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© National Strength and Conditioning Association

Volume 29, Number 6, pages 50–53

Keywords: volleyball; program design; weightlifting; power; plyo-

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Training for High Level Performance

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in Women’s Collegiate Volleyball: Part I

Training Requirements
Allen Hedrick, MA, CSCS, *D
National Strength and Conditioning Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado

more, the athlete generates high levels frequent changes of direction, fol-
summary of force when spiking or performing an lowed by 10–15 seconds of rest (1).
approach jump and absorbs a lot of
Volleyball played at a high level of force when diving, landing, or blocking Some of the training activities should
a spike. To meet these physical de- last 20–45 seconds to prepare the play-
competition is a physically demand- mands requires a high level of condi- ers for the approximately 10% of ral-
ing activity.To perform and compete tioning (4). Due to the need to generate lies that exceed 15 seconds in duration.
and to absorb high levels of force, the For example, a drill for an outside hit-
at a high level requires that athletes opportunity for injury exists. A well- ter could consist of a block jump,
designed strength and conditioning backpedaling for 4 m, a rapid spike ap-
be well prepared physically to meet program plays an important role in re- proach, and a spike jump. A drill for a
the demands of the game. The pur- ducing injury. An advantage that resis- back line player could consist of a lat-
tance training provides the athlete is eral movement for 3 m, dive and roll,
pose of this article is to discuss the the improved kinesthetic awareness and backpedal to the starting point. A
that is developed through resistance setter could sprint to the net from a
physical requirements of collegiate training by strengthening the muscles back line position, jump set, block
women’s volleyball and the need to and tendons and increasing muscle re- jump, and sprint to the starting posi-
cruitment and coordination (11). tion (1).
emphasize specificity when design-
Energy Demands The intensity and duration of training
ing a volleyball training program. The average play in volleyball lasts activities and the duration of recovery
about 6 seconds, followed by an aver- periods should be controlled in order to
age rest period of 14 seconds, not in- train the aerobic/anaerobic thresholds
Movements of the Game cluding player substitutions or time- and to avoid stressing the lactic acid
olleyball is commonly described outs (4). This work:rest ratio suggests anaerobic metabolism too heavily. To

V as a high speed, explosive, pow-

erful sport. Repeated maximal
or near-maximal vertical jumps, fre-
that athletes primarily use the adeno-
sine triphosphate phosphocreatine sys-
tem. There are about 50 rallies per
tax the alactic anaerobic and aerobic sys-
tems but not the lactic acid anaerobic
system requires that training consist of
quent change-of-direction sprints, div- game. As a result, energy-system train- sets or repetitions with sufficient rest be-
ing to make a save, and repeated over- ing for volleyball should consist of 50 tween sets to avoid an excessive buildup
head movements when spiking or or more repeats lasting 5–10 seconds. of lactic acid (1). If the training regimen
blocking are among the movements These efforts should consist of jump- is specific to the energy systems involved
that make up the game (1, 4). Further- ing, running, and/or diving, involving in the game and the movements used in

50 December 2007 • Strength and Conditioning Journal

training are specific to volleyball, it is Because of this, squats and lunges are lizing the shoulder and due to the high
possible to overload the neuromuscular better choices for the athlete than, for forces produced while spiking and
system so that the athlete is trained to example, leg extensions or leg presses blocking (4). A variety of rotator cuff ex-
jump higher, to run faster, and to change (7). ercises can be performed to strengthen
directions more quickly. and protect the shoulder joint and the
To accomplish the goal of placing an rotator cuff.
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Specificity of Training emphasis on specificity of training, an

