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Selected FAQs on Dr.

Lajpatrai Mehra’s Neurotherapy (LMNT)

Answers to chat queries on May 14, 2020 during Zoom session of
“ Neurotherapy Preview Session “, organized by Vyasa Yoga, Singapore
Q. what happens during a typical therapy session?
During a session, the experience is very vast, due to differences in constitution from person to person.
The therapy promotes increased blood flow to selected organs –and we decide the organs to be
treated after careful study of the patient’s symptoms. And since the treatment is custom made for the
patient, the general experience is very calm and reassuring. Many people are surprised with the
results seen within a few days; a few even confess that they never thought that they would get any
benefit at all, just by pressing hands and legs!

Q. Is Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra’s Neurotherapy the same as neurofeedback?

A. Neurofeedback is a computer based system which uses a computer EEG program to
process your brain signals and provide information about various brainwave frequencies. The
brain produces measurable electrical signals, or waves. While you are sitting in a chair, the
therapist will attach sensors to your scalp. The computer program will process your brain
signals and provide information about various brainwave frequencies.

Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra’s Neurotherapy which we practice uses no equipment of any kind.
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Q. You said you change the flow of blood lymph and nerve impulse, how is that achieved ?
Our treatment technique involves application of pressure at specific locations for specific
duration and in specific sequences formulated by the Late Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra. Every area of
the body is innervated and supplied with blood and lymph channels. When we apply pressure
by our technique, the flow of blood, and lymph in the area underneath are modified by us
according to a set protocol. This has an immediate effect on the flow of blood and lymph in
a corresponding distal location in the body. By this method our treatment improves and
strengthens the innate immunity of the body without medicines. (In any case, medicines are
but artificial props with little or no benefit in the long run, not to speak of side-effects!).

