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You are Sir David’s forester. As well as leading

hunts and watching over his game, you keep
away poachers and act as his eyes and ears
around his lands. You’re also a good scout and
expert archer, both of which have proven useful
more than once. You’re always accompanied by
your hunting dog, Rufus. He’s old and mangy,
but he’s good at bringing down poachers (and
other foes), so you can deal with them.

15: Beast Bond
20: Marksman
25: Agility d10
30: Shooting d10 & Stealth d10
35: Danger Sense
40: Fighting d8 (Parry 6) & Notice d8
45: Level Headed
50: Dodge
55: Vigor d8 (Toughness 7 (1))
60: Dead Shot
65: Trademark Weapon (long bow)
70: Giant Killer
75: Combat Reflexes
80: Agility d12
85: —
90: Shooting d12 & Stealth d12
95: —
100: Improved Trademark Weapon (long bow)

© 2008 Triple Ace Games. Daring Tales of Chivalry and all related
marks and logos are trademarks of Triple Ace Games. Savage Worlds,
Smiling Jack and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Pinnacle
Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
© 2008. All Rights Reserved.

Permission is granted to print this pregen character for personal use only.
5 10
Robin (Forester)

-0 6 6 +1

Death Wish (wants to

hunt and kill a giant)
Fighting Tracking Stubborn

Beast Master

Leather (+1)
20 arrows
Dog named “Rufus” (see Savage Worlds)

Short Sword - - Str+d6 - - -

Long Bow 15/30/60 - 2d6 - - -

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