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Class Test - 1

Odd Semester 2021-22

Subject Code: KCS 301 Subject Name: Data Structure
Year: Second Branch: CSE-AI
[Time: 60 minutes] [Total Marks: 20]

CO 1-Describe how arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs are represented in
memory, used by the algorithms and their common applications. (K1, K2)
CO 2-Discuss the computational efficiency of the sorting and searching algorithms. (K2)
CO 3-Implementation of Trees and Graphs and perform various operations on these data
structure. (K3)
CO 4-Understanding the concept of recursion, application of recursion and its
implementation and removal of recursion. (K4)
CO 5-Identify the alternative implementations of data structures with respect to its
performance to solve a real-world problem. (K5, K6)

Attempt two questions. (3×2=6)

a) Discuss Array & Stack with its operations. (CO1, K1)

b) Define sparse matrix. . (CO1, K1)
c) Explain about time and space complexity. (CO1, K2)
d) Explain the need of different types of data structures. (CO1, K2)

Attempt two questions. (7×2=14)

a) Implement in C to insert a new element in the existing sorted linear array (1D array)
according to its value. Take input the element from the user. (CO1, K3)
b) Each element of an array DATA [20][50] requires 4 bytes of storage. Base address of
DATA is 2000. Determine the location of DATA [10][10] when the array is stored as
(i) Row major (ii) Column major. (CO1, K3)
c) Implement in C program for matrix multiplication. (CO1, K3)
d) An array X [-15……….10, 15……………40] requires one byte of storage. If beginning
location is 1500. Determine the location of X [8][12] in row major and column major.
(CO1, K3)

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