Saturn's raja yoga potential is the point I am
emphasizing here.

• Verse 33 of this chapter is saying that some fruit of the raja yoga can
begin in the sub-period of a related mdraka, though not to any great
degree. Those results will get extended and be greater in the sub-
periods of related trisaddyd lords (functional malefics). In other
words, mdrakas lords as sub-periods are less raja yoga giving than
trisaddyd lords.

I don't doubt the veracity of this interpretive principle, but I have not
been able to find a good illustration of it that I can show here.

According to these verses then, we are instructed to think of related sub-

periods lords in an order from most to least in terms of their capacity to give
the raja yoga potential of a major period lord as follows:

1. To the greatest extent in the sub-period of a related raja yoga-giving


2. To a great degree in the sub-period of a related auspicious planet,

which would mostly mean trine lords, and also impressionable lords
of 2, 12.

3. A good measure of fruit in the sub-period of a related inauspicious

planet (trisaddyd lords).

4. Rather a minimal result in the sub-period of a related mdraka.

What then will be the result in the sub-periods of planets unrelated to the
raja yoga-indicating major period?

1. We have seen that the sub-period of an unrelated raja yoga-giving

planet can give strongly the fortunate results of the major period.
The Venus-Moon period of Marlon Brando and Saturn- Mars of
George W. Bush, already discussed, illustrate this.
2. The sub-period of an unrelated auspicious planet in such a
mahddasd will continue to foster these fortunate results when
coming between two sub-periods that especially activated the yoga.
This would be sub-periods 1 and 2 in the hierarchy of related
planets given above, and number 1 in this list. If it falls between
two sub-periods of inauspicious planets it would give more neutral

3. In the major period of a raja yoga-giving planet, the sub-period of

an unrelated inauspicious planet (trisaddyds etc.) will give mixed
results as per sloka 31. If the mahddasd lord is the stronger of the
two, better results will predominate, but if the sub-period lord is
stronger its less fortunate indications prevail.

4. Likewise, the sub-period of an unrelated mdraka produces mixed

results, and which predominate will be determined by the greater
strength of the planets involved.

These principles can likewise be used to decipher the reverse situations,

that is, the sub-periods of planets that are raja yoga-giving during the major
periods of auspicious, inauspicious and mdraka planets, both related and

Some additional interpretive principles that can be extracted from verses

in this chapter are:

• In the mahddasd of an auspicious planet, the sub-period of a related

yogakdraka can be very fortunate; the sub-period of another related
auspicious planet can also prove fortunate, but less so, and the sub-
period of a related mdraka is either neutral or gives mixed results
depending on the condition of that mdraka.

• The sub-period of a related yogakdraka in the mahddasd of an

inauspicious lord can actually prove rather fortunate, while the sub-
period of a related auspicious planet will be fair. The sub- period of a
related mdraka in the mahddasd of an inauspicious lord can be rather

• In the mahddasd of a mdraka, the sub-period of a related auspicious

lord will be more neutral. That of a related inauspicious lord will be
bad, and that of a related maraka will be very unfortunate.

As with all the interpretive principles of Jyotisa, these given in the Laghu
PdrdsarT have to be applied intelligently, and sometimes even modified
based on additional factors, since as mentioned earlier, certain house lords
can belong to different categories simultaneously.

Take Saturn, for example, in the chart of Emmy-winning actress, Shelley

Long, who starred in the enormously popular TV comedy, Cheers.

Rashl (D-1) General Rashl (D-1) General

Ke?j 23 MO^m Rlyj-TT

Su6 49
6 Ma27-26
ASB 55 8 Pis 9 Ari 10 Tau 11 Gem
M629 40

5/ 7 Aqu 12 Can
8>2 0
11 SUa*49r
Shelley Long Sa,5V
Tue 8/23/1949 6 13 00
Fort Wayne. IN Me^cr
6 Cap 1 Leo
10 12
Ra 24^23"

JRo 16 5 Sag 4 SCO 3 Libr 2 Virg

It is a natural malefic losing some of its ferocity as an angle lord, while

at the same time it becomes a primary mdraka since it rules the 7th house. It
is also an inauspicious trisaddyd 6th lord, and therefore falls into three
different categories of house lords defined in the opening chapter of the
Laghu PdrdsarT. What result then will it give as a sub-period lord in the
major period of the Sun? Reflect on this before reading further.

It could bring a lot of different results, some of which are unfavorable,

especially as it relates to health, but for our purposes here it should be seen
that Sun-Saturn must also be a very fortunate, raja yoga-giVmg period and
sub-period. As the 1st lord strongly placed in its own sign/house, the Sun is
both an angle and trine lord, combining with Saturn as a mulatrikona 7th
lord. The Saturn sub-period then is one that can bring some of the best fruit
of raja yoga available in the Sun mahddasd, and it did. She won an Emmy
Award for Best Actress in a Comedy Series during this time.

The placement of these grahas in her dasamsa was a strong contributing

factor as well.

Dashamamsha (D-10) Powor 4 Status Dashamamsha (D-10) Powar & Status


Mo Su Me
6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
5 Ve

7 5 Aqu 10 Can
Ke 10>4
KeSa Ve

4 Cap 11 Leo

AsSu Je
Ma Me 3 Sag 2 Sco !l_ybr 12 Wg

The Sun here is giving mcabhanga raja yoga, being in the lagna of D-10
and in an exchange with Venus, canceling its debility, while Saturn is the
yogakdraka in its own sign in an angle.

Earlier it was stated that the sub-period of an unrelated mdraka produces

mixed results, and which predominates will be determined by the greater
strength of the planets involved.

Hollywood legend, Clark Gable, is most famous for his role as dashing
blockade runner, Rhett Butler, in Gone with the Wind. It was in his Mercury-
Moon period when he starred in the film, which became an instant classic
and attracted millions of moviegoers. Why the Mercury mahddasd gave such
strong raja yoga results should be perfectly obvious to the reader after
seeing both his rdsi and navdmsa.
Rash. (D-1) General Rashl (D-1) General
Ra 6 38
511,9 28 Ke.v
Me26-55 Jpioiff
10 Sa15ia 4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem
ASje zr

9 3 Aqu 8 Can
1 ip 6 3*
Sll,^ Clark Gable Ma,,—w
Fn 2/1/1901 5:30:00
Mo 23-27- Cadiz. OH
2 Cap 9 Leo
Ma ,7-38
VSjirjr JPio-,;, Ra,

K§6 2 1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg

Navamsha (0-9) Dharma/Spouse Navamsha (D-9) Dhaima/Spouso

10 4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem
11 As

Ke Jp
9 3 Aqu 8 Can
123*6 Ma
3 (?.:
Su Ra
2 Cap 9 Leo

Mo Jp 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg
1 Sag

Mercury and the Sun form a superior angle-trine combination as the 9th
and 10th lords only ruling such good houses, and Mercury has great
underlying strength, falling as it does in its exaltation sign in D-9. But the
sub-period lord during this peak of fame was that of the Moon, unrelated
and a mdraka since it falls in the 7th house. This would appear contrary to
the interpretive principle about such sub-periods giving very mixed results in
the major period of a yogakdraka. What must be seen is that his Moon also
falls in the category of an unrelated "causer of good," since it is a part of a
very powerful Gaja KesarT Yoga, with both the Moon and Jupiter in their
exaltation signs in D-9. The latter is also svaksetra in the rdsi. Additionally,
the Moon is waxing and very bright.

This is what I mean when I say that these principles must be applied
intelligently and sometimes modified due to other factors.

"And (raja yoga may manifest in the sub-periods) of related benefics,

and likewise of those unrelated. Equal to being benefic is conjunction
with the yogakdraka. " (34)

Verse 34 presents three different but related scenarios regard a raja yoga-
giving major period and three types of sub-period lords:

1. related "beneficial ones "

2. unrelated "beneficial ones "

3. related "causers of yoga"

The correct interpretation of this verse depends on how subhdndm (the

beneficial ones), and yogakdrindm (causers of yoga) are defined. My
understanding is that the former refers to trine lords, in keeping with verse
six in the first chapter on definitions.

"All planets who are the lords of trines give beneficial fruits. "

"Causers of yoga " simply means any planet capable of giving raja yoga
as defined in the second chapter, in other words, planets involved in angle
trine combinations or who themselves simultaneously own a trine and angle,
like Mars for a Cancer ascendant

In which case, this verse is saying that all three of these types of sub-
period lords will manifest the raja yoga fruit of the major period, though one
would think that the related sub-period lords would give the fuller fruit.

The birth chart of entertainer and later politician, Sonny Bono, is

interesting to consider in so far as sub-periods that manifested the fruit of the
raja yoga that is so clearly indicated by his Venus mahddasd.

Venus and Mercury conjunct in his chart form the best angle-trine
combination for his Virgo lagna chart as unblemished 9th and 10th lords.
They are additionally joined by Saturn, the lord of the 5th trine. Venus is
very strong, falling in its own sign in navdmsa and with high point totals in
both vimsopakd bald (16.5 out of 20) and shad bald (163).

Jupiter was the first sub-period that strongly manifested the raja yoga-
giving potential of this mahddasd. It was in Venus-Jupiter that he formed a
singing duo with his wife, Cher, and they recorded a number of major hit in
the 1960s, including their signature song, / Got You Babe in 1965. We must
ask ourselves by what principles from this text was this predictable? I invite
the reader to reflect on this before reading further.

Rashl (D-11 General


7 5 7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem

8 / As 13-33 4
Ke83 Ve„. Me.-.. Ke,,
S3; Si] 1 Mo^,

6 6 Aqu 11 Can
9 @'3
12 0

Ra.. Sonny Bono

Sal, 2/16/1935 21 21:00
Ra j j Detroit, Ml
5 Cap 12 Leo
10 - 2
ii 1
Ma,., ASu-jy
M64 54 V0=5 5e
SU432 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

Navamsha (D-9| Oharma/Spouse Navamsha (0-9) Oharma/Spouse

Ra AsVe Jp
11 Pis 12 Ari 1 Tau 2 Gem
^ Ra


2 10 Aqu 3 Can
5 1 *

9 Cap 4 Leo
Ke Su 10
Mo Me
Sa Su Ma
Ma Sa Mo 8 Sag 7 Sco 6 Libr 5Virg_
The answer depends on how you classify Jupiter as a sub-period lord,
and whether or not you see Venus and Jupiter as being related.

Jupiter is the ruler of the 4th and 7th angle and thus, by the definitions
given in the first chapter, suffers from the blemish of a strong natural benefic
ruling angles not including the lagna. But it is an angle lord and Venus is a
trine lord, and if you look at their degrees you will see that they form a
trikona sambandha, with Jupiter additionally aspecting Venus, and with
Jupiter in Venus' sign. In which case, this becomes the period and sub-period
of two planets that are sambandha forming raja yoga, and this would be my
explanation of why this time period brought his initial great success and
resulting fame. This, and the fact the Jupiter also participates in Kesari Yoga,
along with the disposition of these two grahas in his dasdmsa.

Oashamamsha (D-10) Powvr & Status

VeMa Su
Sa Ke
Jp Me
7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem

Ra As

6 6 Aqu 11 Can
12 0

Me Ke
5 Cap 12 Leo
10 Su
Ve As
Ma Mo
Sa 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

Venus is in its mulatrikona sign, Libra, and Jupiter is exalted and falling
10th from the dasd lord.

If you don't accept Jupiter as being related, then Venus-Jupiter becomes

a sub-period of a blemished, unrelated angle lord in the major period of a
trine lord, which this text indicates can still be a reasonably good period.
However, the level of name and fame that Bono experienced in Venus-
Jupiter does not appear to be accounted for by categorizing Venus- Jupiter in
this way, at least not on the basis of the rdsi.

The next sub-period of Saturn, as a related trine lord ("beneficial one"),

continued to manifest the raja yoga just as verse 34 states, since Sonny and
Cher continued to be successful pop singers with hit songs during this time
period. Venus as the 9th lord together with Saturn as the 5th lord also forms
the trikona raja yoga.

Predictably, the fullest fruit of raja-yoga came in the next sub-period of

Venus-Mercury. This brought Bono's peak of success as an entertainer when
he and his wife co-hosted The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour, which ran on
CBS from 1971 to 1974, coinciding exactly with this period and sub-period.

After his divorce from Cher in 1975 broke up their act, his career in the
entertainment industry faded, but later in life he entered politics, becoming
Mayor of Palm Springs, California in April of 1988. It was his Moon-
Mercury period. From the standpoint of the principles given in this text, it
was the major period of a bright, waxing, svaksetra 11th lord

Moon involved in KesarT Yoga, and the sub-period of an unrelated

yogakdraka, Mercury. See his dasdrhsa again and note that the Moon is in
the lagna of D-10 and in a mutual glace with Mercury.

Later in January of 1995, he became a U.S Congressman representing

the 44th district of California. This quite significant elevation in his political
status occurred in Mars-Mercury-Venus. Once again, we must ask ourselves
in what way this was predictable based on the interpretive principles given in
this text. Can you understand it before reading further?

The antar and pratyantar das a combination of Mercury-Venus is readily

understandable because it is activating the superior raja yoga in his chart.
But why in the major period of Mars, who is, after all, an especially
inauspicious 8th lord since it also rules the 3rd house as well?

First of all, one thing that should be noticed about Mars is that it is
vargottama relative to both the navdrhsa and dasdrhsa, but this only means it
gives its results very strongly, not necessarily in a favorable way. Yet the
reality is that this strong Mars gave strongly the results of raja yoga, and we
have to understand why The reason in my view is that as an impressionable
8th lord it gives the results of the stronger category of house lords with
which it is connected, which would be Jupiter as an angle lord, and Jupiter is
a raja and KesarT Yoga-giving planet whose results Mars is giving strongly.

It is by this same principle that a strong Mars made P.V. Narasimha Rao
Prime Minister of India in its mahadasd.

RashMO-1) Gonoral RasW (D-1) Genoral

Ra,v. SUuMff
MOu.-» Keiw Maiv^
J P20 6'
Ve?r4(T Me,™
S a 28-26'
.7 5/ 7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem
As24 -9

Me27 40
6 Aqu 11 Can
9.1-3 M a ,3.32- (3*)
P V. Narasimha Rao
Tue 6/28/1921 13:02 00
Karimnagar, INDIA
5 Cap 12 Leo
10.v Mo10.3y 2
Ra, v

Ke, 34 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

His lagna is Virgo as well, which makes Mars again the lord of the 3rd
and 8th house, in his case getting directional strength in the 10th house. His
Mars gives the results of a vargottama and svaksetra 1st and 10th lord
Mercury in the 10th, forming a powerful Bhadra Yoga.

"In the period of such a conjunct benefic, the yogakaraka sometimes

bestow the result of the yoga in their own sub- periods." (35)

This verse is related to the previous verse, with the period and sub-
periods reversed. Verse 34 was about the results to be expected in the major
period of a planet indicating raja yoga and the sub-period of related or
unrelated "beneficial ones," which should be understood to mean trine lords.
This statement is about the major period of such trine lords and the sub-
periods of indicators of raja yoga.

The word kutracit in this verse is critical to an understanding of its

meaning. It can be translated as some places, somewhere." In other
words, such a period and sub-period in some cases will also give the fruit of
raja yoga, but the implication is that it will not always do so. It is not further
indicated in the verse when it would, but the logical implication is that it
would depend on the overall condition and disposition of the planets

The famous English poet, George Gordon, better known as Lord Byron,
was bom to parents of the nobility, but his father was a rake and a wastrel
who married his mother for her fortune, and when he had spent it, deserted
mother and child. Consequently, Bryon grew up in his early childhood in
relatively impoverished circumstances and status in life. This all changed
overnight at age 10. From Wikipedia:

"When Byron's great-uncle, "the wicked Lord Byron, died on 21 May

1798, the 10-year-old boy became the 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale, and
inherited the ancestral home, Newstead Abbey, in Nottinghamshire. "
Rashl (0-1) General
KSj •,? Ma., i vj
Jp*rifT ASirw
Keasz xa/ |10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem
Ma2.-v Sdz-r Mo^

\3/ 9 Aqu 2 Can

6 >12 &
Lord Byron
Tue 1/22/1788 13:54:00
Mezrsv London. UK
8 Cap 3 Leo
ii 837.7
Ra^ 53- Ve4.3
Ra, jy
' 1 '25'
7 Sag 6 SCO 5 Libr 4 Virg

Byron was bom in his Saturn major period, the 9th lord trine lord well
placed in its own 9th house and conjunct the 5th lord Venus, giving both a
trikona raja yoga and dhana yoga. Note, however, that it is also the 8th lord
of inheritances. It shows both the high-status birth and the potential of what
did eventually happen to him in this period.

Satum-Mercury, which ran very early in life from age 1 to 4, is the major
period of an unrelated trine lord and a planet that is an indicator of raja yoga
since Mercury is the 1st trine lord in the 7th angle house. This is the type of
period and sub-period this verse indicates may or may not give raja yoga
phal. However, Mercury is afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis and by Mars as a
particularly malignant 6th lord. It does not appear to have increased his
status or that of his parents at all.
Dwadashamsha (0-12) Parents 0 ashamamsha (0- 0| Power & Slalu s
Me / Mo
\ 8
/ \ 6
/ Mo
A 6 7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem
9 As

/ \ / Ke \
\7 6 Aqu 11 Can
10® 4
\ Ra / \

Sa / Ma
5 Cap 12 Leo
Ma %
As Me
JjDVe Su 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

It was the later sub-period of the Moon which made him Lord Bryon and
elevated his status in life considerably. The dasd sequence was Satum-
Moon-Jupiter to be exact.

From the standpoint of the rdsi, by what interpretive principle does the
Saturn-Moon period give him such raja yoga phal? It is a good question
because from one point of view Saturn-Moon is the major period of a trine
lord, and the sub-period of an unrelated mdraka, which is supposed to
produce rather mixed results.

My answer is that Saturn is more than just a trine lord, it is an indicator

of the trikona raja yoga given in Pdrdsara Hord, and that the Moon is more
than just a mdraka, it is an unrelated "causer of good" because of its
excellent condition and participation in both the powerful BherT Yoga and
Subha Kartari Yoga. In the rdsi, the Moon is also svaksetra and perfectly
full. The antar and pratyantar periods of Moon-Jupiter activates the Subha
Kartari Yoga in the context of the raja yoga and dhana yoga-giving potential
of Saturn as the mahadasd lord.

Significantly, see that these two grahas are together in D-10, with the
mahadasd lord, Saturn, getting is debilitation very effectively canceled by an
exchange with its sign lord, an exalted Mars.
"Occupying a good (house), unrelated to any other (planet), the lunar
nodes may become yogakdraka in accordance with the sub-periods.'"

Earlier in the text, we have been instructed in one way in which the
Nodes of the Moon can give raja yoga. When they fall in angle and trine
houses, they act as angle and trine lords. If in an angle and connected to a
trine lord or vice versa, they give raja yoga.

Here we are being instructed in another way. Should they be "mounted

in a good house" without any connections, they will give raja yoga in the
sub-periods of planets who give this result. "Good houses " means angle and
trines, and "causers of yoga " means any sub-period lord that is configured
in a raja yoga, not just pure yogakdrakas like Saturn for a Taurus ascendant,
though the latter is best for giving optimum results if also well-placed and in

Actor George Clooney first became famous as a cast member of the

popular TV show E.R. about the lives of emergency room doctors. It
happened in his Rdhu- Venus period.

Rashl (D-1) Goneial Rashl (D-1) Gonoial

Ve^js Sa6.3r Slijy-ii-
Ve„4s- Mejrw
12 KCe 56 10 2 Pis 3 Ari 4 Tau 5 Gem
SU22U 1 AS ,8-58
Me 27'26 ASierw Manir
11 1 Aqu 6 Can
Sa., ,»■ George Clooney Ra,
Jp vi« Moi'v Sat 5/6/1961 2 58 00
Lexington. KY
12 Cap 7 Leo
3 • 7
4 6
RSg 56

Ma6 49 11 Sag 10 SCO 9 Libr 8 Virg

Rahu in his chart falls in the 7th house and is not connected by
conjunction or aspect with any other graha. Venus is a beautiful yogakdraka
in its exaltation sign, Pisces. Note that from Chandra lagna, Capricorn,
Venus is again the yogakdraka place in the 3rd house of the performing arts.

The Ketu mahadasa of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter is another

example of the interpretive principle given in this verse.

RasM (D-1) General

Su 1S-15
Jpj. 37
8 AS2 52
6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
9 Saae
MOjo 50 Ve 0*3 V
Ma,, Ra,..,.

7 , Ra 29 8
5 Aqu 10 Can
log, 4
Ke* 0
Jimmy Carter
Wed, 10/1/1924 6:58;00 Mejrzr
Ma34 Plains, GA
4 Cap 11 Leo
Jp?nr MOjo-yr
Sa,.* Siw
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12 Vlrg

His Ketu falls in the 4th house without being connected through a
primary sambhanda with any other planet in his chart. He became President
in the sub-period of Venus, the lagna lord configured in a raj a yoga with the
9th lord Mercury and 7th lord Mars.

"If the period rulers are malefics, the sub-periods of unrelated benefics
will give evil results; the sub-periods of related benefics-' (37)

"-will give mixed results, and the sub-periods of unrelated yogakdraka

will give extremely bad results. " (38)

See again the chart of a comic actor, Chris Farley, whose Mercury major
period was discussed earlier.

Rashl (D-l) General Rashl (0-1) General

Ra.9^ Mo,, r Biwir


\3/ 9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem

As^-v 2

Surn As,r,
Ma .Sa, 18

4 8 Aqu 1 Can
7 1 &)

Me,j.68 Chris Farley

Sat. 2/15/1964 15 34:00
Jp24 5 Madison. Wl
7 Cap 2 Leo
Me.ssa 12 Ve1237
Ma3 9.
16 « Su2.w.
Sa21e. 6 Sag 5 SCO 4 Libr 3 Virg

Jupiter for Cancer /agna is something of a paradox because it rules both

the auspicious 9th trine and the trisaddyd 6th. Par as am Hord classifies it as
a benefic for this ascendant. It is also a strong indicator of raja yoga for
Farley's chart because it is svaksetra and combines with two angle lords, the
Moon and Venus. KesarT Yoga is formed by this combination as well. As we
saw earlier Mercury-Venus brought his initial stardom as a cast member of
Saturday Night Live. During Mercury-Jupiter his career in features films
began to flourish but was abruptly ended when he died of a drug overdose on
December 18, 1997, at age 33.

It was the major period of a malefic (i.e. an inauspicious trisaddyd 3rd

lord) and the sub-period of an unrelated yogakdraka, and per this verse, it
did give the very unfortunate result of a drug overdose.

At the same time, it is apparent that the Mercury-Jupiter period, like

Mercury-Venus, activated his Saraswati Yoga, and brought him great success
in the performing arts, since earlier that year he was featured as the main star
in the movie, Beverly Hills Ninja, that was a major box office success, and
for which he was nominated for an MTV Movie Award for Best Comedic

But as will be seen, Farley's Mercury-Jupiter period may also fall under
the purview of the next verse of the Laghu Par as an.

"Even when related to its own, a mdraka does not kill in the sub-periods
of benefics; but it does kill in the sub-periods even of unrelated
malefics." (39)

This verse instructs us about which sub-periods become most eligible for
bringing a person's death within the mahddasd of a primary mdraka,
contingent, of course, on the longevity of the person having expired. The
general principle given earlier is that a dasd lord gives its own, fullest results
in the sub-periods of those connected with it or those of a similar nature.
Here the author is informing us that there is an exception with regards to
mdrakas. They will not kill in the sub-periods of related or even unrelated
benefics but in the sub-periods of unrelated malefics.

The terms "benefics" (subhas) and "malefics" (papas) must be

interpreted here, as in all previous verses, according to the definitions laid
out in the first chapter. Which is to say that these terms refer to auspicious
and inauspicious house lords, not to natural benefics and malefics. However,
as the graha highlighted in an earlier verse as an unqualified mdraka, Saturn
should likely be included among what is meant by papas here as well.

We saw that Chris Farley died in his Mercury-Jupiter period. Mercury is

a primary mdraka, positioned as it is in the 7th house, and as a natural
benefic, while Jupiter is a trisaddyd 6th lord. The great paradox of his
Mercury-Jupiter period is that it both gave him his greatest status and
success as a comic actor, but also killed him. This is exactly why I tell my
students that for any period and sub-period we must ask ourselves what are
the best and most favorable results it can bring, and what are the worst and
most unfavorable results it can give. The reality of life is not black and
white, it is not either or, and neither is Jyotisha, the divine science that
reflects that reality.

Former U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in his Jupiter-

Saturn period. Jupiter is a primary mdraka as the lord of the 7th house, and
Saturn is an unrelated 6th lord, in addition to its status as an unqualified
Rashi (D-1) G«neral


Mezr-sr SUts-ff Ke.B-z,
MO 24-30
5 7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem

As 27 ir SSj 27 Sa4 ?/•

6 6 Aqu 11 Can
Ra,e 2d 9 j» i3 Ke, 8 29 {&)
John F Kennedy
Tue 5/29/1917 15:00:00
Brookline. MA
5 Cap 12 Leo
10 2
ii 1
R3.i«r7» ASvfir
Me27 53
MS 25-43
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

Former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated in her

Satum-Rdhu period. Saturn is a primary mdraka as the 7th lord and Rdhu is
giving the results of an unrelated 11th lord Venus.

Rashi (D-1) Gsneial Rashi (D-1) Genoral

Ke 9 IB'
Ms ir22' JPl5a0' K09ci8'

9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem

Sa2i 47 2 Jpi5,
AS27 22 S^2r47,

4 8 Aqu 1 Can
7*1 (&)
Indira Gandhi
MOs^s- Mon 11/19/1917 23 11:00
SUj-r Allahabad. INDIA
7 Cap 2 Leo
Me,3,3. 8 12
9 11
Mo.5'35' 0
Ve21•o, M6i3 i3'
R39018 Sli^r
RSgie 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

Sanjay Gandhi, the younger son of Indira, also died prematurely. On

June 23, 1980, while flying a new aircraft and attempting to perform an
acrobatic maneuver over his office, he lost control, crashed and was killed

Like with his mother, it happened in the mahddasd of the mdraka 7th
lord of his birth chart, which in his case is the Moon placed in the 8th house.
The sub-period was of Mercury, an unrelated 6th lord of accidents with the
8th lord Sun and the influence of the Rdhu-Ketu axis. The sub- sub-period
lord was Saturn in the mdraka 7th house.

RasM (D-1) General Rashl (D-1) General


11 As,- 36' g 26
3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem
12 8

■ 10/ Ve24 39
2 Aqu 7 Can
1%7 Jp23^
d (f >
Sanjay Gandhi
As,-^ Sal 12/14/1946 9 27:00
Bombay. INDIA
1 Cap 8 Leo
Ra,e 35' Sa-
Ke1(r» Ve^
Ma4.2, Su.nwMes.,., JPas-w
Motr 30
12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg

The death of the famous British murder mystery writer, Agatha Christie,
also illustrates the interpretive principle given in this verse. She passed away
on January 12, 1976. The dasd sequence at the time was Mercury- Satum-
Mercury. Mercury is a mdraka 2nd lord in the 2nd house, and Saturn is an
unrelated 6th lord and mdraka 7th lord.
Rashl (D-1) General

6 AS,2J
8 Pis 9 Ah 10 Tau 11 Gem
Ve.e, Sa16W

5 Ra 26-25
7 Aqu 12 Can
8 iSi'2
11 ®
26'25" As ,7-
Agatha Christie
Jfiwir Mon. 9/15/1890 4:28:00 Sa.6^
Ma 222 Torquay, UK
6 Cap 1 Leo
10 12
Mara Ve^ MOyjf
5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Libr 2 Virg

I will now further illustrate the si okas of this chapter on dasd phal again
using the birth chart of the famous English poet, Lord Byron, whose life I
am very well acquainted with, having read numerous biographies, and a
volume of this letters.

Rashi (D-1) General

MOj 10-
Ke«-sy Ma ,,
JP»f»F AS ! T' VT
4 Ke.j-52
2 10 Pis 11 Ah 12 Tau 1 Gem
5 • ASnw
Sa?*?- MOj-jff

3 9 Aqu 2 Can
Lord Byron
Tue 1/22/1788 13:54:00
MOzz-jr London. UK
8 Cap 3 Leo
11 Sa,^
Ra.52 Ve4.32 Mejrsr
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg
His Mercury mahadasd made him a famous author and one of the most
well-known celebrities of his time. This graha is an "especially auspicious "
lagna lord placed in the 7th angle house and in the vargottama condition,
giving it strength. Its status as a trine lord conjunct Rahu acting as an angle
lord creates a nodal raja yoga according to verse 14 in the second chapter.

"If the lunar nodes occupy an angle or a trine, (they become)

yogakdrakas by connection with a ruler of the other [kind]. "

Navamsha (D-9) OharmaJSpouse

MeSa Ma
Ke Su
11 3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem
12 ■ As « Ve

10/ 2 Aqu 7 Can

Su 1 (g. 7
1 Cap 8 Leo
Mo Jjd 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg

In keeping with sloka 29 of this chapter, Mercury-Mercury did not bring

the fullest fruit of the raja yoga potential of this period. He did publish his
first work of poetry while a university student at Cambridge during this time,
but it was not very well received.

His initial literary fame came in the Mercury-Venus period. Venus falls
into the category of an unrelated but auspicious sub-period lord since it rules
the 5th house and the neutral/impressionable 12th. Thus, according to the
interpretative principles outlined above, it gave this very fortunate result.
Venus as a sub-period lord may even fall in the category of an unrelated
indicator of raja yoga in its own right since Pdrdsara Hord states that the
5th and 9th lords together, as they are in Byron's chart in the 9th house, form
what is termed a trikona raja yoga.
All the following sub-periods in the Mercury mahadasd sustained the
raja yoga thereafter to various degrees. Subsequent to the publication of A
Childe Harolds Pilgrimage, the long narrative poem that made him an
overnight sensation in Mercury-Venus, Byron published a series of narrative
poems known as his "Oriental Tales " that were enormously popular. One of
these, entitled The Corsair, published in February, 1814, sold out its first
edition printing of 10,000 copies in a single day! The first three of these
Oriental tales, including The Corsair, were published in his Mercury-Moon
period, which is interesting to consider in light of the Mercury-Moon period
of Clark Gable discussed previously.

Byron's Moon is a perfectly full 2nd lord in the 2nd house and thus a
primary mdraka. It is unrelated to the major period lord Mercury. The raja
yoga effects of Mercury did not begin in this Moon sub-period, but it
certainly continued to manifest it. Besides being perfectly full and svaksetra,
his Moon participates in a good Subha KartarT Yoga, brought about by the
hemming of the lagna by the natural benefics, Jupiter and the Moon, who
becomes benefic since it is so bright and well dignified. It is also a part of
the status-giving BherT Yoga, defined by when there are planets in the 1st, 7th,
2nd, and 12th houses, surrounding and influencing the lagna.

Interestingly, the sub-period of the Moon, a mdraka, was followed by the

sub-period of a related inauspicious planet, Mars, a tris ad ay a 6th and 11th
lord. It is hard to say whether his literary fame increased in this sub- period,
though it certainly didn't diminish.

However, other aspects of his life began to make him even more well-
known, but in a notorious way, starting in Mercury-Mars and continuing into
Mercury-Rahu. Rumors began to spread of an incestuous relationship with
his half-sister, Augusta, that included the birth of a son by him. To quell
these and to avoid financial disaster brought on by extravagant spending, he
married an heiress, Ms. Annabella Milbanke, in Mercury- Mars in January
1815. The marriage proved an absolute disaster, and when his wife
discovered the truth of the relationship with his half-sister, which continued
even after the marriage, she immediately left him, taking their new-bom
child, and began divorce proceedings. Even for the rather jaded Regency
Society of London of that time, this scandal was too much, and everyone
was talking about Byron for reasons other than his poetry.
He fled the country, never to return, in Mercury-Rahu, settling in Venice,
Italy. Mercury as the 4th lord conjunct, Rahu, natural significator of foreign
places, shows this.

The height of his literary fame (and notoriety) came when the first two
Cantos of his greatest work, Don Juan, were published in July 1819 in his
Mercury-Jupiter period. It caused quite an uproar among literary critics
because of its frank treatment of sexual matters. It was the type of literature
that was condemned publicly as immoral, while privately people could not
wait to read it or cease to talk about it afterward.

The astrological question to be asked and answered is why the Jupiter

sub-period brought this peak manifestation of his literary fame/notoriety?
More than one principle in this chapter may apply. See verse 32 again.

"In its own period and the sub-period of the ruler of a trine, the ruler of
a quadrant bestows good, and likewise that (trine ruler in the sub-period
of an angle ruler) if not connected with evil doers. "

Mercury is a trine lord, and the Jupiter sub-period is that of an unrelated

angle lord not connected to an "evil doer" The question arises though as to
whether it is also an unrelated "cause of good," given its participation in
BherT and Subha KartarT Yoga. Yet, Mercury is not just a trine lord, but also
an indicator of raja yoga. So, this period and sub-period can be seen as that
of two unrelated "causers of good." The results it gave would suggest that
this latter view is the correct one.

Though this has nothing to do with interpretive principles given in this

chapter of the Laghu PdrdsarT, certainly a major reason why both Mercury-
Venus and Mercury-Jupiter proved so significant for his career life and status
in the world has to do with the disposition of these planets in his dasdmsa.

His recorded birth time of 2:00 PM gives a Libra D-10 lagna, but it is
quite likely a rounded time. If it is backed up just six minutes, it becomes
Virgo, which I believe it is. Regardless, both Mercury and Venus are in their
exaltation signs, and they are all sambandha.
Dashamamsha (D-10) Power & Status Oashamamsha (0-10) Power & Status

Me Sa
7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem
Jfi Ke


6 6 Aqu 11 Can

Ma Ma
5 Cap 12 Leo
Ra 10 Ve
As Me
MoSa 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

Three more Cantos of the poem were published in Mercury-Saturn in

August of 1821, which falls in the category of a major period of a
yogakdraka and the sub-period of an unrelated auspicious lord, since Saturn
is the 9th lord in the 9th, while ruling also the impressionable 8th. The
Saturn sub-period might also be interpreted as the sub-period of an unrelated
"causer of good" if you take into account the trikona raja yoga stipulated in
Pdrdsara Hord when the 5th and 9th lords combine. Either way, the reality
is that the Saturn sub-period also manifested rather strongly the raja yoga
effects of the Mercury mahadasd.

After moving into his Ketu major period, Byron decided to give up
"scribbling," as he put it, and become a man of action. He went to Greece to
fight in an independence movement. The Greeks were attempting to throw
off the rule of the Turks of the Ottoman Empire. He personally financed and
led a group of these freedom fighters, but never saw action before dying of
swamp fever on April 19, 1824. The das a sequence on this date to the third
level was Ketu-Venus-Mercury. Based on verses in this text, reflect on why
such a sequence could bring his death, before reading further.

We have been instructed that the lunar nodes give the results of the
planets they are sambandha with as well as their sign lord. Ketu is with the
6th lord Mars, is aspected by Mercury and is in Mercury's sign. Mercury is a
primary mdraka in his chart, as it occupies the 7th house, and Mars is a
secondary mdraka as the 6th lord and worst functional malefic for a Gemini
ascendant. The sub-period lord Venus is the 12th lord with Saturn. I must
emphasize again that the activation of these mdraka planets in the dasd
sequence may have just given serious illness and not death had his longevity
been greater.

"In the others period and their own sub-period, Saturn and Venus, in
particular, give good and evil (results) by transposition." (40)

I first heard about the peculiar and oftentimes enigmatic nature of Venus-
Saturn and Saturn-Venus periods from my jyotisa-guru, K.N. Rao. Later I
came across this verse of the Laghu Pdrdsan. Venus and Saturn have a
unique relationship in Jyotisa in that they are both planetary friends and
become the yogakdraka planets for the lagnas that each one rules. Saturn
becomes the yogakdraka for the Venus-ruled ascendants, Libra and Taurus,
and Venus become the yogakdraka for the Saturn ruled ascendants,
Capricorn and Aquarius.

This verse instructs us that in their mutual das as -antardasds they give
results according to a different interpretive principle than those given thus
far. In the Venus major period and Saturn sub-period, the results pertaining
primarily to Venus occur. In the Saturn major period and the sub-period of
Venus, the results pertaining primarily to Saturn occur. This is my
understanding and that of other commentators by what is meant by
vyatyayena, or "by transposition." In other words, the sub- period lord acts
like the major period lord.

By itself, this sounds rather simple and straightforward, but in actuality,

there is much more to consider in order to interpret the results of these
periods and sub-periods accurately. Additionally, we are told that the results
could be good or bad, which begs the question, "Depending on what!" The
answer, of course, is depending upon the condition and overall disposition of
Saturn or Venus in a particular chart, their relationship to each other, and in
keeping with all the other principles of interpretation given in this text,
particularly the effects of planets due to their lordship.

K.N. Rao's book, Successful Predictive Techniques of Hindu Astrology,

contains a chapter on Venus-Saturn or Saturn-Venus periods that begins as

"I have always been afraid of making predictions when I see anyone
running the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Saturn or vice
versa. In what way can the period be said to be the best or the worst
period of ones life? In the case of Saturn-Venus period, no emphatic
predictions should be made unless it is studied empirically applying and
testing two out many principles. If they are an equal strength is it the
period of ruin? If one of them is weak and the other strong is it a period
of extraordinary good luck? Similarly, it is said that if they are placed
mutually 6/8 or 2/12 they may not turn out to be good periods/'

I came to know that the principles being referred to here are from verses

29 and 30 of the sixth chapter of another Sanskrit classic, Uttard

Kalamrita. These are as follows:

"If Venus and Saturn are both in their exaltation, own, vargottama etc.
(in other words, strong), then in one s major period and the other s sub-
period even a king or a wealthy man becomes a beggar and poor. If one
of them is strong and the other weak then the results are good."

"If both the planets are weak and placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses
from each other, or are with the 6th, 8th, or 12th house lords, then they
bestow all comforts, auspiciousness, and luxuries. If one of them owns
auspicious houses and the other inauspicious then also both produce
good results. If both planets own evil house then also they are productive
of good results in their mutual periods and sub-periods"

Like all statements in Sanskrit classics, they must be tested and

understood in the light of empirical research and experience, but it appears
that it was from these verses initially that Venus and Saturn as periods and
sub-periods gained the reputation of being capable of bringing about
dramatic reversals in fortune along the line of "the prince becomes a pauper
and the pauper becomes a prince." Shri Rao also acknowledges this when
later in his chapter he states: "Saturn-Venus will generally give success when
least expected, and humiliation too, with stunning suddenness."

However, if you get dogmatic in the application of such a principle, you

are bound to go wrong, so the trick is knowing how to accurately evaluate
these periods. Shri Rao recommends that you start with looking at the
lordship of Saturn and Venus and what kind of planet it becomes for a
particular ascendant based on the principles given in the first chapter of the
Laghu Par as an.
Ascendant Venus Saturn

Aries malefic and mdraka malefic

Taurus malefic very benefic

Gemini very henefic mixed (9th and Slhlord)

Cancer malefic malefic and mdraka

Leo malefic malefic and mdraka

Virgo very benefic mixed (5th and 6lhlord)

Libra mixed (Isi and 8ih lord) very benefic

Scorpio malefic and mdraka malefic

Sagittarius very malefic malefic and mdraka

Capricorn very benefic mdraka

Aquarius very benefic benefic

Pisces very malefic malefic

Whereas this is a good starting point for evaluating what results Venus
and Saturn can give, these get modified by their house placements,
conditions of strength or weakness, as well as conjunctions and aspects with
other planets. Shri Rao comments:

'If involved in a raja yoga and also a mdraka, generally gives both - a
lamps last flicker "

"The sub-sub-period decides the final outcome after the sub- period has
indicated the trend of events. "

He also highlights the positional relationship from both the birth lagna
and between these planets as part of an essential guideline for sound
interpretation, as is emphasized in the description of these periods given in
Pardsara Hord:

"In the antardasd of Saturn in the mahadasd of Venus, if Saturn is in

deep exaltation, exaltation or own sign; in the angle, trine, or exalted or
own sign in navdmsa, it will confer great comforts, meeting with the
beloved brothers, happiness from authorities, birth of a child, gain from
pilgrimage to holy shrines, accomplishment of noble deeds through
religion and charities, results like promotion from employer If Saturn is
in the sign of debilitation, this period will cause distress. "

"If Saturn is placed in the 8th, or the 12th house from the ascendant or
from Venus, its antardasd will produce lethargy, expenditure in excess of
income. In the beginning of the antardasd there will be various kinds of
trouble, distress to parent, pain to wife and children too, touring around
foreign countries, loss of cattle, like cows, buffalos etc. Should Saturn be
the lord of the 2nd or the 7th houses, it will cause physical discomforts. "

"During the antardasd of Venus in the mahadasd of Saturn, if Venus is

exalted or in its own sign, or in an angle or trine or the 11th house duly
conjunct with the benefic planet, the results will be acquisition of wife,
children and wealth, sound health, great functions, prosperity at home,
gain of kingdom, utmost happiness, felicitation in the community;
offering respect to the king, gain of favorite clothes; benefit of clothes
from different islands, acquisition of white horse and buffalo. "

"If there is a favorable transit of Jupiter at that time, rise and fortune,
comforts, wealth, and assets are the kinds of results attained. With
favorable transit of Saturn, the interaction of these combinations will
give fructification to the result. "

"If Venus is in debilitation or combust or placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th,

there will be a loss of a wife, marital conflict, destruction of place,
mental agony, conflict with wife and near relatives, distress and
opposition from the public. "

"Placement of Venus from the lord of the mahadasd at the 9th, in an

angle or the 11th will produce results like affection from the king and
attainment of ambitions plans; attached with charity, benevolence and
religious deeds; gain from pilgrimages, acquiring knowledge of sdstras,
composition of poems, listening to religious discourses, pleasure of wife
and children. These results would undoubtedly occur. "

"If Venus is placed in the 12th, the 6th, or the 8th house from the
mahadasd lord, its antardasd will cause eye disease, danger of fever,
distressed with the behavior of the family, dental and gum pains, pains in
the heart and the anus, danger of drowning, mental distress, possibility
of falling from tress, public resentment in the assembly of the king,
confrontation with brothers etc.

What is given here is more like the standard principles for interpreting
any period/sub-period and makes no mention of any unique way in which
Venus-Satum or Saturn-Venus periods are to be assessed. If the sub-period
lord is in a good condition, and well placed both from the birth lagna and the
dasd lagna, then good things occur. The reverse is true for the opposite

Since first learning about the way in which these periods and sub-periods
get a special mention in both the Laghu Par as an and Uttard Kalamrita, I
have always looked for opportunities to investigate what results they give.

Rashl (D-11 General

Stl (7*43
Ke 26 5
7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem
As 20 7-
Ve7.* Ke.-
6 6 Aqu 11 Can
9 15* 3
Rav... Richard Chamberlain
Sal 3/31/1934 18 20:00
Los Angeles, CA
Ma 20 43'
5 Cap 12 Leo
10 SU17 43
Me19s9 MO04r ASjo-r
Sa,<o- 4 Sag 3 SCO 2 Libr 1 Virg

In the chart of American actor, Richard Chamberlain, Saturn and Venus

are so closely conjunct as to be in a planetary war. Regardless, their
conjunction additionally with Mercury produces the kind of good raja yoga
referred to in verse 17 of the second chapter.

'If the strong ruler of an angle is connected to the ruler of either of the
two lords of trines, it causes a good yoga. "

We have seen earlier that the combination of Mercury and Venus for a
Virgo ascendant form the best raja yoga, and now here there is the 5th trine
lord added to it, though Saturn has the blemish of its additional lordship of
the 6th and this raja yoga falls in the 6th house.
However, from a strong Chandra lagna with the Moon vargottama, the
Mercury, Venus, Saturn combination in Aquarius becomes even better, with
Saturn as the yogakdraka conjunct the 1st and 9th lords in the 5th house.

Sign chart from Moon

As 20 7 Siw
Mo 0 '41
/ 6 Pis 7 Ah 8 Tau 9 Gem

Ve??e Ke^
Ke^■ i
5 Aqu 10 Can
Ra 5-5 Ra.. Richard Chamberlain
Sal 3/31/1934 18:20:00
Los Angeles, CA
Sa, ao
4 Cap 11 Leo
Ve2.a. ii
" M Jby-pi'
M 320-43 MOf,4i A8JOT
3 Sag 2 SCO 1 Libr 12 Virg

Navamsha (D-9) Oharma/Spouso Navamsha (0-9) Dharma/Spousa


As Me
9 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem

Ke As
8 Aqu 1 Can
Sa 7;>1 0
Ve \
\ Me Ma
7 Cap 2 Leo
Ma Su
Ke 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

Saturn is obviously strong in its mulatrikona sign in the birth chart, but
the navdrhsa reveals great strength for both planets, with Saturn in its
exaltation sign and Venus in its own sign.

What happened in Richard Chamberlain's Saturn-Venus period? Did it

bring ruination? Did the prince become a pauper? Quite the opposite. I have
no information about what else might have been happening in his life at this
time, but this period and sub-period coincided with a peak in his acting
career. He was selected to play the lead role in a TV mini- series based on
James Clavell's 1975 blockbuster novel, Shogun. NBC had the highest
weekly Nielsen rating in its history with Shogun, which first aired between
September 14 and 19 in 1980. An average of 32.9% of all television
households watched at least part of the series. Chamberlain's star was never

The placement of Saturn and Venus in his dasdmsa (D-10) is certainly a

contributing factor in making this period and sub-period so fortunate in his
career life.

Dashamamsha (D-10) Power & Status

Mo Ra
5 Pis 6 Ari 7 Tau 8 Gem
10 Ke

Je As

8 4 Aqu 9 Can
Sa 11® 5 Me (*)
Ma Me
3 Cap 10 Leo
12 Ra

Su 2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg

Both are vargottama relative to this divisional with Saturn again in its
mulatrikona sign.

According to the principle given in this verse 40 of the Laghu Parasan,

Saturn-Venus would give to an exceptional degree the results of Saturn and it
did, that result being powerful raja yoga. Then recall this quote from K.N.

"The sub-sub-period decides the final outcome after the sub- period has
indicated the trend of events. "

Shogun first aired in his Saturn-Venus-Satum period.

Contrast the Saturn-Venus period of Richard Chamberlain to that of

mega-entertainer, Frank Sinatra, whose career and personal life took a major
nosedive during this time period. In his case the saying "the prince becomes
a pauper" nearly came true. Sinatra ran this period from December 1948 to
March 1952.

From Wikipedia:

"Cementing the low of his career was the death of publicist George
Evans from a heart attack in January 1950 at 48. According to Jimmy
Van Heusen, Sinatra s close friend and songwriter, Evans s death to him
was "an enormous shock which defies words as he had been crucial to
his career and popularity with the bobbysoxers. Sinatras reputation
continued to decline as reports broke out in February of his affair with
Ava Gardner and the destruction of his marriage to Nancy, though he
insisted that his marriage had long been over even before he had met
Gardner. In April, Sinatra was engaged to perform at the Copa club in
New York but had to cancel five days of the booking due to suffering a
submucosal hemorrhage of the throat. Evans once noted that whenever
Sinatra suffered from a bad throat and loss of voice it was always due to
emotional tension which "absolutely destroyed him. "

"In financial difficulty following his divorce and career decline, Sinatra
was forced to borrow $200,000 from Columbia to pay his back taxes
after MCA refused to front the money. Rejected by Hollywood, he turned
to Las Vegas and made his debut at the Desert Inn in September 1951"
"Journalist Burt Boyar observed, "Sinatra had had it. It was sad. From
the top to the bottom in one horrible lesson. "
Rashl (0-1) General

sua.„ SS^'IO'
8 As-,,,
6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
Ve,9-,« 9
Ma4 Jp27oir KSie'ss-

7/ 5 Aqu 10 Can
Ra1{ 35 10l5> 4 Ke,16'35'
M 84*52*
Frank Sinatra
Sun. 12/12/1915 3:00:00
R3l6e35' Hoboken. NJ
4 Cap 11 Leo
MO1225 11
JP27-1V Ve19.14' Sl^sr

Me24028' ASs^r
3 Sag 2 SCO 1 Libr 12 Vlrg

Looking just on the surface in Sinatra's birth chart, a major decline in

this period and sub-period is not readily apparent. Venus is the 8th lord, but
the close mutual aspect between Venus and the dasd lord Saturn, so strongly
placed in the 9th house, is a combination of a yogakdraka planet with the
lagna lord. From Chandra lagna, Aquarius, just as in the chart of Richard
Chamberlain, they continue to form a brilliant combination in which now
Saturn becomes the lagna lord in the 5th and Venus the yogakdraka planet.

What then is the problem here? Is it just a case of a Saturn-Venus period

showing its potential for downfall, humiliation, and reversal of fortune? It
does not appear so to me, but rather a case of the importance of divisional
charts like the navdrhsa and dasdmsa for assessing the results any period and
sub-period can bring.

In D-9 both Saturn and Venus are debilitated and in a 6-8 relationship
with each other. Contrast this with what we saw in the navdrhsa of Richard
Chamberlain in which Saturn and Venus were together, with the former in it
exaltation sign and the latter in its mulatrikona sign. Recall also that Sinatra
divorced during this period.
Navamsha (0-9) Dharma'Spouso Navamsha (D-9) Dharma/Spouse

Ve Ra
5 Pis 6 Ah 7 Tau 8 Gem
10 As
Mo Ke
8 4 Aqu 9 Can
Me 11® 5
2 (?)
3 Cap 10 Leo
12 Ma

KeAs Ve

Sa Jp 2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg

Oashamamsha (D-10) Power & Status Oashamamsha (0-10) Power & Status

Me Mo

Jp Su Ve
5 Pis 6 Ari 7 Tau 8 Gem
Sa 10 Ma


e 4 Aqu 9 Can
Ra 11® 5 Ke

Sa Ke
3 Cap 10 Leo

MoVe 2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg

In his dasdmsa Saturn has a good own sign placement, but is again in a
6-8 relationship with Venus and both fall in transition/ termination houses (3
and 8).

The nearly unprecedented success of Kareem Adbul Jabbar on the

basketball court started in his Jupiter mahddasd but continued well into his
Saturn period, and it is easy to see why based on the overall condition and
disposition of this yogakdraka planet in his birth chart. It is placed in the
strongest angle in an exchange with the 10th lord Moon, who is joined by
the lagna lord, Venus, creating another 1-10 raj a yoga.

Rashl (D*1) Generaj RasW {D-1| General

422 45
MS/'sg- S u 300' RSg^g-
M 3ioo46
8 As 2 47- 6
6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
9 5
V027O8, SSs'SS'

,7 \ 5 Aqu 10 Can
10gi4 J)
Saa 59 Kareem Abdul Jabbar
Wed 4/16/1947 18 30 00
New York. NY
4 Cap 11 Leo
MOio-sr HA ;3
Ve^r Sur, K^9058'

Ma^-^ Jj22045
M67-59 Rao 5B \ 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12Vlrg

His team, the Los Angeles Lakers, won five NBA championships during
Kareem's Saturn mahddasd, and his nearly unstoppable "skyhook" shot was
a major contributing factor. Two of these took place in his Saturn- Venus
period, so clearly there was no reversal of fortune career-wise.

The prince did not become a pauper, but during this time period his
palace was destroyed. Jabbar's mansion in the Bel Air area of L.A. burned
down. Saturn and Venus are in a 6-8 relationship, and from das a lagna
(Cancer) Venus becomes the 4th lord of the home in the 8th house.

Kareem particularly mourned the loss of his jazz music collection

consisting of over 3,000 albums, given that his father had been a jazz
musician and had instilled in him a great love of this musical genre.
However, the experience had an unexpected transforming effect on his life.
When fans learned of his misfortune, they began sending him replacements.
This apparently happened on a very large scale and touched him very deeply,
renewing his essential faith in the goodness and generosity of others.
For the former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, the Saturn-Venus
period was much more tragic in some ways, yet did bring a favorable
reversal of fortune. Unlike in the previous three examples, neither become
yogakdrakas; rather, both are functional malefics for her Cancer ascendant,
with Saturn additionally taking on mdraka status. Through the 1-7 exchange
with the lagna lord, Moon, Saturn does give raja yoga, yet it is also the 8th
lord in the 1st house hemmed by malefics. In Saturn- Ketu she suffered the
humiliation of being voted out of office, with these two grahas in a 2-12
relationship is both the birth chart and D-10.

Rashl (D-1) Genetal RashMD-1) General

Ma„ 27

9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem

Sa2,.47- 2 Jp 15'0
ASj7 22 S3 21 "47'

\4/ 8 Aqu 1 Can
10 51
Indira Gandhi
MO5-35 Mon 11/19/1917 23:11 00
SU.T- Allahabad INDIA
7 Cap 2 Leo
Me,,-,, s 12
9 11
Mo55'35' Ve2roi
RSg-IS' SU^y-
Rag is 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

Saturn-Venus was next, with both planets having strength in her

Navamsha (0-9) Oharma/Spouse Navamsha (0-9) Dtorma/Spouss
As Jjp Ra
11 1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gem
Jg 10 Sa

12 12 Aqu 5 Can
3 i* 9
11 Cap 6 Leo

Su Ma Ve Me 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Libr 7 Virg

In the birth chart, Venus falls in the 6th house of "the fight'' involved in
a 6-11 exchange with Jupiter. She fought back politically and became Prime
Minister again in Saturn-Venus-Saturn, with Saturn exalted in D- 10 and
with Venus falling 10th from Saturn, strong by virtue of its exchange with
the Moon.

Dashamamsha (D-10) Powor & Status

Ma Me
Ra Jfi
As Mo
10 8 4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem
11 X7

9 3 Aqu 8 Can
123» 6
3 ®
2 Cap 9 Leo
.5 Su
As Ke
Me Sa
Ve 1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg
Saplamsha (D-7) Progeny Saptamshajp-?) Progeny
MoKeMe Sa
Ve Su Sa
\ 5
/ \ 3
/ Su
6 A 2
9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem

JgRa As
/ \ 4 / Ve \
8 Aqu 1 Can
\ /

7 Cap 2 Leo
8 • 12
9 11
Ma/ \ / \

RaJjD 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

Aside from this, however, Saturn-Venus was among the worst periods of
her life according to biographer, a time in which she suffered many
humiliations and the terrible grief of losing her beloved son, Sanjay, who
died in an airplane crash during this time in Saturn-Venus-Mercury. Saturn is
in the 12th house of loss in her saptdmsa.

Yet, I have also seen these periods be a total nightmare, as they were in
the case of the French politician, Simone Veil, who was a survivor of the
Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz. Most of her Jewish family perished
in such camps.
Ra»hl (0-1) General Rashl (D-1) General

JPl0028 Ras-s-
Ma 29-41 SU2703'
AS3 33 4 SU27'
8 Pis 9 Ari 10 Tau 11 Gem
Ve12.4 3

Sa 8'37" 5/ 7 Aqu 12 Can

8 »2
Simone Veil
Wed 7/13/1927 8 15 00
K65 y Nice. FR
6 Cap 1 Leo
10 12

Jpio- 29 K05«3' SSs'a?'

5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Libr 2 Virg

It happened in her Venus-Saturn-Venus period, which makes me wonder

if the correct lagna is Virgo, not Leo, though this birth time does come from
a written record. This would put the major period lord, Venus in the 12th
house, aspected by the 6th lord Saturn. With either Leo or Virgo as the
ascendant, Saturn is the 6th lord from the birth lagna and in the 12th from
Chandra lagna in a sarpa drekkana.

What these examples of Venus-Saturn and Saturn-Venus periods

illustrate is that one cannot make any generalized interpretation of them. It
all depends on the disposition of these grahas in a particular chart.
Rashl (D'l) General Rashl (D-11 General
Ve^s, ve^u Ra^.,o
SUjois 12 ASg 46- 10 2 Pis 3 Ari 4 Tau 5 Gem
JP27-53 1 ■ MO,yj* 9
Sa? ,0 MO,,.* Ma?ir
M67'27 \11/ 1 Aqu 6 Can
2®) 8
Audrey Hepburn
Sat 5/4/1929 3 02 00
Ixelles. BEL
12 Cap 7 Leo
3 \ • 7
4 6

Sa, ,0

Mari7 11 Sag 10 SCO 9 Libr 8 Virg

For the beloved actress, Audrey Hepburn, her star never shown brighter
than in her Saturn-Venus period, during which she gave her iconic
performance as the free spirit, Holly Golightly, in the film adaptation of
Turman Capote's Breakfast at Tiffianys. Her Saturn is the lagna lord in the
11th house in Jupiter's sign aspected by Jupiter. Venus is a vargottama and
exalted yogakdraka for her Aquarius lagna.

In her dasdmsa Saturn and Venus are in a mutual glance along the
favorable 5-11 axis in strength. Saturn is in its mulatrikona sign and Venus is
in an exchange with its sign lord, Sun.
MaMe Me Mo
As Ma
2 12 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem
Mo 3 11 Sa

Sa Ke

11 Aqu 4 Can
Ke 4 *10 Ra 0
RaJp Ve
10 Cap 5 Leo


9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Libr 6 Virg

Such a period had to prove very fortunate for her professionally. What it
meant in other areas of her life is unknown to me.

As stated earlier, these principles for interpreting dasds/antardasds can

get very complicated. It is advisable then before giving any interpretation or
prediction to offer a prayer to Lord Ganesha because it is only with divine
guidance that accuracy can be obtained in such an overwhelmingly complex
and oftentimes confusing process. This is why my Jyotisa-guru always
emphasized the importance of spiritual practice (sddhana) in becoming a
proficient astrologer. And even then, remember that "astrologers predict
and God laughs."
oimtse HHMH




It is sometimes disconcerting for beginning students of Jyotisa to leam that

there is more to consider in this system of astrology than just the birth chart.
Numerous divisional charts, or vargas are also utilized, all of which are
derived mathematically from the basic birth chart. Without them, as I once
heard my teacher put it, "Jyotisa becomes something of a crude affair." With
them, it becomes sophisticated, precise, and breathtakingly accurate—
provided, of course, there is a very accurate birth time.

See this quote from Kalyan Verma, the author of the 13th century Sanskrit


"The divisional charts hold the entire knowledge about the future of a
horoscope, without which it is impossible to lay a step into astrology "

This is a rather dramatic statement and suggests that without the use of
divisional charts predictive accuracy is impossible. An example will serve to
illustrate. Beginning students leam that the T1*1 house of the birth chart is said
to indicate marriage and the spouse. In keeping with this, marriage is said to
occur in the periods and sub-periods of planets associated with the 7th house
and the 7th lord. Yet practical experience shows that it is not always so. Sage
Pdrdsara tells us that in addition to the 7th house of the birth chart, all matters
pertaining to marriage and the spouse also need to be seen through the
navdmsa or the ninth divisional chart (D-9).

Consider the following chart of a woman friend of mine who consulted me

in 1998 after her husband of many years informed her that he wanted a
Rashi D1 General Rashi 01 General
Vel5- SU7°24' Ve^'17
R320o57 M028o43
9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem
As 10o4
SU7-24' As 1 o04'
Sa 23 39'
f\820p57' S323039
A 8 Aqu 0
1 Can
Ke 20 57

Mo 2: 17

7 Cap 2 Leo


Jj23o50' K620957
Jp3 50' 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

She was distraught, fearing that at her age (50) she would never be able to
attract another man, and that she would be alone for the remainder of her life.
It is at such times that people often seek out astrologers.

She was soon to move into the major period of Ketu, in which case, I told
her that if her birth time was accurate, then I predicted that she would likely
re-marry in just a couple of years. Though it was what she wanted to hear, I
could tell that she was incredulous, thinking I was just saying this to make her
feel better. Actually, what I was doing was seeing her navdmsa or marriage
Nnvamsha D9 Dharma/Spousg
Me Ke Ma
Su Jp
As / Mo
6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
x: 5

/ \ VeSa

5 Aqu 10 Can

4 Cap 11 Leo
Ve ¥ Mo Ma
\ Ke / RaAs
Su 7 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12 Virg

Note that Ketu is in the 7th house of this chart. Shortly after the Ketu
period began, she re-connected with someone she knew from her college days
and not long thereafter, friendly conversations on the phone turned into a
romance in which they visited each other on weekends since they lived in
different cities. In Ketu-Moon—the period and sub-period of two planets in
the 7th house of the navdmsa— they moved in together and became engaged.
Just days after moving into Ketu-Mars, they married. Ketu is in the 7th house
of the navdmsa and Mars rules it.

You would never get this interpretation just based on the birth chart alone.
In fact, you would think that something would be going on with regards to
home and property during Ketu-Moon, given their placement in the 4th house.
And there was. They purchased a home together during this time as well.

But now here is the caveat. The birth time of 10:22 AM, which came from
her birth certificate, gives 10 degrees, 4 minutes of Cancer as the Ascendant.
This, in turn, gives a Libra navdmsa lagna, which puts the Moon and Ketu in
the 7th house of this divisional chart. If the birth time had been recorded as
10:21AM—just a minute earlier—the navdmsa lagna would change to Virgo
and Ketu-Mars would not show marriage at all.

One can see from this that the divisional charts of Jyotisa can be very
sensitive to even minor inaccuracies in the birth time, especially the lagnas of
these vargas. The problem in using them is that you can never just assume that
a given birth time will give an accurate set of divisional charts. However, it is
precisely because they are sensitive to small variations in the birth time that
they can be used to help rectify the time based on life events.
The Divisional Charts of Jyotisa

If you understand the basic astronomy of an astrological birth chart then

you realize that each constellation of the Zodiac takes about two hours to rise
up over the local horizon. This means that anyone bom within that two-hour
period at the same locale will have very similar birth charts. Those skeptical of
astrology will invariably bring up the issue of twins, who are always bom
within minutes of each other at the same place. Their horoscopes then are
usually even more identical, yet they often live very different lives. This would
appear to disprove the basic astrological premise that a person's birth chart
reflects their unique destiny based on their past life karma.

Western astrology in my experience has no satisfactory answer to this and

no methodology for differentiating the fate of twins or others bom very nearly
at the same time and place. Jyotisa does, and the answer lies in the divisional
charts. Even those bom just a few minutes apart can have a different set of
divisional charts that can then be used to differentiate their karma.

I was once challenged by a psychiatrist friend of mine to do exactly this.

See the chart of her patient below.

Rashi D1 Gonaral Rashi 01 Ganeral

•JP? 38
Rai2052 JP7038

9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem
011,924 As 14 53 R3i2J52
Me 25.52 / \ Sai8=2i As 14053

/ MOOo13'
8 Aqu 1 Can

Psychiatric Patient - Twin

Wed 10/611965 1:26:00
Chicago. IL
Ve2'42 \
7 Cap 2 Leo
Ma8,. b,.
Ke,, Ma,,.,. M625Q52

Saia*2v SUi9°24
MOO-13' 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg
Roshi D1 General Rashi D1 General
Jp? 38"
Rai2=52 JP7038

6 2
9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem
SU ib'25' ASi7»25 R3,2 52
Me,.:: Ka Sai8°2i ASi7025

8 Aqu 1 Can
Twin Sister
Wed, 10/6/1965 1:39:00
z Chicago. IL
7 Cap 2 Leo
K§12-52 N Maa.7 M625053
KSirs? Ve2.42
Saw Sll 19-25'
Mo0.1B. 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

This person has a twin sister that was bom thirteen minutes after her,
which means that the only real difference in their birth charts is that her degree
of ascendant is 14-53 Cancer while that of her twin is 17-25. The lagna lord,
Moon, planetary indicator of moods and the emotions, goes into the 8th house
in Saturn's sign, with Saturn and aspected by Mars. It shows the potential for
mental/emotional disorders, particularly depression. However, as you can see
below, the difference in the birth times gives a different navdmsa lagna.

Navamsha D9 Dharma/Spouse
Jp Ke Mo
Sa Ra Su

5 Pis 6 Ari 7 Tau 8 Gem

As Ma

\s \ 4 Aqu 9 Can
/ 1 5 0

Ve Me
3 Cap 10 Leo
Sa f,
Jp As
Mo Ma
Ra Su 2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg
Navamsha D9 Dhofma'Spouse Navamsha 09 Dharma^Spou

Sa Ra Su
\ Ke
4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem
Mo Ve

3 Aqu 8 Can
Sa Ma 0

Su Me
\ 2 Cap 9 Leo
Ra JpAs
Mo Ma
Ve 1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg

Based on the difference in their navamsa (which can be used to see all
indications, not just marriage), I was able to tell my friend which of these
charts was her patient's. The twin with the Scorpio navamsa lagna, where the
1st lord Mars again comes under the influence of Saturn suffers from
depression and periodic psychotic episodes, while the one with Sagittarius
navamsa lagna, with the lagna lord Jupiter is in its own 1st house and
mulatrikona sign, does not.
The Sixteen Vargas of Parasara

Whereas the whole idea of divisional charts seems complicated at first, it's
really very simple. The basis of these charts is the division of a sign (30
degrees) by different numbers.

• 30 degrees divided by 1—gives the birth chart or rdsi, referred to as D-


• 30 degrees divided by 2—gives two equal parts of 15 degrees each,

known as the hord and referred to as D-2

• 30 degrees divided by 3—gives three equal parts of 10 degrees each,

known as the drekkdna and referred to as D-3

• 30 degrees divided by 4—gives four equal parts of 7 and a half degrees

each, known as the caturthdmsa and referred to as D-4

Theoretically, one could go on dividing the 30 degrees of a sign ad

infinitum, but Jyotisa stops at the 60th division, equal to just one-half degree,
known as the shashtiamsha (D-60).

However, Pdrdsara refers to just 16 divisions in the Brhat Pdrdsara Hord

Sdstra, though other works reference additional ones as well.

The Sixteen Vargas of Parasara

1. rdsi Physical Well-Being

2. hord Wealth and Prosperity
3. drekkana Siblings
4. caturthdmsa Luck/Residence/Property
5. sap tarns a Children/Grandchildren
6. navdmsa Spouse/Dharma
7. dasdmsa Achievements/Profession
8. dvddasdmsa Parents
9. so dasdmsa Vehicles
10. vimsdmsa Spiritual Pursuits
11. siddhdmsa Education/Learning
12. bhdmsa Strength and Weaknesses
18. trimsamsa Misfortunes
14. khaveddmsa Auspicious/Inauspicious Effects
15. akshaveddmsa All Areas
16. sastyamsa All Areas
Time Sensitivity of the Vargas

Students should clearly understand that the more subtle the divisional
chart, the more sensitive it is to even minor inaccuracies in the birth time. This
is particularly true for the lagna of each divisional chart, since it is based on
the most personal and rapidly changing aspect of a birth chart—the exact
degree of the ascendant. Since the navdrhsa is the most important divisional
chart, I will use it to illustrate this point.

It takes approximately two hours for a whole sign of the Zodiac to

"ascend" over the horizon line. This means that every degree of a sign is equal
to about four minutes of clock time. Since each navdrhsa is 3 degree, 20
minutes, a different navdrhsa will appear on the horizon every 13 plus minutes
or so.

If a person's birth time gives a degree of the birth ascendant that is on the
edge of a particular navdrhsa, then even a minute or two of inaccuracy will
change the navdrhsa lagna and therefore give a whole different patterning to
this varga.

Say, for example, someone has a birth time that gives 10o5 as the degree of
ascendant. If they were actually bom just a minute earlier, the navdrhsa lagna
would shift back one, since this is right on the edge. (The 4th navdrhsa runs
from 10° to 13° 20, while the 3rd navdrhsa is from 6o40 to 10° of any sign)

Due to the relative imprecision with which birth times are recorded, even
in hospitals, this is a huge problem in Jyotisa. One can never just assume that a
time given from a person, even if it comes from a birth certificate, is accurate
enough to give a "true" set of divisional charts. Broader divisions such as the
drekkdna (comprised of three divisions of 10 degrees each) usually are not a
problem, but finer ones like the navdrhsa and especially those even higher
must be verified through the timing of life events before they are accepted and
predictions made based on them.
Key Interpretive Principles for Predicting with Divisional Charts

The interpretation of divisional charts and their use in prediction is a very

big topic. To do it justice would require a whole separate volume. Here I am
giving only a summary treatment of the subject. It is necessary to do so
because in order to test whether any dasd is "working" one must comprehend
the many different ways in which an event can get reflected astrologically,
both in the rdsi and in the vargas. As will be seen, two das as may clearly show
the potential for the same event, yet in entirely different ways. Let a single
example suffice to make this point.

Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General

Ke,8v36- Me2.sffSu2ri£ Ra Mo

Jp23:5Cl Ve?1-W
5 Pis 6 An riau 8 Gem
As 43
Mai9 36-
4 Aqu SCan

Su 24 1B
3 Cap 10 Leo
Ve 40 M a lyje
R3 18-36' Sa., i?
Me 58
AS t6*43' M04>3r
2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg Ke la'yr JP 23 5(r
N»v»m»ha D9 DheneelSpowe
sun dm* sun Dim Ae« Datnit Mfl MoJp
11/ 2006 30 5 Jp Md 17/ 2006 300 So Ra
3 24 2008 318 Jf, Ma 1 MM 11.7 Ma
2i 23 2009 32 7 Jp R« 29 2009 330 Ua Ma As
II » Mil Ml S* Sa 3 2010 34 3 Ua Ve
7/ 27 2014 361 54 ue 15 2012 358 Ma Ra Ke
3 2017 40 8 54 Ke 2J 2013 37 3 Ma
2018 419 54 ve 30" 2015 39 0 Ml Sa
l» 2021 raw 451 Sa Su 21 2017 40 7 Ma Me Su
27! 2022 460 54 MO V IV 20113 420 Ma
26 2024 476 5* Ml * n MM 117 Jp Su
6 2025 48 7 Si Ri 8 16 2071 iw 452 Jp Ma As Mo Jp KeSa
11' 2028 518 Si Je_ V 12' 2023 48 B Jo ve

This is the birth chart of an Indian man who married in 2006. It was
Jupiter-Moon in Vimsottan. Marriage in this period/sub-period was predicable
for two reasons. The first is that these two planets are 1-7 from each other in
the rdsi, (the concept of dasd lagna) and the second is that they are together in
the navdmsa

Sodasottan dasd is applicable to his horoscope since the degree of his

lagna is in the hord of the Sun and the Moon was waxing on the day of his
birth. In this conditional dasd the marriage took place in Sun-Venus, the
period/sub-period of two planets in the 7th house of the birth chart, with Venus
as the 7th lord in the 7th house.
What follows are some simple principles for predicting with divisional
chart that I have found working very well, though not invariably, so they
should not be applied dogmatically.

1. Planets in the lagna of a divisional chart have a special ability to give

events related to the indications of that division. If those planets are in
strength, well-associated and are configured in good yogas, the
results are likely to be quite favorable. This can be true even if the
event is not evident from that planet s condition in the birth chart.

The caturthdmsa (D-4) is utilized to make predictions about the purchase

of property. According to this principle, planets in the lagna of this division
have a special ability to give this result particularly if in a good condition and
well associated.

Rash) D1 General Rashl 01 General

Ke Mo
3 Pis 4 An 5 Tsu 6 Gem
As Ma
2 Aqu 7 Can
X ^ VeSu

AS i2,12' Sair3-
1 Cap 8 Leo
MStut \/G24 18"
Mo,Me,.,,. SU^ss- Ra
Ra? i8
12 Sag ii See lOLibr 9 Vlrg Sa
Vlnnhotun Sign ctun from Moon Chatummtha 04 foflunes ChUurtamtita P4 Fonunoa
Stan Data *a» Datltn VeSu Mo
V V >020 418 Su Ke SuAs Mo
IV » 20X 421 Su As
V 26 2021 426 Su MoMaMe AsSu S3
16 V 2021 no* 429 Su S3 Sa Ve
6 26' 2022 436 Su Ve
» W 2023 446 Su
6 26' 2024 45 6 Su
4' 1/ 2025 46 4 Su Ke
» ri 2025 46 8 Su
II V >020 478 Mo R JF JP 6
«l ft71 2027 46 6 140 MaMe JP Ra Me Ma
'' 2026 <92 Mo

This is the birth chart of an Indian man living and working in the U.S. He
is a very successful business entrepreneur and long-time student of mine. In
August of 2020 he moved into his Sun major period in Vimsottan. In D-4 the
Sun is exalted in the lagna and gets the aspect of the benefic, Jupiter. It
indicates the potential for excellent fortune with respect to real estate/property
during this six-year period, something that would not be at all obvious based
on just the birth chart.
He currently lives in a home worth $1.5 million which he owns outright,
and is in the process of building a $2.6 million home without loans or a
mortgage. He is scheduled to take possession in Sun-Jupiter. He will retain the
current home as rental property and also plans to purchase/invest in
commercial real estate in the near future. Predictably the Sun period is proving
to be very fortunate with regards to property.

This is only one example, but in subsequent chapters, readers will see this
principle playing out numerous times, especially with respect to the dasdmsha
(D-10) pertaining to professional accomplishments. The most dramatic results
happen when a strong planet in the lagna of D-10 also shows a great potential
for elevating a person in the birth chart.

Actor Paul Newman was nominated many times for an Academy Award
but never won until later in career at age 62. He got the Oscar for Best
Supporting Actor for his role in the film, the Color of Money (1986). The
award ceremony when he won took place in his Mercury-Jupiter period in

Rashl D1 General Rashl 01 General

Ke Su
Mo*' Sa
A Pu 5 An 6 Tau 7 Gem M620 30 JPie'3-
Ve2i 35 AS20 ,6'
MOe-so' R320i53'
bAqu 3 Can
K62053 Paul Newman
SUl3M3' Mon 63000 Ma O-i?
ClwoUna OM
2 Cap 9 Leo
VSzrw AS?o"»e S320'53-

1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Llbr TO Virg Ra

Sign than from Moon PMhamamaha pip Power 8 SWu»
Stan Dm* KeSu MaMo v® Jp
* U 1987 62 1 JP Ma Ke Sa As Me MC
6 9 1989 6** Sa .e-s JP :
2j l7r i«J •7.1 •u Mo MaJp 5>c'MeAs Sa
V 1992 87 5 Ve Ve MM
W 14.' 1993 688 So
I' 20' 1994 89 0 810
8 2V 1994 596 Ua Ra Ke
1 17' 1995 70 0 Ra Sa Su
» V 19« 710 Ke *
V llf 1997 72 0 K» Sa
2 20 1998 73 1 Ks Me Ra Ra Si.
a \v ma 74.1 V*

Mercury and Jupiter in the birth chart form a powerful 1-10 raja yoga in
the lagna with Jupiter svaksetra as the 1st lord in the 1st house, and with
Mercury getting directional strength. These two grahas are also components of
an excellent SarasvatT Yoga.
But then see that Mercury is svaksetra in the dasdmsha as the lagna lord in
the lagna. Additionally, Mercury and the lagna of D-10 gets the great benefit
of benefic hemming, with Jupiter on one side and Venus on the other, giving
Subha Katari Yoga. When all the natural benefics fall in the 12th, 1st, and 2nd
of any rdsi or varga chart, this is known as a "mala of auspiciousness " and is
a very good feature that boosts up the quality of that chart. This applies to
Newman's D-10.

Of course, the caveat is always whether any birth time is accurate enough
to give a correct D-10 lagna. This division is derived by dividing a sign of 30
degrees by 10, which gives a unit of 3 degrees. Any birth time that puts the
degree of lagna on the edge between two dasdmshas brings up the question of
a correct D-10 lagna.

Rashl D1 General Rasfil D1 General

Mo Jfi.
As,^ Ke 49
10 Pis 11 An 12 Tau 1 Gem
As ^0
Sa7.2 MOns-
9 Aqu 2 Can

Lord Byron
Slinks* Tue 1<Sail7B8 UflCtOO Me
8 Cap London UK 3 Leo
Mesrsv Ve,^?
Ra 48
75*9 6 Sco 5 Llbr 4 Vlffl Su
yimthotun sinnchwl from Moon D19 Powt & Sam Dwhuianah. DIP Pown & 8Wu»
Sun Dm Dnlut M Me
1606 201 Ml Ke Ve MoSa
^ ft1 1609 21 1 Me ve i
1/ B' 1812 24 0 Wo Su Mo As
11' 1* 1912 24 8 Me Mo Ke SU MaRa
« IB 161* 262 We Ma Ke
♦> 12' 1615 27 2 Ma m
1CM 30' 1817 206 Me jp
2' B 1620 320 Ma So RaMa
IW 1» 1822 34 7 K# K* Su Xr X MoSa
B 13.' 1623 361 Ke vi
12' 1824
5'» 17' 1824
363 Ke Su
367 K« MO KM s. XVeSa Su As J^Me ve

This birth time of 2:00 PM for the famous English poet, Lord Byron, does
come from a written record but is likely rounded/approximate. It gives a
degree of birth lagna 12-58 Gemini, which puts it in the fifth dasdmsha (12-00
to 15-00). This gives Libra on the ascendant of his D-10 as shown in the
graphic above.

Byron's great literary fame began in his Mercury-Venus period and

reached a peak in Mercury-Jupiter. In D-10 these planets are all connected
with both Mercury and Venus in their exaltation signs, but along the 6-12 axis
of this division.

Or are they? Backing up the birth time just six minutes makes Virgo the
lagna, which puts Mercury and Jupiter together in the ascendant where they
would get directional strength. Their mutual glance with Venus makes for a
beautiful SarasvatT Yoga as well as a significant 9-10 raja yoga. Given that his
masterpiece, Don Juan, the work for which he is most known, was written and
first published in Mercury-Jupiter, it is almost a certainty that Virgo is his
correct D-10.

This example also demonstrates how divisional charts can be used to make
minor adjustments to birth times to give ones that accurately reflect the timing
of major life events. It also is an example of another interpretive principle that
I have found to be very reliable.

Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Oashamamsha D10 Power & Status
Me Sa
7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem
Jp Ke

As Ke

6 Aqu 11 Can
Ma Ma
5 Cap 12 Leo
Ra 'o Ve

As Me
MoSa 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

2. If two planets are in the lagna of a divisional chart, the period and
sub-period of such planets will bring an event related to the meaning
of that varga.
Rashl 01 General Rashl D1 General
Ke-r Me,^ Sa
Ma,7.,! Jparir
MOiyjj Slita-s, Sa23c52' Ve 38 Me.s i(r
9 Pis 10 Art 11 Tau 12 Gem
As 22 SUl9>54-
V64'3a' KSfov
8 Aqu 1 Can

Angelina Jolie
Wed 64.1975 0 0900
LOG A/Kjees CA RSr-Ji Jp?v54
7 Cap 2 Leo
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg
Sign emit from Moon >7 Pro^«n) SepUmiM DTProneny
d' ^5 1994 19 3 Ke Me Su MoMa
» 33. ins 20 3 V» Ve Ke Su Me Ra :
I. 22 1999 236 Ve Su Jp Mo Ma -.'o As JpAsVe X^
22 2000 24 6 Ve Mo
9 22/ 2001 26 3 Ve IJU JpVe Sa
11/ 22. 2002 27 5 Ve r<3
11/ 22. 2C05 30 5 Ve Jp Sa Me
v n 200S 331 Ve So Ve MoMa
91 23/ 2011 36 3 V0 M«
II 24/ 2011 39 1 Ve Ke Ra Ke Ra
« 23/ 3015 40.3 Su Sa
—1L_!®L 2016 406 So

The saptamsa (D-7) can be used to predict the birth of children.

In addition to her movie stardom, Angelina Jolie is known for having a lot
of children, including twins by her ex-husband, Brad Pitt. They were bom in
Jupiter-Venus, the period/sub-period of two planets in the lagna of her D-7.

I employed this principle to predict the birth of a child to my youngest

Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General
Rainr Jp4M3'
MO23 31' Ke,iMr
7 Pis 8 An 9 Tau 10 Gem
MfiiS'ao As 4ff
6 Aqu 11 Can

Ma V- jp 43
Ve4M6' Ve iMfi' Mo 23
5 Cap 12 Leo
2 Ra,,M7-
Ma2r54' Me-.,, AS 19 40-
SlJig-a Ke.rr
4 539 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg Sa ' '"-a
Stgn ctiift frofw woon
V « 1985 19 0 Ve W» Ma Sa
P 198? 213 Ve 14a Ra 2 Su Jxj
5 4 I98S 22 4 ve Ra Mo JfiKe VeAS . Ma
6 P 1991 25 4 ve JP Ve
Me Jfi t Mo , AsVe
1/ » 2000 341 V« Ke Ma
SI 81 JMI 39 3 Su Su Sj Ra Me
Ua As 6 Me r Ra
^ 1« 2002 36 4 So Ra K? Su
> 25' 2003 37 3 So -'D Mo

I saw that she would be running her Venus-Ketu period starting in January
of 2000. It clearly showed the potential for giving a child since in the birth
chart Venus is in the 5th house. I thought the sub-period of Ketu would give
this result because Venus and Ketu are together in the lagna of her saptdmsa.
She gave birth in June of 2000.

Much finer divisions such as the siddhamsha (24) can be very useful for
checking the accuracy of the birth time since the lagna of this division would
change every 6 minutes. If this division is giving the correct result, then the
birth time is accurate within at least six minutes and likely more.

Joseph Campbell, the famous scholar and author of books on mythology

and comparative religions, was bom at 7:26 PM according to his birth
certificate. For his Virgo ascendant chart, the two planets of education and
authorship, Mercury and Jupiter are together, with Jupiter strong in its own
sign and effectively canceling Mercury's debility. He ran his Mercury-Jupiter
period between the ages of 19 to 22. During that time, he got a scholarship to
study at famous universities in Europe where he first got exposed to subjects
that became life-long passions and the focus of his prodigious scholarship.

See that Mercury and Jupiter are together in the lagna of D-24 getting
directional strength.
Rashl 01 General Rash! 01 General
Ke1!r Jpirtt
Siw Majrw
Meijn Ra 57-
7 Pis 8 An 9 Tan 10 Gem
As 27 -C
S Aqu 11 Can
Joseph Campbell
Sat 19M00
5 Cap NrnrYoU MY 12 Leo
AS27-40' Sa-,vii' Ke t'sr M6t3"3r
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg Ve
Sign chirt from Moon Siadhmohn DM LMmlng
Sonpiu Onn.•» As Me Ma
» 2*1 1924 199 Mil TP SaMo »>
» If 1926 22 2 Me Sa Ra SuJp Ma 3 / Mc As XX''"'Mo
a c 1W* Mt K. Ke Mo
fl 7.' 1929 253 Ke Ve Jp2Su . Sa
a & 1930 26 4 Ke So X
If 12/ 1931 268 Ke Mo 6 jXJ1
& 13/ 19JI 274 Ke Mi
V » 1932 278 Ke Ra MaSu VeX, /
If 27/ 1933 288 Ke JO Sa Xdo
If V 1934 298 Ke Sa Xs x
2)- 11/ 1934 309 Ke Me ve KeRa Ve RaKe
2/ V i»J» J1» Ve Ve

This is good testimony for the accuracy of this specific divisional chart and
for the birth time in general.

3. When a person runs the period/sub-period of any two planets that are
strongly connected (sambandha) in a divisional chart, a significant
event related to the indications of that varga can occur, regardless of
their house placement or lordship.

Strong connections in order of importance are: exchange of signs,

conjunctions, mutual aspect, a planet in the sign of a planet who also receives
that aspect of that planet, and connection by sign lordship.

Earlier I showed the birth chart and navdmsa of an Indian man who
married in his Jupiter-Moon period, two planets together in his D-9, though
not connected to the 1-7 axis.

Prince Charles of England famously married Diana Spencer on July 29,

1981. It was his Moon-Jupiter period, two planets together in his navdmsa.
Marriage in this period/sub-period is really not predictable on the basis of just
the birth chart.
Rsshl 01 General Rashi 01 General
Mo7ir Sa
9 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem
As i2;i4' vezs-w
8 Aqu 1 Can
Me 13-49 Re ii°49
Prince Charles of England Sa^-r
Sun 1VW1948 21 14 CO Su^gMB- M0r17-
Icmloo UK
7 Cap 2 Leo
M 327 48' Me,yw 23*14' Ma- "•D
J pe'44 Su;5-,ff Ke,,^
6 Sag 5 Sco 4Ubr 3V>ra JP f.'4-l
Sign chift N«y«m»n» DB DharmrSpouM Nevinwha 09 DharmlSpoma
StanDMm A«. Onhn Jp Su
1/ 171 >988 192 VP I4e Ma
IV 17; 1970 220 Vn Ko 1 , MO
II 17; iSTJ 232 Su So RaMo Rave As
1972 235 So Mb
IVs- 1>*' 1972 24 0 So Ms As Me iSa Ke Sa
i 12' 1973 24} So Vi
2' * 1974 252 bo .•p VeRa
IV 2V 1974 250 bu 54 Ke Me 5J
11 Si 1975 270 So Me Sa 5><. KeMeSu MC
» IV I97e 278 So Ke ^V %
V in 1977 282 So Ve
Ma As Ma
V 17; 1»7» 29.2 Ms Me ^ VeX..X > «

Rashi 01 General Rashl 01 General

JPs'SAMe^.- MaJ4.,r
M02S'3r SUift-ij-
V628 55'
4 Pis 5 An 6 Tau 7 Gem 0X
AS 19-52' XX
5324 34 R3:'4'34
3 Aqu 8Can "N 9 . '
12 - 6

M02833r.^'X 2 6
K© 24 *34' Me 5-5? —
-■ ° /?;-kp
2 Cap 9 Leo
SUig-iS" rXT xCs
ASi9'52' '4
ISag 12 Sco 11 Libr lOVirg
Sign cm it from Moon Ntvtmih* M Oh»im»'5poui«
Start Dan Dachas ...MaSuMe, Ra
47 fi 1970 169 V« Jp Mo RaMe In
IZi 51 1972 210 V« S4 Ke SuVe
» 4/ 1976 248 Ve Me sX Mo Jp As Jp
12' S; 1978 270 ve Ke \'e
it v 1M8 211 Su Su As
V 24; 1980 291 Su Mo
11/ 22; 19W 296 Su Ml
30' 1981 299 Su Ra Sa Me
2l 22' 1982 308 Su Jp Sa Mo Ra
12' 11/ 1982 316 Su Si As Jp
11/ 21 1983 320 SU Me Ke KeMa
9' 29 1964 334 Su Ke , SuVe

The chart shown above belongs to a woman who I have known since 1973.
Her and her husband have been life-long friends. They first became a couple
and began living together in Venus-Jupiter, the period/sub-period of two
planets in the lagna of her navdmsa. Then later they married in her Mercury-
Venus period. See that these grahas exchange signs in D-9, effectively
canceling the debility of Venus.
A similar exchange of signs between Mercury and Venus in the dasdmsha
of Hollywood movie icon, Clark Gable, marked a high-water mark in his

Rashi 01 General Rashi 01 General

K0a'37' Me »•» Su ■OVr Ra
4 Pis 5 An 6 Tau 7 Gem Ve 27" Jp
As Sa

3 Aqu 8 Can
Me26 55' Clark Gable
SUig 28 Pn 2/1/1901 53000 Ma^e- Mo 23'27
2 Cap Caoi OH 9 Leo
Ve2r2rJp1)n5. R36:3T
iSag 12 Sco 11 Ubr lOVIrg Ke 6 3'
Sign chin ftom Moon CXshamamiha 010 Powm i, SUtus Daihanumtha D10 Powar & Slatui
51*1 D Ma Aga 0«/vn KeSu
V 71 1935 343 Mr Ve
»• Jl
1/ 11/
•A. Su
Mr Mo Mo
, Jp 1 Me Sa As Rave
& 11/ 1940 39 4 Ur Ma
ft' <» 1941 40 3 Mr Ra
I2f 27/ 1943 47 9 MP
4.' :v 1946 452 >.■# 70
Sa Sa Me
I» 11/ ,»« 47 9 Ka x. SaAs MaMo
61 9 1949 46 3 he Ve Mo io KeJpSu
n 1950 49 4 he- So Jpve Ra
it 14, 1950 498 he Mo SuMe
15/ 1&5t 504 he Ma Ra AsVe

It was in this period that Gable starred in one of his most acclaimed roles
as the rebellious Christian Fletcher in Mutiny on the Bounty (1935).

Raslil 01 General Rashi 01 General

Ve^tMe^j. Ra Jp i.
Jp3'21' MOvss
SUjyv Ra^3- AS 28 59' s Mo
10 Pis 11 An 12 Tau 1 Gem
Ma ifi'Zi-
As 29 ■=9
Me 26
9 Aqu 2 Can
6 Cap 3 Leo
Sa ia'54

7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4 Virg Ke

Sign chtn from Moon D10 Pow« & D10 Powm & Sutus
4tjrt Data 4g. Oa>h» Rci JO Ve Su KeJp/
V 2015 501 Ra As VII
V 2*i 2018 530 Sa JO .Mo
l« *>
■ji a-
2029 row
57 9
Wa Ma
Me Ke
Ma S As Mo V-^S. As ^><10 Ma
2l 28/ 2024 58.9 Me Ve Su KeJp Me . Ve Mo ■\12 /
12; 29' 2028 81 7 Me Su
11/ 5/ 2027 626 Me HO MeVe Su / 6
« 5/ 2029 640 Me 144 Ma SaRa
41 31 2030 850 ue Re n sa 4><L >•<8
10- 20 2032 67 5 Me Jp /7 V.
i/ SO- 2035 098 Me Sa Me \
io 5/ 2017 73.5 ha Ke Kb / SaRa
Two planets strongly connected in a divisional chart can always bring a
significant development in the sphere of life pertaining to that varga, though
not necessarily a favorable one. In the dasdmsha of a woman, shown in the
graphic above, Saturn and Rahu are together in the 6th house. In this
period/sub-period she unexpectedly lost a high-level finance position she had
held for some time in a company.

One type of sambandha that is often times overlooked is the one where a
planet is in the sign of some planet and then also receives the aspect of that
planet. Such periods/subperiods in a divisional chart can also bring very
significant events in my experience.

During Jupiter-Venus in Vimsottan, basketball legend, Bill Walton,

completely dominated the college game. His UCLA Bruins won three
consecutive national championships during this period, and he was named
College Basketball's Player of the Year each time. Jupiter is the lagna lord of
his dasdmsha, well-placed, and Venus is exalted in the lagna in Jupiter's sign
and receiving the aspect of Jupiter.

Rashl 01 General Raahl D1 General

Jp23 0' AS28'i6" Jp23';
10 Pis It An 12 Tau 1 Gem J
MOi2 37"
Ke23 52'
9 Aqu 2 Can 3
Ra23 52" Bill Walton
Wat 1I/S1M2 2t2000 Sa 27151'
in UtM CA Ma25^
SCap 3 Leo
M a 25-3' V625'7' SU20'32' Saarsv Su 20-37.
M 613=0'
7 339 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4 Virg Me.vVe
13-0' V Ra
Sipn ctuit from Moon D»hamam«ha Did Powei & SUtua DMhamamaha DIP Powr a SUtui
StanDMm Oah,as
» ft 1970 176 JP v« VeAs SuRa
5 7f 1973 205 Jp 3u
2* 23 1974 213 JP Mo AsMo 3X: Asve
» 1975 226 * Ma Sa
V 31( 1970 236 Jp «a
IB.' 2ft 1976 M.O U Sa
10 2ft 1981 290 U Me Sa
V V 19W 317 SJ Kfi Ma
ft 1ft' 1985 328 s« ve Ma Me
10' 1& 1980 35 9 Sa Su Su
» 27f 1980 369 Sa Mo
MeVe JfiMe KeMo - "Mo Kg
29.' 199' 365 3a Ma

Actor Tommy Lee Jones won his only Oscar for his performance in The
Fugitive (1993).
Rashl 01 General Rasni 01 General
ASrar Mor42-
11 Pis 12 Art 1 Tau 2 Gem
Sa i2'r As? 47-
R322 '2V
10 Aqu 3 can

Tommy Lee Jones Su 29 34

Sir 91VI949 220000 SU2g'34' Metlfir-
- Ke :: 20
9 Cap SanSaba TX 4 Leo
K622 20' Jp5-7
Ve^^Ma,.,^ M©O=39'
8 Sag 7 Sco 6 Libr 5 Virg Ma Jp 5? Ve
Vlmthotun Won chtrt from Moon _ D»sh« mimjfij 0 0 Pow»r 4 Status Datnamamsho DID Powtr & 5tatu«
*t 2M 1&W 466 .'p Ve \ Ke X
IZ' 211 1995 49 3 Jp 5u VeAs MeSu Me \ f \,, yS
1ft' ft 19« 501 jp Mo Sa 4 Ra As Mo >0? 2'\< AsVe <jo mo
21 1' 1998 514 jp Ke Sa Su / -x . t7 / ' " •
I, U 1999 52 3 Jp
« •< WOl MT SJ
6 12 20W 57 7 S« Su
Z 2ft 2007 60 4 S« Ke Me Mo Ra Sa ' /"Jp
» 31' 2008 615 Sa Ve Ke
b 31' 2011 64 7 Sa 5u
12 2012 957 Sa MO Ma
12 12 2013 67 2 5a MaJpVe HJP Ra Ma

This career peak also occurred in his Jupiter-Venus period, with these two
grahas configured in his dasdmsha in the exact same way as in the D-10 of
Bill Walton.

Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General

Su,-:.; Me,,-,, Veir2' Mo Ke
Ma,j^ Sa3 40o
7 Pis 8 An B Tau 10 Gem

6 Aqu 11 Can
KG 25-IB'
Marc Boney
Wed 4'1ft19i1 1654 00 M025=51-
5 Cap ToMdO OH 12 Leo
Ve 1*2
§83 40
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg Su Ma ivr Me
Vlmihotan Sign chin from Moon Da»h«m»m»hj D10 Pow« & St»tu» D»«h»m«m»h« D10 Pow«f a 8ami
StanD art *0* DatKas AsSa KeVe
Jl ft 2012 912 Sa Me Su Sa
31 1ft 2015 63 9 54 Ke „M0 2 SU
*' 24' 2016 650 Sa Ve *>; MoKe X3 As
ft 24 2019 662 Sa Su As
ft V 2020 691 Sa Mo Ve Ra Mo
1' 4.' 2022 now 70 7 Sa Ml
2 11' 2023 715 Si Re Ve
12 20 2025 747 Sa Jt> JP MaMe
11 31 MM 77,2 M. M* i Ma Jp
11' 29 2030 796 Me Ke Su
11' 26 2031 00 6 Me Ve Jp Ra
9 2ft 2034 634 Me Su

The weakest connection, but a connection nonetheless, is when a person

runs the period/sub-period of two planets in which one is the sign lord of the
other. Such periods/sub-periods in my experience can also precipitate
significant events related to the indications of that varga.

I will use my own dasdmsha to illustrate this. When I ran Saturn-Mercury

in Vimsottan, I lost a high-level position in a company. This was predictable
just on the basis of the rdsi because this period and sub-period activated the
Dur Yoga in my horoscope, defined by when the ICT11 lord goes to the 6th, 8th,
or 12th house with additional affliction on the 10th house/lO111 lord. It applies to
my chart and Mercury and Saturn are a part of this.

Saturn in my dasdmsha is ill-placed in the 12th house in the sign of

Mercury who is a part of a malefic hemming (Papa KatarT Yoga) of this
divisional. Fortunately, I had planned to resign this position soon anyway to
devote myself full time to Jyotisa, so this just moved up the time table.

A more positive example can be found in the dasdmsha of legendary actor,

Marlon Brando, considered by many to be the greatest in Hollywood history.

RasM 01 Genera) Raahl D1 Cenefal

1 Ma Sa
Me^ Veffa
6 Pis 6 An 7 Tau 8 Gem
As a f i;
JD 27
Kes.s Ke 0 45
UAqu 6 Can
Marlon Brando Ra -5
Ttu 4^1924 230000
3 Cap Omnna NE
10 Leo
Mew «
Ma24'54' Jp27'5- SUji*2V
ASiose- Say^r
2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Llbr 11 Virg Me
Slpnchjn from Moon Did Powei & Statue Dashamamaha OIO Power S Statue
Start Oata *0* OMh.M Me X >
t) m 1*4] 144 Ve Ve ve Ve JpKe MeMo •Su \6
12 1946 22 7 V« Su
12 >> 1947 23 7 Ve Mo SuMo Sa fjx RaAs ><5
&' 1949 254 Ve •.(a ' . Ma
ta » 1950 266 Vo Ra \7
ia 26 1955 296 Ve JP 10>C4
a 2ft 1956 32 2 Ve sa Ma
a 27 1959 354 Ve Me Ma
a 27. 1962 382 Ve Ke iiX" Jp K(5
SI ill tM3 »4 Su Su 2 3
I2r 14/ 1963 397 3u Mo s \ Su
& 14' 1964 402 SU Utt R ■:-.s Sa RaAs XVe MeMoX

His first major success/fame came from his appearances on Broadway,

especially for his performance in Tennessee William's play, Street Car Named
Desire. This was timed in VimsottarT by Venus-Moon, the period/sub-period of
two planets in their exaltation signs in his dasdmsha, and with Venus as the
sign lord of the Moon.
4. Even the period and sub-period of two unconnected planets, but in
exceptional conditions in a divisional chart, can give events related to
the indications of that varga.

Exceptional conditions include exaltation, mulatrikona, own sign, planets

in an exchange of signs, vargottama (same sign as in the birth chart), and
directional strength.

Rashi D1 General Rashl 01 General

JQ7.43 Su ra
MOso-e- SS/'g-
4 Pis 5 An 6 Tau 7 Gam
RSifiy As 15 20-
Ve ? i"
Bll7'12 Ma™
3 Aqu 8 Can
Mo 20 6
2 Cap 9 Leo
AS 15-20- M 620 13"
Say-g- Su«, V62=1g,
1 Sag 12 Sco n ubf 10 Virg Jp 7iJ
Sipn then from Moon Sapttnuhe D7 Propeny
Stan DM Dathaa Rfl Me
1/ 2> IOOJ 19 6 Ve \ AS Me I SuRa Mc
ny » 2011 22 9 Ve Su 10 Sa
10 20 2012 23 9 Ve Mo JX Mo Ma As
&i 20 2014 256 V« Mi
0 30' 2015 26 6 Ve fia As 1 SuRa
» 20 2018 298 Ve JP
1 29' 2021 now 32 4 ve Si Sa Ke
O » 2024 35 6 Ve Me MoSa
30' 2027 38 4 Ve Ke
1/ J% 7021 39.6 Su Su Su JEK^ Ma
10 17' 2028 399 Su Mo Ke Ve Mfl Ma Ve Ve
J 17' 202 404 So 2

This birth chart is of a Russian student of mine. In his sap tarns a, that
divisional chart pertaining to childbirth, Venus and Mars are both strong in
their own signs, though unconnected. In the rdsi Venus aspects the 5th house
and Mars is the 5th lord aspecting Venus. On this basis I predicted a child for
him in Venus-Mars and it proved correct.

He is now running Venus-Saturn. Saturn in D-7 is also in an exceptional

condition, being in its own sign, Capricorn. His wife is about to give birth to
another child at this time. In this case Saturn is also with the 5th lord of his

Mike Schmidt is an American baseball player who was a 12-time All-Star

and a three-time winner of the National League (NL) Most Valuable Player
award (MVP). His career peaked in the three-year Venus-Satum period. Note
that in his dasdmsha these grahas are unrelated but both are in exceptional

Rastii 01 Genera) Rashl 01 General

Mo Ke Me Su

|6 Pis 7 An 8 Tau 9 Gem
V ©22"2" Sa 19-J3
5 Aqu 10 Can
Mike Schmidt
Tie a27rl949 10 33 00 83,9=33-
^ Cap DayWfl, OH 11 Leo
Jp29p18- MO21 41' AS28 32 M§2:;H
\/Q22'Z' KOjyjj- Su,n
2 Sco 1 UDr 12 Virg Ra 23^
Stpn ch«n fram Mean □•shamamihJ DID Pawn & SlaUis D«»h*mimih» 010 Power S suru»
Start 0a1» *0« Ctoh.» Jp Asve Su Ra
9 y 19T0 209 Ve Su Ke Ve Ra
9. t 1971 219 Ve MO 0 Me Ve
y 4.' isn 23 6 Ve Ml 'OX Mo 7— Ma As
// y 1974 24 8 Ve Ra Bu SaMo As
V *1 ign 27 8 Ve Jp Sa
3.' Al 1980 304 Ve Sa
y v 1983 336 Ve Me
3/ a 1986 36 4 Ve Ke Su
SI si 1«7 374 Su Su 4 Me
8- 21 1987 37 9 Su Mo Ra
2 21 1988 384 Su Md KeMe JpMa MoSa
0- 2.V 1988 38 8 Su Ra

The reverse of his 4th principle can also hold true. If a person runs the
period and sub-period of two grahas in a poor condition in a varga, that time
can prove very unfortunate when it comes to the indications of that division.

Rash) 01 General Rashl 01 General

JPow V6?4-? . ' - , M074-14 X'
M 325'43'
M 6 27 53- SU,5-» K6,8«32'
7 Pis 8 Art 9 Tau 10 Gam "\7 /' X, 5 x'
8 ; 4
Ac 2'
»*^29 . Sa4?r
6 Aqu 11 Can 9
R©18'32' A?-3 Ke18»32- >
John F Kennedy
Tue 5^91917 150900 M024=34, Veja-?
5 Cap BrocMne UA 12 Leo
10X yft SU
R3ia*ar AS292 x 1 x-
4Sa8 3 Sco 2 Llbr 1 Vlrg x X Ma25-4- Me2!-53
Slan cmn from Moon D10 Poww & SUlu* OMhenumilu 010 Power A SUtui
SOrtCrt. 0«h As MeJp
» a 1983 483 •■o sa MoSa SuRa M 0
y ie 1905 46 8 JP Me 3 Kg Ml
6 2y 1968 51 1 J|> Ke Mo As
y 30 1969 520 -•P Ve As Ke
1 29 1072 547 Jf Su Su
11. 171 1972 555 up Mo
y 19 1974 568 JP Ma VeJp
2 22. 1975 577 JpSa Ra Me Jp So
71 '8.- t»77 M.t Sa Ra 9 i Mel
7. 2V 1980 631 Sa Me
y 311 1953 SS8 Sa Ke MaKe Ve ve
y 9 1964 03 9 Sa Ve
In the D-10 of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy, Jupiter and Saturn
are both in their debilitation signs without cancelation. It was in this period
and sub-period that he was assassinated, ending his career. In this case there is
the connection by sign lordship. The sub-period lord, Saturn, is a truly
debilitated sign lord of the major period lord, Jupiter.

However, when seeing a planet in its debilitation sign in a varga, always

immediately see if there is any form of effective cancelation. This would

• being involved in an exchange of signs

• being with an exalted planet

• being with its sign lord or receiving its aspect

If such a mcabhanga planet also falls in angle it can give mcabhahga raja
yoga. Partly on this basis I predicted that George W. Bush would win the 2000
U.S. Presidential Election in Satum-Mars

Rasm 01 General Rashi 01 General

Ma Su •■Vin'

Ra27 28 SU20I40- Ra, 7'2ff

9 Pis 10 All 11 Tau 12 Gem Me Sa
Sam Me te-as Jp?5'r Ve As 14 0
As,4-0 Ve26-73
8 Aqu 1 Can

George W. Bush
Sal 761940 7 2600
7 Cap NewHlMn CT 2 Leo
^627 28' Jp25 2' Ke 27 2B
6S99 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg
Sign ch«n from Moon Deehemimihi D10 Pown 6 Stitue Dethamemehe DIP Power & StHu«
Sun D»t« Ma Me
11/ 16 1599 53* 54 M« SaKe
12/ 27/ 2000 54 5 5a Ra ve A»
11/ 3' 2003 57.1 Sa JP JpMo MtSa s As
6 16 »0« 999 U* M* Ke
10' 12/ 2008 62 3 Ma Ke As Ra Ke
lO 9/ 2009 63 3 We Ve
O »' 201? 661 Ma Su Su Sa
O 10 2013 669 Me Mo -a JpMa Me
11/ 15 2014 68 4 I.V- Ml Ma Jp
11/ 12' 2015 69 4 Me Ra Su
5* 31/ 2018 719 Me JP MoVe Ra VeSuMo
» 5 2020r 742 Me

In this D-10 Saturn is in angle in its debilitation sign, Aries, but in an

exchange with its sign lord, Mars, who also aspects it. Mars is ayogakdraka in
both the birth chart and the dasdmsha and is in its exaltation sign here.
I could show many such examples of debilitated planets in divisional
charts giving excellent results. Invariably these debilitated planets are getting
effective cancelation. Let one more example suffice to make the point.

Sylvester Stallone first became a major movie star in his Jupiter major
period and this continued in the subsequent mahddasd of Saturn. Like in the
D-10 of JFK, both of these grahas fall in their debilitation signs, and Saturn is
Jupiter's sign lord.

Roshl 01 General Rashl 01 General


Ra 27*28' SU2r8- As 26
4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem
Sa i-ir
MS,,-,or MO 29*39'
3 Aqu B Can
J P25"4'
Sylvester Stallone MS ,6*29-
Sat 7^1946 19 20 00 Su
2 Cap 8 Leo
y Ma Hi-W
K627*28' M 02939-
AS5 26' Jp25 4-
15a9 12 Sco 11 Llbf 10 Virg Ra Scl r» Me no Ve ?3'L7
Ok(hamam»ha D10 Power & SI*nn
* KV 1900 217 jp \ Ma / r.-M Ve
a i(v 196-4 37 7 Sa -, 7 X 5 X' Ve i SaKe i f MaSu
y iw 2«0 S67 Me «X MoJp ><3 Me As Jp
a iw 2ti20rw. 73 7 K» Kexf X Sa Mo
a iv 2027 60 7 Ve As ! SaKe
3/ 12/ 2047 100 7 S<j - W e
1 11/ 20M 100 7 Mo As Jp Ra
a is 2063 1167 M4 . ■■ s
" x MaSu 1 Me
a iz 2070 123 7 Ra
a iv 2086 "17 3p Xix
a iz 2104 157 7 Sa Ve Ra
JTJSL im _l767_Me_ Me

The huge difference is that both fall in angle houses with the major period
lord, Jupiter, in the lagna, and both get very effective cancellation in two
ways. Jupiter is with an exalted planet and receives the aspect of its sign lord,
Saturn. Saturn is in an exchange with is sign lord, Mars who is exalted in the
lagna and also aspects Shani. As a result, both give mcabhahga raja yoga
results. He was a huge star in these mahddasds.

This discussion about the timing of significant events has been almost
entirely on the basis of the relevant divisional chart. I have done this purposely
to highlight the validity of the predictive principles that I am presenting. It
must be said, however, that these principles "work" in coordination with
indications in the main rdsi chart.
You will find instances, as I have shown here, where an event can only be
seen in the divisional chart and is not obvious at all in the birth chart, but it is a
greater certainty if the event gets reflected in both.

• My prediction of the birth of children for a sister in her Venus period is

an example, where Venus is in the 5th house of the birth chart and also
in the lagna of her saptdmsa.

• Marlon Brando's great success and fame in his Venus period was not
just because of its exalted condition in D-10. Go back and see his birth
chart again and you will find that Venus is in its own sign in an angle,
giving Malaya Yoga, as well as forming an angle-trine raja yoga with a
strong Jupiter getting directional strength in his 1st house.

• Bush gaining the Presidency in Saturn is also because it is 7th lord in

the 1st house of the birth chart forming a raja yoga.

• Stallone becoming a movie star in his Jupiter period is also because it

is his 1st lord in the 10th house configured in a Gaja Kesari Yoga in his
birth chart.

In subsequent chapters, when I am discussing birth charts in which the

conditional dasds apply, readers will see many more examples of events being
clearly reflected in divisional charts based on these four interpretive principles.

5. This principle involves the application of das a lagna to divisional

charts in a particular way depending upon the varga. It has to do with
where a sub-period lord falls from the major period lord in the
divisional chart as follows:

• A sub-period lord falling in the 3rd house from a major period lord in
D-3 can time the birth of a younger siblings.

• A sub-period lord falling in the 4th house of a major period lord in D-4
can time the purchase of property.

• A sub-period lord falling in the 5th house from the major period lord in
D-7 can give the birth of a child.

• A sub-period lord falling in the 7th house from the major period lord in
D-9 can time marriage.
A sub-period lord falling in the 10th house from a major period lord in
D-10 can time career rise

Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General

Ma, Ke9.:
JfrlS'O' Ke9=i2'

9 Pis 10 Ari n Tau 12 Gem

S^2r47• Je ts'a
S 3 2^47-
6 Aqu 1 Can
Indira Gandhi
M0S.3S. Won H/W1917 231100
7 Cap 2 Leo
Mo 35
Ra9M2- SUA'T
€ Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Virg Ra Ve,
aiBncturt from Moon 37 Proeant taptjm»h« 07 Pioo»ny
Son Om* Onnn Ve Ra . MoMeKe Sa X
12 71 1WI 24 1 Ra Sa Ve Su tiSa 5 ••-.v 3 ,..■••• SU
10 27/ 1044 269 Ra Me
V 16/ 1947 29 5 Ra Re Mo e Me S 6 <
X v As ><2
6/ \ 1940 305 Ra Ve JfiRa As
6 *1 1951 335 Ra Su \4/
4/ 27. 1952 344 Ra Mo 7X1 Ve
10 27/ 1953 35 9 Ra Ua KeMo XioX
11/ w 1984 J7.0 Jo Jp x /
V 2/ 1957 391 JP Sa : Me >C52
7/ 1ft' 1959 417 Jp Me JP 2 SaAs
10 21 1961 439 Jp Ke Ma x* -
» 27/ 1963 449 -IP Ve Ke Ma Ra Je

I have to say that this interpretive principle is among the most surprising of
those I discovered, but one that I have found working very well. It is
sometimes the only explanation as to why a period/ sub-period timed a
particular major life event.

Former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi gave birth to her eldest son,
Rajiv, in her Rahu-Saturn period. See these grahas in her birth chart. How
would you ever predict childbirth based on their placement, lordship, or
association there? But then see that in her sap tarns a Saturn falls 5th from Rahu.
Roshl D1 General Rashl D1 General
Ke MO..
AS2815 Ke25 46-
12 Pis 1 An 2 Tau 3 Gem

As 28
11 Aqu 4 Can
Matrss Vet,.# X
Jp 27
MSivay Sa •■n
10 Cap 5 Leo
Ra29 46 S^-se- Vetr'jff
M 69-55.
9 Sao 8 Sco 7 Ubr Ra
Sign ch«n from Moon SapMmsha D7 Progeny Sjp1»m*h« D7 Progeny
sort Dal. Ag. Daihas Mo
» 1979 240 Me Su Sa Me Ke . JP Si; r
7/ 23i 1980 24 9 Me MO Ve '
1? 22 1981 283 Me Me Mo Ma As
13 19' 1982 27 3 Me Re
7/ A' 1985 298 Me Jo
10' 147 1987 321 Me Sa
V 2* 1M0 S4» K» Ke
11 1» 1990 352 Ke Ve
1/ 19 1993 364 Ke Su Me
bi » 1992 387 Ke Mo
12' 2t 1992 37 3 Ke Ma jp VeSu Ra MaAs Mo
» 23 1993 37 7 Re MaSuVe Sa Sa Me

This is the birth chart of an Indian woman, another student of mine, who
gave birth to a son in Mercury-Moon. This is not at all obvious in the birth
chart, but they are 1-5 from each other in D-7.

Rashi D1 General Rashi 01 General

MOj-j-j Me24.,4 Ma 10 49-
Sur, Ve,,.,,
5325 29
9 Pis 10 A/i 11 Tau 12 Gem
As 29'
AS 13 29-
6 Aqu 1 Can
Ma 10 49
Ke 5 29'
Jp15 24' Sa yer.2,
7 Cap 2 Leo M©J4'M
jp 24 SU7-7
K625 29- Mo .»
304 19'
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Vlra
sign ctuin ftem Moon Navwinha D9 Dhamui'Spoun
Sun Deta Age DnKn 4a
» 147 2012 27 5 Me * Ve KeJp
12 217 2014 298 Me Se ' ' Me Mo '0 Jp
f 2017 J2-4 Ke Ke ' Ve Su RaAs
1i 27 2018 329 Ke Ve Ma Su
M 29 2019 340 Ke Su \12/ Me Me
8 47 2019 344 Ke MO 3 ><9
3" 47 2020 3S0 Ke Ma MoSa
11 317 2020 354 Ke Re SaMo Ve
8' 18 2021 now 384 Ke JP ** - KeJp ><*
T 25' 2022 37 3 Ke Sa Ma
« 37 2023 365 Ke Me Ke RaAs SU
307 2024 »4 Ve Ve

This chart belongs to an Indian man whose marriage I successfully

predicted in his Mercury-Satum period. Saturn is the 7th lord of the birth chart,
and Mercury and Saturn are 1-7 from each other in his navdmsa
Rastil D1 General Raslil D1 General
V65 55- Me13=56- Ra:*M
Ra24.4 SlJir'36"
9 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem
18 52' Me.vw
Jp-ro- AS i8'52'
fi Aqu 1 Can 7X1
M025M2- Marilyn Monroe
TIB (V1/I936 923 19
LasArgles CA S^28 37
M026 12
5 55-
7 Cap 2 Leo
Ke24:4 S 3 28 37'

6 Sag 5 Sco 4 ubr 3 Virg KCmu «•<" Ma wrmt

Slpn chail fiom Moon Nav amsna D9 use N«v«m»h» D9 Dh«rm«/SpouM
StanD«■ *0* OMK r\Ma jp/x Ke z' MeVe SuSa JpKe
1' 15/ 1952 256 Jp Sa
V 19M 28 2 Jo . Ra , Ma
1W 3- 19£4 30-1 jp Ke Mo As
10 10 1957 314 Jp v«
6 ift 1960 34 0 jp So yye
:v 29 1961 34 8 Mo "><7 Sa 12X6
n » 1962 362 Jp '.<J
n 5/ 1903 371 Op Ha Mo •Vc
IV 371 196! »! s> Si Me fx . As SuMaSa
iv H 1968 42 5 Si l/r Su X 3 5
8. 10 1971 45 2 Sa tte RaX,/ As JpKe MeRaVe
1» i«. 1972 46 3 Sa v« X > i*

The second marriage of movie star, Marilyn Monroe, to playwright, Arthur

Miller took place in Jupiter-Mercury. There is no basis at all for predicting this
from her rdsi chart, but these two grahas are 1-7 from each other in the
navdrhsa and rule the 1-7 axis of this division.

In my book Secrets of the Dasdmsha, I give many examples of individuals

experiencing a precipitous career rise in the period and sub-period of planets
1-10 from each other in the dasdmsha. This will be especially true in my
experience if these same planets show a similar promise in the birth chart and
are in exceptional conditions in D-10.

All of this was true when Mike Schmidt, the All-Star baseball player
whose chart was shown earlier, ran his Venus-Satum period.
Roshl D1 General Rashl D1 General
Mo Ke Me Su

6 Pis 7 An 8 Tau 9 Gem
Ve 22 Sa
As za
5 Aqu 10 Can
Mike Schmidt
Tue 103300 S 319 sa-
4 Cap Oavton OH il Leo
Jp29'ie' MO21.<,. AS28 32' Me.-.,
V©22 2' = K®2)-3y SUid
3 Sao 2 Sco 1 Ltbr 12 Virg Ra
vimihotan Sign ctun from Moon Da>h«m»mihj D10 Powei S SUtua DID
San Date Aga Oattus Jp AsVe
» Jl *970 209 ve Su re
a At
i *>
219 Ve Mo
236 Ve Ma 'OX Mo 6 Me
Ve 12 Ra :vi2 As ve
v » 1974 24 6 Ve Ra
V ♦ 1977 27 6 Ve Jo Sa SaMo As
it V iSlSO 304 Ve Sa
si sr 1993 33.8 ve Me
» SI 1986 364 Ve Ke Su
S/ SI IMT 37,S Su Su 4 Ma
v n 1987 379 Su MO Ra /i'
f 211 1968 364 Su Ma KeMe Jp Ma
& 1968 366 Su Ra XMoSa

Bill Clinton became President of the United States in his Jupiter-Mercury


Rashl D1 General Rashi D1 General

JP™/ \ Su„,
MO271V RQ?5:Q- y/r ASI2-23'\
7 Pis 8 An 0 Tau 10 Gem
Ma,3.,4- MB,4-29
Sag,- v Sag-,
\ Ve18.o'/
6 Aqu 11 Can
< 9X3
Bill Clinton SU2j53-
Mon S ift 1940 6 5100 Ra rs <7
5 Cap Hope AH 12 Leo
iqXT ><2
Man.14 1 x
Jpo^e VSIB-O ASIJ-23
Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg Mo27.„-X,
Vhntlwttiri Stgn ctun from Moon Da»hini>msha DIOPoww & Statue Daahamamaha DIP Powt* S Status
San Data *«• Oathat Jp Su
71 111 1969 429 JP Sa Ke Sa Ve
11 23 1992 45 4 JP Me
m »• 1994 47 7 JP Ke Mo MaRa As
* a 1995 48 6 if Ve Me
O 5' 1997 513 JP Su Sa Me
9' 23 1998 Ml JP Mo
II 231 2000 534 JP Me Sa
121 29' 20CO 544 JP Ra Su Mo SU Mo
a 241 1003 941 Sa Sa Jp Ke
H 27' 2008 596 Sa Me Ra
2' 3 2009 62 5 Sa Ka AsMaVe Ke Ve Jp Ma As
3 151 2010 83.6 Si Ve

His vargottama Jupiter is in a Kesari Yoga in the birth chart and Mercury
forms 1-5-10 raja yoga with Saturn. In his dasdmsha Mercury falls in 10th
from Jupiter and both are vargottama relative to this division.
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General
ASis-iQ' Sase Ma™- Me Su io n Ve Ke
Su 10=30'
Me^- j p26'55' Sa 5T»
1 Pis 2 An 3 Tau 4 Gem
As 15
V624,3r JD -v
K© 18-58' M017-33- Ma 4 3
12 Aqu 5 Can

Barbra Streisand
fn 124 1942 5 0600 Ra 18=58'
5«oofclft Kin{B W 6 Leo
11 Cap
Mo j J

10 Sao 9 Sco 8 Ubr 7 Virg Ra, rsr

Bipn chen from Mean DIOPowfS SWut
Ra Ma y
n leea 262 Ve Su As Sa
V 1969 27 2 VB MO
1971 26.9 Ve •44 Mo As
7/ 1972 300 Ve Ra Sa SaRa SuMa -u
6. 1975 330 Ve Jp Su Su
(V 1978 35 7 Ve Sa
1! 1961 38 9 Ve Me 'vie Ma
& 19W 417 Ve KB KeMo Ke
71 i«5 42« Su 8u ><12 As Ve
2f. 1985 43 2 Su Mo 11\^
12 »
V l<
43 7 $0 MA
R4 KeVe v Ve JpMe Mo Me Jp
^0 SV

Mega entertainment superstar, Barbra Streisand, won an Academy Award

for Best Actress in her very first movie role playing the character of Fanny
Brice in the film, Funny Girl (1968). It was her Venus-Sun period, with these
two grahas in a 1-10 relationship in her dasdmsha. Venus is in its mulatrikona
sign and the Sun is strong due to its exchange with its sign lord.

All four of these examples are ones in which the sub-period lord falls 10th
from the major period lord in D-10 and both planets are in exceptional
conditions. I could show dozens more examples that I have collected, but not
to belabor the point. I have also successfully predicted on this basis though I
cannot recall at the moment the charts involved.

I must reiterate, however, that this principle is much more likely to hold
true if the planets involved show a similar promise for elevating a person in
the birth chart.

The five interpretive principles with respect to divisional chart thus far
enumerated are ones that I discovered while researching the timing of events,
and I have found them to be very useful in making successful predictions. The
basic approach to prediction that I learned from K.N. Rao, as outlined and
illustrated in my book, Predicting Major Life Events, has four primary
1. The static potential for the event exists within the birth chart or in the
relevant divisional chart, preferably both.

2. That potential is getting activated in the dasd sequence

3. This activation in a specific time frame is reflected in multiple dasd

systems, both planetary and sign-based.

4. Transits are supportive. This mostly means that Jupiter and Saturn are
simultaneously influencing the house/house lord indicating the event.
For example, Jupiter and Saturn are influencing the 7th house or 7th
lord when a person marries.

It is also from K.N. Rao that I first came to understand the importance of
divisional charts in order to predict and how they can be used this way.
Sheshadri Iyer's book, New Techniques of Prediction, Volume Two, was
another major influence. There he gives 37 principles for interpreting
divisional charts. For a full exposition of these with illustrations, I refer
readers to that text. Here I am highlighting only those that I have found
working consistently and that I have adapted into my own practice.
Iyer's Principles for Interpreting Divisional Charts

Generally speaking, planets will give better results in their periods and
sub-periods relative to a divisional chart when they are placed in angle or
trines from the lagna of that varga. This will be especially true if the planet is
in an exceptional condition. The most dramatic results occur when such a
planet also shows a strong yogic potential in the birth chart.

During the later part of his Venus major period and throughout the
following mahddasd of the Sun, Tiger Woods was the undisputed king of the
golfing world and a global celebrity.

Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General

Jp2i'5r K627-24- Ma242 Jpzrsr K627 24- Ma24-2-

[8 Pis 9 An lOTau 11 Gem 8 Pis 9 Art 10 Tau 11 Gem
SQtss Sa7.35-

7 Aqu 12 Can 7 Aqu 12 Can

/ jr>
Tiger Woods
Mez-w Tue 12i«V1975 224500 AS29,50' MG254' AS 29=50'
5 Cap Looq 6«arf> CA 6 Cap
1 Lao 1 Leo
MO28 48' R327-24' M 028=48' R32724'
SU15«25' Ve 5a SUi5*25' Ves^
5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2 Virg 5 Sag 4 SCO 3 Ubr 2 V'rfl
Vlm»hon»rt Cftrsm
aign cnan nom wo an
Start DM* 1 Su SuAs ''SuAs
V ft 1960 .155 Me Me Mo Sa Jp Mo Sa Jp
V ft" 1977 15 tie c
ft 1984 65 Ve 'OX Mo Ve
ft1 20W 28 5 Su Ra Ra
ft 2o»o 345 Mo •1
ft' 2020 now 445 Ma
7' 2027 515 R« As
ft 2046 69 5 JO Ke Ve Ke Ve
ft 2061 855 Sa
ft 2080 «W5 MB
7' 2097 1215 Ke rR Ke MeMa MeMa
T 2HM ^8 5 V<

Venus rules both the 3rd house of sports and his 10th house of career and
forms a powerful 9-10 raja yoga with yogakdraka Mars, both by mutual
aspect and by exchange of signs along the 4-10 axis of the birth, giving both
planets a source of strength.

The Sun also gives raja yoga as the lagna lord in the 5th house, and is the
focal point of a Subha Ubhayacan Yoga, with benefics in houses on both sides
of it. It is not showing in this graphic, but the Sun has a source of strength due
to its placement in its own sign, Leo, in the navdrhsa
Then see that in his dasdmsha both Venus and the Sun are in angle houses
and exchange signs. Recall what was said earlier about planets in the lagna of
a division having a special ability to give exceptional results when strong and
configured in good yogas. The exchange here between Venus and the Sun is a
1-4 raja yoga, and Saturn is the yogakdraka 9th and 10th lord in the lagna with
the Sun.

Actress Jane Fonda first achieved movie stardom in her Venus mahddasd.

Roshl 01 General Rashl 01 General

KG iysr Ma Me Su
Sa -IT- As Ve?vw
3 Pis 4 An 5 Tau 6 Gem
Jp R312-53-

Magsa- MO29 v
2 Aqu 7 Can
Jane Fonda
ASg»i4' Tue 12/2111937 91700 Mo 29
1 Cap 6 Leo
Ke IT'53
M®22 33- \/®25,39'
SUg'IQ" Ra lysa-
12 Sag 11 SCO lOLibf SVirs
Wan chin from Moon DID Pow«# & D10
San Data *0. Oathn SaMo
y im« 62 ve Ve Ma Ke
y 1966 26 2 SJ
y 1972 342 Wo Mo Ke JpRaAs
y 1962 44 2 Mi Su Me
y 1969 515 Ra Su
y 2007 now 88 2 Jo
y 2023 85 2 Si
v 2042 KM 2 Ma
y 2059 1212 Ke Ra AsJp Ve 12 Me
y 2086 128 2 Vc Sa SaMo Ra
y 209# 1482 Su Su Ma , JpAs Ma
2092 154 2 Mo m «•

Some level of success and status in her Venus period is readily predictable
since Venus is the yogakdraka for her Capricorn ascendant. But many people
with Capricorn lagna run their Venus periods and don't become famous movie
stars. In her case, Venus goes to its exaltation sign in a trine in her dasdmsha,
in Jupiter's sign and aspected by Jupiter. Her Venus is a case of an ordinary
condition in the rdsi but an exceptional condition in the dasdmsha.

The reverse of this can also produce outstanding results.

In the birth chart of Bette Davis, considered by some to be the greatest

Hollywood actress of all time, the 3rd lord Jupiter of the performing arts is
exalted in the lO111 house. In her dasdmsha it falls in the good 5th trine house,
but in no special condition.
Davis began her Jupiter mahddasd at age 24 and it was in this period that
she was Hollywood's brightest female star. Note that Venus is svaksetra in the
birth chart and exalted in D-10, and is configured in an angle-trine
combinations in both. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best
Actress for an extraordinary five years in a row between 1938 to 1942, a
record that has never been equaled. Three of those nominations came in
Jupiter-Venus, which is another good example of a predictive principle given
earlier in this chapter. Venus falls 10th from Jupiter in D-10.

Rashl D1 general Ra$M D1 General

S a 9-35 MSj-jcr
SU23M5 Ver-W
«PIJ 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
Ke-rt- As
M 627^3- Jpirs-

5 Aqu 10 Can
Bette Davis
Stn 4,S tD08 21 0000
Lowe* MA 11 Leo
4 Cap
KGIB'IS" ASi4'ir
2 Sco t Libr 12 Virfl Sa Su Ma NO Ve TV Mo ?3'<l
Man chw from Moon Dtihamamaha D10 Poww & Status QMhamamaha PIQ Pwwy a SWua
5unO«. A9. 0»)u> Ra ""v VeMa/
U 79- <m 249 JQ Jp Su MaVe Ke JpSu
J' in, 1935 269 JP Sa
» » 1937 295 JP Mo Jp MoVeMa «p<As Sa ><9
V u 1940 317 Jp Ke Sa AsSa
12f 10 1940 32 7 Jp Vo n Ra\
ft'1 IK 1943 353 Jp Su
& » 1944 361 Jp Mo Me Me/
9 29 1945 375 Jp Ma Mo
9 S/ 1946 384 Jp Ra JP Mo
V 7» 1WI 40 9 Sa Si
8f K 1952 438 Sa Me RaMe Su,-">4S
.0 IK 1954 46 5 5a Ke Afl Ke
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General
SU1154 M 64=41' Ra,
AS25'27' R3?Q 47' VGie 55'
1 P.5 2 Arl 3 Tau 4 G«m Xi \. 11,x
SlJirsa" 2 v: ;>; 1°

Sa23.57- Me4Mr AS25,27V M Oar 52'

12 Aqu 5 Can \ 12/
Ve 16=55 3 XB
M3 IO'S" X 6x
Stevie Nicks Jfis'ar
WwJ 3.0200
11 Cap Piwenw, A7 6 Leo 4 ■ >■8
M02,.52' KG?f)47' /5 \ x^x
10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Llbf 7 Virg Ma-o-3' KexuiX
Mgn emit hom Moon Oatnam m»h* D10 Povw« 8 Stitua Oaih mamma D10 Power & Sutui
ton cm* Ag. 0*.h«
v iv 1935 -13 8 Ve ^NjOX 0 SuKe
V 31' 1955 72 Su
P 31' l«i 132 Mo i^X^Mo JD><3 MoMe MeAsMo
V 31' 1971 232 Ut
7 31' 1978 302 Ra , As Ra SU
7/ 31'
V 31'
2012 no»
46 2
042 -.■P
Sa Sa Ke
» 1' 2031 832 Me 1
V 31' 2048 1002 Ke ^>><MeVe \ Ma Ma e
ft' 1' 2055 107 2 Ve ve
ft 1> 2075 127 2 So VeMa SaRa
ft 1' 2081 133 2 Mo / Su SaX

When many grahas in a division fall in angle or trine houses and are in
good conditions, that varga can give exceptional results. If these same planets
in the birth chart are also strong and form good yogas, the results can be
spectacular. One of my favorite horoscopes this way is that of recording artist
and rock music icon, Stevie Nicks.

All nine grahas in her dasdmsha fall in angles or trines! Not only that but:

• Sun is exalted

• Moon is in its own sign

• Mars is in its own sign

• Mercury gets directional strength

• Jupiter is neecha bhanga

• Saturn is exalted

This is the kind of D-10 that in coordination with success and fame-giving
yogas in the birth chart can give you spectacular career success spanning now
four decades.

However, this is not to say that only planets in angles or trines in divisional
charts can give good results in their periods and sub-period. In his book, New
Techniques of Prediction - Volume Two, Iyer mentions a couple of exceptions
that I have found to be valid.

Mars even in 6th in all divisional charts does good. For Mars will aspects
the lagna from 6th.

Mercury even in 8th in D-4 only gives good. Note the general theory of
Mercury in 8 as being exceptionally lucky. It is only here and not in other
divisional charts.

This is the birth chart of a Russian woman who acquired property in her
Mercury-Mercury period. In the birth chart Mercury is in a mutual glance with
the 4th lord, Saturn, so the potential for this can be seen in the birth chart.

Rashl Oi Ganaral Rashi Di Gonaral

Me^u- Vey,5
S326031 M028s37
\8 / 6 6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
JP 10-49 9X • S
R a 26'33'
/ \ 5 Aqu 10 Can
\ 7I\ / @

Mo28 37 4 Cap 11 Leo

1lX X3 Ke26=33
/\2 /2
R326033 ASie^s- M324-11
\ JPlOe49 M63 14' SUli»21 Ve^s
V x
- 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12 Virg

However, apply Iyer's exception for Mercury in the 8th in D-4, and it
becomes very clear. Mercury is vargottama relative to this division, and gets
the aspect of a svaksetra Jupiter,
Chaturtamsha D4 Fortunas Chatunamsha D4 Fonunes
MoKe Jp Jp Mo Ma
As Ke
12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem


11 Aqu 4 Can
4(^0 0


10 Cap 5 Leo

VeRa Me 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Libr 6 Virg

The siddhdmsa (D-24), which Pdrdsara Hord gives for educational

achievement is a rather fine division and one must be cautious as to whether
even a recorded birth time will give a correct D-24 lagna. I know my own
birth time to be very precise and when I was first testing these exceptions of
Iyer I discovered that my D-24 is an example of the exception of Mars in the
6th of giving good results since it will always aspect the lagna.

Siddhnmsha D24 Learning

KeMo Ma
Jp Ra
3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem

Ke Me
/ 2 Aqu 7 Can
Ra @

Mo As
1 Cap 8 Leo

JpSu Sa

Ma 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg

Blessed with parents that placed a high value on education, I was sent to
the best private schools and received an excellent education. My Mars major
period encompassed the last two years in high school where I ranked near the
top academically, as well as all of my college years at Northwestern University
where I graduated in Mars-Venus.

Mars is in the 6th house of my D-24 in no special condition. Venus is in its

exaltation sign in a duhsthdna but involved in a subha sankhya yoga with
Jupiter in the 11th. It is also in Jupiter's sign aspected by Jupiter.

One of the ways in which a planet in a dussthdna gets "redeemed" in the

Iyer system is when it is in a benefic sankhya yoga. This redemption can
happen also through the aspect of Jupiter. Both would be true for Venus in my

(Note: sankhya yogas are formed when planets fall in houses equidistant
from the lagna. Thus, if planets are in houses 2 and 12, 3 and 11, 4 and 10, 5
and 9, 6 and 8, or land 7, they form sankhya yogas. If these planets are natural
benefics then it becomes a subha sankhya yoga and therefore capable of giving
very good results in the periods/sub-periods of these planets according to
Iyer's interpretive principles)

In my D-24, Venus is in the 3rd while Jupiter is in the 11th forming a good
subha sankhya yoga." Such a condition "redeems" the placement of Venus in
a dussthdna according to Iyer, and I have found this to be true.

Though my undergraduate degree came in the Mars mahddasd and my

Master's in Rahu, I consider my most important educational achievement to
have been in the Jupiter major period, where I acquired my knowledge of
Jyotisa. Jupiter is well placed in the 11th house according to Iyer, and
participates in the subha sankhya yoga with the exalted Venus.

Whereas I generally endorse the principle that grahas are more likely to
give better results relative to a varga if they are well placed in angles, trines or
2 and 11, this does not mean that planets in dussthdnas will always give bad
results. Much depends on the planet's indications in the birth chart. If it is
strong and configured in good yogas there, it will still give those results even
if ill-placed in a related varga in my experience. Meryl Streep's Jupiter is an
In the birth chart it gives raja yoga being the 9th trine lord placed in the 7th
angle house. Moreover, it is also configured in a Gaja Kesari Yoga with the
lagna lord Moon. Jupiter's debility gets attenuated by its placement in its own
sign, Pisces, in her navdmsa

She began her Jupiter major period starting at age 49 and throughout these
16 years her acting career continued to flourish. During this mahddasd she
even won another Oscar for Best Actress for her performance in the Margaret
Thatcher bio picture, Iron Lady (2011).

Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General

RBivifl' Sa Ve Su rar
Ma ,540- SU? 34'
M02ri4- Ve25M6- As 36
ePis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem
2 Ma,5-40
Ke Mo
BAqu 1 Can

Meryl Streep Saeas'

Jp7.22 Wed 6.22/1949 6 0500
7 Cap Strwnii NJ 2 Leo

6 Sag 5 Seo 4 Ubr SVirs
Sign chsn from Moon Dsihamsmihs D10 Power S SUIuj D10
D'ihn MeMa "MaMe
W 1937 -119 v© Su Ra
W 1957 si su n As Su 5 >< Me As Ma X'
11/ 1963 141 Mo Mo Ra
10' 1973 241 M4 Ve Ve Ra
& 10' 1980 31 1 R« As
fr1 1998 491 Jo Jfi
ft 111 2014 no* 361 S4
&' 11' 2033 841 Ms Su Ke
a 11' 2060 1011 Ke ii ve
ft1 11/ 2057 1061 Vs
ft 111 2077 1281 Su J^Mo SaKe Bfl
» 11' 2083 ^ Mo MO^D
Rashi Of General Rashl 01 General
Mo Ke
Jp6J12' Sul f-
Ma,jv S 3 3 40
7 Pis 8 An 9 Tau 10 Gem

6 Aqu 11 Can
KG? si ft-
Marc Boney
Wed 4'1ftii951 1654 00 Mo^sv
5 Cap Toledo. OH 12 Leo
Ve- 1*2"
AS 7-43'
JP 12
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg Ra Su Ma Me u
Siqh then from Moon Oeihamameha 010 Power & Statui Daahemamthe 010 Power & Status
2 1932 .16 8 ve AsSa KeVe vMeM
2 1952 12 So ,;MO Su Sa
3) 1958 72 Mo 0< MoKe y MS 2 SU
21 19^8 172 Ma
il 1975 24 2 Ra Ve As Ra Mo
y 1093 42 2 Jp
V 2009nw. 56 2 Sa Ve Ke
y 2028 77 2 Me Me J MaMe
» 2045
3' 2052
Va t Ma . P
SI 2072 1212 So S,; Ra
jLim Jp •

My Saturn is another example. It is something of a "mixed bag" in my

birth chart since it has some raja and dhana yoga-giving potentials, but also
some arista and dur yoga effects as well. It has a source of strength since it
goes to its mulatrikona sign Aquarius in the navdmsa

However, in D-10 it is poorly placed in the duhsthdna 12th house.

Regardless, I have been blessed to enjoy some of the greatest career success of
my life in this Saturn period. It has given the promised result of both raja and
dhana yoga as indicated in the birth chart.

It is also true, however, that in Saturn-Mercury it gave the promised result

of Dur Yoga since just after moving into this period/ sub-period, I suffered a
major career setback when I lost a substantial corporate position. Saturn's
placement and condition in D-10 contributed to that effect but as a whole my
Saturn major period has been quite good for my subsequent career as a Jyotisi.

Based on this and many other examples I could site, it is my experience

that a planet well placed in the birth chart, configured in favorable yogas and
with sources of strength can overcome a poor placement in a divisional chart
and still give good results relative to the affairs of life indicated by that varga.

One condition of a planets in vargas that warrant special mention is when a

graha is in its debilitation sign but this is effectively canceled. If that
mcabhanga planet is also then placed in an angle, it can give mcabhanga raja
yoga in its major period, provided that planet also shows raja yoga-giving
potential the birth chart. I have already shown examples of this in the
dsasdmshas of George Bush and Sylvester Stallone.

See another example in the D-10 of Queen Elizabeth II of England.

Rashl D1 General Raahl 01 General

Me,,-so' SU7=23 Ve
Ra27ir AS 2 "39'
3 PiS 4 An 5 Tau 6 Gem
MSn'W M328"2
V62r8' Sars;
/ SU7'23 J p29"41
2Aqu 7 Can
Queen Elizabeth II of Engtand
Jp»*4V ASj Jff w«) wmnae 2S240
London UK
ICap 8 Leo
Mo 19 24
K6?7 17
12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Llbr 9 Vtrg Sa?
Sign rr.jr- from D10 OMhamamihi 010 Pomf & Statui
Son DmC *«• Onlut MaJp
1ft 2 > 1922 35 Ms Ra
1ft 75 1939 135 Ke uStl MoVe s-l
10 2» 1W6 205 Ve Mo As Ke
1ft 25/ 1966 405 Su Me
10 24/ 1972 465 M» Sa Su
10 25/ 1962 565 Ma
10' 25 1969 63 5 R4 Su Jp Ma
1ft 2S 2007 non 815 JP - a
10' 25 2023 975 Se '< As Ma Jp ><1? Me Ra
1ft 25 2043 116 5 Me As Ke
10 26.1 2059 133 5 K< ve MoVe
1ft 2ft 2066 140 5 Ve !<£

She ascended to the throne in her Venus-Mars period, with Venus as the
yogakdraka planet in the birth chart and Mars in its extreme exaltation, also
giving raja yoga there.

In D-10 Venus is very well placed in the lagna but in its debilitation sign,
Virgo. Its exaltation lord, Jupiter is in an angle from the lagna, one factor
given in the ancient texts for canceling a debility. Mars is getting directional
strength in the 10th house and falls 10th from Venus.