We have specific treatments behind the ears for stimulating the Cranial nerves, the
hypothalamus, the Vagus nerve etc which we use if different sequences to improve hunger
thirst and sleep, reduce anxiety etc – all of which are related to the nervous system.
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From Jacqueline Chong to Everyone: 07:56 AM
can treat neurofibromas and schwannomas - nerve sheath tumours?
The treatment will be useful. However such patients – are few in numbers – come to us only
after they are declared by the hospitals as ‘beyond any hope of cure” Even so, the few persons
we have tken our have been benefitted in varying degrees.
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From Lena Yoong to Everyone: 07:50 AM
How about a stroke recovery patient? Does Neurotherapy help?
Yes, almost all stroke patients are substantially benefitted by our treatments . Many patients
have felt considerable improvement in their faculties and functions within 8-10 weeks even.
Once again, the rate of recovery differs from person to person. It is dependent on the
patient’s constitution, how soon he/she comes to us after the stroke and the degree to which
his organs are affected. Recovery is quicker when not accompanied by other chronic
disorders such as diabetes, liver problems etc.
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From Madhuri Sathish to Everyone: 07:52 AM
how do u treat fibromyalgia? how long will it take?
Our treatment sets right the internal constitution and so relief from aches and pains can be
experienced by the patient within 10-15 sittings. However, any chronic ache or pain has a
psycho-somatic component, which is also affirmed by Yoga and Ayurveda. So the treatment
may take a long time depending on the person’s internal make-up, age, past history etc. In
our experience several patients all over India have expressed substantial relief in their
conditions after taking our treatment.
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From Smita Sharma to Everyone: 07:53 AM
is there any age limit for the children with CP to undergo this therapy
age and improvement ratio
As such there is no age limit for anyone to take this therapy. However, the earlier the child
takes our treatment, the easier it is for results to show up. As the child becomes older it
becomes difficult for parents. Our Methodology in such cases is to teach the relevant
treatments to the parents on a periodical basis. They have to keep in touch with us for regular
A letter from our therapist from Croatia, which describes the benefits seen in many children
may help you to understand what to expect.
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From Madhuri Sathish to Everyone: 07:57 AM
what are the limitations of neurotherapy?
As such I am aware of none, unless you feel it is time consuming and requires effort to both
take and give the treatment, whether to oneself or to others. However the benefits far
outweigh the time constraints. In these difficult times of low immunity Neurotherapy is a
God-send method of treating oneself without medicines. I recommend that all persons
should opt for this technique as a cost-saving and safe measure.
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From Siok Fang Liew to Everyone: 07:54 AM
Are the positive results permanent or the patients need to keep having neurotherapy?
Depends on the type of ailment, the age, and the patient’s willingness to follow a natural
healthy life-style and regular habits of food, drink and rest.
If it is an acute condition such as an Injury or allergy or inflammation the treatment results
are more or less permanent. Even disorders - if not of long duration - such as hypo-thyroidism
(without auto-immune involvement), are usually treatable on a permanent basis within 6-9
months or so.
In case of chronic disorders, the patient - once relieved of most of the symptoms - may be
advised to take supporting treatment(s) at home and come for follow up say once or fortnight
or once a month. This is true especially for diabetes and asthma.
Unlike modern medicine, where the patient is told that tablets for thyroid, diabetes, asthma
have to taken for a life-time, the necessity of daily Neurotherapy treatment is almost un-
necessary when the therapy is taken till substantial and lasting results are seen.
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From Srividya Rajaraman to Everyone: 07:56 AM
can Rheumatoid Arthritis be treated & how much time it takes?
Like with all chronic disorders, the duration of the treatment will differ from person to person,
because every person is unique. Our treatment tries to correct the functioning of the internal
constitution and so relief from aches and pains can be experienced by the patient within 10-
15 sittings. However, there could be waves of “ups and downs” depending on the degree of
damage to different organs.
In my experience, RA, like every chronic ache or pain has a psycho-somatic component, which
is also affirmed by Yoga and Ayurveda. So the time required will depend on the person’s
constitution, age, past history, life style and adherence to nature’s laws. In our experience
several RA patients all over India have expressed substantial relief in their conditions after
taking our treatment. Of course there have been cases of aged persons or Type-A
personalities where results were not so forthcoming too.
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From Jacqueline Chong to Everyone: 08:00 AM
Does the therapy involve any breathing techniques?
Basically, Neurotherapy treatment does not involve any specific breathing techniques.
However I advise the following methodology for chronic patients, which I have seen brings
greater relief in shorter time.
Our treatment protocol has built-in rest periods in between treatments. So I advise my
patients to observe the breath during this period so that their mind is not pre-occupied with
the day-to-day problems, which in my opinion so that they may experience greater relief
during the treatment.
From Jacqueline Chong to Everyone: 08:01 AM
does neurotherapy necessarily need third party to apply pressure? can patient press
Not necessarily, though certain points on the back are easier given by others than by oneself.
However the basic points for most problems are on the front side of the body and can be
taken by the patient him/herself
Does neurotherapy relate to chakras and nadis?
We have specific treatments to improve the function of each organ which is in the region of
the various chakras such as :-
Pineal gland (Sahasrara),
the pituitary ( Ajna),
the thyroid ( Vishuddhi),
the pancreas (Solar plexus)
the heart (heart chakra or Anahata)
the navel (Manipuraka)
the bladder (Svadishthana)
the sacral region (Muladhara)
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From Srividya Rajaraman to Everyone: 08:00 AM
what happens if the organ itself is damaged?
It depends upon the age and which organ you are talking about. If it is the liver, then our
treatments will help to rejuvenate it and improve its function tremendously, if proper diet
restrictions and life-style modifications are followed. Because the liver is the one organ which
is capable of regenerating itself even if more than 2/3rd of it is cut off or damaged.
Even kidney failure patients have been found to improve by our treatments.
In case of other organs, if only a part of the organ has suffered an injury, then our treatments
can help it to heal and function better. The prognosis will depend on a number of other factors
as no organ works independently. Each body organ is dependent on other organs for proper
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From Chandra to Everyone: 08:00 AM will this treatment be useful for ovarian cancer?
Certainly it will be useful.
Neurotherapy treatment improves the quality of life of such patients, especially in the area
of pain reduction, improved digestion, increased energy and better sleep. Among other
things, our treatments have been found to reduce the size of tumours, cysts and fibroids over
hundreds of patients all over India.
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The duration and efficacy of treatment depends on:-
a. the stage of the progression of the disease and
b. the effect of chemo / nuclear medicines on the supporting organs – especially the
We theorize that our treatment stimulates the production of Somatostatin within the body,
which is a tumour-suppressing hormone secreted by the endocrine pancreas.
The rate and chances of recovery may be hastened if the person is only in the early stages of
the disease and/or has been following natural methods to tackle the disease. However in
advanced cases the quality of life is substantially enhanced.
Acute Cellulitis
A real-life incident report from Mr. Vishal Shah, one of our Senior Therapists :-
In Dubai I was called to handle a totally different and difficult case. The patient was the son
of the Chairman of Safeer Group of Industries. They have a number of Malls over there. He
was 34 years old and was diagnosed with Acute Cellulitis. His right leg was swollen and
reddish due to bacterial infection. He was unable to walk even for a few steps. Doctors had
advised him to stay in bed all the time and lie down with 3 pillows under his leg to raise it to
reduce the swelling. He was supposed to go for an operation within the next 3 days. In
Neurotherapy we have a special treatment for such infection. I gave this treatment three
times in a day for the next 3 days. And you will not believe it, I am happy to report that the
swelling came down substantially that the Doctors postponed the operation. I treated him
for almost one month and the results were so impressive that after I returned to India, within
3 months they invited me over to give a proposal to start Neurotherapy on a large scale over

For treatment and On-line training classes Contact :-

Acharya Ramchandran Ji or Chetan Ravindra Sawant at hanubhim62@gmail.comFAQs

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