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1. How did you get your idea or concept for the business?

We got our idea of putting up a laundry business from our observation on the
community that it still lacks laundry services. There were still long lines and long waiting hours in
every laundry shop in the nearby barangays. That's why we concluded that the demand on this
type of service is still high which led us to open a laundry service to fill the need of the

2. When did you "charter" the business?

February 18, 2021

3. How many employees do you have?

We have 2 employees

4. What services do you offer?

We offer Full Service Laundry (wash, dry, and fold)

5. How do you advertise your business?

Before the opening of our laundry shop, we had given out flyers to people residing
within the proximity of our business location. We also handed out flyers to the nearby barangay.
Then, we created a Facebook page where we post service information. This also serves as a
portal where we and our customers can exchange messages especially when there are inquiries.

6. What made you choose your current location?

We chose our location because we know it is the perfect spot for a laundry business. It is
just located along the road where passers by can easily notice that there is an existing laundry
business on that area. It is also located near the barangay hall.

7. What’s is your business goals?

Our goal is to have an expansion in the next 2 years. We plan of branching out in
Bulacan and Manila area.

8. What made you choose this type of business?

We chose this type of business because we really wanted to help the community with
their laundry. This type of business is also easy to operate and doesn't need maximum
supervision. I only trained our laundry attendants twice, then they can do it without my

9. Does your business help the community where it is located?

Yes. Actually, they were so happy even before we officially opened the laundry shop
because they don't have to go to other barangay just to have their clothes be washed. They are
also satisfied with our service up to now. It is a sort of comfort for them to experience the best
service in their area.
10. Have you ever turned down a client?


11. If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

Keep on going, work hard and be patient. There are days you earn less than your target
sales but don't be discouraged. That is normal. You can hit it on the next days. You can't have
your first million during the early months or years of your venture. Just work hard and surely
everything yields to good results.

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