Parenthetically, note how seven out of nine grahas fall in the angles of her
D-10 and only Mercury goes to a dussthdna. Then consider the das a sequence
during her very long reign. It began in the 20-year Venus period, followed by
that of the Sun getting directional strength in the 10th house, followed by
Moon in the lagna in a Gaja Kesari Yoga, followed by Mars also getting
directional strength, followed by Rahu giving the results of Jupiter in the 10th
house in a Gaja Kesari Yoga, followed by the Jupiter mahddasd itself currently

For me one of the major revelations about divisional charts was when I
discovered that all the various graha yogas given in the Sanskrit classics can
and should be applied to divisional charts. Simply stated, they work and I have
made many successful predictions based on them.

Rashi 01 General Rashi 01 General

Me^Su.ras V6-I0M3'
Sa,c.M' M 3,9-9' As 34
7 Pis 8 An BTsu 10 Gem
K63'17- Ke VI7'
6 Aqu 11 Can
JD 47 V® 10*43'

Raa'ir Rs ■■ir Slw

(5 Cap 12 Leo
y Mew Sa
Jj212*47- ASI-34'
<4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr l Virg
Dtthjmtmttu DIO Power ft sutui
SortOou 0«ha. SuSa JpKe
1» XJI loot J7« * KeJp Me As SaSu
2 U, 2012 397 S«
8. 27' 2014 422 MoRa ><S As Me
ia a 2018 44 5 K«
iv ft 2017 45 4 Ve
7i ft 2020 48 1 Su
4, 271 2021 now 46 9 Mo
6 27' 2022 502 U* Me\ \
& y 2023 512 Sa *>< Ke Ve
111 171 2028 41« u
12 so 2028 568 Me Su.WVe .Ma
4 \ / XAs! Ma MoRa Ve RsMo Ma
a » 2031 593 Kt

This is the birth chart is of a person who has had a good career in corporate
finance at the managerial level. However, he experienced a major set-back in
his Jupiter period when he lost his position due to a consolidation and had
great difficulty finding another. When he consulted with me, he was working
in a temporary position at a lower level. I predicted he would regain a hill-time
position at the previous level in his Jupiter-Ketu period, partly from birth
chart, but more so on the basis of his dasdmsha.

There you will see that Jupiter and Ketu are together and that the mutual
aspect with the Moon gives Kesari Yoga, with Jupiter-Ketu giving the fruit.
Jupiter has strength due to the exchange with its sign lord, Mars. However, the
fact that Jupiter is in the 12th house in his dasdmsha was a contributing factor
for him losing a position in this major period.
After moving into his Venus period Adam Lambert was a runner-up on the
popular TV show American Idol that features aspiring singers. His appearance
on the show led to recording contracts and launched him into musical stardom.
Examine Venus in his birth chart to see how predictable was this rise in life in
the performing arts.

Rashl D1 General Rash) 01 General

MOts-.r JD

RSas 43' As 4G
7 Pis 8 An 9 Tau 10 Gem
Ma ::
Sa 28 :S
Ra ;:c 43
6 Aqu 11 Can
SU io-IO Adam Lambert
Me-.-u Ve^ Cn ti29'1902 2244 45 Ke 28 43
Wtenapdii H ye2.j2-
5 Cap 12 Leo
Su,«.i» Mo
K628 43- Mejo-i4
As. ..w
4 Sao 3 Sco 2 Libf 1 Virg
Slpn chtrt from Moon Daihamamihi D10 Pow« & Dashrniamaha DID Powtr & Status
SunD «■ *0* D«h.n JpMe
V V zoos 28.1 V* Ve Me • Ra Mo
71 8> 2011 20 4 Ve So S'J
71 i' 2012 304 Ve Mo Mo VeKeAs
y e 2ou 321 V« Ml & SaSu
y ft1 2015 133 Ve Ra Ma
s 6J 201fl 363 Ve Jp -
V 31 2021 now 389 ve Sa Ra Ke
y » 2024 421 Ve Me
V V 2027 44 9 ve Ke As Ma Sa ^vJpRaMe > 2
V to 7028 44.1 Su Su Ke
91 21 2028 46 4 Su Mo Jp Ma , VeAs SuSa Mo
... V' 22 2026 469 Su «4 .

Venus is vargottama and involved in the best raja yoga with Mercury for a
Virgo ascendant, well placed in the 5th house and underlined by an exchange
of the 1st lord Mercury with the 5th lord Saturn, the later vargottama. Venus
also is the strongest component of a SarasvatT Yoga.

See that these same yogas repeat in his dasdmsha. The mutual aspect here
between Venus and Mercury in their debilitation signs is a good example of
how this effectively cancels their debilitation. Venus is very well placed in the
lagna and it again configured in SarasvatT Yoga.

He was chosen to perform the opening musical number for the 2019
Academy Awards held on February 24, rather a career peak given the number
of viewers. The dasd sequence at this time was Venus-Jupiter-Mercury!

When only natural benefics are in houses 2 and 12 on both sides of the
lagna, this gives Subha Katan Yoga. When a person then runs the period and
sub-period of the planets involved good things can happen.
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General
Ra f so- AS/'-M-
9 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gam \5 ^ \3
M02en5- AS7.14. Sa^-i?
M3 17-0'
8 Aqu 1 Can \4
Jpins" 7X1
Ava Gardner
Stf) 1Z74MU2; 19 1000 Ve.^' x
SoonKiO NC
7 Cap 2 Leo s>:'
MG19 se' Jpis-is- S326'l2- Ke.-w
SUg-ag V©3i22' RSTSO'
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 ubr 3 Vlrg Su a Ma,,^ MOk-,0 X
Sinn ctmrtfnwi Moon Daihamamtha DID Powei & SOmis DMhjmjmsha 010 Power S Sletu.
Stan 0Ml *0* 0«h.11 Ke Me Jp
«J JO. 1«SS 27.5 Mi Mi Su AsRa Me v
It' in. 1952 29 9 Me Ke JP -.,3 _ . \t /
IV 13» 1953 30,9 Me Ve MoMa 9 Me * RaAs >02
» vn 1956 33 7 M" Su \ So Ma Ma Ve \ . Su
V 70 1957 34 6 Me Mo 7-
17' 70 IBM JflO Me Ma
17' 1959 37 0 Me Ri Ve
H y 19-32 395 Me Jo Sa Ve
KV 10 iBfrl 41$ •As Sa Ke
v 21' 1M7 «5 Ki K.
IV 17' 196/ 44 5 Ke Ve A,; A:;, Ke Mo f/c
V 1ft 1969 461 Ke Su

In the dasdmsha of famous Hollywood movie star, Ava Gardner, Jupiter

and Mercury are forming this yoga, with Mercury svaksetra. Her star shone
brightest in the Mercury mahddasd and Mercury-Jupiter in particular.

Rashl 01 General Rashl D1 General

Mo,,.5, Jpjg^r V 6l2s5T Ma7.28- x^x Sa^ /
Ra.o-44" Me24'30-
4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem X,.,io^- ^ \0X'

X^Mo^Xn^^X X.
3 Aqu BCan 12
R^ie^e' x6, Ke16.46-
Novak Djokovic Jp25'16' ,
On 5/22'1987 232500 x
2 Cap 5«4gtade, VUG 9 Leo
AS22 23' S325'26-
Ke iflMe-
ISag 12 Sco 11 Ubr lOVirg SU-m Me^-jo
Sinn chert from Moon Deehamemthe D10 Poww & Sutut Oathemamihe 010 Power & SUtua
Son Cm* *01 Vf \ MaVe XX
V JV 2011 ».» v* vi SaSu i* Ra MXxs X .
7' 30 2021 now 342 Ve Su
11 30> 202? 352 V« Mo Jp Ra Mo J>< JpAs
3 30 2024 369 Ve Ma Me Mo
V » 2025 380 V» =U Ma AsJp
V 30
V 29
43 7
Sa 6^
>X^ Ra x
1 31. 2034 46.9 Ve Me As Sa VeMa
1 29 2037 49/ Ve Ke \ x^811
V 11' josb 50.9 Su Su Ke Ox
7' 18. 2030 512 Su Mo Ke Me x» \ xl
I 17' 2039 517 Su Mi MoX

Novak Djokovic first obtained the #1 ranking in men's tennis in his Ketu
major period, and this status has continued in the following Venus mahddasd.
Can you see what significant yoga Venus is a part of in his dasdmsha before
reading further?

When all the three benefics, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury, fall in the 6, 7,
and 8th from the Moon, this forms Chandra Adhi Yoga, the most powerful
lunar yoga. In Djokovic's D-10 Venus falls in the 7th from the Moon while
Jupiter is exalted in the 6th and Mercury is exalted in the 8th from there. These
two exalted benefics are also hemming Venus. Its conjunction with Mars is a
9-10 angle-trine combination from the Moon, with Mars as the yogakdraka.
Adhi means "First" and it is the activation of this yoga in D-10 that has
contributed to him continuing to be first among men in the world of
professional tennis in his Venus period.

Many more examples could be given of graha yogas giving their results in
divisional charts but let these suffice to make the point.

Another of Iyer's principles that I have researched and have found working
has to do with planets falling in the 3 rd or 8th house of a division. The 8th house
and the 3rd house (8th from the 8th) can be called "termination houses."" When
a person runs the period of a planet in the 3rd or 8th house of a divisional there
is the potential for an ending to take place related to the indications of that

I have given many examples of this in my book Secrets of the Dasdmsha,

where periods of planets in the 3rd or 8th house of D-10 brought major changes
in the person's career life. They may have retired, changed careers, or lost a
position, etc.
Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General

Rainr Jprna' Sa,5 13 MStr'ig"

fi Pis 7 An 8 Tau 9 Gem
KSi^ir VSt, ^
M02a>58' SUpsMi' ASiris

SAqii 10 Can
10 > 4

4 Cap It Leo
Me.™ Ra 19 17'
Su«-4t As,™ Mo?h. vy
S^s'is' Ma2)45- Ke.,..r Ve.,,
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg Jp?' 13'
Sign chait from Moon Daahamamiha D10 Powei & Status Daahamunsha OI0 Power ft SUtui
1919 10 8 4p Me Ke i
92 Sa
242 Me Ra ' Mo t Su AsSa
8 MC
i9r» 412 Ke Sa Ma M
15 f 8 48 2 Ve Ke Ra
1998 082 SU
20W 74 2 Mo Ma
2014 84 2 Mi So As AsSa Jp
2021 now 912 fU K«Va Ma
2039 109 2 Jp
2095 12S2 Si VeMo Ra Su
201! 144 2 M» fi - H. •

The dasdmsha of Grace Kelley is a good example. She was a major

Hollywood movie star who gave up her career in films when she married and
became the Princess of Monaco.

She first became a star in the Saturn period, her yogakdraka planet in the
3rd house of the performing arts, and so strong and well placed in the
dasdmsha as the 1st lord in the 1st house.

In Mercury-Mercury in March of 1955 she won an Oscar for Best Actress,

with this planet forming an exceptional raja yoga and getting directional
strength in the 1st house of the birth chart. However, her Mercury is debilitated
in the 3rd house in D-10 and receives the aspect of Saturn. Just a year and a
month later she married and never appeared in another movie.

As for the very good result Mercury initially gave, Iyer would point to the
3-11 sub ha sankhya yoga Mercury forms with Venus and the Moon.
Roshi D1 General Rashl D1 General
, Ra, ra Sa,5-i3MOiv-,r
Ma^o- Jp2 40

3 Pis 4 An 5 Tau 6 Gem ASiyifl- Me?'sfl'

SUjg-sr Ve^ .w-
2 Aqu 7 Can
Mau 20'
SiwVe^p KG 11 >?QI
As 12*19 Mg f'.ci Jp,
1 Cap S Leo
12 Sag 11 Sco lOtibr 9 Virg M 11*20'
Vlmihodan Slpn ch«n from Moon □■ihwnaintna D10 Power S Sutuj Oashamamaha D10 Power 6
Sort COO ttoihu ' So As v. Mo
21 I* 2006 170 V« 10 X 8✓ Su SaRa
10i 141 2002 197 ve }
12' 15' 2011 229 ve ga "X. SaMo ■ 7 SU 12 Jp As
10 2014 257 V*
l» W »ts »s Su Ve
-f SI 2016 272 So
10 21 2016 277 SO
2' Tl 2017 200 Su JpAs Ma Sa Me
1' 31 2018 269 So Ma i Kg
10' 211 2018 297 Su
lO S' 2019 307 Su Jp Mo Ve Me Ma
61 »' 2020. .HL Ja.

This is the birth chart of a niece of mine who launched a successful career
in marketing in Venus-Mercury after graduating from college for astrological
reasons that could not be more obvious. I predicted that this success would
continue in the Sun mahddasd but with some major changes and ups and
downs based on the Sun's placement in the 3rd house of the dasdmasha.

After making two job changes with employers in this period, she put her
career on hold to do a Spanish language immersion program in Nicaragua.
Subsequently, she is now self-employed as a marketing and brand management
consultant. Her Sun period has brought many endings and new beginnings

Just recently, I was discussing the implications for her career of the
Mercury-Jupiter period related to this birth chart of a woman student of mine
from South Africa.
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General
Ra,™ V6i 42 Mes.,,. Ma,^-
Jp23'18 , Mo 39
5 Pis 6 An 7 Tau 8 Gem 6
As is Keir-ij
Sa 26
4Aqu BCan

3 Cap 10 Leo
X As
Sa2, z Moo *, Me
2Sa9 l Sco 12 Llbr 11 Virg Ve Su Ma vn
Sign chen from Moon D»ih»m«m«hJ D10 Powei & Slams 010 Powers
0; Ift1 2M1ry» 342 Me JP MeSa VeRa Ma Jp Me
IV Ift' 2023 36 5 Me Sa 6 Ke
V 26. 2026 »2 K, Ke Sa As Mo SuAs
12. 22' 202® 396 Ko Ve Mo
2' 2V 2026 40 8 Ka Su Ve
6,' 26' 2028 41 1 KB Mo
V 271 2029 417 Ke Md Ra Ke
d 2f- 2029 421 Ke «a SuAs
71 Mi 2030 432 Ke * Ra 'p< PVMe Mo
ft' 20 2031 44 1 Ke Sa
71 29 2032 45 2 Ks Me Jp,/' Ke M , Jp
7i 26 29U 44.2 V* , ' Ve Su Mil

In D-10 Mercury is in the 3rd house in an exchange with the 3rd lord
Jupiter. Mercury-Jupiter started in August of 2021 and goes until November of
2023.1 told her that this indicated possible changes in her professional life and
she acknowledged that she intended to seek a position with a different

I will conclude this chapter with the following summary of guidelines for
using divisional charts. These are not intended to be definitive, but do cover
many useful interpretive principles that have enabled me to make successful
predictions with the vargas of Jyotisha.
Summary of Guidelines for Using Divisional Charts

1. Begin by realizing that a sign stays on the ascendant at a given locale

for approximately two hours. Anyone bom within this time period,
and in the same general area, will have birth charts that are nearly

What will differentiate them, including the charts of twins, are the
particular set of divisional charts that the exact degree of ascendant
gives. The great problem in Jyotisa, however, is that even a recorded
time from a hospital record cannot necessarily be relied upon to give a
completely accurate set of divisional charts. These must always
"prove" themselves in the light of life events, or be corrected
accordingly, before utilized for prediction.

2. The most basic use of the divisional charts is to see how many "good
divisions" a planet obtains as one measure of its ability to give it
results strongly. "Good divisions" means exaltation, muldtrikona, own
sign, and great friend/friend sign.

The navdrhsa is particularly important this way. A strong placement in

navdmsa can override a weak placement in the birth chart. For
example, if Mars is in its debilitation sign in the birth chart, but in
exaltation sign in D-9 it will give very strong results. Conversely,
planets exalted in the rdsi but debilitated in D-9 will not give strong
results, unless there is effective cancelation of the debility.

3. When seeing the strength of planets forming dhana and raja yogas
for example, Pdrdsara recommends using a dasdvarga analysis, or
seeing a planet's dignity in these ten divisional charts: D-l, D-2, D3,
D-7, D-9, D-10, D-12, D-16, D-30, D-60

4. Keep in mind, however, that planets can become strong and give
results powerfully based on other factors such as vargottama and
directional strength etc.

5. When it comes to the more particular use of the divisional charts,

begin with an analysis of the lagna and the lagna lord, just as you
would with the birth chart.

6. Then consider the relevant kdraka or significator. For example, Venus

in D-9, Jupiter in D-7, Moon in D-12 for mother and Sun for father
etc. See its over-all condition and disposition, its strength, and benefic
and malefic influences on it.

7. Then see the most relevant house/house lord particularly pertaining to

that division. For example, the 3rd house of the drekkana for younger
siblings, the 7th house of the navdrhsa for spouse, the 5th house of the
saptdmsa for children, the lO111 house/lO111 lord in the dasdmsha for
career etc.

8. Finally, see the relevant house from the kdraka, using it as a lagna.
For example, the 3rd house in the drekkana from the kdraka of
younger sibling, Mars; the 7th house in the navdrhsa from the kdraka
of relationships, Venus ; the 4th house in the dwadasdmsha from the
kdraka of mother, the Moon etc.

9. When it comes to dynamic interpretation, take it as a general principle

(but don't make it a dogma) that when a planet falls in a good house
in a divisional chart, it will give more beneficial results in the matters
pertaining to that division during its period and sub-period.

"Good house" means angle houses (1,4,7,10) and trine houses

(1,5,9), along with the 2nd and 11th houses.

10. This will be particularly so if the planet is in an exceptional condition

like being exalted, vargottama, in its own sign, or having directional
strength. Be careful to notice such conditions as planets exchanging
signs, which also makes planets strong, or planets that may be
deceptively strong by virtue of nlcabhahga raja yoga (cancellation of
the debility in which the planet concerned also brings elevation and

11. If such planets, falling under conditions 5 and 6 above, are

additionally involved in significant and benefic yogas, such as
Gajakesari Yoga etc., then they can bring exceptionally good results,
if this indication is also supported by the birth chart and navdrhsa

12. Planets falling in duhsthdna houses (3, 6, 8, 12) in a divisional chart

may not give their best results during their das as in matters pertaining
to that division. However, in my experience they can give much better
results if they are in a good condition like exaltation, vargottama, own
sign etc. There are exceptions to this principle, like Mars in the 6th
house of the vargas giving good results.
13. The effects of a planet in a divisional chart get modified based on its
conjunction and aspect with other planets. Here the emphasis is on the
natural benefics and malefics, not the functional ones. The influence
of a strong Jupiter on a planet in a divisional chart will significantly
enhance its ability to bring beneficial effects, even if it is placed in a"
bad" house.

14. Planets in the lagna of divisional charts are especially empowered to

bring events related to the affairs of life represented by that division
in their periods and sub-periods. To a lesser degree this will also be
true of any planet related to the lagna of a divisional chart.

This will be particularly true if such planets are strong, are configured
in benefic yogas and come under the additional influence of natural

15. With respect to event timing, the period and sub-period of two planets
having a strong connection in a divisional chart will very often (not
invariably!) show significant events or major developments in the
affairs of life represented by that division.

"Strong connections" in decreasing order are: exchange of planets,

conjunctions, mutual aspects, the aspects of a planet onto a planet in
the sign of the aspecting planet, and one-way aspects.

This will be particularly so if these period and sub-period lords are

planets that are in exceptional conditions.

16. The period and sub-period of any two planets in an exceptional

condition in a divisional chart, though unrelated, also frequently time
significant favorable events relative to that division. The reverse
situation can also be true. The period and sub-period of two
debilitated planets poorly placed in a divisional chart can prove very

17. If two or more planets reside in the lagna of a divisional chart, the
period and sub-period of these planets can mark especially significant
events relative to that division.

18. The house positional relationship between a period and sub-period

lord in a particular divisional chart also has interpretive significance.
Trine relationships (5/9), angular relationships (4/10, 1-7) and 3/11
relationships are considered more favorable than 2/12 or 6/8. The later
oftentimes prove to be troublesome periods and sub-periods related the affairs
of life represented by that divisions, though not invariably.

Specific positional relationships in particular divisions can be used to

predicts events related to the division. For example:

• The periods of planets 1-3 from each other in D-3 can give a sibling

• The periods of planets 1-4 from each other can time a property

• The periods of planets 1-7 from each other in D-9 can give marriage

• The periods of planets 1-5 from each other in D-7 can give childbirth

• The periods of planets 1-10 from each other in D-10 can give career


Astottari means 108, which is the total duration of this conditional dasd.
The opening verse describing it in Par as am Hord translates as follows:

"O! Brahmin, IfRdhu excepting in the ascendant is placed in a quadrant

or trine from the lord of the ascendant, some learned adepts adopt the
Astottari dasd system.

The next verses indicate how the starting point is determined, which is
rather a complex process.

"The Astottari dasd commences with the Sun dasd covering four naksatras
with Ardra being the first one. Three naksatras thereafter are assigned to the
Moon. The next four go to Mars, followed by three naksatras of Mercury dasd.
Again, next four are entrusted to Saturn dasd which is succeeded by Jupiter
dasd with subsequent three naksatras. Rdhu dasd comes next with four and the
last dasd of Venus with three left over naksatras. The ruling dasd lord is
determined through counting in the above order up to the birth naksatra

The order of the das as and their duration are given next:

"O Brahmin! Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Rdhu and Venus
are the dasd lords. Excepting Ketu, all other planets are covered in this
system. The dasd period staring from the Sun is 6, 15,8, 17, 10, 19, 12, and
21 years respectively."

In a subsequent verse, an additional condition is laid down for the

applicability of this dasd.

"O Brahmin! If the birth is in the day time during krisna pdksa (waning
moon period) or in the night time in sukla pdksa (waxing moon period)
and in order to ascertain specific results, Astottari dasd be adopted. "

Famed movie star, Meryl Streep, often described as the best actress of our
generation, has garnered 21 Academy Award nominations, winning three
times, and a record 32 Golden Globe nominations, winning eight times. Her
Rahu in the 10th house is with the lagna lord, Moon, and therefore in an angle
from it. She was bom in the daytime with a waning Moon, so the conditions
are met for applying the Astottari dasd to her birth chart.

Rsshl 01 General Rashl 01 General

Raoitr Ma^-^ Sa Ve Su r h
M021M4' Me^e- VOas'ie As Mei?"®
9 Pis 10 Afi 11 Tao 12 Gem
Ma is*ao
ASg 36'
Ke Mo
8 Aqu 1 Can

Meryl Streep S a 8=25

Ra 19
JjDy 22' Wed 80500
7 Cap SUWKftW 2 Leo

6Sa9 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3V*i
Nj»»m»4i»D9Dhjrm» Spouse NevemiM OB Oneimel Spouse
SunOJI* CI«M> Sun CMT» DaihK MoKe
8. 19J7 -119 V« ft 10. 1938 -106 RK JP Ra VeMa t»MeSa
a to 1957 81 Su ft 11' 1950 12 Ve
& 11/ 1903 14 1 MO 9 11i 1971 232 Su As
8 1ft igja 24 1 Ma ft 10 1977 28 2 Mo
a ift 1360 31 1 fU ft 1(1 199? 432 M# Su ba
a 11/ 1998 491 JP ft 10 2000 512 Me
a iv JOU IV,* 05 1 SJ ft 11/ 3017 KM 682 S« Me Ma
a 11/ MM W1 Mb ft 11/ 2027 782 Jp
a iv 2050 1011 «e ft IV 2046 972 R/i 2 Ve
a 11/ 2057 1081 Ve ft 11/ 2058 1092 Ve
a ii/ 2077 128 1 Su ft 12/ 2079 1502 So Su MoKe As
a iv 2083 134 1 Mo ft It. 2065 1362 /4o

As the 1st lord in the lO111 house, the Moon gives raja yoga by placement,
but its conjunction with a vargottama Rahu in Aries additionally forms a
potent nodal raja yoga. The Moon is also configured in a Gaja Kesari Yoga.

Given this graha's clear potential for raising her very high, I was interested
to see that in this system she ran the Moon's mahddasd from 1977 to 1992, a
period of 15 years. This is exactly when she rose to such prominence in the
movie industry. She made her debut in the film Julia in 1977 and then in 1978
was nominated for her first Oscar for her performance in The Deer Hunter. She
then won her first Academy Award as Best Supporting Actress in the 1979
film, Kramer Versus Kramer.

I was particularly interested to see what happened in Moon-Rahu from

1981 to 1983. Astottari dasd did not disappoint since it was in this timeframe
that she gave what many consider to be her most riveting performance in
Sophie's Choice (1981), for which she won the Oscar for Best Actress.

15 years of the Moon were followed by 8 years of Mars, which again

clearly shows continued great success as an actress. Her Mars is configured in
the very combination that indicates the static potential for being such an
award-winning professional performer. Mars is her yogakaraka 5th and 10th
lord in the \\th house of honors and awards, conjunct the 3rd lord of the
performing arts. Mars is vargottama and Mercury is in an exchange in the birth
chart and goes to its own sign in navdrhsa. Both receives the additional beneflc
aspect of Jupiter.

This is to say that both grahas are quite strong. Then see their placement in
the dasdmsha. They are together in the lagna of D-10 with Mercury svaksetra
as the 1st lord of this division.

Oashamamsha D10 Power & Status Oashamamsha 010 Power & Status
/ \ MaMe
Ma - As
\. /
10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem
Su As x-;

Ra Ve

9 Aqu 2 Can
6 {3*712
Ke /
\ s 8 Cap 3 Leo
t Ve

Sa SaKe
Mo Jg 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg

She won Best Actress again for her portrayal of British Prime Minister,
Margaret Thatcher, in the film, Iron Lady (2011), in her Mercury major period.

It can thus be seen how well Astottan timed her outstanding career success
over a period of three decades in the consecutive das as of the Moon, Mars and

It also times her first marriage well since it took place in Sun-Mercury, two
grahas that are 1-7 from each other in her Navamsha. However, her first
husband died of cancer just two years later, and she soon remarried in
September 1978. It was Moon-Venus in Astottan, which does not time this
event that well. Vimsottan does since it was Mars-Venus, two planets together
in D-9.
Her four children were all bom in the Moon period. As a trine lord in the
birth chart, the Moon becomes eligible for giving children and its dispositor is
the 5th lord Mars. The Moon is also with kdraka Jupiter in her saptdrhsa.

Agatha Christie was an English author known for her 66 detective novels
and 14 short story collections, particularly those revolving around fictional
detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. She also wrote the world's
longest-running play. The Mousetrap, which was performed on the London
stage from 1952 to 2020, as well as six novels under the pseudonym Mary
Westmacott. In 1971, she was made a Dame (DBE) for her contributions to
literature. Guinness World Records lists Christie as the best-selling fiction
writer of all time, her novels having sold more than two billion copies.

In her birth chart Rahu is in an angle from the lagna lord, Sun, she was
bom at night and her Moon is waxing, qualifying her horoscope for the
AstottarT dasd.

Can you see the factors in her chart that indicate such successful
authorship before reading further?

Rash) D1 General Rashi 01 General

Me Mo."r
8 Pis 9 An 10 Tau 11 Gem
Ve 10 ■y S316 54'
SU29 '55> Ra
Zfl 30
7 Aqu 12 Can
Agatha Christie Ke 26r30
Jpio'ir Mon 915/1690 4 2600 SairM.
Torque* UK Ma?-??
6 Cap 1 Leo
KG?6-3Q MG22c53-
M 82=22- V616-0' M Og^?-
5 Sag 4 SCO 3Ubr 2 Virg
VlmihoMn Nevimiha D9 Dh»rm«'Spom«
Sun 0*.
12/ 11/ '684 48 So 1' 27/ 1875 -14 8 Mo Mo JpMa sa
12' 12/ 1890 02 Mo If 27/ 1890 02 144
12' 1» 1900 10 2 M« 1/ 27. 1896 82 We Me As
12' 1J' 1907 172 fta V 29 1915 252 Sa KeVe As Me
12 IS' 1925 352 Jp 1/ 28. 1925 352 Jp
12/ 13/ 1941 512 Sa 1. 28 1944 542 Ra
12 12 1960 70 2 M» If 28 1956 662 Ve
12 12 1977 87 2 Ke If 29 1977 672 Su Ba
12 13" 1984 942 V« If 29 1963 932 Mo
12 12 2004 1142 So If ». 1998 1082 14a
12 14/ 2010 120 2 14o 1/ 29 2006 no* 1162 Me Su Sa Su
12 13 2020™»_ 'JO? ^ 2022 VeKe

The most obvious is the strong condition of Mercury in its exaltation sign.
Venus as a mulatrikona 3rd lord in its own 3rd house is another. What might
seem surprising is the condition of her Jupiter, the other planetary indicator of
authorship, and in her chart, the 5th lord.

If you look at the tables showing the dasd sequence you will see that in
both systems she entered her Jupiter period at age 35 and it was in this
mahddasd that she actually had her greatest successes with mysteries such as
Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile. How to account for this

I have used her chart to illustrate an unusual type of raja yoga given in
Pdrdsara Hord defined by when a debilitated planet is in dussthdna houses
such as 3 and 6, while the lagna lord is strong. It applies in her case and the
fact of her life is that she became quite famous as author in Jupiter.

Jupiter's condition and position in D-10 as a mulatrikona lagna lord

certainly contributed to this, as did its participation in a truly excellent
Saraswati Yoga in which all three beneflcs are in strength, especially Venus.
Note the sub-periods in As to tt an when three of her most successful and well-
known murder mysteries were first published.

Murder on the Orient Express (1934) Jupiter-Moon

Death on the Nile (1937) Jupiter-Venus
Then There Were None (1939) Jupiter-Venus

Dashamamsha 010 Power & Status Dashamamsha 010 Power & Status
/\ /

VeKe Su

MeAs 4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem

Ma Jp
3 Aqu 8 Can
2 Cap 9 Leo

Ma Jp
Mo Ra
1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg
Then it was in Rahu-Venus that her play, The Mouse Trap, started to
become such a huge success on the London stage. Novel writing is a 5th house
indication, while play writing is indicated by the 3rd house/3rd lord. Her Rahu
is exalted in the 10th house giving the results of Venus, the 3rd lord in the 3rd
house. See their connection in D-10 and in excellent dignities.

What is additionally interesting about this timing is that her first big
literary success, The Mysterious Affair of Styles featuring detective Hercule
Poirot, was published in 1920 in Rahu-Venus in Vimsottan.

Her first marriage in 1914 to Archibald Christie equated to Mercury-

Mercury in Astottan, which is not obvious from the birth chart, but very clear
in her navdmsa where it falls in the lagna getting directional strength. She
divorced him in 1928 and then married archaeologist Max Mallowan in 1930.
This was in Jupiter-Mars, the period and sub-period of two planets together in

She had one daughter from her first marriage bom August 5, 1919. It was
Satum-Moon-Moon and this timing once again highlights the importance of
divisional charts. You would be hard pressed to predict childbirth in this period
and sub-period just based on the rdsi. One justification could be that from
Candra lagna, Saturn is the 5th lord. But if you see her sap tarns a, here the
Moon and Saturn are in a mutual glance, with the Moon in its exaltation sign. I
suspect the lagna of D-7 is likely Scorpio, not Libra, putting these grahas in
Saptamsha 07 Progeny Saptamsha D7 Progeny
Sa Ke Ra

6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
Ma Me

5 Aqu 10 Can
103^4 ( & )
y / 4 Cap 11 Leo

SaKe As Jp
RaMo _ 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12 Virg

In 1971, she was made a Dame (DBE) for her contributions to literature,
the equivalent of a knighthood in England. It was Venus-Moon in As tot tan and
I invite the reader to see these planets in her D-10 again, both well placed, with
Venus exalted and the Moon getting only the aspect of a mulatrikona Jupiter.

Rash) D1 General Rashl 01 General

J P 17*1' Me2Mr Ke?^ 20,3T \ SUi7«4cr
SUi7'40 > Asv5,Ve27.<7. Sa o-3r
11 Pis 12 An 1 Tau 2 Gem K©7'34- M©?'!* ~ '
/Kja Jp w' 1
Ma22M- V©27=47- ASs^ss
10 Aqu 3 Can 5 ■ 'i
David Beckham
Mew Fn 5® 1975 01700
'O Cap UMOR UK 4 Leo
Mo •■.'irr
8 Sag 7 Sco 6 Ubr 5 Virg
Vlmiftotun 09 DfummSpouM
Stxl Oola *0« OMhj! Start Dal. DasKas Ke Me
12/ 2y 1970 -4 4 Su V 31' 1970 49 Sa Ke SaMa S,3
1Z 23/ 1976 16 Mo a 31/ f9S0 51 4p » Ma t
12 13/ iafl« 116 ft' V1/ 1999 24 1 Ra Mo As
12 n '993 186 fi.l 8 2011 now 361 Ve Mo As
12 24/ 2011 now 366 JP V 31/ 2032 57 1 Su
12 24/ 2027 52 6 Sa V 31 2038 631 Mo
12 24/ 2046 716 Me V 31' 2053 781 Ma
12 24/ 2083 38 6 Ke 5/ 3V 2061 66.1 I4e Me
12 24/ 2070 95 6 Ve a 1/ 2078 1031 Sa
12 24/ 2090 1156 Su V 31. 2-556 1131 Ve
12 24, 20« 1216 Mo ft 2 2107 1321 Ra Jp RaSu
12/ 25- 2106 1J16 Ma If V 2119 144 1 Vo SuVeRa

Soccer superstar David Beckham's lagna lord is Venus svaksetra in the

lagna and in an angle from Rahu who falls opposite in the 7th house. Since he
was bom just after sunrise with a waning Moon, his birth chart qualifies for
the Astottari dasd.

The very distinctive feature of his horoscope is the Maharaja Yoga formed
by a combination of the 1st and 5th lords in the 1st house. From the Moon in
Capricorn, this Mercury-Venus combination continues to form a dramatic raja
yoga as the 9th and 10th lords in the 5th house. They are aspected by Mars, the
planetary significator of competitive sports, getting directional strength in the
10th house.

Another notable feature is a truly excellent Subha Ubhayacan Yoga, with
the Sun in its exaltation sign flanked on both sides by all the natural benefics,
two of which are svaksetra, with the third getting directional strength.

From the Astottari dasd table shown in the graphic above, it can be seen
that he ran his Rahu major period from ages 24-36 and it was in this 12-year
period that David Beckham became a soccer legend and global celebrity. In a
recent article about interpreting the periods of the Nodes I highlighted that
these cdya grahas will give the results of the planets with which they are
associated as well as the lord of the sign where they are placed. In his chart
therefore, Rahu gives the results of the Maharaja Yoga formed by Venus and
Mercury, as well as the dik bala Mars in the 10th house. Being in an angle and
aspected by two trine lords, Rahu also forms a nodal raja yoga in its own
right. It additionally receives the benign aspect of a svaksetra Jupiter.

Interestingly, his incredible athletic career also coincided with his Rahu
mahddasd in Vimsottan, which he ran from ages 18 to 36. To have a better
understanding of the magnitude of his success and stature in the world of
soccer, see this from Wikipedia:

"He is the first English player to win league titles in four countries:
England, Spain, the United States and France. He retired in May 2013
after a 20-year career, during which he won 19 major trophies. "

"Beckham s professional club career began with Manchester United,

where he made his first-team debut in 1992 at age 17. With United, he won
the Premier League title six times, the FA Cup twice, and the UEFA
Champions Leagues in 1999. He then played four seasons with Real
Madrid, winning the La Liga championship in his final season with the
club. In July 2007, Beckham signed a five-year contract with Major
League Soccer club LA Galaxy. While a Galaxy player, he spent two loan
spells in Italy with Milan in 2009 and 2010. He was the first British
footballer to play 100 UEFA Champions League games. In international
football, Beckham made his England debut on 1 September 1996 at the age
of 21. He was captain for six years earning 58 caps during his tenure. He
made 115 career appearances in total, appearing at three FIFA World Cup
tournaments, in 1998, 2002, and 2006, and two UEFA European
Championship tournaments, in 2000 and 2004.

Known for his range of passing, crossing ability and bending free kicks as
a right winger, Beckham has been hailed as one of the greatest and most
recognizable midfielders of his generation, as well as one of the best set-
piece specialists of all time. He was runner-up in the Ballon d'Or in 1999,
twice runner-up for FIFA World Player of the Year (1999 and 2001), and in
2004 was named by Pele in the FIFA 100 list of the world's greatest living
players. He was inducted into the in 2008 and the Premier League Hall of
Fame in 2021. A global ambassador of the sport, Beckham is considered to
be a British cultural icon. "

His birth time comes from a biography that quotes a hospital record, and is
reliable in so far as giving a correct ascendant, but the degree does raise some
question about the correct navdmsa and dasdmsha lagna since 3-55 puts it
rather on the borderline for both these divisions.

Beckham started dating Victoria Adams in 1997 when she attended one of
his games. She was famously known as "Posh Spice" of the pop music group
Spice Girls, one of the world's top pop groups at the time. Therefore, their
relationship instantly attracted a great deal of media attention. He proposed to
her on January 24,1998 and their first child was bom fourteen months later. On
July 4, 1999, they married in Ireland.

Here is the timing of these events in Vimsottan and Astottan :

Dating: Rahu-Jupiter and Jupiter-Jupiter

Engaged: Rahu-Jupiter and Jupiter-Jupiter
Married: Rahu-Saturn and Rahu-Jupiter
First Child: Rahu-Saturn and Jupiter-Jupiter
Relationship/marriage in a Rahu major period is quite obvious in the birth
chart since it falls in the 7th house. Jupiter comes into play because it aspects
Rahu and the 7th house.

Rahu can also give children since it is aspected by the 5th lord Mercury and
kdraka Jupiter.

But is Aquarius the correct D-9 lagnal Adjusting the birth time just a few
minutes could give a Capricorn ascendant, in which case Rahu would be much
better placed and giving the results of Mercury in the ascendant.

Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha 010 Power & Status
Ke Me
Ke Jp
As \ Sa
2 Pis 3 Ari 4 Tau 5 Gem

Jp As

1 Aqu 6 Can
/ 0
12 Cap 7 Leo

Ve Sa Ve
Mo SuMa
MaRaSu 11 Sag 10 Sco 9 Libr 8 Virg

If the degree of the birth lagna is less than 3 then the ascendant in D-10
shifts from Aquarius to Capricorn also. Since most of his professional success
as a soccer player took place primarily in the Mars and Rahu major periods in
both Vimsottan and As to tt an, it seems likely to me that it is Capricorn, which
would put these grahas in the 9th house, not the 8th. In any event, Rahu is well-
dignified in Virgo.

His great athletic success made him a very rich man. From Wikipedia:

"Beckham has consistently ranked among the highest earners in football,

and in 2013 was listed as the highest-paid player in the world, having
earned over $50 million in the previous 12 months."
The Laksmi-sthana houses 1, 5, 9 and their lords, along with houses 2, and
11 and their lords are the wealth-givers in a birth chart. All of these are strong
and well-placed in his horoscope, especially Jupiter, as the \\th lord in the 11th
house. It was just after moving into this major period in Vimsottari that he
earned $50 million in a 12-month period. It was Venus in Astottan, forming a
dhana yoga with the 2nd and 5 th lord Mercury.

In my publication, Predicting Major Life Events, there is a chapter on

settlement abroad, where I highlight connections between the 4th house/4th
lord of residence and the 12th house/12th lord of foreign countries as a
combination that can give this. Note that in Beckham's horoscope his 4th lord
Sun goes to the 12th. When he played for Real Madrid in Spain and L.A.
Galaxy in the U.S. he was living abroad. I also observed in that article how
often such a foreign settlement happens in Rahu periods, and this was true in
his case as well. He signed the contract with L.A. Galaxy and moved to the
U.S. in Rahu-Sun in AstottarV.

Given Beckham's great wealth and the condition of his 4th lord Sun
discussed previously, he lives in palatial homes and drives expensive, luxury
vehicles when living abroad.

The Astottan das a applies to the horoscope of former U.S. Vice President,
A1 Gore, because Rahu is in a trine from his lagna lord Moon, and he was bom
during the day when the Moon was waning. Since I have already used his chart
to illustrate other conditional das as I will confine my discussion here to just
the timing of key career milestones.

• He first became a member of U.S Congress in 1977. The timing in

Astottan was Jupiter-Jupiter, activating his strong Kesan Yoga in the
b111 houses of elections (because they are a competition).

• In 1985 in Rahu-Moon he was elected to the U.S. Senate. Rahu, in the

lO111 house and strong in Aries, is giving the results of a mcabhahga
yogakdraka 10th lord Mars. The Moon, besides activating the Kesan
Yoga in the 6th, also forms a 1-9 raja yoga with svaksetra Jupiter.

• He became the Vice-President in the Clinton Administration in 1993 in

I have spoken previously of the importance of the h111 house/h111 lord and
11th house/11th lord in the charts of politicians seeking office through elections
in democratic societies. It is interesting to see that this conditional dasd times
his most significant election win in the major period of the \\th lord in the \\th
house and the sub-period of the b111 lord in the b111 house. However, Venus is
not forming any particular yoga, and they are not forming one together. But
then see his D-10.

Rasht 01 General Rashl 01 General

SUi7'47* Ra2,,a. ASirs-
9 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem
S322 52
M 623 45- ASii-?- Ma?5v Ve ysy
Sa22.,? MSwrv
Ra 2-
BAqu 1 Can

Al Gore Ke 26
Wed vvayvryot
131/1948 125300
7 Cap 2 Leo
12 Su i7'4r
6 Sao 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Virg Jp v.;:- Mo lO-fl' Me ?3-4=.
Vimihotun Aiiotun NxitniHa D8 DhjrrwSpouK D» Dh»nn>iSpom»
Sun Dai. 4«. Sun Dan Ag« DaUut
\Z' 11' 19« -S3 Ke 8. IS.' 1932 -ISA Me Ke Me Jp
12/ 11/ 1949 1 7 V« R 15/ 1949 14 S«
12'1 11/ 1969 217 Su 8 16 '959 114 jp SU 9 KaAs
IZ 12/ 1975 27 7 •*. 8 IV 1978 30 4 Ra Ma Mo
12' 11/ 1985 37 7 1.M ft 1& 1900 42 4 Ve 0 Ve
12 11' 1992 44 7 Ra a i& 2011 63 4 Su
12 12 2010 now 62 7 Jp &' IV' 2017 now 094 Mo Mo
12 12 2026 78 7 Sa R IV 2032 54 4 Ma SaVe
12 12' 2045 97 7 Me R IV 2040 924 Me Ma " Ke
12 12 2062 114 7 Ke a IV 2057 1094 Sa
12 12 2069 1217 Ve R IV 2067 1104 jp Su RaAs
12/ 12 20&5 141 7 Su R 1ft' 30 v; 1384 Ra MeJp
Ooshamamshs D10 Power S Status Oashamamsha 010 Power & Status
Ke Mo
Su Ke As
10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem

\ 9 Aqu 2 Can


8 Cap 3 Leo

Ma Me
RaMa Jpve 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg

Here they are together in the 8th house. Or are they? Advancing the birth
time less than four minutes would give a Cancer D-10 ascendant, and I think
this is much more likely, since his election to the Senate and his Vice-
Presidency happened in the Mars and Rahu major periods in Vimsottan.
Making Cancer the lagna puts the Venus-Jupiter conjunction in the 7th house
as an angle-trine combination and Jupiter's debility gets effectively canceled
since its sign lord, Saturn would be exalted in an angle. Mars would become
the yogakdraka 5111 and 10th lord svaksetra in the 5th, with Rahu giving his
results, just like in the birth chart. As K.N. Rao would say, "It appeals to me"
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General
As,3=23 Ma ,3.0- Ma

11 Pis 12 Art 1 Tau 2 Gem
AS 13'2 3
FWij Ve0 4ff
SUO-JJ S a ,8-33
10Aqu 3 Can Ra22M8 V©(3'4g'
Ke22;18 Meu-io SUo»33
Tex Beneke Kesris-
: TUM 3J12'19U 1*2000 M028"31
Jp12 31" Fort Wortn TX M02853V
9 Cap 4 Leo
1° JPwsi

8 Sao 7 Sco 6 Ubr SVlrg

Vlnwhotttrt 09 Dhamu/ipwrn
Son Oji» *8» o»n» Sort a o *o« DuhM V. Sa /^sJpRa
i 1* 1913 -08 So 8" 3/ 1903 107 Mo RaJp As Sa 3
-4.' 121 1910 52 Mo 6/ ?; 1918 43 Ma 4 >-•
t' 12' 1929 152 Mi & 2. 1928 12 3 Me As
Al 12* 1938 222 Rrt 6t a 1943 293 Sa Me
*1 12. 1954 40 2 Jp ft 2; 1953 391 \2 ^
*i 12 1970 582 S« » a 1972 58 3 Ri
*1 19S0 75 2 Me 8' 2i 1964 701 Ve / ex Me , /
4. 13/ 2008 92 2 K* & r 2005 91 3 Sir Ma X>00XMi
4; 12 2013 KM 992 Ve 8/ -V 2011 nor 973 Mo
4/ 12' 2033 1192 So 6/ a 202f 1121 Mi Ve >|7 V.
*' 11 2039 125 2 Mo 8 y 2034 1203 Me- Mo KeSu « XSuVeKe
4 12 2049 5352 Mi ft y 2051 1371 Sa MO

Tex Beneke is not a name most would recognize unless you are a musical
historian of the "Big Band" era of the 1930s and 40s in the U.S. From

"Gordon Lee "Tex" Beneke was an American saxophonist, singer, and

bandleader His career is a history of associations with bandleader Glenn
Miller and former musicians and singers who worked with Miller His
band is also associated with the careers of Eydie Gorme, Henry Mancini
and Ronnie Deauville. Beneke also solos on the recording the Glenn Miller
Orchestra made of their popular song "In the Mood" and sings on another
popular Glenn Miller recording, "Chattanooga Choo". Jazz critic Will
Friedwald considers Beneke to be one of the major blues singers who sang
with the big bands of the early 1940s. "

His lagna lord Venus is in an angle from Rahu since they are together in
the 10th house, while he was bom during the day when the Moon had begun to
wane. Astottan das a therefore can be applied to his horoscope.

The very notable feature, promising great fame, is the 1-10 exchange
between his lagna lord Venus and yogakdraka 9th and 10th lord Saturn, giving
both a source of strength. Additionally, Venus, the planet of music, goes to its
mulatrikona sign in the navdmsa.
Moreover, Venus is also configured in a 1-4, 1-5 raja yoga with the Sun
and Mercury in the 10th house, with the Sun getting directional strength and
Mercury vargottama. These grahas are joined by Rahu in its own sign who
gives their result. They are all aspected by a very full 3 rd lord Moon of the
performing arts. Seven out of the nine grahas are in angles. It is a powerful
horoscope for success as a musical performer/leader.

He got his first position as a professional musician at age 20 in 1935 and

the Astottan dasd times this perfectly since it was Rahu-Mercury, activating
all the yogas in the lO111 house with both planets in strength. Then see these
grahas in the dasdmsha.

Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status
Me /' \ As
Sa\ / \ / Mo Me
11 Pis 12 Ari 1 Tau 2 Gem
A As Ke

/ \Mo/ \ VeSu ' Sa

10 Aqu 3 Can
< W Ve

\ / y 9 Cap 4 Leo

Jp Ra
Ma \/ 8 Sag 7 Sco 6 Libr 5 Virg

Mercury is svaksetra and Rahu is well dignified in Mercury's sign, Virgo,

and they are 4-10 from each other.

Three years later his career really took off after becoming a member of the
renowned Glenn Miller Band. They made their famous recording of "In the
Mood" in August of 1939 featuring Beneke playing the lead tenor sax. It was
his Mercury-Saturn period, which should be self-explanatory for giving a
career peak. Mercury-Mercury from 1940 to 1943 gave even greater musical
fame. From Wikipedia:
"Beneke appeared with Miller and his band in the films Sun Valley
Serenade (1941) and Orchestra Wives (1942), both of which helped propel
the singer/saxophonist to the top of the Metronome polls "

Mercury was followed by 10 years of Saturn in this conditional das a and it

is a good example of a person getting the best das a at the best time of life
since this equated to ages 29 to 39. Starting in 1945, Beneke began to lead his
own bands and the timing of this was Saturn-Moon. In his D-10 Saturn is in
the Moon's sign, Cancer, as the yogakdraka planet and the Moon is exalted in
the lagna.

He continued to lead bands in a career that spanned six decades. In 1991

Tex Beneke received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It was his Venus-
Satum period in Astottan, the two planets in a 1-10 exchange, the very
combination given in the Sanskrit classic, the Laghu ParasarT, for great fame.

Rashl 01 General Raain 01 General

Mo loss' Ke^fi- Suir,, Me Ra I-25- Saara

V627 40 - Ma.j-a-
7 Pis 8 An 9 Tau 10 Gem

As 24 19"
6 Aqu 11 Can
Ma 13-32
P.V. Narasimha Rao J P20;6'
Tub e<2«ISZ1 13 02 00 SUi3'i6'
Kanimattar WWA S326 26'
SCap 12 Leo
Mo 10 33'
As-'24 19"
ISSL 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Vlrg Ke Ve
Navamaha D9 PhanniSpouae
SurtD*. Start Daw
i 16' 1911 -10 3 S« 11 13/ 1919 19 Rb Ke Me
» IS 1930 67 Ua IK 13/ 1931 10 4 Ve M
5" 1947 257 K« 11/ 12 1962 314 Su Mo As
3 1954 32 7 Ve 11/ 13/ 1958 374 Mo Ma Ra
3 19M 52 7 So 11' 13/ 1973 524 Ma '2
3 I960 58 7 Mo 11/ i3 1981 60 4 we s
3 1990 88 7 Ma 11' 13/ 1998 774 Sa SH
31 1997 75 7 Ra 11' 13 2008 nw 87 4 jp Su As Ve
3 2015 now 93 7 Jp 11' 13' 2027 10B4 Ra Ma ' Kl
31 2031 109 7 S4 11' 14/ 2039 1184 Vo MO
3 2050 126 7 Me 11/ 13 206G 139 4 Su Ve Sa
k. ML 14f.7 Kt 11' 13 2m '45 4 140 Ra Jp Su

The birth chart of former Prime Minister of India, P.V. Narasimha Rao
qualifies for the Astottan das a because Rahu is in a trine from his lagna lord
Mercury and he was bom during the day when the Moon was waning.

The very distinctive feature of his horoscope is a powerful Bhadra Yoga,

one of the Mahdpurusa Yogas that can indicate a very notable person under the
right conditions. What makes his exceptional is that it involves his 1st and 10th
lord Mercury both svaksetra and vargottama as the 10th lord in the 10th house,
and the yoga repeats from both Candra and Surya lagnas.

The interesting fact of his political career is the circumstances under which
he became Prime Minister. From Wikipedia:

"Rao very nearly retired from politics in 1991. It was the assassination of
the Congress President Rajiv Gandhi that persuaded him to make a
comeback. As the Congress had won the largest number of seats in the
1991 elections, he had an opportunity to head the minority government as
Prime Minister. He was the first person outside the Nehru-Gandhi to serve
as Prime Minister for five continuous years, the first to hail from the state
ofAndrha Pradesh, and also the first from southern India "

He assumed office on June 21, 1991 and the Astottari das a times this great
career rise very well since it was his Mercury-Rahu period. Mercury giving
such a result could not be more obvious since it is the KT11 lord in the 10th
house vargottama and forming such a powerful Bhddra Yoga. To understand
the sub-period of Rahu, see that from Mercury's position in Gemini (dasd
lagna), Rahu falls in the 5th house of rdjya, or the authority to rule, and is
aspected by the 5th lord Venus from this perspective.

Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Oashamamsha D10 Power & Status
JpMo Me
3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem

Ra Mo
2 Aqu 7 Can
Ke Ma 0

Sa Su VeAs

1 Cap 8 Leo


Ra Su
12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg
He first became a member of the Indian parliament in March of 1977 in
Mars-Rahu, and this timing in AD is also interesting to consider since this is
the very same timing in VimsottarT when he became Prime Minister. How does
this period and sub-period mark key career milestones? Mars, of course, is in
the 10th house getting directional strength but as the 3 rd and 8th lord, it is not
considered a good planet for a Virgo lagna. However, as an 8th lord, it is also
one of the impressionable house lords (2, 8,12) that give the results of the
stronger category of house lord with which they are associated. In which case
when he runs the Mars major period, it will give the results of Mercury and
Bhddra Yoga. Rahu as a sub-period lord would again fall in the 5th from dasd

Then see that they are together in the 10th house of D-10.

In the India of his time, child marriages were not uncommon, and Rao was
married at the age of 10 in 1931. This coincides with Venus-Rahu in Astottan,
a period and sub-period noted for bringing this event, but in his case Venus
and Rahu are 1-7 from each other in the birth chart.

The marriage produced three sons and five daughters. Two of his sons also
went into politics and became members of the Lok Sabha. Most of the children
were bom in his 21-year Venus period in this conditional dasd, the 5th lord of
his birth chart aspecting back onto its own 5th house.

Again, we see how well this conditional dasd times significant events in
his life.
Rashi 01 General Rashl 01 General
Ma 11.47- Ve
Sa2e ir
6 Pis 7 An 8 Tau 9 Gem
Ril3'43 SU::4'3? 53
As 20
S Aqu 10 Can
Ke 3-43 Ra 43
Jimmy Paige Jp2 53'
K6l3 43 Sun 4 0000
4 Cap KtXiBkM UK 11 Leo
3 Mo n r
i -
SU24 39 AS 20-32'
Me245- V6t3'59-
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12V.rfl Ma 11 •47' Sa
Navwntha D9 OharmaiSpouM
Sun D ii» AO* D»(> Start Dju D«K„ As Jg
V 22/ 1942 •20 WJ .<P IP » 1943 -04 SU Ke
ft 17/ 1944 04 UJ Sa 8' 19 1949 56 Mo Ma
4 2A 1947 33 k4 Mfl 8 19 1964 20(1 Ma JpMaAsX''
11' 10' 1949 58 IL) Ke 8 19 1972 260 Me
11' » 1950 69 H4 Vm 8 70 '989 456 Sa
11' 1953 99 Ka Su 8' 20 1999 556 Jp
10' 23' 1954 108 Ha Mo 8 2U 2016 new 74 3 Ra Mo
l 23 1950 12 3 Ha Ma 8 70 2030 666 Ve Mo
5"' 13' 1«7 13.3 Jp Jp 8' 70 2051 1076 Su
O »' 1959 15 5 Jp Sa 8 TO 2057 1136 Mo SuVe
1' 10' 1962 18 0 JP MO 8 TO 2072 1286 Ma Sa,
4' 17,' 1904 203 JP Kc 8 20- 2080 1366 Me MeRa r Sa RgVeMiSu"^

Beginning in the late hO's an English band by the name of Led Zeppelin
burst upon the music scene and electrified the world of rock with spine-
tingling guitar riffs by their founder Jimmy Paige.

From Wikipedia:

"Page is widely considered to be one of the greatest and most influential

guitarists of all time. Rolling Stone magazine has described Page as "the
pontiff of power riffing" and ranked him number three in their list of the
"100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time", behind Jimi Hendrix and Eric
Clapton. In 2010, he was ranked number two in Gibson's list of "Top 50
Guitarists of All Time" and, in 2007, number four on Classic Rock's "100
Wildest Guitar Heroes ". He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of
Fame twice: once as a member of the Yardbirds (1992) and once as a
member of Led Zeppelin (1995). "

Rahu is in a trine from his lagna lord Venus and he was bom at night when
his nearly frill Moon was still waxing, therefore the Astottan das a applies to
his horoscope.

Parasara Hora states that the best raja yoga for anyone with Libra lagna
is the combination of the Moon and Mercury. The reason is that the Moon only
rules the strongest angle, the KT11, and Mercury rules the strongest trine, the
9th. This would be particularly so if the Moon is very full and well-placed by
house. See how this applies to Paige's birth chart where a nearly full Moon in
the 9th house is in a mutual aspect with Mercury. Additionally, Mercury is
placed in the 3rd house of the performing arts in Jupiter's sign and aspected by

The other distinctive feature of his birth chart is the exchange between the
lagna lord Mars and Venus along with yogakdraka Saturn, forming multiple
raja and dhana yogas.

Paige's earliest success in a rock group was with the Yardbirds starting in
1964. It was his Mars major period in Astottan activating the aforementioned
raja yogas in the birth chart but also a svaksetra lagna lord in the lagna of his

Oashamamsha DiO Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status
- \
12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem

\ Ma Ra
11 Aqu 4 Can
4 yylO 0
Ra Ke
Me Jp
\ Ke
Me Su
10 Cap 5 Leo
Su Sa

Ve Sa
Mo Ve 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Libr 6 Virg

After the Yardbirds broke-up he founded Led Zeppelin in 1968 in either

Mars-Rahu or Mars-Jupiter, depending on the month. Note that Rahu and
Jupiter are very well placed in D-10 and both are vargottama.

With the release of their debut album in 1969 the band was enormously
popular and toured to sold out audiences. Their success grew exponentially
with the release of more albums, culminating in their untitled fourth album,
commonly known as Led Zeppelin IV, one of the best-selling albums in music
history with 37 million copies sold. The album includes "Black Dog", "Rock
and Roir and "Stairway to Heavenwith the latter being among the most
popular and influential works in rock history.

This enormous success came just after Paige moved into his Mercury
major period in Astottan starting in 1972. By the time this 17-year mahadasd
ended, Paige was a rock and roll immortal. In addition to all of what was said
earlier about his fame-giving Mercury in the birth chart, see that is also well
placed and associated in D-10.

His two inductions into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame came in his Saturn
major period, the yogakdraka in the birth chart and exalted in an angle in the

Heavy drug and alcohol use and a lot of promiscuous sex is typically
synonymous with the rock and roll scene, and it was certainly true for Paige
starting in the Mars period, his 7th lord in the 8th house and in an exchange
with the 8th lord Venus. Mars is also conjunct Saturn. Such a combination can
indicate sex with a lot of different partners, but not enduring relationships. He
eventually did settle down and marry in 1986 at the age of 42 in Mars-Satum
in VimsottarT and Mercury-Satum in Astottan, with the former timing it better.
He divorced and married again in 1995 in Saturn-Venus in AD, and this timing
is clear since Saturn and Venus are both connected to the 7th lord Mars in the
birth chart, and Saturn-Venus are 1-7 from each other. This marriage also
ended in divorce. In my experience the 7th lord in the 8th with affliction
typically means discontinuity in one's relationship/marital life. In his case
kanaka Venus in the birth chart is also afflicted by the two worst malefics. The
pattern repeats in his navdrhsa, where the 7th lord is now Venus, again placed
in the 8th house, and again with affliction of both Mars and Saturn.
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General

Jp29 53'
B Pis 7 An 8 Tau 5 Gem 9
6 6
Mei3'2r " . /X,5 Ra-nr
V622 56 Mo.-a,-
KGi7°17- OU7-49' v X
5Aqu 10 Can
<r 10^4 x
S 828'13' Christian Dior Riinr 0 /
Sa28 13vX M04»3V/
SU7'49 Sat 14171905 1 27 00
4 Cap Grannie FR 11 Leo
K® 17*17
AS 11-57
3 Sag 2 Sco ^ Ubr 12 Virg JP29-53
Navemahe 09 Dharma'Spoun
son dm* Sun Dua Kejp
S' V
4 11/
t2' y
12 a
Mo Su Ve ■
1/ 19 190i 40 S4 Kb 12 3i 1922 179 144 SU 12 As Ma
2 27' 1910 Si Sa Ve 12 3/ 1930 269 Me jp
4 » 191S S3 Sa So 12 2 1947 429 So
4/ 11/ 1911 92 Sa Mo 12 2 1957 529 Jp
11/ 10/ 1915 106 sa M4 12 2 1970 719 R4 Ve
12 ift 1916 119 Sa Ra 12 2 1966 639 Ve As Ma MeMo
10 » 1919 148 Sa JO 12 2 2009 1049 Su 5a
81 » 1422 ITS Ma Ma 12 4 201S no* 1109 Mo
10 4/ 1924 197 Me Ke 12 4 2030 1259 Ma SaRa
IP1 !• 1925 2Q7 Me Ve 12 4' 2036 1339 Me MeMo

For those who might not recognize the name, Christian Dior was a French
fashion designer, best known as the founder of one of the world's top fashion

His 1st lord Venus, significator of the fashion industry, is in the 5th house of
creativity with the close influence of the Rahu-Ketu axis, giving originality.
Since Rahu is in an angle from Venus and he was bom at night when the Moon
was waxing, Astottan dasd applies to his horoscope.

His birth chart features many success/fame-giving yogas:

• Yogakdraka 4th and 5th lord Saturn in Capricorn gives Sasha Yoga, a
true Mahdpurusa Yoga since Saturn in its own sign as the 4th lord in the
4th house is also in an angle from both Candra and Surya lagnas.

• Saturn's mutual aspect with a completely frill 10th lord Moon is a very
superior raja yoga.

• The Moon in its own sign in an angle aspected by a strong Jupiter,

svaksetra in Pisces, is an excellent Gauri Yoga.

• Venus as the lagna lord in the 5th is giving raja yoga by placement. Its
conjunction with Ketu gives a nodal raja yoga.
• Mars as the 1th lord in the 1st house gives raja yoga by placement and
its mutual glance with Saturn is also an angle-trine combination. Mars
has exceptional strength since it is in its exaltation sign in the navdmsa.

Consult the Astottan dasd table in the graphic above and you will see that
Dior ran his Saturn major period from 1947 to 1957 and this is exactly the
period when he became a world-famous designer and his fashion houses
appeared on five continents. From Wikipedia:

"The "New Look" revolutionized women's dress and reestablished Paris

as the centre of the fashion world after World War II as well as making
Dior a virtual arbiter of fashion for much of the following decade, each
season featuring a newly titled Dior "line," in the manner of 1947's
"Corolle" line, that would then be trumpeted in the fashion press: the
Envoi and Cyclone/ Zigzag lines in 1948, the Trompe I'Oeil and Mid-
Century lines in 1949, the Vertical and Oblique lines in 1950, the
Naturelle/ Princesse and Longue lines in 1951, the Sinueuse and Profilee
lines in 1952, the Tulipe and Vivante lines in 1953, the Muguet/ Lily of the
Valley line and H-Line in 1954, the A-Line and Y-Line in 1955, the
Fleche/Arrow and Aimant/Magnet lines in 1956, and the Libre/Free and
Fuseau/Spindle lines in 1957. "

Could any dasd have timed his career rise over this decade better?
Predicting with the Astottan Dasa

I don't recall ever making a prediction solely on the basis of the Astottan
dasd but certainly have employed it to confirm what I was seeing in Vimsottan
and Jaimini's sign-based das as. One such instance was in predicting the
marriage of my youngest sister back in the mid-90s.

In Vimsottan she was running her Venus major period, which being the
kdraka of love relationships/marriage, can always bring this event. In Venus-
Jupiter, with Jupiter being the 7th lord in both the birth chart and the navdrhsa,
she got into a serious dating relationship and marriage-like situation where
they were living together. But would it lead to a legal, sacramental marriage
was the question I asked myself. Venus-Saturn was coming up and this clearly
showed the potential for giving children since Venus is in the 5th house and
Saturn is the 5th lord. But I knew that my Catholic sister would not have
children unless she was married.

Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General

Rainr Jfr4^3-
M023'3V KSti'ir
7 Pis 6 An 9 Tau 10 Gem
M6lf.'49- As 4C
Sll 16=34
6 Aqu 11 Can

Molly Boney Ma
V Sal 12'4 I96S 24900 Mo 23 43
5 Cap 12 Leo
Ma2r54- Me ,5-49 As 40'
Sij.s-:„ Ke,,.,r
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg Sa "•js
Naymnha 09 DhamulSpousa Nevamsha D9 DhamuiSpout«
Sun Dju *a* Ctaitus Sun Dim
1991 2S 4 Vc Jp y 1& 1996 303 So JP Sa Ra ASj
SI 1994 281 ve 4 9i' 1997 313 So Se n i Ra
<1 1997 31 3 Ve 10 29. 1997 319 So Me As
5' 2000 34 1 Vfl 10' 9 1996 328 So Ui VeMo
fc 2001 303 Su I 20. 1999 333 So Mo
24.' 2001 356 Stl II 18. 2000 341 So So
24. 2001 361 So V TW 2000 14S »t> So Sa
1. 2002 364 So 1 20- 2001 35 3 Mo Ve
31 2S1 2003 37 3 So Z 18.' 2004 38 2 Mo K4 Ke 7 Su ii Ve
V 111 2004 361 Bo 1W 19f 2005 39 9 140 JP Ma Mc
12/ 21 2004 391 So <V 5 2006 42 5 140 5a Su MeJe MaKe Jo Me
10 30' 2005 399 So 439 Mo

I consulted other das as looking for marriage confluence. In her horoscope

Rahu is in an angle from her lagna lord, Mercury, and she was bom at night
when the Moon was waxing, making Astottan applicable. Sun-Jupiter, starting
in March of 1996 and lasting a little over a year, had to catch my eye since the
Sun is in the 1th house of D-9 in Jupiter's sign and Jupiter is the 7th lord in
both the rdsi and navdmsa.

Other dasds corroborated marriage in this time frame, as did transits. I

predicted on this basis and attended her wedding in July of 1996.

With Jyotisa, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. The birth chart
below belongs to an Indian man, an architect by profession, living and
working in Dubai. He consulted with me round about 2013-14, generally
worried about the Jupiter major period he was running in Vimsottan because
of its "bad" placement in the 8th house.

I pointed out that over-all Jupiter should be very good for him
professionally based on its strong placement in D-10 as the lagna lord
swakshetra in an angle, and he acknowledged that this had been true so far.

Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General

MO22 32- 'Ip28 43'
5 Pis 6 An 7 Tbu B Gem
SUia'is- Ma ^2?
V026 57"
4 Aqu 9 Can
Saa-M Ve^e,7
Merio Ke 4 3c Mo :: 3;
3 Cap 10 Leo
Su ll'is
ASi7'g' M 3 3-22-
2 Sag 1 SCO 12 Llbr 11 Virg JfW
SonOm San D*n AC* OjsKas Sa Jp
I' 13/ 2012 335 Jp V« S/ » 2014 358 Ma 10 Ss
9 13. 2014 361 Jp Su I2f 24. 2014 34.4 M* , Me
7/ 3' 201S 369 JP Mo 4- 1. 2016 37 7 Me Si jJX AsVe <f
11/ h 2016 38 3 Jp 3(4 12. 2018 40 0 Me RaMa Mo
10. 8' 2011 392 Jp Ra T 21 2019 now 410 Me
II V M20n 41.4 Si £a 11/ 11/ 2022 443 Me
y » 2023 44 6 54 Me 10,' 1i 2024 46 2 Me
11/ 13- 2025 47 3 Sa Kb 9 26 2027 492 Me
12 21 2026 48 4 Sa ve 4. 25. 2029 50 7 Me yf SaMe Jp Ss
2 22.' 2030 516 S» Su 12/ 2B> 2031 414 U
2 *' 2031 52 5 Sa Mo 7' 25. 2033 550 Sa AsVe Su .--"x -Mo X,
.54l_5a_ "S- a- ?034 55 7 Sa

I also highlighted that it would be good for him financially since for his
Scorpio lagna, Jupiter is both the 2nd and 11th lord aspecting onto its own 2nd
house, and in strength since it is vargottama. From Candra lagna, Jupiter is
the 11th lord in the 2nd giving dhana yoga and forming an excellent Subha
Sunapha Yoga involving the Moon in its exaltation sign. Jupiter-Moon was
coming up starting mid-year 2015.
In his horoscope Rahu is with the lagna lord Mars, and thus in an angle
from it. He was bom during the day with the Moon waning, so I could apply
the Astottari dasd to this same time frame. It would be Mercury-Mars in this
conditional dasd. Did this period/sub-period also promise good financial

Mercury is his 11th lord of gains strongly placed in the 10th house with a
benefic and svaksetra in the navdmsa. From a strong Candra lagna, Mercury
becomes the 2nd and 5th lord conjunct two other trine lords. The sub-period
lord, Mars, gives dhana yoga results from the birth lagna as the 1st lord in the
11th house with Mercury as its dispositor. Using Mercury's placement in Leo
as a dasd lagna, Mars becomes the 9th lord in the 2nd house. All of this spelled
dhana yoga, and on this basis I predicted his financial fortunes would
significantly increase at this time and it proved correct.



% ^

The duration of this conditional naksatra-based dasd is 116 years and

applies when the lagna is in Sun's hord and the Moon is waxing or the lagna
is in Moon's hord and the Moon is waning. These conditions exist in
approximately 50% of birth charts, making it the most widely applicable of
all the conditional naksatra based das as.

See these verses from Parasara Hord:

"The dasd may be adopted, when the lagna is in the hord of the Moon
with birth in the dark half or, when the lagna is in the hord of Sun with
birth in the bright half

Each of the Zodiacal signs have two hords. Each hord is of 15 degrees.
The first hord of any sign is from 0 to 15 degrees and the second hord is from
15 to 30 degrees. The first hord of an odd sign is ruled by the Sun and the
second by the Moon. It is the reverse for even signs.

• The odd signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and

• The even signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and

With this in mind it can easily be seen whether this conditional dasd
applies to a birth chart by noting the following:
Odd Rising Sign

1. The ascendant degrees are between 0 to 15 and the Moon is waxing

2. The ascendant degrees are between 15 to 30 and the Moon is

Even Rising Sign

1. The ascendant degrees are between 0 to 15 and the Moon is waning

2. The ascendant degrees are between 15 to 30 and the Moon is


To determine the planetary period at birth:

"Count the number of naksatras from PusyamT to the Moon s naksatra.

