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The Honorable Judges, Ladies and Gentlemen Rahimakumullaahu!

Allah SWT gives guidance to us as the Islamic ummah not to elect leaders
who do not share our faith, do not share our religion. Or in other words, Allah
SWT forbids us to elect leaders who are not Muslim. This is strongly stated by
Allah SWT in the Qur'an Surah Almaidah verse: 51:

So, the first and main criterion in choosing a leader is that the person must be
Muslim. If all of the prospective leaders are Muslims, then the Muslim
community is obliged to choose a candidate leader who has a better
understanding and implementation of Islam.
As a leader of Muslims, Rasulullah Saw had a leadership pattern or
model that could be accepted by all communities of various ethnicities, races
and religions. Therefore, as Muslims, especially those who want to become
leaders, it is appropriate to use the Prophet's pattern as the direction in
leading. The greatness of the Prophet Muhammad SAW as a world leader is
undeniable because he always adhered to 4 praiseworthy qualities, namely:
Siddiq, Amanah, Tabligh, and Fathanah. With these praiseworthy qualities,
even the originalists were amazed to see the figure of the Prophet as a leader
who was second to none. The followings are the explanations of the four
characteristics of the Prophet's leadership:
1. Shiddiq
Shiddiq means honest. Honesty is the main attitude that the Prophet
always adhered to in leading. The Prophet was known as someone who was
very honest and far from lying or lies. This honesty must be embedded in
every leader. Honest to respect other people, honest to admit mistakes and
shortcomings, and honest in conveying facts and truth.
An honest leader will not lie to the people and is far from making an image. A
good leader will always be honest both with himself and with the people he
leads. This is in accordance with a hadits narrated by Bukhari and Muslim:

"You should always be honest, because honesty leads to goodness, and

goodness leads a person to heaven. And if a person always acts honestly
and continues to choose to be honest, he will be recorded by Allah SWT as
an honest person. And stay away from lying, because lies lead someone to
evil, and evil leads someone to hell. And if someone always lies and chooses
lies, he will be recorded by Allah SWT as a liar." (Narrated by Bukhari and
2. Amanah
Amanah means trustworthy. The point is that a good leader must be
trustworthy and able to maintain the trust given to him in a professional
manner. The attitude of trust has been a characteristic of Rasulullah SAW
since he was young. In fact, in the last seconds of his migration and when he
was about to head to Medina, the Prophet left a message for Ali Ibn Abi Talib
to return all goods and assets that were entrusted by the Meccans on his
behalf. Siti Khodijah Radhiyallaahu Anha fell in love because the Prophet was
successful in carrying out the trade mandate. Likewise, the success of da'wah
and the spread of Islam was due to the Prophet's trust in carrying out the
divine message. In Surah An Nisa 58, Allah SWT says:

"Indeed, Allah orders you to convey the mandate to those who are entitled to
receive it, and when stipulating laws between people so that you determine
fairly. Verily Allah gives you the best teaching. Surely Allah is All-Hearing, All-
Every leader must have the character of being trustworthy because a
trustworthy leader will realize that he has a duty to serve the interests of his
3. Tabligh
Tabligh means to convey. The meaning is to convey the truth and dare to
reveal falsehood. The leadership of Rasulullah SAW was supported by an
attitude of transparency, openness, and always speaking the truth. The
Prophet always acted openly in conveying the truth, including in conveying
the teachings of the Islamic religion.
A leader must have the character of tabligh and be firm and have a stand or
principle in defending the truth. Such a leader will be respected and critically
assessed by his people. “Qulil haqqo walao kaana murron.” Convey by you
the truth even though it is bitter. Of course, the nature of a leader must have
the courage to convey the truth. Firm and straightforward in implementing the
rule of law and justice. Of course, a leader must be careful in packaging
communication in accordance with the language of his people, so that every
moral message, vision and mission he carries becomes a shared enthusiasm
for building society as the Prophet succeeded in building Yathrib into the City
of Medina.
4. Fathanah
Fatanah means intelligent. Intelligence to control every issue and
legal issues absolutely must be owned by a leader. Rasulullah SAW when
giving directions, determining policies, and making decisions is always based
on science.
A leader must be smart and have knowledge. Smart and
knowledgeable leaders will provide policies that are right on target and in
accordance with the needs of the people, not the other way around. The
intelligence of the Prophet read the wisdom from every event that occurred at
that time gave birth to brilliant ideas towards changing society. The decision
of jihad and hijrah is a compilation of the Prophet's intelligence. The
unification of people who are divided by tribes and tribes requires a precise
strategy. The fact of his generosity in placing leaders as agents of change in
society at that time is evidence of the intellect of the Prophet Muhammad as a
very visionary leader.
The Honorable Judges, Ladies and Gentlemen Rahimakumullaahu!
Next year, in 2024, Indonesia will hold a democratic party where one
of the biggest agendas is to elect a President and Vice President. Of course,
it is highly hoped that the Indonesian Muslim community will join hands
broadly in one vision to elect a President who has the same criteria as I have
conveyed in this very short speech. So that in this way, this nation that we
love so much can become a great nation, a nation that can realize the ideals
of the proclaimers as stated in the constitution of our country, Indonesia.

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