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Along with defining the key terms and answering the concept questions, studying the
following items will help you to prepare for the exam:

KEY TERMS (textbook reference)

Middle Ages/ Medieval Era (ch.13-14) The Great Schism (342)
Feudalism/ Feudal System (294) Roman Catholicism (300-303, 226)
Manorialism (297) Eastern Orthodoxy (224, 226)
Byzantine Empire (222) Crusades (318)
Constantine (173) 100 Years War (336)
Constantinople (173, 223) The Black Death (329-330)
Justinian (222) Magna Carta (306)
Justinian Code (222) Thomas Aquinas (334)

1.What event(s) and/ or causes led to the rise of the Medieval Era?

New agriculture inventions made it possible for fewer people to produce more crops. this caused towns to
grow (new schools, more jobs,....)

2.Briefly describe some of characteristics of the Medieval Era.

Renacance, war, black death

3.Why was Feudalism developed?

Feudalism developed as a response to the changing demands on the political systems of the times. There was a lack of a strong
central government and the feudal system arose to instill power and control to leaders. The feudal lords manned the land but the
king ruled all.

4.Explain the characteristics of Feudalism in DETAIL, and sketch a simple diagram showing the relationships
between each level of the Feudal system.

5.Explain in DETAIL with examples how the Manorial system promoted self-sufficiency.

6. What is the difference between the Feudal system and Manorial system?

feudalism is where lords gave land to vassals in exchange for protection and manorialism is where lords gave land to
serfs in exchange for food.

7. In complete sentences, define The Great Schism.

the period from 1378 to 1417 during which there were two papacies in the Roman Catholic Church, one in
Rome and one in Avignon

8. Fill in the Venn Diagram below to show the similarities and differences between Roman Catholicism and
Eastern Orthodoxy.
9.What were some accomplishments of the Emperors Constantine and Justinian? Explain.

10.Why did Constantinople become the new capitol of the Byzantine Empire?

11.Fill-in the chart below to organize some of the main causes and
effects of the Crusades:


12.Describe when and where the Black Death started and the causes/ reasons as to why it spread so quickly
throughout Europe. What were the effects of the plague?

13. What was a major result of the Hundred Years’ War?

The french won

14. What legal and political ideas can be found in the following two documents?:
-Magna Carta

-Justinian Code

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