Divide this number by 8. The remainder will indicate the das as of the
Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu, Moon, Mercury and Venus. The das as
of the above grahas are of 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 years

The following table makes this easy. In birth charts where this
conditional dasd is applicable simply see which naksatra the Moon is in at
birth and see in which planet's row this falls.

Dasd Years

Lord (116)

Pus by ami Vishakha Shalihisha Mrigshira Sun 11

Ashlesha Amir ad ha P Bhadro Ardra Mars 12

Magha J vest ha U. Bhadra Pmarvasu Jupiter 13

P. Phalguni Mida Rcvali Saturn 14

U. Pho/guni P. As had a Ashwini Ketu 15

flasta U. Ashada Bharani Moon 16

Chitra Sharvana Krittika Mercury

w 17

Swali Dhanista Rohini Venus 18

Example One

Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General

M027:tV £*§259 As^a-
7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem
Mai3°i4 Me.^
Sa9M. Ke Sa9M
6 Aqu 11 Can -.. 6

Bill Clinton SUj-a-

Man 5151946 8 51 00 Ra, i-o-
Hop# AR
5 Cap 12 Leo
Ke259 Ma.j-u
J p0*6 Vsiyp As,to
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg Mo ?T'I
Navamitu D9 OhamUiSpouw Navatrnhj D9 Dhanw Spo-^e
Suft&Jt* Afl* Sun Dm *0* Dachaj Asms
02 S« 12r 157 1045 4)7 Me Ve
1952 56 Mo 12 15 1963 16 3 Ve Su Ve 3X MaSuAs <" Ke
•962 15 8 Mfl 12 1 15 1900 343 &•
t9« 22 6 Ra l/ 10 1991 45 3 Ma Ke
1987 408 Jp 12: 10 2003 573 Jp
2003 now 568 Sa 12 15 2010r 703 Sa
2022 756 M« 12 107 2030 843 Ke
2039 926 Ke 12 15 2045 993 Mo Ra
204* 99 8 V« 12' 15 2061 1153 M* Ra 5 Jp
2068 1198 Su 12 15 2076 1323 Ve Mc
2072 1250 Mo 12 15 2096 150 3 Su Mo Me JP Sa oa Me
2062 135 6 'A« 12 17 2107 1613 Ma

In the birth chart of former U.S. President, Bill Clinton, the ascendant is
the even sign, Virgo. The degree of the ascendant is within the first 15
degrees, and therefore in the hord of the Moon. The Moon is waning and
therefore the SodsottarTDasd is applicable to his chart.

His Moon at birth was in the naksatra of Krittikd. Consult the table and
you will see that it falls in Mercury's row and this is the planetary period he
was bom in with 16.3 of 17 years remaining.
Example Two

In the birth chart of American film director, writer, actor, and comedian,
Woody Allen, the ascendant is the odd sign, Leo. At 9 degrees it is in the
hord of the Sun, while his Moon is waxing and therefore the SodsottarT
Dasd can and should be applied to his horoscope.

Rashl 01 General Rashl D1 General

Ve 29*55

K620'13' As 2Q Ke 20*13
B Pis 9 An lOTau 11 Gem
MOvs- Meir32
7 Aqu 12 Can
ASg 20
Woody Allen SUi6>4-
Ma3.a Sm 121 1935 225500
6»on* NY
6 Cap 1 Leo
Ra^n- Jp.yv V629-55' Ra 20" 13
Su,^ Me.,.>2 Mo ,■•8
5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2 Virg Ma
ShodaoHan '.T. 09 Drurma.'Spou »t Navamsha 09 DharmwSpouM
SonOau Start Djt» 404 DMh«
10' 2* 1931 -A I Ma iJ 21 1925 -105 Ve Ke As
ia m 1936 2 9 Ra 5 1943 75 Su
1ft 27/ 1956 20 9 Jp V 1954 185 Ua As
1ft 27' 1972 369 5a 6 1966 30 5 Jp Ke
Ift 26 1991 55 9 Me Si 1979 43.5 Sa
10' 27/ 2006 72 9 Ke 5/ 1993 57 5 Ke
1ft 26 2015 now 79 9 Ve V 2006 now 725 MO Ve
1ft Jft 2035 99 9 Su Si 2024 66 5 140 MaSa RaM#
10 26 2041 105 9 Uo V 2041 1055 Ve
10 26 2051 1159 Ma 5/ 2059 123 5 Su Jp MO Mo Jp
Ift 24 2056 1229 Ra V 2070 134 5 Ua
'0 a- 20Z8 ft 2062 1465 JP Su MeRa Ve Su

His Moon at birth was in Danisthd naksatra. Consult the table and you
will see that this means he was bom in his Venus major period with 7 and a
half years remaining.

In previous chapters, most of the examples are retrospective, showing the

timing of events in the lives of public figures, with then one or two examples
at the end of the chapter of predictions I have made using the conditional
dasd. In this chapter all the illustrations are ones where this conditional dasd
was instmmental in making an accurate prediction. Since this dasd applies to
half of all horoscopes it is quite useful for cross-checking indications in
Vimsottari. The first examples are ones on the lives of public figures.

I will confess to being quite a movie buff. My favorite television channel

is Turner Classic Movies (TMC). Which is why I have always had a special
interest in the birth charts of famous movie stars. And there have been times
when I have successfully predicted their winning an Academy Award. Such
was the case in early 2012 when I predicted that Meryl Streep would win the
Oscar for Best Actress for her performance in the 2011 film, Iron Lady, a
bio-pic on the life of former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.

I wait to see who is nominated and then which of the candidate's birth
charts are available. It is always a risky prediction because if an actor or
actress is even nominated it means that they are running very good, success-
giving periods. Ideally, one would have the charts of all the nominees in a
particular category and be able to decide which among them is the strongest
for winning at that time. However, this has never been the case. My
predictions this way have always been based on having the chart of a single
nominee who appears to be running a truly exceptional period for winning.
Part of my methodology has been applying multiple dasds, including any
applicable conditional dasds, in order to see this.

Rashl D1 General Rashl 01 General

Su7 34'
Sa Ve Su
R9O 19' Ma^w
Mo2ri4 Me ly.a- Ve25 15 As 36
9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem
AS 9 30
Ke 0 Mo 14
8 Aqu 1 Can
Meryl Streep Ra 19
j£)7'22 Wed 422/1949 80500
7 Cap 2 Leo

K6niB' 22
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Vtrg
Havanwha D9 DharmlSpouM
Suntw* Sun Daw Daahaa MOlSg
H* 1937 -119 va 12' 25- 1939 95 Mo JP Ra VeMa MeSa
a1 iO' 1957 81 3u 12/ 2V 1955 85 Me 1
a m 1983 14 1 Mo 12 24/ 1972 235 Ve e^As
a io 197J 241 Ma 12* » 1990 415 Su
8' io 1980 311 Ba ^ 25. 2001 525 14a Su
a ii' 1998 491 JO 12' 25/ 2013 now 645 Jp
a 11/ 2014 r 851 Si 121 25 2028 775 Sa Me/
a 11/ 2033 841 M« 12' 2y 2040 915 Ke
a ii' 2050 1011 Ke 12/ »' 2055 1065 Mo Ve
a ii' 2057 1061 V» i2 2a 2071 1225 Me
a ii' 2077 1281 Su 12 25' 2oee 1395 Ve Su MoKe As
a n/ 2083 1341 Mo 12 27. 2106 157 5 Su Ra

Meryl Streep's lagna is 9-36 of Cancer putting it in the hord of the

Moon. Since her Moon is also waning, SodsottarT dasd is applicable to her
Among the many distinguishing features of her birth chart is the Gaja
Kesari Yoga formed by the lagna lord Moon well placed in the 10th house,
and a mcabhahga Jupiter in the 7th house, with Jupiter falling in the 10th
from the Moon. Note Jupiter's svaksetra placement in her navdmsa.

Another truly notable feature relevant to what she is famous for is the
conjunction of her yogakdraka 10th lord Mars and Mercury, the 3rd lord of
the performing arts, together in the 11th house of honors and awards. Both
grahas are quite strong since Mars is vargottama and Mercury is in an
exchange in addition to being svaksetra in D-9. This is precisely the
combination in her chart that shows why she is the most honored and
celebrated actress of our times. From Wikipedia:

"She has garnered numerous accolades throughout her career spanning

over four decades, including a record 21 Academy Award nominations,
winning three, and a record 32 Golden Globe Award nominations,
winning eight. She has also received two British Academy Film Awards,
two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and three Primetime Emmy Awards, in
addition to nominations for a Tony Awards and six Grammy Awards. "

The award ceremony for which she was nominated for Best Actress for
her performance in Iron Lady was due to take place on February 26, 2012. I
saw that her Vimsottan das a sequence that day would be Jupiter-Mars-Moon
and Mars-Venus-Ketu in Sodsottan. This looked very strong to me for the
obvious reasons.
Dashamamsha D10 Powar & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status
7^" ~7
\/vk\/ As
10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem
Su W As

/ \ Me/ ^ Ve

/ \Lr \ 9 Aqu 2 Can

\ X /
ifeX/ \/
8 Cap 3 Leo
X X Ve
Sa SaKe
Mo Jg 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg

Mars as a subperiod lord in the former and the major period lord in the
later activated the very combination in her chart that shows the static
potential for winning such awards. See also the position of Mars in her
dasdmsha where it is in the lagna and Venus is well-placed in the 9th house
in a 5-9 exchange with exalted Saturn with Ketu.

I was also applying Jaimini sign-based periods and the transiting

conditions at the time. On this basis I predicted to a group of my students
that she would win and it proved correct.

Prior to 2016 Leonardo Di Caprio has been nominated for an Academy

Award for Best Actor five times but had never won. When he was nominated
again for his role in the 2015 film, The Revenant, I predicted publicly in an
internet forum that he would win this time. Here's why.

At the time of the awards ceremony on February 8, 2016, I saw that he

would be running Jupiter-Rahu-Venus in VimsottarT and this looked
exceptionally strong to me. Using his vargottama Jupiter in Aquarius as a
dasd lagna, Rahu falls in the 10th from there, with Rahu giving the result of
Mars, who from this perspective forms exceptional raja yogas in the 9th
house. From Aquarius the four planets in Libra are all trine and angle lords,
with Mars as the 10th lord and Venus as a yogakdraka 9th lord, svaksetra.
Rashl OT General Rashl 01 General
K016-51' Ve^^Ma vi-4 MGe-i4
Q^Aml SUts-v /" As
Od25'ir ::n
7 Pis 8 An 9Tau 10 Gam
Ra t6*i1
Mo 2. 13
JPu^ Sa 17-
5 Aqy 11 Can

Leonardo Di Caprio
Mon 1VUi «74 247 00
losArgo*! CA
5 Cap 12 Leo
2 Ke
Ve^Ma^ MO^,3-
Sug?, Me°*u ASg^e
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg
ShodMitan D»»h«m«m»h« D10 Dtthjmimshi 010 Power S Slalui
Stand an *8" D»h,» Start dan *8* Daihas SuVe
V 11/ 2013 38J Jp 1.(4 5/ IV 2013 385 Sv Jp Ma Ve
* 17/ 2014 394 ■f Ha W ft' 2014 59 7 Su Si KeJp J JpKe
»' »1» *H U s» ^ 7/ 2015 41 1 $0 Ke AS
ft 13/ 201»now 44 8 sa Ma V 9 2017 42 5 Su Mo Sa
V 2i 2022 47 5 Sa Ke 11' 14/ 2016 44 0 Su Me
V Z' 2023 460 Sa Ve 8/ 2V 2020 456 Su V©
w V 202« 518 Sa SO il IV 2022 now 47.1 Ma Ma
& 14 2027 528 Sa Mo a n 2023 486 Ma ■Ip As Me \
y 14/ 2025 543 Sa Ma KK 10 2024 499 141 Sa MO 9 Sa
41 21 2030 554 Sa Ha 3/ 23 2028 514 Ml k© Mo
V 27' 2033 583 Sa JO
M. vy iv 2027 529 Ml Mo RaMe m
101 »M <01 6.' 7/ 2029 546 1*1 Mo

Moreover, I saw how these grahas are placed in this dasamsha. They are
all connected along the 5-11 axis.

Dashamamsha DIP Power & Status Dashamamstia DID Power & Status

\ /\ / Ma SuVe

\\ /As\ /ve KeJp

8 Pis 9 Ari 10 Tau 11 Gem
V ;x(jpKe


7 Aqu 12 Can
/ 8j§f2
\/ \

Me\ / \ /
6 Cap 1 Leo
Mo >>, Sa
/ \/ Ma \ 5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Libr 2 Virg

Now see that the Sodsottan dasa is applicable to his birth chart since the
even sign Virgo is on the ascendant and its degrees falls in the hord of the
Moon while the Moon is waning. The sequence in this conditional dasa on
the date of the award ceremony was Sun-Ketu-Ketu.

Before discussing this timing, consider the question of what in Di

Caprio's horoscope indicates the static potential for his becoming a famous,
award-winning movie star. Based on my researches, the essential formula for
this is connections between the 3rd house/3rd lord and the 10th house/10th
lord from the birth lagna or the Moon, plus raja yogas connected to these
houses/house lords. We saw this in the horoscope of Meryl Streep and it can
be seen in Di Caprio's chart as well.

Mars is his 3rd lord of the dramatic arts and it is conjunct with the 1st and
10th lord Mercury. Mercury's conjunction with the 2nd and 9th lord Venus is
the best angle-trine raja yoga for a Virgo ascendant. The Sun is also there
with these planets in Libra in its debilitation sign, but mcabhahga being with
it sign lord, Venus.

His initial success as an actor starting at a very young age occurred in his
Rahu major period, in the 3rd house and giving the results of Mars. It was in
Rahu-Venus when he first became a huge international star for his role in the
blockbuster film, Titanic.

My point here is to highlight how Mars as an impressionable 8th lord and

the Sun as an impressionable 12th lord will give the results of the 9-10 raja
yoga with whom they are a connected according to the interpretive
principles laid out in the chapter in Pdrdsara Hord on the effects of planet
due to their lordships. Then see his D-10 again where the Sun and Ketu are
together in the 11th house.

In this case I was also applying Jaimini sign-base periods, which I am

not showing here, but seeing confluence among these multiple das as, plus
supportive transits, convinced me that he would win and he did.

Denzel Washington is another major movie star for whom I predicted an

Oscar for Best Actor in a public internet forum in 2002. Before discussing
the basis of this prediction, I will comment first on his exceptional
Rashl DT General Raehl 01 General

7 Pis 8 An 9 Tau 10 Gem

As IS0?'

5 Aqy 11 Can .6
9>C3 Ke 12*17'
Su^^- 12s
Denzel Washington Meu^e'
Mo ,5-so- Tue 013CO
MturtVwnon lit
ts Cap 12 Leo
S 11,2*47 Ve29=54-
Ra-^r S^24;45• As 15-7-
4 535 3 SCO 2 Ubr 1 Virg
Nev jrrnhi D9 N«vjm»h» D9 DhrmuipouM
Son COM DMtVM Sun Den 4S. Dejh« Ma As
ft' 12J 1950 44 M6 7' 21' 1947 -7 4 Me Ve
B 1960 SB Ma v 20 1964 96 ve , SaMo
B IV 1967 126 Ra 7 21 1962 276 Su
B 19B5 30 a Jo V 20' 1993 386 Mi RaSu
8» 2001 4156 Sa V 20 2005 506 Jp
B 12'' 2020 now 656 Ue V 217 2018 nw 636 Sa
C IV 2037 82 6 Ke 7' 20 2032 770 Ke
a 12' 2W-4 896 Ve 7. 21j 2047 926 MO ,!<§ JgMe
&' 12 20W 1096 Su 7i' 21' 2063 1066 Me
a iv 2070 1156 Mo 7' 21/ 2080 1256 vc
a iv 208O 1256 Me V 21/ 2098 1436 Su
a IV 2087 1326 Re 7 22 2106 1546 Mn

The feature that immediately stands out is exalted Jupiter and Saturn,
with Jupiter applying to less than a degree to its extreme point of exaltation
at 5 of Cancer. Venus svaksetra as a 2nd and 9th lord in the 2nd house with
exalted Saturn as a 5th lord form a superior dhana yoga and an excellent
trikona raja yoga.

But what really interested me about his chart is the kendra sambandha or
angular relationship between Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus. According to a
chapter in Pdrdsara Hord, they become "mutual co-workers," defined by
when planets are in angles from each other and in good dignities like
exalted, mulatrikona and own sign. Accordingly, they become capable of
giving raja yoga effects in their periods and sub-period.

His birth chart validates this interpretive principle because it was exactly
in Jupiter-Saturn in Vimsottan that he won his first Oscar for Best
Supporting Actor for his performance in the 1989 Civil War film, Glory.
Note also that Jupiter and Saturn are in a naksatra exchange.

To understand why he is winning awards specifically for acting in his

Jupiter major period, his birth chart must be seen from Chandra lagna,
which the classics of Jyotish indicate should always be a part of evaluating a
Sign chart from Moon Sign chart trom Moon
SlJ i2*42'
\Ma»,v,/ Meu-is-
3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem
X MO- >\
M32305-r Jfi404'

/ Ve 29 54
2 Aqu 7 Can
Sa 24 45 /

Denzel Washington
Tue 12/28/1954 0:13:00
MOi5 50 MourtVwnon. WMlch«l»r. NY
1 Cap 8 Leo
As 15 7'
Me,!*,# V629a54
jo/- SU 12*42
Ke, Ra.yir Sa24045 AS 15=7
12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg

From this perspective Jupiter becomes an extremely exalted 3rd lord,

forming an excellent Kesari Yoga with the Moon. Its angular relationship
with Venus is the 3-10 connection plus raja yoga, since the Venus-Satum
conjunction becomes a superior success and fame-giving combination of an
exalted 1st lord Saturn and yogakdraka 10th lord Venus in the 10th house.
This perspective also accounts for why his great stardom continued to unfold
in the following Saturn mahddasd.

Coming now to my prediction, Denzel Washington was nominated for an

Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance in the 2001 film,
Training Day. The award ceremony took place March 24, 2002. In
Vimsottari it equated to Satum-Satum. But now I come to why I am
discussing his birth chart in a chapter on the Sodsottan das a.

The time given on his birth certificate for when he was bom was 00:09,
or nine minutes after midnight on December 28, 1954. Such a birth time
gives a Virgo dasdmsha lagna which would put Jupiter, the period when he
first became a major movie star, in the 8th house. Advancing the birth time a
mere four minutes moves the D-10 lagna to Libra, which seems much more
likely to me given what happened for him career-wise in Jupiter. In which
case his Oscar win on March 24, 2002 would have timed to Mars-Mercury,
the period and sub-period in an exchange in D-10.
Dashamamsha D10 Powar & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status

Ke Ra Jp
, Sa
\• 5 7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem

Ma Ve
6 Aqu 11 Can
9 3

5 Cap 12 Leo

Jp Ke
Mo /RaSuMe 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

Dashamamsha DID Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power S Status

Ra Jp
As SuMe
6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem

Ve Mo
5 Aqu 10 Can
, ? >

SuMe 4 Cap 11 Leo

Ra Jp Ma
Sa KeAs

N 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12 Virg

Why this speculation of mine about his correct D-10 lagna matters is
because if the degree of the birth lagna remains under 15 degrees, then the
Sodsottan das a does not apply to his chart, but if the D-10 lagna is actually
Libra, which happens when the degree of the lagna crosses 15, then it does.
The lagna degree would be in the hord of the Sun while the Moon is
Regardless, of how correct I am in my speculation about the D-10 lagna
and advancing the birth time to give Libra, two other dasds covered in this
volume apply to his birth chart. One is the Dvadasottan dasd that applies
when the navdrhsa lagna is ruled by Venus, and the other is Asottan dasd
when Rahu is in an angle from the lagna lord while not in the ascendant, and
either the birth is in the day when the Moon is waning or at night when the
Moon is waxing.

Dvadasottan times his first Oscar very well since it was Moon-Jupiter
activating his KesarT Yoga. In Asottan it was Venus-Jupiter, the period and
sub-period of mutual co-workers giving raja yoga.

His second Oscar came in Moon-Saturn in Dvadasottan and Venus-

Moon in Asottan. The later timing again supports the case for a Libra D-10

Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General

R3ivir Jp4 43
MO23 3V Keifir
7 Pis 8 An 9 Tau 10 Gem
As 19 40"
S a 17-28-
6 Aqu 11 Can

Ve..> Mo23=3v
5 Cap 12 Leo
ic£><; Ra
Ma2rs4- AS,9 40
SlJiri, K0,nr
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg Sa 1776-
Niv amitu OS harmi'Spo Navimih* D8 phamW Spouu
Sun Dai# D»»M« sun Dot. D»h »«
a e 1980 224 Vfl Ra 4' 10- 1995 303 140 Ma Sa Ra As
a 71 1991 24 4 ve JR 12 a 1997 320 MO JP
M a 1994 281 Vc Sa •3 21' 1999 338 Mo Si As
y « 1997 313 ve Me aSi 22'
27/ 2001 357 MO Ke VeMo
v a 2000 >41 Ve Ke 2003 17.S Mi Ma
J/ 8' M51 35.3 Su Su y ift1 2006 403 Me ve
a 24 2001 355 Su Wo 11' 71 2008 429 Me So Sa
12 2* 20Ci1 351 Su Ml 6. 19. 2010 44 5 Me Ma
a v 2002 354 Su He 3 22' 2012 463 Me Ke 7 Su Ve
a za 2003 37 3 Su Jp 2/ 16. 2014 482 Me Sa Ma Mc
1/ iv 2004 381 & 3a 3/ &' 2010 503 Me Re SU Me Jp Ma Ke
12' »' 2004 391 Su we 5 18. 2018 525 Me 510 «

Marriage is the event I have been asked to predict the most, and the
success that I have had in doing this always involved the use of multiple
dasds to see confluence for a certain time period. The first prediction I ever
made this way was on the birth chart of my youngest sister.
She was approaching the age of 30 and had been a bride's maid many
times, but never a bride and was getting anxious about when this would
happen for her. In Vimsottari she was running her Venus major period in the
5th house of love affairs, which can always bring marriage being the natural
significator of this event. Jupiter as a sub-period could bring a relationship
into her life since it ruled the 7th house of both her birth chart and navdmsa.
It proved correct when she started dating a man and then they began living
together. But would this result in a marriage? The next sub-period was
Venus-Satum which I thought could give both marriage and a child. Saturn
gets the aspect of the lord Jupiter and rules the 5th house.

The SodsottarT dasd can be applied to her chart because the degree of her
Virgo lagna is in the hord of the Moon while the Moon is waning. It very
clearly showed the potential to give marriage because she was then running
her Moon major period in this conditional dasd, placed in the 7th house.
Venus-Satum in Vimsottari would coincide with Moon-Mars in SodsottarT in
1996. Mars aspects both her 7th house and the Moon while being in a mutual
aspect with the 7th lord Jupiter. It appealed to me, as K.N. Rao would say.
She married in July of 1996.

Rash! D1 General Rashl 01 General

Su,-t ye„7, Ra?s^9
9 Pis 10 Ar. 11 Tau 12 Gem \5/' A \3 '
AS 13*29' X- 7
AS ,329
R325 29'
SAqu t Can 7
G ' Maio»49-

JP15-Z4' Sa^>—25 25
7 Cap 2 Leo
: : ,
>9 x d P 15 24' SUn'
^^ ^sMOrar
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Vtrg
Shodultart 09 DhannafSoouw Navamitii 09 OharmafSpouw
Stan 0 at* *9* 0»ha> Sun Oat* Ag* Oath at
3/ If 2009 23 9 Me M* 12/ 30 2015 308 Ke Ve Ve KeJp t
» 2010 24 9 Me Ha 41 2ft 2018 331 Ke So
91 14. 2012 27 5 U» Jo 9 » 2019 34 5 Ke Ma RaAs
li 21 2014 29 8 Me Sa 41 ia 2021 no* 361 Ke JP Me Ma 3.i
ai Stf 2017 JI4 K* K* 12' 23. 2022 37 8 Ke sa Me
1/ 27 2018 329 Ks Ve 10r 14/ 20 J4 »« Me Mo
» 29 2019 340 Ko 5u 12/ n 2020 418 MO Me MoSa
ft 41 2019 344 Ke Mo 5f 41 2029 44 1 Mo Ve SaMo Ve
V 41 2020 350 K* Ha 10/ 2ft 2031 466 140 So KeJp
Jlf 2Ci20 354 Ke Ra ft 4' 2033 481 Mo Ma \!a
ft 1ft' 2021 now 364 K* JO 12' 2ft 2034 49 9 MO JP RaAs Su
T 2022 37 3 Ke Sa 1ft 14 2038 SIO Mo Sa
This is the birth chart of an Indian man living in the U.S. With regards to
this, see his 4th lord Venus closely conjunct his 12th lord Mercury. He
consulted with me sometime in 2013 or 2014 about his marriage. He was
running the Mercury major period at that time and Mercury-Satum was
coming up starting in December of 2014. It looked good for giving marriage
since the sub-period lord, Saturn, ruled the 7th house and aspected its own
house. Moreover, this two grahas are 1-7 from each other in his navdmsa.

His is another birth chart in which Sodsottari dasd applies because his
12-degree Cancer lagna is in the hord of the Moon and the Moon is waning.
Mercury-Satum in Vimsottan coincided with Ketu-Venus in this conditional
dasd which also indicated marriage, though in entirely different way. Ketu is
in the 7th house of his D-9, giving the results of an exalted 7th lord Venus in
this division. I narrowed the time frame using the sign-based Chara dasd
along with transits, and predicted his marriage within a few months.
Subsequently, he invited me to the wedding.

Rash) Di General Rashl 01 General

§327 30' AS25'37- Jp! 6t
10 Pis 11 Art 12 Tau 1 Gem
As 25 il
9 AQU 2 Can
Kei3 45- JPrsr
8 Cap 3 Leo
Me 3-:
V 62^5' M021v43- MOjr
Me ,5.34-
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg Ve 27-S Su he
Sited to nan Nivimeha 09 DhwmaiSpout*
San Dan ' A9. Sun Dan *e« Dntut MaMo JC
12 2006 629 Ve 11/ 4/ 2009 658 Mo Ve KeAS
2 26 20M 64 1 Ve 3/ 9 2012 661 140
JH 771 2011 67 1 Ve 6 2f 2014 706 140 As Ke
ID » 2013 69 6 Ve 3/ 9 2016 721 Mo ve
12 261 2016 729 Ve 11/ 4/ 2017 738 Mo Su
10' 29 2019 75 6 Ve 6 21/ 2019 756 Mo
1» 2U 2030 7«» Su 7/ 26 2021 now 775 Mo Me Su
6 17/ 2021 772 5u »/ 31/ 3033 7SS M. Me Sa
ID 16' 2021 77 7 &J Z 16 2026 821 Me Ra
2/ 2V 2072 now 781 Su ID 6 2028 64 7 Me
V 16 2023 790 Su V 18. 2030 96 3 Me
11/ 4/ 2023 796 Su 2/ 19 2032 881 Me . M

I once read that the statistical likelihood of a woman marrying in her 60s
is extremely low though I cannot remember the exact figure. This is why the
prediction I am about to discuss was both very risky and very satisfying
when it proved correct. The chart above is that of a woman who was
attending my classes. She heard me discuss how Venus-Rahu and Rahu-
Venus periods so often bring a fated love affair into a person's life,
sometimes leading to marriage. I had showed many examples in the class.
As it happened, she was then running her Venus-Rahu period when hearing
this. And, sure enough, it brought a relationship into her life.

In her case, Venus is also an exalted 7th lord of her navdrhsa and Rahu is
in the 7th. It produced a marriage-like situation in which they were living
together, but would it result in an actual marriage? I saw that she was
running Venus-Jupiter next and that Jupiter is the 7th lord of her birth chart
aspecting onto its own 7th house. This looked very promising.

At 25-37 of Gemini, her degree of lagna is in the hord of the Moon

while her Moon is waning. SodsottarT dasd applies. Venus-Jupiter in
VimsottarT coincided with Moon-Venus in SodsottarT. Was there confluence?
The Moon in the 5th house clearly showed love affair but its only eligibility
to give marriage was the fact that it is in the naksatra of the 7th lord Jupiter.
However, in D-9 the Moon is with the 7th lord Mars and Venus is the lagna
lord. I did not make my prediction based on this confluence alone, but it was
a contributing factor. She did marry in these periods.

After marriage, childbirth is another event that I have been ask to predict
quite frequently. The following case is one in which the SodsottarT dasd
could be applied since the degree of the lagna is in the hord of the Moon
while the Moon is waning.
Roshl 01 General Rashi 01 General
Jftio-ie- Sa Jfi
KOIQ-SO- AS3 is-
9 Pis to An 11 Tau 12 Gem
Ra Mains
Ase-.r MOjo-jd
Ma - M 020-24
8Aqu 1 Can
SBg 54'
7 Cap 2 Leo
Slliyir Ke 19"5(T
SUI5=47- R3l9-50'
MSg 52" V 63=24
esaa 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg Me 6^2
Vlmihotwn SapUmthi P7 Pretfeny
Sort Dir. Da»h« SurtOaw MaVe Me
7' 2&I 20J3 152 ue V 3il 2013 »« K. K«
12. 26' 2015 M1 Ke 7i V 2015 370 Ke MO .Mo
i! » 2017 »,2 Su II 26 2017 396 Ke Me As
6 16 2017 39 5 MO 10 T 2019 416 Ke Ve
12 16 2017 400 Ml 2f 3/ 2022 now 44 2 Ke Su As MaMo
«' 22,' 2018 40« Rl V 71 2023 456 Ke 14a
2 12 2019 41 3 Jp If 24' 2025 471 Ke OP Ve
11 y 2020 421 So 9 JO- 2026 48 8 Ke Si KeMe JgSu
12 IS 2020 430 Me II !Jf 2028 58,6 Ms J^Su
10' 22' 2021 439 Ke m 71 2030 528 Mo
2 27- 2022 now 44 2 Ve 7/ 9' 2033 552 Mo Ve Sa
21 27- 2013 432 » W35 57 7 Mo _§iL. • Ra

This chart belongs to an Indian man who approached me with the

question of child birth in early 2014 when running his Venus-Mercury period
in VimsottarT. The major period lord Venus clearly showed the potential for
giving a child since it is in the 5th house of the birth chart, in addition to
being strong and well placed in his sap tarns a. Could the Mercury sub-period
bring this was the question? I thought that it could because of its strong
relationship with the 9th lord Jupiter with whom it is in an exchange. If the
D-7 lagna is correct, Mercury would also be the 5th lord. In Sodsottan, the
time period would equate to Ketu-Ketu, with Ketu in the 9th house (5 th from
the 5th) in the birth chart and possibly with the 5th lord of D-7.

On this basis and with confluence from a Jaimini sign-based dasd, I

predicted a child in mid-year 2015. A son was bom to him in May of that

In May of 2018 when I saw a news headline that Prince Harry of

England had married American actress, Meghan Markle, I thought to look at
his chart which I had in my database for the prospect having children soon
thereafter. Her birth data was also available.
I noticed that in October 2018 he would move into Rahu-Venus in
Vimsottari. His Rahu receives the aspect of the 5th lord Mars, and Venus
goes to the 5th house from Rahu using its placement in Taurus as a dasd
lagna. In his sap tarns a both falls in trine house and are positionally 5-9 from
each other.

Rostil D1 General Rashl 01 General

Ma Ke

M027.4r Jp 55
A P« 5 An 6 Tau 7 Gem
As 43 Sa 19*12

Ve 24
3Aqu 8 Can
Pnnce Harry of England
Sat #'15/1964 162000
PaMopon 040 SU29,18- SUjO'lB-
2 Cap 5 Leo
^^17 43' Ma 23* 18 Sa^^- V624 4* MOJTI,
1 Sag 12 SCO 11 Libr 10 Virg Ra 5-5?
Vlm«hotUrt 07 Proflen*
StanOaw *0* D«h»» Son Dii» Dnhn
y Jfc 2015 30 5 n« ia y 2000 220 Vtt As Ke Su
a » 2017 330 Ra Ke 10/ a 2006 24 I Ve ti n Sa
10 17/ 2019 34 1 Ra V« 12' IV 2010 262 Ve Ke 3 As
10' 17' 2021 now 371 Ra 5u 4- 9 2013 286 Ve Sa Jp
» IV 2022 380 Ra Mo 10 3/ 2015 310 Ve ,,SuJp
a 12 2021 39 5 Ra Ma V 24/ 2018 M7 Su
>1 30- »J5 MS Jp 4p 6' O 2019 347 Su
a 18. 2027 42 7 Sa 7' 28- 2020 355 So vJ
IV a 2029 452 Me 10 22i 2021-»• 371 So » Ve 5 .< MoMaMe>C» Si
31 ^ 2032 47 5 Ke 2/ 10 2023 38 4 So Ma
2 9 2033 484 Ve 71 22.7 2024 398 Su
^ JLLL _2i!_ " ?' Si/ Ra ■ MeMo

Since Rahu-Venus would last three years, and given that Prince Harry
was already 34 when he married, it seemed very likely this period and sub-
period would bring children.

His 17-degree Sagittarius ascendant falls in the hord of the Moon while
the Moon is waning, such that SodsottarT dasd applies to his chart. In this
system Harry entered his Sun major period shortly after he married. As the
9th lord in the 9th house (5th from the 5th) the Sun becomes a very eligible
planet to give children, especially since using the Sun's position in Leo as a
dasd lagna, the 5th house from there has Jupiter svaksetra in Sagittarius. The
Sun is also the 5th lord of his saptdrhsa.

Working on finer levels of the dasa, I predicted child birth in the spring
of 2019, in coordination with what I saw in his wife's horoscope. I am not
showing it here because this conditional dasa does not apply. Their son,
Prince Archie was bom May 6, 2019.

Sodsottari dasd times the birth of his second child exceptionally well
since his daughter, Lilibet, was bom on June 4, 2021 in Sun-Jupiter, with
these planets 1-5 in the rdsi and together in D-7.

Another frequent question in an astrological consultation concerns career

rise. Current U.S. Vice-President, Kamala Harris, never asked me this
question but in an article entitled Rising Political Star, I did predict hers
many months before Biden made her his running mate for the November
2020 U.S. Presidential Elections.

Rashl D1 General Rashl 01 General

As ,.3. Ma >7-V Jp Q or
MO^'ir JpO^S
Ra vg- ASra
10 Pia 11 An 12 Tau 1 Gem
Ve 2*17 Mo..
§35 5' MSa? 56-
9 Aqu 2 Can 6 - 12
Kamala Harris
Tue lOWlW-l 212800 \l&24 32- S U j >20"
Oakund CA
8 Cap 3 Leo
Sa5 5
S U 4:26' Ker9
7 Sag 6 Sco SLIbr 4 Vtra
Vftmlwdafl Shodsotttrt D*»h»m»m*ha D10 PowK » SWU*
JonOaw Afl* Onltn Sun Oat* *e» 0«*hi» Mo
7; 2J1 2020 now 55 7 R4 tJr 24/ 2007 4J-2 V* V* Sa Ve Mo AsRa
1/ 2a 202J 582 Ba Ke 1(V 9 2010 460 Ve So
2) V 2024 59 3 R» V» <> 24/ 2012 47 7 Ve Ida RaAs
2/ 7' 2027 62 3 Ra Su 5/ 5/ 2014 495 Ve Jp Ve
V 2J 2028 63 2 Ma 57 11/ 2016 516 Ve Sa
V y 2029 64 7 Ba Ma 7. 13.' 2018 537 Ve Ke
71 2M 2030 85.7 Jp Jp 11' » 2020 •«»« 561 V« Uo Sa
» W 2032 67 9 Jp Si 5/ 5/ 2023 58 5 Ve 14b . JE
y Vt 2035 70 4 jp Me »2> 241 2024 81 2 Su Su MaKeMe
(V 27/ 2037 72 7 Jp K« W O 2027 622 So Ma Ke
» y 2038 736 Jp Ve 2/ 26 2028 63 4 Su Jp .MeMa Su SU
1' 1/ 2045 763 JO Su 5/ 24 2029 646 So Sa

The distinctive feature of her birth chart that shows the potential for high
government office is the placement of her lagna lord Mercury in the 5th
house of rajya along with the Sun, indicator of government, the later
nicabhanga due to the exchange with the 5th lord Venus. The combination in
the 5th house is augmented by the aspect of a completely full Moon.

I saw that in July of 2020 she would be moving into her Rahu-Mercury
period in Vimsottari, activating this combination. Rahu is in its mulatrikona
sign in the lagna giving the results of Mercury. It is again in the lagna of her
D-10 and aspected by Mercury.

Her degree of lagna at 1-3 of Gemini puts it in the hord of the Sun while
her Moon is still waxing, making SodsottarT dasha applicable to her birth
chart. The Venus period that she has been running since 2007 in this
conditional dasha had already given her the positions of Attorney General
for the State of California and a seat in the U.S. Senate. Note that Venus as
the 5th lord in the birth chart is a part of the aforementioned yogas and is
well placed as the 5th lord of D-10 aspecting onto its own 5th house. There
was good reason to believe that it would take her even higher coinciding
with Rahu-Mercury in VimsottarT and it did.

I never predict an event based on just one dasha, but apply multiple ones
to see confluence between them. Such was the case when I predicted the
career rise of a niece prior to her college graduation. Her chart features a
raja-yoga combination of yogakdraka 5th and 10th lord Venus and the 9th
lord Mercury in the 1st house, with Mercury both vargottama and getting
directional strength. Both planets are also well placed and dignified in her

It was not difficult then to predict that she would obtain a good position
in which she would rise up in her Venus-Mercury period.
Rashl D1 General Rashl 01 General
Ma,4.20' Ro Sa Mo
Jp2 40

3 Pis 4 An 5 Tau 6 Gem As ,2-is Me?-5g

SUj9'57 Vej 48
jZAqo 7 Can
SUtg-srVe.,.^ K© 11=20-
As^.^Me? =,0 Jp
1 Cap 8 Leo
12Sa9 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 WB Ke
Vlrmhotun Shod»ott»n Daihememehe D10 Power & D10 Power ft Status
iun 0m* 'SwiOeta Ho
12/ >5 2011 22 9 Ve 10 4* 2004 15 7 Mo Su SaRa "ks
ift JV 2014 «r Ve Ke 1ft 29 3006 177 Ue
11' IS*' 7015 H.t Su Su If 9* 2009 1911 ve Su 12 Jp As
* l 2016 272 Sg Mo ft ft 2011 22 3 Su
10* 2f 2016 27 7 5u Me 10> 1ft 2012 23 7 M« Ve
2? 7' 2017 2S0 Su fta 4.' 30* 2014 252 Jp
V 2 2015 289 Su Jp V 4*' 2016 269 So
1ft 21' 2018 297 Su 5a 1« w 2017 187 Mo JpAs Ma MS
1ft 31 2019 30 7 Su M« 1' 1ft 2020 now 309 Me
ft ft 2020 315 Su Ks ft 15* 2022 33 3 Ve
12* 14' 2020 319 Su Ve 1U 2024 JS» Su Mo Ke Ve Me
If iSl MJIftow 318 Mo 2026 37 3 Me Ma

Since her degree of lagna is in the hord of the Moon while the Moon is
waning, Sodsottan could be used to corroborate this indication. It did, but
not in so obvious a way as VimsottarT. The equivalent major period was Ketu
who gives the results exclusively of the Sun since it is not associated with
any other graha and is in its own naksatra. Note that her Sun is with the
Venus-Mercury conjunction, without combusting these planets, and as a
purely impressionable 8th lord it will give the results of the raja yoga that
they form. And it was in Ketu-Sun that she obtained her position.

Educational success is another event that I have frequently been asked to

predict, especially by Indian parents for their children. Such was the case
with the chart given below of a son of a man who consulted with me around
2014 when the boy was still in his early teens.

From a static potential point of view, I pointed out to the father that his
son's chart has a reasonably good SarasvatT Yoga with Venus and Mercury in
the 4th house and Jupiter in the 11th. Venus here is particularly strong since it
is mulatrikona and getting directional strength in the 4th house. The yoga
repeats from the Moon, from where the Venus-Mercury combination
becomes exceptionally good with Venus as a yogakdraka 5th lord and
Mercury as the 9th lord.
I take the 5th house primarily for education and his 5th house from the
ascendant gets the aspect of its own lord, yogakdraka Mars and also Jupiter.
Mars and Jupiter are in a close angular relationship. I saw that his high
school years would be encompassed by the Mars major period.

At 26-26 of Cancer the degree of his ascendant goes in the hord of the
Sun while his Moon is waxing. His high school years equated to Mercury in
SodsottarT, activating his Saraswati Yoga in the birth chart and so well
placed and associated in his siddhamsha (D-24). On this basis, I predicted
that his son would do very well educationally in high school. It proved
correct since he did well enough to gain admittance to an Ivy League

Rash) 01 General Rashl 01 General

§96*34' \ Ra?7-ff
Ha 27 'Q'
e Pi» 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem 6 V
/ X JPl7 -
SUm-zf . Ae Sa
AS 26=26'
6 Aqy 1 Can

V621'32; v
Mew Ma,
7 Cap 2 Leo
Ko 27 o V62r32' SU20'25'
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Virg Ke??^ \'
□24 Laatnino
Start Dow s eRa
10 M/ 1904 450 Su 10 20 1964 ■ 159 Mo As RaKe Mc
to.' u 20DO 00 Mo 10' 20 2000 01 Me
10 t* WIO 100 Ma IO 20 2017 now 171 Ve As
lO 14' JOI/now 170 R4 10 27' 2036 351 S« Mo
m iv 35 0 4p IO 27, 2040 461 Ms 4
io is 2051 510 Sa IO 27, 2068 581 Jp
10- IV 2070 70 0 l.te 10: 27. 2071 711 Sa Ve
IO IS 2087 870 Ke 10 27' 2085 851 Ke Ve MeJp
IO IV 2094 94 0 Ve IO 20 2100 1001 140 Me 6
io io 2114 1140 Su IO 20 2118 1181 Me
10 IO 2120 1200 Mo W 20 2133 1331 Ve Sa SuMa Sa
io 10 2130 »0 29 11*1 151 I Su MaSu

But then what about college and even beyond in potential post-graduate
studies? Rahu would be the major period in Vimsottan and Venus in
SodsottarT. Both showed continued educational success. His vargottama
Rahu gives the results of Mercury and hence Saraswati Yoga. Use Rahu's
position in Gemini as a dasd lagna and see how strong the 5th house from
there (Libra) becomes. Venus, the strongest component of his SarasvatT
Yoga, giving educational success speaks for itself, particularly when you see
its good placement in the 10th house of D-25
He is due to graduate this spring (2022) in Rahu-Jupiter in Vimsottarl
and Venus-Mars in Sodsottari.
cusmtse mt



This conditional naksatra-based dasd has a duration of 112 years and

applies when the navdmsa lagna is ruled by Venus (Taurus or Libra). It
occurs in 16.67% of birth charts.

See these verses from Par as am Hord:

"Dvadasottan Dasd applies for those individuals whose ascendant falls

in the navdmsa of Venus. Count the number of naksatras from the Moon s
naksatra at birth to Revati naksatra and divide by eight. The remainder
will indicate the dasd lord at birth counting from the Sun, Jupiter, Ketu,
Mercury, Rdhu, Mars, Saturn, and the Moon, having periods of 7,9,11,
13, 15, 17, 19, 21 years respectively. (Note: Venus is not included in this
dasd scheme)

When this conditional dasd applies to a birth chart the following table
facilitates determining the starting period at birth. Simply identify the
Moon's naksatra at birth and see in which row this planet falls.

For anyone bom with their Moon in Revati the dasd sequence would
start with the Sun. If in Bharani it would start with Jupiter. If in Rohini, then
the first period would be that of the Moon and so on. In each case the person
would be bom with some balance of dasd remaining at birth.
Dasa Years

Lord (112)

Revali Mula P Phalguni Kriffika Sun 7

U. Bhadm Jveshta Magha Bharani Jupiter 9

P. Bhadra Amiradha Ashlesba Ashwini Kelu It

Shatihisha Vishakha Punarvasu Mere 1117 13

Dhanisla Swati Pushy ami Rahu 15

Shravana Chitra Ardra Mars 17

U. Ash ado Uasia Mrigshira Saturn 19

P. Ashada U. Phalguni Rohini Moon 21

Example One

The birth chart of basketball legend, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, has a

vargottama Libra ascendant, such that Venus rules his navdrhsa lagna and
therefore the Dvadasottan Dasd can and should be applied. His Moon at
birth was in Shatibisha naksatra. Revati is four naksatras away counting
forward in the Zodiac inclusively, so that his dasd at birth was Mercury, the
fourth planet in the dasd sequence, with 8 years and some months remaining,
as can be seen from the graphic below.

Rashi Di General Rashl 01 General

SUS-Q RSIO-B- Ke.0-3.Jp-,
M 67-59
^P.S 7 An 8 Tau 9 Gem
V627'8' Sag-sg-
5 Aqu 10 Can 7
Kareem Abdul Jabbar
Wed 18 W OO
4 Cap 11 Leo
y MOiq'W 12
Keio'3 Ve^ro-
Su yo\
Jj22 45 ASa^r
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg Mer«. MaulMt Fte,
Nivuntln D9 Dtmm«.lSpou»» Ntvimihi 0» Oharmu Sooum
iunOiie Ag* D»h» Sun Date AB* Djihal SaMe
11' 1941 ■58 Ra 2* 17/ 1943 42 Me RaSu Ve
It 11 19» .22 4P 2/ 17/ 1956 88 Ra
7. 14/ 1975 282 S* 2/ 17/ 1971 238 Ma Cx As Ma Ke xV
H 11 1994 472 Me 2/ 18 1988 408 Sa
7/ 14/ 2011 942 Ke 2/ 11 2007 now 598 MO J£ Mo
7r 14/ 2Dl8noe 712 Ve 2« 18 2028 808 Su ;^Jfi
7' 14/ 2038 912 Su 2/ 18 2035 87$ JP
7/ 11 2044 97 2 Mo 2/ 18 2044 968 Ke Mo
7/ 14/ 2054 107 2 M* 71 18 2055 1078 Me iiXT Ra Su yl
7' 14/ 2001 1142 Ra 7) 18 2068 1208 Ra Ma
7/ 14/ 2079 1322 JP 2 18 2063 1358 M* Ve
7/ 14/ 2BB5 1482 Sa ^ 18 2100 1528 Sa AsKe SaMe

Since his ascendant is vargottama, Shatabdika is another conditional

dasd that applies to his birth chart and I have used his chart in illustrating
that as well, which raises a question. When two or more conditional dasds
apply to a horoscope, which should be favored? There is nothing in
Pdrdsara Hord that gives any clue about this, but my own view is that the
rarer one should be favored. The Shodshottari dasd applies to 50% of all
horoscope whereas a dasd like Dwadshottari applies to only 17%. In
instances where both apply, I would tend to favor the later. But I think my
kdrakaa-guru, K.N. Rao, would likely say "Why not use both!" This was his
approach, especially when looking for confluence among multiple dasds to
time an event.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's great success and stardom in basketball, starting
in high school as a teen, and then in college and as a professional, is timed in
this conditional dasd by the consecutive periods of Rahu, Mars, and Saturn.

• Rahu is in its exaltation sign and gives the results of both Jupiter who
aspects it as the 3rd lord of sports and the 6th lord of competition
involved in a KesarT Yoga, and of Venus, Rahu's dispositor, who is
involved in a 1-10 raja yoga in the 5th house.

• Note how using Rahu's position as a dasd lagna, the Venus-Moon

combination falls 10th from there and the parivartana yoga between
the Moon and Saturn, is a 3-10 exchange with Saturn as a
yogakdraka 10th lord in the 3rd house of sports.

In Rahu-Jupiter he made his college varsity debut as a sophomore in

1966 and received national coverage after he scored 56 points in his first
game. He averaged 29 points per game during the season and led UCLA to
an undefeated 30-0 record and a national championship.

See these planets in his dasdmsha.

Da&hamamsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status

Ve Su Sa
6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
\As/ Jp

5 Aqu 10 Can
Me Jp

4 Cap 11 Leo
Ma Ra

Ve AsKe

SuMoSa 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12 Virg

Both are in angles in strength. The following periods of Rahu-Ketu and
Rahu-Mercury proved equally spectacular for his athletic success, especially
Rahu-Mercury which timed his first year as a professional when he was
named Rookie of the Year. Mercury falls 10th from Rahu in D-10.

In discussing his birth chart previously, I have mentioned that Jupiter, the
planet of religion, when under the influence of the Rahu-Ketu axis can
indicate that a person will adopt a different or foreign religion. Lew Alcindor
was brought up in a Catholic family but in the summer of 1968, he converted
to Islam and took the Muslim name of Kareem Abdul Jabbar. It was his
Rahu-Ketu period, so it can be seen that this conditional dasd, times this
significant event in his life quite well.

He moved into the subsequent period of Mars at age 23 and in Mars-

Mars led his professional team, the Milwaukee Bucks, to the NBA
championship and was named the MVP of the league. In my article, The
Heart of Champions, I demonstrated how raja yogas occurring in the 6th
house can mean success in competitions. This is the case with his Mars, the
7th angle lord combining with the 9th trine lord, Mercury. Mars is strong by
virtue of its exchange with Jupiter, besides being aspected by Jupiter. This
aspect also cancels the debility of Mercury. Mars is also well placed in D-10.

Another significant event took place in Mars-Mars. He married. Do you

see how well this conditional dasd is timing this event since Mars is the 7th
lord of both the rdsi and navdmsa?

For an athlete, he had an exceptionally long career which lasted a full 20

years as a professional up to age 40. Most of this was encompassed by the
17-year Mars period. But his final year in 1988 was Satum-Satum when he
was still contributing at a very high level, helping his team, the Los Angeles
Lakers, to win another NBA Championship. Saturn is his yogakdraka planet
in the 10th house in an exchange with the 10th lord Moon. Its placement in
the 8th house of D-10 shows his retirement from the sport in this mahddasd.

He subsequently became the author of a number of books including his

autobiography, Giant Steps, in this major period. Saturn is the 5th lord of
Dvadasottan dasa clearly timed major events in his life quite well.
Example Two

Rashl 01 General Raahi 01 General


Ra ir49
9 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem
As 12
As ,2'14' Ve r.M
8 Aqu 1 Can
Me 13=49 Ran^
Prince Charles of England 83,2=7'
Stfl 11/14/1948 21 14 00 SU29 16' M0ri7'
London. UK
7 Cap 2 Leo
Ma27 48- Me,,-*? V623 14' Ma 27 iB1
Jp e 44' Su.Tyte- KQHUS
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Vrra Jp r. .;j
VlmtlvoCMrl Dw»dMlK)B*n ItoMWjlW D8 Ohafnu/Spoux N»»tm«h< D8 Cmtrm^'SpouM
Sun CUt. *«• Oas/ui Sun Bit. D»6u Jp Su
V IMS -38 ** 11/ 9 1 1M2 -«<> Ke Ma
V 17/ 1957 32 V- 11/ o- 1953 SO Me t .Mo
1/ 17/ 1977 232 Su 11/ 9. 1966 180 ft* As
1/ 17/ 1978 292 Mo 11/ 9 1961 330 Mi RaVe
V 17/ 1988 392 U4 11/ 10/ 1998 500 S* Me .(Sa Ke Sa
1/ 17/ 1995 462 H4 11/ 10 2017 no* 690 140
1/ 17/ 2013 no* 647 Jp 11/ 1ft 2038 900 Su VeRa £u
1/ 17/ 2029 802 St 11/ tft 2045 970 Ke Me
1/ 18/ 20*18 992 Me 11' 1ft 2054 1060 JPKe Mc
V 17/ 2065 1162 K* 11/ 1ft 2065 1170 Me
1/ 1&' 2072 123 2 Ve IV 10/ 2076 1300 ft* As
1/ 1* 2092 1432 SO 11 tft 2093 1450 M. Ma

Prince Charles of England also has a Venus-ruled Libra navdrhsa lagna.

His Moon at birth was in Ashwini naksatra, which is 27 away from Revati. 8
divides 27 three times with a remainder of three. Therefore, Prince Charles
began life in the third planet in the dasd sequence, which is Ketu. The same
result can more quickly be determined by consulting the table and seeing
that Aswhini falls in the row of Ketu. The astrological software indicates that
he has bom with five years remaining in this period.

What follows are a few major events in his life with the timing in the
Dvadasottan dasd.

He graduated from Cambridge in June of 1970 the first British heir

apparent to earn a university degree. It was Rahu-Mars in DD. Rahu
gives the results of Mars and Mars is the 5th lord in the 5th house of

Then see these two planets together in D-24 with Rahu in its exaltation
Stddhnmsha D24 Learning
Sa RaMa MaKe
\ Ke / As
12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem

/ Me As Mo Su
11 Aqu 4 Can
Su Ve 0
Mo Jp
10 Cap 5 Leo

9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Libr 6 Virg

• During this period, he also trained as a pilot and took a position in

the Royal Air Force. Rahu is the planetary indicator of aeronautics
and is in the 10th house of position forming a nodal raja yoga with
the lagna lord Moon, as well as giving the results of the 10th lord
yogakdraka Mars.

• His engagement and marriage to Diana took place in Rahu-Mercury,

two planets that are 1-7 from each other in the birth chart.
Parenthetically, this illustrates how two different das as can show the
timing of an event clearly, but in completely different ways. In
Vimsottan, Charles married in his Moon-Jupiter period, two grahas
together in his navdmsa.

• Prince William was bom in Mars-Mars, as obvious child-giving

period since Mars is the 5th lord in the 5th house of children.

• Prince Henry was bom in Mars-Saturn

• He separated from Diana in December 1992 and they divorced in

August 1996 in this period. In his navdmsa, Mars is the 7th lord in the
6th house

• He married Camilla Parker-Bowles on April 9, 2005 in Saturn-Moon.

Moon is the 1st lord and Saturn is the 7th lord of the birth chart, with
this period/subperiod activating the 1-7 axis.

He is currently in the Moon period with Moon-Jupiter coming up.

Will it elevate him?

Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General

M620 is- SU3=4r Ve,.^. \ Ke Ve
S320 40 M326 47' 1 / Ma
9 Pis lOAri 11 Tau 12 Gem
As >C
AS 11=57-
8 Aqu 1 Can
MoJfi ^5 SaMe
Tina Fey
Men 5101970 104200
7 Cap Upper Damy PA 2 Leo aX Xis
JP4 28' x 9 x, / n\ ,
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Llbr 3 Virg \X Ra X.
Na^imiha D9 Ohjrmt Spcme H»»«rrnh4 D9 DhtnTisSpoui*
SHU Dot* Ma/
iiv v 1965 ■4 6 Ms 21 22 1959 ■112 Ma
10 V 1972 24 Ri 2 22 1970 58 Sn i Ai Me
10 21 1990 204 Jp 2 22 1995 240 Mo MoVeSa Kg
10 » 200SniM 36 4 54 Z 22i 2016 f 458 Su RaSu
10 2) 2025 55 4 lie 2 22.' 2023 526 Jp
10 2' 2042 724 K4 Z 32 2032 618 K«
10 2i 2049 79 4 Ve 2. 22 2043 728 Me
10 Z 2069 994 a, 2r 22 2056 858 R4 Ke 51,
10 2' 2075 105 4 Ma 3/ 32 2071 1008 Ma
10 3' 2085 1164 M4 2' 21 2088 1178 54 AsSe
10 2 2092 1224 Rl 2, 23/ 2107 1366 Mo Jp MoVeMe Ma
10 \ 2110 J.4S* jp 2 24/ 2126 1578 Su

Comedic actress and writer, Tina Fey, has a Libra navdrhsa lagna, such
that Dvadasottan dasd can be applied to her horoscope. The longest period
in this conditional dasd is that of the Moon which lasts 21 years. She ran this
from ages 24 to 45, and it times her rise and stardom in the entertainment
world in a very clear and obvious way.

The distinctive feature of her birth chart is the excellent Gaja KesarT
Yoga involving the lagna lord Moon, vargottama and with directional
strength, together with Jupiter in the 4th house. To be a truly fame-giving
Gaja KesarT Yoga, Jupiter should have additional benefic influence, and in
her case, it is in the sign of Venus and aspected by Mercury. Mercury as the
3rd lord in the 10th house shows her career in the performing arts.

The Moon-Jupiter combination also forms an excellent 1-9 raja/ dhana

yoga falling in an angle, and these two trine lords in a mutual aspect with the
7th angle lord Saturn form additional multiple raja yogas.
Then see her vargottama Moon in D-9 where it configured in a
spectacular formation of the 10th lord with all three trine lords in the 1st
house. In her dasdmsha the Moon is again vargottama and well-placed,
while involved in significant raja yogas. This conditional dasd shows her
running the best dasd for 21 years at the best time of life for professional

Oashamamsha DiO Power & Status Dashamamsha DiO Power & Status

\ VeAs
10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem

Su Ra
9 Aqu l
2 Can
6tnV2 £!

Ma \ Ke
8 Cap 3 Leo
Me /8
Me Ma
Sa Su
J£> SaMo
Ke 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg

Here are the sub-periods that time career milestones:

• In 1997 in Moon-Moon she was hired as a comedy sketch writer for

Saturday Night Live.

• In 1999 she became SNL's first woman head writer in Moon-Sun

• In 2000 she began appearing before the camera in SNL s Weekend

Update segment in Moon-Jupiter. It marked the beginning of her real
stardom, with this period and sub-period activating her Gaja KesarT

• In Moon-Jupiter, Fey and the rest of the writing staff also won a
Writers Guild of American Award for SNL's 25 anniversary show and
an Emmy for Outstanding Writing for a Variety, Music or Comedy
• In 2006 she created her own TV show, 30 Rock, in which she wrote
the script, starred in the lead role and served as executive producer. It
was her Moon-Rahu period. Note that in D-10 Rahu falls 10th from
the Moon in the Moon's sign, Cancer. This three-year period from
July 2006 to May 2009 brought spectacular success.

From Wikipedia:

"In 2007, Fey received an Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding

Actress in a Comedy Series. The show itself won the 2007 Primetime
Emmy for Outstanding Comedy Series (and did so again for two
subsequent years). In 2008, she won the Golden Globe, Screen Actors
Guild and Emmy awards all in the category for Best Actress in a Comedy
Series. Also 2008, the Associated Press gave Fey the AP Entertainer of
the Year Award for her Sarah Palin impression on SNL. "

On the personal side she married on June 3, 2001 in Moon-Jupiter-

Saturn, which is also quite clear since both the Moon and Jupiter are in a
mutual aspect with the 7th lord Saturn. She gave birth to two daughters in the
Moon period as well. The Moon can give this being a trine lord but it is also
with kdraka Jupiter who is the 9th lord (5th from the 5th). Her younger
daughter was bom in August of 2011 in Moon-Mars, with Mars mling the
5th house of children.
Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General
R8l2°41' Sa

'f p23''51' Mo
8 Pis 9 Art 10 Tao 11 Gem
Ke O J, As 58

7 Aqu 12 Can
Paramahansa Yogananda Mo 3.7-
Thi M 14 00 Ve 24 43
Gocattpu WOW AS3 ss' Me,.-O'Sl
6 Cap 1 Leo
SU23112 V624 43' 8820 13- Su ?J12"
Meow KGlg'4f
5 Sag 4 SCO 3 Libr 2 Virg Ma irtff
OwKUihotun Nmmniha D9 Dharnu/SpouM
SWtO Ag. Start Oat* *gt Oaiha. Mo Me
5 ia 1891 -16 Ke 11/ 26.' 1890 -21 Jp MeMo As Sa
5/ 1(V 18M 54 Ve 11/ 29 1699 69 Ke
V 17/ 1918 254 Su 11/ 27- 1910 179 Me As
V 17/ 1924 314 Wo 11/ 27/ 192? 309 Ra VeJp SaRa
5/ 17/ 1914 414 Ms 11/ 27 1938 459 Ma Ve
ht 17/ 1941 48 4 Ra 11/ 28/ 1955 629 Sa
18. 19» 664 JP 11' 28 1974 819 Mo Jp
5f 18/ 1975 824 Sa 11/ 28 1995 1029 Su Ke Ke
it 18/ 1994 101 4 Me IV 28 2002 1099 JP
V 18- 2011 1164 Ke 11 28 2011 now 1189 Ke
V 18 2018 now 125 4 Ve 11' 28 2022 1299 Me MaSu SuMa
fL 18/ 2038 145 4 Sg 11/ 28 2015 1429 R» L • »

The great Indian yoga master and saint, Paramahansa Yogananda, has
Taurus as his navdrhsa lagna, qualifying his horoscope for the DvadasottarT
dasd. His famous book, Autobiography of a Yogi, has ignited millions onto
the spiritual path, including me.

He was bom into a wealthy family in his Jupiter major period in this
conditional dasd. Pdrdsara Hord identifies the lords of 5 and 9 as "wealth-
givers, " and in his chart Jupiter is a svaksetra 5th lord with the yogakdraka
9th lord, Mars.

However, by the age of 5 he entered his Ketu mahddasd, the moksa

kdrakaa, and in this 11-year period, spiritual liberation became his sole aim
in life. At the very end, in Ketu-Jupiter, he had his first meeting with his
satguru, Sri Yukteswar, which is famously described in the Autobiography.

"We entered a oneness of silence; words seemed the rankest

superfluities. Eloquence flowed in soundless chant from heart of master
to disciple. With an antenna of irrefragable insight, I sensed that my
guru knew God, and would lead me to Him. The obscuration of this life
disappeared in a fragile dawn of prenatal memories. Dramatic time!
Past, present, and future are its cycling scenes. This was not the first sun
to find me at these holy feet!"
The timing of this pivotal moment in Yogananda's life in Ketu-Jupiter in
this conditional dasd is interesting to consider. Sanskrit classics of Jyotisa
tell us that planets will give their effects in their periods and sub-periods
based on 1) their natural significations and 2) their specific disposition in a
birth chart, which includes sign and house placement, house lordship,
association, etc. Ketu, as mentioned earlier is the moksa kdraka and Jupiter
is the kdraka of higher knowledge, and the guru. In his chart Jupiter is also
conjunct the 9th lord of the teacher. So, in Ketu-Jupiter he meets the teacher
who will lead him to spiritual liberation.

In the quote above, Yogananda intimates that at this moment he also

recognizes that this is not the first lifetime in which their two souls have
been in a master and disciple relationship. Jupiter as the 5th lord represents
his purva puny a, or spiritual merit from previous lifetimes manifesting now.

Yogananda would go on to train under Sri Yukteswar as his disciple for

the next ten years from 1910-1920. This would be his Mercury period, who
is in the 5th house with the lagna lord Sun, forming a good Budhdditya Yoga.
But as an impressionable 2nd lord, Mercury gives the result of the Sun, his
lagna lord participating in Sri Kantha Yoga, defined by when the Sun, Moon
and the lagna lord are all in angles and trines. PhaladTpika describes the
results as follows:

"The person having Sri Kantha Yoga in his birth chart will have a
rudraksha mala round his neck, have his body smeared with sacred
ashes, will always be meditating on Lord Siva, and be magnanimous. He
will religiously and devoutly follow all the rites and consecrate himself
to the worship of Siva. He will be virtuous and tolerant of other s faith.
He will be mentally and spiritually strong and get delight from the
worship of Lord Siva. "

These descriptions in the Sanskrit texts sometimes hold true literally, but
should also be understood metaphorically, indicating in this case that it is a
yoga that can make you very spiritually inclined.

During this period of Mercury in the 5th house of education he graduated

with a degree similar to a present-day Bachelor of Arts from Serampore
College, and founded a school for boys that combined modem educational
techniques with yoga training and spiritual ideals, students being another
indication of the 5th house. See also that Mercury is in Ketu's naksatra,

What happened next is the stuff of legend. From Wikipedia:

"In 1920, while in meditation one day at his Ranchi school, Yogananda
received a vision - faces of a multitude of Americans passed before his
mind's eye, intimating to him that he would soon go to America. The
following day he received an invitation from the American Unitarian
Association to serve as India's delegate to an International Congress of
Religious Liberals con- vening that year in Boston. Seeking out his
guru's advice, Sri Yukteswar advised him to go; later, while in deep
prayer in his room, he received a surprise visit from Mahavavatar
Babaji, the Great Guru of his lineage, who told him directly that he was
the one chosen by the Masters to spread Kriya Yoga to the West.
Reassured and uplifted, Yogananda soon afterwards accepted the offer to
go to Boston. This account became a standard feature of his lectures. "

He landed in Boston in Mercury-Moon after an ocean voyage, with the

sub-period lord Moon mling the 12th house of foreign lands. Rahu, the
foreigner, aspects the Moon from the 9th house of long-distance travel. From
then on, he lived in the U.S. until his passing in 1952, intermpted only by an
extended trip back to India in 1935.

The disciple had now become a guru and this is timed by the
Dvadasottan dasd rather well since starting in 1922 he ran the 15 years of
Rahu in the 9th house, followed by Mars, the 9th lord. His long-distance
travel back to India occurred appropriately in Rahu-Ketu.

Paramahansa Yogananda passed away (or in yogic terms achieved

mahdsamddhi) on March 7, 1952. It was Mars-Mercury-Mars, the major
period of a planet in the 8th house with the 8th lord and aspected by a
mdraka, 7th lord Saturn. The sub-period lord Mercury, mler of the 2nd house,
is also a primary mdraka.
It was the end of an extraordinary life, whose events with their timing are
revealed quite accurately by this conditional dasd.

Rasht 01 General Rashl 01 General

Ke63o SUo-so' \MO2719

VOzrav Jj22a19'
4 Pis 5 An 6 Tau 7 Gem 'XlO
trxT . -.7 Ra. X;
Sa, w
\ AS22'22;,
3 Aqu 8 Can \9
12: <6
/3 ..
Wiliam Butler Yeats
lue&ll'tMS 22 <>000
DiiAn IRE KSo-w
2 Cap 9 Leo ><^5
' X
AS22 22 RBe 30' VSat-jr/
Jp2 19- S3 IMS'
1 Sag 12 SCO 11 Llbr 10 Virg Me,i-M- Maxn X
DwadMhotun Nayamtfa 09 DhamuiSpouM
SonO ou 40. San O.t. 40. D«hM MoX
V 11/ IBM -2 1 Ml 12, 19/ 1800 J5 Hi Me Jg Ke
&■ 11/ 11570 49 Rl 12/ 20/ 1876 105 Ut ' SaSu -
if 11/ IBM 229 JP 12 20 1892 27 5 Sb ojxT . AsVe X?
V U' 1004 589 St 12/ 21/ 1911 465 Me
V 13 1023 579 Me 12 21 1932 675 Su 1 H /Ma
& 12/ 1940 74 9 Ke 12 22' 1939 74 5 Jp lO'Xl
1 X.
V 13/ 1947 81 9 Ve 12 21' 1948 83 5 Ke
5? 13 1967 1019 Su 12/ 22/ 1959 945 Me Ma
V 13/ 1973 107 9 Uo 12 21. 1972 1075 Rl nXf Me Jp >0
5 13/
H 13
124 9
12 22' 1987 122 5 Ma
12< 21' 2004 no. 1395 Sa AsVe ■^X.
5. 13/ 20X1 now 1429 12< 22 2023 156 5 MO Ra SaSu Mo Ke

William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet, dramatist, writer and one of the
foremost figures of 20th century literature. He was a driving force behind the
Irish Literary Revival and became a pillar of the Irish literary establishment
who helped to found the Abbey Theatre, and in his later years served two
terms as a Senator of the Irish Free State. In December of 1923 he was
awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He was also an occultist and an
amateur astrologer.

His birth time comes from a horoscope drawn up in his own hand, using
a time that was recorded in a family Bible at his birth. It can be presumed
then that it is reasonably accurate, but the question in using this conditional
dasd is always whether the birth time is accurate enough to give a correct
navdrhsa lagna. In his case, if the birth time was advanced a mere four
minutes, the D-9 lagna would become Scorpio, not Libra, and the
Dvadasottan dasd would not apply. I was interested to see then whether this
conditional dasd would time important life events well.

I zeroed in first on the timing of his Nobel Prize in December of 1923.

This would equate to Moon-Rahu in DD. In which case this could be
acceptable if a slight adjustment is made to his dasdmsha. This birth time
gives a Cancer D-10 lagna. But if backed up five minutes, it becomes
Gemini, without impacting the Navamsha lagna.

Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status


Me KeAs
\./ SuMo . 10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem


/ \3/
\Z \\ 9 Aqu 2 Can

\ /K } @

\Ma/j p\ /

8 Cap 3 Leo
Sa %
JoRa Ve Sa
/ \Ra/ \
Ve 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg

In which case the Moon is in the lagna with the Rahu-Ketu axis and
involved in a good Gaja KesarT Yoga with a svaksetra Jupiter.