To best improve physical performance emphasis is placed on standing, free- Lateral Movements
in sport requires the application of weight exercises that mimic the move- Another area of emphasis in the training
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specificity and overload. Specificity ment patterns seen on the court. Due to program is lateral movements. Most
means that the conditioning program the biomechanical similarity between strength training movements occur in a
mimics game movements as closely as performing vertical jumps and perform- sagittal plane. For example, exercises
possible. Overload means that training ing cleans, jerks, and snatches, an em- such as cleans, squats, and forward
must provide a stimulus (weight, phasis is placed on including the lunges all occur in this plane. However,
speed, height, duration) that is greater weightlifting movements in our training most athletic events, including volley-
than normal and requires a greater program. ball, are a mixture of straight-ahead and
than normal effort from the athlete lateral movements. Examples of lateral
(1). The most effective way to accom- Also emphasized is the selection of movement in volleyball include a mid-
plish this is to perform exercises that standing free-weight, closed kinetic dle blocker sliding laterally to make a
are highly similar to actual movements chain exercises, such as squats and block or a defensive specialist diving lat-
of the game and also provide adequate lunges, as previously mentioned. These erally to make a save. If athletes train
overload to force the body to improve types of exercises can be selected based only in the sagittal plane, they are not
its capabilities. As a result, training on the similarity of their movement pat- prepared adequately for optimal lateral
should develop the abilities to jump terns to those that make up the game of movement capabilities. To address this
and run short distances, dive, and volleyball. Lower body exercises such as need for lateral movement, athletes
change direction quickly—with mini- squats, lunges, and side lunges require should perform a variety of lateral train-
mal reduction in performance due to movement patterns similar to those ing movements, both in the weight
fatigue (1). It is important to remem- demonstrated by athletes during compe- room and in plyometric/agility training.
ber, however, that exercise selection, tition. The goal is to select and empha- Examples of lateral resistance training
similar to program design, should size exercises that train the athlete in a movements include lateral squats, side
progress from general to specific. That manner similar to what she will en- lunges, and arch lunges. Lateral plyo-
is, as the off-season progresses, exercise counter during competition. metric drill examples include lateral box
selection should become more and jumps, lateral hurdle hops, and lateral
more specific to the movements that The ability to spike the ball at high ve- bounds.
occur during competition (7). Training locities is also of value to the volleyball
for maximum force production should athlete. This ability can be enhanced by Value of Dumbbell Training
imitate game movements in pattern, increasing strength and power in both If the goal of the training program is to
velocity, contraction type, and con- the trunk (discussed below) and the enhance athletic performance, dumb-
traction force, in a manner that is simi- chest/shoulder girdle area using a variety bells should make up a significant por-
lar to the movements that make up the of resistance training and upper body tion of the training program. The bal-
sport of volleyball (1). plyometric activities. Resistance train- ance and body control required to
ing exercises such as bench press, stand- perform dumbbell exercises are extreme-
As a result, exercise selection should be ing bench press, shoulder press, and ly high, which makes them a great
based on training movements, not mus- pullovers all can be used to assist in this choice when training athletes. All of
cle groups. The more similar the train- area. Plyometric activities using a light these aspects transfer very well to the de-
ing activity is to the movements that medicine ball, mimicking the arm mands of volleyball competition (8).
make up the sport, the more carryover movement during a spike, also can con-
there will be from the weight room to tribute to this ability. In terms of upper Trunk Training
the competition (7). Exercises such as body injury, the most common upper- Many people think of training the trunk
squats and lunges are effective at in- extremity injury site in the volleyball as abdominal training only. Although
creasing hip/leg strength and are per- athlete is the shoulder. The muscles of abdominal training is an important as-
formed in a movement pattern that is the shoulder and rotator cuff are of pect of trunk training, a strong low back
similar to movements seen in volleyball. major concern due to their role in stabi- is also important for athletic perfor-

