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Groupwork – Test 1 – OBL

Case Study: The Changing Dynamics at Smith & Johnson's Marketing Department

Smith & Johnson is a mid-sized marketing firm specializing in consumer goods promotion. It has been
in business for 20 years and has a reputation for creating effective advertising campaigns. The
marketing department, consisting of 20 employees, has always been the cornerstone of the company

**Sarah**: Marketing Manager, highly organized, focuses on efficiency. Values job stability.

**David**: Creative Director, extroverted and spontaneous. Prioritizes creative freedom.

**Emily**: New recruit, eager to please but cautious. Values learning and growth.

**John**: Senior Copywriter, introverted, prefers to work alone. Values individual contribution.

Sarah, the Marketing Manager, is noticing a recent decline in team productivity and morale.
Projects are lagging, and employees appear disengaged. Sarah values efficiency and has a structured
approach to management, while David, the Creative Director, emphasizes creativity over structure.

Emily, the newest team member, is struggling to adjust. She is motivated to learn but perceives
the environment as chaotic and feels lost. John, the Senior Copywriter, is finding it hard to focus due to
frequent team meetings and brainstorming sessions, which he finds disruptive.

Sarah must find a way to harmonize the different personalities, perceptions, and values within
her team to restore productivity and morale. She must consider:

1. How to align David's creative spontaneity with her structured approach.

2. Ways to integrate Emily into the team while accommodating her need for learning and growth.

3. Methods to engage John effectively without making him feel alienated.

Discussion Questions

1. Analyze the personalities of the four key team members. How do they contribute to the current

2. Discuss how perception and values might be influencing the behavior of each team member.

3. What role does motivation play in this case study? Provide suggestions for improving motivation for
each team member.

4. Suggest a multi-faceted approach that Sarah can use to resolve the challenges and improve team

Evaluation Criteria

1. Depth of analysis on personalities, perceptions, values, and motivation.

2. Quality of recommendations and actionable steps.

3. Overall coherence and structure of the essay.

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