In Vimsottan, it was his Mercury-Mercury period, which also works

well. A Gemini D-10 lagna would make Mercury the lagna lord in the 11th,
strong because of an exchange with its sign lord, Mars, and forming a good
yoga with an exalted 9th lord Saturn. His literary fame would have begun in
Jupiter, continued in Saturn and reached a peak in Mercury. Gemini lagna
makes all three of these grahas well placed, and they are all in strength

The next thing I focused on was timing in his love life, which was
unusual. It began when he met a woman who was to become his "muse," but
a frustrating one. From Wikipedia:

"In 1889, Yeats met Maud Gonne, a 23-year-old English heiress and
ardent Irish nationalist She was eighteen months younger than Yeats
and later claimed she met the poet as a "paint-stained art student."
Gonne admired "The Island of Statues" and sought out his
acquaintance. Yeats began an obsessive infatuation, and she had a
significant and lasting effect on his poetry and his life thereafter. In later
years he admitted, "it seems to me that she [Gonne] brought into my life
those days—for as yet I saw only what lay upon the surface—the middle
of the tint, a sound as of a Burmese gong, an over-powering tumult that
had yet many pleasant secondary notes. " Yeats's love was unrequited, in
part due to his reluctance to participate in her nationalist activism.

In 1891 he visited Gonne in Ireland and proposed marriage, but was

rejected. He later admitted that from that point "the troubling of my life
began". Yeats proposed to Gonne three more times: in 1899, 1900 and
1901. She refused each proposal, and in 1903, to his dismay, married the
Irish nationalist Major John MacBride. "

He did not end up marrying until much later in life in his early fifties.
What are the factors in his horoscope that reflect such frustration and delay?
When assessing karmic potentials in relationship, I suggest starting with
kdraka Venus in both the birth chart and navdmsa.

Here we find Venus quite afflicted in the rdsi, falling in the sign of Mars,
conjunct the Rahu-Ketu axis and, most significantly, receives the aspect of a
strong Saturn. In D-9 Venus is well placed as the \agna lord in the lagna but
is again under the influence of Saturn.

After this, consider the 7th house/7th lord from three perspectives in the
birth chart:

• From the birth lagna

• From the Moon

• Using kdraka Venus as a lagna.

From the birth lagna the 7th house has the 9th lord Sun, which is not a
problem, and the aspect of Jupiter is a positive, though being retrograde, will
not reliably protect. However, the 7th lord Mercury goes to the 6th and if
Saturn, retrograde in Libra, is taken as aspecting from the previous sign,
Virgo, his 7th house gets the frustrating/ delaying influence of this natural

The 7th house from the Moon has the natural malefic Mars in its
debilitation sign, but also aspected by Saturn. Using Venus as a kdraka
lagna, the 7th house has Saturn and Rahu and the aspect of Mars. In D-9
Saturn again aspects the 7th house. It can be seen how much Satumian
influence there is on his love/relationship life.

His infatuation with and desire to marry Maud Gonne was in the Jupiter-
Jupiter period in VimsottarT which is understandable since Jupiter aspects the
7th house of the rdsi and is in the 7th house of the navdmsa. Dvadasottan
dasd times it equally well since it was Mars-Mercury, with Mars as the 7th
lord of D-9 and Mercury ruling the 7th in the birth chart and placed in the 7th
in D-9.

The circumstances of when he did eventually marry were rather strange.

From the astrodatabank. c om

"Yeats, at 52, felt an astrological imperative to be married by October

1917. He had transferred his love for Maud Gonne to an adoration of
Mauds 22-year-old daughter, Iseult, and felt that she should be his
bride. Despite their strong friendship, she, as her mother before her, said
no to his pleas. At short notice, he chose Bertha Georgie Hyde-Lees, a
25-year-old English girl, "strikingly beautiful in a barbaric way." He
had known her for years and attended seances together. Georgie had
been sponsored by Yeats into the Hermetic Order of the Golden dawn, a
secret society of mystics devoted to the rituals of magic. Moreover, she
had her own secret voices telling her they might marry. Though Yeats did
have pre-marital jitters, "fearing that the malice of Neptune was at
work/' they married on 10/21/1917. Georgie immediately began her
work of automatic writing, penning messages from the spirit masters, her
"controls," eventually filling 3,600 pages of script. She was wife,
secretary, medium and scribe, as well as mother, giving birth to their
daughter, Anne, February 1919 and their son, Michael, in August 1921"
The marriage took place on October 20, 1917 in Saturn-Mars in
Vimsottan and Moon-Jupiter in Dvadasottan. The former times it better
since this is the period and sub-period of two exalted planets in D-9, with
Mars as the 7th lord and Saturn in the lagna aspecting the 7th house.

However, this conditional dasd does time the birth of the children well.
The daughter was bom in Moon-Ketu. See that the Moon is in mutual aspect
with the 5th lord Mars and in Danishta naksatra, mled by Mars. In his
saptdmsa the Moon is vargottama and Ketu falls in the 5th from the Moon.
The son came in Moon-Mercury, together in D-7.

Saptamsha D7 Pfogtmy Saptamsha 07 Progeny

MaKe Ke
As Su
"\\2 // \\12// 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem

11 Aqu 4 Can
Mo 0
10 Cap 5 Leo
/ \ / \ Jfi Ra Sa

/ \/ Ra\ 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Libr 6 Virg

As mentioned previously, Yeats was deeply attracted to the occult. From


"During 1885, Yeats was involved in the formation of the Dublin

Hermetic Order The society held its first meeting on 16 June, with Yeats
acting as its chairman. The same year, the Dublin Theosophical lodge
was opened in conjunction with Brahmin Mohini Chatterjee who
travelled from the Theosophical Society of London to lecture. Yeats
attended his first seance the following year. He later became heavily
involved with the Theosophy and with hermeticism, particularly with the
eclectic Rosicrucianism of the Hermitic Order of the Golden Dawn "
It is pertinent to note that this was happening in his 17-year Mars
mahddasd in DD. His Mars is in the 8th house of the occult in a sarpa
drekkdna aspected by a bright 8th lord Moon, just past fullness.

The birth chart of famed actor, A1 Pacino, shown below is based on a

time from his birth certificate. It gives him a Cancer ascendant, 11 degree,
57 minutes, which makes his navdrhsa lagna Libra. If he were bom
approximately 8 minutes earlier it would be Virgo. This again illustrates that
the applicability of the Dvadasottari dasd is more dependent on a very
accurate birth time than most of the other conditional dasds. If it is correct
then DD should accurately time events in his life. However, before looking
at this timing, can you identify a very distinctive features of his birth chart
that might be surprising?

Rashl D1 General Rashl 01 General

JPrr Su12.15 Ma2r42-
Ke26 55 Sa,v28 Ve27-36' \ 5 \ 3 / ' V©27'36'
9 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem
As 11 "ST1
AS 11'57' RaTo-ss ^
Oil 12015'
8 Aqu 1 Can
Al Pacino
Thu 417519^0 110200 \JP2'VK;
ManMSan HV .x' i\E2e-M
7 Cap 2 Leo
R&ze 55' X
MO28 39' MOyri?/ -x

6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

N»v«rmhj M DhamwSpouM
Sun Dat* *0* Oatltai SunD >!♦ Daihat VeRa X-
V 1* 1925 -15 3 Me V 2J 1932 61 JO KeMo Jp x0 N. 6
1' 15/ 1942 17 K» 3/ 24/ 1941 09 Ke \ x-
V 15' 1940 67 Vfl 31 23. 1953 119 Me Me As x\5
V 131 1969 26 7 Su y 24/ 1965 249 He SaMa
11 14.' 1975 347 Mo > 24. 1980 399 M4 nSU X, 7 x Su
V 13/ 1985 44 7 Ma 3/ 24. 1997 569 Sa I0^< 4
V 14/ 1992 51 7 R4 3/ 24 2016 no* 759 140 -X 1 N MaSa/
1/ 14/ 2010 no* 697 Jp 3/ 24 2037 969 Su
1/ 14/ 2076 857 Sa y 24. 2044 1039 JP iiXi
1/ 14/ 2045 104 7 Me y 24 2062
1129 Ke J /
vr\ JP X><3 2 X,
1/ 14/ 2062 121 7 Ke y 24. 1239 Me Me As VeRa KeMo
1/ 14/ 2089 126 7 Vo y 24. 2077 1369 Ra

Did you see that his horoscope has three planets in their debilitation sign,
and that, furthermore, these include his lagna lord Moon and the 3rd lord
Mercury of the performing arts? Given his great success as an actor, and the
fame and fortune resulting from this, beginning students always find this
surprising. However, what must also be seen is that the debilitation gets
cancelled in each instance. Not only that, they all fall in angles or trines,
which make them capable of giving mcabhanga raja yoga.
• The Moon is in the trine 5th house in its debilitation sign, Scorpio,
but aspected by its sign lord, Mars.

• Mercury is in the trine 9th house in its debilitation sign, Pisces, but its
sign dispositor, Jupiter is vargottama in the strongest angle from the
birth lagna.

• Saturn, in its debilitation sign Aries in an angle, is with an exalted


Each of these conditions effectively cancels their debility, and their

additional placement in angles and trines makes them capable of giving
mcabhahga raja yoga.

The proof that Mercury gives these raja yoga results is bom-out by the
fact that Pacino won his only Oscar for his performance in the 1993 film,
Scent of a Woman, in Rahu-Rahu-Mercury in VimsottarT. Since Rahu is
vargottama in Mercury's sign, Virgo, and also receives the aspect of
Mercury, it gives Mercury's results almost exclusively. In his chart, running
Rahu-Rahu-Mercury is like saying Mercury-Mercury-Mercury, only more
powerfully. See also that Rahu is in Chitra naksatra, mled by Mars. Mars is
a yogakdraka 5th and 10th lord, in the 11th house of awards with the IIth lord
Venus svaksetra. The mutual aspect between Mars and the Moon creates one
of the best possible angle-trine raja yogas because the Moon only rules an
angle/trine, as does Mars.

The Dvadasottan dasd times this career milestone quite well also, since
it was Mars-Mercury-Rahu in this conditional dasd.

Of course, Pacino is probably most known for his chilling portrayal of

the mob boss, Michael Corleone, in the Godfather movies. His first
nomination for an Academy Award was for Best Supporting Actor in the
first Godfather movie, and this came in Sun-Satum, again demonstrating that
Saturn is also giving mcabhahga raja yoga effects. In the Dvadasottan dasd
it was Rahu-Moon.

Which brings up the question of his correct dasdmsha lagna. At 11-57 of

Cancer, this degree of birth lagna puts it right on the edge between the 4 and
5th dasdmshas. As such, it gives a Gemini D-10 lagna. However, advancing
the birth only a minute makes it Cancer, which I believe to be correct. In
Vimsottan his incredibly long and stellar career has been encompassed by
the consecutive periods of Sun, Moon, Mars Rahu, and now Jupiter. In
Dvadasottan, it would be Rahu, Mars and Saturn.

Dashamamsho DIP Power & Status Oashamamsha PIP Power t Status

MaSu Mo Me
As Jp
9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem
Ve Ke Jp Sa
4 8 Aqu 1 Can
\ Mo i
\ Su
Ra Ma
7 Cap 2 Leo
/ 9 '• .
/ \ Ve

6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Llbr 3 Virg

The placement and lordship of these planets from a Cancer D-10 lagna
better reflect the career results that these periods have given in my view.

What follows is a list of other times when he was nominated for either an
Academy Award or Golden Globe award, along with the timing in both
Vimsottan and Dvadasottan
Movie Year VimsottarT DvadasottarT

Serpico 1975 Moon-Moon Rahu-Jupiter

Dog Day Afternoon 1976 Moon-Rahu Rahu-Jupiter

Godfather II 1976 Moon-Rahu Rahu-J upiter

Justice for AH 1980 Moon-Mercury Mars-Mars

Scarface 1984 Moon-Sun Mars-Saturn

Dick Tracy 1991 Mars-Moon Mars-Ketu

Godfather 111 1991 Mars-Moon Mars-Ketu

Glengarry Glen Ross 1993 Rahu-Rahu Mars-Mercury

The Irishman 2020 Jupitcr-Sun Moon-Sun

Looking at this table as a whole, what immediately stands out is how

frequently these numerous career peaks came in the periods and sub-periods
of the Moon, Mars and Rahu. This can be accounted for just on the basis of
these planets in the rdsi. But their placement and lordship for a Cancer lagna
D-10 are much better for the dramatic career results that they gave, versus

On the personal side, Pacino has had many love affairs, some of them
resulting in marriage-like situations, but he has never actually been legally
married. The thing about mcabhahga planets is that they can still harm the
natural significations of the planets, as well as the indications of the houses
that they rule. His 7th lord Saturn falls in this category. In his navdmsa,
Saturn afflicts both the 7th lord and the 7th house, as well as a debilitated
kdraka Venus, who is additionally afflicted by Rahu.

His two longest relationships were with Beverly D'Angelo, which began
in 1996 and lasted seven years, and with Lucila Polak, beginning in 2008
and lasting 10 years. The timing in this conditional dasd for the first
relationship was Mars, the 7th lord of his navdmsa, and the second came in
Saturn, the 7th lord of his birth chart.
He has a daughter bom in 1989 from a relationship with his acting coach,
Jan Tarrant. This would have come in his Mars period in both VimsottarT and
Dwadasotton, with Mars being the 5th lord of children, aspecting its own 5th

I worked extensively on the birth chart of former U.S Vice President, A1

Gore, when he was the Democratic nominee in the 2000 Presidential
election. Gore was my candidate of choice, but based on an astrological
comparison, I predicted that he would lose to George W. Bush in the closest
election in U.S. history that was only decided after a Supreme Court ruling
regards a controversial Florida vote recount. It was the only election in his
political career that he lost.

I believe his birth time from a birth certificate is quite accurate, and it
gives a Libra navdrhsa lagna, making the Dvadasottan dasd applicable to
his horoscope.

R«ni di Rashl Di central

Ra2r26 ASn-s
9 Pis 10 Art 11 Tau 12 Gem
§322 52
MG23'45' As,r5- Ma Ve vm
Sa^-sr Ra 26
8 Aqu 1 Can

Al Gore Ke ;.v
WM 331/1948 125300
Wflsftmoion DC
7 Cap 2 Leo
12 SU I7*4r
MOio'e- Ke2i.26-
Jp5 28
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 V.rg JPs2tr Mo tO'S" Me
Navantlu D9 Spcuta Kavameha 09 Dheirne/apouae
11/ 1942 A3 Ke 1» IV 1942 53 Sti Ke MeJp
12' 1« 19411 17 ve 12 IV 1949 17 jp ft Su
12 11. 1969 217 3u 12 IV 1956 107 Ke RaAs
12 12 1975 27 7 Mo 12. 11/ 1969 217 Ue Ma Mo
12 IV 1985 37 7 Ma 12 12 1962 34 7 fta Ve
12 11/ 1992 44 7 Ra 12 IV 1997 49 7 Ua
12' 12 aoii km 62 7 Jp 12 12 2014 now 667
85 7
Mo Mo
12 12 2026 78 7 Sa 12 12 2033 SaVe
12 12 2045 977 M« 12 12 2054 1067 Su Ma i Ke
12 12 2062 114 7 12 12 2061 113 7 jp
12 12 2069 1217 V« 12 12 2070 1227 Ke SM RaAs
12 12 2089 1417 Su 12. 12 2061 133 7 Me MeJp

A1 Gore had a stellar political career beginning with his election to the
U.S Congress as a representative from the state of Tennessee beginning
January 3, 1977. It was Mercury-Satum in DD, which does not appear to
time this career milestone well at all just on the basis of the rdsi. However,
see these two grahas in his dasdmsha.
Dashamamsha D10 Powar & Status Dashamamsha D10 Powar & Status
Su Ke As

10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem


9 Aqu 2 Can
Mo 0

Me VeJp

8 Cap 3 Leo

Ma Me
RaMa Jpve 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg

Both are exalted and well placed.

After holding this seat in the House of Representative for eight years, he
was elected to the Senate beginning in January 1985 in Rahu-Ketu. I
recently wrote an article about Rahu in which I included a quote from
Pdrdsara Hord about Rahu giving strong and favorable results in Aries.
Here it is also in the 10th house, giving the results of a mcabhahga
yogakdraka Mars. In D-10 Rahu is again giving the results of a yogakdraka
5th and 10th lord Mars.

The next career milestone was when he became Vice President in the
Clinton administration beginning January 20th, 1993, an office he held eight
years, four of which were in Rahu and the last four in Mars. It could not be
clearer that these grahas give raja yoga both in the birth chart and D-10.
Mars and Rahu were the two periods in Vimsottan that also marked his
political rise.

He married in Mercury-Mercury which only shows from the Moon,

where Mercury is the 7th lord. They had four children, all in the Mercury
period, which is only indicated in his saptdmsa.
Sapiamsha D7 Progany
Mo Sa
Ke Ma
1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gem
As Jp
12 Aqu 5 Can
Sa 0

Ma JpSu
11 Cap 6 Leo
Me 5

Ve Ra
10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Libr 7 Virg
Predicting with the Dvadasottan Dasa

I cannot say that I have used this conditional dasd a lot to predict, but
there has been instance when I have employed it. The birth chart below is
that of an adult son of a very close friend of mine. I have been giving the
father input based on it since this son was bom. The parents are
astrologically minded, so I know the birth time to be quite exact. It gives a
Taurus navdmsa lagna.

Rashl Di General Rashl DI General

J p9'24'
VeI4.r Ma^a-
7 Pis 8 An 9 Tau 10 Gem \7 . /
5X-X As^sr

$ Aqu 11 Can
Sa^^s- c.,
OU 15*38'
5 Cap 12 Leo
V©14°7' M3!7'4T
S3i9-4S- /
MOiraj As 13 51-
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg Ratnr
Navamiha 09 DhamiaiSpouM
As# OJiMJ Stan Data y
SI ton ■6 0 Ke 41 5' 1963 60 Su As Ma Ke
4. 10 ve 4' 41 1990 10 Jp JP Mo 4
S 2010 21 0 Su 41 5/ 1999 100 Ke As
4.1 Mlfiotr* 270 Mo 4/ 51 2010 now 210 We KeMo
51 2026 37 0 Ma 4, 5. 2023 340 PU
* 2033 44 0 Ra 4/ 5/ 2036 490 Ua
S 20ft 02 0 30 41 S' 2055 660 S«
5 2007 78 0 3a 4/ 5' 2074 650 Mo Ra
5' 20» v? o m 41 &' 2095 1060 Su Ve Su
* 2103 1140 Ke 4/ 6/ 2102 1130 Jp Ra
6 2110 1210 V# 4.' & 2111 1220 Ke SuVe Me Sa Me
«■' 2130 1410 Su 4/ 6/ 2122 133 0 We •

His 7th house presents an interesting picture to consider. It has the three
grahas, Mercury, Venus and the Sun, while the 7th lord Jupiter is in an
exchange with Venus and conjunct Mars. This presents a very complex
relationship picture involving five grahas, and if you consider the kendra
sambandha relationship of the Moon and Saturn, then it involves 7 out of 9

Wherever the lagna lord is placed by house, this shows area of life
towards which a person naturally gravitates, particularly if the person mns
the period of such a planet. Here the lagna lord Mercury is in the 7th house
in its debilitation sign, though getting effective cancelation by being with an
exalted Venus. The combination of Mercury and Venus is potentially the best
angle-trine raja yoga for a Virgo ascendant, and the benefics here form
SarasvatT Yoga. But do you see the problem with this combination? Both
planets suffer from combustion, which can be a factor for yoga bhanga.

The exchange between the 7th lord Jupiter and the 9th lord Venus is a
favorable one, but the conjunction with Mars as a natural malefic and
malignant 8th lord is quite an affliction. The result has been a complicated
experience with respect to his love/relationship life, with many ups and

If you consult the dasd tables in the graphic above, you will see that at
age 21 he entered his Sun period in Vimsottan and his Mercury period in the
Dvadasottan. Since both are in the 7th house, it was obvious that these
confluent periods were going to bring relationship karma, and possibly even
marriage or a marriage-like situation. The partner was also likely to be
beautiful and/or artistically/musically inclined. This prediction was fulfilled
when he began living with just such a young woman during his last two
years in college.

I have noticed repeatedly, however, that when Mars as a malignant 8th

lord influences the 7th house or 7th lord Jupiter for a Virgo ascendant, there is
a tendency for relationships not to last. Since entering his Mercury major
period in this conditional dasd, he has been in live-in relationships almost
continuously, but with a series of women, all lovely, and some much
younger. He is now 33 years old and has yet to actually marry. Just recently
in Mercury-Jupiter, another of these relationships dissolved, leaving him
quite depressed and seeking psychological help from a therapist. In
Vimsottan he has been in Moon-Saturn. The Dwadasottar dasd shows the
relationship breakup very clearly whereas Vimsottan is showing more the
emotional impact.


Its duration is 105 years and applies when Cancer is the lagna of the
dvddasdmsa (D-12).

Note: In some translations of the BPHS, it is stipulated that both the birth
lagna and the lagna of D-12 must be Cancer. Other scholars contend this is a
mistranslation and are of the opinion that the only requirement is Cancer as the
lagna of D-12. As to which view is correct is a matter of research.

Since another conditional das a, Dvadasottan, also only requires that a

certain sign be the lagna of a divisional chart, in that case the navdmsa having
the Venus-ruled signs either Taurus and Libra as the lagna, it is reasonable to
assume that this could be the only requirement for this conditional dasd as
well. Yet, the general consensus among jyotisls is that both conditions must be
met. I have to acknowledge then that it is an open question for me and that I
simply do not know which is correct. To be on the conservative side I will be
discussing only cases in this chapter in which Cancer is the lagna of both the
birth chart and the dvddasdmsa. See the relevant verses from Pdrdsara Hord:

"When a person is born in Cancer ascendant and also has a Cancer as the
ascendant of the dwadasdmsha (D-12) Pancotton dasd may be adopted.

Divide the number of naksatras arrived at by counting from Anuradha to

the Moon's naksatra at birth by 7 and the remainder will indicate the
planet of the dasd at birth in the order of Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Mars,
Venus, Moon, and Jupiter having years of 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18
years respectively. Oh Brahmin, in this dasd system there are seven
planets, leaving asides Rdhu and Ketu. "
Dasa Years

Lord (105)

Anuradha Shulahisha Rohini P. Phalguni Sun 12

Jyes/ha P Bhadra Mrigshira 11 Phaguni Mercury 13

Mid a U. Bhadra Ardra Hasta Saturn 14

P. Ashada Revoti Punarvasu Chi Ira Mars 15

U. Ashada Ashwini Pushy ami Swati Venus 16

Shravana B ha rani As hies ha llshakha Moon 17

Dhanista Krittika Magha Jupiter 18

The dvddasdmsa chart is derived by dividing a sign consisting of 30

degrees by 12 which yields a unit of two degrees and thirty minutes (2-30).
The counting starts from the sign itself In the case of a chart in which Cancer
is the lagna of both the rdsi and of the dvddasdmsa, this can only happen when
the degree of the lagna is from 00 to 2-30 of Cancer.

However, this creates an inherent problem in researching charts that meet

this condition. Even recorded birth times are usually not precise and can be off
anywhere from five minutes to twenty minutes. 2-30 degrees of celestial
longitude equates to approximately 10 minutes of clock time. Say, for
example, a recorded birth time gives a 1-degree Cancer ascendant. If the birth
was actually five minutes earlier, then the lagna would become late degree
Gemini, and the Pancottan dasd would not be a consideration at all. This has
to be kept in mind with regards to any chart in which the degree of the birth
lagna puts it on the borderline between two ascendants.
Roshl D1 General Rashl D1 General
M 3,8=12-
§3 26 38- ASO'48* Sa^-^r
SPis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem
R3l3035 Ma,#'*?
ASO'48- JP26-45 Mo?,.?-
Ra.j-jy Jp28=45'
6 Aqu 1 Can
KOia as-
Sal Bando
MOe'sa" Sir aia 1944 1518 00
CWvm/Kl OH
7 Cap 2 Leo
V627 IS" M 021-7*
6 Sag 5 SCO 4 Ubr 3 Virg Ve 27-:fl Su 0-56-
Vlmihoturt Nevamaha D9 Dhamaigpouae
Sun Dm As* DH/US San Dm D»hn Ma
IC Vil 193S -63 Ma 1932 117 Sa JpMe Ke
W 11/
10 11/
17 Ma
67 Ri
Ve ilMa Mo As
10 12' 1970 267 Jp 1977 333 Mo As Mo Ke
iCH 12 19S« 42 7 Sa 1994 50 3 Jp Su
101 12' 2005 now 817 Me 2012ncw 683 So
101 12 2022 78 7 KB 2024 80 3 14c
10' 12 2029 85 7 Ve 2037 933 Sa Sa Me
lO 12 2045 105 7 3u 2051 1073 Ma '2 JD
10' 12 2055 111 7 MO 206€ 1223 V*
10' 12 2065 1217 Ma a iv 2062 138 3 1*5

10 12 2072 '55 3 JP Ve Ve
W "4 0 '2 2m

In this chart of a famous U.S. major league baseball player the time from a
birth certificate gives a 00-48 Cancer rdsi lagna, which then would also give a
Cancer D-12 lagna. Pancottan dasd would apply to his horoscope. However,
if the true time of birth was only three minutes earlier, the lagna would be
Gemini and PD would not apply. Do you see the problem?

In this case, Cancer lagna appears to be correct based on when he enjoyed

his great success as a competitive athlete as timed by the Vimsottan dasd. It
was first Rahu and then Jupiter. From Wikipedia:

"Sal Bando a former professional baseball player. He played as a third

baseman between 1966 and 1981, and was an integral member of the
Oakland Athletics dynasty that won three consecutive World Series
championships between 1972 and 1974.

During the "Swingin 'As" era of 1971-75, Bando captained the team and
led the club in runs batted in three times. He was the second American
League third baseman to hit 200 career home runs, and retired among the
all-time leaders in games (5th, 1896), assists (6th, 3720) and double plays
(7th, 345) at his position. In a 16-season career, Bando was a .254 hitter
with 242 home runs and 1039 RBI in 2019 games played. "
A Cancer ascendant clearly shows this great success in the Rahu and then
Jupiter major periods, since this puts these two grahas in the 1st house forming
a potent nodal raja yoga with Jupiter exalted as the 6th lord of competition.
The lagna lord Moon, the dispositor of Rahu and Jupiter, goes to the 3rd house
of sports. There is no doubt in my mind that the birth ascendant is Cancer.

His dasdmsha also shows great professional success in these two periods.

Dashamomsha D10 Power & Status Oashamamsha D10 Power & Status
Su /
/ As
1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gem
12 Aqu 5 Can
Jp 0
' /

Mo Ke
Ma Me
11 Cap 6 Leo
Je Me
10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Libr 7 Virg

The championship years, during which he was team captain, coincide with
Jupiter-Jupiter and Jupiter-Saturn. In the birth chart Saturn is forming raja
yoga with the KT11 lord and yogakdraka Mars and in D-10 Saturn is in an angle
getting directional strength with a beneflc. Then see that Saturn falls in the
10th from Jupiter here.

Having established the correctness of this degree of birth lagna, the

question becomes whether Pancottan also times his professional success as a
competitive athlete, as well as other major life events.

In this conditional dasd his active years as a professional baseball player

were mostly the 16 years of Venus and then four years of the Moon mahddasd.
He broke into the major leagues at age 20 in either Venus-Moon or Venus-
Jupiter. Examine Venus in both the birth chart and D-10. What strikes you
about it?
Do you see that Venus is vargottama in the 6th house of competition
disposited by the exalted 6th lord Jupiter? It is also aspected by the 10th lord
and yogakdraka Mars, forming an aspectual raja yoga. Its close angular
relationship with the lagna lord Moon in the 3rd house of sports forms another
angle-trine raja yoga.

In his dasdmsha Venus is giving mcabhahga raja yoga. Jupiter and the
Moon form an excellent Gaja Kesari Yoga in the lO111 house of this division.
Two of the championship years equate to Venus-Saturn, together in D-10 with
Saturn getting directional strength. Pancottan dasd is timing his professional
success very well, though in a different way than Vimsottan.

Following retirement, Bando became a baseball commentator during game

broadcasts and then the General Manager of the Milwaukee Brewers for eight
years. He became a GM in Moon-Venus in 1991 and then moved into Jupiter
starting in 1994. This timing should be self-explanatory, given what has
already been highlighted about these grahas, particularly in D-10.

He went on to be the successful CEO of The Middleton Doll Company, a

Columbus, Ohio, enterprise with multiple other businesses associated with it.
Saturn followed Jupiter in the Pancottan dasd. Examine Saturn in both the
rdsi and dasdmsha, and it should be no mystery as to why this major period
made him a successful business executive.

Ra»til PI General Rashl D1 Cenernl

Mo Ra 10-J7
As 58
9 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gam
Sa 25
6 Aqu 1 Can
MBT'U M08'52'
Kate Bosworth
Ma^-i Vsi-j- Sin 17550O JPt Ma 25
7 Cap V*nNUF* CA 2 Leo
Ve 2 2
K01O°37* JpT'ST" Sag 25'
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Virg Ke 10M ; Sli mi
Navamihe D9 use D9 DhumuSpoux
StanO *8. OMH.»« Start Date Da»h« Ma Mo /
4 U 1983 02 Ke $4 11 12 1971 ■ 120 -IP Me Mo
V 10 1984 14 Ke Me 1( 17' 1969 60 Su 1*
<1 » IMS 2.1 V* Ve 11 12 3001 180 1.te Jp AsKe
» 0 1988 57 Ve Su V 17i 2014 now 310 Sa KeAs Suy
» & 1989 67 Ve Mo V ia 3028 450
S ft' 1991 83 Ve Ma M ift 2043 600 Ve 7><1
V V 1992 95 Ve Re V ti 2059 760 149 /OON.
V ft 1995 125 Ve Jp 1/ >3 2076 930 Jp VeRa Ma
y ft 1998 152 Ve Sa 1/ 11 2094 1110 Su Ve
5. ft' 2001 18 3 Ve Me 14 21 oe 1230 Me ■^XMe
Jf V 2004
2005 212 Ve Ke 11 14' 2119 1360 S« Sa SuJp
H m 223 Su tu V 14 2133 two MS
Kate Bosworth is an American actress and model. From Wikipedia:

"Following minor roles in the films The Horse Whisperer (1998) and
Remember the Titans (2000), she rose to prominence with her role as a
young surfer in the box-office hit Blue Crush. (2002).

She also had roles in independent films, playing Dawn Schiller in the true
crime Wonderland (2003) and Sandra Dee in the Bobby Darin
biographical drama Beyond the Sea (2004). She portrayed Lois Lane in
Superman Returns (2006), and had roles in 21 (2008), Straw Dogs (2011),
And While We Were Here (2012), and Still Alice (2014). She starred in the
horror films Before I Awake (2016) and The Domestics (2018). Recently,
she starred as KC in the Netflix science fiction miniseries The I-Land

Given this professional life history, her birth chart must reflect a good level
of success as an actress/movie star, along with appropriate timing. The birth
time does come from a written record and gives a Cancer lagna 1-58. In her
case the birth time would have to be off by around eight minutes earlier to give
a Gemini lagna.

In my experience, those who have great success as actors/actresses, and

performing artists in general, have connections between the 3rd house/3rd lord
and the 10th house/KT11 lord. In addition, these connections must include raja
yoga formations or other success-giving yogas.

These predictive parameters are fulfilled if the ascendant is Cancer since

the 3rd lord Mercury would be conjunct the 10th lord and yogakdraka planet,
Mars, who is just two degrees away from its point of extreme exaltation. A
vargottama Venus is also a part of this three-planet conjunct in the 7th house,
Capricorn, forming an additional angle-trine raja yoga. Since her real movie
stardom began in August of 2002 with the premier of the surfing move, Blue
Crush, the timing of this is further testimony for Cancer as her ascendant since
in Banco ttarl das a it was Mercury-Satum.
Dashamomsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha 010 Power & Status
/ Ma
KeAs Su

1 1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gem

Ma Ke

Su As
12 Aqu 5 Can

11 Cap 6 Leo
Ra Me
\ Me Ve
Ve Mo 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Libr 7 Virg

Saturn is exalted in an angle from the birth lagna giving Sasa Yoga, one of
the Mahdpurusa Yogas, but then see Saturn using Capricorn as a das a lagna. It
becomes the 1st lord in the lO111 from there while the Mercury-Venus
conjunction becomes a 9-10 raja yoga.

Both Mercury and Saturn are well-placed by house in D-10, with Saturn

In VimsottarT, this big box office success came in Venus-Mercury, again

activating the combination in her birth chart indicating success as an actress.
Venus is vargottama and goes to its mulatrikona sign in D-10. There is no
doubt that this birth time is giving correct results.

Pancottan das a is also timing her marriage well, which took place August
31, 2013 in Mercury-Sun. Mercury is in the 7th house of her birth chart and
Mercury-Sun are 1 -7 from each other in the navdmsa. Earlier she had a much-
publicized relationship with actor, Orlando Bloom, from 2002 to 2005. This
was Mercury-Satum and Mercury-Mars, all planets related to the 7th house of
her birth chart.

On a side note, see how Mercury's debilitation in D-9 gets very effectively
cancelled by its exchange with its sign lord Jupiter, and then recall that
Mercury is the 3rd lord of the performing arts in both the rasi and navarhsa,
and it was in this mahadasd in PD that she became a star performer.

R»tii 01 General Rasni 01 General

SU* 47 Ke Ma Me Su

MOi8>46 S 329=48 M 629=39- AS2 26 Sa ji'

9 Pis lOArl 11 Tau 12 Gem
V66 40
AS2 26-
R3l6'9- V6e'40-
8 Aqu 1 Can
Mo .;d
Jp29 31' M33'32'
Alan Cranston
Fn »iai«U 7 0000 JP 29
7 Cap PilO Air, CA 2 Leo

esag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3Vlrg Ra ti

WgMMha D9 DlMinni^Spomt N«VMn»h» 09 DhamtifSpouM
Stan Dai* Start D aw *s. Daahat Me
*' 2U 1!»is ■92 Ve 71 IV 1907 -69 Mo Ma Me M
4V »' 1920 118 So /' 15. 1924 101 JP 10 y<3
1 24' 1932 178 Mo tl 15. 1942 281 Su KipSa . • As
4 & 1942 278 M* T 15 1954 401 'M
4., 25. 1949 34 8 Ra V 1(1 1967 531 Sa Ra As
4/ 25' 1967
*1 2S 198-3
686 ♦
71 tv
71 IV
67 1 M4
82 1 Ve
4 25 2002 878 Me V 15 2012 iw* 951 Mo Ke
A 26 20t9 now 104 8 Ko /I 1t> 2029 1151 Jp su
A a* 2026 HI 8 Ve 71 15 2047 1331 8u SaMo ^/ii\.
Ai » 2046 1318 Su T 16. 2059 1451 We Su
' » i0" 137 8 Mo 7i 16. 158 1 Sa , Jp Ve Ra

Alan Cranston was an American politician who served as a United States

Senator from California from 1969 to 1993. He had a very long and
distinguished political career. His birth time does come from a written record
but may very well be rounded to the hour. It is a real issue because this birth
time gives a Cancer lagna, 2 degrees/26 minutes. If he was actually bom even
a couple of minutes later, it would exceed 2 degrees/30 minutes and then the
D-12 lagna would not be Cancer and this conditional dasd would not apply.
Even the birth lagna needs to prove itself because if he was bom some 10
minutes earlier, it would become Gemini.

His 24 years as a U.S. Senator were encompassed by the Jupiter and Saturn
major periods in Vimsottan, which is much better indicated with Cancer as the
birth lagna. Jupiter as the 9th trine lord and 6th lord of elections forms raja
yoga by placement in the 7th house. Moreover, it is configured in a true Gaja
KesarT Yoga with the lagna lord Moon in the 10th house, and with Jupiter
getting the additional influence of the natural benefic, Venus, who also forms
an angle-trine combination with it. Jupiter's debility would get canceled by the
placement of its exaltation lord, the Moon, falling in an angle, in which case
Jupiter is also giving mcabhanga raja yoga. He first became a Senator starting
January 3, 1969 in Jupiter-Jupiter in VimsottarT.

See Jupiter in D-10

Dashomamsha D10 Power & Status Oashamamsha D10 Power S Status

/ As
/ / Ve Jp
/ /
Ve Me
1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gem
As Ke

Me RaSu

In 2 \ 12 Aqu 5 Can
JD ,

11 Cap 6 Leo
Ra %
/ Sa
x / Mo Ma
\ ✓
Mo Sa 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Libr 7 Virg

It is the lagna lord well-placed in an angle and in a 1-4 exchange with

Mercury, giving both strength and effectively canceling Mercury's debilitation.

On January 3rd, 1981 he became the Senate Minority Whip, an elevation

among his peers. This equates to Jupiter-Rahu, with the later in its own sign
and vargottama in the birth chart and giving the result of Saturn, Jupiter's sign
lord well placed in the 11th house. Rahu is also well placed in a trine in D-10.
He was elevated among his peers again when on January 3rd, 1987 became the
Senate Majority Whip in Saturn-Mercury.

I have discussed this timing in VimsottarT to establish that Cancer, not

Gemini, is the correct rdsi lagna, but now the question is whether the
Pancottan das a is truly applicable to his horoscope and will it also time
significant life events.

Alan Cranston's first career was that of a journalist, after graduating from
Stanford University in 1936 with a degree in English. Mercury is a svaksetra
and vargottama 3 rd lord of journalism, from both the birth lagna and the Moon,
besides being the planetary karaka of writing.

It was his Moon-Jupiter period in Vimsottan, activating his Gaja Kesan

Yoga. Pancottan times this academic achievement and initial position well
also, since it was Jupiter-Venus in this conditional das a. See how they are
connected in his D-24 along the 5-11 axis of this division.

Wikipedia includes this interesting anecdote about his early career:

"Cranston was a correspondent for the International News Service for two
years before World War 11. When an abridged English language
translation of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf was released, sanitized to exclude
some of Hitler's anti-Semitism and militancy, Cranston published a
different translation (with annotations) that he believed reflected the
contents of the book more accurately. In 1939, Hitler's publisher sued him
for copyright violation in Connecticut; a judge ruled in Hitler s favor and
publication of the book was halted, but by then a half million copies had
been sold, helping inform a wide audience about the threat Hitler posed. "

Siddhamsha 024 Learning

/ J^Sa
As Sa
8 Pis 9 Ari 10 Tau 11 Gem
Ke 4 Je

Mo El Me
\ 7 Aqu 12 Can

6 Cap 1 Leo
Ve 10
Su Ma
5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Libr 2 Virg

Cranston first held public office when he was elected California State
Controller in 1958, and he was reelected in 1962. It was Mercury-Mars and
Mercury-Moon periods in Pancottan. Mercury as a major period giving this
result is only evident from the dasdmsha where it is giving mcabhahga raja
yoga in the lagna of this divisional. Mercury and Mars are in a mutual glance
with Mars in Mercury's sign Virgo. This is very strong confirmation for his
dasdmsha being accurate, which means his degree of birth lagna could not
pass 3 degrees.

His first 14 years as a U.S. Senator from California equate to this Saturn
major period in this system and the remaining 10 in the Mars mahddasd. It
would have been in the later when he became first the Minority and then the
Majority Whip of the U.S. Senate. I have no difficulty in accepting this timing

• Mars is his yogakdraka 10th lord from the birth lagna

• the 1st lord in the 5th house from Candra lagna

• the yogakdraka again from dasd lagna when he runs this period

• Mars is well placed in an angle in D-10

On the personal side, he first married in 1940. It was Moon-Venus in

VimsottarT and Jupiter-Moon in Pancottan. Both are timing it very clearly. The
Moon is the lagna lord and Venus aspects the T1*1 house, plus they are together
in his navdrhsa. Jupiter is in the 1th house and the Moon and Jupiter are also
together in D-9.

His second marriage in 1978 was in Saturn-Jupiter in Pancottan. Saturn is

the 7th lord of the birth chart getting the aspect of Jupiter in the 7th house and
they are also together in his navdrhsa.

Based on these timings of major life events, there is every reason to

believe that his degree of birth lagna does fall between 00 to 2-30 of Cancer,
and that therefore this conditional dasd does apply to his horoscope.
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General
Jpe-42 1
Ve16^ KSa'sv Sa

SUyrr Sa^s- As
9 P>s 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem
M 623=23- Ke a-sr
8 Aqu 1 Can
Ma25'6- Fergie
T»*i 357 1975 13 24 00 Ra e M Ma 25
7 Cap 2 Leo
MOiflMS- \ JPe^?
5 Sco 4 Llbr 3 Virg Me
Start D at* *a. Oai/vat Start D atp 4e. Daihaa VeMa MO
a 39 1968 ■66 MO 1' 111 1900 92 Sa SaKe Me Mo '\3 /
a Vt 1976 34 Me 1/ 12/ 1960 46 Ml Ra
a 29 1965 104 Ra 1/ 12. 1995 198 Ve As
a 30 2003 29 4 JP H 12 2011 no* 568 MO As Jp
a SO 2019 now 44 4 So 1/ 12 2028 528 JP
a 30 2038 63 4 Me 1/ VJJ 2046 70 B Su
a 30 2055
a »' 2062
804 Ke
97 4 Ve
V I?'
V 12
S4 MaVe Su Iy^l0\.
107 4 Su 1/ 12 2065 1098 Ma kg
a 30 2062 8><f ><12 Sa
a 30 2068 1134 Mo 1/ ii 2100 124 8 Ve
a 30 2008 123 4 Ma 1/ 14 2116 1406 Mo Su JpRa
3V 2105 130 4 Ra 1/ 2133 1578 JP, £

Fergie Duhamel is an American singer, rapper, songwriter and actress of

considerable renown. Like Madonna and Cher, she is known in the
entertainment world simply by her first name. From Wikipedia:

"She first achieved chart success as part of the hip hop group the Black
Eyed Peas. Her debut solo album, The Duchess (2006), saw commercial
success and spawned three Billboard Hot 100 number one singles:
"London Bridge", "Glamours", and "Big Girls Don't Cry. " Although she
vocally incorporates rapping into some of her performances, she does not
consider herself a rapper.

Fergie was originally a member of the children's television series Kid

Incorporated and the girl group Wild Orchid. In 2001, she left the group
and in the subsequent year joined the Black Eyed Peas. She worked with
the Black Eyed Peas on two albums before releasing her debut solo album,
The Dutchess, in 2006. She continued her collaboration with the Black
Eyed Peas and released a further two albums with them, The E.N.D.
(2009) and The Beginning (2010). Her second solo album, Double
Duchess, was released in 2017.

Fergie has additionally appeared in various films, including Poseidon

(2006), Grindhouse (2007), and Nine (2009). She launched her first
fragrance, Outspoken, under Avon in May 2010 and has since released
four more fragrances. Her footwear line, Fergie Footwear, was launched
in 2009."

Her birth time comes from a written record and since it gives 2-7 degree of
Cancer lagna, this qualifies her horoscope for the Pancottan das a.

I once published an article entitled Divas about the birth charts of very
successful female vocalists in which I highlighted the role of the 2nd house/2nd
lord which rules vocalization.

In Fergie's case just look at the dramatic yogas involving her 2nd lord Sun.

• First of all, it is well placed in the 9th house with the 9th lord

• Since there are benefics on both sides, the Sun is the focal point of an
excellent Subha Ubhayacan Yoga involving all the benefics.

• Her lagna lord Moon in the 3rd house of the performing arts is
perfectly frill and the focal point of the powerful Candra Ad hi Yoga,
which has as its core an excellent Kesan Yoga.

Another distinctive feature of her birth chart is hQi yogakdraka 5th and 10th
lord Mars in the 1th house, two degrees from its extreme point of exaltation
and aspecting its own 10th house. Venus, planet of artistry (and perfumes!) is
in the 10th house and its aspect from and kendra sambhanda with Mars forms
an angle-trine raja yoga.

Great success in life came very early when she performed in a children's
television show beginning at age 9. From Wikipedia:

'From 1984 to 1989, she starred on the TV show Kids Incorporate and
was the longest running cast member; she starred in the first six of the
show s nine seasons "

Both Vimsottarl and Pancottan time this very clearly since it was Mars
and Rahu in the former and Mars in the latter, the major period of her
extremely exalted 10th lord and yogakdraka planet. Note that Rahu gives the
results of Mars.
In high school she was a cheerleader, straight-A student, spelling bee
champion, and award-winning Girl Scout.

Rahu in Vimsottan and Mars in Pancottan also coincided with her first
success with the girls singing group, Wild Orchids.

Her main success with the Black Eyed Peas and then as soloist came in
Jupiter in Vimsottan and Venus in Pancottan. In addition to what has already
been said about these planets and the yogas they are a part of in the rdsi, see
them in her dasdmsha.

Oashamamsha D10 Powar & Siaius Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status

SuKe Ma
/ Su JP As
1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gem
Ma As

\Ke \
J2, \ 12 Aqu 5 Can

Ra\Sa/ Jp

11 Cap 6 Leo
Me >■
Ve Mo Sa
Mo RaVe
10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Libr 7 Virg

Though well-placed by house both are in their debilitation signs. But what?
See that they are getting very effective cancellation since Jupiter is in an
exchange with its sign lord, Saturn, and Venus is with an exalted planet.
Moreover, they are participating in SarasvatT Yoga.

In the light of her D-10, the timing of her first solo album in 2006 in
classic. It was Jupiter-Satum in Vimsottan, two planets in exchange, and
Venus-Mercury in Pancottan, two planets together. 2006 is also when she
appeared in the film, Poseidon. Note that seven out of the nine grahas fall in
angles or trine in her dasdmsha.
It was also interesting to see that she launched her first fragrance,
Outspoken by Fergie, in her Venus-Mars period in May of 2010. Their
relationship in the birth chart warrants additional comment. In my experience,
students often overlook or are not aware of how significant yogas get formed
by a planet being in the sign of some planet and then also receiving the aspect
of that planet. This is the case in Fergie's chart with respect to her Venus. It is
in the sign of Mars and receives the aspect of Mars. This becomes an
exceptional yoga between the 5th and lO111 lords and the 4th and 11th lords,
giving both raja and dhana results. In Pancottan, she ran her 16-year Venus
mahadasd from ages 19 to 35, which is exactly when she became a huge pop
music star.

All of this is strong testimony that her birth time is accurate, Cancer is,
indeed, her birth lagna, and its degrees fall between 00 and 2-30, making the
Pancottan das a applicable.

In interviews, Fergie has acknowledged that she is a very sexual person,

which strong Venus-Mars connections can also give, and that starting at age 18
she began having a lot of sex with many different partners, both men and
women, not uncommon in the pop music scene.

She did eventually settle down, marry and have a child. From Wikipedia:

'Fergie began dating Josh Duhamel in September 2004, after she met him
when she and the Black Eyed Peas filmed a cameo for an episode of
Duhamel s show Las Vegas. Fergie and Duhamel became engaged in
December 2007; they married in a Catholic ceremony on January 10,
2009. They have one son, Axl Jack Duhamel, born on August 29, 2013. On
September 14, 2017, Fergie and Duhamel announced that they had
separated earlier that year On June 1, 2019, the couple filed for divorce
after two years of separation The divorce was finalized in November

The timing of these events in Pancottan are as follows.

Dating: Venus-Mercury
Engaged: Venus-Saturn
Married: Venus-Mars
Childbirth: Moon-Moon
Venus periods can always bring marriage simply became it is the karaka of
this event. She became engaged in Venus-Satum, with Saturn being the 7th
lord of both her rdsi and navdmsa. The marriage in Venus-Mars is well timed
since these two grahas are together in D-9.

But she has a classic DuskritT Yoga in her horoscope defined by when the
7th lord goes to one of the Trik houses (6, 8,12) and there is additionally the
influence of natural malefics on the 7th house/7th lord. In her case the 7th lord
Saturn is in the 12th and the malefic Mars in the 7th. Such a combination
oftentimes indicates the eventual break-up of marriage. The separation and
divorce took place in her Moon period in PD, with the Moon ill-placed in
the 12th house of the navdmsa.

The Moon-Moon period giving her a child brought to mind K.N. Rao's
comment that all the trine lords can give this event. In her case, the Moon is in
a mutual aspect with karaka Jupiter who is also the 9th lord (5th from the 5th).

In her saptdmsa the Moon is strong in its own sign in an angle and receives
the aspect of Jupiter.

Anyone coming of age in the late 1960s in the U.S. will likely recognize
the name Elridge Cleaver. He was an author and political activist who became
an early leader of the Black Panther Party, a Marxist-Leninist Black Power
political organization. From Wikipedia:

"In 1968, Cleaver wrote Soul on Ice, a collection of essays that, at the time
of its publication, was praised by The New York Times Book Review as
"brilliant and revealing

Cleaver went on to become a prominent member of the Black Panthers,

having the titles Minister of Information and Head of the International
Section of the Panthers, while a fugitive from the United States criminal
justice system in Cuba and Algeria. Cleaver was convicted with a series of
crimes including burglary, assault, rape and attempted murder, and
eventually served time in Folsom and San Quentin prisons until being
released on parole in 1968. The same year, he became a fugitive after
leading an ambush on Oakland police officers, during which two officers
were wounded. Cleaver was also wounded during the clash and Black
Panther member Hutton was killed. As editor of the official Panthers'
newspaper, The Black Panther, Cleaver s influence on the direction of the
party was rivaled only by founders Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale.
Cleaver and Newton eventually fell out with each other, resulting in a split
that weakened the party.

After spending seven years in exile in Cuba, Algeria, and France, Cleaver
returned to the US in 1975, where he became involved in various religious
group before finally joining the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day
Saints, as well as becoming a conservative Republican, appearing at
Republican events.

Rashl D1 General Raahl D1 General

Ve Su Ke
K628 4' Me?.,r As
9 Pis IQArl 11 Tao 12 Gem
Sa is'si-
B Aqu 1 Can
Elridge Cleaver Su^-
Sat 601.1955 215 00 Ma26a23
broe Rock, AR V6?fi 75-
7 Cap 2 Leo
Ra28 4- Ma26;23' MOQ^
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg Ra Sa
Nivamihi 09 OharmuSpouM
ton DM. Ag. O/ihji Sun 0 11. Ag. 0»hat Su K.'-
1' M 1930 -56 Su n 7/. 1923 121 Me Mo JpMa Ke
V» 1930 0* MO 11 26 1936 09 Sa
V 30 1M6 104 Mi II 1'i 1950 149 Mi As
W 29 1953 17 4 Ri Tl 20. 1965 299 Ve Sa As
V 3ft 1971 354 Jp n 27. 1961 459 Me
If 3ft 1987 514 Sa n 27/ 1993 629 jp
" 30' 2CKW now 704 Me n 2/ 2016now 809 Su
1. 3ft 2023 07 4 Ke ii 27/ 202S 929 Me Me Su MC
li 3ft1 2030 94 4 ve 11 27/ 2041 1059 Sa Me X. 1
1' 3ft
1/ 91/
1144 Sg
120 4 Mo
n 2fl.
11 27
134 9
Ve it\?
1' 3ft 2006 130 4 Ma 11 2/ 2086 1509 Mo Ra Ve Ra Sa

His birth time is also from a written record but since it gives a 00-55
degree of Cancer lagna, verifying this ascendant becomes critical because if he
was bom less than four minutes earlier, the lagna would move to Gemini. The
only way to determine this is by looking at the timing of major life events and
seeing which lagna and the corresponding divisional charts give the correct

1958 he was convicted of rape and assault with intent to murder and
eventually served time in prison for these crimes. This was his Rahu-Satum
period, which is indicated much better from Cancer since Rahu is in the 6th
house and Saturn is the 8th lord in the 8th house. From Gemini, Rahu would be
in the 7th and Saturn the 9th lord in the 9th house. His incarceration continued
through Rahu-Mercury and Rahu-Ketu, which also supports Cancer, since
these periods are all connected to the 12th house of imprisonment.

Marriage dates are always good for verifying a lagna since you can use
them also to evaluate the navdmsa. After his release from prison in 1966,
Cleaver married on December 27, 1967. It was Rahu-Sun in VimsottarT and
Venus-Venus in Pancottan.

I can accept this timing since Rahu is an unqualified marriage giver and the
Sun is in a mutual aspect with the 7th lord Saturn in both the birth chart and D-
9 if Cancer is the ascendant. Note that Rahu and the Sun are also two
vargottama planets in this varga. Marriage in Venus in PD does not help us
verify the ascendant because Venus as kdraka can always give this, but if
Cancer is the ascendant, then Venus is in a mutual glance with the 7th lord
Saturn as well.

A son was bom in 1969. It would have been Venus-Moon in PD, which
would only be predictable on the basis of D-7 where Venus is the 5th lord and
the Moon is exalted in the 5th.

Sapiamsha D7 Progony

Ve Ke Me Ma Mo
As Jp Sa
3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem
Me "

Jp Su Ve
2 Aqu 7 Can

\ As
1 Cap 8 Leo
Sa 3
Ke Su

Ra 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg

"Soul on Ice" was published 2/12/1968 and gained immediate recognition.

But that same year he led a Panther ambush of Oakland police after the
assassination of Martin Luther King and had to flea the country, first to Cuba
and then Algeria. Since this was happening in his Venus major period in PD,
the question becomes in what way is this settlement in a foreign country
reflected astrologically. Note that Venus goes to the 12th house from the Moon
and with the 12th lord Sun, but this does not help to establish the correct birth

The timing in Vimsottan of one pivotal transformation in his life very

strongly supports Cancer as the correct lagna. Just after moving into this
Jupiter major period in Vimsottan, he relocated to Paris, went "underground"
and became a bom again Christian. It is only Cancer not Gemini that makes
Jupiter the 9th lord, and throughout this 16-year period, religion and
involvement in religious activities were a dominant theme in his life. At one
point he became a Catholic and later was baptized in the Mormon Church in
Jupiter-Mars, Mars being together with Jupiter in the birth chart. It is an
example of how different das as can give extremely different karmic

Rashi D1 General Rashl D1 General

SUs.32 Ra Sa 3-51
Menr ASr25
9 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem
K023'4' As ^5
J paj23
8 Aqu 1 Can

Kate Hudson Sai3'51'

Thu 419 1979 10 5100 Su 32
M05-44- 04 Ra23»4-
7 Cap 2 Leo
6 Sag S Sco 4 Ubr 3 Vtrg Ke
N*v»m»ha D9 Dhamu'Spout*
Stan Dot.
4 2ft 1975 J1 So 5 3ft 1966 -109 Ve


4 20'1 1981 19 MO » 3ft 198J 51 Mo it 12 Me s>rVeAs X2 Su

4 20 1991 119 Ma 3V 2001 221 Jp
4 30' 1998 169 Ra 31' 2019w 401 Sv Mo AsVe
4 20' 2016r 30 9 Jo 31' 2031 521 Me
3J 2ft 2032 529 Sa 31' 2ft« 851 Sa
4 2ft' 2051 719 Me 31' 2056 791 144 Ra Ke
2ft 2068 889 Ke 31' 2075 94 1 v« SaJp
4 21' 2075 959 V« 31' 2069 1101 Mo
4 21. 2095 1169 S« V 2106 127 1 jp
13' 9
1' 2124 1451
Me Ma Ra Me Ma Mo
V* z:

Kate Hudson, daughter of famous movie star, Goldie Hawn, grew up to

become an awarding winning actress herself. From Wikipedia:

"She is the recipient of various accolades, including a Golden Globe

Award, a Critic's Choice Award, and a Satellite Award, as well as
nominations for an Academy Award, a BAFTA Award and two Screen
Actors Guild Awards.

Hudson is the co-founder of the fitness brand and membership program

Fabletics, operated by TechStyle Fashion Group. In 2016, Hudson released
her first non-fiction book, Pretty Happy: Healthy Ways to Love Your Body.
This was followed in 2017 by Pretty Fun: Creating and Celebrating a
Lifetime of Tradition."

Her birth time from a written record gives a 1-25 Cancer ascendant,
making the Pancottan das a applicable to her horoscope. I have worked on her
chart previously, and have no doubt that Cancer is her correct ascendant.

As you would suspect, her birth chart contains many elements for fame
and fortune:

• A beautiful, unblemished Gaja Kesan Yoga involving her lagna lord,

Moon and the 9th lord Jupiter near its extreme point of exaltation along
the 1-7 axis of her birth chart

• A conjunction oihtxyogakdraka 10th lord Mars with a mcabhahga 3rd

lord Mercury, the 3-10 plus raja yoga combination so often found in
the birth charts of movie stars.

• An exalted Sun getting also directional strength in the 10th house.

• An exalted 4th and 11th lord Venus giving both raja and dhana yoga by
placement and by conjunction with the 5th and 10th Xoxdyogakdraka
Mars. These yogas in the house of Fortune are all aspected by their
sign lord, the exalted 9th lord Jupiter.

• From Candra lagna, the three grahas in Pisces go to the 3rd house of
the performing arts. Venus becomes an exalted lO111 \oxdyogakdraka in
the 3rd, and Jupiter becomes an exalted 3rd lord aspecting onto its own
3rd house from this perspective.

Note the table showing the Pancottan dasd and you see how well it times
her career rise and fame. She ran the Moon period up to age 22 and then the
Jupiter mahadasd for 18 years up to age 40. Hudson made her film debut in
1998 but then rose to international prominence with her portrayal of Penny
Lane in Cameron Crowe's Almost Famous (2000) for which she won a Golden
Globe for Best Support Actress and received an Oscar nomination in the same
category. It was Moon-Venus in PD.

The following year she moved into Jupiter which was in effect up to 2019.
All her other major roles and the recognition she has gained from them have
come in this period, as well as her successful fashion design business and
authorship. She founded her fitness brand in 2013 in either Jupiter-Mars or
Jupiter-Venus depending on the month, but both sub-periods activate the raja
and dhana yogas in her birth chart.

She married on December 31, 2000 in Moon-Venus. The Moon is in the 7th
house of her rdsi and Venus is in the lagna o/her navdmsa.

She gave birth to a son in January of 2004. It was Jupiter-Jupiter, which

could not be more obvious for giving such an event. After her and her husband
divorced, she has given birth to two other children out of wedlock with two
different partners.

This major period of her 9th lord Jupiter has also brought meditation into
her life. From Wikipedia:

"In 2016, Hudson said: "Meditation has been the most helpful and life-
changing thing for me. You can feel the difference when you meditate on a
regular basis. At least I can... I started practicing transcendental
meditation a year and a half ago so I meditate 20 minutes in the morning
and I try to do another 20 minutes in the afternoon. "

This would have been her Jupiter-Venus period.

Below is the birth chart of the famous German actor, Klaus Kinski, whose
birth time from a written record also gives a 1-degree Cancer lagna. Before
reading further can you see the planetary combination in his chart, similar to
that of Kate Hudson, indicating his destiny to be a movie star?
Rashl D1 General Rashi D1 General

Ma ^49 Ra 17^40' As
9 Pis lOA/t 11 Tau 12 Gem
M028'46- Ve
Su Ma
8 Aqu 1 Can
Jp24,3V Klaus Kinski Me 20 26
Moft Iftlftuce 21 3000 Sdt 55 Jp
7 Cap Scoot POL
2 Leo
17 40' M6 20-26- \Jq2V21.
Sa^ss- SU i •52'
eSaq 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Virg Ke 7-40 Mo
Navomiha 09 Dherma/Spoute DhermaiSpouae
*fl» D«lh»l sun on, Age D»nn JpVe MO
'J 1932 55 Sa y 2ft 1918 84 We Ra Me Mo
ft 1951 24 5 Me 28 1931 44 Sa
ft 1968 415 Ke 24 1945 18 4 Ma SaAs
ft 19?5 48 5 Ve 27,' 1900 334 Ve AsSa
ft 1995 68 5 Su 27/ 1976 49 4 MO Su
ft 2001 74 5 Mo 28. 1993 66 4 Jp
ft 2011 845 U* » 2011 «■ 64 4 Su Me
ft 2016r 915 Re 29 2023 96 4 Me VeJp Ma
ft 2036 109 5 Jp 26 2036 1094 Sa
ft 2052 125 5 &4 28' 2050 1234 Ma
71 2071 144 5 Me 28' 2065 138 4 Ve Ma Su K§
ft 2088 181 5 Ke 2& 2081 1544 Mo

10th lord and yogakaraka Mars is again connected to the 3rd lord Mercury
of the performing arts, in his case by mutual aspect. Mars here is both
svaksetra as the lO111 lord in the 10th house and also getting directional
strength. In his navamsa Mars is again the yogakaraka 10th lord svaksetra.
Mercury has strength due to its exchange in the birth chart.

Predictably then when he ran his 15-year Mars mahadasd in Pancottan

between the ages of 18 and 33, this is when he first became a star.

The 16-year Venus period followed and this is the time period when he
gave most of his most notable, award-winning performances. His Venus is
debilitated in the 3rd house but nlcabhahga due to its exchange with its sign
lord, Mercury. I have written an article about the unusual raja yoga given in
Parasara Hord when debilitated planets falls in dussthdna houses such as 3rd
and 6th, and this looks to be another example.

Certainly, the condition and position of Venus in his dasdmsha strongly

contributed to the great professional success that this major period brought.
Here it is in the 10th house in a 3-10 exchange with the lO111 lord Jupiter.

Note also that Mars, the initial period lord that gave him stardom, is also
very well placed and dignified as the 9th lord svaksetra in the 9th house.
Oashamamsha D10 Power & Status Oashamamsha D10 Power & Status
/ As JpKe
Jp Me
11/ 1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau A Gem

Ke Sa
12 Aqu 5 Can

11 Cap 6 Leo
Sa Ra
Mo Ve Su
Su 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Libr 7 Virg

Though a great actor, by all accounts he was also a very unsavory character
and difficult personality. From Wikipedia:

"During his lifetime, Kinski was a controversial and aggressive figure,

prone to emotional and often violent outbursts directed at his directors and
fellow cast members, issues further complicated by a history of mental
illness. Herzog, who directed him in five movies, described him as "one of
the greatest actors of the century, but also a monster and a great
pestilence." Posthumously, his legacy has been further tangled by
accusations of physical and sexual abuse by his daughters Pola and
Nastassja, themselves actresses. His notoriety and prolific output have
developed into a widespread cult following and a reputation as a popular

Note that his lagna lord Moon goes to the 8th house with the aspect of
Rahu, while the 8th lord Saturn goes to the 5th. Both Mars and Rahu also
aspect the other mental planet, Mercury, in the 4th house. These are
combinations for mental/emotional illness.

Henry Mancini was an American composer, conductor, arranger, pianist

and flautist. He is considered one of the greatest composers in the history of
film, having won four Academy Awards, a Golden Globe and twenty Grammy
He won his Oscars for "Moon River'' 1962, "Days of Wine and Roses,"
1963, the score for "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and "Victor-Victoria" in 1983.
Other memorable tunes for movies include "Baby Elephant Walk" from
"Hatari, " 1962, "Charade," 1963, "PinkPanther," 1964, "Love Story theme,"
1971, and "Victor, Victoria" in 1982.

Mancini also scored a No. 1 hit single during the rock era on the Hot 100.
His arrangement and recording of the "Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet"
spent two weeks at the top, starting with the week ending June 28, 1969.

He recorded more than 90 albums; six going gold. Mancini changed film
and music history by departing from strictly classical music scores to
introducing unprecedented contemporary scores to films. By his work, he won
respect from others in the music industry and commercial success from the
album purchasing public.

Rashl Ot General Rashl D1 General

SU3'35- Mo M-i- Ra

Me23,16■ Ve,^. As
•9 Pis lOAri 11 Tau 12 Gem
Ve 19'4"
Ke7°.s7' Sa Me ;• ir-,
5 Aqo 1 Can

Henry Mancini 57
Su 3-:
Ma2.2r •Nlrt 4i1»1924 11 1000 MO24
7 Cap OevelanJ OH 2 Leo
Jp26'55- '55'
Ma 27-
§3 6 25'
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Virg Ke r S7
Navamihi 09 OharmaiSpouat
»0» DjiHSI VeRa
a » 1906 162 Ve 8 7i 1914 97 Su JP Su RaVe
a 20 1928 36 Su fr Tf 1926 2} Me
2 10' 1034 98 Me 8' V 1939 153 sa As
2 20 1044 196 Ma 7/ 1953 29 3 Ma As Su
2 20 1951 268 Ra 7- 1968 44 3 V«
2 19 1WS 44 8 Jp 7' 1964 60 3 Mo
2 20 1985 608 Sa T 2001 77 3 Jp Me
2 20 2004 798 Me 6 2019 new 95 3 Sa Ma
2 20 2021 no* 968 K« 0 2031 107 3 Me Ma -02
2 tV1 2028 103 6 Ve 7/ 2044 120 3 Sa
2 211 2048 1236 Su 8- 2056 134 3 14a Ke SaMo Me Ke
2 20' 2054 129 6 Ma ft 2073 1493 Ve

His is another horoscope whose birth time from a written record puts the
degree of the lagna right on the edge between Cancer and Gemini but based on
his life history and the timing of events I am quite certain his ascendant is

His birth chart shares some similar features to that of Fergie shown earlier
in that his lagna lord Moon is also configured in a Kesan Yoga and his
yogakaraka 5th and 10th lord Mars is so strong, both exalted and vargottama in
the 7th house, Capricorn, while aspecting on to its own 10th house.

However, he has three exalted planets, with the Sun in the 10th house
getting also directional strength and Saturn in its exaltation sign giving Sasa, a
Mahdpurusa Yoga.

Note also the 3-10 connection here. His 3rd lord Mercury goes to the 10th
house aspected by the lO111 lord. Venus, planet of music and artistry is strong in
its own sign in the birth chart and gets strength also in his navdrhsa by virtue
of a parivdrtana yoga. Venus receives the aspect of Jupiter in the rdsi, who has
strength in D-9 as well, falling in its own sign, Pisces. Their mutual aspect
forms an angle trine raja yoga. Note that from Candra lagna, the position of
the Moon in Leo, Venus becomes the 10th lord in the 10th house, and the
Venus-Jupiter mutual aspect becomes a 5-10 raja yoga.

The Pancottan das a times his brilliant career beautifully since starting at
age 29 he ran the consecutive periods of Mars (15 years) and then Venus (16
years). Both mahadasds activated the significant raja yogas in his chart with
the planets in great strength.

They are also well-placed in his dasdmsha.

Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha DID Power & Status
KeMo Mo
AsJp Su
Su As Ke
1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gem

\ 12 Aqu 5 Can

Max Sa Me
11 Cap 6 Leo
Me Ma
Sa Ra

v Ra 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Libr 7 Virg

His D-10 features a SarasvatT Yoga with Jupiter svaksetra as the lagna
lord. In Vimsottan, much of his career success is timed by the 16 years of his
Jupiter major period. It was Mars-Jupiter in Pancottan when he won his first
Oscar in 1962, two grahas sambandha along the 1-7 axis of this division.

Mancini met his wife, singer Virginia O'Connor, when she was a backup
singer in Mel Torme's "Mel Tones." The couple married in 1947 and had a
son, Chris and twin daughters, Monica and Felice. This conditional dasd very
clearly times his marriage since it was Satum-Moon. These two planets rule
the 1-7 axis of the birth chart and are together in his navdmsa.

I have never made a prediction using the Pancottan dasd so cannot show
an example of this as with other conditional das as, but will certainly be more
cognizant of opportunities to do so in the future after having done this
onMniE in^innr



In the chapter on das as in the Brhat Pdrdsara Hord, the Shatabkika das a
is the sixth type of planetary period listed there and its calculation and
applicability are given as follows:

"In the event of the ascendant being vargottama, the ShatabdTka das a
system will be suitable for prognostication. Count the number of
naksatras from Revati to the birth naksatra and divide by 7. The
remainder will indicate the das a lord in the order of Sun, Moon, Venus,
Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn. The periods of these das a lords are 5,
5,10, 10, 20, 20 and 30 years. "

This verse indicates that the dasd is applicable when the ascendant of the
birth chart and the navdmsa are vargottama, meaning they are the same sign.
The total cycle of this dasd is 100 years and it will apply to 11.11% of

The following table can be used to quickly identify the starting planetary
period. In birth charts where this conditional dasd applies, simply note the
naksatra of the Moon and see the planetary row in which it falls.
Shatabdika Dasa

Dasa Dasa

Lord Years

Sun 5 Revafi P unarms a Chitra Utiarusadha

Moon 5 Asvini Pusyci Svafi Sarvanu

Venus 10 Bharani Aslesa Visukha Dhanistha

Mercuiy 10 Krittika Megha Anuradha Satabhisqj

Jupiter 20 Rohini P P ha I gun i Jyestha P. Bhadrapad

Mars 20 Mrigasiras U Pha/guni Mula LI Bhadrapad

Saturn 30 Anlra Hasla Purvasadha

In the horoscope of the British romance novelist, Barbara Cartland, the

degree of her lagna given by her birth time from a written record is 2-28 of
Aries, which makes it vargottama. Therefore, Shatabkika dasd is applicable.