December 2007 • Strength and Conditioning Journal 51

mance (6). Athletic movements such as portant when performing the jump set However, evidence suggests that a pro-
twisting, jumping, and running all create and jump serve, as well as when blocking gram using squats as the primary exer-
strenuous forces on the back. An inade- and spiking. As a result, improving vertical cise for improving lower body power
quately trained back can lead to weak- jump performance is a critical portion of may result in less-than-ideal adaptation.
ness and impaired movement capabili- the volleyball training program. A monotonous, low-repetition, heavy
ties. Over time, this can lead to decreased strength training (powerlifting) pro-
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athletic performance, injury, and pain. Although jumping ability is related to gram over periods of weeks and months
power production, it is important to re- may result in overtraining. One of the
When training the core, functional member that the effect of strength and limiting aspects of powerlifting is that as
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training often is ignored and in its place, speed on power is multiplicative. This performance improves, power output
are programs and exercises that aim to means that the best gains in power will decreases. This reduction in power out-
improve the muscular appearance of the occur when there are increases in both put occurs because as the athlete grows
trunk. This is unfortunate, because strength and speed. Focusing only on stronger and the single repetition maxi-
closed kinetic chain exercises require strength or speed of movement will limit mum (1RM) increases, movement speed
more balance and coordination and are increases in power. In sports that require decreases, sometimes substantially. In
more sport specific than typical “six- a high power output, the emphasis dur- powerlifting, movement speed does not
pack ab” exercises. Therefore, it is im- ing the early phase of training should be play a role in the success of the lift. Al-
portant to perform a portion of trunk on maximal increases in strength. Fol- though this type of training allows the
exercises from a standing position, be- lowing this emphasis on strength devel- athlete to train with very heavy weights,
cause this is the position from which the opment, there should be a transition to it lacks the typical explosive movements
athletes compete. an emphasis on power and speed devel- of many sports (5).
opment (11).
It is also important to remember that Weightlifting-style movements (cleans,
whereas trunk training when training for To a large degree, jump performance is jerks, snatches, and associated training
appearance should be performed in a slow dependent on the force produced at the exercises) can be termed explosive. In
and controlled manner, trunk exercises hip, knee, and ankle joints, although both the clean and jerk and the snatch,
when training for sport should include vertical jump performance training the lift must be completed quickly if it is
fast, explosive movements. This is because should not be limited to the lower body, to be successful. Furthermore, decreases
sports movements typically involve explo- because it has been shown that the arms in power as the weight approaches 1RM
sive, ballistic, and well-coordinated mus- contribute an average of 10% to the are much smaller in resistance training.
cular actions. Power exercises are per- takeoff velocity during vertical jumping As a result, as the weight lifted increases
formed at a higher rate of speed due to the (11). As a result, improving explosive from about 95% to maximum, the speed
speed-specific adaptations that are seen strength in the legs, hips and arms of movement decreases only slightly (5).
during resistance training, and this con- should result in improved vertical jump
cept applies to the trunk as well (6). performance. Because speed of movement must be
maintained in weightlifting, mechanical
Volleyball also involves frequent rota- Research has shown that vertical jump power outputs in the movements tend to
tional movement in the trunk, such as performance increases after participa- be very high. Research has shown that
when serving and spiking. Many train- tion in a resistance training program (5). the power outputs from the second pull
ing programs tend to neglect rotational With a well-designed strength training in either the snatch or the clean is 4–5
training. Because rotational movement program, the athlete will be able to pro- times higher than the power output
occurs during competition, it is critical duce greater force in the trained muscu- from either squats or deadlifts and
to include rotational movement in the lature. For example, it was found that a 11–15 times greater than that of the
training program (8). Athletes need to 7-week program of periodized parallel bench press (5).
be trained for the rotational component squats led to a significant increase in hip
of the sport, and the only way for this to and thigh power. Performing squats As a result, the weightlifting-style move-
occur is by emphasizing rotational twice per week for 7 weeks, the subjects ments are ideal for developing speed,
movements in training. improved their vertical jump an average power, coordination and kinesthetic
of 3.3 cm. This increase in vertical jump awareness (2). Resistance training move-
Training to Improve Vertical height in the squat group was expected ments strengthen muscles at a similar
Jump because the dynamic nature of the paral- velocity and in the same sequence that
Vertical jump ability is critical for success lel squat enhances neuromuscular effi- they are recruited when performing a va-
in volleyball (11). Jumping ability is im- ciency, such as the stretch reflex (5). riety of athletic movements.

52 December 2007 • Strength and Conditioning Journal

Due to the high forces developed when Although abdominal training is an im- 10. PIPER, T.J. In-season strength/power
jumping and landing, knees and ankles are portant aspect of trunk training, a mesocycle for women’s collegiate vol-
also vulnerable to injury. A comprehensive strong low back is also significant. Im- leyball. Strength Cond. 19(4):21–25.
program combining resistance training, proving vertical jump performance is a 1997.
plyometric training, and flexibility train- critical portion of the volleyball training 11. POWERS, M.E. Vertical jump training
ing is the best approach to protecting these program. Whereas jumping ability is re- for volleyball. Strength Cond. 18(1):
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joints. This is especially important for fe- lated to power production, it is impor- 18–23. 1996.
male athletes due to the higher frequency tant to remember that the best gains in
of knee injuries in this group (9). power will occur when there are increas-
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es in both strength and speed. Besides

Upper Body Training the obvious need for leg and hip
Besides the obvious need for leg and strength/power, one of the most impor-
hip strength/power, one of the most tant factors for success in volleyball is
important factors for success in vol- upper body strength, both for perfor-
leyball is upper body strength, both mance and injury prevention. ♦
for performance reasons (one of the
most important factors in spiking ve- References
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Conclusion 6. HEDRICK, A. Training the trunk for
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Volleyball is a high-speed, explosive, improved athletic performance.
powerful sport. To best improve physical Strength Cond. J. 22(4):50–61. 2000. Columbia St. Mary’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
performance requires the application of 7. HEDRICK, A. Designing effective resis-
specificity and overload. An important tance training programs. A practical Life Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
area of emphasis is lateral movement. example. Strength Cond. J. 24(6):7–15.
Most strength training movements 2002. Werk-San Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
occur in a sagittal plane (cleans, squats, 8. HEDRICK, A. Manipulating strength
and forward lunges), but most athletic and conditioning programs to improve VERT Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
events, including volleyball, are a mix- athleticism. Strength Cond. J. 24(4):
ture of straight-ahead and lateral move- 71–74. 2002. Velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
ments. Dumbbells should make up a sig- 9. PETTITT, R.W., AND E.R. B RYSON .
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ities for balance and body control are re- venting anterior cruciate ligament
quired to perform dumbbell exercises. injury. Strength Cond. J. 24(5):20–29. Fusion Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Training the trunk is also of importance. 2002.

December 2007 • Strength and Conditioning Journal 53

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