Her Moon is in AsvinT naksatra. Consulting the table above, we find that
that this falls in the row of the Moon, indicating that this was the starting
planetary period at birth.
Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General
Asj.w Ke3r33
MOS-4V SU 24*31' As 28
12 Pis 1 An 2 Tan 3 Gem
MG[3-r Su 24'31
Ke :.8 83
VG^a 20' Me
11 Aqu 4 Can
Ve 13 2 J

Ra 28 33 Sa^iir
10 Cap 5 Leo
S3?Q MR' R328'33
Mas 21-
9 Sag & Sco 7 Ubr 6 Virg Ma
NavamWu 09 Dherma/SpouM
iS^oST" Sun Dm AB» Oaalut MoSu
V 13/ 1898 -30 Ke 1899 21 Mo As SuMo Ra
// 13/ 1905 40 Ve 1904 29 Ve
7' 14 1925 24 0 Su 1914 129 Me Ra 3 X As 11 Ma
7/ 14 1931 30 0 Wo 1924 229 jp Ma Me
V 14 1941 40 0 MS 1944 429 Uo Me
7/ 13/ 1949 470 Ra 1964 629 Sa
7' 1996 650 TP 1994 929 Su -
7/ 14 1982 910 Sa '999 979 Mo Jp
7/ 14 2001 1000 Me 2004 1029 Ve Jfi CxSa 9 Ke
7/ u 2016 now 1170 Ke 2014 now 1129 Me
71 14 2025 '24 0 V« 2024 1229 Jp Ke Ve Sa Ve
7/ 14 2045 144 0 Su 2044 1429 Ma

Now see her birth chart and the table in the graphic above showing the
ShatabdTka dasd. It indicates that she was bom with 2.9 years remaining of
the five-year Moon period. Cartland had a truly remarkable career as an
author and celebrity. See these excerpts from Wikipedia:

"Barbara Cartland was an English novelist, best known as a prolific

writer of historical romance, primarily specializing in pure romance
tales set during the Victorian era or Edwardian period. She is one of the
best-selling authors as well as one of the most commercially successful
worldwide of the 20th century. Her 723 novels were translated into 38
languages and she continues to be referenced in the Guiness Book of
World Records for the most novels published in a single year (23 novels
in 1977).

Cartland although best known for her romantic novels, also wrote
biographies, plays, music, verse, drama, and operetta, as well as several
health and cook books and contributed to magazine articles.

She reportedly sold more than 750 million copies of her books, though
other sources estimate her total sales at more than two billion.
As head of Cartland Promotions, she became one of London's most
prominent society figures. Often dressed in a pink chiffon gown, plumed
hat, blonde wig, and heavy make-up, she became one of Britain's most
popular media personalities.

In the mid-1990s, by which time she had sold over a billion books, Vogue
called Cartland "the true Queen of Romance ". She became a mainstay
of the popular media in her trademark pink dresses and plumed hats,
discoursing on matters of love, marriage, politics, religion, health, and

In 1991, Cartland was invested by Queen Elizabeth II as a Dame

Commandeer of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in honor of the
author's almost 70 years of literary, political, and social contributions. "

When first coming across her birth chart many years ago I was quite
interested to see those astrological factors that reflected a destiny of such
prolific and successful authorship. The first thing to see this way is how
strong and well-placed Mercury and Jupiter are, the two planetary
significators of authorship. Mercury is vargottama in the 4 angle house and
Jupiter is mulatrikona in the best trine. Moreover, these two grahas, along
with Venus, form a superior SarasvatT yoga with Venus getting directional
strength in the 4th house. The yoga repeats from Chandra lagna since this is
the same as the birth lagna.

The two houses/house lords pertaining to writing are 3 and 5. Mercury is

her 3rd lord, and the 5th lord Sun goes to the 3rd house in Gemini and forms
dramatic raja yogas through its mutual aspect with the 9th lord Jupiter and
the 10th lord Saturn.

Her first success as a novelist happened at the age of 22. After a year as a
gossip columnist for the Daily Express, Cartland published her first novel,
Jigsaw (1923), a risque society thriller that became a bestseller. Both the
Vimshottari and ShatabdTka das as time this first literary success quite well
and in a remarkably similar way. In the former it was her Venus-Mercury
period and in the later it was Mercury-Venus! In other words, the period and
sub-period of planets activating her Sarasvati Yoga. See the description of
this yoga from the Sanskrit classic, Phaladeepika.

"The person with Sarasvati Yoga is highly intelligent, good at dramatics,

in prose composition versifying stories and poetics. They are skilled in
poetry, narrative description and in the exposition of sacred lore. They
are well-known and reputed all over the world. They are prosperous and
blessed with spouse and child. They are fortunate and respected even by
the best of rulers. "

Given her life history, it can be seen how well the description fits,
although this would only be true in cases of really superior Sarasvati Yogas
like hers where all the benefics have sources of strength, especially Jupiter.

Even her writing of a gossip column in a newspaper in Venus-Mercury

and Mercury-Venus is well timed, since Mercury is the lord of the 3rd house
which indicates "quick, short writing" like articles, essays, columns in
newspapers, blogs and such.

The 1970s and 1980s were her most prolific period and during this time
she also regularly appeared on television, making her quite famous. It is
interesting to note that this equates to portions of her Jupiter and Saturn
periods in Vimshottari and just her Saturn period in ShatabdTka, which is 30
years in duration. Saturn and Jupiter together in her 9th house form a great
fame-giving 9-10 raja yoga, additionally enhanced by the mutual aspect
with the 5th lord Sun. Jupiter is mulatrikona in the birth chart and Saturn
goes to its exaltation sign in D-9. These are very powerful raja yogas.

When she set the world record for the most novels (23) published in a
year (1977) it was Jupiter-Sun in Vimshottari and Saturn-Venus in

Cartland claimed to have declined 49 marriage proposals before

marrying Captain Alexander "Sachie" George McCorquodale, on 23 April
1927, a British Army officer from Scotland and heir to a printing fortune.
They divorced in 1933. It was Jupiter-Jupiter in this conditional das a, which
only times this event in an indirect way. Jupiter is in Venus' naksatra, Purva
Ashada, with Venus as the 7th lord of both the birth chart and navdmsa.
The marriage produced one daughter bom September 9, 1929, also in
Jupiter, who can always give this result as the karaka, but here Jupiter is also
the 9th lord (5th from 5th) and in a mutual aspect with the 5th lord Sun.

She re-married in December of 1936 in Jupiter-Satum, with Saturn

placed in the 7th house is D-9. She had two sons by this marriage, one in
October of 1937 and the other in 1939, also in Jupiter.

It was in Saturn in both dasds when she was made a Dame Commandeer
of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) by Queen Elizabeth II, a raja
yoga-giving planet but also the 11th lord of honors.

The birth chart of basketball superstar, Bill Walton, qualifies for

Shatabkika dasd because his degree of birth lagna, 28-19 of Gemini, gives a
vargottama navdrhsa lagna.

Rashl D1 General Rashi D1 General

M 0,2-37- —
!ifi23 0' AS2B 16' 4 • 2 ' slEaao-
10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem
AS28' 16'.,-''
KB 23 52
9 Aqu 2 Can
Ra23t52- Bill Walton
Wwl 11'51952 212000
B Cap 3 Leo
M 325-3' Vezs-r 1 « ./"'8 . - I"On1!.
SU20 32' 8327*51'
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4 Virg Me^o VG2W X
Ntvmihi D9 OhaimifSpouw
Start Dm* *8* DM*.» Start Dat* *»• Dalhas s
a IV 1970 178 * Ve O Ifi 1939 ■ 13 4 Sa Su As
& V 1973 205 * Su 6 17' 1969 166 Su a 11
2, 21 1974 213 JP Mo 61 IT' 1974 210 Mo As
» » 1S75 226 Jp Ma 6» 17 1979 266 Va VeKe Su
5, 31'
HO *Sa Pau
6 w 1969 366 Me sa
» IV 1999 466 Jp
10' 28.' 1981 290 Sa Me 6' 18 2019 new 466 Ma
1! V 1984 317 Sa Ke a 18. 2039 868 Sa Mo Ra
8 16 1985 32 8 Sa Ve » 17' 2069 1166 Su > & Ve
10 IV 1988 359 Sa Su 6 1& 2074 1216 Mo
S 27'
4. »
38 5
Sa Ma
6' 16
6f 16
136 9
Me Ma Me Jp Sa Me Ma Mo

His Moon is in Ardra naksatra, which according to the table given

earlier, indicates that he was bom in the Saturn major period of this
conditional dasd with 16.6 years remaining.

In my article, Hearts of Champions, I demonstrated how the 3rd

house/3rd lord of sports and 6th house/6th lord of competition are invariably
strong in the birth charts of world-class athletes. This is reflected in Bill
Walton's chart by the condition of these lords in his navdmsa where the 3rd
lord Sun is in its exaltation sign and the 6^ lord Mars is swakshetra.

There are typically connections to the 10th house/10th lord to 3 and 6

indicating a professional sports competitor. Note that Walton's 3rd lord Sun
is in a mutual aspect with the 10th lord Jupiter, and the 6th lord Mars aspects
the 10th.

I also showed in that article how raja yogas in the 6th house can bring
success in competitions. Here we find the 1st lord Mercury conjunct the 5th
lord Venus forming a good 1-5 raja yoga in Scorpio in the 6th house.

Walton's longest, most continuous glory days as basketball player were

in college before injuries greatly impacted his career as a professional. For
three consecutive years (1972-1974) he was the National College Player of
the Year and led the UCLA Bruins to NCAA championships in 1972 and
1973, which included an 8 8-game winning streak.

It is interesting to see that this was his Jupiter major period in

Vimshottari and the Sun major period in ShatabdTka since both activate his
3-10 combination that repeats in D-9. Why certain subperiods within these
major periods proved special is revealed by his D-10.
Oashamamsha D10 Powar & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status

RaSu Sa
VeAs SuRa

1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gem


12 Aqu 5 Can

11 Cap 6 Leo

Me Mo
Ma Mo Ke 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Llbr 7 Virg

He ran Jupiter-Venus in Vimshottari from September of 1970 to May of

1972. Jupiter is the lagna lord of his dasdmsha well-placed in the 9th house
and Venus is exalted in the lagna in Jupiter's sign getting the aspect of
Jupiter. Do you see the strong sambandha between these planets?

Sun-Mars in ShatabdTka was a shorter period, but also encompassed a

time when he was college basketball's player of the year and UCLA was
national champions. Note the exchange between these two grahas in D-10
with the Sun exalted.

Walton's early career as a professional was also very successful, winning

the 1978 NBA Most Valuable Player (MVP) and an NBA championship
with the Portland Trail Blazer in 1977 for which he was also named Finals

However, after this his professional career began to be significantly

hampered by multiple foot injuries requiring numerous surgeries that
necessitated him sitting out whole seasons. The unfavorable side of his birth
chart are the rather severe arista yogas. His lagna lord Mercury goes to the
6th aspected by the 8th lord Saturn and is hemmed by malefics, while the
lagna itself gets the aspect of Mars as the 6th lord and Saturn as well.
These severe foot problems occurred in his Venus major period in
ShatabdTka dasd, the ruler of the 12th house pertaining to this part of human
anatomy, with Venus also in the 6th house aspected by the 8th lord Saturn and
hemmed by malefics.

He was able to have one more season of athletic glory playing backup
center on the Boston Celtics when they won the NBA championship in the
1985-86 season and Walton earned the NBA Sixth Man of the Year Award.
In a remarkable symmetry it was Saturn-Venus in Vimshottari and Venus-
Saturn in ShatabdTka, two planets in exceptional conditions in his D-10.

Walton has gone on to have a very successful career as sports color

commentator for televised basketball games, for which he has won an Emmy
Award. The remarkable thing about this is that he suffered from a speech
impediment up to age 28. He stuttered badly. See the afflictions to his 2nd
house/2nd lord, where Ketu is in the 2nd and 2nd lord Moon is aspected by
both Mars and Saturn as the 6th and 8th lords. He considers overcoming his
speech impediment as his greatest accomplishment in life.

In 2001, Walton received an Emmy Award for "Best Live Sports

Television Broadcast" and in 2018 he won a Dick Enberg Award, another
sports broadcasting honor. The timing in this conditional dasd was Jupiter-
Jupiter and Jupiter-Mercury. One thing I would additionally note about his
10th lord Jupiter. Though it falls in the 11th house of honors and awards, it
does not appear to be involved in any success-giving yogas. However, it is
retrograde. My jyotish-guru, K.N. Rao, taught that when planets are
retrograde, they should be considered as aspecting also from the previous
sign. If that principle is applied to this chart, then this 10th lord Jupiter would
be in a mutual aspect with the 9th lord Saturn, giving raja yoga. Given the
results that Jupiter gave, both in Vimshottari and in this conditional dasd,
this would appear to apply here. Note additionally that Jupiter and Mercury
are together in his D-10.

Walton married for the first time in Venus-Venus in SD. Such periods can
always give this since Venus is the natural significator of marriage. They had
four sons, all bom in the 10-year Venus period. Since Venus is his 5th lord,
SD times this child-giving time in his life very well.
His second marriage came in 1991 in Mercury-Jupiter, the period and
sub-period of two planets together in his navdmsa and the 1st and 7th lords of
this division.

Raahl 01 General Raahl D1 General

MO228 Ma,

•9 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem
Kb 13° 59-
ASvsr Ve».«
KBia'ss- Slla-u*
BAqu 1 Can 4
JpS'O" 7><1
MSs 16" K
§328*35' Benita Valente
Fn lO'lS iaM 22 50 DO M625 3V
R3 13*59- D«Uno CA SSog 351
7 Cap 2 Leo
Jp-n. V625*43'
fe Sag 5 Sco 4 ubr 3 Virg
SMu&dlka D9 Dh«rm>iSpouM
StartO *0» OMK41 Start 0*» 49* t>«h« Ve Ma
l»' 30. J«1 nw 17.0 RI fit i' 31' 1916 .18 7 JP RaMe Ma
It 12 2024 89 7 Ha JP 7f V 1936 13 Mi > It
12 & 2026 921 Ri Sa 31 1' 1956 213 Sa e5< Mo As MeJ
10' rjj 2029 950 H.I Me i M 1966 51 3 Su As Mo R3
a 30 2033 97 5 Ha Ke a w 1991 563 MO • 4
V 10 2033 98 6 Ha Vs 3> V 1996 613 Ve
s m 2036 1016 04 50 2i i 2006 713 Me Su 'IO^
4. 12 2037 102 5 Ha Mo 27 17 2016 noe 81 3 Jp V© Ke
10 12 2038 104 0 Ha Ml 2." 17 2036 1013 Ma ><12
10.' JO' JO)# 10S0 JP JP 27 tJ 2056. 1213 Sa
12 18 2041 1072 * Sa 27 i 2066 151 3 Su Kit Su Sa
* .«> 2044 109 7 ■1> Mo 2 •' 2091 1563 Mo JP

You are unlikely to recognize the name Benita Valente unless you are an
opera aficionado. She is an American soprano who has had a long and
distinguished career on the operatic stage and in other mediums as well. She
is especially lauded for her interpretations of Mozart and Handel, but she
also excelled in certain Verdi roles. The New York Times once referred to her
as "as gifted a singer as we have today, worldwide."

Her degree of lagna, 1-51 of Cancer, makes it vargottama and therefore

applicable for Shatabkika dasd. At 2-28 of Pisces, her Moon is in Purva
Bhadrapada, and thus she was bom in her Jupiter major period in this
conditional dasd with only a little more than a year remaining.

The voice is an indication of the 2nd house/2nd lord and it is interesting to

see the disposition of these in her birth chart. Yogakdraka Mars is in the 2nd
house as the 10th lord of profession. The 2nd lord Sun is actually in its
debilitation sign but vargottama, and conjoined with the two benefics,
Jupiter and Mercury. In D-9 the Sun is also in an exchange with its sign lord,
Venus. This is not a weak 2nd lord at all, but quite a powerful one. Venus, the
planet of the arts, is in the 3rd house of performance, neecha bhanga as a
result of its exchange with Mercury.

A distinguishing feature of her birth chart is a variant of Chandra Adhi

Yoga with all the benefics falling in the 7th and 8th houses from the Moon,
and in strength. Venus and Mercury are involved in the aforementioned
exchange and Jupiter is swakshetra in the navdmsa. The mutual aspect
between the lagna lord Moon and 4th/11th lord Venus gives both raja and
dhana yogas

The horoscope also has a Mahapurusha Yoga, in her case Saturn in

Capricorn in an angle. This repeats from the Sun.

Her great career rise in the world of opera began in 1960 when she made
her debut at the Marlboro Music Festival after winning the Metropolitan
Opera National Council Auditions. In ShatabdTka das a this equates to her
Saturn-Saturn-Mercury period. See these grahas in her dasdmsha.

Dasharnaimha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status
s. •
/ \> Me
Ra Sa
\ i'' 1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gem
2> X Ve

Jp Ke
> L. s
12 Aqu 5 Can
Me I9 3 jp/
/ \ Ve
Mo Ra Jp
11 Cap 6 Leo
Ke 4 ■ 8
x7 ^ Mo Ma
r Su
\ / Su
/ \. Ma 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Libr 7 Virg

Her 30-year Saturn period lasted all the way to 1986 to age 51, so this
mahddasd in SD encompassed all her prime career years. Note that in the
birth chart her Sasa Yoga Saturn is in the naksatra of Dhanishta, ruled by
yogakdraka Mars, her 10th lord of profession in the 2nd house of the voice.

To additionally understand why she rose to such prominence in the world

of opera and classical music recordings in the Saturn major period, use
Saturn's position in Capricorn as a dasd lagna and see the patterning of the
chart from this perspective. The exchange between Venus and Mercury now
becomes a fame-giving 9-10 exchange with Venus as a yogakdraka, and all
the benefics from Capricorn form SarasvatT Yoga.

One career milestone was when she made a notable debut with New
York's Metropolitan Opera on September 22, 1973 singing Pamina in The
Magic Flute. It was her Saturn-Mercury period in SD. Again, see these
planets together and well-placed in D-10 with Mercury swakshetra. It can be
seen how well this conditional dasd is timing career rise.

In another career milestone, she was the recipient in 1999 of the Richard
J. Bogomolny National Service Award, the highest honor bestowed by
Chamber Music America, for her contributions to chamber music - the first
vocalist to be so honored in the 20-year history of the award. It was her
Venus-Jupiter period, two benefics together in the 11th house of her D-10.

Little information is available about her personal life. She did marry and
have a son. Her husband, Anthony Checchia, is a bassoonist and the founder
and artistic director of the Philadelphia Chamber Music Society. They met in
1960 in her Satum-Satum period and married subsequently, with Saturn as
the 7th lord in the 7th house of marriage.
Rash) 01 General Rashl 01 General
MO ir5'
SBar'S1 K629 36' Ra
2 Pis 3 An 4 Tau 5 Gem
P As a 36
As13'3a- V628'12'
1 Aqu 6 Can
Gwyneth Paltrow S 327^5'
Wed 927'1972 173500
12 Cap Loa AnpwKS CA 7 Leo
R3 2938 Ke
JPe 44' Ma^
11 Sag 10 SCO 9 Ubr SV-rs Ve in? Ma Su :■> Me
Vlm»hon»ri N«v4«nth4 D9 Dh4WU/5pout« Navamaha D9 DharmaiSpoma
SurtDaw Start Data *8. Dashas JpMo ve
% 4 1566 41 Mo ft 11' i960 -121 .lp Ve Su Ra
SI 1576 39 M* ft IV 1960 79 Ma MeKe
19S3 109 fU ft 12 2000 now 279 Sa SU 1 Ma As ><y
2001 289 Jp 8' 12' 2030 579 Su Ma As
20l7r 44 9 So ft 1ft 2035 629 Mo 1
ft 2035 639 Ms ft 12/ 2040 679 Ve
ft 2053 009 Ke ft 12' 2050 779 Me
ft 2060 87 9 Ve 8 t2i 2060 679 Jp JpMO
ft 2080 107 9 So ft 12 2080 1079 Ma
ft 2086 1139 1*0 ft 1ft 2100 1279 So MaKe
ft 2096 123 9 Ms 6 14,' 2130 1579 Su Ra Sa
ft 2103 ft 14, 2135 '629 Mo < Sa

Oscar-winning actress and entrepreneur Gwyneth Paltrow has a

vargottama Aquarius lagna and the ShatabdTka dasd times her rise to movie
stardom quite well. Between the ages of 7 and 27 she ran her 20-year Mars
mahadasd in SD and before it ended, she was among the youngest recipients
of an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in Shakespeare
in Love (1998).

Note that Mars is both her 3rd lord of the dramatic arts and 10th lord of
career involved in a 5-10 raja yoga along with the 7th lord Sun. Then see
that Mars is in the lagna for her dasdmsha. It was Mars-Jupiter when she
won the Oscar, with Jupiter as the 11th lord of honors and awards swakshetra
in its own house in the birth chart. In D-10 it is well placed in the 9th in
Aquarius and aspecting Mars in the lagna.

The Mars period also accurately timed her much publicized romance and
engagement to actor Brad Pitt which began in 1994 when the co-starred in
the movie. Seven. Mars is with the 7th lord Sun in the birth chart and in the
lagna of her navdmsa. The engagement was in 1996, in Mars-Jupiter, with
Jupiter aspecting Mars in D-9. However, they did not marry.
Dashamamsha D10 Powar & Status Dashamamsha D 0 Power & Status
10 Pis 11 Ah 12 Tau 1 Gem
Su Jp
/ As Ke
9 Aqu 2 Can

8 Cap 3 Leo
Jp Ve Ra
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg

Saptamsha D7 Prog any Saptamsha 07 Progeny

Ra Ma Mo Ma AsSu
As Sa
11 Pis 12 Ari 1 Tau 2 Gem
Ve Sa
/ s
10 Aqu 3 Can


9 Cap 4 Leo


Ke 8 Sag 7 Sco 6 Libr 5 Virg

Since the year 2000 she has been running her 30-year Saturn period in
ShatabdTka dasd and it has brought her continued movie stardom, two
marriages, two children and considerable success as a business entrepreneur.

Here is what should be seen with respect to all this:

• As a trine lagna lord in the 4th angle, Saturn gives raja yoga from the

• From a strong Chandra lagna, it is the yogakdraka 9th and 10th lord
with an exalted 3rd lord

• In D-10 Saturn is exalted in a trine

• As the 1st lord in both the birth chart and navdmsa, Saturn is eligible
to give marriage

• Placed in the lagna of her saptdmsa, it become very eligible for

giving children

It is interesting to see also that she founded her online business, in Saturn-Sun, the period and sub-period of two planets with
strong dignities in D-10.

Kareen Abdul Jabbar is another basketball legend with a vargottama

lagna, in his case, Libra.

Rashl D I General Rashl 01 General

Me? 59' Slla'O' BllO^ Ke Jp

MaTo^e- As 47
6 Pis 7 An 8 Tau 9 Gem
Ve^T'B" Sa8'59-
5 Aqu 10 Can

Kareem Abdul Jabbar Sa

Weo 1830DO
NowVo*. W
4 Cap 11 Leo
K§10=3- Ve^r-ff
Jp2 45 As 2'47
3 Sag 2 SCO 1 Ubr 12 Vlrg Me r-ta Ma lO-y
Vlnuttoaarl N»v«imhj D9 DtwmOSpouw
Start Data A9. DasttM Start On. Dasha. SaMe
7/ » 1941 58 Ra 2/ 3- 1944 32 Me RaSu • Ve
71 11/ 1959 122 Jo a 2' 1954 68 JP
71 14/ 1975 262 ■ 2/ t 1974 268 Me As Ma Ke Xs
7/ 13/ 1994 47 2 Me 2' 2 1094 no* 468 Sa
71 W 2011 642 Ke 2' 3/ 2024 768 Sv Mo
71 14/ ZOianow 71 2 Ve 2. 7! 2029 818 Mo Jfi
7/ 14/ 3038 912 Su 2/ 3/ 2034 868 Ve
71 13 2044 97 2 Mo 21 3/ 2044 968 Ue Mo
71 14/ 2054 1072 (I* 2/ 1 2054 1068 JO Su
7l 14/ 2061 114 2 Re a 3/ 2074 1268 Ma ^ Ma
7' 14/ 2079 132 2 Jp 2/ 3/ 2094 1468 Sa Ve
71 14/ 2095 '48 2 S4 2/ 2124 1768 56 AsKe SaMe

In both Vimshottari and ShatabdTka das as, his initial great dominance in
the sport is clearly timed by his Jupiter mahddasd. Can you see why before
reading further?
• For his Libra ascendant Jupiter is both the 3rd lord of sports and the
6th lord of competition.

• It is configured in an excellent Kesari Yoga with the 10th lord Moon,

from where it falls in the 10th house.

• Both components of this Kesari Yoga are strong by virtue of

exchanges. Jupiter is in an exchange with its sign lord Mars, and
Moon is in an exchange with its sign lord Saturn.

• In his navdrhsa, the Moon and Jupiter becomes Gaja Kesari Yoga
with these grahas now falling in angles, with Jupiter in its exaltation
sign and again forming a 3-6-10 combination.

• In his dasdmsha, Jupiter is again exalted in the 10th house deposited

by an exalted Moon

• Using Jupiter's position in Scorpio as a das a lagna, the exchanges in

his birth chart become highly favorable. The Jupiter-Mars exchange
becomes 1-5 and the Moon-Saturn exchange becomes 4-10.

Dashamamsha DiO Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status

Ve Su Sa
6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
As Jp

5 Aqu 10 Can
Me ¥ Jp 0

4 Cap 11 Leo
Ma 12 Ra

Ve AsKe

SuMoSa 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12 Virg

Jabbar's Jupiter period in SD lasted until age 26 and the remainder of his
spectacular, record-breaking professional career up to age 42 took place in
the Mars mahadasd.
Mars also shows the potential for giving great success in sports since it is
the 7th angle lord with the 9th trine lord giving raja yoga in the 6th house of
competition and Mars has strength given the exchange with its sign lord,
Jupiter. This becomes a highly favorable 1-9 parivartana yoga when the
position of Mars in Pisces becomes the dasd lagna.

With a lagna degree of 29-2 of Virgo, the ShatabdTka dasd is also

applicable to the birth chart of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Both
Vimshottari and this conditional dasd show the highly favorable
circumstances into which he was bom since it was the Venus period in the
former and Jupiter in the latter. See these two benefics in the house of
Bhagya (Fortune) with Venus as the 2nd and 9th lord swakshetra.

I found it interesting the way this dasd clearly timed his marriage to
Jackie and the birth of his two children, Carolyn and John. The marriage
took place in September of 1953 in Saturn-Venus. See this two grahas
together in his navdmsa. Both children were also bom in Saturn, which is
clear, since Saturn is his 5th lord aspecting on to its own 5th house. However,
the aspect of the 8th lord Mars onto Saturn shows the miscarriages that his
wife suffered and the death of their son, Patrick shorting after his birth in
this period.

Rashl D1 General Raihl 01 General

Ma25*43' JP'r2«T Veav?
Me2r53. SUis'B Kei8 32- X
7 Pis 8 An 9 Tau 10 Gem \7 „ ' \5 /
B :• 4
Sa4'27 Ac x Sai-jr
S Aqu 11 Can
Rai8"32- KeiB'32'
John F. Kennedy
TiX SWIOIT 150900 M024-34- Ve?4 ?
Bfoottoe MA
5 Cap 12 Leo
10X' x><2 Su,5-8
/ 11v
Rdia-az AS2^;2, ■^JPo-TO'
4 Sag 3 Sco 2Libr 1 Virg
VlmitioOan Nevarnhe D> Oharma/Spouee Navarmha D9 PhfmlSpouM
rissnss- SartDf SaVe
V Ml 1900 -169 Ve 7! 171 1900 -169 JO
71 Ml 1920
7/ ia 1924
31 Su
91 Mo
Ke iSu •e Mo 8 < AsRa
7/ 1930 191 t4a 1970 531 Su Ma/
71 16 194? 261 Ra 1975 561 Mo Me *
71 W 1961 441 jp 1960 631 Ve
7! ill1 1977 601 SI 71 14 1990 731 Me
7! Ift 1950 791 Me 7 14 2000 631 Jp J VeSa Jp
7/ 16 2013 961 He T 14 2020 fW 1031 Ma , P Ke Su
7! 14 2029 r 1031 Ve 71 14 2040 1231 Sa
7! 14 2040 1231 Su 7l 14 2070 1531 Su Me MaMo AsRa
7! 2049 '291 Mo 71 19 2075 1591 Mo 5
Saturn as a period giving his political rise which eventually led to his
becoming President in January of 1961, is not as obvious. Saturn is the 5th
lord of raj'ya or the authority to rule, and as a 6th lord of elections in the 11th
house of victory, it is a combination that my teacher, K.N. Rao, always
highlighted as being excellent for politicians seeking office in democracies.
But Saturn is not really configured in any high position-giving yogas from
either the birth lagna or the Moon. It is only by using Saturn's position in
Cancer as a dasd lagna that his political rise could have potentially been
foreseen in this conditional dasd. Both the 10th and 11th houses become
exceptional from here.

In a remarkable synchronicity, the tragedy of his assassination took place

in Jupiter-Satum in Vimshottari, and Saturn-Jupiter in ShatabdTka. Jupiter is
a primary mar aha for a Virgo ascendant since it rules the 7th and Saturn as a
mulatrikona 6th lord becomes a secondary one. Saturn as a 6th lord also
contributes to the terrible arista yogas in his horoscope, in which the 1st lord
Mercury is in the 8th with the highly malefic 8th lord, Mars, with both
aspected by Saturn. November 22, 1963 was a sad, sad day in U.S. history.
Predicting with Shatahdika Dasa

The birth chart below is that of a Indian man who was a student in an
online course I was teaching in 2018 on predicting major life events, which
included childbirth. He asked if his chart could be used to apply the
methology because he and his wife were desirous of having another child.

K§18'2 Me9=26. Ve„. SUfZT-Ve?? Jp?VinrKem-y

J p25'40' ASi4'45' Su222 Sa-.,. , /■ ' Meg 26- /

11 Pis 12 An 1 Tau 2 Gem
Sa? 44
M03-7' Ma24'32'
10 Aqu 3 Can

9 Cap 4 Lea 5>:^ /ox


SSas, 7 Sco 6 Ubr 5 Virg Ra,^ \

Vlm»hon»n (D7 3ap«»m>h9 07 Proptny
D»hn Siart Dili Age D«h« VaMa
21 1» 20l9now 42 7 Sa Ve Tj 14/ 2020 43 7 Ua
1W 2022 458 Si SJ 21 14/ 2021 r 44 7 Ma Su MoRa
4 1/ 2023 468 sa 14 2023 46 7 14a Sa As
10 31/ 2024 48 4 Si Mj 14/ 2025 46 7 Ma SaAs
12/ O 2025 49 5 Sa fia 14 2039 527 Sa MoRa
10 IV 2028 523 Sa Jp 14/ 2036 617 Sa
* »]i 54 • 16/ 2039 632 Sd -
0 24' 2033 57 3 Me Ke 14/ 2041 647 Sa Me Ke Ve
O 22/ 2034 583 Me Ve 15/ 2044 67 7 Sa Su
7/ 23. 2037 61 1 So 14. 2047 707 Sa
ii 2!# 2038 819 Me Mo 14/ 2053 76 7 Sa Ma
10 2ft' 2039 JIL Me_ "L. 14 MS9 517 Su Jp Jp

In Vimshottari it was noted that he would begin running his Saturn-

Venus period starting in February of 2019. Can you see why this period/sub-
period could give a child before reading further?

Saturn as the 9th lord (5th from th 5th) is eligible for giving his event.
Venus is in a exchange with the 5th lord Mercury, strongly connecting the
two. Moreover, in his sap tarns a, Saturn is the lagna lord of this division and
Venus is vargottama in the 5th house. Saturn-Venus in Vimshottari clearly
indicted the potential for giving a child.

But I also saw that his lagna at 14-45 of Taurus becomes vargottama and
that Shatahdika dasa could be used to cross-check this indication. I noted
that for a year's period from February of 2020 to February 2021 he would be
running Mars-Moon in SD and that in D-7 Mars goes to the 5th and the
Moon is in the lagna. Transits of Jupiter and Saturn were supportive also
that year, and on this basis I predicted the birth of a child mid-year 2020. It
proved correct.



This conditional naksatra-based dasd has a duration of 84 years and is

applicable when 10th lord is in the 10th house. It occurs in 8.34% of birth
charts. See these verses from the Brhat Pdrdsara Hord Sastra.

"CaturasitT sama dasd is considered appropriate in cases where the lord

of the 10th house is posited in the 10th. "

"Count from SvdtT to the jamna naksatra (Moon s naksatra at birth) and
divide the number by 7. The remainder will indicate the dasd lords in the
following order: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
(Rahu and Ketu do not have a place in this system.) The dasd of each
planet is of 12 years. "
Example One

Rash) 01 General Rashl 01 General

Sa Su

Jp26 8' r
6 Pis 7 An 8 Tau 9 Gsm ^»;»24'23 ,w,
As Me *-'11'46
R 313*30" Mepg-ja A/ e lA'tar 28'
MO28 49" M028"49
5 Aqu 10 Can
Ke 13 3v R313^39
Mahatma Gandhi
K613-39' sai Kvaiiaes MOOO JD 28
Pwt?ain.ii HDP.
4 Cap M Leo
3320'19' Majg-za V©;^
As,!-,. Me.,.., SUiQ'sr
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12 Virg
C1uuira»hlB unu Navatnafta 09 Dharma/SpooK Wavamaha D9 DharmaiSpouaa
Son Dm SunDtu *0* 0»hn KeAs Su
4J 3/ tew -155 U» W 24/ 1856 109 5u Mo
tl 1871 15 Ke 10 24' 1870 1 1 Mo , Ve Ma Su 3/ As Ke
ii 1878 85 Ve 10 24, 1852 131 M« — .<12 MC
IBM 28 5 &J 10 24, 1894 251 Me MaVe
* 1904 34 5 Uo 10 25- 1906 571 jp
4 1914 44 5 Ma 1<V 20 1916 49 1 Ve 5 XII
1921 515 «a 10 20' 1930 61 1 Sa
1939 895 Jp 10 » 1942 73 1 So MeSa
195S 855 Sa 10 20 1954 851 Mo 10 Me
1974 104 5 t4«. 10 20 190C 971 MS
1991 1215 Ke 10 26. 1976 1091 Me Ra 3a
^ vc ^ W 1211 JP , ^ « m

In the chart of Mahatma Gandhi, the Moon is the 10th lord in the 10th
house, such that CaturasitTsama dasd is applicable.

His Moon at birth was in Aslesd naksatra. Counting the number of

naksatras from SvdtTi to Aslesd inclusively gives a total of 22. 7 divides 22
three times with a remainder of 1. Therefore, Gandhi was bom in the first
period of this dasd which is that of the Sun. See the table in the graphic
above indicating this. At 28-49 of Cancer, his Moon is at the very end of this
naksatra so he was bom with very little time remaining in this period and
moved into the following period of the Moon just after his first birthday.
Example Two

Rashl D1 General Raslil 01 General

Ke>, 7JSa m'^V e T72/ X.
M 3 29-54' MSrAff
9 Pis 10 Arl 11 Tau 12 Gem \5 3X
6> SU9'23' X2
Ra2r24 Meii<yAS1a-u MO,-.2r:
SUyjy ASi8'34>
8 Aqu 1 Can A s
Ve,2.j7 Jp,^. X 1° \
Alexandre Dumas
Sal irzumz 53000 Sa^Ke^
VilniS Cannes FR
7 Cap 2 Leo
8"X' ><12
/ 9 x /nx

6 Sag 5 Sco 4 L(br 3 Virg x

Vlm»hotl»rt Ch»«ur«»hltl urn* N>vam»r»» 09 Dh«rm«/SpouM
SunOiw SurtD*M 0«h»
S 17ft7 -4 8 So 11/ IS 1792 -97 MO Mo Ra
a » 1603 12 Mo 11/ 1ft 1804 23 14a 1 .'0 . 8
0 1» 1813 112 Ma 11/ 1ft 1818 143 Me
ft' 1ft 1820 182 Ra IV 1ft 1828 283 Jp MeVe
ft 2ft 1830 302 JP 11/ 1ft 1640 583 ve Mo
ft 20 IBM 522 St 11/ 1ft 1652 503 Sa
ft 2ft 1873 712 Me 11/ Ift 1864 623 Su Su
ft 2ft 1690 882 Ke IV 17. 1878 7*3 Mo SaJp
ft » 1697 952 Ve 11/ I7i 1888 803 Me Ra
ft 211 1Q17 1152 Su 11/ 1ft 1900 983 Me
ft 22/ 1923 1212 Mo 11/ 1ft 1912 110 3 JP Ma As Ke Su
ft 21' 1933 1312 Ma 11' Ift 1924 122 3 Ve .my*

The birth chart of famous French novelist, Alexandre Dumas, author of

The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Crisco, features the 10 th lord
and yogakdraka planet, Mars, in the 10th house. Mars is also a strongly
placed 5th lord of authorship.

Both planetary indictors of authorship, Mercury and Jupiter, are strong,

with Mercury vargottama and getting directional strength in the 1st house,
while Jupiter is also vargottama. Mercury additionally forms a good
Budhdditya Yoga with the Sun.

His Moon at birth was in Krttikd naksatra, 16 naksatras from SvdtT. 1

divides 16 twice with a remainder of 2. The Moon is the second period in the
dasd sequence, and as the table above indicates, Dumas was bom in this
period with a little over 2 years remaining.

When determining the starting period for this dasd by counting the
number of naksatras from SvdtT to the Moon's naksatra at birth, the total
will not always exceed 7. In such cases, whatever the number is from 1 to 7,
this number identifies the starting period, as illustrated in the following chart
of Mary Shelley, famous for her authorship of the novel, Frankenstein.

Rashl D1 General Raahl D1General

Jp?pn Ra28 20' Odis'sa-
10 Pis 11 An 12 Tau 1 Gem
Ma,rn- As
Sa 32
MB7 42' Jp 29
9 Aqu 2 Can
Mary Shelley Ma^-v
Wed fraat/Sr 2320DO SU?6K55'
8 Cap London 3 Leo
Ke?a ?0 Ve"2*19-
Mo 49
MO°K49. Me22
7 Sag 6 SCO 5 Ubr 4 Virg
Chabinshie umi D9 Dhwirixapoun
lunD »■ A8. Onlui SunD Ouhii MeSa
1/ if 1794 •36 Ks V I3i 1791 -61 Jp Ve Mo
a V 1801 34 ve 7l 131 1803 59 Ve JfiKe MeSa
a 1821 234 Sv 71 13 1815 179 Sa As
a a 1827 294 14a V 14 1827 299 Su Ma
a i/ 1637 394 Ma n 14 1339 419 Mo I
a a 1644 48 4 R4 V 14. 1851 539 1.10
a a 1602 04 4 TP 71 14' 186? 659 Me Ve
a a 1878 804 8a 71 14' 1875 779 Jo As
a a 1897 994 wa li 14 1887 899 Ve • Ma 6 Ra
a a 1914 1164 Ke 7i 14 1899 1019 S« -S.I
a A 1921 123 4 V« II lt> 1911 1139 Su RaSu
a V 1941 143 4 5u 71 13 1925 1259 Me Mo

Her 10th lord Jupiter is vargottama as the 10th lord in the 10th house,
making CaturasitTsama dasd applicable to her horoscope.

Note how the two planetary indictors of authorship, Mercury and Jupiter,
are strong and well- placed like in the chart of Alexandre Dumas. The 5th
lord Venus of novel-writing is mcabhahga and connected with these planets
and the 3rd house/3rd lord, another bhdva related to writing, is also quite

Her Moon at birth was in the naksatra of Muld, just 5 away from SvdtT
counting inclusively. Jupiter is the 5th planet in the dasd sequence of Sun,
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, such that she was bom in this
period as indicated in the table above with a little over 6 years remaining out
of 12.

It is a curiosity of this conditional dasd that there is no period of either

Rahu and Ketu. Yet in birth charts where it applies, I have found it working
very well.
As a brash 22-year-old Cassius Clay declared himself, "The greatest...
the greatest of all timeV after defeating the then heavyweight boxing
champion of world, Sonny Liston, in a stunning upset. Most considered this
the height of arrogance at the time, but shortly thereafter he took on the
Muslim name of Muhammed Ali and by the time he departed from this
world most agreed that this was his fitting epitaph.

In his birth chart Mars is a.yogakdraka 10th lord in the 10th house making
the CaturasitT sama das a applicable to his birth chart.

Rashl D1 General Rash) D1 General

M3IO'0' Ra^. nr

S328 36 Jj2l8 54'

9 Pis 10 Arl 11 Tau 12 Gem 6
..x., yy -
AS26*29*/ Qo
AS 26 29' Odoa 36-
8 Aqu 1 Can
rd1., Maio-o-
VS-^T it- MO IJ-JJ
Muhammad Ali
MeM.w Siw Sat V17M942 18 3500 S^l'IS'
7 Cap LouisvitB. KY N Mo^'23V©27 37
2 Leo

8 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg K©21M3SX.

Vlmttattafl Chaturathla Mint Dnhtmimtht D10 Powar & Statui
Ae« Dnhn Sun on* RaMe SU
ifisa 100 Ri 7/ 1933 64 Su Ve
1970 280 Jp V 1945 3e Me .Mo
198-S 440 Sa !• 1957 156 Ma Sa '0 As
JOOJnow 630 Me Ti 1969 276 Me J^Ma
2022 000 Ke 7< 1961 396 Jp
2029 07 0 Ve 7i 1993 516 ve
2049 107 0 So 6 2005 636 St
20M 1130 t4o & 3017nm» 756 Su Sa
4' 2065 1230 M* » 2029 67 6 146 MO 12 4 Ma
4 2072 1300 Ra » 2041 996 14a
1460 K>
164 0 Sa
til 6 14a
1236 JP As Su Kej Me 1-2

His Mars is not merely t\\Q yogakaraka in its mulatrikona sign as the 10th
lord in the 10th house, but is a true Mahdpurusa graha, giving Rucaka Yoga
from the birth lagna as well as from Candra and Surya lagnas. Its
conjunction with Saturn is an angle-trine raja yoga-giving combination.

Consult the graphic above and you will see that he entered his Mars
period in CaturasitT sama das a when he was 15 and this ran for 12 years up
to age 27. This is exactly the period that marked his meteoric rise in the
world of boxing. Before he became a professional, he won a gold medal in
the light heavyweight division at the Summer Olympics in 1960.
The first fight with Liston that made him heavyweight champion of the
world was on February 25, 1964 coinciding with his Mars-Venus period in
CaturasitT and Rahu-Venus in VimsottarT. Mars timing this major life event
is much more obvious that Rahu, at least in the birth chart. Both are well
placed and in exceptional conditions in his dasdmsha. Mars is the lagna lord
in the 9th house with an exalted Jupiter giving an excellent mcabhanga raja

After model/actress Raquel Welch appeared in a skimpy fur bikini in the

film One Million Years B.C. in December of 1966 she became an overnight
international sex symbol, with her picture appearing on magazine covers all
over the world. It was also her Mars period from age 20 to 32 that gave this
sudden great fame and again it is quite obvious astrologically as to why.

The Laghu Par as an, a small Sanskrit classic of Jyotisha, about which I
have written an original translation and commentary, highlights the
combination of the 1st and 10th lords as one type of raja yoga that can give
great fame when that happens in either the 1st house, the 10th house or there
is an exchange between the 1st and 10th lords.

Rashl D1 General Raahl D1 General

S3? 1 "40' Mol0^

Keiri3' Jp22 38
5 Pis 6 An 7 Tau B Gem
'OXx ASi9'52' . ■' .6 Rato-w
Me2i-i2' x
4 Aqu 9 Can / ~ X.8 - ' '
c 11>0 SU20*0'
Rachel Welch Mai7'52",
thu a-WMO W 00 SUjo-o-
3 Cap encaqc I 10 Leo
As ^52" is-
M 01 o*29"
2 335 1 Sco 12 Llbr 11 V.rg
ChalurMAlB um* D«th«/n«m«h» DIP Poww a St*bu Da»h*nam»h* OIO Power S Status
tMtOoU Start Oam 40. Dashas Su X\
V V 19J5 -52 R« 31 2^ 193' 34 Su Me Ve Me
V 41
V 4/
28 6
J 26. 1949
y n 1981
80 Mo
206 Ma ; •Ke 'pK Ma As Mo^X®
V *1 1983 476 Ms i » 1973 328 Ms Su Ra
V V 2005 648 Ks 3/ 26 1985 448 JP Ve - 'oX'
7' ii 2012 now 716 Ve V 26 1997 see ve
11 V 2032 918 Su V 26. 2009 666 Sa As
V il 2033 978 Ma 21 26- 2021 no* 806 Su MaMo Ke
1/ S.1 2048 1078 Ma y 2ft 2033 926 Mo >
1' ft 2055 1148 Ha 3.' 2ft 2045 104 6 14(1 Sa / JX. / 5X,
1 * 2073 1326 * y 2ft 2057 1166 Me j£Ra
7. V 2060 1466 Sa ft 2ft 2069 1266 JP,
In her chart the 1st lord Mars is in the 10th house with the 10th lord Sun in
its own house, qualifying her horoscope for Caturasiti sama dasd. This 1-10
combination is enhanced by the aspect of Jupiter as the 5th lord.

Then see Mars in her dasdmsha where it is exalted in the lagna and in a
favorable 1-11 exchange with the lagna lord Saturn. It could not be clearer
astrologically that her Mars period had to prove exceptional for her
professional success and resulting fame.

This initially came in Mars-Venus. Venus in the birth chart also gives
raja yoga as the 7th angle lord in the 9th trine house. In D10 it is the
yogakdraka 10th lord in an angle getting directional strength and receiving
the aspect of Mars.

As one would expect, Mars-Sun timed a career peak. In April of 1970

when running this period/sub-period, she hosted her own TV special.

This dasd also times her three marriages quite well.

• The first came in Moon-Satum, with these planets in a 1-7

relationship in the birth chart.

• The second marriage in 1967 was Mars-Venus. Mars is in the

naksatra of Venus and these are the two planets ruling the 1-7 axis of
the birth chart.

• Her third marriage came in Mercury-Sun, which is readily

understandable only when you see her navdmsa.
Navamsha D9 Dharrria/Spouse

4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem
Ke JpMe
3 Aqu 8 Can
Ma 0
2 Cap 9 Leo
Ve AsKe
SaSu Ma
1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg

Mercury and the Sun are together here with Mercury as the 7th lord.

Saptamsha D7 Progany

7 7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem
8 ■

Ra Ra
As /
MaSu 9f| 6 Aqu 11 Can
MoMe ^
\ VeKe
Ke /
5 Cap 12 Leo

/ MeMo
Ve \
SuMa AsSa
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

From her first marriage she had two children, a son in Moon-Sun and a
daughter in Mars-Mercury. Note that all these grahas are sambandha in her
Rashl D1 General Hashl D1 General

Sa29 3' JPlS^S' As 19

9 Pis 10 Art It Tau 12 Gem
Jp iaa>'
302=26' S^29,'3,
8 Aqu 1 Can
Me?- m
Michael Bloomberg
MOj^y Vgi j-ss Sat 2/141942 154000 Ra : n 2f M024u43
Bngrtofi MA
7 Cap 2 Leo
Ve 13 55
BSag 5 Sco J Ubr 3 Virg Su
Dio Ppw#f A D.i6hiimim»h» 010 Pw«r & 5urui
Sunom Ag* OMha» Sun D AO* Daihat
S 22 1941 07 Ma 11/ 12! 1940 13 Mo As Me Mo
5 22. 194S 63 Rt 11/ 12 1952 107 Ma -X12 , Su
3j><C " MeAs>0'
V 23- 1W6 243 Jp 11/ 12 1964 22 7 Me Ea
5/ 23/ 1962 40 3 Sa 11/ 12 1976 347 JP SuRa
5, 23' 2001 593 Mer 11/ Hi 1966 467 Ve Jp Ve
5 23/ 2018 now 76 3 Ke 11/ 13. 2000 587 Sa <JP
V 23/ 2025 83 3 Ve 11' 1.V 2012 mw 70 7 Su Sa
5 23/ 2045 103 3 Su 11' 13- 2024 52 7 Mo SaVe Ke
5/ 24 2051 109 3 Mo 11/ 11 2036 04 7 Mil Ma
5/ 23/ 2061 1193 Ma 11/ 13. 2045 1067 Me
» 23/ 20M 126 3 Ra 11i 13/ 2060 1187 Ma
5/ 24 20&5 144 3 JP 11' 13 2072 1307 Ve

Michael Bloomberg made a fortune on Wall Street and then turned to

politics. He was elected the Mayor of New York from January 2002 to
December 2013. This coincided almost exactly with his 12-year Saturn
period in CaturasitT sama dasd. Like Muhammed Ali, his Cancer ascendant
chart features a yogakdraka 10th lord Mars in the 10th house forming a raja
yoga with Saturn. Saturn's debility gets cancelled effectively by being with
its sign lord. As a mcabhanga planet in the strongest angle, Saturn also gives
nicabhanga raja yoga.

Then see Saturn's condition in his dasdmsha where it is the 10th lord in
the 10th house with the additional influence of two benefics, while Venus is
vargottama and Jupiter is exalted. Saturn and Jupiter are a 9-10 combination.

He both won the election and assumed the office in Satum-Satum-

Mercury. Mercury is in the lagna of D-10 getting directional strength.

The great fortune that he amassed, currently estimated to be around $59

billion, was first acquired in his Jupiter and Venus major periods in this
dasd, which again shows this clearly. Jupiter is the 9th lord in the 11th house
in the sign of Venus giving a dhana yoga, while the 11th lord Venus is
forming a 1-11 dhana yoga with the Moon. From Candra lagna, Capricorn,
the Venus-Mercury combination is 5-9.
For 24 consecutive years he ran planets giving dhana yogas related to the
11th house of gains, the great multiplier, as I once heard my teacher, K.N.
Rao, refer to it.

Singer, song-writer, Stevie Nicks catapulted to great fame when she

joined the rock band Fleetwood Mac in the mid-1970, helping them to
become one of the best-selling music acts of all time with over 120 million
records sold worldwide. Rumors, the band's second album released in
February of 1977 with Nicks, became one of the best-selling albums of all
time, being certified 20x platinum in the US. In 1981, while remaining a
member of Fleetwood Mac, Nicks began her solo career, releasing the studio
album Bella Donna, which topped the Billboard 200 and has reached
multiplatinum status. She has released eight studio solo albums and seven
studio albums with Fleetwood Mac, selling a certified total of 65 million
copies in the US alone.

Her chart features the 1st and 10th lord Jupiter in its mulatrikona sign in
the 10th house, such that CaturasitT sama das a is applicable. Jupiter is
configured in one of the best Gaja KesarT Yoga imaginable. Can you see
why before reading further?

Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General

q.-MK Rib)
AS25'27 Ra2o 47 Ve®55.
1 Pis 2 An 3 TBU 4 Gem

OoAK As _ ■ 27
Od 23*57 M©4*4V Mo r:
12 Aqu 5 Can
Stevie Nicks j£
Wed sav we 30200
11 Cap PVWH* A7 6 Leo
Mo£W KSao'dr Sa BW
10 533 9 Sco 8 Ubr 7 Virg Ma !0
Chaluraihia N«v«fn»m 09 DhjftmJSpome Navwniha D9 DharmuSpouM
SOfiCl «• 40. DMKM Sort t>.» *»• Da»h« Ve
V 31' 1035 -128 Ve 9> IV 1940 -7 7 ve ye KeSu Jp
V 31/ 1955 72 Su ft' tv 1952 43 So
V 31' 1961 132 Mo ft IV ♦964 16 3 Su Su i AsSa
V 31' 1971 23? Mo ft IV 1976 28 3 Mo AsSa Ma
V 31/ 1978 302 Ro ft IV 1386 403 Ma Me
M 31' 19« 482 TP ft le- 2000 52 3 Me Jp
V 31/ 2012 no# 04 2 So ft' ift 2012 no* 64} TP
8.' 1' 2031 83 2 Me ft IV 2024 76 J Ve c
7/ 31' 2048 1002 Ke ft ie 2036 883 Sa 7 Mc
8.' 1/ 2055 1072 Ve ft IV 2048 1003 Su
a 1/ 2075 127 2 Su ft IV 2000 1123 Mo Me MoRa
8) 1' 2081 1332 Mo ft iv 2072 124 3 Mn <• Ma
• Her GKY consists of a strong Jupiter with a very bright Moon
aspected by both of the other benefics, a svaksetra Mercury and
Venus, who goes to its exaltation sign in her navdrhsa.

• Jupiter by itself forms a Harhsa Yoga that repeats from the Moon.

• The Moon-Jupiter combination is also a 1-5 raja/dhana yoga.

• Jupiter, Venus and Mercury form a truly superior SarasvatT Yoga that
also repeats from the Moon

Consult the table in the graphic above and note that she entered her
Moon period in CSD in 1976 which ran for 12 years. Do you see how this
conditional dasd perfectly times her great career rise by activating her
magnificent Gaja KesarT Yoga?

This skyrocket to musical fame in the Moon period could have been
predicted just based on the birth chart, but the Moon's placement and
condition in her dasdmsha underscores it.

Oashamamsha DiO Power & Status Dashamamsha DID Power & Status

9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem
Me Ke
8 Aqu 1 Can
Ra Su

Sa Jp

7 Cap 2 Leo
Ma J
Ve SaRa
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

Here the Moon is svaksetra as the lagna lord in the lagna and again
configured in a Gaja KesarT Yoga with a mcabhanga Jupiter.
Note that hers is a truly exceptional D-10 in which all the grahas are in
angle or trine house and with many in good dignities. It reflects her
remarkably exceptional career extending over five decades.

She entered her Jupiter period in Caturasiti sama at age 64 in 2012. In

2014 she released her 8th studio album and throughout this period she has
continued to perform to sold out audiences while now in her 70s.

One very interesting anecdote about this Jupiter period is that just after
entering it Nicks became an ordained minister with the Universal Life
Church and officiated at the wedding of Deer Tick singer John McCauley
and singer-songwriter Vanessa Carlton on December 27, 2013 Jupiter is the
natural indicator of priests, rabbis, ministers and all such religious officiates
and for her it is her 1st and 10th lord.

Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General

6 Pis 7 An 8 Tau 9 Gem
Me 13 2r RSirMT-
Vti22 56- Mo™,.
KOirir Su 49
5 Aqu 10 Can
ocwia- Ran-ir
e OK Christian Dior Sa 25 ■3 Mo
OU7'49- Sal 17111905 1 27 00
*4 Cap Gf«v>a FR
11 Leo
Me*, Ma^2.
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12V.r9 J
VlmshotuH ChaluraihlH sama Navamsha D9 Dharmn Spouse
Start Dashn KeJp
» 1903 •17 5« 12 24. 1903 -11 Sa Ve « Ke
V 1922 17 3 Me 12 24. 1915 109 Su , Su i
9 1939 343 Ke 12' 24' 192/ 229 140 Su As Ma
W 1946 41 3 Ve 12' 24 1939 549 Ma jp
ft' 1966 61 3 So 12 24. 1951 469 Me
8/ 1972 67 3 Mo 12 25. 1963 689 Jp
9 1982 77 3 M* 12 25 1975 70 9 Ve Ve
9' 1989 64 3 Re 12; 25 1967 629 Sa As Ma MeMo
» 2007 now 102 3 Jp 12 25 1999 949 Su Bfl
9 2023 1183 S« 12 25 2011 r 1060 140
9 2042 137 3 Me 12 25 2023 1189 14a SaRa
7059 <54 3 Ko 12 25 2035 '500 Me MaMo

Christian Dior was a famous French fashion designer, best known as the
founder of one of the world's top fashion houses. After its inception in 1946,
his fashion houses and designs became known and sought after all over the
world in less than a decade.

From Wikipedia:
"In 1946 Marcel Boussac, a successful entrepreneur known as the
richest man in France, invited Dior to design for Phillippe et Gaston, a
Paris fashion house launched in 1925. Dior refused, wishing to make a
fresh start under his own name rather than reviving an old brand. On 8
December 1946, with Boussac s backing, Dior founded his fashion
house. The actual name of the line of his first collection, presented on 12
February 1947, was Corolle (literally the botanical term corolla or
circlet of flower petals in English), but the phrase New Look was coined
for it by Carmel Snow, the editor-in-chief of Harper s Bazaar. "

"Dior's "New Look" revolutionized women's dress and reestablished

Paris as the center of the fashion world after World War II as well as
making Dior a virtual arbiter of fashion for much of the following
decade each season featuring a newly titled Dior "line, " in the manner
of 1947's "Corolle" line, that would then be trumpeted in the fashion

His 10th lord Moon is in the 10th house and therefore CaturasitT sama
dasd can be applied, and what a 10th lord Moon his is. Almost perfectly full
and forming a superior raja yoga with a svaksetra yogakdraka Saturn, it is
also participating in an excellent GaurT Yoga, defined by when the Moon is
in its own sign or exalted in an angle or trine house and aspected by a strong

And it was in his Moon period starting at age 22 that he first established
himself as a top designer in France.

But it was the following major period of Mars which ran from 1939 to
1951 in his CaturasitT sama dasd that he founded his own fashion house and
became world famous. See how this period clearly indicates his great
professional rise.

• As the 7th lord in the 1st house, Mars gives raja yoga, but from a
strong Candra lagna Mars becomes the yogakdraka 5th lord of
creativity and 10th lord of career.

• His Mars gives exceptionally strong results due to its exalted

condition in his navdmsa.
It gives particularly strong results related to his professional life
because it is likewise exalted in the lagna of his dasdmsha

Dashamamsha D10 Power & Staius Dashamamsha DiO Power & Staius

Ma Mo
3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem
Ra Su


,10, 2 Aqu 7 Can

/ Ra
As Ma
1 Cap 8 Leo

Su Ve

Sa Jp 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg

Dior's landmark first collection referenced in the quote from Wikipedia

took place in Mars-Saturn. Besides being the yogakdraka, Saturn gives Sasa
Mahdpurusa Yoga both from the birth lagna and the Moon. Mars and Saturn
are in a mutual aspect, giving an additional 5-7 angle-trine raja yoga. It is
noteworthy how this conditional dasd perfectly times this pivotal moment in
his life.

The birth chart of actor Kirk Douglas, who was a very prominent
Hollywood movie star in the 1940s, 50s and 60s, presents another
compelling illustration of the efficacy of the Caturasiti sama dasd.

In his case Venus in its mulatrikona sign as the 10th lord in the 10th house
is also the yogakdraka planet for his Capricorn ascendant. It is in a mutual
glance with Jupiter, a strong 3rd lord of the performing arts, indicating his
career as an actor.
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General
R3?r 7T M3if>B M63T
MO£4, KG?7'?3 As 7-50' . Su 24 "S?
3 Pis 4 An 5 Tau 6 Gem
Jp 2 56 Ve2l -
2 Aqu 7 Can X7
Kirk Douglas
ASyso1 Sal 1291916 1(115 00
AmsMiWn NV
1 Cap 8 Lea
Su 24-32 \/p
Ve2i36' MOjsu*-
Rajr-tr Me?7 S37012
12 Sag 11 SCO lOLibf 9 Virg Ke^rzr
Navttnaha D9 Dhawu/Spouae Nevamehj D9 Dharma'Spoma
SurtDat* Start Data VeMe Me Jove Su
1915 -1 3 u* 10' It 1914 -22 Me As Ke
192Z 57 R* 1<V 11 192€ 98 Jp Jji
1940 237 jp 10 11 1930 218 Ve As
1950 39 7 Si 10 It 1950 33 8 Sa SU Ma
1975 SO 7 Me 10 11 1962 458 Su 1 Ke
1992 75 7 Ke lO 12 1974 578 Mo
T999 827 va 10 12 1966 098 Ma
2019 new 102 7 So 10 12 1996 818 Me Mo
2025 106 7 Mo 10 iZ 2010 no* 93 8 Jp Sa
Oi 2035 110 7 Ma 10 12? 2022 1058 Ve
& 2042 125 7
10 12 2034
10 i2i JS*S
1178 Sa Ra Sa Ma Mo
_5_20» ^ So

In which case, it is rather fascinating to see that in Vimsottari he began

his Jupiter period at age 23 while in CaturasitT sama he started his Venus
mahadasd at age 21. Both das as are activating this Venus-Jupiter
combination in his chart and both time his career rise as a movie star. In fact,
it was his Jupiter-Venus period in Vimsottari when he won his first Academy
Award nomination for his performance as an unscrupulous boxer in the film,
Champion (1949). In CaturasitT sama it was Venus-Jupiter!

The following Saturn major period in CSD also proved very fortunate for
his career and it is easy to see why astrologically. Saturn is the lagna lord in
the 7th giving raja yoga by placement and getting directional strength in the
7th house. Saturn's sign lord is a completely full, exalted Moon, who as the
7th lord in the 5th house also gives raja yoga.

Kirk Douglas is most known for his role as the Roman slave, Spartacus,
who led a rebellion. The film of that title appeared in late 1960 in his Satum-
Jupiter period, but its huge office box success and seven Academy Award
nominations, including four wins, came after he moved into his Saturn-
Venus period in January 1961.

Saturn and Venus each give raja yoga in the birth chart, with both
planets in strength and in a kendra sambandha, but their placement and
condition in his dasdmsha significantly adds to the story of his fame from
this most notable role. Here they are together in an angle with Saturn getting
direction strength and with Venus svaksetra.

Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status

KeSu VeSa
Me Jn
9 5 Pis 6 Ari 7 Tau 8 Gem
As Mo


4 Aqu 9 Can
1 itwS

Ke Me
3 Cap 10 Leo
Su Sa 3\
Ve As
Ma Jp 2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Ubr 11 Virg

Rashl D1 General Rashl Dl General

Me,, Su^.jr Ra
Ve25=33" Jp.4-» As 4^ Ma 2Vie
7 Pis BAri 9 Tau 10 Gem

K6ii»sr Ma25M6'
16 Aqu 11 Can MO29 42'Jpi4'30
Ran 52 SlIjT'ss' Meg-g
Harrison Ford
Men 7.131042 114100
Cl«C4go 8 V 625-13'
5 Cap 12 Leo
Sa i5°y
AS 9 •42'
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg Ke
Vim»hon»n Chaturaahm nm» 09 DMnna'Spoun D9 Dhamu/ipauM
Son On. -g« Djtrji Sun *5. Disha. MaJp
It/1 W, 1930 -117 jp 10/ 18/ IMS 277 Mo Me As r Sa SuMo
IV 16. 1946 43 Sa 7/ 4, 1971 29 0 Wo Ma X 11
it, is mi 23 3 Me 3- JV 1973 30 7 Mo tAe Sa s As 10 Kg
IV 17/ 1982 40 3 KC 12 7 1974 324 Mo Jp Ma Jp Ra
IV 1^ 1989 47 3 Ve 8 24, 1976 341 Mo Ve Su Me
IV 17/ 2009 67 3 So 5/ 12/ 1978 358 Mo Sa
It, 17, 2015now 73 3 tAi V 29 1990 375 Mo Su Mo
It, 17 2025 33 3 UJ 10' 181 1881 3».l Ma Ma Ke Ve
IV IS 2032 90 3 Ra 7/ 4, 1963 410 Md Me RS *
11/ 17' 2050 108 3 Jp 3/ 21/ 1965 42 7 Uj Jp
IV 17/ 2066 124 3 Sa 12 7/ 1965/ 44 4 Mj Ve Me
IV 17/ 2085 143 3 Me 8 24 1968 46 1 I.Id sa 1 Ve

In the early 1970s Harrison Ford was a struggling actor who was doing
carpentry to support his family. Film producer George Lucas hired him to
work on his home but ended up casting him in the role of Hans Solo in his
blockbuster movie, Star Wars (1977). As a result, Ford became an overnight
international star and this launched him into one of the most successful
careers in Hollywood history.

CaturasitT sama das a is applicable to his chart since the 1st and 10th lord
Mercury is in the 10th house and forms the Badhra Mahdpurusa Yoga from
the birth lagna, as well as Candra and Surya lagna. And it was in his
Mercury major period in VimsottarT that he became a major movie star.

CSD times this well also though in a different way. It was his Moon
major period in this conditional dasd, activating the superior Gaja Kesari
Yoga, with the Moon vargottama conjunct Jupiter in the 10th house with the
additional influence of the strong natural benefic, Mercury. His GKY is the
real deal and it made him an Elephant-Lion of Hollywood when activated in
CaturasitT sama dasd.

Rashl D1 General Rashl 01 General

S37g=36- \SUano
Jj328 55'
6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
As 14=59- Ma-.j'v
M08=44' ■ „ KSGMT
5 Aqu 10 Can
Gustave Flaubert Moa 44
V© 14-59 Wed 12'I2>821 -4 0000 Ma^a- rVds'ir
4 Cap Rogt*t rn
11 Leo 1l"X, X3
< >12 X. 2 X.
S 028*30'
M©/59' AS,4=59
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12 Vlrg Saja-M-JPi'S-s? .
N«v«m«ha 08 PhannaiSpomt
SonD «• *«• Onr>» Start Date AO* Dathai Su JjD v JpSaSu
4-' 1( 5814 -7 7 St 1/ 3lf 1817 J9 S« VeKe
> 3V ie?J 11 3 1' 31' 1329 71 So Sa
* V 1650 23 3 Ke 1' 31i IB4I 191 >40 As
4) i; 1857 353 Ve 1' 31' 1653 31 1 Ma
4J V 1877 553 Sii 1' 31' 1865 431 Me As Ve
4-' V 168J 61 3 Mo 1' 31' 1677 551 JP
« 11 1693 713 14a 1' 31' 1339 671 Ve Ke Ra
4V 2' 1900 78 3 Ra Z 1' 1901 79 1 Sa Ma
4' * 1918 963 JP Z 1' 1913 91 1 So Ma
A! 2' 19M 1123 sa 2/ 1' 1925 1031 Mo
1 Z 1953 1313 Me Z 1' 193? 1151 14a Ra MoMe
A * 1970 143 3 Ke z V 1949 1271 >40 MeMo

The birth chart of French novelist, Gustave Flaubert, features the Moon
as the 10th lord in the 10th house, making Chaturashita sama dasd
Invariably in my experience, those who achieve great literary fame have
a strong Mercury and Jupiter, the two natural significators of authorship. In
Flaubert's case Jupiter is both svaksetra and vargottama in the birth chart
and Mercury is exalted in his navdrhsa.

Madame Bovary, the work for which he is most famous was first
published in serial form in 1856 and then as a book in April 1857. This
coincided with his Mars major period in CSD, which at first glance does not
appear to give such a result until you see it from Candra lagna, as the
Sanskrit classics instruct us always to do when interpreting any major
period. Now Mars becomes a vargottama yogakdraka 5th lord of creative
writing aspecting onto its own 5th house Scorpio from this perspective. In
Vimsottan it was his Ketu period who is conjunct Mars and is therefore
giving this same result.

The extraordinary success of Scottish singer-songwriter, Sheena Easton,

is brilliantly revealed in its timing by the CaturasitT sama das a which
applies to her chart since her 10th lord Venus is in the 10th house Taurus,
giving a Mdlavya Mahdpurusa Yoga.

Rashl Dt General Rashl D1 General

M61617- SUISMB' Ma^g- Ra,™

8 Pis 9 An 10Tau 11 Gem

As 24'ST-
Jfi BIS V821'40'
T Aqu 12 Can
Sheena Easton
Man U44 00 AS24 37'
8 Cap BeeslKl UK 1 Leo
Sa Su 13 IS
MOu-ae- Ra 19-35 Mo u-vy
S3t3'40' Jp6.23,
5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2 \Arg Me Ke,l>.-.v
N«y««niM D9 Dnomi/SpouK
SwiO *0. Oadus Start O DnK»
s 3it 1537 .19 Ve 31 s 1956 -1 1 Ve
5 31 1977 181 Sii 1/ y 1970 109 Sa
V 31 1983 24 1 MO y s 196? 229 Su Me As
* iV 1993 34 1 ',ia V y 1994 14 9 Mo Ma
V 3V
11 1
2018 now
Me «VeSu Mo
V 31' 2034 751 Sa y t 2030 709 Jp SaJfi Ma
V 11' 2053 04 1 M» y tM 2042 629 V« ,-Mo Su
V 31' 2070 111 1 Ke y «■ 205-1 949 So Ve
V IK 2077 110 1 Vp 3/ & ?oee 1069 Su
V 11 2097 1161 Su y y 2078 1189 Mo Ke Me As
* 2103 144 1 Mo y 6- 2090 1309 Me

From Wikipedia:
"A six-time Grammy nominee in the US, Easton is a two-time Grammy
Award winner, winning Best New Artist in 1982- She has received five US
Gold Albums and one US Platinum Ablum. She has recorded 16 studio
albums, released 45 singles total worldwide, and had 20 consecutive US
singles, including 15 US Top 40 singles, seven US Top Tens and one US
#1 on the Billboard Hot 100 between 1981 and 1991. She had 25 top 40
hits internationally. In Canada, Easton scored three gold and two
platinum albums. She has sold over 20 million records worldwide. "

It can be seen from the table given in the graphic above that she ran her
Sun period in this conditional dasd from 1982 to 1994. Her Sun is an exalted
1st lord in the 9th house giving both raja and dhana yoga by placement from
the birth lagna. From the Moon in Sagittarius, it is the 9th lord in the 5th
house giving dhana yoga by placement. Moreover, it is the focal point of an
excellent Subha Ubhayachari Yoga, since it is flanked by natural benefics,
with Venus svaksetra and Mercury nlcabhahga.

Then see the Sun in here dasdmsha.

Dashamamsha 010 Power & Status Dashamamsha 010 Power & Status

Ke As Sa
Sa As 12 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem


11 Aqu 4 Can
4 (*->10 ( &

10 Cap 5 Leo
Su a
Jfi MaRa 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Libr 6 Virg

Here the Sun is in its own sign as the 5th lord in the 5th house with the
natural benefic Venus.
James Clavell was an Australian novelist, screenwriter, director, and
World War II prisoner of war. Clavell is best known as the author of his
Asian Saga novels, Tai-pan, Shogun and Noble House, a number of which
have had television adaptations. Clavell was also a very successful screen
writer and movie director.

His chart features Mercury as the 10th lord in the 10th house just 3
degrees applying to its point of extreme exaltation. Its conjunction with the
9th lord Sun, getting directional strength and svaksetra in D-9, forms the best
possible raja yoga for his Sagittarius ascendant and with both grahas in
great strength.

His greatest success and fame came from his third novel, Shogun (1975),
which is set in 17th century Japan, and tells the story of a shipwrecked
English navigator. When the novel was made into a TV miniseries in 1980,
produced by Clavell, it became the second highest rated miniseries in history
with an audience of more than 120 million

In VimsottarT the novel was published in Mercury-Saturn and in

CaturasitTsama both the novel and the TV miniseries came in his Sun major

Rashl D1 General Rashl PI General

Jp 22"*

4 Pis 5 Art 6 Tau 7 Gem
MOlQMT- As 10 J7" ^ Sa to 5
M34'32i Ra?B:5T S 1123^35
3 Aqu 8 Can
Ke28'5r Vegsa-
James Clavell
fi\ tO'10'1924 9MOO
2 Cap 9 Leo
Jp22-56' Siw Veo9*W
AS 10'47 SSios- Me,21r
ISag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Vtrg
Vlnwhcaan Nay i/niha 09 1 rwmiySfx D9 Dharmt'SpouM
sun o 31* 48* D>1K41 sun Oil* *8* DMhdf Su Ve
t- 1924 451 •Jo M4 ft 31' 1913 .11 4 Mo RaMo Me Ve-
24. 1«S 10 Jp JP ft 3 V 1925 06 Me
lli 12' 1927 31 -n 30 ft 31/ 1937 120 As
V » ISM 56 JP Me ft 31/ 1949 24 6 Ve He
d' 19J2 79 Jp Ko ft 3V 1961 366 Sa i As Me
ft V 19M 6,8 Jp Ve ft 9X1 1973 466 Su
4i' V 1936 115 Jp So ft 31/ 1965 606 Mo
V 2* 1937 123 Jp Mo ft 31' 1997 726 Ma JpSa Su MC
i> 2ft 1938 136 Jp Me ft 31 2009 64 6 Me Ma a Sa Jp iz Ra
ft 2 1939 146 jp Hi ft 31/ 2021 now 96« jp
24. '»4' 170 S> Sa ft 31/ 2033 1086 Ve Ma Ke
9. 27/ 1944 200 5* Me ft W 2045 1206 Sa
Dashamamsha D10 Powar & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status

Jp Ma
1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gem
Ma Sa

12 Aqu 5 Can
Ke Ra @

11 Cap 6 Leo

Ve SuRa Ve
Mo 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Libr 7 Virg

Note the position and condition of Mercury and the Sun in his dasamsha,
where Mercury is again exalted in and angle and the Sun is again in the 10th
house getting directional strength.

CSD also clearly times his internment in a Japanese prisoner of war

camp during World War II in 1942 during his Jupiter major period, since his
Jupiter is his lagna lord in the 12th house of imprisonment with the aspect of



In the chapter on das as in the Brhat Parasara Hora Sastra, the Dvisaptati
Sama Das a is the eighth type of planetary period listed there and its
calculation and applicability are given as follows:

"Count from Mula naksatra to the Moon s naksatra at birth and divide by
8. The remainder will determine the beginning of das a lords in the order of
the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu (Ketu has
no das a in this system). All the eight das as are of 9 years duration.

The das a system is applicable in cases where either the ascendent lord is in
the 7th house or the 7th lord is in the ascendent."

This dasd applies to 16.67% of all birth charts. Since it consists of eight
planetary periods of nine years in duration, it is a total cycle of 72 years.

Each dasd = 9 years

Each antardasd = one year, one month and 15 days
Each pratyantar dasd = one month, 20 days and 15 hours

There are 27 naksatras beginning with Asvini, which encompasses 00 to

13-20 in Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. Counting from Asvini, Mula is
number 19. In birth charts where this dasd is applicable, to determine the
starting period, take the following steps:

1. See which naksatra the Moon is in at birth

2. Count the number of naksatras from Mula to the Moon's naksatra.

3. If the total is more than 8, divide by this number and the remainder
indicates in which of the eight grahas the person begins this dasd in
order of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and

The following table makes determining the planetary period at birth very
Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18

Simply identify which of the 27 naksatras starting from Asvini the person's
Moon was in at birth and then find out from the table which planetary column
the number of that naksatra falls under and this will be the planetary period at

In the birth chart of pop music star, Taylor Swift, there is an exchange
between the 1st and 7th lords, so this dasd is applicable to her chart twice over.

Rashl 01 Ganerd Rashi 01 General

Ve,.,,. Ma„

ASi4"28' Su
2'-«' Jj2l3057
10 . . 8/ 4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem

3 Aqu 8 Can
R324 14
Taylor Swift
Wed 12/13/1989 8 36:00
VSsMr Wyomissing. PA
2 Cap 9 Leo
/tC ^13'57' /
Me,5., SU27048
M 0 9fl47' Ke?4' u
Sa ^
/ \/ \ 1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg

Her Moon is in Ardrd naksatra, the 6th counting from Asvini. Consult the
table and see that 6 is under Saturn's column. This is the planetary period into
which she was bom in this dasd system, but with some balance of 9 years
since this dasd begins at 6-40 of Gemini and her Moon is at 9-47.

For her the dasd sequence begins at Saturn and then unfolds in the
following sequence:
1. Saturn

2. Rahu

3. Sun

4. Moon

5. Mars

6. Mercury

7. Jupiter

8. Venus

The sub-periods within these major periods would start with the planet
itself, just like in the familiar VimsottarT dasd, and then unfold in this set
sequence. For any Saturn major period, the sub-periods would therefore be as

1. Saturn-Saturn

2. Saturn-Rahu

3. Saturn-Sun

4. Saturn-Moon

5. Saturn-Mars

6. Saturn-Mercury

7. Saturn-Jupiter

8. Saturn-Venus

Fortunately, in this day and age, the calculation of all the dasds of Jyotish
are done instantly in the software programs. See this screen shot from Sri Jyoti
Star, the software that I use and most recommend:
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General
M0947- XSi24-i.r Veq-,,-/' Su2,M8 Ma,-3 . '
ill2l3"57 AS 14"28"
4 P« 5 An 6 Tau 7 Gem \ 10 K ■ fl /"
Me^r .X7_
3 Aqu 8 Can
2 Cap 9 Leo
ij£l3u57' - j i.
Me,^ SU27'48'
Sa^As,^. MOg-^y
1 Sag 12Sco 11 Llbr 10 Virg
Navamaha D9 Dhanni/$ppua«
Swto» San Oat* Sa Ma
» 10' 1983 •15 Ha JO 12.' 20' 1968 -10 s« SuVe
IV A' 1990 09 Rj Sa H a 1990 01 Sa
4 Itt' 1993 37 fU ).<« V 22 1991 13 5a Uo Me As
3.' » 1996 63 Rj Ke 5' ft 1992 24 Sa Ma Ke Jp Ma
Al 17' 1997 73 Ha ve 61 21/ 1993 35 S» Me
A 17' 2000 10 3 Ra So 6 6 1994 46 Sa JP
3 11' 2001 112 Ra Ma » 2V 199S 58 3a ve RaMe
9 10 2002 127 Ra Ui tv S) 16M <» Ra Ra , As
» !» JOOJ i}« J? JP 2V 199/ 60 Ra 5u Ke
IV 1& 2005 159 Jp Sa 2f S. 1999 91 Ra uo MO
5 » 2008 IBS Jp Ue 3 21' 2000 101 Ra 14a Mo Sa SuVe
6 ^ ?O'0 ^07 3p Jk- JSSi. 114 Bg J*.

From this it can be seen that Taylor Swift started her life in Rahu-Jupiter in
VimsottarT and Satum-Rahu in DvisaptdtT Sama. At age six she moved into the
next major period of Rahu.

To further illustrate how this dasd is calculated see the horoscope of

former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, which also features an
exchange between the 1st and 7th lords.

At 5-35 of Capricorn, her Moon falls in Uttara Asddhd. which is the 21st
naksatra counting from Asvini. Consulting the table shown earlier, we find that
21 falls under the column of Mars, and this is the period in which she was bom
in this dasd system, as can been seen in the graphic below. Another way of
seeing this is that Uttara Asddhd is three naksatras away from Mula, and in
the prescribed dasd sequence of Sun, Moon, Mars, etc., Mars is the third
Roshl D1 General Rashl D1 General
1 Ma Ke
JplS'O KG9'i2'

8 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem

0321-47 Jg. 5
AS 27 ■22
AS27 22
6 Aqu 1 Can

Indira Gandhi M 316*22-

M 05-35' Moo 14191917 231100
7 Cap 2 Leo
V ©21 =0' M G 13=13'
Mo 35
r\3g=-j2' SU4=r
esae 5 Sco 4 Lfbr 3 Virg Ra 9 12 Ve
Vimihoturt DwlaaptaD tuna Nivayrnhfl D9 Dharmi/Spoux N>v«m»h< D8 Ph>mi»iSpou»»
Son Data Aga Daihas Stan Data Aga DasHat Mo
» 2! 1917 ■02 Sj We 6 28. 1917 -04 Ma Re As J£ Ra
7( Itti 1918 OS So Ke 8/ 12/ 191E 0 7 Mo Su 2
11,i 14' 1918 10 Su Ve 9 27 1919 19 Ma Wo Jg As 10 Sa
in is^ m> 3.0 Wo Mo til 11/ 1830 3 0 Ma Ma Mo
» U 1920 2B Ma We 12/ 27/ 1921 4 1 I4€ jp
4' 15J 1921 34 140 Rl 2 11/ 1023 52 J4e Ve
ia IS' 1922 4.9 MO Jp y 28 1924 6 4 Me Si Ra Ke
2' 14. 1924 62 Wo So S 11 1925 75 '.<e Ra Sa SuMa
9' 14 1925 7 8 Mo Me 6 28 1926 86 Ue Su
2'1 14 1927 92 140 Ke & 13/ 1927 97 Ue 140
9 IS 1927 9 B l4o Ve 4 27. 1928 109 f.le Ma * MeVe
S 16 1929 115 14(1 Su Ml 131 193S 13.0 Jf Jp a> Ha ve Ma

The hint given in Pdrdsara Hord regards these conditional das as is that
when they apply, they should take precedence for predicting events. This does
not mean that others should not also be utilized, but rather emphasizes the
importance of the conditional ones.

Indira Gandhi, after being voted out of office in 1977, fought back and
became Prime Minister again in January of 1981. It was her Moon-Satum-
Moon period in DvisaptdtT Sam a das a. Notice how this das a sequence
activates the significant raja yoga formed by the 1-7 exchange between these
grahas, giving both a source of strength, and with the Moon having the
additional aspect of the 9th lord Jupiter.

Then see these two planets in her D-10 where they are together in the \\th
house receiving the aspect of Jupiter and with Saturn in its exaltation sign.
DvisaptdtT Sama dasd times this career peak in her political life extraordinary
Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Oashamamsha D10 Power & Status
Ma Me
Ra Jp
4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem

3 Aqu 8 Can

2 Cap 9 Leo
J2 Su
As Ke
Me Sa
Ve 1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg

Four years later on October 31, 1984 she was shot dead, assassinated by
her own Sikh bodyguards. Again, this conditional dasd times the event in an
exceptionally clear way. The dasd sequence was Mars-Mars-Sun. Violent Mars
in her chart is a primary mdraka since it is in the 2nd house in the Sun's sign
and in an exchange with the Sun, who it also aspects. As the 2nd lord, the Sun
is also a primary mdraka for her birth chart. The danger of this period for such
an event could hardly be clearer.

The birth chart of Oscar-winning, Hollywood movie star, Susan Sarandon,

also features a 1 -7 exchange between Saturn and the Moon, only this time for a
Capricorn ascendent.
Roshl D1 General Rashl D1 General

Bibo 52 M O 3017' Ke
3 Pis 4 An 5 Tau 6 Gem
S 31349- Ve 0 31
Ma 13-46
2 Aqu 7 Can
Susan Sarandon M62"10'
MOs-iy- Pn IQ.4.1946 142330
1 Cap NMYM WY 5 Leo
Sa Su IrSI
: SU 17*51'
Ke20 52 JPs-sr i
VGO-31" Ma.. ^ Msj-tf,
12 Sag 11 Sco lOUbr 9 V'fJ
Daihamamtna 010 Pos«. & D10
Sun Dal. 60* San Date
1 22/ 1996 *95 Jp Ma 2/ 24' 1999 494 Ra Sa Ve
Al 1996 ■•9 5 Jp Ra 41 IK IMS 41.8 So Su Su « 1 Su Mo
7, 2 1993 49 7 Jp Jp 6' 6. 1996 49 7 So So Mo VeRa Jp As Me
» & 1996 499 Jp Sa 7/1 27 1956 498 So So •4a Ma
11/ 2i. 1996 SOI Jp Me 01 17/ 1996 $00 So So Me Sa Sa
1/ »' 1997 50 3 Jp Ke 111 7' 1996 501 So So JP
Z' 26 1997 50 4 jp Ve 12 2& 1996 50 2 So So Ve Ke RaVe
V 19 1997 50 6 Jp So 2 18 1997 50 4 So SO Sa
61 131 1»7 SO 7 Jp Ml 4' 10 1997 50 5 So Su Ra Ma u
7/1 2' 1997 50 7 Jp Ra » 311 1«»7 50,7 Su Mo Ms As Mb
ft 22. 1997 509 Jp Jp 7. 22 1997 50 8 So Mo Ma
10 6 1997 510 JP _§«_ » 11' 1997 500 Mo Me Jp , SuMo

A major career peak for her occurred on the night of March 25, 1996 when
she won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in the film, Dead
Man Walking.

Vimsottari timed this event very well since the das a sequence was Jupiter-
Moon-Mars. This activated her excellent Gaja KesarT Yoga involving the 3rd
lord Jupiter of the performing arts in the 10th house of career with Mars, the
\\th lord of awards and honors. However, the timing in DvisaptdtT Sama das a
is also exceptionally clear, especially with respect to her dasdmsha. Here the
sequence was Rahu-Saturn-Venus.

In the birth chart an exalted Rahu gives the results of the yogakdraka 10th
lord Venus in the 11th house of awards in two ways, both by being its sign lord
and by aspect. Saturn gives raja yoga strongly by virtue of the 1-7 exchange,
but then see that these three grahas are all together in the lO111 house of the
dasdmsha and consider the yogas that they form there.

Saturn is yogakdraka and Venus is the 1st lord in a 1-10 exchange with the
Moon. Rahu situated there is giving the results of these yogas and powerfully.
The sequence of Rahu-Saturn-Venus times this career peak extraordinarily
well when considering D-10.
Prior to winning this Oscar for Best Actress in 1996 she had been
nominated for the award four other times for her performances in Atlantic City
(1980) Thelma and Louise (1991), Lorenzo's Oil (1992 and The Client (1994).
The first nomination occurred in her Saturn period in DSS and the other three
in Rahu. Her first successes as an actress occurred in her Venus period from
ages 22 to 31. Do you see how well this conditional dasd is timing the
unfoldment of her great movie stardom where she runs consecutive 9-year
periods of Venus, Saturn and Rahu?

Oashamamsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status

SuMo 6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem

As Me / Ma VeRa
/ 1(W4 \ 5 Aqu 10 Can
Sa 0
Ke Ve
4 Cap 11 Leo
As Me
_ 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12 Virg

The timing of the birth of a son on May 15, 1989 illustrates how using
conditional das as along with Vims ot tan can increase predictive accuracy.
While filming the movie Bull Durham in 1988 she began an 11-year
relationship with co-star Timothy Robbins. It was her Jupiter-Satum period in
Vimsottan, with Saturn in the T1*1 house and in a close kendra sambandha with
Nnvamsha D9 Dharma^Spousa Navamsha D9 Ohafmai'Spouso
Mo Ke
\ Su
12 2 Pis 3 Ari 4 Tau 5 Gem
/ X jp
/ \ As
As VeRa
\ 1 Aqu 6 Can
12 Cap 7 Leo
Su y< .7 Me
Jp Sa
VeRa __ 11 Sag 10 Sco 9 Libr 8 Virg

In Dvisaptati Sama it was Rahu-Sun, with the Sun being the 7th lord of her

But these same periods/sub-periods gave them a child a year later. Jupiter
as a major period lord can always give this result simply because it is the
planetary kdraka for children, and Rahu is in her 5th house of the birth chart
aspected by the 5th lord Venus.

The sub-period timing in both VimsottarT and DSS is a classic example of

an interpretive principle that I have illustrated repeatedly in my books and
article. When in the saptdmsa a sub-period lord falls in the 5th from the major
period lord, this can be a child-giving time.
Saptamsha D7 Progany

Ke Mo Su
Ra Sa Ve

8 Pis 9 Ari 10 Tau 11 Gem

Me As
7 Aqu 12 Can
Jp \ Ma
\ / 6 Cap 1 Leo

Sa Jp Ke
Ma Ra 5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Libr 2 Virg

In her D-7 Jupiter is actually the 5th lord in the 5th house, but then see that
Saturn falls in the 5th house from Jupiter's position in Sagittarius. Rahu is in
Jupiter's sign giving its results, but then notice that the Sun falls in the 5th from
Rahu both in D-7 and in the birth chart. Seeing this kind of confluence in
which two das as are showing the same potential for an event at a particular
time enables an astrologer to feel more confident in their prediction.

These are retrospective illustrations, not predictions given in advance, and

it is only the later which makes an impression on the astrological skeptic. I
have used this das a to successfully predict and one of my first opportunities to
do so publicly occurred in 2000 when I wrote an article predicting the outcome
of the U.S. Presidential election which took place in November of that year.
Both the Democratic nominee, A1 Gore, and the Republican nominee, George
W. Bush, had Cancer as their birth ascendant with the 7th lord Saturn in the 1st
Roshl D1 General Rashl D1 General
q. .MK
OU-,7-47- ASn-s-
6 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem
S322 52'
Me^, As,,.? Ma^0 Ve 2'W
Sa^52 M32530'
6 Aqu 1 Can

Al Gore Ke21 26
Wed 1-31/1948 125300
V/isnnoWr OC
7 Cap 2 Leo
Mo^s- Ke2i=26'
6 Sag 5 SCO 4 Ubr 3Vrrfl Jp..3& Mo;0.ff Me
4 D»hwnam*ha DID Powei S, Suius DID
Start Data 0» « Stan Cat. r«h«
7/ 7/ 2000 52 3 Ra Sa JPM. 16 10 20CO 525 Sa Ma 5u Mo Su Ke As,
11/ 23/ 2000 M« Ri Ma 11/ -» 2000 527 >Sa Ma Mo
4.' 4/ 200i 53 0 Ra Me Ke U 20 2001 ill Sa M. M* As
5/ 28 2001 532 Ra M» Ve 6 16 2001 529 Sa Me JO
10 30 2001 536 Ra Me Su 6 6 2001 531 Sa Me Ve Mo
12 16 2001 53 7 Ra Me Mo 6 23- 2001 532 Sa Me Sa
21 4' 2002 539 Ra Me Ma a 14. 2001 534 Sa 14e Ra Me
4, 27 2002 54 1 Ra Me Ra 16 4 2001 535 Sa Me Su Ve Jp
9 14' 2002 545 Ra •lie Jp 11/ 24 2001 537 Sa Me MO Sa
1/ 16 2003 546 Ra Me Sa 1/ I V 2002 538 Sa Me Ma
6 121 2003 M2 Ra K* K. J> 7/ 2002 S3 9 Sa Jp Jp MaRa Sa Me
7/ 5- 2003 55 3 Ha K# V« 4 26 2002 541 Sa JP Ve RaMa JpVe

Rashi Di General Raahl 01 General

Ma,,vir Su 30'40
q. MK
^327^28 OU 20=40' Ra orzs-
9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem M616=43 Sar23
MeS, Ve28-23 As ,4 0
ASM-O- Ve^j
8 Aqu 1 Can
George W. Bush
Sal 7.61946 72600
7 Cap Hew Havw, CT 2 Leo
K027=28 J p25'2' Ke ,'T V
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Virg
Owl—ptm aama Dathamamiha 010 Povwi' & Status Oaahamamtha 010 Powor & Status
Start Data M6
IIV *' 199S 522 Sa Mo JP 121 4i 1996 52 4 Me 1*0 Ra SaKe [*
12' 20 19» 52 5 S# Mo Sa 1. 25 1999 526 Ma Mo Su i
1 22 527 Sa Mo Me V ill 1999 917 M. Ma Ma As
0' 12 1999 52 9 Sa 1A) Ko S 7/ 1999 52 8 Me Ma Me As
1i l& 1999 530 Sa Mo Ve 6' 26 1999 53 0 Me Ml Jp Ra Ke
101 20 1999 53 3 Sa Mo So 6' 15 1999 531 Me Ma v«
111 tlf 1999 Ma So Ma Ml Itt 6 1999 53 3 Me M.1 Sa Sa
12 11' 1999 534 Sa Ma fU 11. 29 1999 53 4 Me 143 Ra JpMa
2 10 2000 53 6 Sa Ma Jp 1' 19 2000 53.5 Ml Ma Su ]Me Ma Jp
4; 4 2000 537 Sa Ml Sa » 10.' 2000 55 7 Me Ma Mo Su
t II 2000 539 Sa Ma Me * v tow U« Jp Jp Jp . Move Ra 1 VeSuMo
iuLaai J<S_ Jj9 -f Jp. Ve

It was very difficult, impossible actually, to see one as being the clear
winner on election day, and, in fact, it turned out to be the closest election in
U.S history, and the outcome extended beyond election day. Gore won the
popular vote but Bush won in the Electoral College by a very narrow margin
after a recount of the vote in Florida and a decision by the Supreme Court gave
Bush this deciding state. I had predicted that Bush would win more on the
basis of the Inauguration date of January 20, 2001. It looked much better for
Bush than Gore and it proved correct.

For the details of that prediction, I refer the reader to my article. Election
2000. There I did not show the use of DvisaptdtT Sama dasd as to not to make
the analysis more complex since I was already showing the use of three dasd
systems, Vims ot tan, Yogim, and Jaimini's Car a dasd.

However, from the graphic shown above it can be seen that on the election
day, November 3rd, 2000, Bush was running Jupiter-Jupiter-Rahu in DvisaptdtT
Sama dasd and on the Inauguration date of January 20, 2001 it was Jupiter-
Jupiter-Moon. Does anything strike you about the later before reading frirther?

Nnvamshn D9 Dhafmn/Spouse
\ /
KeVe Su
5 Pis 6 Ari 7 Tau 8 Gem

MaMo 4 Aqu 9 Can

Jp Sa Sa Jp

Ke MoMa
3 Cap 10 Leo
Ve -

As Ra
Su 2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg

In his birth chart, Jupiter and the Moon form a Kesan Yoga that is also a 1-
9 raja yoga, and in his navdrhsa the yoga repeats, only this time falling in the
10th house.

Before showing more examples of successful predictions I have made

using DvisaptdtT Sama dasd with private clients, I will further illustrate the
efficacy of this conditional dasd with the birth charts of famous public figures
whose life events with their timing can be independently verified. I will focus
on charts where there is an exchange between the 1 and V1*1 house lords.
R«»hi D1 General Rashl 01 General
MoJTW Ke.:■ 3 AS 5 47
8 Pis 9 An 10 Tau 11 Gem CaGK
7 Aqu 12 Can
M625 13- ASg^r
Bernard Arnault
Sal 3411949 170000 CoGK4v
Ode Ma™
JP°3 R»lMu PR MoZ ui
6 Cap 1 Leo o MK
OU21 37
\/p PK Rays'
vt; 10-55
5 Sas 4 SCO 3Ubr 2 7119 n Me
Vlmihoturl Dwtaeptall aama □ 10 POWBf & D10
Sun Dat. Stan Data *9» Oashas Rave
f W 1932 -16 9 Ve V 1941 78 Ma Ke
*J 25' 1952 31 SJ i 1950 14 Me .Me
< 29 I9M 91 Wo 5/ 1959 104 Jp AsJpSu
« 29' 1968 101 Ma 4, 1968 19 4 Ve
*i 29' 1975 201 fta 5/ 1977 284 Sa Mo
*' 29' 199S 44 1 jp 5 1966 374 Ra
4 29' 2009 no* 301 S« 5 1995 464 Sll
♦ 29' 2028 791 MB 5. 2004 554 Mo Ve
*' 29 2045 96 1 Ke 5.' 2013 r 64 4 Ma Me
4 29' 2052 1031 Ve 5 2022 734 Me Jp ^5
29' 2072 1231 Su 6,' 2031 624 Jp Mo Ke SaMa t AsSu
4 30' 2078 1291 >■«< '• ^40 914 Ve

Bernard Arnault is a French businessman, investor, and art collector. He is

the chairman and chief executive of LVMH Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton, the
world's largest luxury goods company. Arnault is, as of 19 September 2021,
the third-richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of US$178.4

The 1-7 exchange in his chart between the 1st lord Sun and 7th lord Saturn
is joined by a combination of Mars and Venus as the 9th and 10th lords,
forming a spectacular set of raj a yogas in the position-giving 7th house. From
the Moon in Aries these planets all fall along the 5-11 wealth-giving axis
forming spectacular dhana yogas.

His great rise in career began in 1978 when he was made President of
Ferret-Savinel at the young age of 28 just after moving into his Saturn major
period in DSS. Saturn is involved in multiple raja yogas both from the birth
lagna and from the Moon where it is the 10th lord in the 5th house of rdjya. It
is strong by virtue of its exchange with the Sun in the birth chart and goes to
its exaltation sign in his dasdmsha.

The timing of his first marriage in 1973 is very clear both in Vimsottan and
DSS. It was Mars-Venus in Vimsottan which could not be more obvious, since
these two grahas are together in his 7th house of the birth chart, and in D-9
Mars is in the lagna in Venus' sign. But DSS shows it clearly as well since in
was Venus-Moon, with Venus in the 7th house of the birth chart and the Moon
in the 7th house of the navdmsa

Novamsho D9 Oharma/Spouse

Sa RaSu Ma
SuRa Sa
Ma As
11 Pis 12 Ari 1 Tau 2 Gem

5:3*11 \ 10 Aqu 3 Can

Me 0
9 Cap 4 Leo
X Mo Ve

s Jp Ke
Ke 8 Sag 7 Sco 6 Libr 5 Virg

His current status as the third richest man in the world is occurring in his
Saturn period in Vimsottan and Mars period in DSS.

Rashl D1 Genera) Rashl D1 General

R3i9'44' MeS^r AS 3-6 j£
3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem

2Aqii 7 Can
Ra Ke 44
Clarence Thomas
ASs'g. iVco eai'iOAB 2i 04 oo MafJr Sa
1 Cap
il£29"49" KG 19.44'

12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg Su Me 223 Ve 10^ Ma

Owrtapue Mm» Navamiru 09 Dharma.Spouj.
Sun Dm* AO. 0«M. Sun Oiu *a» OnhH Mo Je Su
4/ II 1943 -52 Su 8 1940 -78 k,OS
4' II 1949 08 Mo b 20. 1940 12 Me Ke
4,' 2 1959 108 Ml 8,' 20 1958 102 Ke '2> As Ve
tl 11 1966 17 8 Ra 8 20 1987 192 Sa Jp
tl 11 1984 35 8 4P 8 20 1978 28 2 Sa
41 H 2000 518 Sa tl 1965 372 Rs
4' » 2019 no* 708 Ma ti 1994 462 SU
41 11 2036 87 8 Ke 61 2003 552 Mo AsVe Sa
41 2< 2043 948 Ve 8' 2012 642 Ma
4' 2- 2083 1148 Su 8/ 2021 now 732 Me
41 2 2059 1208 Mo tl 2030 822 Jp MeSu Ma Ea
41 2 2079 130 8 Ma 8' 2039
In October of 1991, Clarence Thomas became the second black man to be
appointed to Supreme Court of the United States. In Vimsottari it was his
Jupiter-Ketu period and in DSS it was Rahu-Jupiter. Just based on the rashi the
timing of this most important event in his life would not be clear. It is only
when you see his D-9 and D-10 that it does, where Jupiter is with the Rahu-
Ketu axis.

Dashamomsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status
MoSa VeMeSui/' Ma Jp
As Ke
6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem

5 Aqu 10 Can
/ @

4 Cap 11 Leo
Ke /
Mo Me
Ma RaAs
Sa VeSu
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12 Virg

In his D-10 all the grahas participate in a powerful Bheri Yoga defined by
when there are grahas in the 2nd, 1st, 12th and house.

Doris Day was a multi-talented performer who enjoyed enormous success

as both a recording artist and movie star in a career that spanned four decades.
Her chart features a raja yoga-giving exchange between the 1st lord Mercury
and 7th lord Jupiter. They are both connected with the 5th lord Saturn, giving
multiple angle-trine combinations. The 3nd house/3rd lord of the performing
arts is very strong with Mars svaksetra and aspecting the lO111 house of career.

Her career started as the female vocalist in a band at the age of 19. In
Vimsottari this was just after moving into her Jupiter major period, activating
the raja yogas along the 1-7 axis of the birth chart. It was the Sun period in
DSS which also activates these as an impressionable 12th lord. But then see
her dasdmsha where the Sun is in the lagna with Venus, the lagna lord.
Her first big hit recording was Sentimental Journey in 1945 when men
were returning from the war and it was voted song of the year. The timing was
Sun-Mercury which her D-10 clearly shows with these two grahas in a mutual
glance along with Venus forming multiple angle-trine combinations.

Rashl 01 General Rasdl 01 General

Me^Sugs, VC351' Mo?,,.
7 Pis BAD BTau 10 Gem R315*57- AS2 48
M3?6M9- Jmvie Sal0 4,

B Aqu 11 Can

Doris Day Mo
Mon Cmcinoaa
4.'3.I92J 163000
OH SU20-36
5 Cap 12 Leo
i —Am Q^MK K6l5357
MS 26'19' odm'4',
Ra,4-i7 As iv M© na-
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ltbr 1 V'rg Ve m
Dwi«»pUB wni D«him«mihj D10 Po»« & SUIus CMthimimtM OIO Ptymf 4 $l«tu»
San OM* San On. D«hj» •"VeAs Ke
O' 1( 1916 -56 Mi IV 7' 1914 .7 4 VI Ma Ke Ma
1' 1023
194) 12 11' 7' 1923 16 Sa Su Mo 4
6. JO' 192 JP 11' ti
IV 7'
106 Ra AsSuVe X'J
ft' 1957 >5 2 Sa 196 SO Mo
ft w 1976 542 W* 11' 71 1960 266 M6 Sa
1( 1993 712 «e 11' ft 1959 376 Ma
ft »■ 2000 702 Ve 11' V 1968 466 Me
h 1' 2020 tw. 90 2 Su 11' V 1977 556 ScJ
V 1' 2020 104 2 Mo IK Ti 19M 64 6 Ve Me
II 1( 2036 1142 Ml 11' ft 1995 736 Sa
V V 2043 1212 fe IV 7'
IV h
2004 826 Ra Me Ra Ra
7' l> 2W1 ••39? 2013OW 916 5u

Her Sun period in DSS when she became a recording star was followed by
nine years of the Moon during which she became one of the biggest movie
stars of Hollywood. In her birth chart the Moon is in the 10th house configured
in a true Gaja Kesan Yoga, with Jupiter in strength in an angle both from the
birth lagna and the Moon, and with Jupiter getting the additional aspect of a
natural benefic, in this case, its sign lord Mercury.

In D-10, the Moon is svaksetra and configured in a Mukuta Yoga with

Jupiter in its mulatrikona sign. This "Crown Combination" occurs when
Jupiter falls from the Moon in its own, mulatrikona or exaltation sign.

In the birth chart given below of American financier and stock market
wizard, Peter Lynch, there is an exchange between the 1st lord Mars and 7th
lord Venus for his Scorpio lagna, making his horoscope applicable for DSS.

Lynch became a legend on Wall Street as the principal manager of the

Fidelity Magellan mutual fund when he took the obscure fund from $18
million starting in 1977 to over $14 billion in assets before he retired in 1990.
During his tenure the Magellan fund averaged a 29.2% annual return and had
the best 20-year return of any mutual fund ever.

Before reading further can you see combinations in his chart for generating
wealth through investments using the pooled resources of other people's

Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General

Me Mo •,r:'
SB?? 37-
5 Pis 5 Arl 7 Tau 8 Gem
Kev. As 13"
Ve 2';
4 Aqu 9 Can
K6i3'4g JBiSS
Peter Lynch JD 55
SUs's- WM 1'161944 4 4500 Sa 22 32
eosio" MA
3 Cap 10 Leo
Ma Ra 13*45'
Ve26 18■
Me ,5*35- AS 1513* MOi3*23*
2 569 1 Sco 12 Llbr 11 Virg
Navamiha D9 OtiamwSpouia
*0* DMhat
12' 17/ 1934 91 Ra 4' 1939 45 Ra JpMa Ke
IZJ 17' 1952 69 JD 3- 1946 45 S«
171 171 1968 24 9 Si 4i 1957 13 5 l4o Su AsRa
12 16 1987 439 14s *• 1966 22 5 Ma
12' 171 2004 60 9 K« 4 1975 315 Mo . VeMo MoSu
121 161 2011 nw. 67 9 Ve 6 1964 405 Jp
12 16 2031 879 Ski 4 1993 495 Ve Ve Me
12* 17' 2037 93 9 f4o 4 2002 56 5 Sa Me
12 16 2047 103 9 Ma 4' 2011 675 Ra
12 16 2054 1109 Ra 41 2020 no* 76 5 Su
12 17' 2072 126 9 Jp 41 2029 655 140 AsRaj Ma
12 16 2088 144 9 Sa 41 2038 94 5 Ms

Other people's money is an indication of the 8th house and investment in

stocks and other traded securities is a function of the 5th house. His 8th and 11th
lord Mercury is in the 2nd house forming a dhana yoga. But then see that
Mercury in the sign of Jupiter is also aspected by Jupiter, as the 2nd lord as
well as the 5th lord of investments placed in the 10th house of career.

Mark this point and never overlook the strong yoga/sambandha that gets
formed between planets when one is in the sign of a planet and then is also
aspected by that planet. In this case the strong connection between Mercury
and Jupiter becomes a combination of the 8th and \\th lords with the 2nd and
5th lords forming multiple and powerful dhana yogas involving the 8th house
of other people's money.

Moreover, a similar combination repeats from the Candra lagna, using the
Moon's position in Libra as an ascendant. Now Saturn becomes the 5th lord of
investments in the 8th house, conjunct the 2nd lord Mars and with both in a
mutual glance with Venus as the 1st and 8th lords. It is again a 2, 5, 8 dhana
yoga-giving combination. Mars and Venus both become strong by virtue of the
exchange and Mars is additionally svaksetra in D-9.

His journey to become a wizard of Wall Street is an interesting one. From


"Lynch's dad was a Boston College math teacher who later worked as an
auditor for John Hancock. His untimely death when Lynch was ten sent the
boy to work on a paper route, then later as a caddie. "I caddied because I
could make more on a Saturday morning than I could in a week of
delivering newspapers." He began to pay close attention to those he was
caddying for, businessmen, doctors and lawyers - all talking about the
stock market. "Those years on the golf course were a great education, the
next best thing to being on the floor of the exchange. "

After winning a partial scholarship for caddies to attend Boston College,

Lynch made his first investment of $1,250 in the Flying Tigers at $7 a
share. Two years later the stock jumped to $32, then climbed even higher.
Selling his shares to help finance graduate studies at the University of
Pennsylvania s Wharton School of Business, his marked tendency to be a
loner workaholic earned him the nickname "The Mole."

In the summer of 1966, Lynch was one of a hundred applicants for a

summer job with Fidelity when he found out he had an unbeatable edge;
he had caddied for the President of the company as a teenager. Required
by Fidelity to serve two years in the Army in South Korea before he could
gain full-time employment with the company, he was finally accepted as a
metals analyst in 1969. After eight years as director of research, he took
over Magellan."

Parasara Hord gives the 3rd house as indicating the death of parents.
Why? It is because from the 9th house of father the 3rd house is the 7th, a
mdraka sthdna, and from the 4th house of mother, the 3rd is the 12th house of
loss. Planets in or ruling the 3rd house can bring the death of a parent for this
In DSS Lynch's father died in Sun-Jupiter. See how these planets become
primary mdrakas when using the 9th house Cancer as a lagna. Sun is in the 7th
from there as the 2nd lord and Jupiter is in the 2nd. DSS times this tragic event
in his life very clearly. Vimsottari also shows it clearly, since it was Jupiter-

His great success as a mutual fund manager began in Mercury-Jupiter in

DSS and Saturn-Venus in Vimsottari. Do you see how these periods/sub-
periods activate the very combinations for success in money management
outlined earlier?

DSS also times his marriage in 1968 well since it was his Mars major
period, with this graha in the 1th house in an exchange and mutual aspect with
the 7th lord Venus.

Rashl D1 General Rashl Pi General

Jpl5 IS-
KB 27 14' Ra??.
3 Pii 4 An 5 Tan 6 Gem
As 2C 20
s a 26=33-
2 Aqu 7 Can
ASseao- SU422-
Jacqueline Susann Ma 9 39
Mo^sv rue eamis 192500 24 2" Sa ZG 33
1 Cap 8 Leo
Ve a
R3?7°14' Ke2rn
MSg 39'
12 Sag 11 Sco lOLibr 9 Virg Jp- Su *2?
PwlopWl »itm« Nay harma/Spe ri«v«nwh« D8 DtwmlSpouM
Sun Ojm *«• Ditltn Sun OjU OMiaa
17,' JO' 1912 =56 Mo 7/ 24/ 1913 51 (40 Ra Ve
12 W
I2i »
7/ 24' 1923
7/ 24, 1951
129 Ve kSu Mo
7N< As ><f
12/ 31' 1947 294 Jp 7/ 24 1940 219 Sa SaJp \\5 ' SMo
12/ 31/ 1963 45 4 S* 7/ 24/ 1949 309 Ra Me x:
12' 31/ 1982 644 Me 7/ 24. 1958 599 Su eXa _
12' 31/ 1999 814 Ke 7/ 2V 1967 46 9 140 su
12 31/ 2006 new 884 v« 7/ 24/ 1976 579 14# As
12 31' 2026 106 4 Su 7/ 24 1965 669 Me 9 >< JpSa^T
12' 31/ 2032 1144 Me 7/ 2V 1994 759
12 31
12 31/
131 4
7 24. 2003
7/ 24 2012
64 9 Ve
939 Sa Ma Me Ve K© Ma \/Ka

Jacqueline Susann was an American writer, the most prosperous woman

novelist in the history of U.S. publications. She was a former actress on
Broadway and in TV commercials with a modest success for some 20 years.
Her first book "Every Night, Josephine," released on 11/14/1963, sold a
million copies, followed by two other noted novels, "Valley of the Dolls,"
February 1966 and "The Love Machine," May 1969. A schlock writer, Susann
was a woman of great drive and determination, aided by media hype and her
own genius at self-promotion.
Her Capricorn lagna birth chart is another that has an exchange between
the 1st and 7th lords, Saturn and the Moon. However, in her case, Saturn in the
7th house getting directional strength is also with yogakdraka Venus, the 5th
lord of authorship and the 10th lord of career. And it was just after moving into
her Saturn major period in Vimsottari that she became a successful author.

In DSS she enjoyed her greatest status as a best-selling author in her Moon
period, which also shows it clearly, since this graha likewise activates the
powerful yogas forming along the 1-7 axis of her birth chart. Then see both
Saturn and the Moon in D-10.

Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Oashamamsha D10 Power & Status

Ve RaMe/ Me
As Ve
\ /
\ 3 /■ \i/ 11 Pis 12 Ari 1 Tau 2 Gem

/ xAs/ Mo
/ \2/ \ 10 Aqu 3 Can
/ ©

\\, s
/Sa X Ma
9 Cap 4 Leo
su / 9' •
Ma SaJp Ke Su
y jp
Ke \ 8 Sag 7 Sco 6 Libr 5 Virg

Saturn is the yogakaraka planet getting directional strength in the 7th house
but also in an exchange with its sign lord, exalted Mars. It gets the additional
influence of the natural benefic Jupiter. The Moon is in the lO111 house in a
Gaja KesarT Yoga with Jupiter. This is when you see the most dramatic results.
That is to say when planets show a good promise in the birth chart and then
this promise is further supported by excellent placement and conditions in
divisional charts like D-9 and D-10.

DSS also times some events in her personal life quite well since she
married at age 20 in her Venus period, in the 7th house and in a mutual aspect
with the 1th lord. Seven years later she gave birth to her only child, a son, in
her Saturn period, who is conjunct the 5th lord Venus. It was Saturn-Mercury.
See how these two grahas are sambandha along the 1-5 axis of her saptdmsa.

Sapiarnsha D'/ Proyeny

\ Ve Ke
As \
11 3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem
Ve Me X Ra
Mo Sa
2 Aqu 7 Can
c &

\ /
1 Cap 8 Leo
Ke ,¥ Jp
\ Ra
Su JpSu
\ Ma Mo
s/ 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg

But then note the afflictions. Besides Saturn afflicting the 5th lord Venus,
the 5th house of the birth chart has the influence of the Rahu-Ketu axis and
Mars. Kdraka Jupiter goes to the b111 house. At the age of three, her son was
diagnosed as severely autistic and eventually had to be institutionalized.

Shirley MacLaine is an Oscar-winning actress and was a major Hollywood

movie star for decades beginning in the 1950s.

Her Virgo lagna chart features an exchange between the 1st lord Mercury
and 7th lord Jupiter.

Another distinctive feature of her chart is the combination of Venus and

Saturn in her 6th house forming a trikona raja yoga since Venus is the 9th lord
and Saturn is the 5th lord in its mulatrikona sign. Then see these grahas in her
navdmsa. Saturn is the 1st lord and Venus is a svaksetra yogakdraka forming
the best raja yoga for an Aquarius lagna.

She first became a star in her DSS dasd of Venus which ran from age 17 to
26 and then a bigger one in the subsequent Saturn period which ran up to age
35. Her Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress came in her Sun period,
just a degree past its point of extreme exaltation in Aries, conjoined with a
svaksetra Mars, the 3rd lord of the performing arts. But from Candra lagna,
Leo, this becomes a combination of the 1st lord in the 9th house with the 9th

Rashl Di General Rashl 01 General


M0 22 29' Su,^. As Ke?.

7 Pis a An 9 Tau 10 Gem
Je 2 -• 22
Sa3»3a Ke23'to-
6 Aqu ll Can
Ra23 io MOM-V
Shirley MacLaine
Tuc 1557 00 Me 22 29
Ricftrexxt VA
5 Cap 12 Leo
Jfi23-22 Ra ma
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 V»rg Sa .VIS Ve Ma 8'43 Su uz
Dwi»»ptjU tama NavanMu 09 Dtxmn/Spoutt Nivamiha 09 Oharmii Spout*
*9* Sun Oil* 40* 0»»ha« Me

11 24 1054 19 B Su Ma ft 20. 1975 412 Ra JP Ve Ma
6 1( 1354 201 Su Ra ft 4 1976 423 Rfl Ve
4 26. 1955 210 3u » 19 1977 434 Ra Sa As
1 U' 1956 218 Su Sa IV 4< 1978 448 Su Su As SuRa
1 74. 1957 22 8 Su Me W 20 1979 457 Su MO Ve
IV » 1957 236 Su Ke 2« 2' 1961 460 Su Ma
4 11 1958 24 0 Su Ve ft 70 1962 479 Su 'ft! Sa
41 »' 19S9 140 Mo Mo V i 1983 490 Su Jp KeMe Jg Mc
2.' ft 1960 25,8 Mo Ma ft 'ft 1964 502 Su Ve Ma Jg Mo
9 ft 1950 26 4 Mo Ra ft 4' 1965 813 Su Sa
3.- 8' 1962 27 9 Mc JP 9 1ft 1966 524 Su Ra Sa
7' 8.' 1963 292 Mo Sa IV 4 1987 48.8 Wc Mo Su Ra

Dashamamsha 010 Power & Status Dashamamsha 010 Power & Status
MaMe Me
/ Sa Ra
As Ma
9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem

Ve Su Ra
8 Aqu 1 Can

7 Cap 2 Leo

Sa KeVe
Mo Jg 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

In D-10 the Sun is in the lagna.

She married in 1954 in Venus-Rahu, a period and sub-period well known
for giving this result.

Two years later she had her only child, a daughter in Venus-Moon. Again,
DSS times this event exceptionally well since Venus is the 9th lord (5th from
the 5th) and is with Saturn, the 5th lord. The Moon is in a mutual aspect with
the Venus-Saturn combination and in her saptdmsa the Moon falls in the 5th
house from Venus.

Saptamsha 07 Progeny SaptamsHa 07 Progeny

Ma\ ////^^N\ /Sa Ke
12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem
Ke As X
Su/ \ / \Me Ve
11 Aqu 4 Can
<@10 ")

10 Cap 5 Leo
Jn /\Ra

/ Mo \ 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Libr 6 Virg

John Denver is famous for being an American folk singer, recording artist,
club performer and actor. In 1974 and 1975, he was the top male recording
artist in the U.S.

His Taurus ascendant birth chart features an exchange between Venus as

the 1st lord and Mars as the 7th lord. This raja yoga-giving exchange gets
significantly enhanced by its connection with the yogakdraka 9th and 10th lord
Saturn in the 1st house.

From Candra lagna the exchange becomes a 4-10tl1 with Saturn now as the
1st lord and Venus as the yogakdraka. This is quite the combination and his
rise to pop music superstardom in the 1970s is well timed in VimsottarT since it
was his Saturn major period in that das a.
But the other notable feature of his chart for giving great success and status
as a performing artist is the Gaja KesarT Yoga along the 4-10 axis of his birth
chart, with the Moon as the 3rd lord in the 10. Jupiter has a good source of
strength due to its exchange with its sign lord, Sun.

It was the nine-year Moon period in DSS from 1970 to 1979 that also
clearly times when he became an "Elephant-Lion" in the music industry. 1974-
75 were encompassed by Moon-Venus and Moon-Satum in this conditional

Rosin D1 General Rashl 01 General

Ma.y?1 Sa.-i7
ASirir MaXx ^
11 Pis 12 An 1 Tau 2 Gem
Rsiaw Y>"-, ASi7*4v
MOzno- Ra 13-57
jRnr ^4r MOj- ,c •
10 Aqu 3 Can
K613-57 JjDa 27
John Denver
Me.sff fn 12/31/1643 153500
Koswii MM 4 Leo
9 Cap
. '9 ■,0 1
v - XMe,-,
SU16Mr VOana-
e Sao 7 SCO 6 Ubr 5 Virg Siw
PwteeptiU eami MaytrnMu 09 Dhamu/Spouae Navamaha D9 DharmaiSpouae
Son Dan Stan Data Kfl
V w 1965 214 Sa Ve I' 31' 1969 251 Su Ra MoMa JfiKe As ve Ma
71 25' 1968 246 Si Su 31 W 1970 24 2 Mo
71 10' 1969 24 5 Sa Mo & 37 1971 27 3 Mo As i Mc
Z 0 1971 271 Si Mi 0 17' 1972 285 140 Su
z 1ft' 1972 282 Si fia 8. 2/ 1973 298 Wo JP Sa
1' 24' 1975 311 Sa 3D ft 17' 1974 30 7 Mo Ve
V V 1877 3J6 W* W« 11' I' 1975 318 Mo $4
V » 1980 36 0 Me Ke 12/ 17' 1976 330 Mo Ra Me VeSu
ia so 1980 370 Me Ve 2131 11/ 1978 341 Mo Su
10 31' 1983 39 8 Me Su 1979 U7 Ma Ma
ftl O1 1934 40 7 Me Mo 5/ Z 1960 36 3 13a lie Ra Sa
* S 1936 Jit. O 17' 1961 375 Ma if Ra _ Ml
Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status
Ra SuMa Ma
\ 4/ '. 2 10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem
Ve 5 1

Mo As
3 9 Aqu 2 Can
6 @12
) (3*)
Je / \

Ke Ve
8 Cap 3 Leo
Sa 7 • ■11
y8 \ 10\
\ / \ MeMo
Ke 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg

Then see his dasdmsha where Saturn goes to its exaltation sign in a trine
house and the Moon continues to form Gaja Kesan Yoga, but now additionally
conjunct an exalted benefic, the lagna lord of D-10.

Before reading further, do you see any similarities between this chart and
that of John Denver?

Rastil Ot General Rashl D1 General

Me US-SUJOVI R312^59' Ke
Ve^ M025.O ASi7'29-
©Pis 7 An 8 Tau 9 Gem
JB inr Sa 23
5 Aqu 10 Can

Cheryl Burke
Thu S*3'1934 19 43 00 Su
<4 Cap R^ftwoodOly CA 11 Leo
V0fi ar
19'ir Sa.B-w
Ma-,.,. As.7^9- Me 48
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg Ra Mo
Vlmshotttri □wtsapue >am* N«v«m«h» D9 DhrmaJSpouM
Sun On. 49. 0«hai Sun O,,. 'f D«h« * RaMg
6- IS 1583 -0 9 Ma 3* Ift 1963 .11 Ve AsSa MeRa VeMa
& tft 19M 61 flj 3* Ift 1992 79 Sa
6. tV 2006 now 24 1 JP 3* Ift 2001 16 9 Ra Sa As
ft IS* 2024 401 Sa "it 1ft 2010 259 Su
&' ift 2043 Ml Ma 3* 10, 2019 now 34 9 Mo 1 Ve
ft' ift1 2000 70 1 3* Ift 2028 439 Ma
6 1ft 2067 331 Ve ft Ift" 2037 529 Me
ft 17* 2087 1031 Su ft Ift 2040 019 JD Mo
6 ift 2093 105 1 Wo ft Ift 205& 70 9 Ve
ft' ift 2103 119 1 Ma ft 1ft 2064 799 Sa
6 17* 2110 1201 Ra ft Ift 2073 689 Ra KeSu ^ Mo Su Ke
ft 17* 2129 144 1 * 3 Ift 2082 97 9 Su
This chart also features an exchange between Mars and Venus as the 1st
and 7th lords joined by yogakdraka Saturn, only this time along the Aries-
Libra axis with Saturn in its exaltation sign.

Cheryl Burke is an American dancer, model, and television host. She is

best known for being one of the professional dancers on ABC's Dancing with
the Stars, where she was the first female professional to win the show and the
first professional to win twice and consecutively. She has participated in 23
seasons. In 2005 she won three dance competition awards and attracted scouts
of "Dancing with the Stars." She then became one of the most popular of the

What is quite notable about her chart in this regard is her exceptional 3rd
house/3rd lord of dance. Jupiter the ruler is in the 3rd house in its mulatrikona
sign and configured in a powerful Mukuta Yoga with the 10th lord Moon in its
exaltation sign.

Her stardom as a dancer first came in the Rahu major period in both
Vimsottan and DSS and it's easy to see why. Think about whose results an
exalted Rahu gives strongly. Being conjunct the Moon it gives the results of
her Mukuta Yoga, and wear crown she did when her and her partner won the
competition in the second and third season of Dancing with the Stars. This
coincided with Rahu-Jupiter in DSS and Rahu-Moon in VimsottarV.

Rahu also gives the results of its sign lord, Venus, and the powerful raja
yogas in which it is configured with all the planets in strength. Note
additionally that Rahu resides in the naksatra of the Moon.

These 13 illustrations of the efficacy of DSS for timing major life events
have all been based on charts with an exchange between the 1st and T1*1 lords.
This is not to say that this conditional das a is not equally effective for timing
life events in charts where just the 1st lord is in the T1*1 house or the T1*1 lord is
in the 1st house. Let two more examples suffice to make this point.
Rashi D1 General Rashi Dl General
Sa,., V6i2 38'
Siw KG?4Ma- As
7 Pis 8 An 9 Tau 10 Gem

6 Aqu 11 Can

Warren Beatty
Jpna Ti* 3/30 1937 1 7 30 W JPvi3 Me22;46
RfdiMnd VA KSji'ir
SCap 12 Leo
/ SU 16*49'
Ra*.,, Mo„.w S34'3'
4 530 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Vrrg ^§12^8
Wivimtha P9 PhamwlSpouM
Son D>t« Sun Data *ea Dunn MeJp
V U 1M0 J> U Sa 1/ 31/ 1948 106 Ma
7l Ifl'1 1943 63 Sa Me If 31/ 1957 196 Me
V 1ft 1W« 9,0 S« Ks 1' 31. 1966 288 Jp As Ra
4J 16.' 1947 101 Sa Ve 1/ 31r 1975 378 Ve AsRa MoVe Sj
6' 28 1950 132 Sa &j 1/ 31' 1984 468 Sa
W 10i 19$i 14 2 MO V 31/ 1993 558 Ra
V ft 1953 15 6 Sa 14a 1/ 31/ 2002 64 8 Su
2/ 17/ 1954 16 9 Sa Ra 1/ 3li 3011 738 Mo Me Jp SaKel
1Z1 24/ 1956 19 7 S4 JP 2 If 2020 noa 828 Ma SaKe Ma
V T 1989 J23 M» Ma 1/ 31' 2029 918 Me
1Z > 1961 24 7 M« Ka 1/ 31/ 2036 1008 Jp Su IC Ma MQ ve
11/ »' 1962 25 7 'A* Ve » 1/ 2047 1098 Ve •

Actor and director Warren Beatty's rise to movie stardom took place in his
nine-year Mercury major period in DSS which ran from age 19 to 28. His star
shone even brighter in the following nine years of Jupiter.

• Mercury is his lagna lord in the 1th house with the 5th lord Saturn,
forming potent 1-5 raja yoga.

• Jupiter is the 7th lord in the 5th house in a 5-7 exchange with the 5th
lord Saturn. Besides having its debility effective cancelled due to the
exchange, Jupiter is also vargottama.

His movie debut occurred in 1960 in the film, Splendor in the Grass, in
Mercury-Satum and one of his most notable achievements was Bonnie and
Clyde, a film in which he both starred and directed. This coincided with this
Jupiter-Jupiter period in DSS.

In his dasdmsha, Mercury is in its own sign Gemini, as the lagna lord in
the lagna in a mutual glance with Saturn getting directional strength in the 7th
house. Their mutual aspect gives a 1-9 raja yoga. Do you see how clearly DSS
shows the exact timing of his initial movie stardom in Mercury-Satum?

Jupiter is a well-place 10th lord aspecting the 10th house of D-10 with
Mercury as its sign lord.
Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Oashamamsha DiO Power & Status
Mo Me
Ra Su
Ve \ As
/ 10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem
Me Su
Ke As
9 Aqu 2 Can
6:^12 0
\ /
8 Cap 3 Leo
Ma Sa JpKe
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg

Rash) D1 General Rashi 01 General

Me ■y,^: Mo.'■ r

532630 ASirs-
8 Pis 9 An 10 Tau 11 Gem
Ve icy Sa 16'54'
Su J ; 5:
Ra ::e 30
7 Aqu 12 Can
As ,2-5.
Agatha Christie OaBK' Ke 26" 30'
won eis-isyo <3Bi» Od ,3.54 Ma >.27
6 Cap TorquAv IW 1 Lea
Ke26 3C MeSss-
Ma°E- MO®27-
5 Sag 4 SCO 3 Ubr 2 Virg J£
Vlmthotttri DID Power & SUttu D10
SunD >!• Afl# Da»n« Son Dim *9* Dish IS
12/ «}/ 1925 J52 JP Jp 11 27/ 193S 454 Mi Ml VeKe Su
V 31/ 1978 37 4 Jp Sa 3/ l.V 1937 485 IAI M. 1 Me As
6 14 •930 399 JP Me 4' 28. 1936 476 Ma Ma Je
tv Ifr 19J2 42 2 Jp Ke tf 1'i 1939 48 7 Ma Va
10' 7S 1933 431 JP Ve 7V 77/ 1940 40 9 14a Sa , Ve
ft ?f.i 1930 458 Su » it/ 1941 510 Ma Ha
14 1 1937 46 6 Jp Ml 10 2/ 1942 571 Ma Su Ke
14. 1938 47.9 Jo Ma 12/ 12 1943 632 Ma •A, Mo
V 71/ 1939 48 6 JP Ra H ■nn 1945 544 Ml M. 2Sa
12/ iv 194' 81.2 is Si 3/ 13- 1946 655 U» MaJfi Mc
17; 16' 1944 543 S.i Me *' 7S. 1947 560 Me Ve
Me As Ra Su
» 1947 W9 S4 Ko 8 «2i 1946 67/ Ma Sa

British author Agatha Christie wrote 66 enormously popular murder

mysteries, most involving her famous fictional detectives, Hercule Poirot and
Miss Marple. The Guinness Book World Records lists Christie as the best-
selling fiction writer of all time, her novels having sold more than two billion
Dvisaptati Sama dasa is applicable to her chart since her 7th lord Saturn is
in the 1st house.

Many of the works for which she is most known such as Murder on the
Orient Express, Death on the Nile and Then There Were None were written in
the 1930s when she was running the period of her 5th lord Jupiter of authorship
in Vimsottan, and Mars in Dvisaptati Sama dasa, in the 5th house. As a
debilitated planet in a dussthdna while the lagna lord is strong, Jupiter gives
an unusual type of raja yoga, while Mars is a stand-alone yogakdraka.

Now see these two grahas in her navdrhsa and dasdmsa. In D-9 they are in
the 10th house as a combination of the 9th lord Jupiter and Mars again as a
yogakdraka, the 10th lord in its mulatrikona sign and getting directional
strength. In D-10 they are together in the lagna with Jupiter in its mulatrikona
sign and Mars vargottama forming a Maharaja Yoga.

Her novel, Then There Was None, first published on November 6, 1939, is
the world's best-selling mystery of all time, and with over 100 million copies
sold, is one of the best-selling books of all time. The novel has been listed as
the sixth best-selling title in any language, including reference works. It was
written in her Mars-Jupiter period in Dvisaptati Sama dasa and first published
in Mars-Venus.

Navamsha D9 Oharma/Spouse Nayamsha 09 Dharma/Spouse


Sa / \ / Mo Ma
9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem
X As X
/ \Me/Ma\ Me
8 Aqu 1 Can

Nv // VR/MO
7 Cap 2 Leo

A Su Sa

Su VeKe 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

See that Venus is the 3 rd lord in the 3rd house in its mulatrikona sign in the
birth chart and exalted in D-10.

Let these example suffice to demonstrate the efficiency of this conditional




This conditional dasd requires that the Sun be in the lagna and is 60 years
in total duration. It will apply to 8.34% of birth charts. See these verses from
Pdrdsara Hord.

"If the Sun is located in the ascendant Sasti Hayam Dasa will be most
suitable for such individuals. Commencing from AsvinT naksatra, a cluster
of 3 and 4 naksatras, taken alternatively, would represent the dasd lord at
birth in the order of Jupiter, Sun, Mars, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and
Rahu. The first three dasds of these planets would each be 10 years
duration and the last five dasds would have 6 years each. "

This table makes it easy to identify the beginning dasd at birth in

horoscopes in which the Sun is in the ascendant. Simply note the Moon's
naksatra at birth and see under which planetary column this naksatra falls.

Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Mercury

V Venus Saturn Rahu

Aswini Rohini Pushy ami P. PhaL Smili JVL'siIKI Ahhij'u Satahhish

Bharani Mrigasira Ashlesha L PhaL 1 Ishaka Mula Sravana PBhadra

Kritlika Arclra Magha Hasla Atwradha P Asluul Danishta i.Bhadra

Punurvasu Cbitra U. Asluul Rcvali

10 •*vears 10 years 10 years 6 years 6 vears

♦ 6 vears 6 years 6 years
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General
Sa,5.53. Mew 20
5 Pis BAn 7 Tau 8 Gem N. fl \ 7/
to :< Ve5 29- ■6

Ja24 Ke, ^ As TO=8 x

Ke?^- y
4Aqu B Can 11X5
Joe Biden ^ Raw/
Fa. 11301542 83000
Scnmlen PA
3 Cap 10 Leo V
/1\ 3 4
Ve,.„ Mess 28" / \
Asio-ff SUj'3o Ma,9-32-
2Sa9 1 Sco 12 Ubr 11 Virfl Mor5S.
5h»Mlh«y«nl Daihamamiha DID Powei & StMua DnhjmirmhaDIOPowers Slafui
Start Dotm Oashaa Start ata •■if Daahas
» 21 1938 4 2 Ke 11' 284 1940 20 Jp JP KeMa MoSa
?1( 1945 28 ve 11f 2K 1950 80 Su S'j
» 21' 1966 22 8 SU 11' 26. i960 180 Ma AsRa
ft 22' 1921 288 Mo 11' 2/' 1970 280 140
ft' 21' 1981
ft 21' 1988
388 Ma
458 Ra
11' 26 1976
11' 2/ 1982
34 0 Me
400 Ve •IMe Me
ft 22' 2006 no* 63 8 JP 11' 26 1968 460 5b
ft 22 2022 29 8 Sa 11' ill 1994 520 Ro SuVe
ft 22' 2041 988 Me IK 26 2000 580 Jp KeMa 3 Mc
ft' 22/ 2058 1158 KB 11' 'Jh 2010 680 Su
ft 22. 2066 122 6 Ve 11' 76. 2020 now 780 Ma
11' Hi 2030 AsRa
ft 22' 2085 1428 SO 880 MO

In the birth chart of the current U.S. President, Joe Biden, the lO111 lord Sun
is in the ascendant qualifying this chart for Sasti Hay am Dasa (SHD). His
Moon at 7-55 of Aries is inAsvim naksatra. Consulting the table given above,
this naksatra falls in Jupiter's column, such that he was bom in the major
period of this planet as the table in the graphic above indicates. Rarely will a
person be bom right when a period begins, so there will usually be some
balance of the dasa remaining. In Biden's case, eight years.

The Sun is the kdraka of government and authority, and in Biden's chart it
is the 10th lord in the 1st house giving raja yoga by placement. It gets the
additional influence of the two best natural benefics, Venus and Jupiter, with
the later in its exaltation sign and vargottama as the 5th lord of rdjya, the
authority to rule.

When he ran the Jupiter period again in the second cycle of this dasa at age
58, he was a long- standing member of the U.S Senate, but then became the
U.S. Vice-President in the Obama administration in January of 2009. In the
birth chart Jupiter is configured in a Kesan Yoga involving a very bright
waxing Moon. This Kesan Yoga repeats in his dasdmsha where Jupiter is
again in strength in its own sign Pisces and falling 10th from the Moon.

He served a second four-year term as Vice President starting in January of

2013. By then he had moved into his Sun major period in SHD. In addition to
what has already been noted about this Sun in the birth chart, see that it goes
into its own sign Leo in both D-9 and D-10.

Nnvamsha D9 Dharmni'Spouse
\ /.
Ke As Ve Ma RaMe
6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
' Su
\ Jp

5 Aqu 10 Can
/ \ SuVe
4 Cap 11 Leo
11. xs MeRa
Ke As
Ma / 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Libr 12 Virg

When he became the Democratic nominee for President in the summer of

2020, I used this conditional dasd to help predict his victory the following
November since I saw that he would be running Sun-Jupiter in SHD on the
day of the U.S. Presidential election. As a result of Jupiter's aspect on to Sun
in the birth chart they form a 5-10 combination, with both planets in good
dignities in both D-9 and D-10.
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General
Mo IS'ftS- Ve Ke Sa Jp
ASu 50"
3 Pis 4 An 5 Tau 6 Gem
M626 38
KG i3-2i'
2Aqu 7 Can
Su,rr Raia^r
Wayne GretzKy
ivie, n5 fhu 1/»1961 7 44 00
1 Cap B Leo
*1 p26"4 V
12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg Ma? ■ Ra li'gt
VlmshoMM ShasUhayani NevMWthl D9 Dtumui'SpouM N«v«mih» D9 Dh«m>«iSpouM
ManOoi. A9. OMIUI Start Data Oash« s Mo
9 10W 4 4 Mt> U, 25' 1959 -1 i Su AsSu Mo Ve X 12>x
ft 17/ l&e>5 Md 12, 24 1969 89 Ma
ft ift ion 126 (U 12 25. 197? 169 Mo ' x SuAs
ft 17/ 1901 306 JO 12. 24 1965 24 9 Mo Ke Ve
ft 17/ 2007 now 466 Sa 12 » 1991 309 Ve A x. 1
ft 17/ 2026 68 « Me 12 24 10?7 369 Sa 4JX10
7 X"
ft 17; 2043 82 6 Xjb 12; 25 2003 42 9 Ra
ft 17/ 2050 Ve 12; 24 2009 489 JP RaMe 55 Sa
ft 17, 2070 IM6 So i2 a 20i9no« 589 Su V
X9 Ma
ft 17; 2076 1156 Mo 12, 25 2029 689 Ma Ma Me ,X
ft 17/ 2080 1256 Ma 12 25. 203? 789 140 ^ \Jp
ft 17; 2093 132 6 Ha 12 25. 2045 849 140 Sa Jp

Hockey player Wayne Gretsky was bom with the Moon in Rohini
naksatra. His Sun in the 1 house, Capricorn, qualifies his birth chart for SastT
Haydm dasd. Consult the table given above and you will see that Rohini falls
in the column of the Sun, indicating that this is the dasd at birth with almost
nine years remaining.

Gretsky was such an elite hockey player that even before his stellar career
ended he was being referred to simply as "The Great One." In my article "The
Heart of Champions" on the charts of world-class athletes, I demonstrated
how invariably the 3rd house/3rd lord of sports and the 6th house/6th lord of
competion are in exceptional conditions and configured in success-giving
yogas. We see that in Gretsky chart.

His 3rd lord Jupiter is mulatrikona and vargottama and participating in an

excellent Mukuta Yoga with the Moon. As an impressionable 12th lord, it also
gives the results of the raja yoga formed by the vargottama 1st lord Saturn,
and the 4th lord Mars, all influencing the 6th house. The 6th lord Mercury gets
directional strength in the 1st house, but as the 9th lord in the 1st also gives both
raja and dhana yoga. Not only that, but its conjunction with the Sun without
being combust gives a good Budhditya Yoga. Then see the strong Ubhayachari
Yoga with the Sun flanked by planets on both sides including Venus and
Jupiter and with the Sun going to it exaltation sign in D-9.
Gretsky was a hockey prodigy who displayed an extraordinary talent for
the game at a young age. From Wikipedia:

By age 10, Gretzky had scored an astonishing 378 goals and 139 assist in
just one season with the Brantford Nadrofsky Steelers. His play attracted
media attention beyond his hometown of Brantford, including a profile by
John laboni in the Toronto Telegram in October 1971, In the 1974 Quebec
International Pee-Wee Hockey Tournament, Gretzky scored 26 points
playing for Brantford. By age 13, he had scored over 1,000 goals."

By the time he was 17, his astonishing play led to a professional contract
worth $1.75 million. Consult the graphic above you will see that this was all
happening in his Mars major period in SHD which he ran from age 8 to 18.
Besides the angle-trine raja yoga in which it is configured, his Mars in the 6th
house of competition is also a natural malefic in a tr is ad ay a house giving raja
yoga effects in this way as well.

But it is Gretsky's Moon that is the most exceptional yoga-giving graha in

his chart. Can you see why before reading further?

• His Moon is waxing and bright (more than half hill)

• It is in its exaltation sign

• It is vargottama

• It is in its own naksatra

• It gives the results of Mukuta (Crown) Yoga

• As the 7th angle lord in the 5th trine house, it gives raja yoga.

• It is kendra sambhana with yogakdraka Venus

Such a graha had to give him truly exceptional results and it did. He
moved into his Moon major period in SHD at age 18 and it was in this six-year
period up to age 24 that he began establishing himself as a hockey legend.
From Wikipedia:

"In his first NHL season, 1979-80, Gretzky was awarded the Hart
Memorial Trophy as the NHL's Most Valuable Player (the first of eight in a
This great success continued in the subsequent six-year Mercury
mahadasd, during which he married and started a family. SHD also times these
events in his personal life rather well. He got engaged in January of 1988 in
Mercury-Rahu, two planets together in his navamsha, with Mercury aspecting
the 7th house in the birth chart. The couple subsequently had five children as

Paulina bom December 19, 1988 Mercury-Jupiter

Ty bom July 9, 1990 Mercury-Mars
Trevor bom September 14, 1992 Venus-Saturn
Tristan bom August 2, 2000 Saturn-Sun
Emma bom March 28, 2003 Saturn-Mercury

Note that these birth are all taking place in the major period of planets
ruling the trines in the birth chart and in his saptdmsa I once heard K.N. Rao
remark that all the trine lords and their houses can give children and I have
found this to be quite true.

Saptamsha 07 Progeny Saptamsha D7 Progeny

Su Ve
Ke JpSa

7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem

r \ Mo
As Sa
9 em \ 6 Aqu 11 Can

Me Me
5 Cap 12 Leo

Ra Su As

Mo 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

Roshl D1 General Rashl D1 General
Keo.. Ke
12 Pis 1 An 2 Tau 3 Gem Ve Me
As Su

11 Aqu 4 Can
Gary Cooper
Tue 517/1901 5 20 00 Ma.
HuMn* MT Sa2j-4fr
10 Cap 5 Leo
JfixTJO MOvnr
Sa7vin'M0vi„ R3O°4'
9 Sag a sco 7Libr 6WB Ra O'J
VlmihoMfl S>mBh«y»ni Ni<»tn»h» D9 Dhjfmj 5POUM N»»»m»hj D9 Dh«rm» Spou«»
Sort Dal. *0* Ctaihn San Oat. Dahw KM VeSaSu
5' 17' 1BM -2 7 Ke 4/ 8 1899 J1 Ve MoMa V R,
B* 17/ 1905 43 Ve 4/ /' 1905 39 Sa
6 IB I92S 24.3 Su 4/ r 1911 99 Ra As
B 1*1 t9?i 303 Mo 4/ /' 1917 159 Ra
6'1 1B 1941 40 3 Ma 4/ 7/ 1927 259 Su
8 17' 1948 473 Ra 4/ 7/ 1937 359 Ma
8' W 190d 85 3 JP 4' V 1947 459 Mo
&1 18 1982 81 3 34 H n 1953 519 Me Ke IV'ft
B 181 2001 1003 Me 4. 7/ 1959 579 Ve 5 Me
8' 18' 2018 now 1173 Ke 4' It 1905 63 9 SB Sa
8' 18 2025 124 3 Ve 4/ II 1971 099 Ra As VeSu Jp MoMa Ra
6' 16' 2045 144 3 50 4' II 1977 759 JB

Hollywood icon, Gary Cooper was a "Great King" of movie stars in a

career that spanned several decades and his birth chart shows why. It features a
true Maharaja Yoga with an exchange between the 1st and 5th lords in which
the Sun gets exalted in the lagna and both Mars and the Sun get the additional
aspect of a svaksetra Jupiter. These same planets along with the Moon form a
rare Trilochdna Yoga, defined by when the Sun, Moon and Mars are all in
trines from each others. His is exceptional because these grahas additionally
fall in trine houses and all three have good sources of strength. Note the Moon
in its exaltaton sign in D-9.

Then see the das a sequence in SHD starting at age 25. First he runs the 10
years of the Sun period activating the Maharaja Yoga and this is when he first
became a big star. The 10-year mahadasd of Mars followed, again activating
this, followed by the six years of the Moon, forming additionally both a Kesan
Yoga and raja yoga with Jupiter. This encompasses a span of 26 years in which
he gets the best dasds at the best time of life. Do you see how clearly this
conditional dasd times his great career success and fame?

Career peaks occurred in Mars-Saturn when he won an Oscar for Best

Actor for his performance in the film, Sargeant York (1941) and a decade later
in Moon-Mars when he won this Academy Award again for High Noon
(1952). See this timing in his dasdmsha.
Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Oa&hamamsha D10 Power & Status

3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem

Mo RaSa
2 Aqu 7 Can


Sa Ma MoKe
1 Cap 8 Leo

Me Ve Su
Ma Me
Jg 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg

Mars goes to the 10th in his D-10 getting directional strength and Saturn
falls 10th from Mars while also having directional strength in the 7th of this
division, Moon is in the lagna in an exchange with Saturn and Mars falls 10th
from there. See my book Secrets of the Dasdmsha for more examples of this
kind for timing periods of career rise when there is also a promise in the birth

He married in December of 1933. It was Sun-Satum in SHD. In the birth

chart Sun is with the 7th lord Venus and together they aspect the 7th house. In
D-9 the Sun, Venus and Saturn are conjunct. They had a daughter bom on
September 15, 1937 in Mars-Mars which could not be more obvious.
Roshl D1 General Roshl 01 General
Sa,7.4- Su.-if ASii-jj- Ma,-* Ke Ma Sa
Men-wVe.n-w Ke45
12 Pis 1 An 2Tau 3 Gem ASis'sj Sli
11 Aqu 4 Can

Claudia Cardinale
Fn 03000
10 Cap Tim TUN 5 Leo

Rajy MO7-4
9 Sao 8 SCO 7 Ubr 6 Virg Ra 45
snwimytni D9 Dharmj SpouM Navamihj OT Dh»rm»iSpou«»
Sun Dai. Da»h« SunCat. DashH ve i-le
» 2\ 1937 436 Ra 3/ 23. 1938 -01 Me Su
9' 24.' 1955 17 4 JP •u ■jy 1944 59 Ve
9 24 1971 134 Sa 1- 21 19«. 119 Sa As Ra
» 24. 1990 524 M* V1 W 1950 179 Re Ke Me Jp
9' 24 2007 09 4 Ke i 23/ 1902 239
9' 24.' 2014 now 70 4 Ve * 23/ 1972 339 Su
9 24 2034 904 Su 3/ 21 1962 439 Ma
9 »' 2040 102 4 Wo y 21 1992 539 Mo Ma RaAs Mo
9' 24.' 2050 1124 Ua y 24 1996 599 Me Su
9' 24.' 2057 1194 R4 y W 2004 65 9 Ve
9 24 2075 137 4 Jp y 24 2010 719 Sa SaMo Jp Ve
9' 24' 2091 153 4 s* y 23/ 2010 "O. 779 Ra Ma

The birth chart of notable Italian movie star, Claudia Cardinale, bears some
resemblance to that of Gary Cooper in that it features Aries lagna with an
exalted Sun with the two beneflcs, Mercury and Venus, configured in a
Saraswati Yoga along with Jupiter. Hers is not at the same level of Cooper's
for "name and fame," but she also had an award-winning career spanning
many decades. Of note in her chart is the superior raja yoga formed by the
mutual aspect of her exalted and vargottama Sun with a completely hill Moon,
with these luminaries only owning one trine and one angle. The Moon
additionally receives the aspect of Jupiter strong in Aquarius.

It was in her Jupiter major period in both Vimshottari and Sash Hay am
dasds that she first came to prominence as an actresss, first in Italian films, but
then in Hollywood movies. She starred opposite David Niven and Peter Sellers
in The Pink Panther (1963) in her American film debut. It was Jupiter-Sun in
SHD. Aside for their good condition and yoga-giving status in the birth chart,
these two grahas are vargottama in her dasdmsha, whose lagna I suspect is
Leo not Virgo. The birth time would only need to be backed up a few minutes
to give this. The Sun remains in its exaltation sign.

In Vimshottari, it was Jupiter-Venus

From Wikipedia:
"Jaded with the Hollywood film industry and not wanting to become a
cliche, Cardinale returned to Italian and French cinema, and garnered the
David di Donatello for Best Actress Award for her roles in II giorno dell
civetta (1968) and as a prostitute alongside Alberto Sordi in A Girl in
Australia (1971)."

Dashamamsha DIP Power & Status Oashamomsha D10 Power & Status
Ve Ra
As Me

7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem

6 Aqu 11 Can
9W3 0
Mo 12"
\ Ra
/ \, 5 Cap 12 Leo
Ma n

\ Ve As
KeJp / SuSa _■4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

The timing of these awards, the Italian equivalent of an Oscar, was Jupiter-
Mercury and Jupiter-Rahu in SHD. Jupiter-Mercury activates the Saraswati
Yoga in the birth chart, and Jupiter and Rahu are sambandha in D-10. If her D-
10 lagna is Leo as I suspect, Rahu would be in the lagna giving the results of
an exalted Sun in the 9th. Either way, we again see this conditional das a timing
these career peaks very well.

Looking now at the timing in her relationship life, see this from Wikipedia:

"Claudia Cardinale met the Italian film producer Franco Cristaldi in

1958. According to Cardinale, the couple had a marriage party but did not
marry, and they became increasingly detached. "

"Cardinale lived with Pasquale Squitieri, an Italian film director, for 42

years, from 1975 until Squitieri died on 18 February 2017, aged 78. "
The timing in the first relationship in SHD was Rahu-Sun. See Rahu in the
lagna of her navdmsa in Leo and the exalted Sun as the lagna lord of D-9. The
second, long-lasting relationship came in the Saturn major period, the 7th lord
of the navdmsa.

Rasw 01 General Rashi 01 General

Saiem- RSlOAS'
V626'45- Su Jp
8 Pis 9 An 10 Tau 11 Gem
Mo As RaioNs-
Me r4(r Ma

7 Aqu 12 Can
JPi-sj SU.. ..
Lyndon Johnson ASjMocj'sr
T»oi 8^27/1903 5 40 00 MS.t Me.r-i,
sifHvuaa TX
6 Cap 1 Leo
Ke 10*45

5 Sag 4 SCO 3 Ubr 2 V.rg Sa 16" U'
Sh«Hlhjy»nl 08 Dharm«/Spc>u»« Nivimsha 09 DhamiaJSpouBe
Sort I >!■ AS. DKIW sum «• *»• Duh» Ma Ve
y 1903 -54 Ve y 31' 1908 04 Mo JpAs VeMa
y ^1' 1923 146 So y 311 1914 56 Me
y » 1929 206 Mo .V 31' 1920 116 Ve Su ■« AsJp
y IV 1939 306 144 y 3" 1926 176 S«
y w 1944! 37 6 Ra y 31 1932 330 Ra KeSt
y w 1964 556 JP y 31' 1938 290 JP
y 201 1960 716 &9 y 31' 1948 396 SU
y 2V 1999 908 144. 4(' V 1956 496 M4 Ra Mo
y 20 2014 mm 107 6 Ke y 11' 1968 596 Mo Me o Sa
y ill' 2023 1140 Ve 4; 1' 1974 eso Me
31 21 204} 1J46 Su y 11' i960 716 Ve Sa MeMo
y 21' 2049 1406 Mo v 1' 1956 776 Sa

In the birth chart of former U.S. President Lyndon Johnson, the Sun is
svaksetra as lagna lord in the lagna configured in superior raja yogas with
yogakdraka Mars and the 5th lord of rdjya, Jupiter. This dramatic collections
of grahas in his 1st house also includes a Gaja Kesan Yoga.

It is quite interesting to see how the Sasti Hayam das a times the landmark
moments in his political career. He was first elected to the U.S. House of
Representatives starting in April 1937 in Rahu-Moon. Rahu is in the 11th
house in its mulatrikona sign with the 10th lord Venus, and the Moon as an
impressionable 12th lord is giving the results of all the status-giving yogas in
the 1st house.

Then see these planets in his dasamsha, with Rahu in the 1st house with the
benefic Jupiter and the Moon in the 5th house with the 1st and 10th lord
Mercury getting the aspect of Jupiter.
Throughout the following 10-year period of Jupiter he continued to be re-
elected to the U.S House of Representative.

Starting in January of 1949 he became a U.S. Senator in Sun-Sun, and it

was in this period that he progressed through the increasing higher offices of
Senate Minority Whip, Chairman of the Democrat Caucus, Senate Minority
Leader, and Senate Majority Leader. Predictably, this Sun period kept
elevating him politically.

The subsequent Mars periods, yogakdraka in the birth chart and svaksetra
in D-10, raised him even higher when he first became Vice-President in
January of 1961 in the Kennedy Administration and then President when
Kennedy was assassinated in November of 1963.

He won his own term of office in the 1964 Presidential election by a

landslide and again was sworn in as President in Mars-Jupiter.

Note how most of his political career and his steady rise to the pinnacle of
political power occurred in the consecutive periods of Jupiter, Sun, and Mars
in SHD, the three grahas forming spectacular raja yogas in his birth chart. A
peak was predictably Mars-Jupiter. This was all quite predictable based on
static potentials in the birth chart and timing with this conditional dasd.

Johnson married on November 17, 1934 and in this case the timing is
better seen in the Vimsottan dasd where it was Moon-Satum. In the birth chart
the Moon aspects the 7th house and Saturn is the 7th lord. In SHD it was Rahu-
Mars which also shows it, but in a less direct way. Rahu is with karaka Venus
and gives the results of Mercury who, along with Mars, aspect the 7th house. In
D-9 Rahu gives the results of Saturn placed in the 7th and Mars rules the 7th.

He and his wife had two daughters bom in 1944 and 1947, which is very
clear in SHD since it was his Jupiter major period, natural kdraka of children
and the 5th lord of his birth chart getting directional strength in the 1st house.
Oashamamsha D10 Power & Status Oashamamsha D10 Power & Status

Ke Sa
7 Pis 8 Ah 9 Tau 10 Gem
Su Ve
6 Aqu 11 Can
9!»3 0
( /

5 Cap 12 Leo
Mo Ke
Su As
Ma RaJp
Ve 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

Rashl D1 General Rashl 01 General

SUi^ Me,,*# Ve16.0- Vejo-u JPl4-12
As?-u Ra^r
12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem \2 MS it-23- SUv23 \12X "
3X xli
R9?4 3r AS2 14

tl Aqu 4 Can
4 <10
Robert Watson-Watl
Wed 4/1i1892 515 00 K624-37- Ma».,6
10 Cap 5 Leo ..<9
/6 x MOHMV a\
Ma^e- K624 ar
MOTVAT Sa2>34'
9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Libr « Virg Sa-w
Vlmihotun ShaitJhayvil Nivtrilhi D9 Oh«rm*i SpouM Ntvamiha D9 Dh»n»a>5pouu
iun D>i« As* 0«IVJU 5«rt Dj» VeKe
V V 1885 ■68 RJ 7/ U- >891 08 Me SuAs KeVe
H 6' 1903 112 Jp 11 12' 1897 52 Ve
H 8' '919 272 S» 7/ '4( 1903 112 Sa AsSu
V ft' 1958 46 2 P 13. 1909 172 Ra Me
V ft 1955 63 2 M 71 14/ 1915 232 Jp Me Mo
V ft 1962 70 2 Ve 71 14' 1925 332 Su
V ft 1982 902 So 71 14. 1935 43 2 Ma Sa
7/ ft '958 902 Mo 7/ 14/ 1945 532 Mo SaMo
7/ ft 1998 106 2 M« 11 14/ 1951 59 2 Me
V ft 2005 now 1132 a* V 14/ 1957 652 Ve Ra
r; n 2023 1312 Op 11 14/ 1963 712 So Ma Jp JpRaMa
7/ 7; 2039 1472 Sa 71 14/ 1969 772 Ra

Robert Watson-Watt is not a name readers will recognize unless they were
in England during World War 11. From Wikipedia:

"Robert Watson-Watt was a British pioneer of radar technology Watt led

the development of a practical version of this device, which entered service
in 1938 under the code name Chain Home. This system provided the vital
advance information that helped the Royal Air Force win the Battle of

After the success of his invention, Watson Watt was sent to the US in 1941
to advise on air defense after Japan s attack on Pearl Harbor. He returned
and continued to lead radar development for the War Office and Ministry
of Supply. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 194, was given
a Knighthood in 1942 and was awarded the US Medal of Freedom in

His chart bears some similarities to those featured earlier in that a

vargottama and exalted 5th lord Sun is in the lagna, and in his case forming
three very favorable yogas.

• A powerful 5th lord Sun in a mutual aspect with a hill 4th lord Moon
along the 1-7 house axis gives a superior raja yoga. We saw this in the
chart of Claudia Cardinale.
^ r r
• The Sun is configured in a truly superior Suhha Katari and Subha
Ubhayadhari Yogas, with the two benefics in their own sign on either
side of the Sun and the ascendant.

• A powerful Bheri Yoga is present defined by when there are grahas in

the 12th, 1st, 2nd and V1*1 houses, which puts a tremendous emphasis on
the lagna. All four of the benefics are involved in this yoga.

In addition, this birth chart features:

• A superior Candra AdhT Yoga with all the benefics in strength falling in
the 6th, 7th, and 8th from a completely frill Moon

• Jupiter svaksetra in the 6th from the Moon also gives Mukuta Yoga.

The lagna lord could not be better placed by house, falling in the best trine
without affliction in the sign of a Great Friend. As the 1st lord in the 9th, it also
gives both raja and dhana yoga

Consult the graphic above and you will see that he ran his Sun mahddasd
from 1925 to 1935 and it was in this period that he first began making a name
for himself for experimenting with and developing radar technology. It was in
the subsequent Mars period that he was given a Knighthood for his important
contribution to the war effort.

The rdja-yoga-giving effects of these two planets in the birth chart are very
evident but then see that together they form a 1-5 Maharaja Yoga-giving
exchange in his D-10.

On a side note, I wrote an article years ago on the birth charts of famous
inventors in which I explored the role of the trans-Satumian planet, Uranus, as
a major factor contributing to inventive genius, since it is the indicator of this
in the Western astrology. It is also said to rule electronics and related
technologies like radio and radar. Almost invariably famous inventors have
Uranus related to either the Sun or Mercury or both.

At the time of this inventor's birth, Uranus was at 12-9 degrees of Libra in
a mutual aspect with the Sun and very closely with Mercury at 11-23 of Aries.

Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status

Sa Jp
\ Jp SuAs Sa KeVe
Ke / \ /
12 Pis 1 Ah 2 Tau 3 Gem
Ve Su *

As Mo
i. 11 Aqu 4 Can
413*10 0
Mo Ma
\ Me
10 Cap 5 Leo
Ma X9
Ra Ra

9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Ubr 6 Virg

Predicting with the Sasfi Hayam Dasa

We have seen through these retrospect examples how well this conditional
dasd has timed significant events in the lives of public figures. Whereas this is
instructive in illustrating its efficiency, it is only prediction that impresses the
astrological skeptic. The first illustration was an example of how I used this
dasd to help predict that Joe Biden would win the 2020 Presidential Election. I
will now show an instance where I used it to successfully predict an event in
the life of a non-celebrity.

Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General

KGQ 44 x

5 Pis 5 An 7 Tau 8 Gem .9 ' Ma Su 7X

Jp 15=28' Me As Ra
4AqU SCan " - B x"'
2 Sa
S3J9'24- K&N. X Mo
3 Cap 10 Leo 4
12 X Jp
Mej?*.!' Aso^ x 1 \ X 3 x.
MaivrSUyssr V614*35* R3O°44-
2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libf 11 Virg
Vlrruhonwl Sapiamsha 37 Pro^ny x 07 PfOfl*ny
Sun Ojt Du M Sun Da '«• Daj ut 0
a is- 2021 428 Wo Ve Mo Me 9 171 2021 428 JP 'la JP Mo Ra SuAs
9' 27' 2021 42 3 Wo Ve Mo Ke 9 29 2021 428 JP Ha JO Mo „ JP
a sa 2021 429 Mo Ve Mo Ve 9 30 2021 429 Ha Jp Ve AsSu
10' 8 2021 429 »*> V» MO Su 10 6 2021 429 Jp Ra Jp Sa
101 111 Mil 420 Mo V. Mi Ml 10' 12 2021 429 JP Ha Ha Mo
ia 2021 429 Mo ve M» ft* 10.' IK 1021 411 Jp Hi JPSu Su
10 19 2021 429 MO Ve Mo JP 10 28 2021 42 9 Jp Ha Su 1,4 Ma
10' 231 2021 429 Mo ve Ma Sa 11/ 7/ 2021 430 JP Ha So Mo Ve
10' 28 2021 429 Mo Ve Ma We li, 19 2021 4)0 Jp Ha Su Me Sa
11/ 2/ 2021 429 Mo ve Ma Ke 11/ 19 2021 430 JP Ha Su Ve
11' 2021 43 0 MO Ve Mb Ve 11/25 2021 430 JP Ha .Su Sa Sa Me MaKe •,v. Ve
m 10' 2021 43 0 Mo Ve M. Su 12, 1 2021 430 JSL- Ha Su _Ha

In early September of 2021 I wrote an article about the close timing of

childbirth in which I shared techniques for doing this within a 72-hour period
using finer levels of the dasd in cases where there is a very accurate birth time,
along with transits, particularly the transit of the Moon.

In that article I predicted within a day the birth of the child who was bom
on September 21, 2020 using finer levels of SHD. This dasd was applicable
since the birth chart features the Sun in the lagna. The major period showed
this event so clearly since the woman was running the Jupiter mahddasd, the
5th lord of her birth chart, so well placed in the 9th house in its exaltation sign
with the 9th lord Moon. The dasd sequence that I zeroed in on was Jupiter-
Rahu-Jupiter-Moon which ran from September 17th through the 23rd, a six-day

Then using the transit of the Moon through her 5th house, Pisces, I further
narrowed down the time frame to the 21st/22nd, and the child was bom the
evening of the 21st.

Roshi D1 General Resm 01 General

Ra rm Sa 15*13' Mo
Ma ,4.20- JpaMo

3 Pis 4 An 5 Tau 6 Gem ASIPMO" M6r C;C

Ra T rjo
2 Aqu 7 Can
Ma 2:i
Su^Ve.-tt Ke,,^
As ir la-Me JP 2'40
1 Cap 8 Leo
12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libf 9 Virg Ke TO
Vimihoturl Kavamihe Dfl Oharma'Spouia
Sean Oat* y
12- IR1 2011 22 9 Ve Me 7/ 24i 2010 215 Jv Mo Mo As Su
10' 1& 201* 2S7 ve Ke 7/ 24/ 2011 22 5 Jp Me
12/ 2019 20.9 Su Su 7/ 24' 2012 23 5 .lp Ve As Mo 11 Ve
411 > 2016 272 &/ Mo 71 24. 2013 24 5 Jp S4 Ve Ke 3t
10 2 2016 27 7 Su 71 24. 2014 25 5 Jp Re Ke Jp N
21 T 2012 23 0 Su Ra 71 24/ 2019 24-8 Su Su
V » 2018 289 SU JP 1 24/ 2017 281 Su Me jp MeRa
10' 21 2018 29 7 Su Sa IV 21 2016 298 Su Mo MaSa Ma
10' V 2019 307 Su Mo IV 21 2019 308 Su Me
O 9 2020 315 Su Ke IV 22/ 2020 318 Su Ve 20
12' 14,' 2020 319 5u IV 21 2021 no* 328 Su S4
iJJ 1» 2021 row 929 Mo 11 21 2022 33 8 Su Re

This is the birth chart of a niece of mine whose life I have observed
unfolding astrologically since her birth. It was a simple matter to predict very
good educational success since I saw that she would be running her Venus
major period in Vimsottan and simultaneously Jupiter in SHD during key
educational years. Venus is in the lagna as the yogakdraka 5th lord of
education and Jupiter is in the 5th house. Venus and Jupiter along with a
vargottama Mercury form SarasvatT Yoga. Mercury with the Sun in the 1st
house without combustion also gives Budhdditya Yoga.

She graduated from a prestigious university with a degree in business

marketing in her Venus-Mercury period in Vimsottan and Jupiter-Mercury in
SastT Hay dm, with these period/sub-period combinations activating these
yogas for educational success.
But I also predicted that these das as would give her a good position
subsequent to her graduation. Mercury as a sub-period lord forms a good raja
yoga with Venus and Jupiter aspects.

Then see these planets in her dasdmsa. Jupiter is in the lagna getting
directional strength, Venus is svaksatra in the 10th house and Mercury is
exalted in the 9th.

She was hired in these periods by a major retailer even before she

Dashamamsha D10 Powar & Status Oashamomsha D10 Powef & Status
Su SaRa
As Ke
3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem
Su jK

/ Xjp/
2 Aqu 7 Can
(3* )
c X Ve

Sa Me Ma
1 Cap 8 Leo

Ra / Ke Ve
Ma a 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg

The duration of this conditional dasd is only 36 years and applies when
birth is in the daytime and the ascendant degree in in the Sun's hord or at
night time in Moon's hord. It occurs in 11.11% of population

From Parashara Hord:

"In the event of the birth being in the day time and also the ascendant
being in the Sun s hord or in a night birth and the ascendant in the hord
of the Moon, Sat Trims a Sama dasd should be adopted.

Count the number of naksatras from Shravana to the Moon's naksatra at

birth and divide by 8. The remainder number indicates the dasd lord at
birth in the order of the Moon, Sun, Jupiter Mars, Mercury, Saturn,
Venus, and Rdhu. The period of the dasd would be in the natural order of
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 years respectively"

This table can be used to quickly identify the starting period at birth. In
any birth chart note the naksatra of the Moon and then find the planetary
row in which it falls in the table. This will indicate the planetary period at
Dasd Years

Lord (36)

Shravana Kriitiko /! Phalguni Mu la Moon 1

Dhanishla Rohini U. Phalguni P. Ashada Sun 2

Shat a his ha Mrigshira Has/a U. Ashada Jupiter 3

P. Bhadra Ardra Chilra Mars 4

U. Bhadra Punarvasu Swali Mercury 5

Rcvali Pushy ami Vishakha Saturn 6

Ashwini As hies ha Anuradha Venus 7

Bharani Magha Jycslha Rahu 8

The famous English poet, Lord Byron, was bom during the day and his
degree of birth lagna is in the hord of the Sun, such that this conditional
dasd is applicable to his horoscope. His Moon at birth is in the naksatra of
Pushya. Consulting the table, we find that this naksatra is in Saturn's row,
indicating that this was the planetary period at his birth. It is a six-year
period in this dasd system, and the table in the graphic below shows that he
was bom with five and half years remaining.

Note that the periods in the Sat Trims a Sama dasd are quite short since
the total duration is only 36 years. Beginning with Moon which is only one
year, each are progressively a year longer, with the last period of Rahu of
eight years being the longest. In this way it is reminiscent of YoginT dasd, a
non-conditional planetary dasd, which is also 36 years in duration.
Rashl 01 General Rashi 01 General
Kem Ma.- Mo acr Jjkft
As.r3ff K64 49'
J&e 10
10 Pis 11 An 12 Tau 1 Gem
Sa7.2. M04-9-
9 Aqu 2 Can

Lord Byron
Su^^s- Tue 1/22/1766 13 54 90 Me 27 51
6 Cap lonfton '7K 3 Lea
Mezrsv Ve.,-3?
Ra 49'
7 Sag 6 SCO 5Ubf 4 Virg Su n-zs-
Vlm«hoo»rl Shal-wlmatul uma unahi D9 Dharmft Spoon Navamaha D9 DhltmiiSpouse
Sun Data Sun Data Aga Dashas 7a
17H -12 5a 1767 -04 Sa MaSu Ra
11/ 1&/ 1789 IB Sa 179J 5 ft Ve i I
V 2ft 1752 45 Sa Ke 1800 126 Ra As e ve
ft' ft 1753 56 S* Ve 1806 206 Mo
11/ ft 1798 86 &a Su 1809 216 Su 1 MaSu
10' Ifti 1797 97 Si Mo 1811 23« Jp
V »' 1795 113 Si Ma IB14 26ft Ml
ft 29 1600 12 4 Si Rl 1818 306 Me As Mo Jp
V ft 1803 153 Si Jp 1623 356 Si Ra 2
11/ ift IMS 17.t Ma Ma 1829 <i« Ve
ft 14/ 1600 20 2 f4e Ke 1836 460 Ri MeSa KeVe
4/ 1ft jm. 21 2 Ml V« 1844 566 Mo Mo j£

George Gordon was bom into an aristocratic family but his father was
wastrel who abandoned mother and child after having gambled away most of
his and her inheritance. However, at age 10 his fortunes changed
dramatically when a great-uncle, Lord Byron V, died without an heir and he
became the sixth Lord Byron, inheriting his title and ancestral estates. It is
interesting to see how both the Vimsottan and Sat Trims a Sama dasd time
this dramatic change in his status due to an inheritance.

The static potential for the event is indicated by the combination of the
8th and 9th lord Saturn mulatrikona in the 9th house with the 5th lord Venus.
Together they form an excellent trikona raja yoga and dhana yoga involving
the 8th lord of inheritance. He inherited in the major period of Saturn in
Vimsottan and that of Venus in Sat Trims a Sama dasd. (STSD), activating
these yogas.

During that era it was customary for young noblemen after graduating
from university to do what was known as the "Grand Tour," which meant
travelling throughout Europe. Byron did this with a friend and their trip
included parts of the Middle East, including Constantinople (now Istanbul).
These travels took place in his Jupiter major period in STSD, which shows
this very clearly since his Jupiter is the 7th lord of journeys in the 12th house
of foreign lands.
During this time, he composed the first two cantos of a long narrative
poem, Childe Harolds Pilgrimage, based on his travels, which was first
published in 1812 after his return to London. Immediately afterwards, in
Byron's own words, "/ woke up famous."

In my article, A Literary Love Affair" I demonstrated how Jupiter and

Mercury are the two planetary indicators of authorship, and show many
examples of authors publishing the work for which they became most
famous in Jupiter-Mercury or Mercury-Jupiter periods. For example,
Alexander Dumas first published his famous novel, The Three Musketeers,
in this Jupiter-Mercury period. In this case Byron's first literary fame came
in his Jupiter-Mercury period. See these two grahas in his dasdmsha.

Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha DIO Power & Status

\ Ve
Me Sa
7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem

As Ke

6 Aqu 11 Can

Ma Ma
5 Cap 12 Leo
Ra Ve
/ As Me
MoSa 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

In Vimsottan it was Mercury-Venus which times this very well also

based on D-10.

He entered into an ill-advised marriage on January 2, 1815 with heiress

Annabella Milbanke, mostly for financial reasons. Mercury, Mars, and
Rahu-Ketu are all along the 1-7 axis of his birth chart, such that the periods
and sub-periods of these grahas become eligible for giving marriage. They
did, since in Vimsottan it was Mercury-Mars-Mercury, and in STSD it was
But Mars here is a very malignant 6th lord, and the 7th house also has the
affliction of the Rahu-Ketu axis, while the 7th lord goes to the 12th. This is
an unrelieved DuskritT Yoga and the marriage was a disaster, lasting less than
a year. She filed for divorce when she discovered that Bryon was having an
incestuous affair with his half-sister, Augusta, as well as other extra-marital
relations. Due to the resulting scandal and mounting debts, he fled England,
never to return, settling in Venice, Italy.

My book, Predicting Major Life Events, includes a chapter on those

factors that can indicate the destiny of a foreign settlement. One condition is
the influence of natural malefics on the 4th house/4th lord, taking you away
from your place of birth. In Byron's horoscope, Mars aspects both the 4th
house and 4th lord, while Rahu is with the 4th lord. Being planetary kdraka of
all things foreign, Rahu influencing these factors shows up repeatedly in the
birth chart of those who have settled abroad. In Byron's case, this timed to
Mercury-Rahu in Vimsottan and Mars-Satum in STSD. See these grahas in
his D-4.

Chaturramsha D4 Fortunas Chatunamsha D4 Fortunes

Su Ke

7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem

As Mo
Ve Mo

\ Me SaJj)
6 Aqu 11 Can
Ra Ke


5 Cap 12 Leo
Ma Me

Ra As
j£)VeSa Su 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

It was while living in Venice that Bryon wrote the literary masterpiece
for which he is most famous, the long narrative, satirical poem, Don Juan.
The first five cantos were published in 1819. Interestingly, it was in the
Mercury major period in both das as. Note that Mercury, one of the planetary
kdrakas for authorship, is the lagna lord of his birth chart, vargottama and
forming a nodal raj a yoga with Rahu. In his D-10 it is again the lagna lord,
this time exalted in the 1st forming raja yogas and SaravatT Yoga with the
two benefics, Jupiter and Venus, both of whom are in strength.

Bored with "scribbling" has he called it, and a hedonist life-style in

Venice, he sought to do something more meaningful and heroic by joining
the Greeks in their cause to gain independence from the Turks and the
Ottoman Empire. He personally financed and led a company of freedom
fighters, but never fought a battle, dying of swamp fever at the age of 36. It
was Satum-Satum in STSD, with this 8th lord taking on the role of mdraka.

Before leaving this discussion of his birth chart, I will relate one
interesting anecdote about Byron's life history related to a feature of his birth
chart. He was known for the unusual menagerie of pets that he kept. While
in college this included a small bear, and while he lived in Venice, one
visitor reported this:

"Lord B. s establishment consists, besides servants, of ten horses, eight

enormous dogs, three monkeys, five cats, an eagle, a crow, and a falcon;
and all these, except the horses, walk about the house, which every now
and then resounds with their quarrels, as if they were the masters of it...
[PS.J I find that my enumeration of the animals in this Circean Palace
was defective ...I have just met on the grand staircase five peacocks, two
guinea hens, and an Egyptian crane. I wonder who all these animals
were before they were changed into these shapes. "

House pets are an indication of the 6th house/6th lord. Mars is the 6th lord
of his birth chart in the lagna, in a mutual glance with the lagna lord
Mercury and with the influence of the Rahu-Ketu axis. This very odd and
unusual collection of animals (Rahu/Ketu!) in his home in Venice took place
in the Mercury major period in both VimsottarT and Sat Trims a Sama das a.
Rashl D1 General Rashl 01 General
Mo raa Jp
As 35 Ke 26<22-
7 Pis 8 An 9 Tau 10 Gem
Ma 8=34'
MOs'ss' K626122-
6 Aqu 11 Can
Hank Aaron
Sa-^Ve.y.o Mon 2 ^1934 202500 Ve
5 Cap Moe»i» ai 12 Leo Su WtC
M07»33- y Sa
JpO'15 As
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr i Vrrg Me '•"jo Ma .4
SnalBlmthat urn. Nav.mafva D9 DnwmaiSpoux
Start Oat. Sun Oat. Ag. Dnhai Ka MaMo
IV 23. 1932 -12 Ba 10 O 1933 433 Me Me
IV 24 1950 169 Jp lO 7' 1936 47 Sn i (
n 24. 19M 32 8 Sa 10 6 1944 10 7 Ve MS
IV 24' 198S 518 M« 10 7/ 1951 177 HJI Ke Ve
IV 24 2002 69 6 Ke 10 V 1959 25 7 »4o
IV 2V 2009 na* 759 Ve lO o 1960 267 Se Jp
11 24 2029 958 Sv 10* 7/ 1962 28 7 Jp SuRa
IV 2&' 2035 1018 Mo 10 n 1965 317 Ma As i ea
iv rv 2045 1118 Ma 10' V 1969 357 Me Ve
IV 24. 2052 1198 Ha 10 7' 1974 407 Se
IV 25J 2070 139 9 Jp lO 7/ 1980 46 7 Ve

MaMo Me

20*2 IP T 1987 ^Z_Ba a SuSaRa

"Hammerin' Hantf' Aaron, as he was known in his playing days, is

considered one of the greatest baseball players of all time. He became an
instant legend on April 8, 1974 when he broke Babe Ruth's longstanding
record for the most career home runs. From Wikipedia:

"Aaron was an NL All Star for 20 seasons and an AL All-Star for one
season, and he holds the record for the most Ail-Star selections (25). He
was a three-time Gold Glove winner, and in 1957, he won the NL Most
Valuable Player (MVP) Award when the Milwaukee Braves won the
World Series. Aaron holds the MLB records for the most career runs
batted in (RBIs) (2,297), extra base hits (1,477), and total bases (6,856).
Aaron is also in the top five for career hits (3,771) and runs (2,174). He
is one of only four players to have at least 17 seasons with 150 or more
hits. Aaron is in second place in home runs (755) and at bats (12,364),
and in third place in games played (3,298). At the time of his retirement,
Aaron held most of the game s key career power-hitting records "

Aaron was bom after sunset and the degree of his birth lagna is in the
hord of the Moon, qualifying his horoscope for the Sat Trimsa Sama dasd.

In my article, The Hearts of Champions, I highlighted the role of the 3rd

house (sports) and the 6th house (competitions) in the birth charts of world-
class athletes, when they are connected to raja or other success-giving
yogas, as well as the 10th house/lO111 lord of career.

In Aaron's chart we see the 3rd lord Mars in the 6th house with the 1st and
10th lord Mercury, with the additional benefic aspect of a vargottama Jupiter.
Moreover, the pattern repeats from Candra lagna. Now this strong Jupiter is
the 3rd and 6th lord conjunct the 10th lord Moon from this perspective and
together they form KesarT Yoga. The latter patterning is what accounts for
the fact that it was his Jupiter major period in VimsottanhQgmmng at age 16
that made him a baseball star.

Another very distinctive feature of his birth chart is the four graha
conjunction in his 5th house, Capricorn, including Saturn swakshetra, along
with Venus, the Sun and Rahu. The Saturn-Venus combination is a good
trikona and dhana yoga from the birth lagna, but from the Moon the
combination because the 1st lord Venus with Saturn now as the yogakdraka.
He achieved baseball immortality when he broke Ruth's record while
running Saturn-Venus in Vimsottari. Consider also what kind of yoga the
Saturn-Venus conjunction becomes when using Saturn's placement in
Capricorn as a das a lagna. From there the Moon-Jupiter KesarT Yoga goes to
the 10th house.

Yet Sat Trims a Sama das a times these career achievements quite well
also. In this system he ran his Rahu period from ages 17 to 25 and this is
exactly when he achieved his initial stardom. A career peak came in 1957
when he was the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the National League,
which equates to Rahu-Satum in STSD. This period/sub-period activates the
abovementioned yogas in the birth chart, but then see these grahas in his
Dashamomsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status

VeMa AsRa

As Me Su Sa
11 Pis 12 Ah 1 Tau 2 Gem

10 Aqu 3 Can

9 Cap 4 Leo

/ Ke Jp
JD Mo 8 Sag 7 Sco 6 Libr 5 Virg

They are together in the lagna of D-10 with Rahu in its exaltation sign
and Saturn as the yogakdraka 9th and 10th lord.

Aaron's first marriage to Barbara Lucas was in 1953 in Jupiter-Satum in

Vimsottan and Rahu-Moon in STSD. Jupiter is the 7th lord of the birth chart
and Saturn aspects the house. Rahu is an unqualified marriage-giver and
the Moon is with the 7th lord Jupiter. The Moon also rules the 7th house of
his navdrhsa. A second marriage took place on November 13, 1973. STSD
times it very clearly since it was Mercury-Jupiter, the 1st and 7th lords of his
birth chart, with Jupiter aspecting Mercury.

He had six children as a result of the two marriages, which his strong 5th
house indicates, but the timing of these births is not available.

Hank Aaron died in his sleep in his Atlanta residence on January 22,
2021 at the age of 86. It was Venus-Jupiter in Vimsottan and Venus-Mars in
STSD, all mdraka planets for his Virgo lagna.
Rashl 01 General Rashl 01 General
RUi 48" y SSJVSV Ma^-r\ Raria-^
As 18-14'
10 Pis 11 An 12Tau 1 Gem
ASi8'14 , AV
Sa25'31, SUg'9'
9 Aqu 2 Can
Cheryl Tiegs M©29al9^, ^
n*i 9.751947 231400
8 Cap S.eO;*T.Klgo MM 3 Leo
.7'8 / ''io'x
{<63-48 Ve,6-„
Jp103V Sunn
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4 V»rg •JPi'si _K€!r4ff MOanr^sv
Sh«M Navamtha D9 Dharmar ipouae
Son Ohm Start Dan if Daihaa S;>
if & 193a -95 Me W IV 1946 -09 Mo AsSu
4 It
it 6.
10.' 15
10 14
01 SO sVe ve 2 SuAs 10 Ra
21 jp JpMo
i' 8' 1973 255 JO 10 14. 1962 51 M« Sa
U 6.1 1989 415 Sa 10^ 14. 1956 91 Me '7 . Ke
n ft ZOMnow 60 5 Me 10. 15 1961 141 Sa
8 2075 775 Ke 10/ 15 1967 201 Ve
ft 2032 64 5 Ve 10 15 1974 271 Ra Ra Ma
8/ 2052 1045 5u 10. 15 1982 351 Mo Ke 4 Me
8' 2058 1105 Mo 10.' 15 1963 361 5u Mo
8 2068 1207 5 Ma 10/ 15 1985 381 Jp Me
» ws ^5 Ra 10/ 15 41 1 M4 Ma

Cheryl Tiegs' claim to fame is that she was the first of the so-called
"supermodels" From Wikipedia:

"Cheryl Rae Tiegs is an American model and fashion designer

Frequently described as the first American supermodel, Tiegs is best
known for her multiple appearances on the covers of the Sports
Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and Time magazine and for her 1978 "Pink
Bikini"poster, which became an iconic image of1970s pop culture. "

"Tiegs was the first model to appear twice on the cover of the Sports
Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, but she significantly raised her profile in
1978, when she posed in a fishnet swimsuit. Tiegs additionally made the
cover of People four times, and did three covers for Time, most notably
for the "All-American Model" cover story in 1978. A year later, she was
signed to a reported $1.5 million two-year contract with Cover Girl
cosmetics, then the biggest contract ever. "

Given that she became a beauty industry icon, it is ironic to see that her
Venus is in its debilitation sign. However, in her case the old adage "you
cannot judge a book by its cover" holds true. Being with an exalted and
vargottma Mercury, its debilitation gets effectively cancelled, and then see
that Venus is swakshetra in her navdmsa. It also gets directional strength in
the 4th house. Her Venus will actually give its result quite strongly. With her
Gemini birth lagna, the combination of Mercury and Venus becomes an
excellent raja yoga placed in an angle, conjoined with the 3rd lord of
modeling. All these planets aspect the 10th house.

Then see what kind of yogas these planets in Virgo form from her
Candra lagna, Capricorn.

Sign chan from Moon Sign chan from Moon

/ Rar48

3 Pis A Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem
/% Ke
\ Sa25031
l(g>7 \ 2 /Aqu 7 Can
Sa Me
1 Cap 8 Leo
Ma Ve15.,4'
JPrsr Suw
\ 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg

Now Venus become the yogakaraka 5th and 10th lord in the 9th house
with the 9th lord. When she runs the Venus major period, using Venus'
placement in Virgo as a dasd lagna, the Venus-Mercury conjunction again
becomes a 9-10 raja yoga.

Consult the table in the graphic above that shows the STSD dasd
sequence and you will find that she ran her seven-year Venus major period in
this conditional dasd between the ages of 20 to 27 from 1967 to 1974. This
was exactly when she first became a modeling superstar.

Note the condition of Venus in her dasdmsha.

Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status

Ra Sa Ma

As Mo
4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem

Me e
\ JpKe
\ 3 Aqu 8 Can

Ra Su

2 Cap 9 Leo
Mo Su Sa
As Ve

JpKe 1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg

In the modeling industry, one of the most coveted assignments in the

U.S. is the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue which comes out
annually in February. She first appeared there in 1970 in Venus-Rahu, with
her exalted Rahu in the birth chart giving the results of Venus.

After her extraordinary modeling career, Tiegs became a very successful

fashion designer. From Wikipedia:

"In 1980, Tiegs launched a signature line of clothing and accessories for
Sears. The first retail venture by a supermodel, the Cheryl Tiegs
collection neared $1 billion in sales by 1989. Tiegs was credited with
helping the retail chain s 1980s turnaround, and once again appeared on
the cover of Time, this time for a cover story titled "Sassy Sears ".

This began in her Rahu major period in STSD and continued in the
successive periods of the Moon, Sun, peaking in Jupiter. Consider these
latter three grahas in her D-10, especially the Sun and Jupiter in excellent

Tiegs has been married and divorced four times, an unfortunate

th th
reflection of her 7 lord in the 6 house with affliction, giving DuskritT
Yoga. From Candra lagna the 7th house has the two malefics Saturn and
Mars. Even from kdraka lagna, the position of Venus in Virgo, the 7th lord
becomes Jupiter with affliction. It shows a rather fixed karma when it comes
to marital relationships.

Her first marriage in 1970 came in Venus-Rahu in this conditional dasd,

a period and sub-period well known for giving this event. The second in
1981 came in Rahu-Venus! The third came in Mars-Saturn, two planets
together in the 7th house from the Moon. The last occurred in Saturn-Venus,
the period and sub-period of two planets in good dignity in her D-9. This
illustrates the many different ways that the same event can get reflected

Rashl D1 General Raslri Dl General

Me Ke Jp '•2r Mo7
As 7 49'
7 Pis 8 An 9 Tau 10 Gem
Ve^ Ma 24 26
6 Aqu 11 Can
MO7 3t>-
Winston Churchill
Sa 17=29- Moo 11/30/167-1 130 00
5 Cap 12 Leo
Sa irw
55- Ks ,>44 M324 26'
SUt5-36- AS? 49.
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg Ra rM
Vlmihotun Shal-trlm>hai uma N»»etnih» D9 Dh«fm«/8pou>e Navamiha D9 Dh»rm*i3pou»e
Start Data A«a Da>Na« Sun Data Apt Dathai
12' 2V '670 -3 9 Ke S/ 2Si' 1870 -4 5 Ra Asve RaMe SaMo Ra
12 21/ 1877 31 V« 5/ 29 1878 35 Mo Me ?>. VeAs
12 21/ 1W7 231 Su 5/ 30- 1679 45 Su
12 22>' 1901 291 Mo S 29/ 1581 65 Jp
12 22 1913 391 Ma S 29 1864 9 5 Ma Sa Mo
12 22/ 1920 46.1 Ra 5/ 29. 1888 135 Me
12 22 1938 tMI Jp 5 29 1893 185 Sa
12 » t9M 301 U 8 30/ 1899 24 5 Ve Ma Su
12 22 1973 991 Ma V 31/ 1906 315 Ra
12- 23/ 1990 1161 Ke 8 311 1914 39 5 140
12' 23/ 1097 1231 V« 5/ 31/ 1915 40 5 Su SuKe JD
12 2V 2017 noa 1431 ou S 30/ 1917 42 5 Jp ,^'Ma J

Winston Churchill is most remembered as the Prime Minister who led

England during the dark days of the early part of World War II when Nazi
Germany was running rampage over Europe and threaten to invade the
British Isles, opting instead to bomb the country into submission. His
leadership and stirring oratory inspired the people of that nation in their
successful resistance. He is generally regarded as one of the greatest
statesmen in world history.

His degree of Virgo lagna is in the hora of the Moon and he was bom at
night, qualifying his birth chart for the Sat Trims a Sama dasd. His birth time
comes from a letter his father wrote to his mother-in-law and is likely not
precise, but good enough to give a correct ascendant and hord. Whether it
gives correct ascendants for divisional charts is a question mark. One fact,
among many, that supports Virgo as the ascendant is that at age 41, he
became a passionate painter.

See this passage from a biography:

"Were it not for painting, I couldn't bear the strain of things." His
intense commitment to painting began in 1915, when he was 41 years
old. After playing a key role in the ill-conceived and disastrous invasion
of the Dardanelles, he was removed from his post as first lord of the
Admiralty and believed his career was over. During frustrating days, he
found that he "knew everything and could do nothing. " As an escape, he
rented Hoe Farm in Surrey as a place to hide and lick his wounds. He
paced and worried until, one weekend, his sister-in-law came to visit,
and with no ado, set up an easel and proceeded to sketch. Winston was
intrigued and lady Gwendeline handed him a watercolor set. He had
found his escape and with typical Churchillian intensity, he pursued it
with zeal."

Repeatedly I have found that Venus in the 3rd house inclines a person to
paint. Pablo Picasso, for example, had Venus in his 3rd house. In Churchill's
case, his Venus in the 3rd house is quite strong, going to its exaltation sign in
navdmsa. In STSD his passion for painting would have begun in Sun-Venus,
with the Sun vargottama in the 3 rd house with Venus without combustion.

Churchill's long career in government service started in February 1895,

when he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the British Army. The
6th house/6th lord rules the armed services and in this conditional das a his
four-year military career was encompassed by the Saturn major period, the
strong 6th lord of his birth chart. Satum-Rahu was when he was
commissioned. See these two grahas in his D-10 regardless of the correct
Oashamamsha D10 Powar & Status Dashamamsha D10 Powar & Status

Ve Ra

9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem

Ra Sa As

8 Aqu 1 Can
Jp 0

Ke Ma
7 Cap 2 Leo

Ma Su Ke
/Su Sa 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

Saturn is mulatrikona and Rahu is exalted. Notice also the number of

other planets in strength in this divisional chart having to do with status and
power. Jupiter is vargottama, Mars is exalted, Mercury is swakshetra and the
Moon gets directional strength.

Churchill resigned from the army to go into politics and was elected to
the British Parliament. He first took his seat in February of 1901. It was
Venus-Rahu in STSD. From the Moon in the birth chart Venus is a
strong 10th lord forming a 1-10 raja yoga with a vargottama, Sun, planet of
government, and in the 4th house. Shri Rao often referred to the 4th house
when discussing the charts of politicians as the simhdsana (literally "seat of
the lion), a euphemism for the seat of power. Is Venus also in the 10th house
of D-10 configured in a potent Gaja KesarT Yoga?

Seven years later he married in September of 1908. It was Rahu-Sun in

this conditional dasd and it can be seen how well it times this significant life
event also. In his navdrhsa, both planets are in strength and are 1-7 from
each other.

The marriage produced five children. His 5th house is quite strong, being
occupied by its own lord, Saturn, and kdraka Jupiter is also strong, being
vargottama. From Wikipedia:
"The Churchills' first child, Diana was born in July 1909; the second,
Randolph, in May 1911. Their third, Sarah, was born in October 1914,
and their fourth, Marigold, in November 1918. On 15 September 1922,
the Churchills' last child, Mary was born. Later that month, the
Churchills bought Chartwell, which would be their home until Winston s
death in 1965. According to Jenkins, Churchill was an "enthusiastic and
loving father " but one who expected too much of his children. "

His first two children were bom in Rahu in STSD, which leads me to
think that his birth time is accurate enough to give a correct saptdmsa lagna.

Saptamsha D7 Progeny Saptamsha D7 Progeny

12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem

Ra /
i/ 11 Aqu 4 Can
4: 3W10 0
\ Ke Ma
\ 10 Cap 5 Leo
\ Mo
Ma VeSa KeJp
Mo\/ Sa Ve \ 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Libr 6 Virg

If the D-7 ascendant is, indeed, Aries, then Rahu would be vargottama in
the lagna of this division, aspected by kdraka Jupiter, making Rahu very
eligible for giving children. There first child, Diana, was bom in Rahu-

Another major career milestone was when Churchill was made First
Lord of the Admiralty in October of 1911. It was Rahu-Satum, again the
period and sub-period of two grahas in strength in D-10 and with Saturn
falling 10th from Rahu.
Jumping ahead now to his most significant event, he first became Prime
Minister beginning May 10, 1940. It was Jupiter-Jupiter in Vimsottan and
Venus-Mercury in Shut- Trims a -Sama dasd. In the birth chart Jupiter is
involved in an angle-trine raj a yoga with the 1st and 10th lords Mercury, and
involved in either Gaja Kesari or at least, Kesari Yoga, in D-10, depending
on the correct lagna. Venus being a position-giver in the birth chart was
discussed previously, though based on this timing I am inclined to think that
Cancer is very likely the correct D-10 lagna.

Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status Oashamamsha D10 Power & Status
Me Me
Ve Ra

9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gem


Sa As

8 Aqu 1 Can

7 Cap 2 Leo

Su Ke
Su w Sa 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

After the war, Churchill was voted out of office, but then became Prime
Minister again beginning October 26, 1955. It was Jupiter-Mars and Sun-

In 1953 he won the Noble Prize for Literature for his six-volume history
of World War II, and that year he was also knighted by Queen Elizabeth and
became Sir Winston Churchill. This occurred in Jupiter-Rahu in Vimsottan
and Jupiter-Mars in Shat-Trimsha-Sama dasd. Again, see these grahas in his

Winston Churchill dies on January 26, 1965 at the age of 90.

Rashl D1 General Rashl D1 General
As, 3 3'

12 Pis 1 An 2 Tau 3 Gem

R 34.25-
11 Aqu 4 Car
Robert Kennedy Ke4-25'
Pn n.20'1925 IMlM S a 25^29
K64-25' ftocKirw MA Jp2;,20'
10 Cap 5 Leo
Mairr Ve™
J p27'20' M627'0' Sa25'29-
\/©22I14' Slls", v Ma^-v
9 Sag 18 Sco 7 Ubr 6V.rg Su Me illSL
UMttmelMK N«v«m»h« 09 Dhaniu.'Speu»» D9 DharmiiipouM
StmO IM »0« StirtOw. 40. Dajh« SuRa
It' 8/ 1<K1 40 Su IV IS 1923 -20 JP
IV 9
30 Ma
120 Mi
IV IS 1926
111 IS 1930
Me kMe li Sa u
As sa
IV a- 1944 190 Ra 11f IS 1935 100 S4 y
IV ft 1962 370 Jp IV 14i 1941 160 ve 1MoKe As
IV » 197fl 530 Sa IV 14 1948 230 Ra
IV » 1997 720 Me IV 14/ 1956 310 MO
IV ft 2014 89 0 Ke IV IS 1957 320 Su Ma RaSu \ Ve
IV » 2021 now 960 Ve IV IS 1959 340 Jp Ma
IV ft 2041 1160 Su IV IS 1902 370 Ms
IV to 2047 1220 Mo 111 IS 1966 410 Me Ve • 9 \ 11
• V ft 2057 1320 M. IV is 1971 460 jp Jp Ke Mo .

Robert Kennedy was a scion of the famous Kennedy family. He served

as Attorney General of the United States during the Kennedy Administration
and was a close advisor to his brother, the President. He went on to have his
own political career as a U.S. Senator from New York. Like his brother, his
life was cut short when he was assassinated while campaigning to become
the Democratic nominee for the 1968 U.S. Presidential election.

A very notable feature of his chart is an exceptionally favorable 9th

house, showing great benefit from the father. JFK also had the two benefics
in the 9th house forming both raja and dhana yoga, one of whom was the 9th
lord itself. In Robert's case, Jupiter is not just mulatrikona but vargottama as
well. Also notable is the combination of Mars as the lagna lord with Saturn
as an exalted lO111 lord in an angle, forming a powerful 1-10 raja yoga. This
combination also becomes a potent raja yoga from the Moon, from where
they fall in the 10th house. What is interesting to see is that from the birth
lagna, this exalted Saturn is also the 11th lord of older siblings.

His degree of lagna is in the hord of the Sun while he was bom during
the day, making STSD applicable to his horoscope. Robert Kennedy was
bom into a very wealthy family which this conditional dasd times well since
his life started in the Jupiter major period.
Like all the Kennedy men he attended Harvard University and graduated
in 1948 in his Venus-Saturn period, with Venus in the 9th house of higher
education with the 9th lord. He subsequently when to law school at the
University of Virginia and graduated in June of 1951 in Rahu-Jupiter.

The year before in June, he married his wife, Ethel. It was Rahu-Satum
in VimsottarT and Rahu-Rahu in STSD. Saturn, of course, is in the 7th house
of the birth chart and rules the 7th in D-9, but why Rahu gives marriage is
something to consider. It does fall in the 7th house from the Moon in the
birth chart, but I think it may have to do with his navdrhsa. His birth time
gives a degree of the ascendant that is right on the edge between the 4th and
5th navdrhsa. Advancing it mere two minutes makes the D-9 lagna Leo,
which would put Rahu in the ascendant and still keep Saturn as the 7th lord.

Between November of 1959 and November of 1962, he ran his three-

year Jupiter major period in STSD, and this marked a pivotal time in his life.
It was when he worked tirelessly to get his brother elected President and
then served in his cabinet as Attorney General. The sub-period when he took
office was Jupiter-Saturn, both of whom are in dignity in the rasi and give
raja yoga effect.

The tragic loss of his brother who was assassinated on November 23,
1963 occurred in Mars-Saturn, with violent Mars afflicting the IIth lord of
older siblings. Another older brother, Joe Jr., had also died violently, killed
during World War II.

However, another side of this Mars as highlighted earlier is that it is also

configured in a potent raja yoga that repeats from the Moon, and it quite
strong, going to its exaltation sign in D-9. Later in this Mars period he was
elected to the U.S. Senate, taking office in January of 1965 in the Mars-
Venus period.

In 1968 Robert Kennedy became a leading candidate for the Democratic

nomination for President. Shortly after winning the California primary on
June 5, 1968, Kennedy was mortally wounded when shot with a pistol by
Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian, allegedly in retaliation for his
support of Israel following the 1967 Six-Day War. Kennedy died 25 hours
later. It was his Mercury-Venus period in STSD, two mdrakas for his Aries
ascendant, with Mercury in the 8th house of assassination and Venus falling
in the 2nd from Mercury.

The birth chart of musical genius/composer, Franz Shubert has many

interesting features, chief among which is an exchange between the 1st lord
Mercury and the 9th lord Saturn producing an excellent rdja/dhana yoga.
Both planets have a source of strength as a result and additionally Saturn is
exalted in his navdrhsa. But this is not the only significant yoga involving
his lagna lord, Mercury. Notably, it is also configured in:

• The artistry-giving SaravatT Yoga, where all the benefics are in

angles or trines and in strength, Mercury because of the exchange,
Jupiter since it is in Aquarius, and Venus, who goes its mulatrikona
sign in the navdrhsa.

• Kesari Yoga since Mercury is with the Jupiter-Moon combination

• Subha Ubhayachan Yoga, since benefics are on both sides of the Sun

Also, for anyone with Gemini lagna the mutual aspect between Saturn
and Venus form both a trikona raja yoga and 5-9 dhana yoga. Here the
planets are very well placed along the 1-7 axis, and quite strong. Note that
Venus is the planet of music and in his case also the 5th lord of
Rash) 01 General Rashl 01 General
Sa,,-,* As,,-jg
Ma,,.,* Sacne-
10 Pis 11 An 12 Tau 1 Gem "x4 ^ ' X, 2
5 >: Rag'ss-
MOjf,-:- MSr.MT ASir28>
9 Aqu 2 Can X3
6 X12
SU2i'i2- Franz Shubert
Tue 1/31/1797 133000 V621 "54' MOjyx,
Vtama AUS
8 Cap 3 Lea
fxT XrX Jp24*40
Ve2r54 Me? 4e
K© 9'58'
7 Sag 6 SCO SLIbr 4 Virg Su21.xx
Shaiarlmthal unta Nevameha 09 Dtiafma/Spouaa
Start Dal» Start Data MaMe
V tws •115 JP ft 22- 1794 -30 Ma MoKe
ft' 17/ 1801 45 Sa 3/ 22-' 1798 1 1 Me 1 JP •
ft 17/ 1820 23 5 S*e ft 2ft 1803 61 Ss As
ft 1ft 1837 405 Ke ft 22/ 1809 121 Ve Su
ft 17/ 1M4 47 5 Ve ft 22/ 1816 191 Ra Ve
ft 17/ 16M 87 5 Su ft 22/ 1824 271 Mo
ft IS 1870 735 Mo ft 21 1325 281 Su Sa
ft' 1» 1680 835 Ma ft 2ft 1827 30 1 Jp As t
ft 1ft 1887 905 Ra ft 21' 1830 331 M jp Su
ft 13' 1905 108 5 Jp ft 2ft 1834 37 1 Me Ma
ft 1ft 1921 124 5 Sa 3 2ft1 1839 421 Sa VeSa MoKe
ft 1» 1940 1435 Ma 2. 2ft 1845 481 Vo RaMe

He only lived to age 31 but still produced an astonishing amount of

music. From Wikipedia:

"Schubert left behind a vast oeuvre, including more than 600 secular
vocal works, seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas
incidental music, and a large body of piano and chamber music. "

Today, Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers in the history of

Western music and his work continues to be admired.

In Vimsottan, these achievements were encompassed by his Saturn and

Mercury periods, activating all the aforementioned yogas.

Sat Trimsa Sama dasd applies to his chart because his degree of birth
lagna falls in the Sun's hord and he was bom during the day. Since the
periods are much shorter, his musical accomplishments took place in a series
of dasds, though all ones who also activate these yogas. Starting at age 6
when he began learning both piano and violin, he ran the consecutive dasds
of Saturn (6 years), Venus (7 years) and Rahu (8 years), with the latter giving
the results of Saturn in the birth chart.
Then see these grahas in his dasamsha where they are all well-placed,
with Saturn in particular vargottama in the 10th house.

He died eight months later at the age of 31, the cause officially attributed
to typhoid fever but believed by some historians to be syphilis. It was
Jupiter-Venus in STSD, two primary mdrakas.

Dashamamsha 010 Power & Status Dashamamsha D10 Power & Status
JD Su Ma
Ke Sa
/ Me
7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem

Mo Ve

6 Aqu 11 Can
■ 'f 5
5 Cap 12 Leo
Ke Jp AsRa

Su Me 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

Predicting with the Sat Trimsa Sama Dasa

I have emphasized throughout this text the advantage of applying

multiple das as when making a prediction. Doing so helped me in making an
accurate one based on the birth chart below.

Rosm D1 General Raahl D1 General

Ma; Sa,
Suvi« Me^. Sa953
MOn^r Ke..,--v
VGSS'S* Ma25'38'
9 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem
4 y •IS'SO-
Jp21 5'
AS,9 so
8 Aqu 1 Can

7 Cap 2 Leo
S325 55 Ra,

6 Sag 5 Sco 4 ubf 3 Virg

Vlmihoturl Sh4il«lmih«l um* PS DhamniSpomt
Surt Data DJIK» Surt OJM Aga Dashat
HV 131 M15 414 Jp VB 3J 41 MIS 407 Ma Ma Su JpMo Ma
a i3i 2018 441 Jp Su 7l 10' 2015 41 1 Me Ma
* ii 2019 449 JP Mo 2/ 4/ 2016 417 Me Sa ^ <1 AsSa
71 31' 2020 46 2 .'P Mi 10/ 5/ 2016 424 Mi Ve VeRa Ve
71 71 2021 now 47 1 Jp Ra 71 IO' 2017 431 I4a Ra • Su 9
If «1 MM 49 S Sa Sa «/ 5/ 2016 440 Ma Mo I2><"6
i» a 2029 525 S4 Me 71 16 2016 44 1 IM Su 3
a \y 2029 562 Sa KB 10 5/ 2016 444 Ma Jo MeKe
9- 21' 2030 563 S4 Ve Zl *i 2019 447 Ma Ma • Mo 1
11/ 21/ 2033 595 SJ Su io IO 2019 454 Me Se
iif a 2034 60 5 Sa Mo 6' IO 2020 462 Me Ve AsSa Ma
» a 2036 620 64 Me V 5/ 2021 mw 47 2 Me Re i*

It belongs to an Indian woman living and working in the U.S. with a

career in hospital administration. Notice that her 10th lord and yogakdraka
planet, Mars is in the 12th house of hospitals, forming a raja yoga with
Saturn, the 7th angle lord.

The situation was that her boss had been fired for poor performance, and
she was invited to apply for the position. It would mean a considerable step
up in responsibility and compensation. The question that was put to me by
her husband, a student of mine, was whether she would get the job.
Consulting VimsottarT, I saw that she was running her Jupiter-Venus period,
which clearly showed the potential both for career rise and better financial
fortunes. Can you see why before reading further?

The relevant points are:

• Jupiter, strong in Aquarius, aspects the raja yoga in the 12th house
which includes the 10th lord.

• As the 6th lord in the 8th house with additional malefic influence on
the 6th house, Jupiter gives, Harsa Yoga, one of the vipanta raja

• Jupiter falls in the 10th house from a strong Candra lagna giving
KesarT Yoga.

A vipanta raja yoga involving the 8th house oftentimes indicates that
someone falls before a person's rises up, in this case her boss.

The sub-period of Venus looked excellent. As the 4th lord in the 9th, it
also gives raja yoga. As the 1st lord in the IIth house from the Moon, it gives
dhana yoga. From dasd lagna, the position of Jupiter in Aquarius, Venus is a
yogakdraka 9th lord in the 2nd, again giving dhana yoga. Then see the
condition of Venus at 26 Pisces, less than a degree from its point of extreme

After seeing this, my next thought was whether other dasds also
indicated a career rise at this time. Her degree of birth lagna falls in the hord
of the Sun and she was bom during the day, qualifying her chart for STSD.
The major period here was Mars, giving raja yoga in the 12th house. I cannot
remember the exact timing so I don't recall the sub-period, but the major
period was clearly confluent. Jaimini's sign-based Car a dasd also confirmed
an elevation at this time.

On this basis, I predicted that she would get the position and it proved
correct. But then something very interesting happened. She was contacted by
a recmiter about another position and she agreed to interview for this as
well. When asked in the interview what it would take salary-wise for her to
make the move she named a high figure. They subsequently offered her
$10,000 more! This is what an extremely exalted Venus can do when
configured in dhana yogas.
Rash) 01 General Rashl 01 General
M0i'49' ASs'sg- Sa rag-

RSe'w AS 59
10 Pis 11 An 12 Tau 1 Gem
S3i'49- Mo ray

9 Aqu 2 Can

8 Cap 3 Leo
Ve„.w J P22-9'
Me,3-sr Ma.!-*.,, Su 28
SUSM- KOg 34'
7Sa3 6 SCO 5 Libr 4 Virg Ma Ve Me
Vlmihoaan Shal-Wlmahal sama D9 Dharma/SpouM Navamtha D9 DharmaiSpause
Stan Data Daihsa
31 9. 3018 IJ2 V» R) Ra 4( 2019 141 MO JP Mo SuRa 1
&' Ml 2018 137 Ve Re Jp ft 2019 142 Mo Ma
I 11' 2019 14 1 Ve Sa Ift 2019 14 3 140 Me SaMa MeKe As
7 2019 14 5 Ve t4e ft 2019 14 5 Mo Sa
12 H 2019 150 Ve Ke ft' 2019 14 6 140 ve . Jp
2' 7i1 2020 151 Ve Ve Ift 2019 14 8 Mo Rj
& B 2020 150 Ve So ft 2020 18 0 So Su
10' 2' 2020 153 Ve Mo 14/ 2020 152 So JD Ma
1' 1 2021 160 Ve Ma 1ft 2020 153 Su Ma IK SuRa jp
II Sf 2021 18.2 Ve Jp V ft" 2020 155 Su Me ' Ke
7i 14' 2021 1«fl Ve Sa 10 1ft 2020 153 So Sa Ve Mo
12' 151 2021 f _17o_ye 2' 14/ 2021 _!62_aj_ Ve Me As

This is the horoscope of the teenage son of a close woman friend of

mine. I had predicted his birth based on her chart back in December of 2004.
Being astrologically minded, she took care to have the birth time recorded
very precisely. I have had her son's horoscope from birth and have been
making predictions based on it ever since. Before I recount one of these, can
you see something rather exceptional about his chart in terms of yogas and
the strength of the planets involved using both the rdsi and navmasha?

His chart exhibits a number of high- quality dhana yogas:

• The 2nd lord Moon is bright, waxing, vargottama and is placed in the
11th house of gains

• His 9th lord of Fortune, Saturn, is placed in the 2nd house of income,

• Mercury, a 1st trine lord, is with Venus, another trine lord, and both
are conjunct the 11th lord Mars in the 6th artha house.

• All three of these grahas have sources of strength, since Mercury is

vargottama, Mars is svaksetra in the rdsi and Venus is mulatrikona in
the navdmsa.
He was bom to very affluent parents, both of whom are classical
musicians and hold teaching posts at a prestigious university, besides
performing world-wide. He started learning piano at a young age and is
rather a prodigy. After graduating from grade school, he wanted to attend a
very expensive, private high school renowned for their music department.
Each year the school holds a musical competition for incoming freshman
and the winner receives a full scholarship worth $30,000 per year.

I told his mother that he has an excellent birth chart for winning
competitions and financial awards, since he has both raja and dhana yogas
in the 6th house of competition, involving a strong 6th and 11th lord, Mars. I
saw that the competition would be held in his Venus-Rahu period in
Vimsottan and encouraged him to enter since this dasd sequence activates
these combinations. Rahu here is giving the results of dhana yoga both by its
conjunction with the Moon but also through its sign lord, Mars. Rahu has
strength since it is exalted in D-9.

As always, I consulted other dasds prior to making this prediction,

looking for confluence. His degree of lagna is in the hord of the Sun and he
was bom just prior to sunset, so STSD can be applied. Moon-Mars was the
timing in this conditional dasd, activating these same yogas that showed the
potentials for gains from a competition. I predicted that he would win and it
proved correct.

When I first encountered the chapters on dasds in the Brhat Pdrdsara

Hord Sdstra they appeared very mind-boggling to me. Both because of the
number of dasds given there, but also because of the intricacies of how each
were calculated differently, and at a time when this calculation was done
manually without the benefit of computers. It staggered the imagination.
Who came up with all of this and how? Surely it was not through some
empirical process. Was it then through some process of cognizing it in
higher states of consciousness, the kind of intuitive way of knowing
described in the Yoga Sutras?

Since these were unanswerable questions, my thoughts turned towards

more pragmatic ones like did they all work? Could you actually predict
with each of them? And if more than one applied to a particular birth chart,
which one should be used?

This embarked me on a journey to study the naksatra-based conditional

dasds and then to test them, first on reliable horoscopes by examining how
they did or did not time major life events well, and then secondly, by seeing
if I could accurately predict with them. This book is the fruit of these
efforts. Based on what has been presented here, I will leave it to the reader
to draw their own conclusions; what mine are on the matter should be
perfectly obvious.

I will conclude then by once again admonishing students to make wise

use of astrological knowledge only for the benefit of others.

Marc Boney, M.A. is an internationally renowned astrological teacher,

writer, and consultant. He has been involved since 1974 with the integration
of the ancient wisdom of astrology with the counseling arts. He received his
training in Jyotisa primarily from K.N. Rao, one of the world's foremost
Vedic astrologers. His focus is on using the Vedic system to help guide
people in their lives, as well as training others.

Marc has been a featured speaker at international conferences, is a

faculty member of the American College of Vedic Astrology, and was the
main presenter on Jyotisa at the Chopra Center for Weil-Being from 2000 to
2002. He is the author of over 75 articles and 25 books.

The Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhdvan, of New Delhi,

India honored Marc with a Distinguished Service Award for his
contributions to the advancement of Vedic Astrology in the West.

Marc recently founded the Pacific Institute of Vedic Science, which will
be offering quality educational programs in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Jyotisa in
the San Diego area where he lives.

Prior to his current full-time involvement with these Vedic sciences,

Marc held positions in the corporate world as a Director of Human
Resources, Outplacement Consultant, and Leadership Consultant.
Marc holds an MA in Counseling Psychology and a BA in English
Literature from Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois.

He is a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation since 1971 and later

trained as a teacher and taught TM in the late 70s.

Visit his website at or contact him at


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